<P_2> <heading> I . (CMMALORY,2.3) Merlin (CMMALORY,2.4) </heading> HIT befel in the dayes of Uther Pendragon , when he was kynge of all Englond and so regned , that there was a myghty duke in Cornewaill that helde warre ageynst hym long tyme . (CMMALORY,2.6) and the duke was called the duke of Tyntagil . (CMMALORY,2.7) And so by meanes kynge Uther send for this duk chargyng hym to brynge his wyf with hym . (CMMALORY,2.8) for she was called a fair lady and a passynge wyse . (CMMALORY,2.9) and her name was called Igrayne . (CMMALORY,2.10) So whan the duke and his wyf were comyn unto the kynge , by the meanes of grete lordes they were accorded bothe . (CMMALORY,2.11)
<P_2>_CODE <heading>_CODE I_NUM ._. CMMALORY,2.3_ID Merlin_NPR CMMALORY,2.4_ID </heading>_CODE HIT_PRO befel_VBD in_P the_D dayes_NS of_P Uther_NPR Pendragon_NPR ,_, when_P he_PRO was_BED kynge_N of_P all_Q Englond_NPR and_CONJ so_ADV regned_VBD ,_, that_C there_EX was_BED a_D myghty_ADJ duke_N in_P Cornewaill_NPR that_C helde_VBD warre_N ageynst_P hym_PRO long_ADJ tyme_N ,_. CMMALORY,2.6_ID and_CONJ the_D duke_N was_BED called_VAN the_D duke_N of_P Tyntagil_NPR ._. CMMALORY,2.7_ID And_CONJ so_ADV by_P meanes_NS kynge_NPR Uther_NPR send_VBD for_P this_D duk_N chargyng_VAG hym_PRO to_TO brynge_VB his_PRO$ wyf_N with_P hym_PRO ,_. CMMALORY,2.8_ID for_CONJ she_PRO was_BED called_VAN a_D fair_ADJ lady_N and_CONJ a_D passynge_ADV wyse_ADJ ,_. CMMALORY,2.9_ID and_CONJ her_PRO$ name_N was_BED called_VAN Igrayne_NPR ._. CMMALORY,2.10_ID So_ADV whan_P the_D duke_N and_CONJ his_PRO$ wyf_N were_BED comyn_VBN unto_P the_D kynge_N ,_, by_P the_D meanes_NS of_P grete_ADJ lordes_NS they_PRO were_BED accorded_VAN bothe_Q ._. CMMALORY,2.11_ID
( (CODE <P_2>)) ( (CODE <heading>)) ( (NUMP (NUM I) (. .)) (ID CMMALORY,2.3)) ( (NP (NPR Merlin)) (ID CMMALORY,2.4)) ( (CODE </heading>)) ( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ-1 (PRO HIT)) (VBD befel) (PP (P in) (NP (D the) (NS dayes) (PP (P of) (NP (NPR Uther) (NPR Pendragon))))) (, ,) (PP (P when) (CP-ADV (C 0) (IP-SUB (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (PRO he)) (BED was) (NP-OB1 (N kynge) (PP (P of) (NP (Q all) (NPR Englond))))) (CONJP (CONJ and) (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *con*) (ADVP (ADV so)) (VBD regned)))))) (, ,) (CP-THT-1 (C that) (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ-2 (EX there)) (BED was) (NP-2 (D a) (ADJ myghty) (N duke) (CP-REL *ICH*-3)) (PP (P in) (NP (NPR Cornewaill))) (CP-REL-3 (WNP-4 0) (C that) (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ *T*-4) (VBD helde) (NP-OB1 (N warre)) (PP (P ageynst) (NP (PRO hym))) (NP-MSR (ADJ long) (N tyme)))))) (. ,)) (ID CMMALORY,2.6)) ( (IP-MAT (CONJ and) (NP-SBJ-1 (D the) (N duke)) (BED was) (VAN called) (IP-SMC (NP-SBJ *-1) (NP-OB1 (D the) (N duke) (PP (P of) (NP (NPR Tyntagil))))) (. .)) (ID CMMALORY,2.7)) ( (IP-MAT (CONJ And) (ADVP (ADV so)) (PP (P by) (NP (NS meanes))) (NP-SBJ (NPR kynge) (NPR Uther)) (VBD send) (PP (P for) (NP (D this) (N duk))) (IP-PPL (VAG chargyng) (NP-OB1 (PRO hym)) (IP-INF (TO to) (VB brynge) (NP-OB1 (PRO$ his) (N wyf)) (PP (P with) (NP (PRO hym))))) (. ,)) (ID CMMALORY,2.8))
Editor comments are either omitted or enclosed in {ED:...}. Comments added by Helsinki or Penn are enclosed in {COM:...}.
Al_Q so_ADV hali_ADJ scrift_N bi+d_BEP in_P mine_PRO$ {ED:mine_WRITTEN_ABOVE_THE_LINE}_CODE wunde_N hwan_P we_PRO scale_MD festen_VB ._, and_CONJ fleis_N bileuen_VB and_CONJ muchel_Q of_P ure_PRO$ {ED:ure_WRITTEN_ABOVE_THE_LINE}_CODE wille_N for_P ure_PRO$ {ED:ure_WRITTEN_ABOVE_THE_LINE}_CODE wrechede_NS ._. CMLAMB1,83.196_ID (NODE (IP-SUB (IP-SUB-2 (NP-SBJ (PRO we)) (MD scale) (VB festen)) (, .) (CONJP (CONJ and) (IP-SUB=2 (NP-OB1 (NP (N fleis)) (CONJP *ICH*-1)) (VB bileuen) (CONJP-1 (CONJ and) (NP (Q muchel) (PP (P of) (NP (PRO$ ure) (CODE {ED:ure_WRITTEN_ABOVE_THE_LINE}) (N wille))))) (PP (P for) (NP (PRO$ ure) (CODE {ED:ure_WRITTEN_ABOVE_THE_LINE}) (NS wrechede)))))) (. .)) (ID CMLAMB1,83.196))
Emendations are preceded by a dollar sign ($the); multi-word emendations are also sometimes surrounded by <em> ... </em>. Emendations include those in the original edition as well as those introduced by Helsinki or Penn.
Font codes are retained.
Headings that are part of the original text are enclosed in <heading> ... </heading>. Headings in the Helsinki samples are in all caps. The capitalization convention is not always followed in the samples added at Penn.
Headings added by the editor are treated like editor comments. That is, they are either omitted or enclosed in {ED:...}.
Language codes are omitted.
Parentheses indicating emendations in the original text are omitted, and the material in them is treated like other emendations. Otherwise, parentheses are represented as <paren> ... </paren>.
<P_73>_CODE ← page number <heading>_CODE ← begin heading code VII_NUM ._, {COM:Trinity_Homily_IV}_CODE ← comment added by Penn CREDO_NPR ._. LAMB1,73.3_ID </heading>_CODE ← end heading code ( (CODE <P_73>)) ( (CODE <heading>)) ( (FRAG (NUM VII) (CODE {COM:Trinity_Homily_IV}) (, .) (LATIN (FW CREDO)) (. .)) (ID CMLAMB1,73.3)) ( (CODE </heading>))
( (IP-MAT-SPE (' ') (NP-SBJ (D +De) (N mann)) (NEG ne) (VBP leue+d) (NEG naht) (PP (P $be) (CODE {TEXT:he}) (NP (N bread) (FP ane))) (. ,)) (ID CMVICES1,89.1030)) ( (IP-MAT-SPE (NP-SBJ (PRO $we)) (CODE {TEXT:+te}) (MD wulle+d) (VB fole+ge) (NP-OB1 (PRO +te))) (ID CMANCRIW,II.130.1708)) (NODE (IP-SUB (NP-SBJ (N mihte)) (NP-OB1 (PRO $+te)) (NEG $ne) (CODE {TEXT:+te_+te}) (VBP atiere+d)) (ID CMTRINIT,29.395))