Linguistics 470

]Narrative Analysis


Instructor: William Labov

        Office: Linguistics Lab, 3810 Walnut St.

Class meetings

Monday-Wednesday 2:00-3:30.
Linguistics Lab 3810 Walnut St.



Assgt #1:Your story
    Q-GEN-II Narrative
Assgt #2: Temporal organization
Assgt #3: Observing narrative
Assgt #4: Narrative organization in other cultures

Assgt #14: Final essay.


Narrative analysis. (Labov & Waletzky 1967).

Field methods of the Project on Linguistic Change and Variation

Narratives of Personal Experience (Cambridge Encyclopedia)

Jerome Bruner: The Narrative Construction of Reality

Labov: The Egocentric Principle (from Chapter 2, The Language of Life and Death)

Labov: The Vernacular Origin of Epic Style (Chapter 10, The Language of Life and Death).

Labov: The Death of Monnouth (Chapter 13, The Language of Life and Death).

Labov: The Death of Absolom (Chapter 15, The Language of Life and Death).

Narrative Texts

1 Triplett
2 Guyton
3 Hester
4 Sending Drinks
5 Tale of the Tree
6 Cache County
7 Ken and Jay
8 O'Hara
9 Furlow
10 Dill
11 Pope
12 Falliing Out
13 NY Times
14 Amanda
15 Knott
16 Arrigo
17 Barnes
18 Wilson
19 Essex
20 Elizabeth
21 Monmouth