P - p

pa*1   [-]   Variant: pat*. Instr Verb Root. arrive in time for (when one expects to be late).

mapa*   [mapaw]  ma-2, pa*1. Verb. arrive in time (for work or food). mapawíye· yal ma you are just in time to join us for (food or work). mapayé· ʔa I came in time (but didn't expect to). mapací·du keep arriving in time.

mupa*   [mupaw]  mu-, pa*1. Verb. 1 • arrive in time for; just arrive. maʔa múpamela I have come just in time for the meal. mupací·du keep arriving in time. mupawá·duwa·du habitually arrive in time (one). mupací·duwa·du arrive in time in several places.

2 • find a situation as expected. mupa find as expected! mupameʔ find as expected (to several)! mupati D: Plural.

pa*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. completely fill a two-dimensional space, an area to be filled. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, cuṭʼa·q*, dohpo*, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pam*, pem*, bo·m*, pʰa·l*, pʰam*.

capa*   [capáw]  ca-, pa*2. Verb. be overgrown or covered with vegetation; be fully dammed up so water covers all of an area. capahqaw to cover with growth (land, garden, house). capa (to a field) be overgrown! capatʰuʔ don't be overgrown! capawá·du keep being overgrown. compare: cahce*, cupa*, cupa*.

cipa*   [cipáw]  cʰi-, pa*2. Verb. be covered by means of a handled instrument. kalikakʰ tol cuhti cípay the paper is covered with writing.

cupa*   [cupáw]  cu-, pa*2. Verb. be covered with vegetation, be overgrown, crowded. compare: capa*, cahce*, capa*.

dipa*   [dipaw]  di-, pa*2. Verb. be covered with fallen objects. qʰale ʔem baṭʰe· cʰatʼbina, hiʔda dípaqʰ many trees have fallen and covered the road.

hipa*   [hipaw]  hi-, pa*2. Verb. cover with body, entirely cover area. hipa cover! hipatʰuʔ don't cover! hipameʔ cover (to several)! hipawa·duci @. qʰale hipá· mimaw the place is covered with (fallen) trees. qʼoʔdi hípaw to fill an area well, to fit the space allotted. hipáhqaw fill up (table, garden with flowers). hipawaʔ it just barely fits going through. Example Variant: hipawá·qa.

hipawaq*   [hipawaʔ]  hipa*, -aq1. Verb. the body to fill (a doorway) going through, barely to fit through. hipáhqaw to fill (a tabletop) full with things. compare: baʔcʰu*.

pupa*   [pupáw]  pʰu-, pa*2. Verb. be filled (with debris) blown by the wind. ʔihya hyánʔbina, šihpʰa baṭita·du, kalikákʰ baṭita·du, ʔama sʼáʔsʼa baṭita·du, ʔama púpaqʰ a wind must have been blowing, leaves lying around, papers lying around, messy things lying around, cover the land.

qapa*   [qapaw]  qa-, pa*2. Verb. be pressed in tight in an area. seʔe ʔama qápaqʰ the brush is packed in tight filling the land.

šupa*   [šupaw]  šu-, pa*2. Verb. cover or fill completely a two-dimensional space with a cloth, a flexible object. šupa·cʼi cover yourself by pulling (a sheet over yourself)! ʔimo šupa he covered a hole completely with a cloth. compare: šupaṭ*.

pace*   [pacéw]  pʰa-, ce*. Variant: pʰacet*. Verb. fasten by wrapping, especially a bundle of sticks. pʰuyécʰqa miʔkʰe pacew ʔ light your torch !

paceʔli   [pacéʔli]  pace*. Noun. impaling instrument, especially a spit for roasting meat.

maʔa paceʔli   [maʔa páceʔli]  Lit: food impaler paceʔli. Noun. table fork.

qaʔdipaceʔli   [qaʔdipáceʔli]  Lit: grass impaler paceʔli. Noun. pitchfork.

pʰacew   [pʰacew]  pace*. Noun. bundle of wood, torch of bound split sticks or rushes; flashlight. Usage: obsolete

paceʔli   [pacéʔli]  pace*. Noun. impaling instrument, especially a spit for roasting meat.

maʔa paceʔli   [maʔa páceʔli]  Lit: food impaler paceʔli. Noun. table fork.

qaʔdipaceʔli   [qaʔdipáceʔli]  Lit: grass impaler paceʔli. Noun. pitchfork.

pacʰa·*   [pacʰaw]  pʰa-, cʰa·*2. Verb. hold end of stick against something.

pacʰul*   [pacʰulʔ]  pʰa-, cʰul*1. Verb. remove several things with end of a long object.

pahcan   [pahcan]   Noun. fish hawk, osprey.

pahcankʼi·   [pahcánkʼi·]  Lit: osprey crab pahcan, hikʼi·. Noun. rock crab.

pahcankʼi·   [pahcánkʼi·]  Lit: osprey crab pahcan, hikʼi·. Noun. rock crab.

pahci*   [pahcíw]  pʰa-, hci*4. Verb. bundle something up and bind tight with several turns of a cord.

pahcohco*   [pahcohco]  pohcohco*.

pahcʰa*   [pahcʰaw]  pʰa-, hcʰa*1. Verb. poke over.

pahcʰi*   [pahcʰíw]  pʰa-, hcʰi*. Verb. hurt with fist. pahcʰiwá·duʔ (one) injured with fist. pahcʰiwá·dicʰmemulʔ (two) injured (one) with fist. pacʰíhwadu·cimulʔ (one) injured (several) with fist. pacʰíhwacʼicʰmemulʔ (two) injured (several) with fist. pahcʰiwá·duyiʔ hit self so it hurts. compare: pʰaʔṭʼawʔd*.

pahcʰiwa·la*   [pahcʰiwá·law]  pʰa-, hcʰiwa·la*. Verb. spear a lot of game, spear many (fish). ʔahša ṭa mu pahcʰiwa·ladom they really speared a lot of fish.

pahcʰoc*   [pahcʰoʔ]  pʰa-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰohcʰoc*   [pahcʰohcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰopahcʰoc*   [pahcʰopahcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰohcʰoc*   [pahcʰohcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰopahcʰoc*   [pahcʰopahcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʼelhma*   [pahcʼélhmaw]  pʰa-, hcʼelh*. Verb. poke into [?] synonyms: pʰaʔcʼenhma*.

pahke*   [pahkew]  pʰa-, hke*. Verb. poke into something shallow; poking blocked.

pahkelhma*   [pahkelhmaw]  pʰa-, hkelh*, -m2. Verb. lay across ? ʔaha· pahkélhma mil ʔ lay a stick across there (that open space)!

pahkihki*   [pahkihkiw]  pʰa-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly pound with a fist. pahkíhkiw socíla I hear the pounding. compare: pahki·l*.

pahki·l*   [pahkilʔ]  pʰa-, ki·l*1. Verb. pound with fist. compare: pahkihki*.

pahko*   [-]  pʰa-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkohko*   [pahkóhkow]  pahko*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkopahko*   [pahkopáhkow]  pahko*. Variant: pahkopahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkohko*   [pahkóhkow]  pahko*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkolhci*   [pahkolhciw]  pʰa-, hkolh*. Verb. hit post on ground to make sound (thud) or loosen something.

pahkopahko*   [pahkopáhkow]  pahko*. Variant: pahkopahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkopahkotad*   [pahkopákota·du]  pahkopahko*.

pahkotʰci*   [pahkotʰciw]  pʰa-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by pounding.

pahkut*   [pahkuʔ]  pʰa-, hkut*. Verb. sound of pounding something hollow. ʔaha·li ʔama· páhkuta·duwa·du with a stick pounding acorns on the ground. ...pahkútʰciw pounding once.

pahkʰo*   [pahkʰow]  pʰa-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch a moving object (shape unimportant), with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pili·li pakʰoʔ   [pili·li pákʰoʔ]  pili·li, pahkʰo*. Noun. a game in which a hoop is rolled and the children race to see who can get a stick stuck through it first. pili·li pakʰoti @.

pahkʰoy   [pahkʰoy]  bahkʰoy. Noun. 1 • bush species.

2 • small tan oak.

pahkʰuhkʰu*   [pahkʰuhkʰuw]  pʰa-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush to pieces in a powder.

pahlo·m*   [pahlomʔ]  pʰa-, hlo·m*2. Variant: paluhlu*. Verb. break at the joint. pahlo·maʔ to snap one’s (leg).

pahlud*   [pahludu]  pʰa-, hlud*2. Variant: paluʔta*. Verb. knock off with side of stick or brush off with hand (not acting as a hand), poke off.

pahmiy*   [pahmiyʔ]  pʰa-, hmiy*. Verb. stir with stick. used for stirring around with spoon before washing rice to get shells off.

pahol*   [paholʔ]  pʰa-, hol*. Verb. try to find by poking. ʔahša páholmaw poke in hole to see if fish are in there.

pahponpoloc*   [pahponpoloʔ]  pʰa-, hponpolo*. Verb. make (something alive) swell badly and painfully from repeated poking.

pahpʰukʼut*   [pahpʰukʼúʔ]  pʰa-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: papʰukʼut*. Verb. use end of long object to poke something into something soft so that it sinks. kalikakʰ mul ʔahqʰa yó· pahpʰukʼu·ti poke that paper into the water.

pahqa   [pahqa]  pahqa*. Adjective. stiff-legged. šahku páhqa stiff leg (unbending).

pahqa*   [pahqaw]  pʰa-, hqa*6. Verb. be stiff, specifically of the leg.

pahqa   [pahqa]  pahqa*. Adjective. stiff-legged. šahku páhqa stiff leg (unbending).

pahqam*   [pahqámʔ]  pahqa*. Instr Verb Stem. stand stiff-legged. ʔacaʔ pahqamʔ man standing stiff.

pahqapahqa*   [pahqapáhqaw]  pahqa*. Reduplicating Verb. walk stiff-legged, , as if the legs were stumps. heʔen íwa ṭa maʔu ma to· huʔú·mo pahqapahqawam how come you are stumping around now in front of me !!. (The selection of verb expresses irritation with the addressee.) compare: muhqamuhqa*.

pahqalh*   [pahqalʔ]  pʰa-, hqalh*. Verb. wipe off by poking or ramming.

šihmi pahqalʔ li   [šihmi pahqalʔ li]  Lit: gun push-wipe instrument šihmi, pahqalh*, =wi. Noun. ramrod (for cleaning guns).

pahqam*   [pahqámʔ]  pahqa*. Instr Verb Stem. stand stiff-legged. ʔacaʔ pahqamʔ man standing stiff.

pahqapahqa*   [pahqapáhqaw]  pahqa*. Reduplicating Verb. walk stiff-legged, , as if the legs were stumps. heʔen íwa ṭa maʔu ma to· huʔú·mo pahqapahqawam how come you are stumping around now in front of me !!. (The selection of verb expresses irritation with the addressee.) compare: muhqamuhqa*.

pahqoq*   [pahqoʔ]  pʰatʼe·t*. Verb. set long object upright. pahqʰoqo to put several on (so bottom stuck into material); to stand up several. pahqʰoqó·du D: Plural, Imperative.

pahqʰayad*   [pahqʰaya·du]  pʰa-, hqʰayʔ*1, -ad2. Verb. slide a long object (cane) point first; slide object by poking.

pahqʰobot*   [pahqʰoboʔ]  pʰa-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. poke someone in the ribs or belly with a long object (e.g., a stick).

pahqʰohqʰo*   [pahqʰohqʰow]  pʰa-, hqʰo*1. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly skewer. ʔahá· tol pahqʰohqʰow repeatedly to skewer (pieces of meat) on a stick.

pahqʰoq*   [pahqʰoʔ]  pʰatʼe·t*. Verb. set upright (pl).

pahsa1   [pahsa]  pʰaʔdi*1.

pahsa2   [pahsaw]  , , . Verb. shovel.

pahsa*1   [pahsaw]  pʰa-, hsa*3. Verb. block with the end of a long instrument; be blocked from poking.

pahsa*2   [pahsa]  hsa*1, pʰaʔdi*1, pʰa-.

pahsamcicʼ*   [pahsamciʔ]  pʰa-, hsamcicʼ*. Verb. hit with fist and bounce back.

pahsey*   [pahseyʔ]  pʰa-, hsey*2. Verb. cover by wrapping.

cahla· pahsemaʔ   [cahla· páhsemaʔ]  cahla·, pahsey*. Noun. diaphragm. synonyms: dile· pahsemaʔ.

dile· pahsemaʔ   [dile· páhsemaʔ]  dile·, pahsey*. Noun. middle covering; diaphragm. synonyms: cahla· pahsemaʔ.

pahsim*   [pahsimʔ]  pʰa-, hsim*. Verb. poke at out.

pahsuhsu*   [pahsúhsuw]  pʰa-, hsu*2. Verb. crush to pieces by pounding.

pahša*   [pahšaw]  pʰa-, hša*2. Verb. disarragne with the end of a long object, by wrapping.

pahšahša*   [pahšahšaw]  pahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, by poking. pahšáhšaʔ to poke and mess up; to poke and knock off all flowers.

pahšahša*   [pahšahšaw]  pahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, by poking. pahšáhšaʔ to poke and mess up; to poke and knock off all flowers.

pahše*   [pahšew]  pʰa-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail to poke . pahšéw ʔtʰin ṭʼi pʰaʔkʼuw he didn’t miss poking on one of them.

pahši*   [-]  pʰa-, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter, poke.

pahšihši*   [pahšíhšiw]  pahši*. Reduplicating Verb. poke grass, poke in box of papers to move around (to look for something or not nec.)

pahšihši*   [pahšíhšiw]  pahši*. Reduplicating Verb. poke grass, poke in box of papers to move around (to look for something or not nec.)

pahšil*   [pahšilʔ]  paši·. Variant: pahšilatad*; pašilaq*. Verb. poison, be poised. pahšili D: Imperative. pahšilá·du D: Durative. pahšilá·qa poison many! pahšilmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pahšiláhmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. pahšilá·qacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative. pašila·tahmeʔ (to several) poison many (each one separately)! pašilá·taqacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative. pahšilti to poison someone. pahšílʔba hcʰoyícʰqaw to poison to death. pahšilí mul hayu ʔ poison that dog. pahšilé· mu hayu that dog is poisoned. Example Variant: mu hayú pahšilʔ. pahšíl cʰoyiʔ to die of poisoning. pahšilá·tadu D: Plural Act.

pahšilaq*  pašilaq*.

pahšilatad*  pahšil*.

pahšukʼu·ṭ*   [pahšukʼúʔ]  pʰa-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. put (pencil) into something soft (mush, food, mud, loose dirt).

pahtahta*   [pahtahtaw]  pʰa-, hta*1. Verb. repeatedly tap with the fist. maṭʼqʰa pahtihtatʰuʔ don’t slap the mud (repeatedly)! synonyms: dahtahta*.

pahtay*   [pahtayʔ]  pʰa-, htay*1. Verb. lightly poke with a long object.

pahte*   [pahtew]  pʰa-, hte*. Verb. pat repeatedly with hand or fist or end of long object.

pahtehte*   [pahtéhtew]  pahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly with hand or fist or end of long object. sʼuwaʔ pahtehtecʰwiye· to someone patted me on the shoulder.

pahtenh*   [pahténʔ]  pʰa-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten with the end of a long object. heʔe pahténhcite· mito I will flatten your hair.

pahtʰohtʰoc*   [pahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  pʰa-, htʰohtʰo*, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. puncture all over, as a needle into paper.

pahṭi*   [-]  paṭ*2, pa·ṭ*1. Instr Verb Root. 1 • cover part of a surface with a two-dimensional piece.

2 • cover or fill in a hole.

pahṭihṭi*   [pahṭíhṭiw]  pʰa-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound several times with fist. synonyms: paṭimci*; compare: paṭipaṭi*.

pahṭʰa*   [pahṭʰaw]  pʰa-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. take apart, make into pieces, either by pounding with an instrument, or just disassembling. qʰaʔbe paṭʰa·li a rock pounder or something to crush rocks with . kʼaṭa pahṭʰaw to take apart old clothes (to make new or to use as pattern). má·kina pahṭʰaw to take apart an engine.

pahṭʰi*   [pahṭʰiw]  pʰa-, hṭʰi*1, pʰa-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. step over something, put foot over; stand with legs spread out. pahṭʰi· tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs spread apart. qʰaʔbe (duwal) pahṭʰi step over the rock! ʔahqʰamo pahṭʰima step across the ditch! mul musu· pahṭʰi step over the log! paṭʰi·ci spread your legs (sideways or fore and aft)! paṭʰití·cʼi go with giant steps (knees may bend or not). synonyms: caʔqʰom*.

pahṭʰuṭ*   [pahṭʰuʔ]  pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off of bigger object with the end of a long object. ʔoho paṭʰuṭʰmaw spark from stirred fire to fall on something. ʔoho páṭʰuhṭaduʔ to hit burning stick on its end so that sparks fly off. páṭʰuṭa·duʔ one spark.

pahyoqʰ*   [pahyoʔ]  pʰa-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir with end of long object. pahyoqʰmaw to stir with end of long object. pahyóqʰmaci·du D: Durative. pahyóqʰci stir once (a fire or potatoes)! pahyóqʰma stir several times (a fire or potatoes)!

pahyuṭ*   [pahyuʔ]  pʰa-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke. pahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire) with stick). compare: pihyuṭ*.

pahyuṭʰmaw   [pahyuṭʰmaw]  paʔṭu*.

pakel*   [pakelʔ]  pʰa-, kel*1. Verb. smooth with end of stick. heʔe dóʔlo mito sikélʔ ye(·) ʔahqʰa wi the water is straightening your curly hair. heʔe dóʔlo sikélwiye·to ʔihcʰe wi my curls straightened out in the rain. synonyms: dakel*, hṭʰinh*, hṭʰinh*.

paken   [paken]   Noun. sack of deerskin for various small valuables; suit case. pakén e·mu it's a deeskin sack. Example Variant: paken é·mu. paken mišukʰ deerskin sack. pakéntʰine·mu

pake·ṭ*   [pakeʔ]  pʰa-, ke·ṭ*. Verb. pound off an edge. cohso cícʼqati pake·ṭi to pound to chip off an edge (of concrete, to make it rough. pakeṭʰpʰi kucá·hacʰqa to pound bits off edge and make it smooth.

pakimci*   [pakímciw]  pʰa-, kim*. Verb. hold down with stick something that is stretched out.

pako·l*   [pakolʔ]  pʰa-, ko·l*. Verb. turn with rod.

pakʰu·l*   [pakʰulʔ]  pʰa-, kʰu·l*1. Verb. feel rough to a poke.

paluhlu*   [paluhluw]  pahlo·m*. Verb. break at the joint.

paluʔta*   [paluʔtaw]  pahlud*.

pam*   [-]   Variant: pa·m. Instr Verb Root. cover thickly. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, pa*2.

dapam*   [dapamʔ]  da-, pam*, da-, pam*. Verb. cover thickly; grow densely. dapammaw to be covered thickly (with flowers). Example Variant: dapemmaw. synonyms: dapem*, dapʰa·l*.

dapam*   [dapamʔ]  da-, pam*, da-, pam*. Verb. cover thickly; grow densely. dapammaw to be covered thickly (with flowers). Example Variant: dapemmaw. synonyms: dapem*, dapʰa·l*.

dipam*   [dipamʔ]  di-, pam*. Verb. hang cover thickly. dipammaw to hang thickly covering. Example Variant: dipemmaw. synonyms: dipem*, dipʰam*, dipʰa·l*, dibo·m*, dibo·š*.

papʰukʼut*   [papʰukʼúʔ]  pahpʰukʼut*.

papʰu·*   [papʰuw]  pʰa-, pʰu·*1. Verb. raise dust with the end of an instrument.

paqʰa·*   [paqʰaw]  pʰa-, qʰa·*1. Verb. poke with a long object and break off.

pasa*   [pasaw]  pʰa-, sa*2. Verb. hit off with fist.

paset*   [pasew]  . Verb.

pase·*  pʰa-, se·*. Verb. wash hands. paseʔ to wash hands. pase·cʼi wash hands! pasétʰmacʼmeʔ wash hands (pl.)!

paste·l   [pasté·l]   Noun. pie.

paš   [paš]  pa·š*.

paši qʰale   [paši qʰale]  Lit: poison plant paši·, qʰale1. Noun. unk. plant.

pašikʼoyoʔyo   [pašikʼóyoʔyo]  paši·, kʼoyoʔyo. Noun. cocoon, cocoon rattle. compare: kʼoyo*.

pašikʼuwaʔla   [pašikʼúwaʔla]  paši·. Noun. western newt, water dog.

pašilaq*   [pašilaʔ]  pahšil*. Variant: pahšilaq*; paši·laq*. Verb. poison (people).

paši·   [paši·´]  Variant: paši. Noun. 1 • poison (tangible or magic). paši· ʔacaʔ Poison Man (a magician in KT 47). maʔa páši· poison food. compare: kʰusʼut.

2 • magical charm. hiʔbayá paši· man charm (used by woman to make man love him). ʔima·ta páši· woman charm (used by man to make woman love him).

hoʔo paši·šiw   [hoʔo paši·šiw]  hoʔo, paši·. Noun. (poisonous) bite. hayu hoʔo paši·šiw mad dog bite. qʰaboʔ hoʔo paši·šiw snake bite.

pahšil*   [pahšilʔ]  paši·. Variant: pahšilatad*; pašilaq*. Verb. poison, be poised. pahšili D: Imperative. pahšilá·du D: Durative. pahšilá·qa poison many! pahšilmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pahšiláhmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. pahšilá·qacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative. pašila·tahmeʔ (to several) poison many (each one separately)! pašilá·taqacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative. pahšilti to poison someone. pahšílʔba hcʰoyícʰqaw to poison to death. pahšilí mul hayu ʔ poison that dog. pahšilé· mu hayu that dog is poisoned. Example Variant: mu hayú pahšilʔ. pahšíl cʰoyiʔ to die of poisoning. pahšilá·tadu D: Plural Act.

paši qʰale   [paši qʰale]  Lit: poison plant paši·, qʰale1. Noun. unk. plant.

pašikʼoyoʔyo   [pašikʼóyoʔyo]  paši·, kʼoyoʔyo. Noun. cocoon, cocoon rattle. compare: kʼoyo*.

pašikʼuwaʔla   [pašikʼúwaʔla]  paši·. Noun. western newt, water dog.

ʔahša paši·   [ʔahša páši·]  Lit: fish poison ʔahša, paši·. Noun. turkey mullein, doveweed. Eremocarpus setigerus (Spurge Family). compare: ṭʼiʔbahqa· qʰale.

paši·laq*   [paši·laq]  pašilaq*.

paši·m*   [pašimʔ]  pʰa-, ši·m*1. Verb. poke and scatter.

pašud*   [pašudu]  pʰa-, šud*1. Verb. hard to dig; when digging ground, find it too hard and quit.

pat*   [-]  pa*1.

pataro·n   [pataró·n]  patro·n.

pataš*   [pataš]  pʰa-, taš*1. Verb. squash something soft and mushy, with the end of a long object. patášciw to flatten (fly or piece of wood).

pate·m*   [patemʔ]  pʰa-, te·m*2. Verb. pat. pate·ma D: Imperative. patema·duwá·du D: Plural Object, Durative. kunu páte·maʔ to pat oneself on chest (several times). lile páte·maʔ to pat oneself on forehead (several times). pahtéhteyi·cʼi D: Reflexive. hoʔtʼo páhtehteyiʔ to tie (band, turban) around own head.

pati·t*   [patiʔ]  pʰa-, ti·t*. Verb. walk crookedly, in a twisting manner. ʔacaʔ siku·ṭiʔ patíʔ patita·da·mʔ drunkard is walking crooked, twisting.

patro·n   [patró·n]   Variant: pataro·n. Noun. boss, foreman. Usage: obsolete

patupatuc*   [patupatuʔ]  pʰa-, tu*2. Reduplicating Verb. stuff with the fist, by wrapping. misukʰli patupátuci (to person) Stuff the bag! (not for box, trunk; OK for pocket).

paṭ*1   [paʔ]   Instr Verb Root. smear ??

mupaṭʰci*2   [mupaṭʰciw]  mu-, paṭ*1. Verb. smear ?? ciba· tʰin maṭʼqʰa wi baneqa· be·li mupáṭʰciqʰ someone must have hit here with mud, it's smeared.

paṭ*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: In the singular, -ci- Semelfactive is required.. Variant: pahṭi*. Instr Verb Root. patch, cover or fill in a hole.

bipaṭ*   [bipaʔ]  bi-, paṭ*2. Variant: bipahṭi*. Verb. cover, repair, or fill in a hole by sewing, . kʼaṭa tol ʔimo bipáṭʰcimela I sewed up the hole in the cloth (not patched). bipáṭʰciw sew up hole. bipahṭimeʔ sew up several holes (to several)!

hapaṭʰci*   [hapaṭʰciw]  ha-, paṭ*2. Verb. patch a hole by sewing or glue.

hipaṭ*   [hipaʔ]  hi-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole with the body. ʔimo ʔel hiyeʔ tʼeti·bícʰpʰi, hipáṭʰci stand up to lean against the hole and cover it with your body.

mapaṭʰci*   [mapáṭʰciw]  ma-2, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole with the sole of the foot. ʔimo ʔel mapáṭʰciteʔ I’ll cover the hole with my foot.

paṭʰci*   [-]  paṭ*2. Instr Verb Root. ??

pupaṭ*   [pupaʔ]  pʰu-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole or crack by blowing (dirt). hahse wi ʔimo púpaṭciy wind blew brush over the hole.

sipaṭ*   [sipaʔ]  si-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole by water; silt in a hole. sipáṭʰciw silt in (a hole); water (to carry silt) to fill in (a crack). ʔahqʰa wí ʔimo ʔel sipáṭʰciqʰ the water covered the hole (by carrying silt).

šupaṭ*   [šupaʔ]  šu-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover hole with a cloth. šupáṭʰciw to cover (a hole) with a cloth. ʔimo šúpaṭʰciy he covered a hole completely with a cloth. ʔimo šúpaṭʰma he covered a hole completely with a cloth. ʔimo šupa he covered a hole completely with a cloth. šupaṭʰmací·du @. compare: šupa*.

paṭ*3   [paṭ]   Adjective. fine, small – of an aggregate of numerous like objects. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, dohpo*, dahpo*, pem*; compare: sipaṭ.

paṭimci*   [paṭimciw]  pʰa-, hṭi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. pound once (chest, ground). synonyms: pahṭihṭi*.

paṭipaṭi*   [paṭipáṭiw]  pʰa-, ṭi*3. Reduplicating Verb. pounding noise on ground or possibly on chair too. compare: pahṭihṭi*.

paṭʰci*   [-]  paṭ*2. Instr Verb Root. ??

paṭʰo·*   [paṭʰow]  pʰa-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces by striking. paṭʰow to peel bark. Example Variant: pʰaṭʼow ~ piṭʰow.

paya   [paya]   Adjective. bland. synonyms: sihqal.

paya·ma   [paya·ma]   Adjective. individualistic.

paya·su   [payá·su]   Noun. clown (in circus).

paʔcʰa   [paʔcʰa]  paʔcʰa*1. Adjective. having unsteady legs (of a baby or a drunkard). ʔacaʔ páʔcʰa man with unsteady legs.

paʔcʰa*1   [paʔcʰáw]  pʰa-, ʔcʰa*1. Verb. having long, thin often unsteady limbs; having unsteady legs (of a baby or a drunkard). paʔcʰamʔ stand unsteadily. paʔcʰama D: Imperative. paʔcáhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: paʔcátʰmameʔ. compare: paʔṭim*.

paʔcʰa   [paʔcʰa]  paʔcʰa*1. Adjective. having unsteady legs (of a baby or a drunkard). ʔacaʔ páʔcʰa man with unsteady legs.

paʔcʰapaʔcʰa*   [paʔcʰapaʔcʰaw]  paʔcʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. walking or standing in place moving legs fast but unsteadily. paʔcʰapaʔcʰam D: Plural. synonyms: šaʔcʰašaʔcʰa*.

paʔcʰa·bic*   [paʔcʰa·biʔ]  paʔcʰa*1, -ibic. Verb. stand up unsteadily. paʔcʰabi·ci stand up unsteadily! compare: tʼe·tibic*.

paʔcʰa·d*   [paʔcʰa·du]  paʔcʰa*1, -ad2. Verb. go along on unsteady legs (like a drunk with legs far apart).

paʔcʰa*2   [paʔcʰaw]  pʰa-, ʔcʰa*2. Variant: paʔcʰat*. Verb. abruptly stop moving with the legs. cʼe·líʔti ʔdubaʔnati, mito cʼe·liʔ tʰin, soh paʔcʰácʰciy although you almost fell, you did not fall, just landed abruptly stiff-legged. bahcuba paʔcʰaye· ma @ you jumped and the caught yourself with the legs.

paʔcʰapaʔcʰa*   [paʔcʰapaʔcʰaw]  paʔcʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. walking or standing in place moving legs fast but unsteadily. paʔcʰapaʔcʰam D: Plural. synonyms: šaʔcʰašaʔcʰa*.

paʔcʰat*   [paʔcʰaʔ]  paʔcʰa*2. Verb. abruptly stop moving with the end of a long object.

paʔcʰa·bic*   [paʔcʰa·biʔ]  paʔcʰa*1, -ibic. Verb. stand up unsteadily. paʔcʰabi·ci stand up unsteadily! compare: tʼe·tibic*.

paʔcʰa·d*   [paʔcʰa·du]  paʔcʰa*1, -ad2. Verb. go along on unsteady legs (like a drunk with legs far apart).

paʔkʰopaʔkʰo*   [paʔkʰopaʔkʰow]  pʰa-, ʔkʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly bend leg.

paʔkʰoš*   [paʔkʰoš]  pʰa-, ʔkʰoš*1. Cooccurrence: with semelfactive and often reflexive. Verb. bend the knee or leg.

paʔkʰošci*   [paʔkʰošciw]  paʔkʰoš*. Verb. (stand) with bent knee.

paʔkʰošcicʼ*   [paʔkʰošciʔ]  paʔkʰošci*. Verb. bend the knee or leg.

paʔkʰošci*   [paʔkʰošciw]  paʔkʰoš*. Verb. (stand) with bent knee.

paʔkʰošcicʼ*   [paʔkʰošciʔ]  paʔkʰošci*. Verb. bend the knee or leg.

paʔkʰošcicʼ*   [paʔkʰošciʔ]  paʔkʰošci*. Verb. bend the knee or leg.

paʔsʼaṭi·cʼ   [paʔsʼaṭiʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ.

paʔṭi*   [paʔṭiw]  pʰa-, ʔṭi*2. Verb. stagger. paʔṭimʔ to stagger in one place, barely stand, unsteady. Example Variant: paʔcʰamʔ. paʔṭima D: Imperative. paʔṭi·du D: Durative. paʔṭipáṭi·du to stagger along. paʔṭíʔṭiyiʔ to stagger a little bit. paʔṭíʔṭiyi·cʼi D: Reflexive. paʔṭíʔṭiyicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. paʔṭipáṭínʔwadu to stagger all over (several). paʔṭipáṭitʰmucʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

paʔṭim*   [paʔṭimʔ]  . Verb. ?? compare: paʔcʰa*1.

paʔṭu*   [paʔṭuw]  pʰa-, ʔṭu*. Variant: pahyuṭʰmaw. Verb. poke with a stick. paʔṭutá·du D: Durative. pʰaʔṭʼutʰmaw to poke (fire) with a stick.

pa·dre   [pa·dre]   Variant: pa·tere. Noun. preacher, priest. mi· ṭa mu ʔihmi pá·tere tʼetʰmawam he was standing there like a padre (in a long black robe). Usage: obsolete

pa·ha1   [pá·ha]   Noun. straw.

pa·ha2   [pá·ha]   Noun. belt. compare: pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ.

pa·la   [pá·la]   Noun. shovel.

pa·m   [pa·m]  pam*.

pa·nu   [pá·nu]   Noun. handkerchief.

pa·rus   [pá·rus]   Noun. canvas.

pa·rus bacʼo·   [pá·rus bacʼo·]  pa·rus, bacʼo·. Noun. canvas-back duck.

pa·rus bacʼo·   [pá·rus bacʼo·]  pa·rus, bacʼo·. Noun. canvas-back duck.

pa·š*   [-]   Variant: paš. Instr Verb Root. complete.

bapa·šci*   [bapašcíw]  ba-, pa·š*. Verb. be done speaking; complete what one is saying. ṭʼi bápašcimela· ʔa cahno I have completed saying all the words. compare: baʔkʼu*, bapaṭʰci*.

capa·š*   [capaš]  ca-, pa·š*. Verb. complete (work, task, etc.) capašmulqaw make complete all the way around. ʔahca mála·to· mul hiʔda capašmúlqa complete that path all around the house! capašmaw D: Essive. capašmuliʔ complete around. capašmulicʼqa mulʔ make it complete around.

capa·šci*   [capašcíw]  capa·š*. Verb. be finished, be complete. maʔal qʼala·šal capašciye· ʔul this month is now up. kʰe ʔáma· dutʼaʔ capášcihqaba ʔe· ʔa maʔú cawam I am sitting here because I have completed my work. capašcíhqaw make complete ¡sem ¡caus. ṭʼi capášcihqaye· ma you've completed everything. capašá·duʔ to be all complete. capašcitʰuʔ don't be complete! capašcimé·du @.

cupa·šci*   [cupašcíw]  cu-, pa·š*. Verb. coat surface, cover. seʔe cúpašciqa· dono tol brush has completely covered the hill (where it was open before).

mupašci*   [mupašciw]  mu-, pa·š*. Verb. hit whole thing. synonyms: mupaṭʰci*1.

qapašci*   [qapašciw]  qa-, pa·š*. Verb. ??

šupašci*   [šupašciw]  šu-, pa·š*. Verb. ?? šupašcimé·du synonyms: šupaṭʰci*.

pa·tere   [pá·tere]  pa·dre.

pa·ṭ*1   [-]   Variant: pahṭi*. Instr Verb Root. cover part of a surface with a two-dimensional piece, put a patch over, adhere to. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, pa*2, pem*.

hapa·ṭʰci*   [hapaṭʰciw]  ha-, pa·ṭ*1. Instr Verb Stem. cover with a patch. ʔimo báhṭʰe ʔyowe· bil, mul ciba·tʰin hapa·ṭá·qʰ someone has put a patch on this former big hole.

pupaṭʰci*   [pupaṭʰciw]  pʰu-, pa·ṭ*1. Verb. blow to cover a hole.

sipa·ṭ*   [sipaʔ]  pa·ṭ*1, si-, pa·ṭ*1, si-, si-. Variant: sipahṭi*. Verb. cover with a patch. sipa·ṭʰciw to stick a (patch) on. sipa·ṭayʔ (cloth) to adhere to (body). sipahṭayʔ several to adhere to.

sipahṭayʔ li   [sipáhṭayʔ li]  sipa·ṭ*. Noun. adhering instrument; adhesive tape.

sipa·ṭ*   [sipaʔ]  pa·ṭ*1, si-, pa·ṭ*1, si-, si-. Variant: sipahṭi*. Verb. cover with a patch. sipa·ṭʰciw to stick a (patch) on. sipa·ṭayʔ (cloth) to adhere to (body). sipahṭayʔ several to adhere to.

sipahṭayʔ li   [sipáhṭayʔ li]  sipa·ṭ*. Noun. adhering instrument; adhesive tape.

pa·ṭ*2   [paʔ]   Instr Verb Root. complete??

bapaṭʰci*   [bapaṭʰciw]  ba-, pa·ṭ*2. Verb. ?? compare: bapa·šci*, baʔkʼu*.

mupaṭʰci*1   [mupaṭʰciw]  mu-, pa·ṭ*2. Verb. hit whole thing. synonyms: mupašci*.

šupaṭʰci*   [šupaṭʰciw]  šu-, pa·ṭ*2. Verb. ?? synonyms: šupašci*.

pa·ṭʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. adhere to, smear. synonyms: hpa*1, hkʰa*1.

mupa·ṭʼ*   [mupaʔ]  mu-, pa·ṭʼ*. Verb. adhere to. ya·pálka cawal má·kina yaʔ mupaṭʼciqʰ the car (mashed) the apple sitting and it stuck (to the tire). mupaṭʼciw thrown object (mud) sticks to (house).

mu·paṭʼpaṭʼac*   [mu·páṭʼpaṭʼaʔ]  mupa·ṭʼ*. Verb. to become smeared or stuck with goo. ma·kinahpʰu· li mu·páṭʼpaṭʼaʔ (The clothes) got smeared with machine oil. tá·pʰla mu·páṭʼpaṭʼaʔ miṭiw @ the board is lying . cár li máṭʼqʰa mu·paṭʼpaṭʼacʰqa· wina· móʔbina the car ran over something with muddy wheels and pressed the mud on her.

pe*   [pew]   Cooccurrence: Must be used with a Directional suffix.. Variant: peht*. Verb. 1 • spread (of liquid), flow (of a limited amount of liquid). balá· peʔ blood (on the floor) to spread out. pe·law liquid to spread downward. pemʔ liquid to stand in one spot. péhtima·duʔ liquid to spread in a confined space several times or several places. N. pancake. pemá·duʔ liquid to spread in a confined space (a pan). N. pancake. pema spread! pemá·duc arrive (spread as far as). pemá·duce·du @. synonyms: hwoq*.

2 • dribble, run down. ʔuqʰa pe·law tears dribbling down. ʔu·qʰa peʔ tears running out, down cheek.

pema·duc   [pemá·duʔ]  pe*, -maduc. Variant: pehtima·duʔ. Noun. pancake. synonyms: cuhni ṭʼahyamʔ.

peht*   [péhtiw]  pe*.

pehtima·duʔ   [péhtima·duʔ]  pema·duc.

pela·meʔ   [pela·meʔ]   Adjective. droopy, saggy (face, flower).

pele·su   [pele·su]   Noun. prisoner (in jail), convict, ex-convict. pele·su tʰíne· mu he's not a prisoner. pele·su cí·y he got arrested. pele·sunʔ exconvict. cuhma péle·su prisoner of war.

pele·suhca   [pele·súhca]  pele·su, ʔahca. Noun. jail.

pele·suhca   [pele·súhca]  pele·su, ʔahca. Noun. jail.

pem*   [-]   Variant: pemmaq*; pe·m. Instr Verb Root. coat, surface be densely covered or coated with numerous small objects. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, paṭ*3, pa*2, pa·ṭ*1, bo·m*, pa*2, pʰa·l*, pʰam*.

dapem*   [dapemʔ]  da-, pem*. Variant: dape·m*. Verb. grow thickly; coat, surface be densely covered or coated with numerous small objects. dapémmaw to be densely covered. ciʔdomʔ dapemmaw (The plant) is densely covered with flowers. hayu yá·col ʔime dapemmaw the dog has a thick coat of fur. dapema grow thick. Example Variant: dape·ma. synonyms: dapam*, dapʰa·l*.

dipem*   [dipemʔ]  di-, pem*. Verb. coat, surface be densely covered or coated with numerous small hanging objects. dipemmaw to hang down in a dense covering. ʔime dípemmawe· hayu ʔel the dog’s fur is hanging down thick. synonyms: dipam*, dipʰam*, dipʰa·l*, dibo·m*, dibo·š*.

sipem*   [sipemʔ]  si-, pem*. Variant: sipe·m*. Verb. particles settle in liquid, coating surface; settle down out of water to cover the bottom surface. sipemʔ suspended matter to settle (out of water or air) to coat an area. sʼaʔsʼa sipemcicʼqawe· mu ʔahqʰa yow someone is causing that dirt to settle out in water. sipema settle! Example Variant: sipe·ma. sipemciʔ to settle (to mud). maṭʼqʰa sípemʔ the mud settled. sipema·qa settle (to several)! maṭʼqʰa sipemʔ cotadu the mud puddles are lying. sipéhmala·meʔ D: Plural. Example Variant: sipetá·ma; sipematadu.

sipemʔ*   [sipemʔ]  sipem*. Noun. silt.

šupem*   [šupemʔ]  šu-, pem*. Verb. small objects float and cover surface. šupemʔ (algae in a pond, coffee grounds in a pot) to float up and coat the surface. šupemaʔ to float out to coat a surface. ʔahqʰa yo· šihpʰa šúpemaʔ leaves floated out in the water to coat its surface. huʔú· šupemaʔ something to float out over the surface of the eyeball (obscuring vision). waṭáʔpʰa šupembina šuhkʰiṭʼmaw algae mus have settled in the water, it is spread out (all over). ʔú·tʰo šupemaʔ excretion from the eyes floats over eyes so things get blurry. ʔahqʰa yo· ʔino šúpemaʔ the dust is floating on the water. compare: sipʼil*, kʼuʔles.

pema·duc   [pemá·duʔ]  pe*, -maduc. Variant: pehtima·duʔ. Noun. pancake. synonyms: cuhni ṭʼahyamʔ.

pemmaq*   [pemmaq]  pem*.

pensa·r   [pensá·r]   Verb. concentrate on, think long and hard on. mí·ṭa mul ʔa cila pénsa·r ʔiwam I was thinking about that for a long time. mul ṭa ma qʼoʔdi pénsa·r sʼuwem you should think this over good.

penya   [pénya]   Noun. comb.

pewlo   [péwlo]   Noun. town.

peya   [peya]   Adjective. flirtatious. ʔima·ta péya flirtatious woman. compare: kule·.

pe·cʰka   [pé·cʰka]   Noun. brick.

pe·l*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. act on a layer of liquid or near liquid to spread or segregate it. synonyms: tʼe·l*1.

bape·l*   [bapelʔ´]  ba-, pe·l*. Verb. wipe the mouth against (a sleeve) to get (sauce) off.

cape·l*   [capelʔ]  ca-, pe·l*. Verb. sit on something gooey and spread it around.

cipe·l*   [cipelʔ´]  cʰi-, pe·l*. Verb. act on a layer of liquid or near liquid to spread or segregate it by holding a small part of a larger object; e.g., spread substance. molókko cipe·li skim the milk! cáke tol créam cipelʔ to spread cream (icing) on a cake. cipelá·duwa·du spread here and there. Example Variant: cipela·duwá·du. cipelmaw spread (plural). synonyms: cʰitʼe·l*.

pe·la*   [pe·law]  . Verb. flow down.

pe·m   [pe·m]  pem*.

pe·pe   [pe·pe]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. Dad!

pe·pe*   [-]  Variant: pe*. ʔe*. Kinship Noun. my or our father (informal).

pe·pe   [pe·pe]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. Dad!

pe·penʔ   [pe·pénʔ]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. my or our (informal) father.

pe·penʔkʰe   [pe·penʔkʰe]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. for my or our father.

pe·peto   [pe·peto]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our father.

pe·petoʔna   [pe·petoʔna]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our dad is.

2 • at my or our dad's place.

pe·penʔ   [pe·pénʔ]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. my or our (informal) father.

pe·penʔkʰe   [pe·penʔkʰe]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. for my or our father.

pe·peto   [pe·peto]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our father.

pe·petoʔna   [pe·petoʔna]  pe·pe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our dad is.

2 • at my or our dad's place.

pe·ras   [pé·ras]   Noun. pear.

pe·su   [pé·su]   Noun. money, dollar, coin. kʰe ʔe· mu pe·su that's my money. synonyms: qʰaʔbe, cawikʰ.

pe·su buhqʰal   [pé·su buhqʰal]  Lit: money container pe·su, buhqʰal. Noun. purse, money bag, rolled up wallet, coin purse.

pe·su kʼis   [pé·su kʼis]  pe·su, kʼis. Noun. penny.

pe·su qahle   [pé·su qahle]  pe·su, qahle. Noun. silver. compare: ʔo·ro.

pe·su sʼi   [pé·su sʼiw]  pe·su, sʼi*1. Verb. make money, earn money. maʔáhca yaʔ pe·su baṭʰe· sʼiw the food store made a lot of money. compare: šu·muc*.

pe·su buhqʰal   [pé·su buhqʰal]  Lit: money container pe·su, buhqʰal. Noun. purse, money bag, rolled up wallet, coin purse.

pe·su kʼis   [pé·su kʼis]  pe·su, kʼis. Noun. penny.

pe·su qahle   [pé·su qahle]  pe·su, qahle. Noun. silver. compare: ʔo·ro.

pe·su sʼi   [pé·su sʼiw]  pe·su, sʼi*1. Verb. make money, earn money. maʔáhca yaʔ pe·su baṭʰe· sʼiw the food store made a lot of money. compare: šu·muc*.

picihṭim*   [picíhṭimʔ]  pihciṭ*. Verb. several be overhanging.

pico*   [picow]  pʰi-, co*2. Verb. 1 • be crushing, smashing, breaking solids into several coarse pieces, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

2 • be breaking up (dirt clots) with a hoe or pick.

ʔama pico·li   [ʔama píco·li]  ʔama·1, pico*. Noun. hoe, pick. synonyms: ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li, ʔamahcʰe·li, salo·n.

picʰahlim*   [picʰáhlimʔ]  picʰa·lma*.

picʰaw*   [picʰaw]  picʰa·*. Noun. pillow. baqʼóʔwe mu? picʰawʔ what's that? that's a pillow. synonyms: šinalmaw.

picʰa·*   [picʰaw]  pʰi-, cʰa·*2. Verb. 1 • lay one’s head on. picʰa múl picʰaw ʔ lay your head on that pillow! picʰa·me mul picʰawʔ put your heads on that pillow. picʰa·me mul picʰayyaʔ put your heads on those pillows.

2 • (stick) lean against something. picʰawé· mu @ it is leaning. picʰa lean against!

picʰaw*   [picʰaw]  picʰa·*. Noun. pillow. baqʼóʔwe mu? picʰawʔ what's that? that's a pillow. synonyms: šinalmaw.

picʰa·l*   [picʰalʔ]  pʰi-, cʰa·l*. Instr Verb Stem. gape, be open.

picʰa·lma*   [picʰalmáw]  picʰa·l*. Variant: picʰahlim*. Verb. be gaping (of clothing, of mouth, of person or of fish).

picʰa·lpicʰa·l*   [picʰalpicʰalʔ]  picʰa·l*. Reduplicating Verb. gape repeatedly, open and close the mouth (like a fish).

pi·cʰalcʰa   [pi·cʰalcʰa]  picʰa·l*. Adjective. of something always open-mouthed. pi·cʰálcʰala @.

picʰa·lma*   [picʰalmáw]  picʰa·l*. Variant: picʰahlim*. Verb. be gaping (of clothing, of mouth, of person or of fish).

picʰa·lpicʰa·l*   [picʰalpicʰalʔ]  picʰa·l*. Reduplicating Verb. gape repeatedly, open and close the mouth (like a fish).

picʰe·l   [picʰé·l]   Noun. pitcher.

picʰi*   [picʰiw]  pʰi-, hcʰi*. Verb. hurt with a stick.

picʰi·ṭ*   [picʰiʔ]  pʰi-, cʰi·ṭ*2. Verb. clean out (one object) with pick. picʰ·ti clean out! compare: picʰul*.

picʰul*   [picʰúlʔ]  pʰi-, cʰul*1. Verb. clean out (dirt from pipe) with a pick. ʔahqʰa pí·pa wi mul ʔama·cuṭʼahqa· picʰuli ˉ clean out (with pick) the water pipe filled with dirt. compare: picʰi·ṭ*.

pihcala·tad*   [pihcala·tadu]  pihcalh*. Verb. branching skeletal parts be bared with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pihcalh*   [pihcalʔ]  pʰi-, hcalh*. Variant: pihcala·tad*. Verb. branching skeletal parts be bared. šiʔbaši hcʰoyícʼbina, ʔama tol ʔihya pihcálhciw having died, the animal lay on the ground bones bared.

pihcam*   [pihcamʔ]  hca*3. Verb. be bushy, have branching skeletal parts bared. pihcama is bushy. compare: dahcam*.

pihce*   [pihcew]  pʰi-, hce*1. Verb. obstruct, block by movement, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcec*   [pihcéʔ]  pihce*. 1 • Verb. become shielded from blows of a stick or axe.

2 • Noun. obstruction, shield.

pihcecʰma*   [pihcécʰmaw]  pihce*. Verb. (cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects¡ess. haʔu qʰále pihcécʰmawal to·, ʔa heʔen bilahwal canʔkʰe tʰin because of those trees blocking the view, I cannot see across.

pihcec*   [pihcéʔ]  pihce*. 1 • Verb. become shielded from blows of a stick or axe.

2 • Noun. obstruction, shield.

pihcecʰma*   [pihcécʰmaw]  pihce*. Verb. (cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects¡ess. haʔu qʰále pihcécʰmawal to·, ʔa heʔen bilahwal canʔkʰe tʰin because of those trees blocking the view, I cannot see across.

pihci*   [pihciw]  hci*1, pʰi-. Verb. clear with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcipici·q*   [pihcipíciʔ]  pihci*, -aq1. Reduplicating Verb. hoe (a field) with repeated chopping motions.

pihcipici·q*   [pihcipíciʔ]  pihci*, -aq1. Reduplicating Verb. hoe (a field) with repeated chopping motions.

pihciṭ*   [pihciʔ]  pʰi-, hciṭ*. Variant: picihṭim*. Verb. be precipitous, perpendicular. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihciṭa·la*   [pihciṭá·law]  pihciṭ*, -ala. Verb. (land) drop away perpendicularly or precipitously. ciba· waláʔkʰe tʰin e· qʰaʔbe píhciṭa·la· tol no one can walk down on a perpendicular rock.

pihciṭa·qac*   [pihciṭá·qaʔ]  pihciṭ*, -aqac. Verb. (land) rise perpendicularly. picihṭaqaʔ several to rise perpendicularly.

pihciṭʰm*   [pihcíṭʰmaw]  pihciṭ*, -m2. Verb. (cliff or river bank) be overhanging.

pihciṭa·la*   [pihciṭá·law]  pihciṭ*, -ala. Verb. (land) drop away perpendicularly or precipitously. ciba· waláʔkʰe tʰin e· qʰaʔbe píhciṭa·la· tol no one can walk down on a perpendicular rock.

pihciṭa·qac*   [pihciṭá·qaʔ]  pihciṭ*, -aqac. Verb. (land) rise perpendicularly. picihṭaqaʔ several to rise perpendicularly.

pihciṭʰm*   [pihcíṭʰmaw]  pihciṭ*, -m2. Verb. (cliff or river bank) be overhanging.

pihcohco*   [pihcohcow]  pʰi-, hcohco*, pʰi-, hcohco*. Verb. tenderize with a hammer.

pihcʰa*   [pihcʰaw]  pʰi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over with the side of a long object.

pihcʰe*   [pihcʰew]  pʰi-, hcʰe*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. snoop around, suspiciously look around for several things.

pihcʰepihcʰe*   [pihcʰepihcʰew]  pihcʰe*. Reduplicating Verb. snooping around, suspiciously looking around for several things.

pihcʰepihcʰe*   [pihcʰepihcʰew]  pihcʰe*. Reduplicating Verb. snooping around, suspiciously looking around for several things.

pihcʰi*   [pihcʰiw]  pʰi-, hcʰi*. Verb. hit really hard and do damage with axe. pihcʰiwá·duʔ hit really hard and do damage with axe. compare: pʰinem*, moʔon*.

pihcʰoc*   [pihcʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰohcʰoc*   [pihcʰohcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰopihcʰoc*   [pihcʰopihcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰohcʰoc*   [pihcʰohcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰopihcʰoc*   [pihcʰopihcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰot*   [pihcʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hcʰot*. Verb. eyes tired from batting, eyes give out (from reading).

pihcʰu*   [pihcʰuw]  pʰi-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰuhcʰu*   [pihcʰuhcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰupihcʰu*   [pihcʰupihcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰuhcʰu*   [pihcʰuhcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰupihcʰu*   [pihcʰupihcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihke   [pihke]   Adjective. long and bowed (of neck, like horse or deer). mihya pihke long bowed neck. pihke·du an animal to have neck streched out walking along (like a deer, or like a snake swimming). pihkepihkehtadu several animals. pihkeci neck out setting in one place. pihkedu·cedú·cedu D: Habitual. pihkéhtacʼi·yicʼacʼmeʔ D: Habitual. pihke·law compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihkeykey*, pihkem*.

pihke*   [pihkew]  pʰi-, hke*. Verb. try to hit into deep water but hit rock under the surface instead. synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihkem*, pihki, hqo*2, pihkihki*1.

pihkelh*   [pihkelʔ]  pʰi-, hkelh*. Verb. trim (limbs from tree); cut projecting part off (with axe or stick); cut briars or small branches. pihkeli D: Imperative. pihkelá·tadu to cut several. pihkelá·du D: Durative. qʰale ʔíša· pihkelʔ to cut limbs off tree (not cut down tree). piqʰamʔ to cut down tree or branch.

pihkem*   [pihkemʔ]  pʰi-, hkem*. Verb. sticking up (of flower), stretched out (of neck). haʔál cadu híʔbaya ʔima·ta dáʔtʼabina heʔén pihkemal look at that man, how he stretched (arched) his neck out when he saw a girl. Example Variant: pihkimal. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkeykey*, pihke; synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihke*, pihki.

pihkeykey*   [pihkeykeyʔ]  pʰi-, hkeykey*. Verb. extend, project, stick out. šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). bihše ʔel mihya pihkéyʔ pihkeya·danʔ the deer is going along with its neck moving forward and back (with each step). šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihke.

pihki   [pihki]   Adjective. long and thin (of neck). mihya píhke long and thin neck. ʔacaʔ mihya píhki caw a person is sitting long-necked. ʔima·ta (míhya) píhki long-necked woman. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihkihkic*, pihkikinʔ, cuhkihki*, pihki*, pihkihki*1, pihqo; synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*.

pihki*   [pihkiw]   Verb. to form a long neck. pihkimá·ci pikíhtimmeʔ pikítʰmucʼmeʔ D: Plural. pihkiqá·du go over and back with long neck. pihkimʔ (of giraffe) stand with long neck. pikiya·du come here with long neck. pikíhyalaw D: Plural. Example Variant: pihkíhtalaw. pikíhyala·mecʼwaʔ D: Plural. pihkila·ménʔwadu pikila·medu pihki·law pikiya·dadu (one intermittent action). pihkici set there with long neck! pikíhcimeʔ D: Plural. mi·li píki·ci sit there with your long neck. Example Variant: mi·li píki·ma. pihkiqa·du(cé·du) every once in a while walk by with long neck. pihkimá·cedu @going south with long neck? pihkibi·cedu compare: pihki, pihkihki*1.

pihki·d*   [pihki·du]  pihki*. Verb. to have a long neck. pihkinʔwadú move with long neck; walk around with long neck. heʔen sʼíʔkʰe tʰin mihya ʔáhqol in e· mu pihki·dan he can't help looking like his neck is stretched out because his neck is so long. pihki·du go along with long neck. pihki·du bé·li ʔ come here with neck stretched out! pihkidu·cedú·cedu pihkíhtacʼmeʔ several walking along with neck out.

pihkihki*1   [pihkihkiw]  pʰi-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. be long or tall ??; resist, block movement. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pihkihkiʔ D: Absolutive. qʰale píhki ʔe· cohtowam a high-trunked tree is standing. qʰale sama píhkihkicʼ the tree has a high trunk. ʔaca mihya píhkihkicʼ it’s a man with a long neck. pihkipíkiqa·du run by every once in a while with long neck. synonyms: puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki, hqo*2, pihke*; compare: pihki*, pihki.

pihkihki*2   [pihkihkiw]  pʰi-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. hit ground with mattock and make noise. ʔama· píhkihkiw repeatedly hit ground with an axe. pʰiṭʼáhšayʔli ʔama· pihkihki^ hit the ground with a hammer and make thud (several times)! (/pihkilhciw/ is once). Example Variant: hammer wi ʔama· pihkihki^. pihkilhciw hit once.

pihkihkic*   [pihkihkiʔ]  . Reduplicating Verb. have a long neck. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihki, pihkikinʔ, pihkikinʔ, pihqohqoc*, pihqohqoc*.

pihkikinʔ   [pihkikinʔ]   Noun. pencil-neck man (nickname for a white man). compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*.

pihkilh*   [pihkilʔ]  pʰi-, hkilh*. Verb. hit ground with sledgehammer.

pihki·d*   [pihki·du]  pihki*. Verb. to have a long neck. pihkinʔwadú move with long neck; walk around with long neck. heʔen sʼíʔkʰe tʰin mihya ʔáhqol in e· mu pihki·dan he can't help looking like his neck is stretched out because his neck is so long. pihki·du go along with long neck. pihki·du bé·li ʔ come here with neck stretched out! pihkidu·cedú·cedu pihkíhtacʼmeʔ several walking along with neck out.

pihko*   [-]  pʰi-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: usually reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Variant: pihkot*. Reduplicating Verb. tap (with side of object). pihkoti hit with stick making noise every once in a while!

pihkohko*   [pihkóhkow]  pihko*. Reduplicating Verb. tap (with side of object).

pihkopihko*   [pihkopíhkow]  pihko*. Variant: pihkopihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. tap many times, or to tap (side of broom). synonyms: pihṭapihṭa*.

pihkohko*   [pihkóhkow]  pihko*. Reduplicating Verb. tap (with side of object).

pihkolhma*   [pihkolhmaw]  pʰi-, hkolh*. Verb. make it loose by hitting (but not apart), e.g. loosen tooth. ʔahsí· pihkolhci hit it hard to make noise (bang)!

pihkopihko*   [pihkopíhkow]  pihko*. Variant: pihkopihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. tap many times, or to tap (side of broom). synonyms: pihṭapihṭa*.

pihkopihkotad*   [pihkopíkota·du]  pihkopihko*.

pihkot*   [pihkot]  pihko*.

pihkotʰci*   [pihkótʰciw]  pʰi-, hkot*. Verb. hit with stick down to nothing. qawi pihkótʰciw to chop to make little, small. ṭí· pihkótʰciw to chop to nothing.

pihkupihku*   [pihkupihkuw]  pihkut*. Reduplicating Verb. bob with head. sʼihta yaʔ pihkupíhkuw bird making his head bob (of some wading bird on the river).

pihkut*   [pihkuʔ]  pʰi-, hkut*. Verb. with hoe to make drum sound.

pihkupihku*   [pihkupihkuw]  pihkut*. Reduplicating Verb. bob with head. sʼihta yaʔ pihkupíhkuw bird making his head bob (of some wading bird on the river).

pihkʰan*   [pihkʰanʔ]  pʰi-, hkʰan*1. Verb. be uncertain, with the eyes. pihkʰánʔ pʰiʔtʼaw it looks like he might die.

pihkʰo*   [pihkʰow]  pʰi-, hkʰo*. Verb. bat a ball, catch a moving object with the side of a long object.

pihkʰuhkʰu*   [pihkʰúhkʰuw]  pʰi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush with side of long object; powderize (clods). synonyms: pikʰu·l*.

ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li   [ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li]  ʔama·1, pihkʰuhkʰu*, =wi. Variant: ʔama· pihkʰuhkʰu·li. Noun. hoe. synonyms: ʔama pico·li, ʔamahcʰe·li, salo·n.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pihlaba·t*   [pihlabaʔ]  pihlaba*. Verb. cut with an axe.

pihlal*   [pihlalʔ]  pʰi-, hlal*. Verb. split (wood) with axe into several pieces. ʔaha· pihlalʔ to be splitting wood with axe. pihlalá·ci split one! pihlali keep splitting! compare: pʰiʔba*.

pihle·m*   [pihlemʔ]  pʰi-, hle·m*. Variant: piletam*. Verb. extend, stretch (of something of limited length), with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pihle·ma to hit across with stick (chair or table). pihlema·la to hit down with stick (chair or table). pihlemʔ moʔó·ni hit it crosswise.

pihli*   [-]  pʰi-, hli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. snoop with the eyes.

pihlipihli*   [pihlipíhliw]  pihli*. Variant: pihlipilita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. snoop too much with eyes. synonyms: pihtʰipitʰita·d*.

pihlipihli*   [pihlipíhliw]  pihli*. Variant: pihlipilita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. snoop too much with eyes. synonyms: pihtʰipitʰita·d*.

pihlipilita·d*   [pihlipílita·du]  pihlipihli*, -t2, -ad1.

pihlo*   [pihlow]  pʰi-, hlo*2. Variant: pʰilol*. Verb. with stick to knock curtain off (slides off rod).

pihlokʼ*   [pihloʔ]  pʰi-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop back and forth with stick.

pihlokʼpihlokʼ*   [pihlókpihloʔ]  pihlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. (to flop back and forth) with stick. pihlókʼpihlokʼmaw to flop several things back and forth.

pihlokʼpihlokʼ*   [pihlókpihloʔ]  pihlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. (to flop back and forth) with stick. pihlókʼpihlokʼmaw to flop several things back and forth.

pihlud*   [pihludu]  pʰi-, hlud*2. Variant: piluʔta*. Verb. knock off with pole. pilúʔta D: Plural Imperative. synonyms: pʰiʔcʼon*; compare: pihšolh*.

pihluhlu*   [pihlúhluw]  pʰi-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. chop to (little) pieces (bones, wood).

pihlu·m*   [pihlumʔ]  pʰi-, hlu·m*. Verb. forget with the eyes, of sight. pihlumtʰ I can’t forget how it looks; I keep visualizing it (of something horrible or pretty). pihlumyé· to I just forgot what it looks like.

pihmoy*   [pihmoyʔ]   Verb. smile. pihmoyá·duwa·du smile around. pihmoyá·duce·du to walk away smiling. Example Variant: pihmoyá·duci. pihmó·mameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihmóhyimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihmó·ciw sitting smiling. Example Variant: pihmó·man caw. pihmó·man tʼetʰmaw standing smiling. pihmo·maw one smiling. pihmoyi·biʔ start to smile. pihmohyimʔ several smiling. pimohyibiʔ several start smiling. pihmoyi·bi·y e· mu he has started to smile. pihmohyibi·y e· mu they have started to smile. pihmoyi·bi·ti ʔde· mu he’s going to start to smile. pimohyibi·cʼ e· mu they're going to started to smile. pihmoyʔtow cahnoca·yi speak to them with smiles! pihmoyá·duwa·du smile lingers. (mu·kinʔ) pihmoyí·biʔtʰe hniˇ he looked like he smiled, didn't he?

pihmoyʔ   [pihmoyʔ]  pihmoy*. Noun. laughter.

pihmoyʔ   [pihmoyʔ]  pihmoy*. Noun. laughter.

pihnat*   [pihnaʔ]  pʰi-, hnat*2. Verb. investigate with the eye. pihnatʰcicʼi give a look at self.

pihpihpi*   [pihpihpi]  pihpʰihpʰi*.

pihpitʼci*   [pihpitʼci]  pihpʰitʼci*.

pihponpoloc*   [pihponpoloʔ]  pʰi-, hponpolo*. Verb. make sore and swollen by beating with a long object (stick).

pihpʰihpʰi*   [pihpʰihpʰiw]  pʰi-, hpʰi*1. Variant: pihpihpi*. Reduplicating Verb. shred, tear repeatedly with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihpʰitʼci*   [pihpʰitʼciw]  pʰi-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: pihpitʼci*. Verb. tear with stick. moʔoʔtaba kʼaṭa pihpítʼciy he tore the clothes by hitting.

pihpʰoṭ*   [pihpʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. knock many (leaves) off by beating with a stick.

pihpʰukʼut*   [pihpʰukʼúʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: pipʰukʼut*. Verb. put side of long instrument into something soft.

pihpʰuṭay*   [pihpʰuṭáyʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish with side of instrument(chopping with an axe, hitting with stick). qʰale báhṭʰe pʰiqʰa·ti pihpʰuṭʼa·wiye· to to chop the big tree down was just too much for me. pihpʰuṭá·yi fail to chop! mu·kito píhpʰuṭayʔ he failed to chop.

pihqa*   [pihqaw]  pʰi-, hqa*1. Verb. 1 • get used to hitting.

2 • get used to looking at.

pihqo   [pihqo]  pʰi-, hqo*2. Variant: pihqon. Adjective. long, limber (of neck of swan or giraffe). mihya píhqo long, limber neck. Example Variant: mihya píhqon. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihki.

pihqopihqo*   [pihqopihqow]  pihqo. Reduplicating Verb. moving neck back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqohqoc*.

pihqohqoc*   [pihqóhqoʔ]  pʰi-, hqo*2. Reduplicating Verb. have a long, limber neck. pihqopíhqow to be moving a long limber neck back and forth. musa·la cíwadun, hoʔtʼo pihqopíhqo·nʔ while the snake was crawling along, its head was swaying back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihkikinʔ, pihkihkic*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkihkic*.

pihqon   [pihqon]  pihqo.

pihqopihqo*   [pihqopihqow]  pihqo. Reduplicating Verb. moving neck back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqohqoc*.

pihqoṭol*   [pihqoṭolʔ]  pʰi-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: piqoṭolta*. Verb. fail to do with the eyes. pihqoṭólʔba, sóh men ihqamela having failed to see (someone expected), I just let it be that way. Meaning: I gave up waiting for someone to show up.

pihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔ]  pʰi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend the neck. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqohqoc*, pihqopihqo*.

pihqoyʔci*   [pihqóyʔciw]  pihqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend or strain the neck. mihya· puhqóyʔciw get neck out of joint from snapping head forward.

pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ]  pihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. neck moving back and forth. bihše ʔem wanʔwadem hoʔtʼo ʔem pihqoyʔpihqo·y as the deer walks along, its head goes up and down. bihše píhqoyʔpihqo·y (While walking) the deer’s neck is bending forward and back. compare: pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*.

pihqoyʔci*   [pihqóyʔciw]  pihqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend or strain the neck. mihya· puhqóyʔciw get neck out of joint from snapping head forward.

pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ]  pihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. neck moving back and forth. bihše ʔem wanʔwadem hoʔtʼo ʔem pihqoyʔpihqo·y as the deer walks along, its head goes up and down. bihše píhqoyʔpihqo·y (While walking) the deer’s neck is bending forward and back. compare: pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*.

pihqʰa*1   [-]  pʰi-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. be faintly detectable by eye.

pihqʰahqʰa*   [pihqʰáhqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to see.

pihqʰapihqʰa*1   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. be faintly detectable by the eyes. pihqʰapíqʰanʔwadu faintly to see someone walking around.

pihqʰa*2   [-]  pʰi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub with limb.

pihqʰapihqʰa*2   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. rub with limb. pihqʰapíhqʰanʔwa·du limb of tree rubbing on house.

pihqʰahqʰa*   [pihqʰáhqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to see.

pihqʰalh*   [pihqʰalʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰalh*. Variant: piqʰalta*. Verb. lightly to touch with a flick of a long object.

pihqʰapihqʰa*1   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. be faintly detectable by the eyes. pihqʰapíqʰanʔwadu faintly to see someone walking around.

pihqʰapihqʰa*2   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. rub with limb. pihqʰapíhqʰanʔwa·du limb of tree rubbing on house.

pihqʰaṭ*   [pihqʰaʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: piqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. beat with a stick. piqʰatʼqʰaʔṭʼaw chop to piexes (cloth, paper, not wood); tear by hitting with a stick.

pihqʰolh*   [pihqʰolʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰolh*. Verb. chop water tank and water comes out. pihqʰolhmaw D: Essive Absolutive. pihqʰoli D: Imperative. pihqʰolhma D: Essive Imperative.

pihsa*1   [pihsaw]  pʰiʔdi*, pʰi-, hsa*1.

pihsa*2   [pihsaw]  pʰi-, hsa*3. Verb. be blocked from poking; try to hit something with stick under the table but hit table instead; stick to be blocked. pisatʰqaw to put something in the way to block someone else from hitting with stick. míl pihsaba moʔóntʰe·ma you couldn’t hit (that) (this was in the way), (being blocked from hitting with side of long object). compare: pihsam*, pihsamucʼ*.

pihsam*   [pihsamʔ]  pʰi-, pʰiʔdim*. Verb. several to watch something (car) go by. compare: pihsa*2, pihsamucʼ*.

pihsamucʼ*   [pihsamuʔ]  pʰi-, hsamucʼ*. Verb. watch gathering. pihsamúcʰmuʔ to watch each other gathering. dicʼi·duwá·du bakʰe ʔe· ʔa maʔal ʔacaʔ pihsamu·cam I am watching the people gathering in order to tell about it (to someone else). compare: pihsam*, pihsa*2.

pihsetʼ*   [pihseʔ]  pʰi-, hsetʼ*. Verb. hair, bristle, to project. pihsetʼí·biʔ to spring up like a bristle. pihsétʼmaw to be standing up all over. ku pihsétʼmaw one to be standing up. heʔe píhsetʼmawe·to my hair is standing up. Example Variant: heʔe píhsetʼi·bicʰwiye·to.. lile héʔe pihsetʼá·law bangs are hanging down (not nec. stiff). ʔime pihsetʼí·bi·y body hair stands up.

pihsey*   [pihseyʔ]  pʰi-, hsey*2. Verb. spread over something with the side of a long object such as a stick; this verb means cover more thoroughly than /ṭʰeyá·qa/. pihseyá·qa cover with stick (push cover on with side of stick)! . compare: ṭʰeyay*.

pihsi*   [pihsiw]  pʰi-, hsi*2. Verb. make kindling. pihsíhsiw used to make kindling.

pihsikʼi·t*   [pihsikʼiʔ]  pʰi-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. flick away with a long object.

pihsilh*   [pihsilʔ]  pʰi-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in from side of long object. pihsilhmaw hit stick on and put in sliver. moʔónʔba pihsilhmaye· mito someone hit and put sliver in you.

pihsim*   [pihsimʔ]  pʰi-, hsim*. Verb. beat a fire to put out.

pihsis*   [pihsis]  pʰi-, hsis*. Verb. surface irritation of eye.

pihsisma*   [pihsísmaw]  pihsis*. Verb. squint, half-close eyes (as from glare or irritation, but could be for any reason). pihsísmawe· to I feel something under my eyelid. pisihsimʔ D: Plural, Absolutive. pisisitʰmaw D: Plural, Absolutive. pihsisá·duce·du to keep eyes closed almost all the way in sunlight. pisítʰmaw several to squint (also for put out fire). pihsísciw sitting squinting. pihsísmaw sitting or standing squinting (but EP getting erratic).

pihsisma*   [pihsísmaw]  pihsis*. Verb. squint, half-close eyes (as from glare or irritation, but could be for any reason). pihsísmawe· to I feel something under my eyelid. pisihsimʔ D: Plural, Absolutive. pisisitʰmaw D: Plural, Absolutive. pihsisá·duce·du to keep eyes closed almost all the way in sunlight. pisítʰmaw several to squint (also for put out fire). pihsísciw sitting squinting. pihsísmaw sitting or standing squinting (but EP getting erratic).

pihsokʼo·t*   [pihsokʼoʔ]  pʰi-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. make spurt using the side of a long object. balay píhsokʼoʔ to hit with knife and blood spurt out.

pihsom*   [pihsomʔ]  pʰi-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up by hitting with side of long object; put out fire. (ʔoho) pihsoma put fire out by hitting it!; muss up by hitting!; pisótʰmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pisomá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pihsoṭ*   [pihsoʔ]  pʰi-, hsoṭ*. Variant: pisohṭ*. Verb. scatter with the first, by hitting. pisoṭí·biʔ to hit something (dust, water) with stick so it splashes up. pisoṭi scatter with stick!

pihsut*   [pihsuʔ]  pʰi-, hsut*. Verb. chop to little pieces.

pihša*   [pihšaw]  pʰi-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pihšahša*   [pihšahšaw]  pihša*. Reduplicating Verb. hit (with the side of a long object) and knock down, mess up, disarrange. pihšahšaʔ to hit cherry tree and knock all fruit, flowers or leaves off or acorns from oak. pihšahšaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. pišapíšata·du D: Durative.

pihšahša*   [pihšahšaw]  pihša*. Reduplicating Verb. hit (with the side of a long object) and knock down, mess up, disarrange. pihšahšaʔ to hit cherry tree and knock all fruit, flowers or leaves off or acorns from oak. pihšahšaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. pišapíšata·du D: Durative.

pihše*   [pihšew]  pʰi-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail with the eyes. pihšew ʔtʰin to see everything, have nothing escape the eyes.

pihšil   [pihšil]   Noun. octopus. pihšilé· mu it's an octopus.

pihšolh*   [pihšolʔ]  pʰi-, hšolh*. Verb. knock off (acorn, light bulb, glasses, door knob). qʰale tol ciʔdómʔ pihšolʔ knock off sev. flowers from tree. pihšolhciw to knock off one. pihšoli knock them off! pišolá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihšolhmaw to knock off with stick (a door knob). pihšólhmacʼi knock off something stuck with side of stick. compare: pihlud*.

pihšom*   [pišomʔ]  pʰi-, hšom*. Cooccurrence: always with decrement. Verb. shade eyes. cohšo pihšomaʔ to shade eyes with hand. pišomá·cʼi shade your eyes with hand! pišoma shade something with something! pišómtacʼmeʔ several to shade eyes! pišomá·tacʼmeʔ (to several) make shade several places!

pišom   [píšomʔ]  pihšom*. Noun. umbrella or parasol.

pihšukʼu·ṭ*   [pihšukʼúʔ]  pʰi-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. hit into dust.

pihta*   [-]  pʰi-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. tap with stick.

pihtahta*   [pihtahtaw]  pihta*. Verb. 1 • (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*.

2 • do slowly.

pihtapihta*   [pihtapihtaw]  pihta*. Verb. (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. sʼuhkul pihtapíhtawe· to my heart is beating.

pihtahta*   [pihtahtaw]  pihta*. Verb. 1 • (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*.

2 • do slowly.

pihtapihta*   [pihtapihtaw]  pihta*. Verb. (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. sʼuhkul pihtapíhtawe· to my heart is beating.

pihtay*   [pihtayʔ]  pʰi-, htay*1. Verb. lightly tap with the side of a long object.

pihtehte*   [pihtéhtew]  pʰi-, hte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with a hoe. pihtehtec to hit ground lightly with hoe to make it even.

pihtenh*   [pihténʔ]  pʰi-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten, align, arrange with the side of a long object such as a stick. pihténhmaw to hit grass down.

pihtey*   [pihteyʔ]  pʰi-, htey*. Verb. arrange with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. seʔe ʔel pihteya·dadun wa·du to go making way through brush pushing it aside with stick. pihté·ciʔ to get so eyelids are down, either closed or looking down. pihté·maw eyelids to stay down, either closed or looking down.

pihti*   [pihtiw]  pʰi-, hti*1. Variant: pihtiwad*. Verb. chip rocks (with a hammer). pihtih chip! pihtiti ready to chip. pihti D: Imperative. pihtimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihtiwá·du D: Plural Object, Imperative. pihtiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. pihticí·du D: Durative.

pihtiwad*   [pihtiwá·du]  pihti*.

pihtontolo*   [pihtontolow]  pʰi-, htontolo*. Verb. keep hitting tender or delicate spot (like lips) to make sore.

pihtsinhci*   [pihtsinhciw]  pʰi-, htsinh*. Verb. (chair to) feel the blow; jiggle ground once from hitting with a big stick. kʰe cumátʰma· moʔonʔli pihtsínhciwiye· to when my chair was struck I felt the blow. Example Variant: ... pihtsínhciye· to.

pihtʰipitʰita·d*   [pihtʰipitʰita·du]  . Verb. ?? synonyms: pihlipihli*.

pihtʰit*   [pihtʰiʔ]  pʰi-, htʰit*, pʰi-, htʰit*. Verb. be barely visible. pihtʰitʰciw to barely see in dusk or from going blind.

pihtʰunh*   [pihtʰunʔ]  pʰi-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite do, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; not hit (axe too short or block too far away).

pihṭa*   [-]  pʰi-, hṭa*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. strike.

pihṭahṭa*   [pihṭahṭaw]  pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on wood.

pihṭapihṭa*   [pihṭapihṭaw]  , pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. strike many times ? synonyms: pihkopihko*.

pihṭahṭa*   [pihṭahṭaw]  pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on wood.

pihṭapihṭa*   [pihṭapihṭaw]  , pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. strike many times ? synonyms: pihkopihko*.

pihṭo*   [pihṭow]  pʰi-, hṭo*. Verb. strike repeatedly.

pihṭohṭo*   [pihṭohṭow]  pihṭo*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on can. compare: ṭolom.

pihṭohṭo*   [pihṭohṭow]  pihṭo*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on can. compare: ṭolom.

pihṭoy*   [pihṭoyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭoy*. Verb. read (for someone) as a favor. ʔa· mito pihṭoyáʔte· maʔkʰe kalikákʰ cadu I will read for you as a favor. ʔacaʔ matʰí· yacol kalikakʰ pihṭoyáʔte· ʔa I will read the book for the blind man.

pihṭʰa*   [pihṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down. ʔahca pihṭʰaw to tear down house anyway. ʔu·kulú·ta pihṭʰaw to tear down fence.

pihṭʰahṭʰa*   [pihṭʰahṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by striking. pihṭʰahṭʰaʔ to hit many times until breaks to pieces.

pihṭʰe*   [pihṭʰew]  pʰi-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. open shirt or paper (not box). ciwalá· pihṭʰe open shirt (at collar), open-necked spread collar. pihṭʰe·du to walk around with open shirt.

pihṭʰeyʔ*   [pihṭʰeyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: piṭʰehy*. Verb. spread with the end of a long object. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔciqʰ the cloth is flopped loose on the ground. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔmaqʰ D: (on something off the ground). kʼaṭa pihṭʰeyá·law D: (of curtain hanging down). haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay. that man hit him and made him fall spread out.

mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw   [mihya píhṭʰeyʔmaw]  Lit: spread at neck mihya, pihṭʰeyʔ*. Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw.

pihṭʰihṭʰi*   [pihṭʰíhṭʰiw]  pʰi-, hṭʰi*2. Variant: pihṭʰipiṭʰitad*. Reduplicating Verb. inspect well. pihṭʰipiṭʰita·du D: Durative. pihṭʰipiṭʰita·duhqal snooper, one who likes to look at things too much.

pihṭʰinh*   [pihṭʰinʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. straighten out (some little dent in fender) by hitting several times. pihṭʰiní mulʔ D: Absolutive. pihṭʰínmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰíntameʔ D: Plural Imperative. mu·kínʔ pihṭʰin e· mu fénder he straightened the fender by hammering. karé·ta tol ʔbakʰe cawikʰ ʔoho wí ʔwa·ma muhṭʰinqan meʔ ʔul yowe· pihṭʰinaʔ (Blacksmith) first heated the iron (spring) from the wagon and then beat it straight. Example Variant: pikilaʔ.

pihṭʰipiṭʰitad*   [pihṭʰipíṭʰita·du]  pihṭʰihṭʰi*.

pihṭʰuṭ*   [pihṭʰuʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller object. píṭʰuhṭadu on side. píṭʰihṭaduʔ D: Durative. Example Variant: ṭʰuhṭaduʔ. píṭʰahṭaduʔ to hit harder, to pieces.

pihwatʼ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. hit and flatten, collapse, disintegrate, lose tenseness. pihwatʼciw to hit (once or several times) and flatten.

pihwaṭʰ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. have a fat face, get a fat face. koci·na ʔaná· ʔihpʰuyámʔbina pihwáṭʰciw the pit got so fat he has big jowls, double chin. Example Variant: pihwáṭʰmaw.. pihwaṭʰma·maw big-faced looking. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰciw. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa·ci. pihwaṭʰí·bi·y it became fat-faced. qahwaṭʰmaw with a wide, fat face. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰmaw. compare: qawatʼma*.

pihwehwe*   [pihwehwew]  pʰi-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake (tail). hayu yá·col hiba· píhwehwew the dog is shaking his tail.

pihwel*   [pihwelʔ]  pʰi-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. see things in an undending series, incessantly; chop incessantly, in an unending series (with an axe). muséum li matʼiléya ʔaná· baṭʰe· ṭʰaʔbamʔ pihwéltʰe· ʔa there were so many things in the museum that I couldn’t see all. (I spent too much time reading signs.) seʔe maʔal ṭʰaʔbamal, pʰiʔkʼú· da·wem – pihwéltʰ I wanted to finish chopping this brush that is here, but there is too much to finish.

pihwe·n*   [pihwenʔ]  pʰi-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake with stick.

pihwit*   [pihwiʔ]  pʰi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the eyes, for hitting. pihwitʰciw to select by sight the ones to hit.

pihye·*   [pihyew]  pʰi-, hye·*. Variant: piyec*. Verb. stop chopping (with axe, side of long object). pihyewá·law to slow down chopping.

pihyoqʰ*   [pihyoʔ]  pʰi-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰmaw to stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰciw to do once.

pihyu*   [-]  pʰi-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crush with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pihyuhyu*   [pihyuhyuw]  pihyu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush, break into little pieces using a hammer. ʔihyu· píhyuhyuw to crush ice (with hammer). Example Variant: ...píhmuhmuw ~ ...píhkʰuhkʰuw.

pihyuhyu*   [pihyuhyuw]  pihyu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush, break into little pieces using a hammer. ʔihyu· píhyuhyuw to crush ice (with hammer). Example Variant: ...píhmuhmuw ~ ...píhkʰuhkʰuw.

pihyuṭ*   [pihyuʔ]  pʰi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke with a long object. pihyuṭʰmaw to poke of stir fire, with stick. compare: pahyuṭ*.

pikan*   [pikanʔ]  pʰi-, kan*. Verb. project neck. pikanmaw neck to project. pikanmawé· mu it's a projecting neck. kumíʔdaʔ mito mihya pikanmaw your neck is always (neck raised while body is lying on back or stomach or resting on back of chair). qʰawiná ʔem hiʔqʼaṭá ltow pikanmaw the turtle’s neck is sticking out from its shell. pikani·bici raise or project your neck! pikana·duʔ go away with projected neck! compare: pikašma*.

pikašma*   [pikašmaw]  pika·š*. Verb. barely look over something (probably "crane (to see over something)"); only face showing, slight tilted. pika(°)šmaw e·mu D: Absolutive. pika(·)šmaw e·mu compare: pikan*.

pika·š*   [pikaš]  pʰi-, ka·š*. Verb. project, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pikašma*   [pikašmaw]  pika·š*. Verb. barely look over something (probably "crane (to see over something)"); only face showing, slight tilted. pika(°)šmaw e·mu D: Absolutive. pika(·)šmaw e·mu compare: pikan*.

pikel*   [pikelʔ]  pʰi-, kel*1. Verb. smooth out something with hammer (e.g. big dent in car). pikeltaw to straighten out by hammering. pikeli D: Locative. pikelmulʔ D: Absolutive. pikélta me mulʔ D: Imperative. pikéltʰumulʔ D: Negative. pikela·du D: Durative. pikéltaw D: Absolutive. pikelalá·law D: Directional "down", Absolutive. pikélmuli·cʼi D: Locative. pikéltamu·liʔ D: Locative, Absolutive. pikelí mul fe(´)nder ʔaná qaʔsʼo ʔeʔ straighten that fender; it’s really dented! (could be with straightened with one or several blows). pikélye· mu·kinʔ mul fénder he straightened out the fender. pikel hlaw pound that also.

pike·ṭ*   [pikeʔ]  pʰi-, ke·ṭ*. Verb. with axe to take off corner.

piki·l*   [pikilʔ]  pʰi-, ki·l*1. Verb. swing stick or axe.

piku·ṭ*   [pikuʔ]  pʰi-, ku·ṭ*2. Verb. knock off.

pikʰi*   [pikʰiw]  pʰi-, kʰi*. Verb. stretch by hitting.

pikʰu·l*   [pikʰulʔ]  pʰi-, kʰu·l*2. Verb. declump with side of long instrument. mattock li ʔamaqʰanaʔ pikʰu·li chop the clods with a mattock. Example Variant: ... pihkʰukʰu. synonyms: pihkʰuhkʰu*.

pila·nca   [pilá·nca]   Noun. iron (instrument for ironing). compare: boṭʼa·qa*.

piletam*   [piletámʔ]  pihle·m*.

pili*   [pili]  Lit: forest -pili Cooccurrence: Only in one compound. Noun. ? šiyóm!!ʔpili !!song sparrowʔ.

šiyompili   [šiyómpili]  šiyo1, pili*. Noun. song sparrow. synonyms: pʰadocʼomʔcʼo, docʼomʔcʼo, docʼomʔcʼo; compare: šiyom pilim pilim.

piliʔli*   [piliʔli]   Cooccurrence: Only in one compound. Noun. ? compare: pili·li.

qʰapiliʔli   [qʰapíliʔli]  ʔahqʰa, piliʔli*. Noun. willet, semipalmated plover. compare: šaqoliʔli.

pili·li   [pili·li]   1 • Noun. hoop, wheel, circle. pili·li kʼis red wheel. cuhse píli·li hoop on cradle basket. synonyms: polo·lo, kʼopoš*, polo·ša; compare: piliʔli*, tʼolo·lo, polo·lo, kʼolo·lo2.

2 • Adjective. circular, round.

pili·li pakʰoʔ   [pili·li pákʰoʔ]  pili·li, pahkʰo*. Noun. a game in which a hoop is rolled and the children race to see who can get a stick stuck through it first. pili·li pakʰoti @.

pili·lihqa   [pili·líhqa]  pili·li, ʔahqa. Noun. hoop and pole game. A game in which a player tries to throw or thrust a stick through a rolling hoop.

qʰa·mosʼ pili·li   [qʰa·mosʼ pili·li]  qʰa·mosʼ, pili·li. Noun. star hoop. compare: qʰa·mosʼ qʼoʔo.

pili·li pakʰoʔ   [pili·li pákʰoʔ]  pili·li, pahkʰo*. Noun. a game in which a hoop is rolled and the children race to see who can get a stick stuck through it first. pili·li pakʰoti @.

pili·lihqa   [pili·líhqa]  pili·li, ʔahqa. Noun. hoop and pole game. A game in which a player tries to throw or thrust a stick through a rolling hoop.

piluʔta*   [pilúʔtaw]  pihlud*.

pimhmic*   [pimhmiʔ]  pʰi-, mhmic*. Verb. observe closely. qʼoʔdi pímhmici observe everything. pímhmici·du D: Durative. pímhmicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. qʼoʔdi mú·kito pimhmici heʔén huʔutʰmawʔ look at him good to see exactly how he looks.

pimiyenta   [pimiyénta]   Variant: pimiyente. Noun. pepper. pimiyénta kʼis cayene pepper. Example Variant: pimiyénte kʼis. pimiyénte kʼili black pepper. Example Variant: pimiyénta kʼili. kʰe pímiyenta @.

pimiyente   [pimiyente]  pimiyenta.

pinka   [pínka]   Noun. sisal baling cord or rope. synonyms: sulemaṭ, ciko·ta.

pintu   [píntu]   Adjective. spotted, with large spots. Usage: obsolete

pipi·na   [pipí·na]   Noun. cucumber, pickle.

pipʰo·ṭ*   [pipʰoʔ]  pʰi-, pʰo·ṭ*. Verb. strike water repeatedly with a stick causing splashes. pipʰiṭʰciw splash water once with a stick.

pipʰukʼut*   [pipʰukʼúʔ]  pihpʰukʼut*.

pipʰu·*   [pipʰuw]  pʰi-, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter (dust, sand, leaves) by beating on the ground with a long object.

piqoṭolta*   [piqoṭoltaw]  pihqoṭol*. Verb. fail to do with the eyes.

piqʰalta*   [piqʰaltaw]  pihqʰalh*. Verb. lightly to touch with a flick of a long object.

piqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*   [piqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaw]  pihqʰaṭ*.

piqʰa·*1   [piqʰaw]  pʰi-, qʰa·*1. Verb. chop off using axe, side of a long object. mihya píqʰa chop off the neck (the head)! mihya píqʰama chop off the heads!

piqʰa·*2   [piqʰaw]  pʰi-, qʰa·*2. Verb. get cut with an axe.

piqʰa·m*   [piqʰamʔ]  pʰi-, qʰa·m*. Verb. chop down.

piqʰa·š*   [piqʰaš]  pʰi-, qʰa·š*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -ci- or essive -ma-. Verb. be barely visible (in dim light). haʔú ʔacacʼ em piqʰašcin caw that man is sitting barely visible. piqʰašciw to barely be visible. piqʰáhšimʔ several things to barely be visible. piqʰašmaw to be barely visible. synonyms: pʰidilma*.

piqʰa·ṭ*   [piqʰaʔ]  Lit: have its feet made to look good pʰi-, qʰa·ṭ*2. Verb. look good, be enjoyable to look at. meʔe kawa·yu šude·dúʔti ʔde· tiʔkʰe ʔere·ruhca, qʰama píqʰaṭʰqati your father was going to take his horse to the blacksmith’s to have it shod. Example Comment: lit. "have its feet made to look good". piqʰa·ṭʰ it looks pretty. piqʰa·ṭé· to I admire that; it looks pretty to me.

piqʰa·ṭʰqacʼ*   [piqʰaṭʰqáʔ]  piqʰa·ṭ*. Verb. be attractive, good-looking; to admire one's self.

piqʰa·ṭacʼaʔyaw   [piqʰa·ṭacʼáʔyaw]  piqʰa·ṭ*, -acʼ1, -aʔyaw. Adjective. good-looking; considered beautiful by everyone.

piqʰa·ṭʰqacʼ*   [piqʰaṭʰqáʔ]  piqʰa·ṭ*. Verb. be attractive, good-looking; to admire one's self.

pisa*   [pisaw]  pʰi-, sa*2. Verb. take small limb off with side of stick; split several by chopping; with stick to break several limbs. pisa·ci break off one! pisaci·ducé·du D: Durative, Directional "away". pisawá·la D: Directional "down", Imperative. pisá·maci D: Semelfactive, Imperative, Directional "inward". pisawí·bici D: Semelfactive, Imperative, Inceptive. pisawá·du to keep splitting. compare: sʼa·*, ʔkʼa*1, ʔba*2, ṭʼa·*, kʼaṭʰi*3, ʔcʼu*, dutʼat*1, ṭʼa·*, =kʼaʔli, kʼaṭʰi*1, dutʼat*1, kʼakʼa·ṭʰak, dasʼa·*.

pisal*   [pisalʔ]  pʰi-, sal*1. Verb. transparent, can be seen through; see-through (like brush or thin clothes). pisálʔqa to make so can see through. sali ʔin duwál pisalʔ because it’s thin, it can be seen through. compare: pisalka*, sali.

pisalka*   [pisalksa]   Verb. ?? spread ?? cohšo písalka spread fingers . pisalka tʰine· mu @. compare: pisal*.

pise*   [pisew]  pʰi-, se*. Verb. envy; ignore, not look. pisewé· to haʔal ʔacaʔ I hate the looks of that person. mul ʔimá·ta ʔe·to ʔaná· piseci·du I envy that woman a lot. mul ʔima·táyya ʔe·to ʔaná· piseci·du I envy those women a lot. Example Variant: ...piseta·du.. naṭa ʔel to ʔana· pisew I envy the child a lot. Gene pʰala ʔana· naṭa piseqaw G also envies the child a lot. pisemácʰmuyʔ envy each other.

piseqacʼ*   [piseqaʔ]  pise*. Verb. hate; look at with hate, envy; hate looks of someone.

piseqacʼ*   [piseqaʔ]  pise*. Verb. hate; look at with hate, envy; hate looks of someone.

pise·l*   [piselʔ]  pʰi-, se·l*. Verb. mop inside.

pisit   [pisiʔ]   Noun. scoop, wooden spoon. pisitʼínsʼe· mu it seems to be a wooden spoon. pisitʼé· mu it's a scoop. Example Variant: pisicʼé· mu. compare: balha.

pisohṭ*   [pisohṭiw]  pʰi-, pihsoṭ*. Instr Verb Stem. scatter by hitting (with a fist).

piso·l*   [pisolʔ]  pʰi-, so·l*. Verb. stir around in water with stick, swirl water. piso·li D: Imperative. pisolmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: pisolá·tacʼmeʔ.

pisto·la   [pistó·la]   Noun. pistol.

pisu*   [pisuw]  pʰi-, su*. Verb. scratch off part of surface, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; hit and scratch (wood, mark flesh).

pisu·l*   [pisulʔ]  pʰi-, su·l*1. Verb. knock down using side of long object, by hitting. pisula·law to knock (acorns) from tree with pole. hatʼ pisulʔ to hit to knock down prunes. Example Variant: hatʼ pisumʔ.

piša·l*   [pišalʔ]  pʰi-, ša·l*. Verb. rustle, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pišálpiša·layʔ D: Frequentative, Directional "against", Absolutive. pišálpišala·yi D: Frequentative, Directional "against", Imperative.

pišišil*   [pišišílʔ]  pʰi-, šišil*. Verb. glare, as of strong light from white surface. pišiší·li (to eyes) Be unable to look at strong light! pišišila·du D: Durative. pišišilciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. pišišilibiʔ D: Locative, Absolutive, Inceptive. pišišílcihqawiye· to· ma fláshlight li you flashed the flashlight in my eyes so I couldn’t see.

piškudu   [piškudu]   Adjective. 1 • ugly, bad, nasty. kawa·yu piškudu ugly horse. píškudu yya D: Plural. Example Variant: píškudu· ya. compare: pišudu2, šud*4, šudu cahno.

2 • bad (food).

pišman   [pišman]   Place Name. Pishman.

pišom   [píšomʔ]  pihšom*. Noun. umbrella or parasol.

pišud*   [pišudu]  pʰi-, šud*1. Verb. look strange. qʰale pišudáhqacʼba ʔa htaqá·tʰela lóʔkʰe tʼawicʼqacʼba not liking the looks of the tree (looks unsafe), I didn’t climb it, thinking I might fall. pišunʔ to look strange. pišudé· to it looks strange to me. synonyms: bašud*.

pišudu1   [pišudu]  pišud*. Adjective. sound strange.

pišunʔ   [pišúnʔ]  pišud*. Adjective. strange, alien. pišúnʔ pʰiʔtʼaw to look strange. pišúnʔ baʔtʼaw to sound strange. pišun é· mu it's strange. pišúnʔ tʰin e· mu it's not strange. ʔacaʔ pišúnʔ strange man. ʔama· pišúnʔ strange place or thing. ʔama píšun ama· a strange place. pišun áma· a strange place. cahno píšunʔ strange language. compare: bašud*, pišudu2.

pišudu1   [pišudu]  pišud*. Adjective. sound strange.

pišudu2   [pišudu]  pʰi-, šud*2. Variant: šudu. 1 • Adjective. bad, ugly. pišudú bad, ugly, nasty. pišudú yya D: Plural. Example Variant: pišudu· ya. naṭa píšudu no-good boy (bad child). qawi píšudu a litttle bit bad. baṭʰe· pišudú tʰin not too bad. (pi)šudú ʔe· ma you are bad. ʔacaʔ pišúdu ʔé· ma you are a bad man. (pi)šudú pʰitʼawe· ma you look bad. šudu pʰiʔtʼatʰé· ma you don't look bad. ʔacaʔ pišúdu bad man. (pi)šudú pʰiʔtʼaw it looks bad. compare: piškudu, šud*4, šudu cahno, pišunʔ.

2 • Adverb. awfully, too much. pišudu bahṭʰe ʔé· ma you're too big. ma ṭʼo pišudu qawi ʔé· ma you're too damn small; you're awfully small.

cahno pišudu   [cahno pišudu]  cahno1, pišudu2. Adjective. quarrelsome. hiʔbaya cahno pišudu quarrelsome man. Example Variant: cahno pišudu hiʔbaya. antonym: cahno qʼoʔdi.

pišudu tʼa·d   [pišudú tʼa·du]  pišudu2, tʼa·d*. Variant: šudu tʼa·d. Verb. feel bad, be or feel sorry (for someone). pišudú tʼa·du one to be feeling bad or feel sorry for someone. šudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ I'm sorry I hit you; I feel bad that I hit you. Example Variant: pišudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ.

pišudum*   [pišudumʔ]  pišudu2. Verb. become bad. ya·pálka pišudú·mibi·ye· ṭʰoṭí·bi·y the apple is becoming bad, rotting.

šudu cahno   [šudu cahnow]  pišudu2, cahno*. Verb. talk bad. šudú cahnoca·yi say bad thing to someone! insult! šudú cahnocá·tʰuʔ don’t insult! šudú cahno·du talk bad. compare: piškudu, pišudu2, šud*4.

ʔama· pišudu1   [ʔama· pišudu]  ʔama·2, pišudu2. Variant: ʔama pišudu. Noun. bad, somthing bad, crime. ʔama· pišudú ma· a bad place. ʔama píšudu crime, something bad. compare: ʔama· pišudu2.

ʔama· pišudu mimaw   [ʔama· pišúdu mimaw]  ʔama· pišudu1, mima*. Noun. bad luck. antonym: ʔama· qʼoʔdi mimaw.

ʔama· pišudu2   [ʔama· pišudu]  ʔama·1, pišudu2. Noun. bad land, bad dirt. compare: ʔama· pišudu1.

pišudu tʼa·d   [pišudú tʼa·du]  pišudu2, tʼa·d*. Variant: šudu tʼa·d. Verb. feel bad, be or feel sorry (for someone). pišudú tʼa·du one to be feeling bad or feel sorry for someone. šudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ I'm sorry I hit you; I feel bad that I hit you. Example Variant: pišudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ.

pišudum*   [pišudumʔ]  pišudu2. Verb. become bad. ya·pálka pišudú·mibi·ye· ṭʰoṭí·bi·y the apple is becoming bad, rotting.

pišul*   [pišulʔ]  pʰi-, šul*. Verb. wilt, with stick.

pišunʔ   [pišúnʔ]  pišud*. Adjective. strange, alien. pišúnʔ pʰiʔtʼaw to look strange. pišúnʔ baʔtʼaw to sound strange. pišun é· mu it's strange. pišúnʔ tʰin e· mu it's not strange. ʔacaʔ pišúnʔ strange man. ʔama· pišúnʔ strange place or thing. ʔama píšun ama· a strange place. pišun áma· a strange place. cahno píšunʔ strange language. compare: bašud*, pišudu2.

pitaš*   [pitaš]  pʰi-, taš*1. Verb. squash something soft and mushy with the side of a long object. pitášciw to flatten with fly swatter. pitaša·duʔ flatten with a fly swatter (to really do it).

pitaṭ*   [pitaʔ]  pʰi-, taṭ*. Verb. twist finger or cross eyes. pitaṭʰma (to finger) Be crooked!; (to person) Cross your eyes! pitáhṭimmeʔ D: Essive, Plural Imperative.

pitaṭaq   [pitaṭaʔ]  pitaṭ*. Noun. split timber, crooked.

pitaṭa·qa   [pitaṭa·qa]  pitaṭaq. Noun. long pointed shoe that has become crooked.

pitaṭʰmaw   [pitaṭʰmaw]  pitaṭ*. Adjective. twisted, crooked. sapá·tu miʔkʰe pitaṭʰmaw your shoes are crooked. cohsóʔbamʔ pitaṭʰmaw crooked finger (arthritis).

pi·ta·ṭa   [pi·tá·ṭa]  pitaṭ*. Adjective. having crossed eyes. synonyms: ca·ne1.

pitaṭaq   [pitaṭaʔ]  pitaṭ*. Noun. split timber, crooked.

pitaṭa·qa   [pitaṭa·qa]  pitaṭaq. Noun. long pointed shoe that has become crooked.

pitaṭa·qa   [pitaṭa·qa]  pitaṭaq. Noun. long pointed shoe that has become crooked.

pitaṭʰmaw   [pitaṭʰmaw]  pitaṭ*. Adjective. twisted, crooked. sapá·tu miʔkʰe pitaṭʰmaw your shoes are crooked. cohsóʔbamʔ pitaṭʰmaw crooked finger (arthritis).

pite·m*   [pitemʔ]  pʰi-, te·m*4. Verb. droop of eyes. pite·maʔ to blink eyes. pitema·cʼi blink eyes. pitemciʔ eyes to droop closed once. pite·mácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pitemá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. sima pʰiʔtʼaqa·cʼin huʔu· pitemá·cʼ feeling/being sleepy, his eyes drooped closed several times. compare: pʰisʼam*.

huʔu· pitemʔ   [huʔú· pitemʔ]  huʔuy, pite·m*. Noun. eyelashes.

pite·macʼ   [pite·maʔ]  pite·m*. Adjective. sleep-eyed.

pite·macʼ   [pite·maʔ]  pite·m*. Adjective. sleep-eyed.

pitilhla*   [pitilhlaw]  pʰi-, tilhla*. Verb. cross over with the side of a long object. qʰale ʔíša· pitílhlamucʼqʰ the tree limbs are crossing e.o., twisting around e.o. (they grow that way, not made that way). Example Variant: ditílhlamucʼqʰ. ~ cutílhlamucʼqʰ. synonyms: ditilhla*.

pitul*   [pitulʔ]  pʰi-, tul*. Verb. straighten with a hammer. pitúlʔta D: Plural, Imperative. pitulci straighten with one blow. Example Variant: pitúlci. cawíkʰ ʔahqol mul pituli straighten that long iron rod or nail with hammer!

pitupitu*   [pitupituw]  pʰi-, tu*3. Reduplicating Verb. wave back and forth (of snake). pitupítu (to person) Make head shake fast! pitupítummeʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: pitupítumeʔ. compare: datudatuc*.

pituš*   [pituš]  pʰi-, tuš*. Verb. swell, bulge. pitušmaw to bulge (no meaning of crazy). pitušmawé· mu @ it's bulging. Example Variant: pitúšmawe· mu.

pitʰil*   [pitʰilʔ]  pʰi-, tʰil*2, pʰi-, tʰil*2. Verb. face show through darkness. pitʰilmaw face showing darkly over something, dark color or in dusk.

piṭa·n*   [piṭanʔ]  pʰi-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. side of long object flip up; warped from water. piṭani·biʔ to step on board and other end flips up.

piṭa·t*   [piṭaʔ]  pʰi-, ṭa·t*. Verb. twist a long object, with the eyes. piṭátʰci twist your neck!

piṭi*   [piṭiw]  pʰi-, ṭi*1. Verb. be uprooting, with a stick. pʰaláʔcayʔ yaʔ piṭíbi·cin wanʔwanʔ the whiteman is going around striking the ground with side of stick (testing for something). Example Variant: piṭiti·bicin₃.

piṭišaq   [piṭišaʔ]  piṭišci*.

piṭišci*   [piṭišciw]  piṭi·š*, piṭi·š*. Variant: piṭišaq. Verb. open eyes (not big). huʔú· piṭišciwe· ma you have your eyes open (not nec. wide). Example Variant: ...piṭišmawe· ma.. compare: pi·ṭišṭiši.

piṭi·š*   [piṭiš]  pʰi-, ṭi·š*1. Verb. open eyes wide. piṭiši·bici open your eyes!

piṭišci*   [piṭišciw]  piṭi·š*, piṭi·š*. Variant: piṭišaq. Verb. open eyes (not big). huʔú· piṭišciwe· ma you have your eyes open (not nec. wide). Example Variant: ...piṭišmawe· ma.. compare: pi·ṭišṭiši.

piṭišci*   [piṭišciw]  piṭi·š*, piṭi·š*. Variant: piṭišaq. Verb. open eyes (not big). huʔú· piṭišciwe· ma you have your eyes open (not nec. wide). Example Variant: ...piṭišmawe· ma.. compare: pi·ṭišṭiši.

pi·ṭišṭiši   [pi·ṭíšṭiši]  ṭi·š*2, piṭi·š*. Ideophone Adjective. with wide-open eyes; big eyed. ʔacaʔ pí·ṭišṭiši big-eyed man. compare: piṭišci*.

piṭoš*   [piṭoš]  pʰi-, ṭoš*. Verb. be big-eyed. piṭošciw to sit with big eyes. Example Variant: piṭošmaw. piṭošmaʔ to go by with big eyes (south). piṭošmaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. piṭošaʔ to go by with big eyes (north). ʔacaʔ huʔú· ʔahṭʰi· ʔem ṭʼo mu ʔama· cicʼi·dun piṭóšpiṭo·šam the big-eyed man while doing things is moving his big eyes around (by moving head).

piṭo·l*   [piṭolʔ´]  pʰi-, ṭo·l*. Verb. dig out with the side of a long object. ʔacaʔ yaʔ kanó·wa pito·l the man hollowed out with axe a trough (or canoe). ʔimo moṭolʔ(qaʔ)li electric drill. ʔahqʰa móṭolqaw digging a well by machine. Example Variant: ...móbolqaw. šuʔpaní mul piṭolmawa ʔ close that (box); it’s open. (or of open door, too).

piṭʰaṭ*   [piṭʰaʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʰaṭ*. Verb. break open with an axe. piṭʰaṭaʔ to cut (meat, pole) in middle.

piṭʰa·l*   [piṭʰalʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʰa·l*. Verb. be bright, light enough to see by. ya šaʔqámʔ li ʔiwem ciba·tʰín ʔoho mukal cíhqa·li yal piṭʰalciy we were in the dark when someone turned the lights on and our eyes could see. (it became bright enough to see). piṭʰalcimé·du D: Durative. piṭʰalá·taʔ D: Absolutive.

piṭʰa·m*   [piṭʰamʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʰa·m*. Verb. reflect (an image) or hammer. piṭʰamʔ šocéla I hear hammering. ti yúʔdul ʔahqʰa yó· piṭʰamci· cadu·cʼ he sees himself reflected in the water. ʔama píṭʰamʔto· be·li múṭʰamciy the reflection (of light) from the mirror hit here.

ʔama piṭʰamʔ  Lit: transparent piece or mirror ṭʰa·l*, piṭʰa·m*. [ʔama píṭʰamʔ] [ʔama píṭʰamʔ]   [ʔama piṭʰamʔ]   Noun. 1 • glass.

2 • mirror.

piṭʰehš*   [piṭʰehš]  piṭʰeš*. Verb. be wide.

piṭʰehy*   [piṭʰéhyiw]  pihṭʰeyʔ*, -h-. Verb. spread with the end of a long object.

piṭʰeš*   [piṭʰeš]  pʰi-, ṭʰe·š*. Variant: piṭʰehš*. Verb. be wide with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer; be wide with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. piṭʰešmaw face showing over something and looks large. huʔú·mo piṭʰešmaw a big flat face. huʔú·mo piṭʰéhšimʔ several big flat faces.

piṭʰe·*   [piṭʰew]  pʰi-, ṭʰe·*. Verb. spread. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay that man hit him and made him fall spread out. piṭʰéhyimʔ several things open (as collar and both cuffs or several shirts). piṭʰe·ci big (faces). Example Variant: piṭʰešci.

piṭʰil*   [piṭʰilʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʰil*. Verb. open eyes wide; strain eyes, try to see. piṭʰiliʔ to open eyes wide (with surprise). piṭʰilí·cʼi to force self to open the eyes against wind or sleepiness. piṭʰilícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰíltacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰílá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰilícʼwiy e· to my eyes opened wide. piṭʰiltamaʔ D: Absolutive. pihṭʰipihṭʰita·du to go nosing around, inspect well. ʔacaʔ matʰí· ʔem hayu míṭiwal caʔti min – piṭʰilí·cʼenʔ the blind man is straining his eyes as if to see the dog lying.

piṭʰo·*   [piṭʰow]  pʰi-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

piyec*   [piyeʔ]  pihye·*.

piykuc*   [píykuʔ]  pʰi-, ykuc*. Verb. chop (stake) down to size, make it smaller (shorter or smaller around). piykuci D: Imperative.

piʔcʰa*   [piʔcʰáw]  pʰi-, ʔcʰa*2. Variant: piʔcʰat*. Verb. head to snap forward on coming to a jarring halt (in a car). monʔba piʔcʰaw run, stop quickly and snap head.

piʔcʰat*   [piʔcʰaʔ]  piʔcʰa*.

piʔtʰuš*   [piʔtʰuš]  pʰi-, ʔtʰuš*. Verb. of looks of face (small, round, with flat nose – like a cat). piʔtʰúšmaw D: Absolutive. Example Variant: qaʔtʰišmaw.

piʔṭaš*   [piʔṭaš]  pʰi-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. beat, whip, chop down all with the side of a long object. ṭʼí· ma·cal moʔoʔtapʰi piʔṭášci beat all of them and whip every one! piʔṭašá·du whip all. qʰale mul piʔṭášci chop down all those trees!

piʔṭu*   [piʔṭuw]  pʰi-, ʔṭu*. Verb. hit on edge with the side of a long object. piʔṭú· moʔoʔta hit it on the edge!

pi·cʰalcʰa   [pi·cʰalcʰa]  picʰa·l*. Adjective. of something always open-mouthed. pi·cʰálcʰala @.

pi·ku   [pí·ku]   Noun. pick (tool).

pi·pa   [pí·pa]   Noun. pipe (for smoking). synonyms: lu·caqʰbe.

pi·pa qʰale   [pí·pa qʰale]  Lit: pipe plant pi·pa, qʰale1. Noun. California honeysuckle . The hollow stems were used as pipe stems. The plant was charred, powdered, and wet to make a paste for tattooing. A decoction of the stem was drunk to treat gonorrhea. Lonicera hispidula var. vascillans (Honeysuckle Family).

pi·pa sama   [pí·pa sama]  pi·pa, sama. Noun. pipe stem.

pi·pa qʰale   [pí·pa qʰale]  Lit: pipe plant pi·pa, qʰale1. Noun. California honeysuckle . The hollow stems were used as pipe stems. The plant was charred, powdered, and wet to make a paste for tattooing. A decoction of the stem was drunk to treat gonorrhea. Lonicera hispidula var. vascillans (Honeysuckle Family).

pi·pa sama   [pí·pa sama]  pi·pa, sama. Noun. pipe stem.

pi·skal*   [pí·skalʔ]  pʰi-, skal*. Verb. be bright colored; look bright. pí·skala·tadu D: Durative.

pi·skalci*   [pí·skalciw]  pi·skal*. Verb. be bright.

pi·skali·bic*   [pí·skali·biʔ]  pi·skal*. Verb. start to be bright (after light is turned one).

pi·skali·m*   [pí·skali·mʔ]  pi·skal*. Verb. be flashy; light (color); it looks bright. pí·skalim D: Locative. pí·skalimʔ it’s bright. Example Variant: pí·skalmáw.. Usage: archaic Usages note: seems more archaic to EP 9/64: EP uses.

pi·skali·maw   [pí·skali·maw]  pi·skali·m*. Adjective. 1 • flashy.

2 • light in color.

pi·skalma*   [pí·skalmaw]  pi·skal*. Verb. (to person) look bright in one place. kʼaṭa pí·skalma· sʼatʰqaʔcʰi pí·skalma wear bright clothes and look bright (red, yellow, light blue, white, black (on white person), etc.) pí·skalmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pí·skalma (Dress) brightly! Be bright! kʼaṭa cúhti pí·skalmawi·(y) tuhu buy the most brightly designed cloth. pískâlmáyyâ they are bright. pí·skalmaw D: Absolutive. pí·skali·biʔ start to be bright (after light is turned on).

pi·skalci*   [pí·skalciw]  pi·skal*. Verb. be bright.

pi·skali·bic*   [pí·skali·biʔ]  pi·skal*. Verb. start to be bright (after light is turned one).

pi·skali·m*   [pí·skali·mʔ]  pi·skal*. Verb. be flashy; light (color); it looks bright. pí·skalim D: Locative. pí·skalimʔ it’s bright. Example Variant: pí·skalmáw.. Usage: archaic Usages note: seems more archaic to EP 9/64: EP uses.

pi·skali·maw   [pí·skali·maw]  pi·skali·m*. Adjective. 1 • flashy.

2 • light in color.

pi·skali·maw   [pí·skali·maw]  pi·skali·m*. Adjective. 1 • flashy.

2 • light in color.

pi·skalma*   [pí·skalmaw]  pi·skal*. Verb. (to person) look bright in one place. kʼaṭa pí·skalma· sʼatʰqaʔcʰi pí·skalma wear bright clothes and look bright (red, yellow, light blue, white, black (on white person), etc.) pí·skalmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pí·skalma (Dress) brightly! Be bright! kʼaṭa cúhti pí·skalmawi·(y) tuhu buy the most brightly designed cloth. pískâlmáyyâ they are bright. pí·skalmaw D: Absolutive. pí·skali·biʔ start to be bright (after light is turned on).

pi·sqʰac*   [pí·sqʰaʔ]  pʰi-, sqʰac*. Variant: pi·sqʰawa·tad*. Verb. clear cut (with an axe). qʰale pí·sqʰaʔ to clear cut of all trees with axes.

pi·sqʰawa·tad*   [pí·sqʰawa·tadu]  pi·sqʰac*.

pi·ta·ṭa   [pi·tá·ṭa]  pitaṭ*. Adjective. having crossed eyes. synonyms: ca·ne1.

pi·tʰušpušu   [pi·tʰušpušu]  pʰi-, ʔtʰuš*. Ideophone Adjective. bulging, of the face.

pi·ṭišṭiši   [pi·ṭíšṭiši]  ṭi·š*2, piṭi·š*. Ideophone Adjective. with wide-open eyes; big eyed. ʔacaʔ pí·ṭišṭiši big-eyed man. compare: piṭišci*.

pi·ṭošṭošo1   [pi·ṭošṭošo]   Adjective. big-eyed.

pi·ṭošṭošo2   [pi·ṭóšṭošo]  pʰi-, ṭoš*. Ideophone Adjective. big-eyed.

pi·ṭʰešṭʰeše   [pi·ṭʰéšṭʰeše]  pʰi-. Ideophone Adjective. wide-faced; wide face. synonyms: kʰeš*, cuṭʰe·l*, qa·ṭʰešṭʰeše, cuṭʰe·l*.

pocʰohli*   [pocʰóhliw]  pocʰo·l*1.

pocʰolciw*   [pocʰolcíw]  pocʰo·l*1. Verb. one puff of steam come off.

pocʰolma*   [pocʰolmáw]  pocʰo·l*1.

pocʰo·l*1   [pocʰolʔ]  pʰu-, cʰo·l*. Variant: pocʰohli*; pocʰolma*. Verb. steam, be steaming. maʔa pocʰolʔ to steam food. ʔahqʰa ʔem pocʰolʔ cayu bakʰe the water is boiling for the tea. pocʰó·l it's steaming. pocʰoli·bí·y it's starting to steam. ʔúl pocʰoli·bicʼ e· mu that's already started to steam. pohcʰóhcʰow keep on steaming. pohcʰopóhcʰomʔ several are steaming. pocʰóhlibi·y several are starting to steam. pocʰo·li steam! pocʰola·ducé·du keep steaming. pocʰóhlibi·ci start steaming them! @ or: start steaming! (to sev). pocʰo·lácʼmeʔ steam it! (to several). pohcʰóhcʰocʰqaw to steam (food). pocʰolpocʰólʔ cloud of steam to rise every now and then. pohcʰopóhcʰow steam rise rapidly from boiling water. pohcʰóhcʰow steam to rise, but not as fast as from boiling water. Example Comment: not as rapid as pohcʰopóhcʰow. synonyms: pohcʰo*.

pocʰolciw*   [pocʰolcíw]  pocʰo·l*1. Verb. one puff of steam come off.

pocʰo·l*2   [pocʰo·l]  pocʰo·l*1. Noun. steam.

pocʰo·l*2   [pocʰo·l]  pocʰo·l*1. Noun. steam.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohcʰo*   [-]  pʰu-, hcʰo*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms.. Reduplicating Verb. steam. synonyms: pocʰo·l*1.

pohcʰohcʰo*   [pohcʰóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. keep on steaming; steam to rise, but not as fast as from boiling water.

pohcʰopohcʰo*   [pohcʰopóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. steam; steam to rise rapidly from boiling water. pohcʰopóhcʰomʔ several are steaming.

pohcʰohcʰo*   [pohcʰóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. keep on steaming; steam to rise, but not as fast as from boiling water.

pohcʰohcʰocʰqa*   [pohcʰóhcʰocʰqaw]  pohcʰohcʰo*. Verb. steam (food); tenderize meat, by pounding.

pohcʰopohcʰo*   [pohcʰopóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. steam; steam to rise rapidly from boiling water. pohcʰopóhcʰomʔ several are steaming.

pohcʰot*   [pohcʰoʔ]  pʰu-, hcʰot*. Verb. give out from blowing (e.g., blowing up a balloon).

pohko*   [-]  pʰu-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. shake from wind. compare: puhtsinh*.

pohkohko*   [pohkohkow]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. wind to make house shake or rattle window. wenta·na pohkóhkow the window is shaking loosely in the wind. compare: pohkok*.

pohkopohko*   [pohkopóhko]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. post shaking loose in wind, breeze (whether noisy or not). compare: hqonh*, hqo*1, sihkosihko*, sihkosihko*, hqo*1.

pohkohko*   [pohkohkow]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. wind to make house shake or rattle window. wenta·na pohkóhkow the window is shaking loosely in the wind. compare: pohkok*.

pohkok*   [pohkoʔ]  pʰu-, hkok*. Verb. wind to shake. compare: pohkohko*.

pohkokʰci*   [pohkokʰciw]  pohkok*. Verb. wind to shake once.

pohkokʰci*   [pohkokʰciw]  pohkok*. Verb. wind to shake once.

pohkolhma*   [pohkolhmaw]  pʰu-, hkolh*. Verb. blow loose.

pohkopohko*   [pohkopóhko]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. post shaking loose in wind, breeze (whether noisy or not). compare: hqonh*, hqo*1, sihkosihko*, sihkosihko*, hqo*1.

pohkʰo*   [pohkʰow]  pʰu-, hkʰo*. Variant: pokʰot*. Verb. catch by blowing; catch moving ball with vacuum cleaner. kayi·na cisa·qom aírpressure wi pokʰotʰmaw as the chickens came out (hung on wires) the air pressure catches them (to blow off feathers of birds dipped in hot water).

pohlo*   [pohlow]  pʰu-, hlo*2. Variant: pʰolol*. Verb. detach by blowing, blow off. dabó·maʔ pohlo·wiyé· to my hat blew off.

pohlokʼ*   [pohloʔ]  pʰu-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop in the breeze.

pohlokʼpohlokʼ*   [pohlókʼpohloʔ]  pohlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flopping in the breeze (not sheet, stick, rope, but broken tree branch).

pohlokʼpohlokʼ*   [pohlókʼpohloʔ]  pohlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flopping in the breeze (not sheet, stick, rope, but broken tree branch).

pohlo·m*   [pohlomʔ]  pʰu-, hlo·m*2. Variant: poluhlu*. Verb. wind to blow antenna off.

pohqo*   [pohqow]  pʰu-, hqo*3. Verb. subside, die down (of the wind). ʔihya póhqoy the wind has died down. pohqo (to wind) die down! pohqomeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pohqomela (said by wind) I died down. pohqowem when it died down. pohqotʰuʔ don't die down! pohqowá·cʼicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pohqo mul ʔ quit blowing wind. Example Variant: pohqo múl ʔihya ʔ. pohqóhqo mu·kito ʔ let him die down. pohqon I heard the wind die down.

pohsohso*   [pohsohsow]  pʰu-, hso*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle (from sprinkler). ʔahqʰa póhsohsow to sprinkle water. Example Variant: ...posoʔ. pohsopohsomʔ D: Plural, Absolutive. synonyms: pohsoṭ*.

pohsom*   [pohsomʔ]  pʰu-, hsom*1. Verb. wind to blow (papers) around.

pohsoṭ*   [pohsoʔ]  pʰu-, hsoṭ*. Variant: posohṭ*; posoṭ*. Verb. scatter by blowing. qʰaʔbeʔ yowam ṭʼi· posoṭa·ducʼba ṭʼi·ma having exploded and scattered all the former rock everywhere. šihpʰa (ʔihcʰe, miṭaʔ) pósoṭa·wiye· to leaves (rain, sand) blew on me. ʔahqʰa pósoʔli sprinkle water! Example Variant: ... posoʔ | ... póhsohsow | ... póhsohso·li. synonyms: pohsohso*.

posohṭibiʔ šihmi   [posóhṭibiʔ šihmi]  Lit: splatter gun pohsoṭ*, šihmi. Noun. shotgun.

posoṭa·duc*   [posoṭa·duʔ]  pohsoṭ*, -aduc. Verb. explode into bits.

pohš*   [pohš]  po·š*2.

pohto*   [pohtow]  pʰu-, hto*2. Verb. boil.

pohtohto*   [pohtóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. boil hard.

pohtopohto*   [pohtopóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. bubble (like mush) by boiling; boiling hard. pohtopóhtomʔ D: Plural (in one place, or here and there). pohtopótota·du D: Plural (here and there).

pohtohto*   [pohtóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. boil hard.

pohtopohto*   [pohtopóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. bubble (like mush) by boiling; boiling hard. pohtopóhtomʔ D: Plural (in one place, or here and there). pohtopótota·du D: Plural (here and there).

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

pohṭʰolh*   [pohṭʰolʔ]  mu-, hṭʰolh*. Verb. wear through (make hole) by blowing or burning. kʼaṭa tol ʔoho wi ʔimo pohṭʰolhmaqʰ the fire burned a hole through the cloth. Example Variant: móhṭʰolhmaqʰ ~ pʰoʔcʼolhmaqʰ. ʔihya wi ʔahca tol ʔimo póhṭʰolhmaqʰ the wind blew a hole in the house. Example Variant: pʰoʔcʼolhmaqʰ. pohṭʰolqʰ several holes. pohṭʰoli D: Instrumental. pohṭʰólqa D: Causative. pohṭʰolá·tadu D: Durative. poṭʼohlimatadu D: Plural, Durative.

poko·l*   [pokolʔ]  pʰu-, ko·l*. Verb. twirl; twirl (of ferris wheel, windmill). poko·li D: Locative. pokolmací·du (to thing) Keep twirling! pokolmadú·cedu (to a person) Arrive, come whirling!

pokʰot*   [pokʰóʔ]  pohkʰo*.

pokʰo·c   [pokʰoʔ]   Noun. fawn at birth; nearly born deer (not walking). pokʰocʼ é· mu it's a fawn. pokʰoʔ tʰin e· mu it's not a fawn.

polo*   [-]  pʰu-, lo*. Cooccurrence: usually occurs with R. Verb. be spherical, bubble. qaʔdi wí ʔahqʰa yó· pʰudutaʔbama polomcíhqay you blew through the straw in the water and it made a bubble. compare: polo·lo.

polopolo*   [polopólow]  polo*. Reduplicating Verb. bubble up. ʔahqʰa pólopolow water bubbling up. polopólow it’s bubbling (up from underground). compare: kʰowokʰowo*, kiṭi*, tolotolo*, ṭoloṭolo*.

polopoloc*   [polopóloʔ]  polopolo*. Verb. turn round, spherical, like a bubble. polopólocʰqa (to thing) Make it round!; Make bubbly sound! polopoloci D: Imperative. compare: tʼonotʼonoc*.

polopolow   [polopólow]  polopolo*. Animate Mimetic. sound caused by liquid bubbling up or air bubbling up through water. huʔkʼuhú polopólow phlegm or mucus to make sound while breathing (Xf.)

polopolo*   [polopólow]  polo*. Reduplicating Verb. bubble up. ʔahqʰa pólopolow water bubbling up. polopólow it’s bubbling (up from underground). compare: kʰowokʰowo*, kiṭi*, tolotolo*, ṭoloṭolo*.

polopoloc*   [polopóloʔ]  polopolo*. Verb. turn round, spherical, like a bubble. polopólocʰqa (to thing) Make it round!; Make bubbly sound! polopoloci D: Imperative. compare: tʼonotʼonoc*.

polopolow   [polopólow]  polopolo*. Animate Mimetic. sound caused by liquid bubbling up or air bubbling up through water. huʔkʼuhú polopólow phlegm or mucus to make sound while breathing (Xf.)

polopoloc*   [polopóloʔ]  polopolo*. Verb. turn round, spherical, like a bubble. polopólocʰqa (to thing) Make it round!; Make bubbly sound! polopoloci D: Imperative. compare: tʼonotʼonoc*.

polopolow   [polopólow]  polopolo*. Animate Mimetic. sound caused by liquid bubbling up or air bubbling up through water. huʔkʼuhú polopólow phlegm or mucus to make sound while breathing (Xf.)

polo·lo   [poló·lo]   Adjective. round, spherical (of corn, door knobs, buttons). wentá·na pili·li round window. pʰiʔkʼo pólo·lo round ball. compare: pʰoʔloʔlo*, polo*, kʼolo·lo1, kʼolo·lo2, cʰiko·koc, tʼolo·lo, kʼolo·lo2, pili·li; synonyms: pili·li, kʼopoš*, polo·ša, kʼopoš*, polo·ša.

cuhni· polo·lo   [cuhni· polo·lo]  cuhni·, polo·lo. Noun. round biscuit. cuhni· pólo·loyya D: Plural. compare: cuhni ʔoho.

polo·ša   [polo·ša]   Noun. oak ball. poló·ša mihcicʼam puʔša níhcicʼin they call it /polo·ša/ because it is called /puʔša/ "light". synonyms: pili·li, polo·lo, kʼopoš*, kʼopoš*, polo·lo.

poluhlu*   [poluhluw]  pohlo·m*.

polwara   [pólwara]  wolwara.

pompo*   [pompo]   Cooccurrence: Only in one compound. Noun. ?

hopompo   [hopómpo]  ʔoho, pompo*. Noun. smoke hole: the hole in the roof of the roundhouse to let smoke out . compare: cimine·ya.

popopopo   [popopopo]   Noun. sound of woodpecker pecking.

poqʰoṭ*   [poqʰoʔ]  pʰu-, qʰoṭ*2. Verb. wind uproot. poqʰo·cʰqʰ it must have been uprooted by the wind.

posohṭ*   [posohṭiw]  pohsoṭ*.

posohṭibiʔ šihmi   [posóhṭibiʔ šihmi]  Lit: splatter gun pohsoṭ*, šihmi. Noun. shotgun.

posoṭ*   [posoʔ]  pohsoṭ*.

posoṭa·duc*   [posoṭa·duʔ]  pohsoṭ*, -aduc. Verb. explode into bits.

poso·le   [poso·le]   Noun. boiled whole wheat. poso·le ʔé· mu it's boiled whole wheat.

poš1   [poš]  po·š*1.

poš2   [poš]  po·š*2.

poša·tad*   [-]  po·š*1.

pot*   [-]  hpo*2. Morphological Analysis: -hpo-Xt-.

potri·yu   [potrí·yu]   Noun. colt.

poṭo·l*   [poṭolʔ]  pʰu-, ṭo·l*. Verb. expand by blowing. ʔihya wí ciwala· poṭo·l é· dacʰulʔ cʰilʔ the wind blew up (like balloon) the shirt hanging out to dry.

poṭʰo·*   [poṭʰow]  pʰu-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces by blowing. ʔahca tol kalikakʰ poṭʰoqʰ the paper on the house side has been blown off.

poṭʰo·m*   [poṭʰomʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʰo·m*2. Verb. liquid be in falling in stream. poṭʰo·ma (water) running from high place through air, falling. poṭʰomátadu D: Durative. poṭʰomciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. ʔilamó bala· poṭʰo·m blood is running from the nose. Example Variant: ʔilamo₁ balay₂ hwoqʰ₃.. ʔahqʰa póṭʰoma·law water is falling (waterfall). ʔu·ṭʰo (ʔu·qʰa) hwoqʰ of saliva running steady. Example Variant: ...poṭʰomʔ. compare: biʔda*, ʔda*1, hiʔda, biʔda, hwoq*, hwoq*.

po·lwara   [po·lwara]  wolwara.

po·re   [pó·re]   Adjective. poor. synonyms: ši·batʰyaw.

po·spara   [pó·spara]   Variant: po·sporo. Noun. match, matches (to light a fire). synonyms: ʔoho cuʔṭʼuʔ qʰale. Usages note: AJ 8/74 uses and grandmother used po·spara, has heard po·sporo.

po·sporo   [pó·sporo]  po·spara.

po·š*1   [-]   Variant: poš; poša·tad*. Instr Verb Root. blister, bloat, swell up. synonyms: bo*.

capo·š*   [capoš´]  ca-, po·š*1. Variant: capoša·tad*. Verb. get a blister on the buttocks (from horseback riding).

dopo·š*   [dopoš]  du-, po·š*1. Verb. blister by rubbing with finger.

mapo·š*   [mapoš]  ma-2, po·š*1. Variant: mapoša·tad*. Verb. get a blister on the bottom of the foot (from walking). qʰama mápoš blister on foot from walking a long way. mapoši get a blister on your foot (to person)! mapóšqayi·cʼi give yourself a blister (to person)! mapošácʼmeʔ get a blister on your feet (to several)! Example Variant: mapoša·tacʼmeʔ.

mopo·š*   [mopoš´]  mu-, po·š*1. Variant: mopo·šatad*. Verb. blister, swell up from being burned. má·yiš mopošqawem, muṭʼaqa·tʰ when the corn swelled up from the heat, it popped. cʰanamá mopošqaw to heat kelp so that it swells up and pops. mopoši blister it! mopošá·du keep on blistering.

mopo·š   [mopoš´]  mopo·š*. Noun. blister caused by heat or sun.

qapo·š*   [qapoš]  qa-, po·š*1. Variant: qapoša·tad*. Verb. blister from pressure. sapá·tu wi qapóšwiye· to qʰama I got a blister on my foot from the shoe. qapoša·du be a blister.

sipo·š*   [sipoš]  si-, po·š*1. Verb. bloat from water. naṭa ʔíma·ta sinamʔbem iyowe·, ʔuhqʰa sipo·šícʼbi· ʔahqʰa wi the girl must have drowned; her stomach has bloated in the water. sipo·šiʔ @be bloated from water.

šopo·š*   [šopoš]  šu-, po·š*1. Verb. get blister from pulling (rope).

po·š*2   [poš]   Variant: pohš*; poš. Verb. shine light on, illuminate, light up. ʔoho póšciw to put a light onto for a moment. pošmaw light to fall steadily on one area. Example Variant: po·šmaw. ʔoho pó·šayʔ to turn a flashlight onto some object. ʔoho pó·ša·yi seʔe tol turn the light onto the basket. poša·duwá·du flash a light here and there. ʔoho póša·cʼiwaʔ They went around with a torch. pošci to turn flashlight on an object. ʔoho pó·sa·yi seʔeʔtol turn the flashlight on the basket. Example Variant: póšci. pʰala póšma light to fall in one place again. pošmameʔ @ several lights to fall in one place? póhšimmeʔ @ lights to fall in several places? pošmáwʔtʰine· mu @ . pošmawé·mu @. pošá·ducé·du @. po·šáʔtʰuʔ @ don't shine light on. Example Variant: pošáʔtʰuʔ. pošciw throw a light. ʔoho pošci be·li ʔ put on the light here. pošcicí·du @. pʰala póšcici·du @.

po·tʰlo   [pó·tʰlo]   Noun. 1 • gonorrhea.

2 • thistle. pó·tʰlo ʔiso· thistle seeds.

po·tʰlo hiʔṭʼiʔ   [po·tʰlo hiʔṭʼiʔ]  po·tʰlo, hiʔṭʼiṭ. bull thistle. Cirsium vulgare (Sunflower Family).

po·tʰlo hiʔṭʼiʔ   [po·tʰlo hiʔṭʼiʔ]  po·tʰlo, hiʔṭʼiṭ. bull thistle. Cirsium vulgare (Sunflower Family).

pucʰa·*   [pucʰaw]  pʰu-, cʰa·*2. Verb. wind blow something against something.

pucʰi*   [pucʰíw]  pʰu-, cʰi*. Verb. chapped by the wind.

pucʰi·ṭ*   [pucʰiʔ´]  pʰu-, cʰi·ṭ*2. Verb. pull out by the wind; e.g. wind uproot a plant. ʔihya báhṭʰe hyanʔba kʰe ciʔdomʔ ṭʼi· pucʰiyh A big wind blew and uprooted all my flowers. ṭʼi pucʰiṭʰqʰ they must have all been uprooted by the wind (based on the fact that they're strewn all over).

puhce   [puhce´]  hce*1. Noun. windbreak; fence (whether or not is to intercept the wind). ʔihya púhce bahcíl hla· puhce build the windbreak longer!

puhce*   [puhcew]  , pʰu-, hce*1. Verb. build a windbreak or fence.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

puhcʰa*   [puhcʰaw]  pʰu-, hcʰa*1. Verb. blow over.

puhcʰahcʰa*   [puhcʰáhcʰaw]  pʰu-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. blow to pieces. ʔihya wi miʔkʰe kalikakʰ puhcʰáhcʰaw the wind is messing up your book (ruffling pages repeatedly). compare: puhšahša*.

puhcʰaṭ*   [puhcʰaʔ]  pʰu-, hcʰaṭ*. Verb. be disarranged by wind.

puhke*   [puhkew]  pʰu-, hke*. Verb. wind fail to go through. ʔihya púhce tol ʔihya puhkey the wind didn’t go through the windbreak.

puhkela·tad*   [puhkéla·tadu]  pʰu-, hkelh*. Verb. remove twigs (plural).

puhkelhci*   [puhkelhciw]  pʰu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots, entirely, by wind blowing. mal walá·meʔ tol e· mu šihpʰa sʼuwací·dem ʔihya wi ṭʼi púhkelhcime·du in the fall when the leaves dry and wind blows them all off.

puhkʰe*   [puhkʰew]  pʰu-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move by blowing. puhkʰewayʔ blown against "move" somtehing.

puhkʰi*   [puhkʰi-]  pʰu-, hkʰi*. Cooccurrence: always occurs with directionals. Verb. choke or cough from something in windpipe. puhkʰiwaʔ choke or cough from something in windpipe. puhkʰiwá·qa (to water or choking object) choke! puhkʰiwahqa (to person) cough!; choke! puhkʰiwá·law (water) go down wrong way. ʔino puhkʰiwahwiye· to I'm choking on dust. synonyms: puhkʰiṭʼ*.

puhkʰiṭʼ*   [puhkʰiʔ]  pʰu-, hkʰiṭʼ*2. Verb. choke on something in windpipe. puhkʰiṭaʔ choke on something in windpipe. ʔino puhkʰiṭʼahwiye· to I'm choked with dust. synonyms: puhkʰi*.

puhkʰuhkʰu*   [puhkʰuhkʰuw]  pʰu-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by wind.

puhlakʼa·t*   [puhlakʼaʔ]  pʰu-, lakʼat*. Cooccurrence: prob. can take person agent. Verb. lights flash by blowing. puhlakʼátʰciʔ spark to flash once.

puhlal*   [puhlalʔ]  pʰu-, hlal*. Verb. by wind to break apart what is cracked. sa·wana qali hcʰilʔ ṭʼi púhlalʔbiw the wind split in several places the sheet hanging up.

puhlapʰlaw   [puhlápʰlaw]   Noun. cottonwood (tree), black cottonwood. Populus trichocarpa (Willow family).

puhlapʰlaw qʰale   [puhlápʰla· qʰale]  puhlapʰlaw. Noun. cottonwood tree.

puhlapʰlaw qʰale   [puhlápʰla· qʰale]  puhlapʰlaw. Noun. cottonwood tree.

puhli*   [puhliw]  pʰu-, hlic*1. Verb. break off partly from blowing.

puhlihlic*   [puhlihliʔ]  puhli*. Reduplicating Verb. break off partly from blowing. ʔoho wi muhkʰuyʔbina puhlíhlicʰqʰ it has burned with fire and burned partly into it (a tree).

puhlihlic*   [puhlihliʔ]  puhli*. Reduplicating Verb. break off partly from blowing. ʔoho wi muhkʰuyʔbina puhlíhlicʰqʰ it has burned with fire and burned partly into it (a tree).

puhlud*   [puhludu]  pʰu-, hlud*2. Variant: puluʔta*. Verb. knock off with wind. puhlúʔtaw wind blow down several things.

puhqʰa*   [-]  pʰu-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. branch rubbing in the wind.

puhqʰapuhqʰa*   [puhqʰapuhqʰaw]  puhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. branch rubbing in the wind.

puhqʰapuhqʰa*   [puhqʰapuhqʰaw]  puhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. branch rubbing in the wind.

puhqʰayʔ*   [puhqʰáyʔmaw]  pʰu-, hqʰayʔ*2. Cooccurrence: Only with suffixes. Verb. a group be excited, a group move around agitatedly. qʰale ʔíša· puhqʰáyʔmaw the tree limbs are moving around agitatedly in the wind. ʔacaʔ puhqʰáyʔmaw people are rushing around agitatedly; the people are running around back and forth; people moving in all directions as on the street. puhqʰayá·law a group to rush down (downstairs). puhqʰáyʔciw a bunch moving together or in different drections from one direction or many. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔciw bunch. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔmaw bunch going around in a place. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔmaʔ bunch go in. puhqʰaya·dadu bunch rush along. puhqʰáyʔmacʰmeʔ rush in!

puhqʰayʔma· maci*   [púhqʰáyʔma· maci]  puhqʰayʔ*, maci. Noun. busy day, exciting day.

ʔama puhqʰayʔma· meʔ*   [ʔama púhqʰayʔma· meʔ]  ʔama·2, puhqʰayʔ*, meṭ. Verb. busy time, exciting time.

puhqʰayʔma· maci*   [púhqʰáyʔma· maci]  puhqʰayʔ*, maci. Noun. busy day, exciting day.

puhsa*1   [puhsaw]  pʰuʔdi*, pʰu-, hsa*1.

puhsa*2   [puhseʔ]  pʰu-, hsa*3. Verb. obstruct by blowing; several to fly up and stay. puhsamciw several to fly up and stay.

puhsetʼ*  pʰu-, hsetʼ*. Verb. wind make many project in bunch. puhsetʼí·biʔ wind is making things rise up in bunch (bunch of papers).

puhsey*   [puhseyʔ]  pʰu-, hsey*2. Verb. spread over something by blowing. puhseyaʔ D: Directional "out", Absolutive. puhseyá·qa (to sheet) Be thrown! puhseyá·duʔ D: Durative. puhseyáhqa spread out by throwing. puséhyaqa spread out several by throwing.

puhsi*   [puhsiw]  pʰu-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces. by blowing. compare: puhsim*.

puhsikʼi·t*   [puhsikʼiʔ]  pʰu-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. blow and move on impetus. puhsikʼí·ti D: Imperative.

puhsim*   [puhsimʔ]  pʰu-, hsim*. Verb. blow fire out on self. wé·la puhsima to blow out the candle (also for lamp). pusítʰma to blow out the candles. pusímtaw blow fires out. puhsimʔ blow fire out. compare: puhsi*.

puhsu*   [puhsuw]  pʰu-, hsu*1. Verb. 1 • make sound at end of with or prayer or making basket. duʔkʼubá ʔe· ʔa puhsuyam I have finished (basket) and I "ssuu". compare: suwe*, yuhsuwe*.

2 • blow away evil desires (desire to poison, e.g.) or shaman does it to save possible victim (only results in good); "sw.." and doctor with a song.

puhša*   [puhšaw]  pʰu-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange by blowing.

puhšahša*   [puhšahšaw]  puhša*. Reduplicating Verb. wind disarrange, mess up. puhšahšaʔ wind to mess up (hair). ʔihya wi qʰale šíhpʰa puhšáhšaw the tree’s leaves are moving around in wind. (no sound nec.) ʔihya wi miʔkʰe kalikakʰ puhšahšaw the wind is messing up your book (ruffling pages repeatedly). compare: puhcʰahcʰa*.

puhšac*   [puhšaʔ]  pʰu-, hšac*. Verb. pack loosely by blowing. ʔama· ṭʼí· ʔihya wi qʰale híyeʔ puhšacʰqʰ the wind blew everything (trash, e.g.) into a pile against the tree.

puhšahša*   [puhšahšaw]  puhša*. Reduplicating Verb. wind disarrange, mess up. puhšahšaʔ wind to mess up (hair). ʔihya wi qʰale šíhpʰa puhšáhšaw the tree’s leaves are moving around in wind. (no sound nec.) ʔihya wi miʔkʰe kalikakʰ puhšahšaw the wind is messing up your book (ruffling pages repeatedly). compare: puhcʰahcʰa*.

puhšan*   [puhšanʔ]  pʰu-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, by blowing. pʰudu·ṭem puhšánpuhša·n when it’s blowing it’s springing in and out (pillow).

puhšaš*   [puhšaš]  pʰu-, hšaš*. Verb. puff up, scatter, by blowing, in the wind. puhšašíbicʼba pʰoyotá·duʔ the wind in one puff blew on a pile and scattered it. tó qan našoyáhca heʔe sʼitʰmaʔ pʰuhšášma· min pʰiʔtʼaw nowadays the way the girls fix their hair looks as if puffed up by wind. puhšašmaw D: Essive. compare: dahša*.

puhše*   [puhšew]  pʰu-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never failt to blow out. biʔdíʔ maci bakʰe cuhni· tu·lse tol we·la ʔel puhšéw ʔtʰin puhsímmela birthday cake candles, I never fail to blow out.

puhšiy   [puhšiy]   Noun. purple olive shell (sea snail). Olivella biplicata. synonyms: hiʔqʼaṭa.

puhšul*   [puhšúlʔ]  pušu·l*.

puhtay*   [puhtayʔ]  pʰu-, htay*1. Verb. touch with something burning; blow on. ʔoho wi puhtayʔ to touch burning stick to someone. ʔihya wi puhtayʔ to blow against for a short time.

puhtehte*   [puhtéhtew]  pʰu-, hte*. Reduplicating Verb. solder. puhtéhte·li solder (EP’s name for it). puhtéhte·li mul puhtéhteci ʔimo ʔ melt that solder and patting with iron (cover) hole!

puhtenh*1   [puhténʔ]  pʰu-, htenh*1. Verb. be flattened by the wind, knocked over so that objects are aligned in the same direction. ʔihya yaʔ ṭʼí· ʔukulu·ta puhténhciy the wind blew all the fence over. ʔihya yaʔ qʰale (hahse) baṭʰe· puhtenhciy the wind blew many trees (bushes) over.

puhtenh*2  pʰu-, htenh*2. [puhténʔ]   Verb. set fire; strike match; light (holding match in hand). ʔoho ʔem (yaʔ substitutable) qʰale tol qalí· neta·qacʼba – hadu· qʰale tol puhténhmay the (a) fire blazed up high on the tree and jumped (pounced) on another tree. mu·kinʔ puhtenye· mul he lit that. ʔacaʔ yáʔ ʔoho púhten e· mu ma·cam a person set the fire; it’s burning. ʔoho wi puhtenicʼbiw hoʔtʼo tol with a torch he set fire to himself on the head. ʔoho púhtenʔ @ set fire.

puhtsinh*   [puhtsinʔ]  pʰu-, htsinh*. Verb. shake from gust of wind; gusts of wind hit house and it is fell. compare: pohko*.

puhṭi   [puhṭi]  puhṭi*. Adjective. bare-legged, standing alone. sʼihta púhṭi bare-legged bird. šahku puhṭi long legs (of person, bird, etc.) compare: šahki.

puhṭi*   [puhṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭi*1, pʰu-, hṭi*1. Variant: puhṭi. Verb. (be) bulk on long bare legs. puhṭibi·ci to get up on long legs. puhṭi·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. sʼihta ʔem puhṭimʔ bird is standing on long legs. puṭihtimʔ of several trees. qʰale šáhki puṭihtimʔ long-trunked trees are bare at bottom. synonyms: pihkihki*1, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki.

puhṭihṭi*   [puhṭihṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭihṭi*. Variant: puhṭʰiṭʰiw. Verb. blow for extremely long time (no noise nec.); at top of trees while still at the bottom.

puhṭʰa*   [puhṭʰaw]  pʰu-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. blow open. puṭʰaw to blow open.

puhṭʰe*   [puhṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out, flare. taqʰma puhṭʰe flared skirt, dress (it swings out when turning). Example Variant: taqʰma sihṭʰe. wentá·na kʼaṭa puhṭʰe drapes, curtains spread. kapu·ta puhṭʰe coat open all the way down, to take off.

puhṭʰehṭʰe*   [puhṭʰehṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. one cloth to flap in breeze. puhṭʰepúhṭʰemʔ clothes to flap on line in the breeze. puhṭʰéhṭʰemʔ several (many) clothes to flap here and there. puhṭʰéhṭʰemmeʔ (imp. pl.); puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill the lips. haʔba wí puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill with tongue (tongue is /ha·ba/; snout is /haʔbo/). Example Variant: haʔba púṭʰeṭʰemqaw. puṭʰeṭʰé· ma D: Imperative. puṭʰeṭʰémmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭaqʰma míʔkʰe ʔaná· puhṭʰepuhṭʰew your dress is really flapping in the wind. Example Variant: ...puhṭʰéhṭʰew.

puhṭʰeyahqa*   [puhṭʰeyahqaw]  . Verb. spread (sheet) over.

puhṭʰeyʔ*   [puhṭʰeyʔ]  Lit: Make₃ˢ the window₁ curtain₂ hang₃ down₃ˢ spread₃! pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: puṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by blowing. wentá·na₁ duséhyaqoʔ₂ puhṭʰeyá·lahqa₃ hang the curtain over the window! Example Variant: pihṭʰeyá·lahqa₃..

puhṭʰihṭʰi*   [puhṭʰíhṭʰiw]  pʰu-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. overdo, of blowing. mací hqʰowal ʔihya púhṭihṭiw the wind has been blowing all day long.

puhṭʰiṭʰiw   [puhṭʰiṭʰiw]  puhṭihṭi*.

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

puhṭʰuṭ*   [puhṭʰuʔ]  pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. wind to blow sparks from fire. pʰuṭʰúṭʰciw wind to blow sparks from fire.

puhwatʼ*   [puhwaʔ]  pʰu-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, fmor wind blowing, in wind. ʔihya yów ʔkʰe pišomʔ puhwátʼciy cacʰu· puqʰámmucʼba in the wind my umbrella blew to pieces, having blown (the cloth) off the ribs.

puhwe*   [puhwew]  pʰu-, hwe*. Verb. shake in breeze. puhwenʔ branch shaking in breeze. compare: puki·l*, pʰuli*, pʰuʔli*.

puhwel*   [puhwelʔ]  pʰu-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. quickly blow off, in an unending series. qʰale šíhpʰa mu pulúʔtapʰi, ṭʼi· puhwélʔkʰe ʔnati ʔ those tree leaves are finally going to be all blown off. Example Variant: puhwélʔkʰeʔ.

puhye·*   [puhyew]  pʰu-, hye·*. Variant: puyec*. Verb. wind to stop. ʔul puhyé· ye· ʔihya it finally stopped blowing.

puhyut*   [puhyuʔ]  pʰu-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly by blowing. puhyutʰmaw wind to cause to break to pieces on something. puhyutʰciy shattered on floor or on chair. wentá·na pʰusʼa·ba cumátʰma· tol puhyútʰmay the wind broke out the window and it shattered on a chair.

pukel*   [pukelʔ]  pʰu-, kel*1. Verb. straighten. kʼaṭa míʔkʰe qali· siwícʰqapʰi pukélqa hang your clothes up high and let the wind straighten them out.

pukele   [pukele]   Noun. ceremony site, dance place, picnic place.

puke·ṭ*   [pukeʔ]  pʰu-, ke·ṭ*. Verb. branches to rub bark off. qʰale ʔíša· pukeṭʰmucʼe· (ʔihya wi) the branches rubbed each other rubbing bark off.

puki·l*   [pukilʔ]  pʰu-, ki·l*1. Verb. swing, wave around, in wind; swing in the breeze (of something heavy). qʰale ʔíša· pukilmaw the tree branches are swinging. compare: puhwe*, pʰuli*, pʰuʔli*.

puku·ṭ*   [pukuʔ]  pʰu-, ku·ṭ*2. Verb. blow or burn off.

pukʰeṭ*   [pukʰeʔ]  pʰu-, kʰeṭ*. Verb. part by blowing.

pukʰilqa*   [pukʰilqaw]  pʰu-, kʰi·l*. Variant: pukʰiwa·qa·y.. Verb. be stretched by wind, blowing. sulemaʔ qalílhqʰaʔ pukʰila·qa·y the (kite) string is stretched high up by the wind.

pukʰiwa·qa·y.   [pukʰiwa·qa·y.]  pukʰilqa*.

puluʔta*   [pulúʔtaw]  puhlud*.

punya·l   [punyá·l]   Noun. hunting knife.

pupa*   [pupáw]  pʰu-, pa*2. Verb. be filled (with debris) blown by the wind. ʔihya hyánʔbina, šihpʰa baṭita·du, kalikákʰ baṭita·du, ʔama sʼáʔsʼa baṭita·du, ʔama púpaqʰ a wind must have been blowing, leaves lying around, papers lying around, messy things lying around, cover the land.

pupaṭ*   [pupaʔ]  pʰu-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole or crack by blowing (dirt). hahse wi ʔimo púpaṭciy wind blew brush over the hole.

pupaṭʰci*   [pupaṭʰciw]  pʰu-, pa·ṭ*1. Verb. blow to cover a hole.

pupu   [pupu]  pu·pu.

pupuqa*   [pupuqaw]  pu·pu. Verb. have a bowel movement.

puqʰal*   [puqʰalʔ]  pʰu-, qʰal*1. Verb. blow across surface.

puqʰa·*   [puqʰaw]  pʰu-, qʰa·*1. Verb. wind to blow off (a power line, a tree branch).

pusa*   [pusaw]  pʰu-, sa*2. Verb. blow off limb.

pusi·ṭ*   [pusiʔ]  pʰu-, si·ṭ*1. Verb. scatter by blowing. pusi·ṭi to blow little pieces away. pusítʰma to blow little pieces away in diff. places; to blow out candles.

pusʼ   [pusʼ]   Interjection. requesting a peck on the cheek.

pušamat*   [pušamaʔ]  puša·m*. Morphological Analysis: pušama°t*.

puša·m*   [pušamʔ]  pʰu-, ša·m*. Variant: pušamat*. Verb. make noise of wind in trees; blowing papers. puhšapúhšaw sound of wind through trees. pušama·tadu D: Plural, Durative.

pušil*   [pušilʔ]  pʰu-, šil*. Variant: pušilʔta*. Verb. get almost dry in wind. pušili D: Imperative (to wind). pušílʔta D: Plural Object, Imperative.

pušilʔta*   [pušilʔtaw]  pušil*.

puši·m*   [pušimʔ]  pʰu-, ši·m*1. Verb. wind scatter. pušima·duʔ wind to blow (leaves) and scatter.

pušusʼqa   [pušusʼqa]   Variant: pušušqʼa. Noun. large, taboo, mythical bird species.

pušušqʼa   [pušúšqʼa]  pušusʼqa.

pušutaq*   [pušutaʔ]  pušu·, -t1, -aq1. Verb. end. ʔukulú·ta pušutaʔ the fence ends. pušuta·qa D: Imperative. pušuta·qadu D: Durative. pušutá·qade·duwa·du D: Distributive ?

pušu·   [pušu·]   Noun. edge of planar object (e.g., table); end; top. pušu· ʔé· mu it's the edge. pušu· kʼís red edge. pušu· bahṭʰe big wide end, edge. šeʔeʔ ʔaha púšu· rim of basket. Example Variant: šeʔeʔ ʔaha púʔšul. ʔaha· pušu· end of stick. Example Variant: ʔaha· puʔšul. cohšo púšu· tip of finger. lame·sa pušu· edge of table. Example Variant: lame·sa puʔšul. qʰama púšu· end of foot. Example Comment: @ this, RO has something that looks like "end of end" or "end of eno" with "[foot]" written above it. Example Variant: qʰama púʔšul. compare: puʔšul, sisa·tow, pu·su.

pušutaq*   [pušutaʔ]  pušu·, -t1, -aq1. Verb. end. ʔukulú·ta pušutaʔ the fence ends. pušuta·qa D: Imperative. pušuta·qadu D: Durative. pušutá·qade·duwa·du D: Distributive ?

ʔahqʰa pušu·   [ʔahqʰa púšu·]  ʔahqʰa, pušu·. Place Name. Water Edge.

pušu·l*   [pušulʔ]  pʰu-, šu·l*. Variant: puhšul*. Verb. smoking pipe blowing out smoke. pušu·li (to person) Blow out smoke in steady stream! pušulá·tadu pušu·li (to person) blow out smoke in steady stream. pušu·layʔ D: Directional "against", Absolutive. Example Variant: puhšulayʔ. pušula·yi (to pipe) smoke out against something. Example Variant: puhšulá·yi. pušulá·tadu D: Plural, Durative. puhšulayʔ D: Directional.

putaš*   [putaš]  pʰu-, taš*1. Verb. squash something soft and mushy by blowing. qalamʔ ʔanáwʔsʼicʼin ʔihya wi putášciqʰ the figs got so ripe they were blown off smashed on the ground.

putaṭ*   [putaʔ]  pʰu-, taṭ*. Verb. blow off course, awry. pʰudútʰciba šiba· putáṭʰcimela I blew and it went awry (went other than the direction intended).

pute·m*   [putemʔ]  pʰu-, te·m*3. Verb. particles settle out, by blowing. hosá putemʔ to be (get) smoky. sʼaʔsʼa putemʔ to get dirty, not nec. be blown on, but from settled dirt or dust settling from air. ʔahca ʔino pútemʔ cohtoy the house is standing dusty.

putilka   [putílka]   Noun. broken pieces of glass. putílka tol makʼi·wiy I cut my foot on broken glass.

puti·t*   [putiʔ]  pʰu-, ti·t*. Verb. roll, wrap, wind, twist together. sulemáʔ putitʰqaw to twist strings together.

putuputuc*   [putuputuʔ]  pʰu-, tu*2. Reduplicating Verb. puff up, get puffy, fat. putupútuci to puff up, get fat and puffy.

putuš*   [putuš]  pʰu-, tuš*. Verb. swell by blowing. putušmaw cheeks blown out. qapʼa putu·sicʰqaba putušmaw he blew up his cheeks and sat with them bulging. putu·šiʔ to swell or blow up.

putu·šicʼ*   [putu·šiʔ]  . Verb. swell, blow up.

puṭampuṭam*   [puṭámpuṭamʔ]  pʰu-, ṭam*. Reduplicating Verb. sound of stick moving back and forth against house.

puṭa·n*   [puṭanʔ]  pʰu-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. side of long object be in contact with something at one end only, by blowing. ʔahca híyeʔ ʔaháy ʔʔomal ʔihya wi puṭánpuṭa·n the stick projecting, by the wind is in the air moved back and forth against the house.

puṭa·š*   [puṭaš]  pʰu-, ṭa·š*1. Verb. fade by blowing; blow bare. puṭa·šiʔ to fade in wind. puṭa·šciw to blow bare.

puṭihšiw   [puṭíhšiw]  puṭi·š*. Noun. balloon, bubble.

puṭiṭim*   [puṭiṭimʔ]  pʰu-, ṭiṭim*. Verb. stretch across by blowing. kíte biláhwal puṭiṭi·may the kite (string) blew across (river, two hills, two trees). Example Variant: puṭiṭimy₃..

puṭi·š*   [puṭiš]  pʰu-, ṭi·š*2. Verb. stretched tight, of a surface, from blowing. puṭi·šiʔ D: Absolutive. puṭíhši· D: Plural, Imperative. puṭi·šicʰqa blow up your balloon! puṭíhši inflate (to balloon)! puṭiši·ci inflate (one balloon)! puṭiši·cedú·cedu D: Durative, Directional "away". puṭihšiyicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. puṭíhšiyi·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. puṭíhšiyiʔcicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive.

puṭihšiw   [puṭíhšiw]  puṭi·š*. Noun. balloon, bubble.

puṭʰa·l*   [puṭʰalʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʰa·l*. Verb. be bright, light enough to see by, from wind blowing away clouds. ʔihya wi qʰaba· ʔel pusa·dúcʼba, puṭʰalciy the wind blew the clouds away and it got bright.

puṭʰa·m*   [puṭʰamʔ´]  pʰu-, ṭʰa·m*. Verb. reflect (an image). puṭʰamʔ tʰin é· mu to reflect.

ʔama puṭʰamʔ   [ʔama púṭʰamʔ]  ʔama·2, puṭʰa·m*. Noun. window; mirror, looking glass.

puṭʰehqaC   [puṭʰehqaʔ]  . Noun. sail [s?]

puṭʰehy*   [puṭʰehyiw]  puhṭʰeyʔ*.

puṭʰe·*   [puṭʰew]  pʰu-, ṭʰe·*. Verb. spread by blowing. puṭʰehqaw a sail. compare: pʰuṭʰe·l*, pʰucʼal*, pʰuṭʰe·l*.

puwenta   [puwénta]   Noun. bridge. compare: cuhkem*, cuhke, cuhke.

puyec*   [puyeʔ]  puhye·*.

puʔša   [puʔša]   Adjective. light (weight). ʔacaʔ púʔša light man. compare: mihsac, kʼahša.

puʔšul   [puʔšul]   Noun. tip, point, end of pointed object; rim. compare: pušu·, sisa·tow.

dono puʔšul   [dono púʔšul]  dono, puʔšul. Noun. mountain peak, hill top.

ha·ba puʔšul   [ha·ba púʔšul]  ha·ba, puʔšul. Noun. tip of the tongue.

puʔšul coto·qocʼ   [puʔšúl coto·qoʔ]  Lit: tip sticking backwards puʔšul, coto·qocʼ*. Variant: puʔšul cotohtaqocʼ. Noun. barb.

puʔšultow   [puʔšúltow]  puʔšul, =tow2. Adverb. on or onto the tip.

šiʔdo puʔšul   [šiʔdo púʔšul]  šiʔdo, puʔšul. Noun. nipple.

ʔila puʔšul   [ʔila puʔšul]  ʔila, puʔšul. Noun. tip of nose. synonyms: ʔila mišunʔ.

puʔšul cotohtaqocʼ   [puʔšul cotóhtaqoʔ]  puʔšul coto·qocʼ.

puʔšul coto·qocʼ   [puʔšúl coto·qoʔ]  Lit: tip sticking backwards puʔšul, coto·qocʼ*. Variant: puʔšul cotohtaqocʼ. Noun. barb.

puʔšultow   [puʔšúltow]  puʔšul, =tow2. Adverb. on or onto the tip.

puʔṭaš*   [puʔṭaš]  pʰu-, ʔṭaš*, pʰu-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. blow or burn bare, entirely. puṭašciw (ground) blown bare or burned bare; Example Variant: puʔṭášciw.

puʔṭiʔṭi*   [puʔṭiʔṭiw]  pʰu-, ʔṭiʔṭi*. Verb. gather surface into smaller piece by blowing. ʔa kʼaṭa dacʰúlyal ʔihya wi ṭi puʔṭiʔṭicʰqʰ the clothes I hung up were all shoved together by the wind.

pu·pu   [pú·pu]   Variant: pupu. 1 • Animate Mimetic. nasty, no good.

2 • Noun. bowel movement.

pupuqa*   [pupuqaw]  pu·pu. Verb. have a bowel movement.

pu·ru1   [pú·ru]   Noun. cigar.

pu·ru2   [pú·ru]   Adjective. pure.

pu·skal*   [pu·skalʔ]  pʰu-, skal*. Verb. be blown, burned clean, clear. ʔihya má· ʔin mi·ti kumíʔdaʔ pú·skalmaw being a windy place, it is always clean-swept there. pú·skalciw burned clean, nothing, no ashes left.

pu·sqʰac*   [pú·sqʰaʔ]  pʰu-, sqʰac*. Variant: pu·sqʰawa·tad*. Verb. be blown clear (of leaves, etc.) šihpʰa pú·sqʰaʔ wind to blow clear of leaves.

pu·sqʰawa·tad*   [pú·sqʰawa·tadu]  pu·sqʰac*.

pu·su   [pú·su]   Variant: pu·šu. Noun. whale. pú·šuhya· @ whale bone. compare: pušu·.

pu·šu   [pu·šu]  pu·su.

pu·šušqʼa   [pu·šušqʼa]  šqʼa*. Adjective. black.

pu·ta   [pú·ta]   Noun. whore. compare: ʔima·ta kule·, ʔima·ta šahya.

pu·tuštušu   [pu·túštušu]  pʰu-, ʔtʰuš*. Ideophone Adjective. having blown-out cheeks (either one or both). putušmaw bulging blowing on cheeks.

pu·ṭašṭaša   [pu·ṭášṭaša]  pʰu-, ṭa·š*1. Ideophone Adjective. wind-faded. kʼaṭa pu·ṭášṭaša faded cloth. ʔihya yów hcʰilʔbina pu·ṭášṭasacʰqʰ it must have been hanging in the wind and faded.

pʰa1   [pʰa]  pʰa·*.

pʰa2   [pʰa]   Interjection. nasty, feces, don't touch! Usage: polite compare: ʔahpʰa, pʰuw, pʰaʔpʰa. Usages note: pʰa is used in public, ʔahpʰa is not.

pʰa-   [pʰa]   pref-instr. with the end of a long object, with the fist (neither {da-} nor {dǔ-} is used for actions of the closed hand); by wrapping.

pahsa*2   [pahsa]  hsa*1, pʰaʔdi*1, pʰa-.

pahsey*   [pahseyʔ]  pʰa-, hsey*2. Verb. cover by wrapping.

cahla· pahsemaʔ   [cahla· páhsemaʔ]  cahla·, pahsey*. Noun. diaphragm. synonyms: dile· pahsemaʔ.

dile· pahsemaʔ   [dile· páhsemaʔ]  dile·, pahsey*. Noun. middle covering; diaphragm. synonyms: cahla· pahsemaʔ.

pahtenh*   [pahténʔ]  pʰa-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten with the end of a long object. heʔe pahténhcite· mito I will flatten your hair.

pahtʰohtʰoc*   [pahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  pʰa-, htʰohtʰo*, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. puncture all over, as a needle into paper.

pahtʰohtʰoc*   [pahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  pʰa-, htʰohtʰo*, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. puncture all over, as a needle into paper.

pahṭihṭi*   [pahṭíhṭiw]  pʰa-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound several times with fist. synonyms: paṭimci*; compare: paṭipaṭi*.

pahṭʰa*   [pahṭʰaw]  pʰa-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. take apart, make into pieces, either by pounding with an instrument, or just disassembling. qʰaʔbe paṭʰa·li a rock pounder or something to crush rocks with . kʼaṭa pahṭʰaw to take apart old clothes (to make new or to use as pattern). má·kina pahṭʰaw to take apart an engine.

pahṭʰi*   [pahṭʰiw]  pʰa-, hṭʰi*1, pʰa-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. step over something, put foot over; stand with legs spread out. pahṭʰi· tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs spread apart. qʰaʔbe (duwal) pahṭʰi step over the rock! ʔahqʰamo pahṭʰima step across the ditch! mul musu· pahṭʰi step over the log! paṭʰi·ci spread your legs (sideways or fore and aft)! paṭʰití·cʼi go with giant steps (knees may bend or not). synonyms: caʔqʰom*.

pahṭʰi*   [pahṭʰiw]  pʰa-, hṭʰi*1, pʰa-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. step over something, put foot over; stand with legs spread out. pahṭʰi· tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs spread apart. qʰaʔbe (duwal) pahṭʰi step over the rock! ʔahqʰamo pahṭʰima step across the ditch! mul musu· pahṭʰi step over the log! paṭʰi·ci spread your legs (sideways or fore and aft)! paṭʰití·cʼi go with giant steps (knees may bend or not). synonyms: caʔqʰom*.

pahṭʰuṭ*   [pahṭʰuʔ]  pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off of bigger object with the end of a long object. ʔoho paṭʰuṭʰmaw spark from stirred fire to fall on something. ʔoho páṭʰuhṭaduʔ to hit burning stick on its end so that sparks fly off. páṭʰuṭa·duʔ one spark.

pahṭʰuṭ*   [pahṭʰuʔ]  pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off of bigger object with the end of a long object. ʔoho paṭʰuṭʰmaw spark from stirred fire to fall on something. ʔoho páṭʰuhṭaduʔ to hit burning stick on its end so that sparks fly off. páṭʰuṭa·duʔ one spark.

pahyoqʰ*   [pahyoʔ]  pʰa-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir with end of long object. pahyoqʰmaw to stir with end of long object. pahyóqʰmaci·du D: Durative. pahyóqʰci stir once (a fire or potatoes)! pahyóqʰma stir several times (a fire or potatoes)!

pahyuṭ*   [pahyuʔ]  pʰa-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke. pahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire) with stick). compare: pihyuṭ*.

pate·m*   [patemʔ]  pʰa-, te·m*2. Verb. pat. pate·ma D: Imperative. patema·duwá·du D: Plural Object, Durative. kunu páte·maʔ to pat oneself on chest (several times). lile páte·maʔ to pat oneself on forehead (several times). pahtéhteyi·cʼi D: Reflexive. hoʔtʼo páhtehteyiʔ to tie (band, turban) around own head.

paṭimci*   [paṭimciw]  pʰa-, hṭi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. pound once (chest, ground). synonyms: pahṭihṭi*.

paṭimci*   [paṭimciw]  pʰa-, hṭi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. pound once (chest, ground). synonyms: pahṭihṭi*.

paṭʰo·*   [paṭʰow]  pʰa-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces by striking. paṭʰow to peel bark. Example Variant: pʰaṭʼow ~ piṭʰow.

paʔṭi*   [paʔṭiw]  pʰa-, ʔṭi*2. Verb. stagger. paʔṭimʔ to stagger in one place, barely stand, unsteady. Example Variant: paʔcʰamʔ. paʔṭima D: Imperative. paʔṭi·du D: Durative. paʔṭipáṭi·du to stagger along. paʔṭíʔṭiyiʔ to stagger a little bit. paʔṭíʔṭiyi·cʼi D: Reflexive. paʔṭíʔṭiyicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. paʔṭipáṭínʔwadu to stagger all over (several). paʔṭipáṭitʰmucʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pʰaṭʰaṭ*   [pʰaṭʰaʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʰaṭ*. Verb. break open with the fist. sóh ʔi qaʔbasáhya paṭʰáṭʰcisʼuwe mito mu·kinʔ behave yourself or he might bust your jaw. paṭʰáṭci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. paṭʰahṭacʼicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, plural Directional "away".

pʰaṭʼam*   [pʰaṭʼamʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼam*2, pʰa-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. poke (hornetsʼ nest). pʰaṭʼama D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼatá·ma D: Imperative.

pʰaṭʼam*   [pʰaṭʼamʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼam*2, pʰa-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. poke (hornetsʼ nest). pʰaṭʼama D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼatá·ma D: Imperative.

pʰaṭʼa·*   [pʰaṭʼaw]  pʰa-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: pʰalaṭʼa*. Verb. cause innards to come out with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. qʰama pʰáṭʼa·cʼi hit your own foot with the end of a stick! biʔkʼas mo·dal ʔaha·li pʰaṭʼa·y poke and squash the ant running along.

pʰaṭʼa·š*   [pʰaṭʼaš]  pʰa-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. put hair off forehead by poking. pʰaṭʼa·šiʔ to poke hair to hold it off forehead.

pʰaṭʼo·*   [pʰaṭʼow]  pʰa-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰaloṭʼo*. Verb. poke (skin must break). qahwa pʰaṭʼow to peel off bark. compare: tapʰla, musu·.

pʰaṭʼu*   [pʰaṭʼuw]  pʰa-, ṭʼu*. Verb. end of a long object sink into. ʔahqʰa yó· waʔali pʰaṭʼuyé ʔkʰe I poked my cane under the water. Example Variant: ...wi₂....

pʰaṭʼul*   [pʰaṭʼulʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼul*. Verb. poke, push with long object to make sink. ʔahqʰa₁ wína·₂ cude·du₃ – ʔaha·₄ li₅ pʰaṭʼúlciyʔ₆ what is floating on the water, push it under with a stick and it will come up as soon as you stop pushing. pʰaṭʼúlci D: Imperative; Semelfactive. synonyms: pʰaʔṭʼubut*.

pʰaṭʼun*   [pʰaṭʼunʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼun*. Verb. be slimy, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. pʰaṭʼunʔ pʰaʔtʼaw D: Absolutive. pʰaṭʼuni D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼunta D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼuná·tadu D: Durative.

pʰawi*   [pʰawiw]  pʰa-, wi*. Variant: pʰawit*. Verb. poke. baṭʰe· pʰawíw ʔbakʰe ṭʰaʔbam em, (ṭʼo) ma hku máʔyul pʰawiw there are a lot of things to poke, but you keep poking only one.

pʰayem*   [pʰayemʔ]  pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. move, hold with a long object. pʰayenʔwadu to prod (cow) to guide it around. ʔama dútʼaʔ ca· ʔahqʰa yo· musu· pʰayétʰmucʼ the working men are shoving with a pole the logs around in the water. (not nec. slow).

pʰayot*   [pʰayoʔ]  pʰa-, yot*2. Verb. scatter with a long object. pʰayotá·duʔ to push (brushpile) away.

pʰayot   [pʰayoʔ]  pʰayot*. Noun. stuff bag. mišukʰli pʰayóʔ bawilʔ stuff the bag! pʰayotʼé·mu D: Absolutive.

qaʔdi pʰayohtibiʔli   [qaʔdi pʰáyohtibiʔli]  Lit: pile up grass by poking with pʰayot*. Noun. pitchfork. pʰayotʰciw baṭiw it’s lying piled (bunch of grass).

pʰayukʼut*   [pʰayukʼuʔ]  pʰa-, yukʼut*, pʰa-, yukʼut*. 1 • Verb. probe with pole into mud, bin of wheat, penetrate into. pʰayukʼú·tim probe! pʰakʼútʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

2 • Noun. fire-tender, fire-poker, someone who tends the fire in the roundhouse with a long stick to stir the embers.

pʰayukʼut*   [pʰayukʼuʔ]  pʰa-, yukʼut*, pʰa-, yukʼut*. 1 • Verb. probe with pole into mud, bin of wheat, penetrate into. pʰayukʼú·tim probe! pʰakʼútʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

2 • Noun. fire-tender, fire-poker, someone who tends the fire in the roundhouse with a long stick to stir the embers.

pʰaʔbotʼ*   [pʰaʔboʔ]  pʰa-, ʔbotʼ*. Verb. soften, disintegrate something soft and weak, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pʰaʔbotʼad*   [pʰaʔbotʼá·du]  pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. keep pounding (abalone) with a pestle to soften.

pʰaʔbotʼci*   [pʰaʔbótʼciw]  pʰaʔbotʼ*, pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. poke once and disintegrate (a puffball mushroom).

pʰaʔbotʼci*   [pʰaʔbótʼciw]  pʰaʔbotʼ*, pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. poke once and disintegrate (a puffball mushroom).

pʰaʔsʼoq*   [pʰaʔsʼóʔ]  pʰa-, ʔsʼoq*. Variant: pʰaʔsʼotʰqo*. Verb. crumple (dress), mash, deflate (balloon). hiʔbu pʰaʔsʼoʔ mashed potatoes. pʰaʔsʼoqo D: Imperative. pʰaʔsʼotá·qodu to mash hither, out (one). pʰaʔsʼoqá·tadu to mash here and there. pʰasʼoqa·dadu to mash one along. pʰaʔsʼoti D: Imperative.

pʰaʔtʼa*   [pʰaʔtʼaw]  pʰa-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: pʰatʼac*. Verb. feel by poking. compare: šasʼim*.

pʰaʔtʼenh*   [pʰaʔtʼenʔ]  pʰa-, ʔtʼenh*. Variant: pʰaʔtʼehn*. Verb. attach, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. pʰaʔtʼena·mucʼkʰe you should stick them together.

pʰaʔtʼut*   [pʰaʔtʼuʔ]  pʰa-, ʔtʼut*2. Verb. long narrow space inside, sides close together. pʰaʔtʼuʔ tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs straight and together. mu·qawi ma· pʰaʔtʼutá·qacalli that narrow space (between two 2 x 4’s) stretches up long and narrow.

pʰaʔtʼutʰu*   [pʰaʔtʼutʰuw]  pʰa-, ʔtʼutʰu*2. Verb. squeeze, be squeezed. sʼuhkúl pʰaʔtʼutʰuʔ min tʼa·du heart feels as if squeezed (from sorrow or fear). pʰaʔtʼutʰú·ci (to person) Squeeze (box)! pʰatʼutʰu to squeeze several. šahku pʰáʔtʼuʔtʼuyiʔ squeeze ones own legs together.

pʰaʔṭʼa*   [pʰaʔṭʼaw]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1, pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1. Verb. hold by tying. pʰaṭʼawayʔ tied on.

pʰaʔṭʼa*   [pʰaʔṭʼaw]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1, pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1. Verb. hold by tying. pʰaṭʼawayʔ tied on.

pʰaʔṭʼaṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3, pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3. Verb. crack, tap with the end of a long object, e.g., a stick, cane. waʔalí wi ṭʼi·má· qʰaʔbe pʰáʔṭʼaṭa·dela everywhere with a cane I am touching rocks. biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼáʔṭʼaci crush acorns (with pestle)! biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼaṭi crack acorns! ʔihya· pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush the bone by pounding! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush rock! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼapʰaʔṭʼa tap rocks with end of stick!

pʰaʔṭʼaṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3, pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3. Verb. crack, tap with the end of a long object, e.g., a stick, cane. waʔalí wi ṭʼi·má· qʰaʔbe pʰáʔṭʼaṭa·dela everywhere with a cane I am touching rocks. biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼáʔṭʼaci crush acorns (with pestle)! biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼaṭi crack acorns! ʔihya· pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush the bone by pounding! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush rock! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼapʰaʔṭʼa tap rocks with end of stick!

pʰaʔṭʼawʔd*   [pʰaʔṭʼawʔdu]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼawʔd*. Verb. injure severely using fist; slap or poke hard (not nec. but could be enough to knock out). pʰaʔṭʼáwʔduʔ someone else hit with fist so it really hurt. compare: pahcʰi*.

pʰaʔṭʼes*   [pʰaʔṭʼes]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. hit with fist or slap and make certain sound.

pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼic*   [pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼiʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. tie (package) tightly; wrapped up. pʰaʔṭiʔṭici to tie tigh. ʔana· ʔahsi· pʰaʔṭʼíʔṭiyiʔtʰuʔ don't tie it too tight!

pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼic*   [pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼiʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. tie (package) tightly; wrapped up. pʰaʔṭiʔṭici to tie tigh. ʔana· ʔahsi· pʰaʔṭʼíʔṭiyiʔtʰuʔ don't tie it too tight!

pʰaʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*   [pʰaʔṭʼoʔṭʼow]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼo*. Reduplicating Verb. sound of hitting lightly, patting, tapping with hands. cohso pʰaʔṭópʰaṭʼo·cʼi clap hands (loud or soft). naṭa qawi sili pʰáʔṭʼoʔṭʼoci pat the little child on the rear. qapʼa pʰaʔtʼoʔtʼocʼkʰe ʔe· mito ʔa I am going to pat you on the cheek.

pʰaʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. use the end of a long object to make sparks fly out by stirring. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭi to be stirring fire so sparks fly. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

pʰaʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. use the end of a long object to make sparks fly out by stirring. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭi to be stirring fire so sparks fly. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

pʰaʔṭʼuṭʰu*   [pʰaʔṭʼuṭʰuw]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭʰu*. Verb. squeeze with the fist. cohšo pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰuʔ to clench one’s fist (/-yiʔ/ reflexive). Example Variant: ...pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰu·yiʔ.

pʰaʔya*   [pʰaʔyaw]  pʰa-, ʔya*. Verb. threaten to cut; raise hand as if to slice, stab, but not actually do the motion; threaten to swing weapon, but not actually strike. pʰaʔyací·du making downward motion with rock ? pʰaʔya D: Imperative.

pʰaʔyiʔyi*   [pʰaʔyiʔyiw]  pʰa-, ʔyi*4. Verb. press against and twist with the end of a long object, e.g., a stick. pʰacʼohpʰi pʰaʔyiʔyici poke it and twist against it (of stick). Example Variant: pʰaʔwiʔyici..

pʰaʔyuʔyu*   [pʰaʔyúʔyuw]  pʰa-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. press with side of hand down while wiggling.

pʰabe*   [pʰabe]  pʰaʔbe*.

pʰabet*   [pʰabet]  pʰaʔbe*.

pʰacet*   [pʰaceʔ]  pace*. Verb. flashlight. synonyms: lašlaš.

pʰacew   [pʰacew]  pace*. Noun. bundle of wood, torch of bound split sticks or rushes; flashlight. Usage: obsolete

pʰaco*   [pʰacow]  . Verb. crush with pestle.

pʰacʼabac*   [pʰacʼabáʔ]  pʰaʔcʼaba*. Verb. one break several (round object). pʰaʔcʼabá·ci break it! (round object).

pʰacʼabat*   [pʰacʼabáʔ]  pʰaʔcʼaba*.

pʰacʼahn*   [pʰacʼahn]  pʰaʔcʼanh*.

pʰacʼa·ṭ*   [pʰacʼaʔ]  cʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. stuck into something and can't pull out.

pʰacʼolci*   [pʰacʼolciw]   Verb.

pʰacʼotʰqo*   [pʰacʼotʰqo]  pʰacʼo·q*.

pʰacʼotʰqoʔli   [pʰacʼotʰqoʔli]  pʰacʼo·q*. Noun. spit (for roasting). ʔaha· pʰacʼótʰopʔli spit for roasting. ʔaha· bihše pʰácʼotʰqoʔli spit for roasting. Example Variant: bihše pʰácʼotʰqoʔli ʔahay.

pʰacʼo·*   [pʰacʼow]  pʰa-, cʼo·*1. Verb. uncover by pounding. pʰacʼoci·du to uncover by pounding.

pʰacʼo·q*   [pʰacʼoʔ]  pʰa-, cʼo·q*. Variant: pʰacʼotʰqo*. Verb. poke, stab, spear.

pʰacʼotʰqoʔli   [pʰacʼotʰqoʔli]  pʰacʼo·q*. Noun. spit (for roasting). ʔaha· pʰacʼótʰopʔli spit for roasting. ʔaha· bihše pʰácʼotʰqoʔli spit for roasting. Example Variant: bihše pʰácʼotʰqoʔli ʔahay.

pʰacʼu·l*   [pʰacʼulʔ]  pʰa-, cʼu·l*2. Verb. poke or hit with fist. compare: pʰanem*.

pʰadaya*   [pʰadayáw]  pʰaʔdayac*.

pʰade·bic*   [pʰade·bíʔ]  pʰaʔdi*1, -ibic. Verb. shovel up.

pʰadocʼomʔcʼo   [pʰadócʼomʔcʼo]  docʼomʔcʼo. Noun. song sparrow. song is like white crown. synonyms: šiyompili, docʼomʔcʼo.

pʰadul*   [pʰadulʔ]  pʰa-, dul*. Verb. be beyond reach of poking with a stick. haʔal ʔa ʔahqʰa yó· baqʼotʰin pʰacʼoʔ da(´)·qaʔ pʰadúlciyʔ that thing under the water that I wanted to poke, I couldn’t reach it. Example Variant: pʰadílciyʔ.

pʰaduw*   [pʰaduwʔ]  pʰa-, duw*1. Verb. act on edge with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pʰaduwi·bic*   [pʰaduwí·biʔ]  pʰaduw*, -ibic. Verb. poke and hit edge.

pʰaduwi·bic*   [pʰaduwí·biʔ]  pʰaduw*, -ibic. Verb. poke and hit edge.

pʰahqʼi*   [-]  hpʰaqʼ*. Instr Verb Root. interior of a surface break.

pʰahši*   [-]  hpʰa·š*. Instr Verb Root. sag inward.

pʰahtʼi*   [-]  hpʰatʼ*. Instr Verb Root. flop.

pʰakotayʔ   [pʰakotayʔ]  ʔahpʰa. Noun. intestines (primarily large?) synonyms: biʔcʼaddu.

pʰakʼil*   [pʰakʼilʔ]  pʰa-, kʼil*. Verb. point with a cane.

pʰakʼis*   [pʰakʼis]  pʰa-, kʼis*. Verb. scratch lightly with the point of a long object.

pʰakʼi·*1   [pʰakʼiw]  pʰa-, kʼi·*1. Verb. scratch and make bleed with the point of a long object (pen, arrow) or make mark by putting on bandage too tight.

pʰakʼi·*2   [pʰakʼiw]  pʰa-, kʼi·*2. Verb. make a mark on the flesh by wrapping (a bandage too tight). hoʔtʼo pʰákʼi·maʔ to wrap (a band) across one’s own head. šina· ṭʰabánʔbina šina· pʰakʼí·maʔcaw he must have got hurt on the head, he's sitting with a bandage around his head. pʰakʼi D: Imperative. pʰakʼi·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰakʼici·ducé·du D: Durative. pʰakʼitámmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. pʰakʼitá·ma D: Plural Object, Singular Imperative. pʰakʼi·ma be bandage around head.

hoʔtʼo pʰakʼi·maʔ   [hoʔtʼo pʰákʼi·maʔ]  hoʔtʼo, pʰakʼi·*2. Noun. plain headband. baceʔ band with dangling ornaments.

pʰakʼi·š*   [pʰakʼiš]  pʰa-, kʼi·š*3. Verb. make squeak with a cane.

pʰakʼum*   [pʰakʼum]  pʰakʼu·m*.

pʰakʼu·m*   [pʰakʼumʔ]  pʰa-, kʼu·m*2. Variant: duhkuy*; duhkʰuy*; pʰakʼum*. Verb. 1 • kill. pʰakʼu·ma D: Imperative. pʰakʼummeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰakʼumtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰakʼuma·duwá·du D: Durative. pʰakʼu·máʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. duhkʰuyi D: Plural Object Imperative. duhkʰú·meʔ D: Plural Object Plural Imperative. duhkʰú·tʰuʔ D: Plural Object Negative. duhkʰuyá·du D; Plural Object Durative.

2 • hurt, beat up. John to pʰakʼu·má beat J up! pʰakʼumcicʼi hurt yourself! pʰakʼumcíʔtʰuʔ don't hurt yourself!

pʰakʼu·macʼ*   [pʰakʼu·máʔ]  pʰakʼu·m*. Verb. 1 • kill oneself, commit suicide. (ti) yuʔdul pʰakʼu·maʔ to commit suicide. tiyaʔ yuʔdul duhkʰuyiʔ several to commit suicide. pʰakʼuma·cʼi D: Imperative. pʰakʼumáʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰakʼuma·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative.

2 • beat oneself up. ʔama· li pʰakʼu·maʔ to beat oneself with things. This was done by mourners at a funeral.

pʰakʼu·macʼ*   [pʰakʼu·máʔ]  pʰakʼu·m*. Verb. 1 • kill oneself, commit suicide. (ti) yuʔdul pʰakʼu·maʔ to commit suicide. tiyaʔ yuʔdul duhkʰuyiʔ several to commit suicide. pʰakʼuma·cʼi D: Imperative. pʰakʼumáʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰakʼuma·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative.

2 • beat oneself up. ʔama· li pʰakʼu·maʔ to beat oneself with things. This was done by mourners at a funeral.

pʰala   [pʰala]   1 • Adverb. again.

2 • Adverb. too, also.

3 • Adjective. more, another. pʰala tó· maʔa da·w I want more food. Example Variant: pʰala dá·we· to maʔa.

pʰala cʼo·cʼ   [pʰala cʼoʔ]  Lit: again create pʰala, cʼo·cʼ*. Verb. resurrect.

pʰala cʼoʔ meʔ   [pʰala cʼóʔ meʔ]  pʰala cʼo·cʼ, meṭ. Noun. Time of Resurrection.

pʰala cʼoʔ meʔ   [pʰala cʼóʔ meʔ]  pʰala cʼo·cʼ, meṭ. Noun. Time of Resurrection.

pʰala cʼo·cʼ   [pʰala cʼoʔ]  Lit: again create pʰala, cʼo·cʼ*. Verb. resurrect.

pʰala cʼoʔ meʔ   [pʰala cʼóʔ meʔ]  pʰala cʼo·cʼ, meṭ. Noun. Time of Resurrection.

pʰalaṭʼa*   [pʰalaṭʼaw]  pʰaṭʼa·*. Verb. 1 • hold by tying.

2 • cause innards to come out with the end of long object; by wrapping.

pʰalaw   [pʰalaw]   Adjective. late, final, last in time, behind in time. pʰala· ciʔ ye· mito you got late. pʰala· ma· duye· ma you came late. ʔacaʔ pʰalaw e· mu he's the last man (in a bunch). ʔacaʔ pʰalá· tow the last mane (to come or in line). pʰalá· ciʔ to get late. pʰalá· cicʼmela I was late. pʰalá· cicʼwiye· to I was late (unintentially); I was delayed. compare: pʰala·w, na·mi.

pʰalaʔcayʔ   [pʰaláʔcayʔ]   Noun. whiteman.

pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe   [pʰaláʔcayʔ hicʼe]  Lit: whiteman mushroom pʰalaʔcayʔ, hicʼe·. Variant: pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe·. Noun. field mushoom. Agaricus campestris (Agaricales, Gill Fungi).

pʰalaʔcayʔ ta·wi   [pʰalaʔcayʔ ta·wi]  pʰalaʔcayʔ, ta·wi. Noun. Western way, non-Indian way, "white man's" way.

pʰalaʔcayʔ ʔohso   [pʰaláʔcayʔ ʔohso]  Lit: whiteman clover pʰalaʔcayʔ, ʔohso. Variant: pʰalaʔcayʔso. Noun. lettuce.

ʔama pʰalaʔcayʔ   [ʔama pʰálaʔcayʔ]  ʔama·2, pʰalaʔcayʔ. Noun. miracle. ʔama pʰálaʔcayʔ cicʼ!!e·du he did a miracle. ʔama pʰálaʔcayʔ ṭʰaʔbamciw a miracle happened.

pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe   [pʰaláʔcayʔ hicʼe]  Lit: whiteman mushroom pʰalaʔcayʔ, hicʼe·. Variant: pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe·. Noun. field mushoom. Agaricus campestris (Agaricales, Gill Fungi).

pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe·   [pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe·]  pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe.

pʰalaʔcayʔ ta·wi   [pʰalaʔcayʔ ta·wi]  pʰalaʔcayʔ, ta·wi. Noun. Western way, non-Indian way, "white man's" way.

pʰalaʔcayʔ ʔohso   [pʰaláʔcayʔ ʔohso]  Lit: whiteman clover pʰalaʔcayʔ, ʔohso. Variant: pʰalaʔcayʔso. Noun. lettuce.

pʰalaʔcayʔso   [pʰaláʔcayʔso]  pʰalaʔcayʔ ʔohso.

pʰala· mal   [pʰala· mal]  . Adverb. next year.

pʰala·w   [pʰala·w]   Variant: pʰala·wi. \㮰ᖉ⾬걗ތĀ䰆潡䴠N㛼걗⪀ā깠ᖒAdverb. back (to former place) [?] pʰalá·wil hqʰaʔ backwards. pʰala pʰála·wil hqʰaʔ wa·du go backwards again. compare: pʰalaw, na·mi.

pʰalepʰale*   [pʰalepʰalew]  pʰa-, le*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. fill (hole) by pounding in dirt; hit with fist and make someone swell up; punch someone and close the eye. pʰalepʰaleʔ punch someone and close the eye.

pʰalic*   [pʰaliʔ]  pʰa-, li*2. Verb. stir with a long object. ʔoho pʰáliʔ to stir a fire (probably by poking). pʰilica·duʔ (pl.) to scatter flies by moving (cloth) in hair. pʰili·duʔ (sg.) to bat something off, chase or wave off a bird. pʰili·ma wave stick!

pʰalitat*   [pʰalitaʔ]  pʰali·t*. Morphological Analysis: pʰalita°t*.

pʰaliʔli   [pʰaliʔli´]  Lit: instrument for paddling pʰali·t*, =wi. Noun. paddle, oar. ʔahqʰa pʰáliʔli oars for boat.

pʰali·t*   [pʰaliʔ]  pʰa-, li·t*. Variant: pʰalitat*. Verb. paddle or row. pʰali·ti paddle or row. pʰalita·dadu to paddle or row along. ʔoho pʰáliʔ to stir a fire (probably by poking).

pʰaliʔli   [pʰaliʔli´]  Lit: instrument for paddling pʰali·t*, =wi. Noun. paddle, oar. ʔahqʰa pʰáliʔli oars for boat.

pʰalopʰalo*   [pʰalopʰalow]  pʰa-, lo*. Reduplicating Verb. become round by wrapping, with the fist. pʰalopʰaloʔ pʰacʼo·ye·mensʼi·li it became round doing that.

pʰaloṭʼo*   [pʰalaṭʼow]  pʰaṭʼo·*. Verb. poke.

pʰam*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. ?? synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, pem*, bo·m*, pa*2, pʰa·l*.

pʰanac*   [pʰanaʔ]  pʰa-, nac*3. Verb. push together with pole. pʰanaca·law to push together with pole downward.

pʰanam*   [pʰanamʔ]  pʰa-, na·*1, na·m*. Verb. tie with rope or string. ʔahsi· pʰanamtʰuʔ don't tie it tight. ʔahsi· pʰanamaʔtʰuʔ don't tie hair in knot tight. heʔe pʰánama·cʼi tie my hair! ʔana· to heʔe ʔahsi· pʰanamaʔtʰu mito ʔa huʔu·mo pʰaʔsʼaṭʰmaʔkʰe ʔ don't tie my hair too tight or I'll slap your face! . heʔe pʰánama·cʼi tie up your hair! pʰanama·cʼí tie it up! pʰana·ma tie it! pʰanama·du D: Durative. pʰanatá·ma D: Plural Object.

cu·ki pʰanata·maʔli   [cú·ki pʰanata·maʔli]  cu·ki, pʰanam*, =wi. Noun. garter. compare: cu·ki cʰiyehtimʔli.

ʔiša pʰana·maʔ   [ʔiša pʰanatamaʔ]  ʔiša·, pʰanam*. Variant: ʔiša pʰanatamaʔ. Noun. wrist or arm band, sleeve holder.

pʰana·*   [pʰanaw]  pʰa-, na·*1. Verb. cover, block, by wrapping; cover by poking, pushing (something). pʰanamʔ to cover by wrapping (paper) around, to cover by poking (dirt) over. pʰana·ma cover with dirt pushed by a stick.

pʰane*   [pʰanew]  pʰa-, ne*2. Verb. aim to hit with fist, hand. pʰaneci·bícʰpʰi pʰanema aim and hit with fist! pʰanecibiʔ raise hand (or fist) to strike!

pʰanem*   [pʰanemʔ]  pʰa-, nem*1. Variant: pʰanetʰma*. Verb. punch, hit, bum with fist. qʰaʔbe wi pʰanemʔ he hit with a rock held in hand. pʰanema D: Imperative. pʰanemá·du D: Durative. pʰanémtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰanétʰma(ci·du) D: Plural Durative. pʰanémʔ (It’s) hit. pʰanémy he is hitting it. ʔahsi· pʰanémtʰuʔ don't hit him hard. compare: pʰacʼu·l*.

pʰanetʰma*   [pʰanétʰmaw]  pʰanem*.

pʰanke   [pʰanke]  pʰanki*. Variant: pʰankide. Kinship Noun. Daughter!

pʰanki*   [-]  hpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (my or our) daughter.

pʰanke   [pʰanke]  pʰanki*. Variant: pʰankide. Kinship Noun. Daughter!

pʰankinʔ   [pʰánkinʔ]  pʰanki*. Noun. (my or our) daughter.

pʰankito   [pʰankito]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our daughter.

pʰankitoʔna   [pʰankitoʔna]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our daughter is.

2 • at my or our daughter's place.

pʰankiʔkʰe   [pʰankiʔkʰe]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our daughter.

pʰankide   [pʰankide]  pʰanke.

pʰankinʔ   [pʰánkinʔ]  pʰanki*. Noun. (my or our) daughter.

pʰankito   [pʰankito]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our daughter.

pʰankitoʔna   [pʰankitoʔna]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our daughter is.

2 • at my or our daughter's place.

pʰankiʔkʰe   [pʰankiʔkʰe]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our daughter.

pʰapʼanta*   [pʰapʼanta]  pʰaʔpʼanh*.

pʰapʼil*   [pʰapʼilʔ]  pʰa-, pʼil*. Verb. be slippery (to cane).

pʰaqaʔsʼa   [pʰaqáʔsʼa]  ʔahpʰa, qaʔsʼa. Noun. final messy nasty diarrhea, fluid which drains out of hanging intestines.

pʰaqa·sʼa   [pʰaqá·sʼa]  ʔahpʰa, qa·sʼa*. Noun. guts.

pʰaqoṭayʔ   [pʰaqóṭayʔ]  ʔahpʰa. Noun. guts, large intestines. bihše pʰáqoṭayʔ deer guts (stomach and entrails).

pʰaqʰale   [pʰaqʰále]  Lit: excrement plant; excrement plant ʔahpʰa, qʰale1. Noun. hollyleaf cherry. pʰaqʰále maʔa wild cherries. Prunus ilicifolia.

pʰaqʼahci*   [pʰaqʼahciw]  pʰaʔqʼac*. Verb. tighten with the end of long object; by wrapping.

pʰaqʼa·ṭ*   [pʰaqʼaʔ]  pʰa-, qʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. scrape with long pointed object.

pʰasʼacʼ*   [pʰasʼaʔ]  pʰa-, sʼa·*. Verb. break.

pʰasʼahṭ*   [pʰasʼahṭiw]  pʰaʔsʼaṭ*1.

pʰasʼim*   [pʰasʼimʔ]  pʰa-, sʼim*. Verb. fold using end of long object. kalikákʰ el pʰasʼicʼpʰi pʰasʼima fold the paper with end of stick and hold it down.

pʰasʼita·maʔli   [pʰasʼitá·maʔli]  pʰasʼim*. Noun. hat pin.

pʰasʼita·maʔli   [pʰasʼitá·maʔli]  pʰasʼim*. Noun. hat pin.

pʰašutʼuyʔtʼu   [pʰašútʼuyʔtʼu]  ʔahpʰa. Noun. stink ant; a kind of bad-smelling ant. synonyms: biʔkʼas.

pʰatʰil*   [pʰatʰilʔ]  pʰa-, tʰil*1. Verb. tear but not necessarily apart (by poking) with the end of a long object. pʰatʰila·qaʔ to tear with poke.

pʰatʼac*   [pʰatʼaʔ]  pʰaʔtʼa*. Verb. feel by poking.

pʰatʼe·t*   [pʰatʼeʔ´]  pʰa-, tʼe·t*2. Variant: pahqoq*; pahqʰoq*. Verb. stand upright, erect (a pole). pʰatʼe·ti to put on. pʰatʼe·ti stand stick up on end! pʰatʼeta·ducé·du D: Durative, Directional "away". ciʔdomʔ kʰe pʰatʼe·ti plant my flowers! Example Variant: kʰe ciʔdomʔ pʰatʼe·ti. ʔamhul ʔa ciʔdomʔ pʰatʼetʼkʰe tomorrow I'll plant flowers.

sʼakʰel pʰatʼeʔ meṭ   [sʼakʰel pʰatʼeʔ meʔ]  Lit: time of setting up green (tree) sʼakʰel, pʰatʼe·t*, meṭ. Noun. Christmas Day.

pʰaṭʰaṭ*   [pʰaṭʰaʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʰaṭ*. Verb. break open with the fist. sóh ʔi qaʔbasáhya paṭʰáṭʰcisʼuwe mito mu·kinʔ behave yourself or he might bust your jaw. paṭʰáṭci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. paṭʰahṭacʼicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, plural Directional "away".

pʰaṭʼahway*   [pʰaṭʼahway]  pʰaʔṭʼaway*.

pʰaṭʼam*   [pʰaṭʼamʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼam*2, pʰa-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. poke (hornetsʼ nest). pʰaṭʼama D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼatá·ma D: Imperative.

pʰaṭʼa·*   [pʰaṭʼaw]  pʰa-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: pʰalaṭʼa*. Verb. cause innards to come out with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. qʰama pʰáṭʼa·cʼi hit your own foot with the end of a stick! biʔkʼas mo·dal ʔaha·li pʰaṭʼa·y poke and squash the ant running along.

pʰaṭʼa·š*   [pʰaṭʼaš]  pʰa-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. put hair off forehead by poking. pʰaṭʼa·šiʔ to poke hair to hold it off forehead.

pʰaṭʼe·   [pʰaṭʼe·]   Noun. burr (spiny).

pʰaṭʼe· qaʔdi   [pʰaṭʼe· qáʔdi]  qaʔdi, qaʔdi. Noun. a plant with stickers.

pʰaṭʼo·*   [pʰaṭʼow]  pʰa-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰaloṭʼo*. Verb. poke (skin must break). qahwa pʰaṭʼow to peel off bark. compare: tapʰla, musu·.

pʰaṭʼu*   [pʰaṭʼuw]  pʰa-, ṭʼu*. Verb. end of a long object sink into. ʔahqʰa yó· waʔali pʰaṭʼuyé ʔkʰe I poked my cane under the water. Example Variant: ...wi₂....

pʰaṭʼul*   [pʰaṭʼulʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼul*. Verb. poke, push with long object to make sink. ʔahqʰa₁ wína·₂ cude·du₃ – ʔaha·₄ li₅ pʰaṭʼúlciyʔ₆ what is floating on the water, push it under with a stick and it will come up as soon as you stop pushing. pʰaṭʼúlci D: Imperative; Semelfactive. synonyms: pʰaʔṭʼubut*.

pʰaṭʼun*   [pʰaṭʼunʔ]  pʰa-, ṭʼun*. Verb. be slimy, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. pʰaṭʼunʔ pʰaʔtʼaw D: Absolutive. pʰaṭʼuni D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼunta D: Imperative. pʰaṭʼuná·tadu D: Durative.

pʰawi*   [pʰawiw]  pʰa-, wi*. Variant: pʰawit*. Verb. poke. baṭʰe· pʰawíw ʔbakʰe ṭʰaʔbam em, (ṭʼo) ma hku máʔyul pʰawiw there are a lot of things to poke, but you keep poking only one.

pʰawit*   [pʰawiʔ]  pʰawi*. Verb. twirl with the end of long object; by wrapping.

pʰayem*   [pʰayemʔ]  pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. move, hold with a long object. pʰayenʔwadu to prod (cow) to guide it around. ʔama dútʼaʔ ca· ʔahqʰa yo· musu· pʰayétʰmucʼ the working men are shoving with a pole the logs around in the water. (not nec. slow).

pʰayot   [pʰayoʔ]  pʰayot*. Noun. stuff bag. mišukʰli pʰayóʔ bawilʔ stuff the bag! pʰayotʼé·mu D: Absolutive.

pʰayot*   [pʰayoʔ]  pʰa-, yot*2. Verb. scatter with a long object. pʰayotá·duʔ to push (brushpile) away.

pʰayot   [pʰayoʔ]  pʰayot*. Noun. stuff bag. mišukʰli pʰayóʔ bawilʔ stuff the bag! pʰayotʼé·mu D: Absolutive.

qaʔdi pʰayohtibiʔli   [qaʔdi pʰáyohtibiʔli]  Lit: pile up grass by poking with pʰayot*. Noun. pitchfork. pʰayotʰciw baṭiw it’s lying piled (bunch of grass).

pʰayukʼut*   [pʰayukʼuʔ]  pʰa-, yukʼut*, pʰa-, yukʼut*. 1 • Verb. probe with pole into mud, bin of wheat, penetrate into. pʰayukʼú·tim probe! pʰakʼútʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

2 • Noun. fire-tender, fire-poker, someone who tends the fire in the roundhouse with a long stick to stir the embers.

pʰaʔamʔso   [pʰaʔámʔso]  . Noun. pepper clover. Trifolium fucatum var. virescens (Pea Family).. synonyms: ʔohso, šoʔloʔlo, boho·, cʼoma·, sibu·ṭa, siṭʼaba·tiʔ, yuhpʰil, bohohso, sociʔdomʔ, cʼoma·, šoʔloʔlo.

pʰaʔba*   [pʰaʔbaw]  pʰa-, ʔba*2. Verb. split open with crowbar.

pʰaʔbe*   [pʰaʔbew]  pʰa-, ʔbe*2. Variant: pʰabe*; pʰabet*. Verb. wrap tightly, tie up, bandage. pʰaʔbeyí·cʼi bandage yourself! heʔe pʰáʔbeyi·cʼi tie up your hair! naṭa pʰaʔbeyiʔti ʔe· ʔa I'm going to wrap the baby. pʰabe·cʼi bandage yourself! pʰabéʔtacʼmeʔ keep bandaging yourselves! pʰaʔbeyícʼmeʔ bandage yourselves! pʰaʔbetʰuʔ don't tie up! pʰabe tie up! pʰabeti tie up several! pʰabecʼba having bandaged himself. pʰabétʰme mul ʔ tie them up!

pʰaʔbeyiʔ   [pʰaʔbeyiʔ]  pʰaʔbe*. Noun. a bandage.

pʰaʔbeyiʔ   [pʰaʔbeyiʔ]  pʰaʔbe*. Noun. a bandage.

pʰaʔbo*   [pʰaʔbow]  ʔbo*4. Verb. ?? stick something on by poking ?? pʰobo·ci @ stick something on by poking it!

pʰaʔbolh*1   [pʰaʔbolʔ]  pʰa-, ʔbolh*1. Verb. poke over.

pʰaʔbolh*2   [pʰaʔbolʔ]  pʰa-, ʔbolh*2. Verb. many small dry particles come off with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping; Idiom: to hit someone. ʔihmi ʔíhṭʰe pʰaʔbólhciw to really make the feathers fly with a blows of the fist, [metaphor, probably based on English, for] to fight furiously. pʰabolá·tadu hit several people several times! pʰaʔbólhmaw hit again and again.

pʰaʔbolhpʰaʔbolh*   [pʰaʔbolhpʰaʔbolʔ]  pʰaʔbolh*2. Reduplicating Verb. hit several times.

pʰaʔbolhpʰaʔbolh*   [pʰaʔbolhpʰaʔbolʔ]  pʰaʔbolh*2. Reduplicating Verb. hit several times.

pʰaʔbotʼ*   [pʰaʔboʔ]  pʰa-, ʔbotʼ*. Verb. soften, disintegrate something soft and weak, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pʰaʔbotʼad*   [pʰaʔbotʼá·du]  pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. keep pounding (abalone) with a pestle to soften.

pʰaʔbotʼci*   [pʰaʔbótʼciw]  pʰaʔbotʼ*, pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. poke once and disintegrate (a puffball mushroom).

pʰaʔbotʼci*   [pʰaʔbótʼciw]  pʰaʔbotʼ*, pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. poke once and disintegrate (a puffball mushroom).

pʰaʔbotʼad*   [pʰaʔbotʼá·du]  pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. keep pounding (abalone) with a pestle to soften.

pʰaʔbotʼci*   [pʰaʔbótʼciw]  pʰaʔbotʼ*, pʰaʔbotʼ*. Verb. poke once and disintegrate (a puffball mushroom).

pʰaʔcʼa*1   [-]  pʰa-, ʔcʼa*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. key stuck in lock.

pʰaʔcʼaʔcʼa*   [pʰaʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  pʰaʔcʼa*1. Reduplicating Verb. key stuck in lock.

pʰaʔcʼa*2   [pʰaʔcʼáw]  pʰa-, ʔcʼa*2. Verb. stick long object (spear) into something (log).

pʰaʔcʼaba*   [pʰacʼabá]  pʰa-, ʔcʼaba*. Variant: pʰacʼabat*. Verb. one break several (round object).

pʰacʼabac*   [pʰacʼabáʔ]  pʰaʔcʼaba*. Verb. one break several (round object). pʰaʔcʼabá·ci break it! (round object).

pʰaʔcʼamh*   [pʰaʔcʼamʔ]  ʔcʼamh*. Verb. be stiff [?]

pʰaʔcʼanh*   [pʰaʔcʼanʔ]  pʰa-, ʔcʼanh*. Variant: pʰacʼahn*. Verb. put something long into something sticky.

pʰaʔcʼaʔcʼa*   [pʰaʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  pʰaʔcʼa*1. Reduplicating Verb. key stuck in lock.

pʰaʔcʼe*   [-]  pʰa-, ʔcʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with end of long object.

pʰaʔcʼeʔcʼe*   [pʰaʔcʼeʔcʼew]  pʰaʔcʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with end of long object.

pʰaʔcʼenhma*   [pʰaʔcʼénhmaw]  pʰa-, ʔcʼenh*. Verb. poke (a stick) into (an opening) so that it stays there. mul mabél qʰale ṭʰiwi pʰaʔcʼénhma the long thing (pole) in your hand, poke it into the tree fork. synonyms: pahcʼelhma*.

pʰaʔcʼeʔcʼe*   [pʰaʔcʼeʔcʼew]  pʰaʔcʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with end of long object.

pʰaʔcʼo*   [-]  pʰa-, ʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pound to pieces.

pʰaʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰaʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰaʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. pound to pieces.

pʰaʔcʼon*   [pʰaʔcʼonʔ]  pʰa-, ʔcʼon*. Verb. detach with the end of a long object.

pʰaʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰaʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰaʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. pound to pieces.

pʰaʔdayac*   [pʰaʔdayáʔ]  pʰa-, ʔdayac*. Variant: pʰadaya*. Verb. miss with fist. pʰadayá·we· ʔa I missed it several times. pʰadayáhqawela· ʔa I made him miss several times.

pʰaʔdi*1   [pʰaʔdíw]  pʰa-, ʔdi*1. Variant: pahsa. Verb. move or hold one thing with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pahsa*2   [pahsa]  hsa*1, pʰaʔdi*1, pʰa-.

pʰade·bic*   [pʰade·bíʔ]  pʰaʔdi*1, -ibic. Verb. shovel up.

pʰaʔdic*   [pʰaʔdiʔ]  pʰaʔdi*1, pʰaʔdi*1. Verb. poke so as to move. ʔahá· ʔahqól pʰaʔdiye· miluw he poked something in (the hole) with a long stick. ʔaha· ʔahqól li kʼaṭa ʔimo· pʰáʔdiy he poked cloth in the hole with a long stick.

pʰaʔdic*   [pʰaʔdiʔ]  pʰaʔdi*1, pʰaʔdi*1. Verb. poke so as to move. ʔahá· ʔahqól pʰaʔdiye· miluw he poked something in (the hole) with a long stick. ʔaha· ʔahqól li kʼaṭa ʔimo· pʰáʔdiy he poked cloth in the hole with a long stick.

pʰaʔdi*2   [pʰaʔdiw]  pʰa-, ʔdi*2. Verb. poke stick in something soft or in crack and break it.

pʰaʔdic*   [pʰaʔdiʔ]  pʰaʔdi*1, pʰaʔdi*1. Verb. poke so as to move. ʔahá· ʔahqól pʰaʔdiye· miluw he poked something in (the hole) with a long stick. ʔaha· ʔahqól li kʼaṭa ʔimo· pʰáʔdiy he poked cloth in the hole with a long stick.

pʰaʔkʼa*   [-]  pʰa-, ʔkʼa*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. be stiff legged.

pʰaʔkʼapʰaʔkʼa*   [pʰaʔkʼapʰáʔkʼaw]  pʰaʔkʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. walk stiff-legged. pʰaʔkʼapʰáʔkʼameʔ to walk stiff-legged.

pʰaʔkʼaʔkʼac*   [pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼaʔ]  pʰaʔkʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. stand stiff-legged (not necessarily apart). pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼaci D: Imperative. pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pʰaʔkʼapʰaʔkʼa*   [pʰaʔkʼapʰáʔkʼaw]  pʰaʔkʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. walk stiff-legged. pʰaʔkʼapʰáʔkʼameʔ to walk stiff-legged.

pʰaʔkʼayʔci*   [pʰaʔkʼayʔciw]  pʰa-, ʔkʼayʔ*. Verb. poke and get stuck in crack.

pʰaʔkʼaʔkʼac*   [pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼaʔ]  pʰaʔkʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. stand stiff-legged (not necessarily apart). pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼaci D: Imperative. pʰaʔkʼáʔkʼacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pʰaʔkʼo*   [pʰaʔkʼow]  Lit: to poke with a pencil. pʰa-, ʔkʼo*2. Verb. 1 • poke, strike with a long object moving lengthwise (stick, pencil). pʰaʔkʼopʰákʼoʔ keep hitting self. pʰaʔkʼopʰakʼo·cʼi keep hitting self! pʰaʔkʼopʰáʔkʼow keep hitting lightly. pencil li pʰaʔkʼo hit with the end of the pencil in one blow! pʰaʔkʼopʰákʼo·law to poke in a row down; to keep poking while going down. pʰaʔkʼo D: Imperative. pʰáʔkʼomeʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: pʰaʔkʼoméʔ. pʰaʔkʼotʰuʔ don't poke! pʰaʔkʼotʰúmeʔ don't poke (to several)! pʰaʔkʼocí·du D : Durative. pʰakʼoyícʼmeʔ D: Durative Plural. compare: ʔkʼo*2.

2 • dot. pencil li pʰaʔkʼo make a dot with a pencil! pʰaʔkʼowe· mu synonyms: pʰoʔkʼo.

cahno hla· pʰaʔkʼow   [cahno hlá· pʰaʔkʼow]  Lit: dot at the end of words (AJ).; dot at end of word cahno2, =hlaw, pʰaʔkʼo*. Variant: cahno hlá· tol pʰaʔkʼow. Noun. period.

pʰaʔkʼu*   [pʰaʔkʼuw]  pʰa-, ʔkʼu*. Verb. finish poking with a long object, etc.

pʰaʔli*   [-]  pʰa-, ʔli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. scull with an oar.

pʰaʔlipʰaʔli*   [pʰaʔlipʰaʔliw]  pʰaʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. scull with an oar at the rear of a boat.

pʰaʔliʔli*   [pʰaʔlíʔliw]  pʰaʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. scull a boat.

pʰaʔlipʰaʔli*   [pʰaʔlipʰaʔliw]  pʰaʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. scull with an oar at the rear of a boat.

pʰaʔliʔli*   [pʰaʔlíʔliw]  pʰaʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. scull a boat.

pʰaʔloʔlo*   [pʰaʔloʔlow]  pʰa-, ʔlo*2. Reduplicating Verb. shrink with the fist. pʰaʔlóʔlo·te· maʔal kalikakʰ I’m going to roll this paper into a ball in my hands, using palms and fingertips. pʰalopʰaloʔ pʰacʼo·ye·mensʼi·li it became round doing that.

pʰaʔlu*   [pʰaʔluw]  pʰa-, ʔlu*1. Verb. wrap (small package); wrap with stick. ʔahá· ʔahqolli pʰaʔlu mulʔ wrap it with a long stick! ʔahá· ʔahqolli pʰaʔlúʔluci mulʔ wrap it completely! pʰaʔlupʰáluta·du wrap several! (pl. of both forms). qʰama míto cʼóqʰowi miʔlúʔluyi·cʼ tangle your foot with blanket!

pʰaʔluw   [pʰaʔluw]  pʰaʔlu*. Noun. small package. compare: haʔluw.

pʰaʔluw   [pʰaʔluw]  pʰaʔlu*. Noun. small package. compare: haʔluw.

pʰaʔpʰa   [pʰaʔpʰa]   Inanimate Mimetic. don't be naked (to babies), don't expose yourself. pʰaʔpʰa qáhqo don't be naked (to older children). compare: pʰa2, ʔahpʰa, pʰuw.

pʰaʔpʼanh*   [pʰaʔpʼanʔ]  pʰa-, ʔpʼanh*. Variant: pʰapʼanta*. Verb. cover with the end of a long object. pʰaʔpʼanáhmuʔ to wall in (a room) from all sides.

pʰaʔpʼoʔpʼoc*   [pʰaʔpʼoʔpʼoʔ]  pʰa-, ʔpʼo*. Reduplicating Verb. poke out everything.

pʰaʔqʼac*   [pʰaʔqʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔqʼac*. Variant: pʰaqʼahci*. Verb. wrap tight, tie tightly, securely. pʰaʔqʼácciw to wrap tight, to tie (a package) tight and secure.

pʰaʔqʼala·tad*   [pʰaʔqʼalá·tadu]  pʰaʔqʼalh*.

pʰaʔqʼalh*   [pʰaʔqʼálʔ]  pʰa-, ʔqʼalh*. Variant: pʰaʔqʼala·tad*. Verb. poke with a stick or pole into a hole. pʰaʔqʼálhciw poke once. pʰaʔqʼalí poke (in fish hole to get it out)! pʰaʔqʼalá·tadu poke in many places! pʰaʔqʼálhmaw keep poking!

pʰaʔqʼalpʰaʔqʼalh*   [pʰaʔqʼálpʰaʔqalʔ]  pʰaʔqʼalh*. Reduplicating Verb. poke a stick or pole repeatedly into something. pʰaʔqʼálpʰaʔqʼali poke many times!

pʰaʔqʼalpʰaʔqʼalh*   [pʰaʔqʼálpʰaʔqalʔ]  pʰaʔqʼalh*. Reduplicating Verb. poke a stick or pole repeatedly into something. pʰaʔqʼálpʰaʔqʼali poke many times!

pʰaʔsʼaṭ*1   [pʰaʔsʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔsʼaṭ*1. Variant: pʰasʼahṭ*. Verb. slap; tie hard to leave mark. miʔkʰe ʔima·ta ʔem pʰasʼahṭimʔkʰe your woman is going to slap you repeatedly. pʰasʼáhṭimʔ D: Plural Action, Absolutive. ʔahqʰa pʰasʼahṭime· mu he is slapping the water. pʰaʔsʼaṭʰmaw to slap. ʔahsi· pʰanamáʔtʰu mito pʰaʔsʼáṭʼkʰe ʔeʔ don't tie my hair too tight or I'll slap you. pʰaʔsʼaṭʰmamela I slapped him. mito pʰaʔsʼaṭʼkʰe someone will slap you. ʔa ʔe· mito pʰaʔsʼaṭʼkʰe I will slap you. ʔana· to heʔe ʔahsi· pʰanamaʔtʰu mito ʔa huʔu·mo pʰaʔsʼaṭʰmaʔkʰe ʔ don't tie my hair too tight or I'll slap your face! . pʰaʔsʼáṭʰmaʔkʰe mito ʔa huʔu·mo I'll slap you in the face (once). Example Variant: mito ʔa huʔu·mo pʰaʔsʼáṭʰmaʔkʰe. pʰaʔsʼaṭi slap!

pʰaʔsʼaṭ*2   [pʰaʔsʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔsʼaṭ*2. Verb. braid, tie tight, hard; slap. pʰaʔsʼaṭíʔ duʔsʼaṭi make belt! pʰaʔsʼaṭícé·mu D: Absolutive. pʰaʔsʼaṭi slap! or Tie hard to leave mark! pʰaʔsʼatíʔ pʰaʔsʼati·cʼi put belt on! paʔsʼaṭícʼinsé·mu D: Absolutive.

pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ*   [pʰaʔsʼaṭiʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭ*2. Verb. put on (belt). pʰaʔsʼatíʔ pʰaʔsʼti·c'i put belt on!

pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ   [pʰaʔsʼaṭíʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ*. Variant: paʔsʼaṭi·cʼ. Noun. belt (leather). pʰaʔsʼaṭicʼé· mu it's a belt. pʰaʔsʼaṭícʼinsʼe· mu it seems to be a belt. compare: pa·ha2, duʔsʼaṭi·cʼ.

pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ   [pʰaʔsʼaṭíʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ*. Variant: paʔsʼaṭi·cʼ. Noun. belt (leather). pʰaʔsʼaṭicʼé· mu it's a belt. pʰaʔsʼaṭícʼinsʼe· mu it seems to be a belt. compare: pa·ha2, duʔsʼaṭi·cʼ.

pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ*   [pʰaʔsʼaṭiʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭ*2. Verb. put on (belt). pʰaʔsʼatíʔ pʰaʔsʼti·c'i put belt on!

pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ   [pʰaʔsʼaṭíʔ]  pʰaʔsʼaṭi·cʼ*. Variant: paʔsʼaṭi·cʼ. Noun. belt (leather). pʰaʔsʼaṭicʼé· mu it's a belt. pʰaʔsʼaṭícʼinsʼe· mu it seems to be a belt. compare: pa·ha2, duʔsʼaṭi·cʼ.

pʰaʔsʼaṭʰma*   [pʰaʔsʼaṭʰmaw]  . Verb. slap.

pʰaʔsʼo   [pʰaʔsʼo]  pʰa-, ʔsʼo*1. Adjective. slim. tahtala· šahku pʰáʔsʼo pegged slim pants legs. ʔacaʔ pʰáʔsʼo slim person (slender and tall, not skinny). Example Variant: ..moʔsʼo. ná·waš pʰaʔsʼo hobble skirt (no meaning of wrinkle or mash). Example Variant: ..haʔsʼo. synonyms: moʔsʼo.

pʰaʔsʼo*   [pʰaʔsʼow]  pʰa-, ʔsʼo*2. Verb. hem.

pʰaʔsʼoq*   [pʰaʔsʼóʔ]  pʰa-, ʔsʼoq*. Variant: pʰaʔsʼotʰqo*. Verb. crumple (dress), mash, deflate (balloon). hiʔbu pʰaʔsʼoʔ mashed potatoes. pʰaʔsʼoqo D: Imperative. pʰaʔsʼotá·qodu to mash hither, out (one). pʰaʔsʼoqá·tadu to mash here and there. pʰasʼoqa·dadu to mash one along. pʰaʔsʼoti D: Imperative.

pʰaʔsʼotʰqo*   [pʰasʼótʰqow]  pʰaʔsʼoq*. Verb. crumple.

pʰaʔsʼoʔsʼo*   [pʰaʔsʼoʔsʼow]  pʰa-, ʔsʼo*3. Verb. squeeze with fist. pʰaʔsʼóʔsʼoʔ to squeeze (ball of paper) in hand to make small. Example Variant: daʔsʼóʔsʼoʔ. pʰaʔsʼóʔsʼoci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. synonyms: daʔsʼoʔsʼo*.

pʰaʔsʼulaq*   [pʰaʔsʼulaʔ]  pʰaʔsʼulh*, -aq1. Verb. wrap up, swaddle (only for baby). pʰaʔsʼulá·qa D: Imperative. pʰaʔsʼulá·taqa D: Plural, Imperative. pʰaʔsʼulá·qocʼi to wrap up like a mummy (could be in a sheet of canvas). naṭa qáwi pʰaʔsʼuláʔ new-born baby. naṭáyya qawíyya pʰaʔsʼulá·taʔ new-born babies.

pʰaʔsʼulh*   [pʰaʔsʼulʔ]  pʰa-, ʔsʼulh*2. Verb. wrap up. pʰaʔsʼulsʼu wrap him up! (baby in cradle; wrapped tight, papoose style). pʰasʼu·líʔ cohto stand there with no projecting parts, everything hanging down! Example Variant: pʰasʼulma ~ pasulma.

pʰaʔsʼulaq*   [pʰaʔsʼulaʔ]  pʰaʔsʼulh*, -aq1. Verb. wrap up, swaddle (only for baby). pʰaʔsʼulá·qa D: Imperative. pʰaʔsʼulá·taqa D: Plural, Imperative. pʰaʔsʼulá·qocʼi to wrap up like a mummy (could be in a sheet of canvas). naṭa qáwi pʰaʔsʼuláʔ new-born baby. naṭáyya qawíyya pʰaʔsʼulá·taʔ new-born babies.

pʰa·sʼulsʼu   [pʰa·sʼulsʼu]  pʰaʔsʼulh*. Variant: pʰa·sʼulʔsʼu. Adjective. narrow (of skirt, not of pants – see -kʼus-). na·waš pʰa·sʼúlʔsʼu narrow skirt. compare: kʼus*.

pʰaʔša   [pʰaʔša]   Adjective. unlucky; poor, untalented. ʔacaʔ pʰáʔša unlucky man. hayu pʰaʔša unlucky dog. ʔa· ṭʼo kumíʔdaʔ pʰaʔša I'm always unlucky. pʰaʔša tʰíne· mu it's not unlucky. compare: qahlem.

pʰaʔtʼa*   [pʰaʔtʼaw]  pʰa-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: pʰatʼac*. Verb. feel by poking. compare: šasʼim*.

pʰaʔtʼaʔtʼac*   [pʰaʔtʼáʔtʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔtʼa*3. Verb. be chock full; stuff, stack. synonyms: daʔtʼaʔtʼac*, dohtohto*.

pʰaʔtʼehn*   [pʰaʔtʼehniw]  pʰaʔtʼenh*.

pʰaʔtʼem*   [pʰaʔtʼemʔ]  ʔtʼem*6, pʰa-, ʔtʼem*6, pʰa-, pʰa-. 1 • Verb. begin. pʰaʔtʼemʔ to start making some object; to begin (to sew, build, eat; not sleep). pʰaʔtʼémmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰatʼéhtimmeʔ pʰatʼétʰmameʔ start (several projects)! pʰatʼéhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰaʔtʼema start (dancing, sewing; not going or travelling)! bimucíʔti pʰaʔtʼema start off to table to eat! bimucí·du pʰaʔtʼema start to eat! bitʼélʔ pʰaʔtʼema start to sew! bitʼélti pʰaʔtʼema start to (cut) to sew! maʔwa pʰatʼema you start dancing first (lead)!

2 • Noun. beginning of project, e.g. center piece of basket.

pʰaʔtʼenaymucʼ*   [pʰaʔtʼenaymuʔ]  . Verb. mix together with a stick.

pʰaʔtʼenh*   [pʰaʔtʼenʔ]  pʰa-, ʔtʼenh*. Variant: pʰaʔtʼehn*. Verb. attach, with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping. pʰaʔtʼena·mucʼkʰe you should stick them together.

pʰaʔtʼut*   [pʰaʔtʼuʔ]  pʰa-, ʔtʼut*2. Verb. long narrow space inside, sides close together. pʰaʔtʼuʔ tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs straight and together. mu·qawi ma· pʰaʔtʼutá·qacalli that narrow space (between two 2 x 4’s) stretches up long and narrow.

pʰaʔtʼutʰu*   [pʰaʔtʼutʰuw]  pʰa-, ʔtʼutʰu*2. Verb. squeeze, be squeezed. sʼuhkúl pʰaʔtʼutʰuʔ min tʼa·du heart feels as if squeezed (from sorrow or fear). pʰaʔtʼutʰú·ci (to person) Squeeze (box)! pʰatʼutʰu to squeeze several. šahku pʰáʔtʼuʔtʼuyiʔ squeeze ones own legs together.

pʰaʔṭiʔṭi*   [pʰaʔṭíʔṭiw]  pʰa-, ʔṭiʔṭi*. Verb. poking with stick, keep on doing.

pʰaʔṭʼa*   [pʰaʔṭʼaw]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1, pʰa-, ʔṭʼa*1. Verb. hold by tying. pʰaṭʼawayʔ tied on.

pʰaʔṭʼaṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼaʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3, pʰa-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3. Verb. crack, tap with the end of a long object, e.g., a stick, cane. waʔalí wi ṭʼi·má· qʰaʔbe pʰáʔṭʼaṭa·dela everywhere with a cane I am touching rocks. biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼáʔṭʼaci crush acorns (with pestle)! biʔdu pʰáʔṭʼaṭi crack acorns! ʔihya· pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush the bone by pounding! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼaʔṭʼaci crush rock! qʰaʔbe pʰaʔṭʼapʰaʔṭʼa tap rocks with end of stick!

pʰaʔṭʼaway*   [pʰaʔṭʼawayʔ]  . Variant: pʰaṭʼahway*. Verb. tie on.

pʰaʔṭʼawʔd*   [pʰaʔṭʼawʔdu]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼawʔd*. Verb. injure severely using fist; slap or poke hard (not nec. but could be enough to knock out). pʰaʔṭʼáwʔduʔ someone else hit with fist so it really hurt. compare: pahcʰi*.

pʰaʔṭʼepʰaṭʼeht*   [pʰaʔṭʼepʰaṭʼeht]  pʰaʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*, -ht.

pʰaʔṭʼes*   [pʰaʔṭʼes]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. hit with fist or slap and make certain sound.

pʰaʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [pʰaʔṭʼéʔṭʼew]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Variant: pʰaʔṭʼepʰaṭʼeht*. Verb. pound one place (no unredup. form). pʰaʔṭʼepʰáṭʼehtaqan pounding lightly (backbone to loosen flesh but not crush the bones) (Preparing Deer EP Par. 2, 8); pounding lightly.

pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼic*   [pʰaʔṭʼiʔṭʼiʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. tie (package) tightly; wrapped up. pʰaʔṭiʔṭici to tie tigh. ʔana· ʔahsi· pʰaʔṭʼíʔṭiyiʔtʰuʔ don't tie it too tight!

pʰaʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*   [pʰaʔṭʼoʔṭʼow]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼo*. Reduplicating Verb. sound of hitting lightly, patting, tapping with hands. cohso pʰaʔṭópʰaṭʼo·cʼi clap hands (loud or soft). naṭa qawi sili pʰáʔṭʼoʔṭʼoci pat the little child on the rear. qapʼa pʰaʔtʼoʔtʼocʼkʰe ʔe· mito ʔa I am going to pat you on the cheek.

pʰaʔṭʼubut*   [pʰaʔṭʼubúʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼubut*1. Verb. poke under with end of stick. synonyms: pʰaṭʼul*.

pʰaʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰaʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. use the end of a long object to make sparks fly out by stirring. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭi to be stirring fire so sparks fly. ʔoho pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

pʰaʔṭʼuṭʰu*   [pʰaʔṭʼuṭʰuw]  pʰa-, ʔṭʼuṭʰu*. Verb. squeeze with the fist. cohšo pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰuʔ to clench one’s fist (/-yiʔ/ reflexive). Example Variant: ...pʰáʔṭʼuṭʰu·yiʔ.

pʰaʔya*   [pʰaʔyaw]  pʰa-, ʔya*. Verb. threaten to cut; raise hand as if to slice, stab, but not actually do the motion; threaten to swing weapon, but not actually strike. pʰaʔyací·du making downward motion with rock ? pʰaʔya D: Imperative.

pʰaʔyiʔyi*   [pʰaʔyiʔyiw]  pʰa-, ʔyi*4. Verb. press against and twist with the end of a long object, e.g., a stick. pʰacʼohpʰi pʰaʔyiʔyici poke it and twist against it (of stick). Example Variant: pʰaʔwiʔyici..

pʰaʔyuʔyu*   [pʰaʔyúʔyuw]  pʰa-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. press with side of hand down while wiggling.

pʰa·*   [-]   Variant: pʰa. Kinship Noun. son. compare: hpʰanki*.

mapʰa·ki*   [-]  pʰa·*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their own son.

mapʰaki·yi   [mapʰaki·yi]  mapʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. him, her, or them and his, her, or their own son.

mapʰa·ki   [mapʰa·ki]  mapʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. his own son.

mapʰa·kil   [mapʰa·kil]  mapʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his, her, or their own son.

mapʰa·kiʔkʰe   [mapʰa·kiʔkʰe]  mapʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. for his, her, or their own son.

mapʰa·kiʔna   [mapʰa·kiʔna]  mapʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his, her, or their own son is.

2 • at his, her, or their own son's place.

mipʰa·ki*   [-]  pʰa·*. Kinship Noun. your son.

mipʰaki·yi   [mipʰaki·yi]  mipʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. you and your son.

mipʰa·ki   [mipʰa·ki]  mipʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. your son.

mipʰa·kil   [mipʰa·kil]  mipʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) your son.

mipʰa·kiʔkʰe   [mipʰa·kiʔkʰe]  mipʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. for your son.

mipʰa·kiʔna   [mipʰa·kiʔna]  mipʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your son is.

2 • at your son's place.

miya·pʰaki*   [-]  pʰa·*. Kinship Noun. his, her or their son.

miya·pʰaki   [miyá·pʰaki]  miya·pʰaki*. Kinship Noun. his, her or their son.

miya·pʰakil   [miya·pʰakil]  miya·pʰaki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his, her or their son.

miya·pʰakiʔkʰe   [miya·pʰakiʔkʰe]  miya·pʰaki*. Kinship Noun. for his, her or their son.

miya·pʰakiʔna   [miya·pʰakiʔna]  miya·pʰaki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his, her or their son is.

2 • at his, her or their son's place.

pʰa·ki*   [-]  pʰa·*. Kinship Noun. my or our son.

pʰa·ki   [pʰá·ki]  pʰa·ki*. Variant: pʰa·kide. Kinship Noun. son!

pʰa·kinʔ   [pʰa·kínʔ]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. my or our son.

pʰa·kinʔkʰe   [pʰa·kinʔkʰe]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our son.

pʰa·kito   [pʰa·kito]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our son.

pʰa·kitoʔna   [pʰa·kitoʔna]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our son is.

2 • at my or our son's place.

pʰa·ki   [pʰá·ki]  pʰa·ki*. Variant: pʰa·kide. Kinship Noun. son!

pʰa·ki*   [-]  pʰa·*. Kinship Noun. my or our son.

pʰa·ki   [pʰá·ki]  pʰa·ki*. Variant: pʰa·kide. Kinship Noun. son!

pʰa·kinʔ   [pʰa·kínʔ]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. my or our son.

pʰa·kinʔkʰe   [pʰa·kinʔkʰe]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our son.

pʰa·kito   [pʰa·kito]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our son.

pʰa·kitoʔna   [pʰa·kitoʔna]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our son is.

2 • at my or our son's place.

pʰa·kide   [pʰa·kide]  pʰa·ki.

pʰa·kinʔ   [pʰa·kínʔ]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. my or our son.

pʰa·kinʔkʰe   [pʰa·kinʔkʰe]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our son.

pʰa·kito   [pʰa·kito]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our son.

pʰa·kitoʔna   [pʰa·kitoʔna]  pʰa·ki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our son is.

2 • at my or our son's place.

pʰa·l*   [-]   Cooccurrence: Occurs with -ci- and -ma-. Instr Verb Root. many cover surface. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, pem*, bo·m*, pa*2, pʰam*.

cipʰa·l*   [-]  cʰi-, pʰa·l*. Cooccurrence: requires suffix, typically Essive or Semelfactive. Verb. ?? cover by hanging heavy. cipʰalmaw (drapes) to be hanging over (something). taqʰma síhco· ma cipʰalmaw you are standing (or sitting) with a wet dress. compare: cihpʰatʼ*.

dapʰa·l*   [dapʰalciw]  da-, pʰa·l*. Variant: dapʰahlim*. Verb. ?? cover by thick growth (plants, hair). qʰale šihpʰa dapʰalmawam cʰabina, ʔama tol dapʰalciw the tree thickly covered with leaves must have fallen, the ground is thickly covered (with leaves). heʔe ʔaqolácʼbina, mito šima ʔána· dapʰalmaw your hair has grown so long, it is really covering up your ears. ciʔdomʔ mihsaʔ dapʰalmaw the flowers are growing thick solid. Example Variant: dapemmaw. dapʰalma @ grow thick (to hair). dapʰahlimmeʔ @ grow thick (to several)! dapʰalcí·du thick of leaves on bush. heʔe dápʰalma hair messed up, bushy. Example Variant: form is possibly /dapʰalci·du/ instead. qʰale ʔel copʰócʼbina sihpʰa mihsáʔ dapʰalmaw the leaves of the tree have sprouted thick (enough to hide limbs). dapʰalciw cover thick in one place (as stacking cut brush). dapʰala·duʔ something thick moving away. synonyms: dapem*, dapam*.

dipʰa·l*   [dipʰalʔ]  di-, pʰa·l*. Verb. fall and cover something; hang and cover something. dipʰalciw to fall to cover the ground. dipʰalmaw hang thick from gravity. synonyms: dipam*, dipem*, dipʰam*, dibo·m*, dibo·š*.

qapʰa·l*   [qapʰalʔ]  qa-, pʰa·l*. Variant: qapʰahl*. Verb. ?? cover ?? hasíme mihsaʔ qapʰalciw é· mu ʔacaʔ that man is covered with a heavy mustache (so thick his upper lip can’t be seen). qapʰáhlimʔ D: Plural. Example Variant: qapʰáhliw.

pʰa·sʼulsʼu   [pʰa·sʼulsʼu]  pʰaʔsʼulh*. Variant: pʰa·sʼulʔsʼu. Adjective. narrow (of skirt, not of pants – see -kʼus-). na·waš pʰa·sʼúlʔsʼu narrow skirt. compare: kʼus*.

pʰa·sʼulʔsʼu   [pʰeht(iʔ]  pʰa·sʼulsʼu.

pʰeht(i)*  hpʰi*2. Verb. carry several together.

pʰehtaqac*   [pʰehtaqac]  pʰe·qac*.

pʰehtibic*   [pʰehtibic]  pʰe·bic*.

pʰehtim*   [pʰehtim]  hpʰem*.

pʰehtimaqʷ*   [pʰehtimaqʷ]  hpʰemaqʷ*.

pʰehṭʰim*   [pʰehṭʰim]  hpʰeṭ*.

pʰeʔcʼehni*   [pʰeʔcʼéhniw]  pʰeʔcʼenh*. Verb. overlap and project.

pʰeʔcʼenaʔ   [pʰeʔcʼenaʔ]  pʰeʔcʼenh*. Noun. bonnet with visor.

pʰeʔcʼenh*   [-]   Variant: pʰeʔcʼehni*. Verb. overhang; overlap and project. pʰecʼenhmaw sit with cap. pʰeʔcʼenaʔ eaves stretched along the house. Example Variant: pʰeʔcʼena·qa. pʰeʔcʼénhciw to overlap so sticks out like eaves of house or visor of cap. pʰeʔcʼénʔpʰeʔcenʔ keep moving visor around. pʰecʼéhnimʔ D: Plural. pʰecʼehniw @. pʰecʼéhnaʔ @.

pʰeʔcʼenaʔ   [pʰeʔcʼenaʔ]  pʰeʔcʼenh*. Noun. bonnet with visor.

pʰeʔsʼe*   [pʰeʔsʼew]  ʔsʼe*. Verb. dip head (involuntarily); bend neck, head back and forth. haʔtʰiba pʰeʔsʼew sneezing, the head went down. pʰeʔsʼepʰeʔsʼew head to move up and down as on a bronco rider; to nod several times. pʰeʔsʼewayʔ to nod (greeting) to someone. mu·kinʔ pʰeʔsʼey he nodded his head. pʰeʔsʼemeʔ D: Plural Imperative. synonyms: pʰiʔsʼi*.

pʰeʔsʼepʰeʔsʼe*   [pʰeʔsʼepʰeʔsʼew]  pʰeʔsʼe*. Verb. jerk forward and back as passenger in car being driven jerkily.

pʰeʔsʼepʰeʔsʼe*   [pʰeʔsʼepʰeʔsʼew]  pʰeʔsʼe*. Verb. jerk forward and back as passenger in car being driven jerkily.

pʰeʔṭʼe   [pʰeʔṭʼe]  ʔṭʼe*3. Adjective. with overhanging head (of most animals because their head is not over their bodies). pʰeʔṭʼé·maw to hold head with it overhanging, hanging out from body.

pʰe·bic*   [pʰe·biʔ]  hpʰi*2, -ibic. Variant: pʰehtibic*; pʰihtibic*. Verb of Handling. start to carry person on back; get up while carrying person on back. pʰebi·ci get up with person on your back! pʰihtibicʰmeʔ start to carry several on back one at a time (to several)! pʰehtibicʰmeʔ start to carry several on back all at once (to several)!

pʰe·cʼ*   [pʰe·cʼ]  pʰe·d*.

pʰe·d*   [pʰe·du´]  hpʰi*2, -ad2. Variant: pʰe·cʼ*. Verb. carry (person, child) along on back, carry here. pʰala pʰé·du carry along again! hu·ʔ pʰe·dú yes, bring it! Example Comment: answer to "shall I bring it?". men mul naṭa pʰe·du pack that child along. Example Variant: men pʰe·du múl naṭa ʔ. be·li múl naṭa pʰe·du pack that child here. Example Variant: be·li pʰé·du mul naṭa ʔ.

pʰe·duc*   [pʰe·duʔ]  . Verb. carry far (person on back).

pʰe·la*   [pʰe·láw]  hpʰi*2, -ala. Verb of Handling. carry (person) down on back. pʰe·la carry down! pʰela·tʰúʔ don't carry down! pʰela·méʔ carry down (to several)! pʰela·tʰuméʔ don't carry down (to several)! pʰela·medú keep carrying down! pʰela·medú mi·li ʔ keep carrying one down there! pʰela·mécʼmeʔ keep carrying down (to several)! pʰelamecí·yicʼmeʔ @. mi·li pʰé·la carry one down there! Example Variant: pʰe·la mí·liʔ. pʰela·tʰu mí·li don't carry one there! Example Variant: mi·li pʰela·tʰúʔ. pʰela·tʰumé mi·li ʔ don't carry one down there (to several)! Example Variant: mi·li pʰéla·mecʼmeʔ.

pʰe·m*   [pʰemʔ]   Verb. only in one construction. dupʰe·maʔ old word for comb hair.

pʰe·qac*   [pʰe·qáʔ]  hpʰi*2, -aqac. Variant: pʰehtaqac*; pʰihtaqac*. Verb of Handling. carry (a child) up on back. pʰeqa·ci carry one up! pʰéhtaqa·ci carry several up at once! pʰíhtaqa·ci carry several up one at a time! pʰe·qá·tʰuʔ don't carry up! pʰéhtaqacʰmeʔ carry several up together (to several)! pʰíhtaqacʰmeʔ carry several up one at a time (to several)! pʰe·qácʰmeʔ carry one up (to several)! (all carrying same person). pʰe·qá·tʰumeʔ don't carry up (to several)! mi·li pʰéqa·ci carry one up there! Example Variant: pʰeqa·ci mí·liʔ. pʰeqá·tʰu mi·li ʔ don't carry one up there!

-pʰi   [pʰi]  Variant: -cʰi. Variant: -hi. Verb. Same-Subject Future: the action denoted by the verb has not taken place but if and when it does, it precedes that of the main verb; and they have the same Agent; "when, if, unless".

pʰi-   [pʰi]   Variant: pisohṭ*. pref-instr. with the side of a long object, with the eyes, with an axe, hammer, etc.

pihcalh*   [pihcalʔ]  pʰi-, hcalh*. Variant: pihcala·tad*. Verb. branching skeletal parts be bared. šiʔbaši hcʰoyícʼbina, ʔama tol ʔihya pihcálhciw having died, the animal lay on the ground bones bared.

pihce*   [pihcew]  pʰi-, hce*1. Verb. obstruct, block by movement, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcec*   [pihcéʔ]  pihce*. 1 • Verb. become shielded from blows of a stick or axe.

2 • Noun. obstruction, shield.

pihcecʰma*   [pihcécʰmaw]  pihce*. Verb. (cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects¡ess. haʔu qʰále pihcécʰmawal to·, ʔa heʔen bilahwal canʔkʰe tʰin because of those trees blocking the view, I cannot see across.

pihci*   [pihciw]  hci*1, pʰi-. Verb. clear with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcipici·q*   [pihcipíciʔ]  pihci*, -aq1. Reduplicating Verb. hoe (a field) with repeated chopping motions.

pihcohco*   [pihcohcow]  pʰi-, hcohco*, pʰi-, hcohco*. Verb. tenderize with a hammer.

pihcohco*   [pihcohcow]  pʰi-, hcohco*, pʰi-, hcohco*. Verb. tenderize with a hammer.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pihqo   [pihqo]  pʰi-, hqo*2. Variant: pihqon. Adjective. long, limber (of neck of swan or giraffe). mihya píhqo long, limber neck. Example Variant: mihya píhqon. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihki.

pihqopihqo*   [pihqopihqow]  pihqo. Reduplicating Verb. moving neck back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqohqoc*.

pihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔ]  pʰi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend the neck. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqohqoc*, pihqopihqo*.

pihqoyʔci*   [pihqóyʔciw]  pihqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend or strain the neck. mihya· puhqóyʔciw get neck out of joint from snapping head forward.

pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ]  pihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. neck moving back and forth. bihše ʔem wanʔwadem hoʔtʼo ʔem pihqoyʔpihqo·y as the deer walks along, its head goes up and down. bihše píhqoyʔpihqo·y (While walking) the deer’s neck is bending forward and back. compare: pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*.

pihsam*   [pihsamʔ]  pʰi-, pʰiʔdim*. Verb. several to watch something (car) go by. compare: pihsa*2, pihsamucʼ*.

pihsamucʼ*   [pihsamuʔ]  pʰi-, hsamucʼ*. Verb. watch gathering. pihsamúcʰmuʔ to watch each other gathering. dicʼi·duwá·du bakʰe ʔe· ʔa maʔal ʔacaʔ pihsamu·cam I am watching the people gathering in order to tell about it (to someone else). compare: pihsam*, pihsa*2.

pihtenh*   [pihténʔ]  pʰi-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten, align, arrange with the side of a long object such as a stick. pihténhmaw to hit grass down.

pihtʰit*   [pihtʰiʔ]  pʰi-, htʰit*, pʰi-, htʰit*. Verb. be barely visible. pihtʰitʰciw to barely see in dusk or from going blind.

pihtʰit*   [pihtʰiʔ]  pʰi-, htʰit*, pʰi-, htʰit*. Verb. be barely visible. pihtʰitʰciw to barely see in dusk or from going blind.

pihtʰunh*   [pihtʰunʔ]  pʰi-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite do, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; not hit (axe too short or block too far away).

pihṭoy*   [pihṭoyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭoy*. Verb. read (for someone) as a favor. ʔa· mito pihṭoyáʔte· maʔkʰe kalikákʰ cadu I will read for you as a favor. ʔacaʔ matʰí· yacol kalikakʰ pihṭoyáʔte· ʔa I will read the book for the blind man.

pihṭʰa*   [pihṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down. ʔahca pihṭʰaw to tear down house anyway. ʔu·kulú·ta pihṭʰaw to tear down fence.

pihṭʰahṭʰa*   [pihṭʰahṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by striking. pihṭʰahṭʰaʔ to hit many times until breaks to pieces.

pihṭʰe*   [pihṭʰew]  pʰi-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. open shirt or paper (not box). ciwalá· pihṭʰe open shirt (at collar), open-necked spread collar. pihṭʰe·du to walk around with open shirt.

pihṭʰeyʔ*   [pihṭʰeyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: piṭʰehy*. Verb. spread with the end of a long object. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔciqʰ the cloth is flopped loose on the ground. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔmaqʰ D: (on something off the ground). kʼaṭa pihṭʰeyá·law D: (of curtain hanging down). haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay. that man hit him and made him fall spread out.

mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw   [mihya píhṭʰeyʔmaw]  Lit: spread at neck mihya, pihṭʰeyʔ*. Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw.

pihṭʰeyʔ*   [pihṭʰeyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: piṭʰehy*. Verb. spread with the end of a long object. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔciqʰ the cloth is flopped loose on the ground. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔmaqʰ D: (on something off the ground). kʼaṭa pihṭʰeyá·law D: (of curtain hanging down). haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay. that man hit him and made him fall spread out.

mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw   [mihya píhṭʰeyʔmaw]  Lit: spread at neck mihya, pihṭʰeyʔ*. Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw.

pihṭʰinh*   [pihṭʰinʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. straighten out (some little dent in fender) by hitting several times. pihṭʰiní mulʔ D: Absolutive. pihṭʰínmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰíntameʔ D: Plural Imperative. mu·kínʔ pihṭʰin e· mu fénder he straightened the fender by hammering. karé·ta tol ʔbakʰe cawikʰ ʔoho wí ʔwa·ma muhṭʰinqan meʔ ʔul yowe· pihṭʰinaʔ (Blacksmith) first heated the iron (spring) from the wagon and then beat it straight. Example Variant: pikilaʔ.

pihṭʰuṭ*   [pihṭʰuʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller object. píṭʰuhṭadu on side. píṭʰihṭaduʔ D: Durative. Example Variant: ṭʰuhṭaduʔ. píṭʰahṭaduʔ to hit harder, to pieces.

pihṭʰuṭ*   [pihṭʰuʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller object. píṭʰuhṭadu on side. píṭʰihṭaduʔ D: Durative. Example Variant: ṭʰuhṭaduʔ. píṭʰahṭaduʔ to hit harder, to pieces.

pihwatʼ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. hit and flatten, collapse, disintegrate, lose tenseness. pihwatʼciw to hit (once or several times) and flatten.

pihwaṭʰ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. have a fat face, get a fat face. koci·na ʔaná· ʔihpʰuyámʔbina pihwáṭʰciw the pit got so fat he has big jowls, double chin. Example Variant: pihwáṭʰmaw.. pihwaṭʰma·maw big-faced looking. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰciw. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa·ci. pihwaṭʰí·bi·y it became fat-faced. qahwaṭʰmaw with a wide, fat face. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰmaw. compare: qawatʼma*.

pihwel*   [pihwelʔ]  pʰi-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. see things in an undending series, incessantly; chop incessantly, in an unending series (with an axe). muséum li matʼiléya ʔaná· baṭʰe· ṭʰaʔbamʔ pihwéltʰe· ʔa there were so many things in the museum that I couldn’t see all. (I spent too much time reading signs.) seʔe maʔal ṭʰaʔbamal, pʰiʔkʼú· da·wem – pihwéltʰ I wanted to finish chopping this brush that is here, but there is too much to finish.

pihwe·n*   [pihwenʔ]  pʰi-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake with stick.

pihwit*   [pihwiʔ]  pʰi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the eyes, for hitting. pihwitʰciw to select by sight the ones to hit.

pihye·*   [pihyew]  pʰi-, hye·*. Variant: piyec*. Verb. stop chopping (with axe, side of long object). pihyewá·law to slow down chopping.

pihyoqʰ*   [pihyoʔ]  pʰi-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰmaw to stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰciw to do once.

pihyuṭ*   [pihyuʔ]  pʰi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke with a long object. pihyuṭʰmaw to poke of stir fire, with stick. compare: pahyuṭ*.

pišudu2   [pišudu]  pʰi-, šud*2. Variant: šudu. 1 • Adjective. bad, ugly. pišudú bad, ugly, nasty. pišudú yya D: Plural. Example Variant: pišudu· ya. naṭa píšudu no-good boy (bad child). qawi píšudu a litttle bit bad. baṭʰe· pišudú tʰin not too bad. (pi)šudú ʔe· ma you are bad. ʔacaʔ pišúdu ʔé· ma you are a bad man. (pi)šudú pʰitʼawe· ma you look bad. šudu pʰiʔtʼatʰé· ma you don't look bad. ʔacaʔ pišúdu bad man. (pi)šudú pʰiʔtʼaw it looks bad. compare: piškudu, šud*4, šudu cahno, pišunʔ.

2 • Adverb. awfully, too much. pišudu bahṭʰe ʔé· ma you're too big. ma ṭʼo pišudu qawi ʔé· ma you're too damn small; you're awfully small.

cahno pišudu   [cahno pišudu]  cahno1, pišudu2. Adjective. quarrelsome. hiʔbaya cahno pišudu quarrelsome man. Example Variant: cahno pišudu hiʔbaya. antonym: cahno qʼoʔdi.

pišudu tʼa·d   [pišudú tʼa·du]  pišudu2, tʼa·d*. Variant: šudu tʼa·d. Verb. feel bad, be or feel sorry (for someone). pišudú tʼa·du one to be feeling bad or feel sorry for someone. šudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ I'm sorry I hit you; I feel bad that I hit you. Example Variant: pišudú tʼa·de· to ʔa mito pʰanemʔ.

pišudum*   [pišudumʔ]  pišudu2. Verb. become bad. ya·pálka pišudú·mibi·ye· ṭʰoṭí·bi·y the apple is becoming bad, rotting.

šudu cahno   [šudu cahnow]  pišudu2, cahno*. Verb. talk bad. šudú cahnoca·yi say bad thing to someone! insult! šudú cahnocá·tʰuʔ don’t insult! šudú cahno·du talk bad. compare: piškudu, pišudu2, šud*4.

ʔama· pišudu1   [ʔama· pišudu]  ʔama·2, pišudu2. Variant: ʔama pišudu. Noun. bad, somthing bad, crime. ʔama· pišudú ma· a bad place. ʔama píšudu crime, something bad. compare: ʔama· pišudu2.

ʔama· pišudu mimaw   [ʔama· pišúdu mimaw]  ʔama· pišudu1, mima*. Noun. bad luck. antonym: ʔama· qʼoʔdi mimaw.

ʔama· pišudu2   [ʔama· pišudu]  ʔama·1, pišudu2. Noun. bad land, bad dirt. compare: ʔama· pišudu1.

pišul*   [pišulʔ]  pʰi-, šul*. Verb. wilt, with stick.

pituš*   [pituš]  pʰi-, tuš*. Verb. swell, bulge. pitušmaw to bulge (no meaning of crazy). pitušmawé· mu @ it's bulging. Example Variant: pitúšmawe· mu.

pitʰil*   [pitʰilʔ]  pʰi-, tʰil*2, pʰi-, tʰil*2. Verb. face show through darkness. pitʰilmaw face showing darkly over something, dark color or in dusk.

pitʰil*   [pitʰilʔ]  pʰi-, tʰil*2, pʰi-, tʰil*2. Verb. face show through darkness. pitʰilmaw face showing darkly over something, dark color or in dusk.

piṭa·n*   [piṭanʔ]  pʰi-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. side of long object flip up; warped from water. piṭani·biʔ to step on board and other end flips up.

piṭa·t*   [piṭaʔ]  pʰi-, ṭa·t*. Verb. twist a long object, with the eyes. piṭátʰci twist your neck!

piṭi*   [piṭiw]  pʰi-, ṭi*1. Verb. be uprooting, with a stick. pʰaláʔcayʔ yaʔ piṭíbi·cin wanʔwanʔ the whiteman is going around striking the ground with side of stick (testing for something). Example Variant: piṭiti·bicin₃.

piṭoš*   [piṭoš]  pʰi-, ṭoš*. Verb. be big-eyed. piṭošciw to sit with big eyes. Example Variant: piṭošmaw. piṭošmaʔ to go by with big eyes (south). piṭošmaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. piṭošaʔ to go by with big eyes (north). ʔacaʔ huʔú· ʔahṭʰi· ʔem ṭʼo mu ʔama· cicʼi·dun piṭóšpiṭo·šam the big-eyed man while doing things is moving his big eyes around (by moving head).

piṭʰa·l*   [piṭʰalʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʰa·l*. Verb. be bright, light enough to see by. ya šaʔqámʔ li ʔiwem ciba·tʰín ʔoho mukal cíhqa·li yal piṭʰalciy we were in the dark when someone turned the lights on and our eyes could see. (it became bright enough to see). piṭʰalcimé·du D: Durative. piṭʰalá·taʔ D: Absolutive.

piṭʰeš*   [piṭʰeš]  pʰi-, ṭʰe·š*. Variant: piṭʰehš*. Verb. be wide with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer; be wide with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. piṭʰešmaw face showing over something and looks large. huʔú·mo piṭʰešmaw a big flat face. huʔú·mo piṭʰéhšimʔ several big flat faces.

piṭʰo·*   [piṭʰow]  pʰi-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

piykuc*   [píykuʔ]  pʰi-, ykuc*. Verb. chop (stake) down to size, make it smaller (shorter or smaller around). piykuci D: Imperative.

pi·tʰušpušu   [pi·tʰušpušu]  pʰi-, ʔtʰuš*. Ideophone Adjective. bulging, of the face.

pʰilu·macʼ*   [pʰilu·maʔ]  pʰi-, lu·m*2. Variant: pʰili·macʼ*. Verb. whisk away from self (flies).

pʰisʼiy*   [pʰisʼiyʔ]  pʰi-, sʼiy*2. Verb. hit something out of shape (with the side of a long object). pʰisʼiyaʔ to hit something out of shape. Example Variant: pʰisʼuyaʔ. synonyms: pʰisʼuy*.

pʰitʰil*   [pʰitʰilʔ]  pʰi-, tʰil*1. Verb. tear but not necessarily apart with the side of a long object. pʰitʰila·qaʔ to tear with stick.

pʰitʼe·l*   [pʰitʼelʔ]  pʰi-, tʼe·l*1, pʰi-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. nail, attach with a hammer. pʰitʼelmaw to keep nailing as someone else passes up more boards. pʰitʼelciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼeltʰiqʰ you have nailed on (walls) to your house apparently. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼelʔ ʔoʔ duʔkʼuw ʔtʰin you still have not finished nailing something on your house.

pʰitʼe·l*   [pʰitʼelʔ]  pʰi-, tʼe·l*1, pʰi-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. nail, attach with a hammer. pʰitʼelmaw to keep nailing as someone else passes up more boards. pʰitʼelciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼeltʰiqʰ you have nailed on (walls) to your house apparently. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼelʔ ʔoʔ duʔkʼuw ʔtʰin you still have not finished nailing something on your house.

pʰitʼoš*   [pʰitʼoš]  pʰi-, tʼoš*. Verb. peel, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; peeled, skinned, hit with stick.

pʰitʼul*   [pʰitʼulʔ]  pʰi-, tʼul*. Variant: pʰitʼuhl*. Verb. squeeze something out of something with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. haʔú ʔacacʼ em ṭa to pʰitʼulti hla·cadal that man is looking at me (like he is going to squeeze me ?), really staring hard.

pʰiṭʼam*   [pʰiṭʼamʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼam*2, pʰi-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm. with the side of a long object. coʔo pʰiṭʼamʔ to stir up yellowjackets by hitting nest with stick.

pʰiṭʼam*   [pʰiṭʼamʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼam*2, pʰi-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm. with the side of a long object. coʔo pʰiṭʼamʔ to stir up yellowjackets by hitting nest with stick.

pʰiṭʼan*   [pʰiṭʼanʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼan*1, pʰi-, ṭʼan*1. Verb. be sunburned, get sunburned. pʰiṭʼanmaw to be sunburned. (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·biʔ face to get (red) (blush or permanent); sunburn or shame. pʰaláʔcay emu mutʼamʔ li cabina (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·bicʰqʰ the white man must have sat in the sun; he has got sunburned.

pʰiṭʼan*   [pʰiṭʼanʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼan*1, pʰi-, ṭʼan*1. Verb. be sunburned, get sunburned. pʰiṭʼanmaw to be sunburned. (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·biʔ face to get (red) (blush or permanent); sunburn or shame. pʰaláʔcay emu mutʼamʔ li cabina (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·bicʰqʰ the white man must have sat in the sun; he has got sunburned.

pʰiṭʼa·š*   [pʰiṭʼaš]  pʰi-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. put hair off forehead, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. heʔe dasʼulícʼbina, lile pʰíṭʼašmaw (He) has smoothed his hair back straight close to head; (his) forehead is sitting there bare (of hair). Example Variant: pʰíṭʼašciw..

pʰiṭʼem*   [pʰiṭʼemʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. eyes get tired of something; tired of looking at something. pʰiṭʼemaʔ to be tired of looking at (TV program); it bores me.

pʰiṭʼi*   [pʰiṭʼiw]  pʰi-, ṭʼi*. Variant: pʰiliṭʼi*. Verb. bend with the side of a stick.

pʰiṭʼo·*   [pʰiṭʼow]  pʰi-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰiloṭʼo*. Verb. 1 • knock off (bark) with axe. pʰiloṭʼow D: Plural. pʰiṭʼow to peel (bark from a tree). qʰale₁ múl₂ ʔa₃ piṭʰoméla₄ I peeled the whole tree. Example Variant: qʰale ʔá mul.... qʰale ʔá mul piṭʰócʰmela I knocked a piece (of bark) off the tree.

2 • be insufficient.

pʰiṭʼun*   [pʰiṭʼunʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼun*. Verb. be slimy, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. ʔilasú pʰiṭʼunmaw D: Absolutive.

pʰiṭʼu·l*1   [pʰiṭʼulʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼu·l*2. Variant: pʰiṭʼuhl*. Verb. project askew, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. qʰale ʔíša· pʰiṭʼulmaw the tree limb is sticking out (more than others; it is longer or bigger or leans out more).

pʰiṭʼu·l*2   [pʰiṭʼulʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼu·l*1. Variant: pʰiṭʼuhl*. Instr Verb Stem. be snotty. ʔilasu pʰiṭʼulma be with snotty nose! (same as /ṭʼu·n/ q.v.) ʔilasú pʰiṭʼulmaw with snotty nose.

pʰiwaṭʰ*   [pʰiwaʔ]  pʰi-, waṭʰ*. Verb. weaken with a hammer, a long object. hoʔtʼo pʰiwáṭʰciw to smash head (with sledgehammer); Example Variant: pihwátʼciw. qʰaʔbe pʰiwáṭʰciw to smash rock (/pihwatʼciw/ not used here). pʰiwáṭʰma·maw serial smashing rocks. ʔahca ṭʰúʔul siʔwe cóhto· pʰuwáṭʰciy the old house standing wobbling blew down (flat or with part still up).

pʰiyaʔta*   [pʰiyaʔtaw]  pʰi-, yaʔta*. Verb. help, share, with a long object. pʰiyaʔtameʔ help (me) chop (to several)! pʰiyaʔtawacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. (maʔa) qayáʔtawe yal ʔ eat with us! Share (food) with us!

pʰiya·m*1   [pʰiyamʔ]  pʰi-, ya·m*1. Verb. be unable to see entirely, all of. pʰiyamʔkʰe tʰín e, to· ma qʼoʔdi canʔpʰí ʔnati even if you look at me good, you can not see everything on me.

pʰiya·m*2   [pʰiyamʔ ]  pʰi-, ya·m*2. Verb. hurt, give pain to what is already sore. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; hurt a sore spot with a stick. pʰiya·ma D: Imperative. pʰiyamá·tadu D: Durative. baqʼo pʰíyamʔ tʰin it didn’t affect him.

pʰiyecʼ*   [pʰiyeʔ]  pʰi-, yecʼ*. Verb. hold side of long object against something. pʰiyecʼa·qacʰqa lean the stick against! pʰuyécʰqa light (the match)! Example Variant: pʰuyécʼqa.

pʰiyot*   [pʰiyoʔ]  pʰi-, yot*2. Verb. rake up, together, in a pile. pʰiyotʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive.

pʰiʔtʼa*   [pʰiʔtʼaw]  pʰi-, ʔtʼa*5. Verb. 1 • look like; seem (like); and more rarely, feel. pʰiʔta D: Imperative. pʰiʔtatʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰiʔtacíʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰiʔtʼati about to look like. našoya qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼa·yaw admired, good-looking girls. Example Variant: ...pʰíʔtʼa·ya. ʔacaʔ qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼacʼaʔyaw person most admired for good looks. ʔacaʔ qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼaw admired person. pʰiʔtʼam to turn to look. pʰiʔtʼama turn to look! pʰiʔtʼama·du D: Durative. pʰiʔtʼamameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔtʼamhciʔ to look back over shoulder. pʰiʔtʼama·lameʔ to look back under arm. pʰiʔtʼamʔ to glance at. pʰiʔtʼama glance at it! pʰiʔtʼámtʰuʔ don’t glance at it! men pʰíʔtʼaw (it looks the same); that’s the way it looks. sima pʰíʔtʼaw to feel sleepy (eyes feel drowsy). qʼoʔdi (pišudu) pʰítʼa·cʼe· to ʔispe·howi caducʼin looking at myself in the mirror, it looks good (bad) to me. qʼoʔdi pʰiʔtʼaw look good. pʰiʔtací·du D: Durative. compare: pʰitʼat*.

2 • consider (to be).

pʰiʔtʼam*   [pʰiʔtʼamʔ]  pʰiʔtʼa*. Verb. glance at. pʰiʔtámʔtʰin weʔe· tanʔqaw ignore, not look; ignore what he says.

pʰiʔtʼe*   [pʰiʔtʼew]  pʰi-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. nail small piece of cloth, leather or wood in one place.

pʰiʔtʼel*   [pʰiʔtʼelʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼel*1. Verb. weak. pʰiʔtʼél₁ pʰitʼawe·₂ ma₃ ʔama·₄ míhsaʔ₅ ci·cʼínkʰe₆ tʰin₇ you look weak, so you can't lift heavy things.

pʰiʔtʼenh*   [pʰiʔtʼenʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼenh*. Variant: pʰiʔtʼehn*. Verb. use side of long object to hold something against something else. pʰiʔtʼenhciw to hold something against something else with side of stick.

pʰiʔtʼentʼelec*   [pʰiʔtʼéntʼeleʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼentʼele*. Instr Verb Stem. hit many times with stick (a hat) and make out of shape. pʰiʔtʼéntʼelewa·du D: Durative. pʰiʔtʼéntʼeleta·du D: Durative.

pʰiʔtʼut*   [pʰiʔtʼuʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼut*2. Verb. shade eyes. pʰiʔtʼutá·qa (to cap) Have eye shade, visor!

pʰiʔtʼut   [pʰiʔtʼuʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. pitcher (for water) with long neck.

pʰiʔtʼutaq   [pʰiʔtʼutaʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. cap with visor.

pʰiʔṭʼaš*   [pʰiʔṭʼaš]  Lit: nail driver pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: pʰiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place with a hammer or similar tool. pʰiʔṭʼášci mul tá·pʰla ʔ nail that board! pʰiʔṭʼášma mul ʔ close the opening by hammering!

pʰiʔṭʼaš*   [pʰiʔṭʼaš]  Lit: nail driver pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: pʰiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place with a hammer or similar tool. pʰiʔṭʼášci mul tá·pʰla ʔ nail that board! pʰiʔṭʼášma mul ʔ close the opening by hammering!

pʰiʔṭʼawʔd*   [pʰiʔṭʼawʔdu]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼawʔd*. Verb. hurt by hitting with a stick. ciba· tʰin ʔaha· li moʔonʔba, pʰiʔṭʼáwʔducʰwiy someone hit me with a stick and hurt me bad.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise) with side of stick; tap on wood, rock. pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼa D: Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼapʰíʔṭʼameʔ tap with side of stick! compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pihtahta*.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw2   [pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼaw]  pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Noun. clapper (wooden).

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise) with side of stick; tap on wood, rock. pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼa D: Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼapʰíʔṭʼameʔ tap with side of stick! compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pihtahta*.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw2   [pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼaw]  pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Noun. clapper (wooden).

pʰiʔṭʼe*   [pʰiʔṭʼew]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. hit and mark, spot (from something put on) (not scratch); nail something over something. pʰiʔṭʼenayʔ nail up a covering, e.g. board over a window.

pʰiʔṭʼe*   [pʰiʔṭʼew]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. hit and mark, spot (from something put on) (not scratch); nail something over something. pʰiʔṭʼenayʔ nail up a covering, e.g. board over a window.

pʰiʔṭʼelh*   [pʰiʔṭʼelʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. part, mat down, with the side of a long object. pʰiʔṭʼela·duwa·du to go along (through grass) parting it with stick here and there. pʰiʔṭʼélhciw to part once. pʰiʔṭʼeli with stick to make way through grass by parting. pʰiṭʼeli D: Imperative.

pʰiʔṭʼes*   [pʰiʔṭʼes]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. be cracking (sound), with the side of a long object. pʰiʔṭʼésciw to hit with stick with a crack.

pʰiʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [pʰiʔṭʼéʔṭʼew]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. hammer nail several times. cawikʰ pʰiʔṭʼew to hammer on one nail. ʔama·la pʰiʔṭʼéʔṭʼeʔ to hit (with hammer) to break bones to prepare rabbit for cooking – then bones come out easy and it cooks on coals easier. compare: ʔṭʼaš*2.

pʰiʔṭʼi   [pʰiʔṭʼi]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼi*3. Adjective. bent with the side of a long object. sama pʰiʔṭʼi bent handle. pʰiʔṭʼi pʰícʼo·ye ʔkʰe tupú·lu same I made my axe handle bent by chopping. compare: cʰiʔṭʼi, qoʔṭʼi, qosʼic*, qʰosʼi·cʼ*, hisʼi*.

pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*   [pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼow]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼo*. Reduplicating Verb. sound of hitting lightly, pat, tap, with the side of a long object. ká·ma miʔkʰe ʔuhwa· cʰidahpʰi pʰiʔṭʼóʔṭʼo take your mattress out and beat the dust out!

pʰiʔṭʼu*   [pʰiʔṭʼuw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*. Verb. hooked at end with a long object, the finger. haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼu hooked beak (like hawk). ʔila pʰíʔṭʼu yya hooked noses (mainly at tip). cohšo pʰíʔṭʼume· to my finger is sticking out, bent at the end (up or down). píṭʼuhtime· yal our fingers are bent at the end. mícrophone pʰiʔṭʼum the microphone is bent. muhṭuṭu ya·col haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼum the great horned owl’s beak is hooked.

pʰiʔṭʼu*   [pʰiʔṭʼuw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*. Verb. hooked at end with a long object, the finger. haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼu hooked beak (like hawk). ʔila pʰíʔṭʼu yya hooked noses (mainly at tip). cohšo pʰíʔṭʼume· to my finger is sticking out, bent at the end (up or down). píṭʼuhtime· yal our fingers are bent at the end. mícrophone pʰiʔṭʼum the microphone is bent. muhṭuṭu ya·col haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼum the great horned owl’s beak is hooked.

pʰiʔṭʼum*   [pʰiʔṭʼumʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*. Verb. bend over. pʰiʔṭʼuma bend over (and touch ground)! (or bend stick over at the end). pʰiṭʼuhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼúmʔhay (bird) snare.

pʰiʔṭʼum*   [pʰiʔṭʼumʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*. Verb. bend over. pʰiʔṭʼuma bend over (and touch ground)! (or bend stick over at the end). pʰiṭʼuhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼúmʔhay (bird) snare.

pʰiʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks using the side of a long object. musú·tol ʔoho pʰiʔṭʼuṭʰ someone is knocking the burning part off the log. pʰíʔṭʼuṭi to be hitting burning stick on its side.

pʰiʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks using the side of a long object. musú·tol ʔoho pʰiʔṭʼuṭʰ someone is knocking the burning part off the log. pʰíʔṭʼuṭi to be hitting burning stick on its side.

pʰiʔṭʼuwicʼ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuwiʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*. Verb. move head to side to avoid blow; blink eye (to get something off lashes). pʰiʔṭʼuwí·cʼi D: Reflexive.

pʰiʔṭʼuwicʼ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuwiʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*. Verb. move head to side to avoid blow; blink eye (to get something off lashes). pʰiʔṭʼuwí·cʼi D: Reflexive.

pʰiʔya*   [pʰiʔyaw]  pʰi-, ʔya*. Verb. almost hit (with the side of a long object), arrest action before hitting, stop short. moʔónʔ tʰin sóh pʰiʔyayé· ma you did not hit it, just started to.

pʰiʔya·q*   [pʰiʔyaʔ]  Lit: cause to recognize someone pʰi-, ʔya·q*, pʰi-, ʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·q*. Verb. recognize by sight. pʰiʔyahqamuʔ to meet, be introduced. pʰiʔyahmucʼqa introduce! pʰiʔyahmúcʼqa ma·calʔ introduce them! Example Variant: ...ma·dalʔ. pʰiʔyahqamu·cʼi ma·dalʔ introduce her (or them)! pʰuʔyakʼ é· ʔa· ṭʼo ʔihya I recognize blowing of the wind. pʰiʔyahtʰela· ʔa I don't recognize it.

pʰiʔya·hmucʼ*   [pʰiʔyahmúʔ]  pʰiʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*. Verb. become acquainted with each other.

pʰiʔya·q*   [pʰiʔyaʔ]  Lit: cause to recognize someone pʰi-, ʔya·q*, pʰi-, ʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·q*. Verb. recognize by sight. pʰiʔyahqamuʔ to meet, be introduced. pʰiʔyahmucʼqa introduce! pʰiʔyahmúcʼqa ma·calʔ introduce them! Example Variant: ...ma·dalʔ. pʰiʔyahqamu·cʼi ma·dalʔ introduce her (or them)! pʰuʔyakʼ é· ʔa· ṭʼo ʔihya I recognize blowing of the wind. pʰiʔyahtʰela· ʔa I don't recognize it.

pʰiʔya·hmucʼ*   [pʰiʔyahmúʔ]  pʰiʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*. Verb. become acquainted with each other.

pʰiʔyo   [pʰiʔyo]  pʰi-, ʔyo*1, ʔyo*4. Adjective. wrinkled, of the face. huʔú·mo pʰiʔyo wrinkled face (not aged type but of some young people with lines at side of mouth). Example Variant: moʔyo.

pʰiʔyuʔyu*   [pʰiʔyúʔyuw]  pʰi-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. hurt with stick.

pʰi·sismaw   [pʰi·sismaw]  pʰi-, hsis*. Adjective. eye hurts.

pʰi·ṭʼisṭʼisi   [pʰi·ṭʼísṭʼisi]  pʰi-, ṭʼi·s*. Ideophone Adjective. slit-eyed, squint-eyed.

pʰiba·c*   [pʰibaʔ]  pʰiʔba*. Verb. break apart with a long object, split wood with an axe.

pʰibe·lma   [pʰibelmaw]  pʰi-, be·l*. Verb. of face, long and thing. mi· ṭa mu pʰibelmadom @ that's where he was with long cheeks??

pʰibo·l   [pʰibolʔ]  pʰi-, bo·l*. Verb. make hole with axe or hoe. pʰibo·li make hole with axe! pʰibóltaw D: Plural.

pʰibu·kʼ*   [-]  pʰi-, bu·kʼ*. Cooccurrence: Only with semelfactive or essive. Verb. have a face like a rabbit in shape, short jaw and buck teeth. ʔacacʼem canʔ huʔu·mo pʰibukʼciw the ban is sitting with a face like a rabbit in shape - short jaw and buck teeth. pʰibukʼmaw @.

pʰi·bukʼbukʼu   [pʰi·búkʼbukʼu]  pʰibu·kʼ*. Ideophone Adjective. rabbit-faced, having a round face with bulging cheeks and short jaw.

pʰicʼal*   [pʰicʼalʔ]  pʰi-, cʼal*. Variant: pʰicʼalta*. Verb. have tears in eyes; separate but remain attached at eyes. ʔú·qʰa pʰícʼalmaw you have tears in your eyes (not rolling down).

pʰicʼalta*   [pʰicʼaltaw]  pʰicʼal*. Verb. separate but remain attached.

pʰicʼa·ṭ*   [pʰicʼaʔ]  pʰi-, cʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. eyes get stuck, eyes hard to keep open (due to sleep or wind). huʔu· pʰicʼaṭi·cʼé·to sima pʰíʔtʼan feeling sleepy, my eyes feel hard to keep open. huʔu· pʰicʼa·ṭé·to eyes are hard to open. pʰicʼa·ṭé·yal D: Plural. pʰicʼaṭa·de·yal eyes hard to close at different times and places.

pʰicʼe*   [-]  pʰi-, cʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • give quick short looks.

2 • make quick short taps with side of object.

pʰicʼepʰicʼe*   [pʰicʼepʰícʼew]  pʰicʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • give many quick short looks (look away, back, away, back). compare: pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼe*.

2 • repeatedly make short taps with side of instument.

pʰicʼepʰicʼe*   [pʰicʼepʰícʼew]  pʰicʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • give many quick short looks (look away, back, away, back). compare: pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼe*.

2 • repeatedly make short taps with side of instument.

pʰicʼicʼi·l*   [pʰicʼicʼilʔ]  cʼicʼi·l*. Verb. something rough in eyes. baqʼo tʰín pʰicʼicʼi·le· to huʔu· qʰam ʔli It feels like something is in my eye.

pʰicʼi·t*   [pʰicʼiʔ]  pʰi-, cʼi·ṭ*. Verb. mix with a stick. miṭaʔ qʼo ʔama· qʼo mul pʰicʼiṭʰmulí ʔaha·liʔ mix the sand and the ground all around with a stick.

pʰicʼohl*   [pʰicʼohl]  pʰiʔcʼolh*2.

pʰicʼohli*   [pʰicʼóhliw]  pʰiʔcʼolh*1.

pʰicʼoht*   [pʰicʼoht]  pʰiʔcʼot*.

pʰicʼot*   [pʰicʼot]  pʰicʼo·*.

pʰicʼotam*   [pʰicʼotámʔ]  pʰicʼo·m*.

pʰicʼo·*   [pʰicʼow]  pʰi-, cʼo·*1. Variant: pʰicʼot*. Verb. expose or find something by digging with mattock. pʰicʼoti expose several things! pʰicʼo·tʰuʔ don't expose by digging! synonyms: pʰiʔcʼo*1.

pʰicʼo·cʼ*   [pʰicʼoʔ]  pʰicʼo·*. Verb. open one's eyes (after sleep or long closure).

pʰicʼo·cʼ*   [pʰicʼoʔ]  pʰicʼo·*. Verb. open one's eyes (after sleep or long closure).

pʰicʼo·m*   [pʰicʼomʔ´]  pʰi-, cʼo·m*. Variant: pʰicʼotam*. Verb. break or chop (a limb, a stick) in two with the side of an instrument(crosswise, not lengthwise). pʰicʼo·ma chop it off!

pʰicʼo·q*   [pʰicʼoʔ]  pʰi-, cʼo·q*. Verb. penetrate (wood, ground, log) with side of instrument (pick, axe, hook). pʰicʼo·qo grab with hook!

pʰicʼu·l*   [pʰicʼulʔ]  pʰi-, cʼu·l*2. Verb. hit hard as you can.

pʰidahcʰi*   [pʰidahcʰiw]  pʰi-, dahcʰi*1. Verb. knock aside.

pʰidaya*   [pʰidayáw]  pʰilac*. Verb. fail to see something.

pʰidayac*   [pʰidayaʔ]  pʰi-, ʔdayac*. Verb. miss (a ball). pʰiʔkʼo ʔel pʰidaya·w he is missing the ball. pʰidayá·wem when he’s missing.

pʰide·cʼ*   [pʰide·cʼ]  pʰide·d*.

pʰide·d*   [pʰide·du´]  pʰiʔdi*, -ad2. Variant: pʰide·cʼ*. Verb. keep watching to see where someone is going; koo after someone, like children.

pʰide·duc*   [pʰide·dúʔ]  Lit: watches over the morning pʰiʔdi*, -aduc. Verb. 1 • watch someone leave; see someone off – not secretly.

2 • bat away.

pʰidil*   [pʰidilʔ]  pʰi-, dil*. Verb. barely see. pʰidilícʼwiye· to haʔal šiʔbaší qohqʰomal I can barely see those animals standing (because it’s farther than the eyes can reach).

pʰidilma*   [pʰidílmaw]  pʰidil*. Verb. be unable to see well something far away (across canyon). synonyms: piqʰa·š*.

pʰidilma*   [pʰidílmaw]  pʰidil*. Verb. be unable to see well something far away (across canyon). synonyms: piqʰa·š*.

pʰidi·cʼ*   [pʰidiʔ´]  pʰi-, di·cʼ*2. Verb. watch someone come.

pʰiduw*   [pʰiduwʔ]  pʰi-, duw*1. Verb. act on edge with an axe, hammer. pʰine·bicʼba pʰiduwí·biʔ moʔonʔ raise up (an axe) and hit striking the edge!

pʰihlaba*   [pʰihlabaw]  pʰi-, hlaba*. Verb. crack apart with axe.

pʰiht(i)*   [pʰiht(i)]  hpʰi*2.

pʰihtaqac*   [pʰihtaqac]  pʰe·qac*.

pʰihtibic*   [pʰihtibic]  pʰe·bic*.

pʰihtimaqʷ*   [pʰihtimaqʷ]  hpʰemaqʷ*.

pʰikʼal*   [pʰikʼalʔ]  pʰi-, kʼal*1. Verb. barely open eyes. pʰikʼaliʔ barely to open the eyes. pʰikʼalí·cʼi barely open your eyes.

pʰikʼaṭi   [pʰikʼaṭi]  pʰi-, kʼaṭi*. 1 • Adjective. open to unobstructed view, in plain sight; plainly, visibly, doubtless. ʔacaʔ pʰikʼáṭi (ʔe·mu) in plain sight of the people. pʰikʼaṭí ʔacaʔ plainly people, plainly Indian (not white people). ʔacaʔ pʰikʼaṭí tʼetʰmaw the man stood in plain sight. pʰikʼaṭí ʔacaʔ mi plainly it's really a person. synonyms: baṭʰemʔda.

2 • Adverb. visible.

pʰikʼaṭim*   [pʰikʼaṭímʔ]  pʰi-, kʼaṭi*. Verb. become plain, no longer secret. ʔama· pʰikʼaṭimye· mito your secret is coming out.

pʰikʼil*   [pʰikʼilʔ]  pʰi-, kʼil*. Verb. This is to make a special Indian gesture expressing hate: look at the person, catch his eye, and then slowly turn the eyes down and to the side – or slowly close the eyes and turn the head to the side; also means "don't look at me" or "go to hell". pʰikʼilá·du D: Durative or Plural Object. pʰikʼílpʰikʼiʔ look at one again and again.

pʰikʼi·*   [pʰikʼiw]  pʰi-, kʼi·*1. Verb. hit with axe and scratch slightly to make bleed.

pʰikʼi·m*   [pʰikʼimʔ]  pʰi-, kʼi·*2, -m2. Verb. make streak across with axe.

pʰikʼi·š*   [pʰikʼišmáw]  pʰi-, kʼi·š*2. Cooccurrence: usually with essive. Verb. (eyes) look mean (like on a bull or an angry man). pʰikʼišmací·du D: Durative. pʰikʼišmaw to look angry. pʰikʼišma look angry! pʰikʼiši·bici look angry! pʰikʼíhšimmeʔ D: Plural.

pʰi·kʼiškʼiši   [pʰi·kʼíškʼiši]  pʰikʼi·š*. Ideophone Adjective. mean-eyed, angry-eyed (of a person). huʔú· pʰi·kʼiškʼiši angry-looking eyes. compare: kule·.

pʰikʼot*   [pʰikʼóʔ]  pʰiʔkʼo*.

pʰikʼoyʔcʼed*   [pʰikʼóyʔcʼedu]  pʰi-, kʼoyʔcʼed*. Verb. think oneself or one’s own possession is the best-looking. haʔu ʔima·ta ʔem, tiʔkʰe táqʰma wi, pʰikʼoyʔcʼenʔ that woman thinks her own dress is the best-looking. pʰikʼóyʔcʼedu act like your things are the best! (talk about how expensive they were). pʰikʼóyʔcʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural.

pʰikʼo·c*   [pʰikʼoʔ´]  pʰi-, kʼo·c*. Verb. look important (good or bad). ʔaná· pʰíkʼo·ce· to it looks terrible to me. qʼoʔdi pʰikʼo·ce·to I really feel it's (good or bad). pʰikʼocahqáʔ ye· manʔ mukinʔ santi·ya kuʔmu máʔa· li she really thinks he's doing good to eat the whole watermelon. pʰikʼoʔ pʰíʔtʼaw he really looks great doing a feat that seems almost impossible.

pʰikʼo·l*   [pʰikʼolʔ]  pʰi-, kʼo·l*. Verb. dig a depression or cavity, make a hole that does not go all the way through the material using the side of a long object or an axe. kanó·wa pʰikʼo·li dig a trough (out of a log) with an axe! kanó·wa pʰikʼoltʰuʔ don't dig out a trough. ʔahá· pʰikʼo·li dig in the wood. ʔimo pʰikʼo·li dig a hole. pʰikʼolqaw make someone dig a hole. compare: pʰikʼo·ṭ*.

pʰikʼo·ṭ*   [pʰikʼoʔ]  pʰi-, kʼo·ṭ*. Verb. clear out with a long instrument. mu·kinʔ pʰikʼóṭa·du·li ʔe·, mu ʔama· céhtimam where he was clearing out with a long instrument (a hoe) is where the ground has open holes. ʔahá· pʰikʼoṭʰci dig in wood once. pʰikʼoṭʰqaw make someone dig. compare: pʰi·kʼoṭ*, pʰikʼo·l*.

pʰikʼum*   [pʰikʼumʔ]  pʰi-, kʼum*. Verb. after seeing, not feel like doing because it's too hard. pʰikʼúmqaʔ to watch someone do something and decide it’s too hard to do ("be lazy"). pʰikʼumí·cʼahwiye· to from seeing (how difficult a task is) I have gotten so I don’t want to do it. pʰikʼumaʔ to look at good so that one can remember how something or someone looks. pʰikʼú·mawe· to duhkʰení·cʼe· to I don't feel like doing it, I feel lazy [it looks hard]. pʰikʼumiʔ to get lazy. pʰikʼú·mawe· to I don't feel like doing it -- it looks hard.

pʰil*   [-]   Variant: pʰi*. \㮰ᖉ⾬걗ތĀ䰆潡䴠N㛼걗⪀ā깠ᖒCooccurrence: always occurs with a Directional suffix (except with /p/), and the form of the stem depends on the form of the suffix. Verb of Movement. group go; several go together.

hcalpʰili*   [cálpʰiliw]  hcal*, pʰil*. Verb. group arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination. men pʰilácʼba, ʔul cálpʰiliw having traveled like that, they arrived.

pʰilala*   [pʰilaláw]  pʰil*, -ala. Variant: pʰilahtala*. Verb of Movement. group go down. pʰilalá·meʔ go down! (to group). pʰilalá·mecʼi·yicʼmeʔ keep going down! (to group). maʔca ya pʰilaláʔkʰe we're going down to the roundhouse. synonyms: da·lahqa*, wala*, hayohmala*.

pʰilala·mecʼ*   [pʰilalá·meʔ]  pʰil*, -alamecʼ. Verb of Movement. group go down off of. synonyms: dala·mecʼqa*, wala·mecʼ*, hayohmala·mecʼ*.

pʰilaq*   [pʰiláʔ]  pʰil*, -aq1. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go out from here, go away. pʰiláhmeʔ go out! (to group). pʰilaqá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep going out! (to group). maʔca tólhqʰaʔ ya pʰiláhteʔ let's go to the roundhouse. má·kina wi pʰilahwiʔ they went in a car. synonyms: da·hqa*1, waq*, hayohmaq*.

2 • group go north or west from here.

pʰilaqac*2   [pʰilaqáʔ]  Variant: pʰila·qac*. pʰil*, -aqac. Variant: pʰilaqac*. Verb of Movement. group go up from here. pʰilaqácʰmeʔ go up! (to group). pʰilaqá·yicʼwacʼmeʔ keep going up! (to group). synonyms: da·qacʰqa*, waqac*, hayohmaqac*.

pʰilatʰmucʼ*   [pʰilátʰmuʔ]  pʰil*. Verb. group go here and there; wander. nohpʰo pʰílatʰmuʔ yacʰma campers (people who wander here and there). synonyms: da·cʼwacʼqa*, wa·nʔwad*, hayom*.

pʰila·cʼ*   [pʰiláʔ]  pʰil*, -acʼ1. Variant: pʰila·d*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go along (in one direction). synonyms: da·cʼqa*, wa·d*1, hayohmacʼ*.

2 • group come toward here. pʰilacʼméʔ come here! (to group). pʰilacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep coming this way! (to group).

pʰila·cʼic*   [pʰila·cʼíʔ]  pʰil*, -acʼic. Verb of Movement. group go far, away to a distance. pʰila·cʼíʔ they've left (for someplace far away). pʰila·cʼícʰmeʔ go far! (to group). pʰilacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep going far! (to group). má·kina wi pʰila·cʼiʔ they went (far) in a car. maʔca tólhqʰaʔ ya pʰila·cʼiʔteʔ let's travel (far) to the roundhouse. synonyms: da·cʼicʰqa*, wa·duc*, hayohmacʼic*.

pʰilebic*   [pʰilebíʔ]  pʰil*, -ibic. Variant: pʰile·bic*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group leave, go away, start to go. pʰilebícʰmeʔ leave! (to group). pʰilebí·yicʼwacʼmeʔ keep leaving! (to group). naṭa pʰílebicʰqaw making children run away (a cat's cradle figure). qʼasi·si pʰílebicʰqaw making elk run away (a cat's cradle figure). synonyms: cohtoc*, da·bicʰqa*, hayomi·bic*.

2 • group go up.

sʼamo· pʰilebic   [sʼamo· pʰilebiʔ]  sʼamo·2, pʰilebic*. Noun. feeling when funny bone is hit.

pʰili*1   [pʰilíw]  pʰil*. Verb. group arrive.

pʰiloloq*   [pʰilolóʔ]  pʰil*, -aloq. Verb of Movement. group come up to here. pʰilolóhmeʔ come up! (to group). pʰiloló·qocʼi·yicʼmeʔ keep coming up! (to group). synonyms: da·lohqa*, woloq*, hayohmaloq*.

cihsi pʰiloloq   [cihsi pʰíloloʔ]  cihsi, pʰiloloq*. Noun. rash.

ʔime pʰololoʔ   [ʔime pʰololoʔ]  ʔime, pʰiloloq*. Noun. goose bumps, goose pimples.

pʰilolo·qocʼ*2   [pʰiloló·qoʔ]  pʰil*, -aloqocʼ. Verb of Movement. group come up out of. synonyms: dalo·qocʼqa*, wolo·qocʼ*, hayohmalo·qocʼ*.

pʰiloq*   [pʰilóʔ]  pʰil*, -aqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • group come out. pʰilóhmeʔ come out! (to group). pʰiloqó·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep coming out! (to group). synonyms: da·hqa*2, woq*, hayohmaqʷ*.

2 • group come northward or westward to here, come from the south or east.

pʰiloqocʼ*   [pʰiloqóʔ]  , pʰil*, -aqocʼ. Variant: pʰilohtoqocʼ*. Verb of Movement. group go out from here (without reference to cardinal direction). qʰo šoʔkʼo tol ya pʰiloqoʔ tol we got out at 2 o'clock. compare: bihqʰolh*; synonyms: da·qocʼqa*, woqocʼ*, hayohmaqocʼ*.

pʰima*   [pʰimáw]  pʰil*, -m2. Variant: pʰimam*. Verb of Movement. group go across or past. pʰimameʔ go across! (to group). Example Variant: pʰimámmeʔ. pʰimayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep going across! (to group). Example Variant: pʰimamá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ. pʰilámmucʼmeʔ change sides! Example Comment: cross each other in center section during a dance. synonyms: hayohwim*2, ma*1, ʔdamqa*.

pʰimac*   [pʰimáʔ]  pʰil*, -mac. Variant: pʰimahtimac*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go in from here. pʰimácʰmeʔ go in! (to group). pʰimayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep going in! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimac*, mac*2, ʔdamacʰqa*.

2 • group go south or east from here.

pʰimaqocʼ*   [pʰimaqóʔ]  pʰil*, -maqocʼ. Verb of Movement. group go back a few steps. synonyms: hayohwima·qocʼ*, ma·qocʼ*, ʔdama·qocʼqa*.

pʰimaqʷ*   [pʰimáʔ]  pʰil*, -maqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • group come in here. pʰimáhmeʔ come in! (to group). pʰimaqó·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep coming in! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimaqʷ*, ma·qʷ*, ʔdamahqa*.

2 • group come southward or eastward to here, come from the north or west.

pʰima·cʼ*   [pʰimaʔ]  pʰil*, -macʼ. Verb of Movement. group go within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not. pʰimacʼmeʔ go within! (to group). pʰimacʼi·yícʼmeʔ keep going within! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimacʼ*, ma·d*, ʔdamacʼqa*.

pʰima·cʼic*   [pʰima·cʼíʔ]  pʰil*, -macʼic. Variant: pʰimacʼic*. Verb of Movement. group arrive at a place, go as far as a place, end journey, return home. pʰima·cʼícʰmeʔ go to that place! (to group). pʰimacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep going to that place! (to group). synonyms: hayohwima·cʼic*, ma·duc*, ʔdama·cʼicʰqa*.

pʰimul*   [pʰimúlʔ]  pʰil*, -mul. Verb of Movement. group go around to the other side. pʰimúlmeʔ go around! (to group). pʰimulá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep going across! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimul*, mul*, ʔdamulqa*.

pʰimulicʼ*   [pʰimulíʔ]  pʰil*, -mulicʼ. Verb of Movement. group go around all the way. synonyms: hayohwimu·licʼ*, mulicʼ*, ʔdamu·licʼqa*.

-pʰila   [pʰila]  Variant: -cʰila. Variant: -hila. Verb. Different-Subject Future: the action denoted by the verb has not taken place but if and when it does, it precedes that of the main verb; but they have different Agents; "when, if, unless".

pʰilac*   [pʰilaʔ]  pʰi-, lac*. Variant: pʰidaya*. Verb. fail to see something, hit. cuhtihku pʰilácʰwiye·to I failed to see one letter.

pʰilapʰila*   [pʰilapʰilaw]  pʰilac*. Verb. keep hitting with stick.

pʰilahtala*   [pʰiláhtalaw]  pʰilala*.

pʰilala*   [pʰilaláw]  pʰil*, -ala. Variant: pʰilahtala*. Verb of Movement. group go down. pʰilalá·meʔ go down! (to group). pʰilalá·mecʼi·yicʼmeʔ keep going down! (to group). maʔca ya pʰilaláʔkʰe we're going down to the roundhouse. synonyms: da·lahqa*, wala*, hayohmala*.

pʰilala·mecʼ*   [pʰilalá·meʔ]  pʰil*, -alamecʼ. Verb of Movement. group go down off of. synonyms: dala·mecʼqa*, wala·mecʼ*, hayohmala·mecʼ*.

pʰilapʰila*   [pʰilapʰilaw]  pʰilac*. Verb. keep hitting with stick.

pʰilaq*   [pʰiláʔ]  pʰil*, -aq1. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go out from here, go away. pʰiláhmeʔ go out! (to group). pʰilaqá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep going out! (to group). maʔca tólhqʰaʔ ya pʰiláhteʔ let's go to the roundhouse. má·kina wi pʰilahwiʔ they went in a car. synonyms: da·hqa*1, waq*, hayohmaq*.

2 • group go north or west from here.

pʰilaqac*1   [pʰilaqac]  pʰilaqac*2.

pʰilaqac*2   [pʰilaqáʔ]  Variant: pʰila·qac*. pʰil*, -aqac. Variant: pʰilaqac*. Verb of Movement. group go up from here. pʰilaqácʰmeʔ go up! (to group). pʰilaqá·yicʼwacʼmeʔ keep going up! (to group). synonyms: da·qacʰqa*, waqac*, hayohmaqac*.

pʰilasʼa*   [pʰilasʼaw]  pʰisʼa·*. Verb. break with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pʰilat*   [pʰilaʔ]   Verb. stray (pl) [?]

pʰilatʰmucʼ*   [pʰilátʰmuʔ]  pʰil*. Verb. group go here and there; wander. nohpʰo pʰílatʰmuʔ yacʰma campers (people who wander here and there). synonyms: da·cʼwacʼqa*, wa·nʔwad*, hayom*.

pʰilaṭʼa*   [pʰilaṭʼaw]  pʰiṭʼa·*. Verb. cause innards to come out with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pʰilaya*   [pʰilayaw]  pʰi-, laya*. Verb. slip with the eye; with a long object. qʰaʔbe ṭʼo mu ma moʔóʔtapʰiʔnati sóh pʰilayaʔbeʔ although you hit that rock, it didn’t split, budge, anything.

pʰilayicʼ*   [pʰilayiʔ]  pʰi-, layicʼ*. Verb. miss hitting oneself. compare: dulayicʼ*.

pʰila·cʼ*   [pʰiláʔ]  pʰil*, -acʼ1. Variant: pʰila·d*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go along (in one direction). synonyms: da·cʼqa*, wa·d*1, hayohmacʼ*.

2 • group come toward here. pʰilacʼméʔ come here! (to group). pʰilacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep coming this way! (to group).

pʰila·cʼic*   [pʰila·cʼíʔ]  pʰil*, -acʼic. Verb of Movement. group go far, away to a distance. pʰila·cʼíʔ they've left (for someplace far away). pʰila·cʼícʰmeʔ go far! (to group). pʰilacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep going far! (to group). má·kina wi pʰila·cʼiʔ they went (far) in a car. maʔca tólhqʰaʔ ya pʰila·cʼiʔteʔ let's travel (far) to the roundhouse. synonyms: da·cʼicʰqa*, wa·duc*, hayohmacʼic*.

pʰila·d*   [pʰila·d]  pʰila·cʼ*.

pʰilebic*   [pʰilebíʔ]  pʰil*, -ibic. Variant: pʰile·bic*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group leave, go away, start to go. pʰilebícʰmeʔ leave! (to group). pʰilebí·yicʼwacʼmeʔ keep leaving! (to group). naṭa pʰílebicʰqaw making children run away (a cat's cradle figure). qʼasi·si pʰílebicʰqaw making elk run away (a cat's cradle figure). synonyms: cohtoc*, da·bicʰqa*, hayomi·bic*.

2 • group go up.

sʼamo· pʰilebic   [sʼamo· pʰilebiʔ]  sʼamo·2, pʰilebic*. Noun. feeling when funny bone is hit.

pʰilepʰile*   [pʰilepʰilew]  pʰi-, le*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • hammer something over all the holes.

2 • hit someone with stick and make eye swell closed. pʰitʼa·dun ʔtʰin pʰilepʰilewe·to not being able to see, everything is blurred. compare: pʰilupʰilu*, pʰilipʰili*.

pʰile·bic*   [pʰile·bic]  pʰilebic*.

pʰili*1   [pʰilíw]  pʰil*. Verb. group arrive.

pʰili*2   [-]  pʰi-, li*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. blurring the eyes.

pʰilipʰili*   [pʰilipʰiliw]  pʰili*2. Reduplicating Verb. blurring the eyes. huʔú· pišudu ʔin to pʰilipʰiliw because my eyes are bad, it is blurring. compare: pʰilepʰile*, pʰilupʰilu*.

pʰili*3   [pʰiliw]  pʰi-, li*2. Verb. wave (stick). pʰilimʔ @. pʰili·ma wave stick. pʰili·duʔ bat something off; wave off a bird. pʰilica·duʔ scatter flies by moving (cloth) in hair.

pʰilibit*   [pʰilibiʔ]  pʰi-, libit*2. Verb. glimpse with the eyes. haʔdu ʔácaʔ pʰilibitʰcimela I think I saw a man over there (not sure).

pʰilipʰili*   [pʰilipʰiliw]  pʰili*2. Reduplicating Verb. blurring the eyes. huʔú· pišudu ʔin to pʰilipʰiliw because my eyes are bad, it is blurring. compare: pʰilepʰile*, pʰilupʰilu*.

pʰiliṭʼi*   [pʰiliṭʼiw]  pʰiṭʼi*. Verb. bend with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pʰili·macʼ*   [pʰili·macʼ]  pʰilu·macʼ*.

pʰilohtoqocʼ*   [pʰilohtoqocʼ]  pʰiloqocʼ*.

pʰilol*   [pʰilolʔ]  pihlo*. Verb. knock with a stick.

pʰiloloq*   [pʰilolóʔ]  pʰil*, -aloq. Verb of Movement. group come up to here. pʰilolóhmeʔ come up! (to group). pʰiloló·qocʼi·yicʼmeʔ keep coming up! (to group). synonyms: da·lohqa*, woloq*, hayohmaloq*.

cihsi pʰiloloq   [cihsi pʰíloloʔ]  cihsi, pʰiloloq*. Noun. rash.

ʔime pʰololoʔ   [ʔime pʰololoʔ]  ʔime, pʰiloloq*. Noun. goose bumps, goose pimples.

pʰilolo·qocʼ*1   [pʰilolo·qoʔ]  . Verb of Movement. group come up out of.

pʰilolo·qocʼ*2   [pʰiloló·qoʔ]  pʰil*, -aloqocʼ. Verb of Movement. group come up out of. synonyms: dalo·qocʼqa*, wolo·qocʼ*, hayohmalo·qocʼ*.

pʰilopʰilo*   [pʰilopʰilow]  pʰi-, lo*. Reduplicating Verb. hit into a ball. muṭʼo mu·kito huʔu· mo ʔahá· li moʔó·tabina pʰilopʰílocʰqam someone beat his face with a stick and made it puff up into a ball. Example Variant: ... pʰilopʰílocʰbiw.

pʰiloq*   [pʰilóʔ]  pʰil*, -aqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • group come out. pʰilóhmeʔ come out! (to group). pʰiloqó·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep coming out! (to group). synonyms: da·hqa*2, woq*, hayohmaqʷ*.

2 • group come northward or westward to here, come from the south or east.

pʰiloqocʼ*   [pʰiloqóʔ]  , pʰil*, -aqocʼ. Variant: pʰilohtoqocʼ*. Verb of Movement. group go out from here (without reference to cardinal direction). qʰo šoʔkʼo tol ya pʰiloqoʔ tol we got out at 2 o'clock. compare: bihqʰolh*; synonyms: da·qocʼqa*, woqocʼ*, hayohmaqocʼ*.

pʰiloṭʼo*   [pʰilaṭʼow]  pʰiṭʼo·*. Verb. knock off.

pʰilu*   [pʰiluw]  pʰi-, lu*2. Verb. coat, cover with a coating, using the side of a long object. ʔaha·li saʔsʼa pʰíluwe· sa·wana tol with a stick, someone smeared dirt on the sheet.

pʰilupʰilu*   [pʰilupʰiluw]  pʰi-, lu*1. Reduplicating Verb. blurring the eyes. pʰilupʰíluqacʼ you think that’s blurring, seeing double; cause it by drinking. compare: pʰilepʰile*, pʰilipʰili*.

pʰilu·macʼ*   [pʰilu·maʔ]  pʰi-, lu·m*2. Variant: pʰili·macʼ*. Verb. whisk away from self (flies).

pʰima*   [pʰimáw]  pʰil*, -m2. Variant: pʰimam*. Verb of Movement. group go across or past. pʰimameʔ go across! (to group). Example Variant: pʰimámmeʔ. pʰimayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep going across! (to group). Example Variant: pʰimamá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ. pʰilámmucʼmeʔ change sides! Example Comment: cross each other in center section during a dance. synonyms: hayohwim*2, ma*1, ʔdamqa*.

pʰimac*   [pʰimáʔ]  pʰil*, -mac. Variant: pʰimahtimac*. Verb of Movement. 1 • group go in from here. pʰimácʰmeʔ go in! (to group). pʰimayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep going in! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimac*, mac*2, ʔdamacʰqa*.

2 • group go south or east from here.

pʰimacʼic*   [pʰimacʼic]  pʰima·cʼic*.

pʰimahtimac*   [pʰimahtimac]  pʰimac*.

pʰimahtima·cʼic*   [pʰimahtima·cʼiʔ]  . Verb. group move in next to; keep visiting.

pʰimam*   [pʰimam]  pʰima*.

pʰimaqocʼ*   [pʰimaqóʔ]  pʰil*, -maqocʼ. Verb of Movement. group go back a few steps. synonyms: hayohwima·qocʼ*, ma·qocʼ*, ʔdama·qocʼqa*.

pʰimaqʷ*   [pʰimáʔ]  pʰil*, -maqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • group come in here. pʰimáhmeʔ come in! (to group). pʰimaqó·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep coming in! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimaqʷ*, ma·qʷ*, ʔdamahqa*.

2 • group come southward or eastward to here, come from the north or west.

pʰima·cʼ*   [pʰimaʔ]  pʰil*, -macʼ. Verb of Movement. group go within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not. pʰimacʼmeʔ go within! (to group). pʰimacʼi·yícʼmeʔ keep going within! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimacʼ*, ma·d*, ʔdamacʼqa*.

pʰima·cʼic*   [pʰima·cʼíʔ]  pʰil*, -macʼic. Variant: pʰimacʼic*. Verb of Movement. group arrive at a place, go as far as a place, end journey, return home. pʰima·cʼícʰmeʔ go to that place! (to group). pʰimacʼi·yícʼwacʼmeʔ keep going to that place! (to group). synonyms: hayohwima·cʼic*, ma·duc*, ʔdama·cʼicʰqa*.

pʰimi*   [pʰimiw]  Lit: don’t try to see it pʰi-, mi*1. Verb. see, observe. pʰimitʰuʔ be observant. qʼoʔdi pʰimipʰimaci @ observe everything ? pihmí·tʰela·ʔa I’m not quite sure (of recognizing by looking). Example Variant: pihmitʰéla· ʔa. ʔahqʰa có·tadal pʰimíwʔtʰin qómʔbina ʔe·mu sinamʔbiw he must not have stopped to look around at the swimming holes (to see the danger) and thus drowned. pʰimitá·du see all details. pʰiʔyaʔtʰiné·ʔa mul cuhti canʔpʰíʔnati pʰimíʔkʰe tʰin e· ʔa I don’t know that writing; although I look at it, I can’t read it. ʔama· pʰimíwʔtʰine· mu ʔama· cicʼi·duce·du (You) try to do everything before you see just how it’s done. (common word). pʰimitʰéla·ʔa to see and not know what it is for, not recognize (a person). Example Variant: pʰiʔyahtʰela·ʔa. ʔama pʰímiwʔtʰin observant. pʰimitá·du inspect carefully (in negative way?) qʼoʔdi pʰimita·du inspect very carefully. ʔaná· pʰimita·du look carefully for faults in someone. pʰimitá·nʔ inspecting. pʰimitáʔtʰuʔ don't look for faults! compare: pʰiʔqʼoʔdic*.

ʔama pʰimiwʔtʰin   [ʔama pʰímiwʔtʰin]  ʔama·2, pʰimi*. Adjective. observant; don’t miss seeing anything.

pʰimul*   [pʰimúlʔ]  pʰil*, -mul. Verb of Movement. group go around to the other side. pʰimúlmeʔ go around! (to group). pʰimulá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ keep going across! (to group). synonyms: hayohwimul*, mul*, ʔdamulqa*.

pʰimulicʼ*   [pʰimulíʔ]  pʰil*, -mulicʼ. Verb of Movement. group go around all the way. synonyms: hayohwimu·licʼ*, mulicʼ*, ʔdamu·licʼqa*.

pʰinac*   [pʰinaʔ]  pʰi-, nac*4. Verb. be silhouetted. haʔbíl pʰinaʔ to be silhouetted, to see against the sky. haʔbíl pʰinaci (to man) be silhouetted. pʰinacʰmeʔ D: Plural.

pʰina·*   [pʰinaw]  pʰi-, na·*1. Verb. (to cover) by hoeing. ciʔdomʔ pʰináhwayʔ hoeing flowers, softening ground – ground may cover self but flowers need not be covered. pʰina·qá·ma you hoed (this). pʰinamʔ cover hole. pʰina·ma cover (hole) with hoe.

pʰinec*   [pʰineʔ]  pʰi-, nec*. Verb. aim to hit (with the eye, with a long object). pʰinéhcibicʰpʰi to aim. Example Variant: haneci·bícʰpʰi. pʰinecciw to aim to hit; aiming to hit with axe or stick. pʰine·cayʔ to try to hit something, but hit something else first that was in the way. pʰinecci(mé·du) D: Durative, Semelfactive, Imperative. pʰineccimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰineca·du D: Plural Object. pʰineccipʰí moʔoni aim and hit it! pʰineccipʰí moʔo·ta aim and hit several! pʰinéhcibicʰpʰi moʔo·tameʔ (to several) aim and hit several! Example Variant: pʰineci·bícʰpʰi moʔoni. pʰinecciwá·du to keep aiming to hit. pʰine·ci D: Imperative. pʰinéhcimeʔ D: Plural Object Plural Imperative. pʰineci·bici lift up (stick) poised as if to hit something. pʰineʔbema hold it poised to hit.

pʰinehc*   [pʰinehciw]  pʰine·c*. Verb. have for company.

pʰinem*   [pʰinemʔ]  pʰi-, nem*1. Variant: pʰinetʰma*. Verb. hit with a long object; hit lightly with an axe. pihcʰiwá·duʔ really hurts and damages). pʰinemaʔ strike self. pʰinetʰmaʔ strike self (plural). compare: moʔon*, pihcʰi*.

pʰinetʰma*   [pʰinétʰmaw]  pʰinem*.

pʰine·c*   [pʰineʔ]  pʰi-, ne·c*1. Variant: pʰinehc*. Verb. have someone for company, for confidence. pʰineci D: Imperative. mito pʰíneʔ ʔa waʔteʔ I won’t be afraid (shy) if I go with you. mayal pʰíneʔ ʔa waʔteʔ I won’t be afraid if I go with you (pl.) mayal pʰíneʔ ya pʰilaʔteʔ we won’t be afraid if we go with you (pl.) mito pʰíneʔte· ʔa let me accompany you for confidence! mayál pʰinaʔte·ya let us accompany you for confidence! mu·kitó pʰine·cʼi have him for company! ma·cál pʰine·cʼi D: Go with her! ma·cál pʰinecʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ma·cál pʰinecʼi·du(ce·du) D: Durative. pʰine·cayʔ (two colors, yellow and brown) to look good together. kʼili qʼo qahle qʼo ʔe· (qʼoʔdi) pʰine·cáyʔ pʰiʔtʼaw black and white look good together, match in looks. pʰine·ci to raise poised to strike. pʰineʔ wá·du seʔe pʰineʔ diʔboqó·yicʼba ʔa seʔe pʰíneʔ téti·bicʰmela when I hid I stood hidden (protected) by a bush. ʔacaʔ pʰinéʔ tʼetʰmawem to pʰiʔ yahtʰ when I stood with (one or many) people, they didn’t recognize me.

pʰipʼanta*   [pʰipʼanta]  pʰiʔpʼanh*.

pʰiqʼasa·tad*   [pʰiqʼasa·tadu]  pʰiqʼa·s*. Verb. scratch.

pʰiqʼaṭci*   [pʰiqʼaṭciw]  pʰiqʼa·ṭ*. Verb. swipe, scrape once. baqʼoṭʰin qahcawi pʰiqʼaṭcimé·dem qalí· when he swiped (at them) high with something made of flint.

pʰiqʼa·m*   [pʰiqʼamʔ]  pʰi-, qʼa·m*2. Verb. protect from with the side of a long object. hayu híʔba· ʔahá· li pʰiqʼama·cʼela I am protecting myself from the mean dog with a stick swinging sideways.

pʰiqʼa·s*   [pʰiqʼas]  pʰi-, qʼa·s*. Variant: pʰiqʼasa·tad*. Verb. scratch (the ground) with a long object (hoe).

pʰiqʼa·ṭ*   [pʰiqʼaʔ]  pʰi-, qʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. scrape with a long object. qaʔdi pʰíqʼa·ṭi hoe, or scythe, the grass!

pʰiqʼaṭci*   [pʰiqʼaṭciw]  pʰiqʼa·ṭ*. Verb. swipe, scrape once. baqʼoṭʰin qahcawi pʰiqʼaṭcimé·dem qalí· when he swiped (at them) high with something made of flint.

pʰisamciʔ   [pʰisamciʔ]  pʰisamciʔ Verb. close eyes (and might keep them closed). šahya pʰisamciʔ close and open eyes once, quickly; blink once.

pʰisʼam*   [pʰisʼamʔ]  pʰi-, sʼam*. Variant: pʰisʼatam*. Verb. fill or cover with the eyes. pʰisʼámciʔ to close eyes once. pʰisʼámcicʼi close eyes once! pʰisʼamaʔ to blink several times. pʰisʼámciw waves to splash on rocks. pʰisʼatamʔ D: Plural. šahya pʰísʼamciʔ to blink once. pʰisʼamá·cʼi blink eyes several times! pʰisʼamácʼmeʔ (to several) blink several times! compare: qaʔsʼiʔsʼi*, pite·m*.

pʰisʼatam*1   [pʰisʼatamʔ]  pʰisʼam*. Verb. fill or cover with the eyes.

pʰisʼatam*2   [pʰisʼatam]  pʰisʼa·*. Verb. break (of waves).

pʰisʼaylamucʼ*   [pʰisʼáylamuʔ]  pʰi-, sʼayla*. Verb. be across each other. qʰalé hcʰatʼba pʰisʼáylamuʔ mihcay (two) trees fell and lay crossed.

pʰisʼa·*   [pʰisʼaw]  pʰi-, sʼa·*. Variant: pʰilasʼa*; pʰisʼatam*. Verb. 1 • break (of wave). ʔahqʰa pʰísʼaw a wave broke over (a rock). ʔahqʰa pʰílasʼaw breaker (on shore or on rock). pʰisʼámciw wave(s) to splash on rock. pʰisʼatamʔ wave(s) to break (over) rocks. qʰaʔbetol weʔé· pʰísʼatamʔ they (waves) broke over the rocks (over there).

2 • shut eyes, blink. pʰisʼamá·cʼ- to blink several times. pʰisʼámcicʼ- to shut eyes.

ʔahqʰa pʰilasʼaw   [ʔahqʰa pʰílasʼaw]  ʔahqʰa, pʰisʼa·*. Noun. breaker (wave).

pʰisʼa·l*   [pʰisʼalʔ]  pʰi-, sʼa·l*. Verb. liquid come from eyes; eyes water, tear up. ʔahqʰa pʰísʼalciwe· ma your eyes are watering.

pʰisʼe·kʼ*   [pʰisʼeʔ]  pʰi-, sʼe·kʼ*. Verb. bend the tip of something with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pʰisʼekʼciw to lay head on high pillow so neck is bent. mihya pʰisʼekʼciw to bend neck (lying on a high pillow). pʰisʼekʼa·law to hang head over something.

pʰisʼim*   [pʰisʼimʔ]  pʰi-, sʼim*. Verb. beat down using stick, side of long object. hahse pʰisímʔ (pʰicʼo·y) with stick to beat down a bush. pʰisʼima D: Imperative. pʰisʼimá·tadu D: Durative, Plural, Imperative. Example Variant: pʰisʼitá·ma.

pʰisʼit*   [pʰisʼíʔ]  pʰiʔsʼi*, -t2.

pʰisʼiy*   [pʰisʼiyʔ]  pʰi-, sʼiy*2. Verb. hit something out of shape (with the side of a long object). pʰisʼiyaʔ to hit something out of shape. Example Variant: pʰisʼuyaʔ. synonyms: pʰisʼuy*.

pʰisʼuy*   [pʰisʼuyʔ]  pʰi-, sʼuy*. Verb. hit out of shape. synonyms: pʰisʼiy*.

pʰitʰil*   [pʰitʰilʔ]  pʰi-, tʰil*1. Verb. tear but not necessarily apart with the side of a long object. pʰitʰila·qaʔ to tear with stick.

pʰitʰm*   [pʰitʰm]  hpʰem*.

pʰitʼamad*   [pʰitʼamadu]  . Verb. see (looking around) [?]

pʰitʼat*   [pʰitʼaʔ]  pʰi-, tʼat*3. Verb. 1 • feel around with the end of a long object; bother with the end of a long object. qapʼa pʰitʼatiʔ to feel around on the cheek with side of (pencil). pʰitʼatí·cʼi D: Imperative. ʔahqʰa pʰítʼati to feel around water with (pencil). pʰitʼati bother with stick! compare: pʰiʔtʼa*.

2 • 

pʰitʼa·d*   [pʰitʼa·du]   Verb. be able to see.

pʰitʼe·l*   [pʰitʼelʔ]  pʰi-, tʼe·l*1, pʰi-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. nail, attach with a hammer. pʰitʼelmaw to keep nailing as someone else passes up more boards. pʰitʼelciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼeltʰiqʰ you have nailed on (walls) to your house apparently. ʔahca ma miʔkʰe pʰitʼelʔ ʔoʔ duʔkʼuw ʔtʰin you still have not finished nailing something on your house.

pʰitʼoš*   [pʰitʼoš]  pʰi-, tʼoš*. Verb. peel, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; peeled, skinned, hit with stick.

pʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*   [pʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi]  hpʰitʼ*. Variant: hpitʼpitʼi.

pʰitʼuhl*   [pʰitʼuhliw]  pʰitʼul*. Verb. squeeze something out of something with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pʰitʼul*   [pʰitʼulʔ]  pʰi-, tʼul*. Variant: pʰitʼuhl*. Verb. squeeze something out of something with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. haʔú ʔacacʼ em ṭa to pʰitʼulti hla·cadal that man is looking at me (like he is going to squeeze me ?), really staring hard.

pʰiṭʼahš*   [pʰiṭʼahš]  pʰiʔṭʼaš*. Verb. fasten in place with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer. pʰiṭʼáhšiw to drive (nail). Example Comment: plural act is used because driving a single nail normally requires multiple blows. pʰiṭʼáhši mul ʔ drive that (nail)! pʰiṭʼáhši mul tá·pʰla ʔ nail those boards! pʰiṭʼáhšadu to nail hither. pʰiṭʼáhšalaw to nail down (used for driving pickets). pʰiṭʼáhšimaʔ to drive (nail) across, in. pʰiṭáhšaya·du D: Durative. pʰiṭʼáhšayʔli hammer. cawíkʰ pʰiṭʼahšayʔ to drive a nail. cawíkʰ pʰiṭʼáhsayi drive the nail against wall! cawíkʰ batʰe· pʰiṭʼáhsayi drive many nails!

pʰiṭʼahšayʔli   [pʰiṭʼáhšayʔli]  Lit: instrument for driving (nails) pʰiṭʼahš*, -ay. Noun. hammer. synonyms: marti·yu.

pʰiṭʼahšayʔli   [pʰiṭʼáhšayʔli]  Lit: instrument for driving (nails) pʰiṭʼahš*, -ay. Noun. hammer. synonyms: marti·yu.

pʰiṭʼam*   [pʰiṭʼamʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼam*2, pʰi-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm. with the side of a long object. coʔo pʰiṭʼamʔ to stir up yellowjackets by hitting nest with stick.

pʰiṭʼan*   [pʰiṭʼanʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼan*1, pʰi-, ṭʼan*1. Verb. be sunburned, get sunburned. pʰiṭʼanmaw to be sunburned. (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·biʔ face to get (red) (blush or permanent); sunburn or shame. pʰaláʔcay emu mutʼamʔ li cabina (kʼis) pʰiṭʼaní·bicʰqʰ the white man must have sat in the sun; he has got sunburned.

pʰiṭʼa·*   [pʰiṭʼaw]  pʰi-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: pʰilaṭʼa*. Verb. smash the side of a long object. pʰiṭʼa₁ múl₂ hicʼo·₃ milú·₄ ʔaha·li₅ ʔ₆ smash that egg with a stick! cohšo pʰiṭʼaʔ to hit finger with hammer. hóhwa wi mu·kito cohso qaṭʼa·y his finger is caught in the door.

pʰiṭʼa·š*   [pʰiṭʼaš]  pʰi-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. put hair off forehead, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. heʔe dasʼulícʼbina, lile pʰíṭʼašmaw (He) has smoothed his hair back straight close to head; (his) forehead is sitting there bare (of hair). Example Variant: pʰíṭʼašciw..

pʰiṭʼem*   [pʰiṭʼemʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. eyes get tired of something; tired of looking at something. pʰiṭʼemaʔ to be tired of looking at (TV program); it bores me.

pʰiṭʼemʔṭʼe   [pʰiṭʼemʔṭʼe]   Noun. symphysis, lower breastbone.

pʰiṭʼi*   [pʰiṭʼiw]  pʰi-, ṭʼi*. Variant: pʰiliṭʼi*. Verb. bend with the side of a stick.

pʰiṭʼo·*   [pʰiṭʼow]  pʰi-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰiloṭʼo*. Verb. 1 • knock off (bark) with axe. pʰiloṭʼow D: Plural. pʰiṭʼow to peel (bark from a tree). qʰale₁ múl₂ ʔa₃ piṭʰoméla₄ I peeled the whole tree. Example Variant: qʰale ʔá mul.... qʰale ʔá mul piṭʰócʰmela I knocked a piece (of bark) off the tree.

2 • be insufficient.

pʰiṭʼuhl*1   [pʰiṭʼuhliw]  pʰiṭʼu·l*1. Verb. project askew with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pʰiṭʼuhl*2   [pʰiṭʼuhliw]  pʰiṭʼu·l*2. Verb. be snotty. ʔilasú pʰiṭʼulmaw to sit there with snot in nose.

pʰiṭʼun*   [pʰiṭʼunʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼun*. Verb. be slimy, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. ʔilasú pʰiṭʼunmaw D: Absolutive.

pʰiṭʼupʰiṭʼu*   [pʰiṭʼupʰiṭʼuw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*, pʰiʔṭʼupʰiʔṭʼu*. Instr Verb Stem. blinking or moving head around.

pʰiṭʼu·l*1   [pʰiṭʼulʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼu·l*2. Variant: pʰiṭʼuhl*. Verb. project askew, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. qʰale ʔíša· pʰiṭʼulmaw the tree limb is sticking out (more than others; it is longer or bigger or leans out more).

pʰiṭʼu·l*2   [pʰiṭʼulʔ]  pʰi-, ṭʼu·l*1. Variant: pʰiṭʼuhl*. Instr Verb Stem. be snotty. ʔilasu pʰiṭʼulma be with snotty nose! (same as /ṭʼu·n/ q.v.) ʔilasú pʰiṭʼulmaw with snotty nose.

pʰiwaṭʰ*   [pʰiwaʔ]  pʰi-, waṭʰ*. Verb. weaken with a hammer, a long object. hoʔtʼo pʰiwáṭʰciw to smash head (with sledgehammer); Example Variant: pihwátʼciw. qʰaʔbe pʰiwáṭʰciw to smash rock (/pihwatʼciw/ not used here). pʰiwáṭʰma·maw serial smashing rocks. ʔahca ṭʰúʔul siʔwe cóhto· pʰuwáṭʰciy the old house standing wobbling blew down (flat or with part still up).

pʰiyaʔta*   [pʰiyaʔtaw]  pʰi-, yaʔta*. Verb. help, share, with a long object. pʰiyaʔtameʔ help (me) chop (to several)! pʰiyaʔtawacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. (maʔa) qayáʔtawe yal ʔ eat with us! Share (food) with us!

pʰiya·m*1   [pʰiyamʔ]  pʰi-, ya·m*1. Verb. be unable to see entirely, all of. pʰiyamʔkʰe tʰín e, to· ma qʼoʔdi canʔpʰí ʔnati even if you look at me good, you can not see everything on me.

pʰiya·m*2   [pʰiyamʔ ]  pʰi-, ya·m*2. Verb. hurt, give pain to what is already sore. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; hurt a sore spot with a stick. pʰiya·ma D: Imperative. pʰiyamá·tadu D: Durative. baqʼo pʰíyamʔ tʰin it didn’t affect him.

pʰiya·q*   [pʰiya·q]  pʰiʔya·q*.

pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*   [pʰiyaʔmúʔ]  pʰiʔya·hmucʼ*.

pʰiyecʼ*   [pʰiyeʔ]  pʰi-, yecʼ*. Verb. hold side of long object against something. pʰiyecʼa·qacʰqa lean the stick against! pʰuyécʰqa light (the match)! Example Variant: pʰuyécʼqa.

pʰiyi*   [pʰiyiw]  pʰi-, yi*5. Verb. play ball. pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiw to play ball. pʰiyi D: Imperative. pʰiyimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiyiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiyí·ci start to play ball! Example Variant: pʰiʔkʼo pʰíyiwi·bici. pʰiyiyiʔ to start to play ball. pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiyiʔ (They) started to play shinny. pʰiʔkʼo ya pʰiyite· nihcedy "Let’s play shinny." (5-23.6).

pʰiyot*   [pʰiyoʔ]  pʰi-, yot*2. Verb. rake up, together, in a pile. pʰiyotʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive.

pʰiyukʼut*   [pʰiyukʼuʔ]  pʰi-, yukʼut*. Verb. penetrate with pick into ground.

pʰiyuʔci*   [pʰiyuʔciw]  pʰi-, yu·ʔ*. Verb. select out of a group with the fist. mul pʰiyuʔcimela I hit the certain one. pʰiyuʔci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

pʰiʔba*   [pʰiʔbaw]  pʰi-, ʔba*2. Verb. break apart with a long object; split wood with an axe. compare: pihlal*.

pʰiba·c*   [pʰibaʔ]  pʰiʔba*. Verb. break apart with a long object, split wood with an axe.

pʰiʔbolh*   [pʰiʔbolʔ]  pʰi-, ʔbolh*2. Verb. beat out dust with instrument. pʰiʔboli beat dust out! pʰiʔbolá·tadu D: Plural. pʰiʔbólmameʔ D: Plural.

pʰiʔcʼa*   [pʰiʔcʼáw]  pʰi-, ʔcʼa*2. Verb. stick side of instrument into something (e.g. swing an axe into a log).

pʰiʔcʼaba*   [pʰiʔcʼabaw]  pʰi-, ʔcʼaba*. Verb. break with a hammer (a coconut).

pʰiʔcʼabac   [pʰiʔcʼabaʔ]  pʰiʔcʼaba*. Verb. break something round with an instrument with one hit. haʔá· ʔaha·q šuqʰaʔcawal tupu·luwi pʰiʔcʼabá·ci split that block of wood with an axe.

pʰiʔcʼabac   [pʰiʔcʼabaʔ]  pʰiʔcʼaba*. Verb. break something round with an instrument with one hit. haʔá· ʔaha·q šuqʰaʔcawal tupu·luwi pʰiʔcʼabá·ci split that block of wood with an axe.

pʰiʔcʼamh*   [pʰiʔcʼámʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼamh*. Verb. hold out something, or it stands out with it is made stiff. hiba· pʰíʔcʼa·biʔ hold tail stiff and erect. synonyms: caʔcʼamh*.

pʰiʔcʼe*   [-]  pʰi-, ʔcʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with an axe.

pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼe*   [pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼew]  pʰiʔcʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. nodding head up and down repeatedly. compare: pʰicʼepʰicʼe*.

pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼe*   [pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼew]  pʰiʔcʼe*. Variant: pʰiʔcʼepʰicʼetad*. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with an axe.

pʰiʔcʼepʰicʼetad*   [pʰiʔcʼepʰicʼeta·du]  pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼe*.

pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼe*   [pʰiʔcʼepʰiʔcʼew]  pʰiʔcʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. nodding head up and down repeatedly. compare: pʰicʼepʰicʼe*.

pʰiʔcʼet*   [pʰiʔcʼeʔ]  ʔcʼet*. Verb. chip off pieces with axe. pʰiʔcʼeti chip off pieces with axe! pʰiʔcʼetʰci chip off one piece! piʔcʼetá·du is chipping off pieces.

pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼe*   [pʰiʔcʼeʔcʼew]  pʰiʔcʼe*. Variant: pʰiʔcʼepʰicʼetad*. Reduplicating Verb. break off pieces with an axe.

pʰiʔcʼo*1   [pʰiʔcʼow]  pʰi-. Verb. expose by digging with a mattock. pʰiʔcʼowá·du expose things in several places. pʰiʔcʼowáʔtʰuʔ don't expose things in several places! synonyms: pʰicʼo·*.

pʰiʔcʼo*2   [-]  pʰi-, ʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. chop to pieces. compare: pʰiʔcʼot*.

pʰiʔcʼopʰiʔcʼo*   [pʰiʔcʼopʰiʔcʼow]  pʰiʔcʼo*2. Reduplicating Verb. chop to pieces. pʰiʔcʼopʰicʼo·law cut it down to pieces.

pʰiʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰiʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰiʔcʼo*2. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. chop to pieces.

pʰiʔcʼolh*1   [pʰiʔcʼolʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼolh*1. Variant: pʰicʼohli*. Verb. make a hole by chopping with a mattock or axe. pʰiʔcʼoli hit the ground with a mattock and make a hole! pʰicʼohlibiʔ @ make a hole in something with axe. pʰicʼohlimmeʔ make a hole! (to several). ʔahca pʰicʼólhmaw to break into a house with an axe. pʰiʔcʼólmuliʔ to make a hole around. pʰiʔcʼola·qa break it open with an axe! pʰicʼóhlaqa break through several things with axe. compare: pʰiʔcʼolh*2.

pʰiʔcʼolh*2   [pʰicʼolʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼolh*2. Variant: pʰicʼohl*. Verb. hit and make a mark with a mattock or axe. pʰiʔcʼoli hit ground with mattock and make a mark. pʰiʔcʼólhmuliʔ hit around in a circle marking. compare: pʰiʔcʼolh*1, muhti*, caʔcʼolh*.

pʰiʔcʼon*   [pʰiʔcʼonʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼon*. Verb. detach with a stick; knock off doorknob, something stuck on picture pasted on wall. pʰiʔoni knock off with stick. synonyms: pihlud*.

pʰiʔcʼopʰiʔcʼo*   [pʰiʔcʼopʰiʔcʼow]  pʰiʔcʼo*2. Reduplicating Verb. chop to pieces. pʰiʔcʼopʰicʼo·law cut it down to pieces.

pʰiʔcʼoqʰo·t*   [pʰiʔcʼoqʰoʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼoqʰot*. Verb. remove piece (of earth) with mattock.

pʰiʔcʼot*   [pʰiʔcʼoʔ]  pʰi-, ʔcʼot*. Variant: pʰicʼoht*. Verb. 1 • chip. pʰiʔcʼotʰci make one chip. pʰiʔcʼótʰmeʔ chip (to several)! pʰiʔcʼota·duwa·du be making many chips. pʰicʼotá·law chip downwards. pʰicʼóhtalaw chip several downwards. pʰiʔcʼoti chip off! compare: pʰiʔcʼo*2.

2 • smooth or prepare.

pʰiʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰiʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰiʔcʼo*2. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. chop to pieces.

pʰiʔcʼumc   [pʰiʔcʼúmciw]  pʰi-, ʔcʼumc*. Verb. break in two with stick.

pʰiʔdi*   [pʰiʔdíw]  pʰi-, ʔdi*1. Variant: pihsa*. Verb. move or hold one thing with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; see moving?? .

pʰide·d*   [pʰide·du´]  pʰiʔdi*, -ad2. Variant: pʰide·cʼ*. Verb. keep watching to see where someone is going; koo after someone, like children.

pʰide·duc*   [pʰide·dúʔ]  Lit: watches over the morning pʰiʔdi*, -aduc. Verb. 1 • watch someone leave; see someone off – not secretly.

2 • bat away.

pʰiʔdic*   [pʰiʔdíʔ]  pʰiʔdi*. Verb. 1 • knock something a long way with side of long object.

2 • see someone leave by peeking secretly.

pʰiʔdim*   [pʰiʔdímʔ]  pʰiʔdi*. Variant: pihsam*. Verb. 1 • keep aiming at (an animal with a gun or bow and arrow while it approaches within range).

2 • be watching. cila míto ʔa pʰiʔdimela I have been watching you for a while. qʰaʔá· pʰiʔdimʔ yaʔ watches over the morning. ʔa· ṭʼo pʰiʔdiméla I saw where it went (of saw thrown someplace in the bushes).

pʰiʔdic*   [pʰiʔdíʔ]  pʰiʔdi*. Verb. 1 • knock something a long way with side of long object.

2 • see someone leave by peeking secretly.

pʰiʔdim*   [pʰiʔdímʔ]  pʰiʔdi*. Variant: pihsam*. Verb. 1 • keep aiming at (an animal with a gun or bow and arrow while it approaches within range).

2 • be watching. cila míto ʔa pʰiʔdimela I have been watching you for a while. qʰaʔá· pʰiʔdimʔ yaʔ watches over the morning. ʔa· ṭʼo pʰiʔdiméla I saw where it went (of saw thrown someplace in the bushes).

pʰiʔduw*   [pʰiʔduwʔ]  pʰi-, ʔduw*1. Verb. diffuse, move through barrier, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pʰiʔduwa·la*   [pʰiʔduwa·law]  pʰiʔduw*, -ala. Verb. see through.

pʰiʔduwa·la*   [pʰiʔduwa·law]  pʰiʔduw*, -ala. Verb. see through.

pʰiʔkʼayʔci*   [pʰiʔkʼayʔciw]  pʰi-, ʔkʼayʔ*. Verb. get stick or axe caught between two objects.

pʰiʔkʼi*   [-]  pʰi-, ʔkʼi*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. chop almost all the way through.

pʰiʔkʼipʰiʔkʼi*   [pʰiʔkʼipʰiʔkʼiw]  pʰiʔkʼi*. Variant: pʰiʔkʼipʰikʼit*. Reduplicating Verb. chop almost all the way through (a tree).

pʰiʔkʼiʔkʼi*   [pʰiʔkʼiʔkʼiw]  pʰiʔkʼi*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. chop almost all the way through (a tree). pʰiʔkʼíʔkʼiwe· ma you are almost chopping it in two.

pʰiʔkʼipʰikʼit*   [pʰiʔkʼipʰikʼiʔ]  pʰiʔkʼipʰiʔkʼi*. Verb.

pʰiʔkʼipʰiʔkʼi*   [pʰiʔkʼipʰiʔkʼiw]  pʰiʔkʼi*. Variant: pʰiʔkʼipʰikʼit*. Reduplicating Verb. chop almost all the way through (a tree).

pʰiʔkʼiʔkʼi*   [pʰiʔkʼiʔkʼiw]  pʰiʔkʼi*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. chop almost all the way through (a tree). pʰiʔkʼíʔkʼiwe· ma you are almost chopping it in two.

pʰiʔkʼo   [pʰiʔkʼo]   Noun. ball, sphere; cone (of pine tree). pʰiʔkʼo móʔkʼow to be hit by a thrown ball. compare: pʰiʔkʼo*.

cohšo pʰiʔkʼo   [cohšo pʰíʔkʼo]  Lit: hand ball cohšo, pʰiʔkʼo. Noun. ball of the wrist.

kʰunumʔ pʰiʔkʼo   [kʰunúmʔ pʰiʔkʼo]  kʰunumʔ, pʰiʔkʼo. Noun. cone of Bishop pine. compare: qʰawamʔ pʰiʔkʼo.

pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiw   [pʰiʔkʼo pʰíyiw]  pʰiʔkʼo, pʰiyi*. Noun. shinny.

pʰiʔkʼo ṭʰahqa   [pʰiʔkʼo ṭʰáhqaw]  pʰiʔkʼo, ṭʰahqa*. Verb. play ball, play baseball.

qʰama pʰiʔkʼo   [qʰama pʰíʔkʼo]  Lit: foot ball qʰama1, pʰiʔkʼo. Noun. ball of the ankle.

qʰawamʔ pʰiʔkʼo   [qʰawamʔ pʰíʔkʼo]  qʰawamʔ, pʰiʔkʼo. Noun. pinecone (any variety). compare: kʰunumʔ pʰiʔkʼo.

ʔaca·ʔ dutʼaʔli pʰiʔkʼo   [ʔacaʔ dutʼáʔli pʰiʔkʼo]  Lit: person-doctoring-with ball (patterned); ball with which to doctor a person ʔaca·c, dutʼat*1, pʰiʔkʼo. Noun. a ball (dark blue with a white design) that is batted around while doctoring. ʔacaʔ dutʼáʔli pʰiʔkʼo kóʔyi patterned doctoring ball.

pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiw   [pʰiʔkʼo pʰíyiw]  pʰiʔkʼo, pʰiyi*. Noun. shinny.

pʰiʔkʼo ṭʰahqa   [pʰiʔkʼo ṭʰáhqaw]  pʰiʔkʼo, ṭʰahqa*. Verb. play ball, play baseball.

pʰiʔkʼo*   [pʰiʔkʼów]  pʰi-, ʔkʼo*2. Variant: pʰikʼot*. Verb. hit or strike something with a long object moving sideways (with a stick, hammer, bat, golf club, racquet, etc.) pʰiʔkʼo pʰíʔkʼo hit the ball (with the bat)! pʰiʔkʼopʰíkʼoʔ to strike repeatedly. pʰiʔkʼow he hit it. pʰiʔkʼoy (yes) he hit it. pʰiʔko hit it! pʰiʔkomeʔ hit it! (to several). pʰikʼoti hit them! (to one). pʰikʼótʰmeʔ hit them! (to several). pʰiʔkʼocí·du to keep hitting it. pʰikʼotá·du to keep hitting them. compare: pʰiʔkʼo.

pʰiʔkʼopʰikʼoʔ ṭʰahqaw   [pʰiʔkʼopʰíkʼoʔ ṭʰahqaw]  pʰiʔkʼo*, ṭʰahqa*. Noun. baseball (game).

pʰiʔkʼolh*   [pʰiʔkʼolʔ]  pʰi-, ʔkʼolh*1. Verb. spill with a stick. pʰikʼóhlibiʔ spill several with a stick. Example Variant: pʰiʔkʼolí·biʔ.

pʰiʔkʼopʰikʼoʔ ṭʰahqaw   [pʰiʔkʼopʰíkʼoʔ ṭʰahqaw]  pʰiʔkʼo*, ṭʰahqa*. Noun. baseball (game).

pʰiʔkʼoyad*   [pʰiʔkʼoyá·du]  pʰi-, ʔkʼoy*1. Verb. chop here and there with an axe, chop a few scattered objects.

pʰiʔkʼoʔkʼoc*   [pʰiʔkʼóʔkʼoʔ]  pʰi-, ʔkʼo*1. Reduplicating Verb. chop a shallow hole with an axe. pʰiʔkʼóʔkʼoʔ (surveyor) make a mark or blaze on a tree. Example Variant: pʰiʔkʼóʔkʼow.

pʰiʔkʼu*   [pʰiʔkʼuw]  pʰi-, ʔkʼu*. Verb. inspect completely, notice everything; finish reading. to caʔqá· da·qáʔtʰeti, kihlaʔ mácʼba, pʰiʔkʼuméla although he didn’t want to let me see it, I went in anyway, and examined it completely. ṭʼi pʰiʔkʼu inspect completely! read completely! tito húʔu·li ʔama pʰíʔkʼuta·du hqale· mu with his [big] eyes he likes to inspect everything (notices everything). pʰikʼuta·du finish reading several books.

kalikakʰ pʰiʔkʼu   [kalikakʰ pʰíʔkʼuw]  kalikakʰ, pʰiʔkʼu*. Verb. finish school, graduate.

pʰiʔla*   [pʰiʔlaw]  pʰi-, ʔla*2. Verb. look quickly. pʰiʔláwciw look quickly. ʔacaʔ qáhqo daʔtʼaba pʰiʔláwʔ cibá šiba· cóhtoʔ he detected a nude man, gave a quick glance and left for elsewhere.

pʰiʔlapʰiʔla*   [pʰiʔlapʰiʔlaw]  pʰiʔla*. Reduplicating Verb. flirt, by looking at secretively, keep looking or glancing at. pʰiʔlapʰíʔlamʔ several to give several quick looks.

pʰiʔlapʰiʔla*   [pʰiʔlapʰiʔlaw]  pʰiʔla*. Reduplicating Verb. flirt, by looking at secretively, keep looking or glancing at. pʰiʔlapʰíʔlamʔ several to give several quick looks.

pʰiʔlaš*   [pʰiʔlaš]  pʰi-, ʔlaš*. Verb. have big or high foreheaded. pʰiʔlášmaw to be big or high foreheaded.

pʰiʔlašlašaʔ*   [pʰiʔlašlašaʔ]  pʰiʔlaš*. Ideophone Adjective. having a high forehead. lile pʰíʔlašlašaʔ to be big or high foreheaded. Example Variant: pʰiʔlášmaw.

pʰiʔlašlašaʔ*   [pʰiʔlašlašaʔ]  pʰiʔlaš*. Ideophone Adjective. having a high forehead. lile pʰíʔlašlašaʔ to be big or high foreheaded. Example Variant: pʰiʔlášmaw.

pʰiʔliʔli*   [pʰiʔlíʔliw]  pʰi-, ʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. tail or stick to wag. pʰiʔlíʔliʔ to wiggle something. hayu hiba· pʰiʔliʔliw the dog's tail is wagging. hayu ʔem hiba· ʔel pʰiʔliʔlihqaw the dog is wagging its tail.

pʰiʔloʔlo*   [pʰiʔloʔlow]  pʰi-, ʔlo*2. Reduplicating Verb. tangle by hitting. muṭʼo mu·kito huʔu·mo ʔahá·li moʔó·tabina pʰilopʰílocʰqam someone beat his face with a stick and made it puff up into a ball. Example Variant: ... pʰilopʰílocʼbiw.

pʰiʔluš*   [pʰiʔlúš]  pʰi-, ʔluš*. Verb. hit glancing blows (with axe). pʰiʔlušciw to hit glancing blow with axe.

pʰiʔne·cicʼ*   [pʰiʔne·ciʔ]  pʰi-, ʔne·cicʼ*. Verb. get used to looking at, get familiar with seeing, either habituated to or recognize easily.

pʰiʔpʼanh*   [pʰiʔpʼanʔ]  pʰi-, ʔpʼanh*. Variant: pʰipʼanta*. Verb. cover with a hammer; nail close with a hammer. !!wentá·na tupu·lu wi pʰiʔpʼanʔ to nail a window shut with a hammer.

pʰiʔqʼac*   [pʰiʔqʼaʔ]  pʰi-, ʔqʼac*. Verb. tighten. pʰiqʼaccimé·du tighten several. pʰiʔqʼacciw to tighten.

pʰiʔqʼala·tad*   [pʰiʔqʼalá·tadu]  pʰiʔqʼalh*.

pʰiʔqʼalh*   [pʰiʔqʼálʔ]  pʰi-, ʔqʼalh*. Variant: pʰiʔqʼala·tad*. Verb. poke something with a stick moving sideways, with the side of a stick. pʰiʔqʼalá·du to keep poking (a stick into brush) and moving it sideways (to see what’s there).

pʰiʔqʼoʔdi*   [pʰiʔqʼoʔdiw]  pʰi-, ʔqʼoʔdi*1. Variant: pʰiʔqʼoʔdiwad*. Verb. 1 • see well, correctly; size up. qʼoʔdi pʰiʔqʼoʔdicʼba ʔe· ʔa dicʼi·duwa·dum I saw it very well; that’s why I am telling about it. qʼoʔdi pʰíqʼoʔdici observe everything. pʰiʔqʼóʔdiwa·du look at several things. pʰiʔqʼóʔdi·ti ʔahqʰa yow so that he could look over [the place] under the water. synonyms: cʰiʔqʼoʔdi*.

2 • inspect, size up. pʰiʔqʼóʔdiwa·du to size up (one or several); to inspect (house, site). pʰiʔqʼoʔdiwa·du ma·dal mu·kinʔ he sized her up. pʰiʔqʼiʔdiwacʼe· ma·dal ma·cal ʔ they sized her up.

pʰiʔqʼoʔdic*   [pʰiʔqʼóʔdiʔ]  pʰiʔqʼoʔdi*. Verb. look over (in planning what to do); to see good, to see for sure. qʼoʔdi pʰíʔqʼoʔdicʼba ʔe· ʔa dicʼi·duwa·dam I saw it good, that's why I'm telling about it. pʰiʔqʼóʔdici see for sure! pʰiʔqʼíʔdicʰmeʔ see for sure (to several)! qʼoʔdi pʰíʔqʼoʔdici observe everything. compare: pʰimi*.

pʰiʔqʼoʔdic*   [pʰiʔqʼóʔdiʔ]  pʰiʔqʼoʔdi*. Verb. look over (in planning what to do); to see good, to see for sure. qʼoʔdi pʰíʔqʼoʔdicʼba ʔe· ʔa dicʼi·duwa·dam I saw it good, that's why I'm telling about it. pʰiʔqʼóʔdici see for sure! pʰiʔqʼíʔdicʰmeʔ see for sure (to several)! qʼoʔdi pʰíʔqʼoʔdici observe everything. compare: pʰimi*.

pʰiʔqʼoʔdiwad*   [pʰiʔqʼóʔdowa·du]  pʰiʔqʼoʔdi*.

pʰiʔsʼaʔsʼac*   [pʰiʔsʼáʔsʼaʔ]  pʰi-, ʔsʼa*3. Instr Verb Stem. beat up with club. compare: pʰusʼaʔsʼa*.

pʰiʔsʼi*   [pʰiʔsʼiw]  pʰi-, ʔsʼi*2. Variant: pʰisʼit*. Verb. chip off. synonyms: pʰeʔsʼe*.

pʰiʔsʼo   [pʰiʔsʼo]  pʰi-, ʔsʼo*1. Adjective. of deep wrinkles on face. hayu pʰíʔsʼo long-faced dog. ʔacaʔ pʰíʔsʼo thin-faced man, long and thin face or skinny face.

pʰiʔsʼo*   [pʰiʔsʼow]  pʰi-, ʔsʼo*2. Verb. wrinkle. cʰuwayánʔba huʔu·mo pʰiʔsʼo·bí·y when he laughed his face creased (deep wrinkles).

pʰiʔsʼulh*   [pʰiʔsʼulʔ]  pʰi-, ʔsʼulh*2. Verb. be narrow of face. pʰisʼúlmenʔ nickname for a narrow-faced woman. pʰisʼúlma stand with a long face! (to a person). pʰisʼúhlimmeʔ stand with long faces! (to several). Example Variant: pʰiʔsʼúlhma. hayu huʔú·mo pʰisʼuhlim el men (it is) like the dogs with long faces.

pʰiʔsʼuš*   [pʰiʔsʼuš]  pʰi-, ʔsʼuš*. Verb. have projecting point. pʰiʔsʼušmaw (of a bonnet) with a point sticking out. ʔama· pʰisʼuša·qalli where the land goes out pointed. ʔama· pʰíʔsʼušaʔ point of land.

pʰiʔtʼa*   [pʰiʔtʼaw]  pʰi-, ʔtʼa*5. Verb. 1 • look like; seem (like); and more rarely, feel. pʰiʔta D: Imperative. pʰiʔtatʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰiʔtacíʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰiʔtʼati about to look like. našoya qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼa·yaw admired, good-looking girls. Example Variant: ...pʰíʔtʼa·ya. ʔacaʔ qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼacʼaʔyaw person most admired for good looks. ʔacaʔ qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼaw admired person. pʰiʔtʼam to turn to look. pʰiʔtʼama turn to look! pʰiʔtʼama·du D: Durative. pʰiʔtʼamameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔtʼamhciʔ to look back over shoulder. pʰiʔtʼama·lameʔ to look back under arm. pʰiʔtʼamʔ to glance at. pʰiʔtʼama glance at it! pʰiʔtʼámtʰuʔ don’t glance at it! men pʰíʔtʼaw (it looks the same); that’s the way it looks. sima pʰíʔtʼaw to feel sleepy (eyes feel drowsy). qʼoʔdi (pišudu) pʰítʼa·cʼe· to ʔispe·howi caducʼin looking at myself in the mirror, it looks good (bad) to me. qʼoʔdi pʰiʔtʼaw look good. pʰiʔtací·du D: Durative. compare: pʰitʼat*.

2 • consider (to be).

pʰiʔtʼam*   [pʰiʔtʼamʔ]  pʰiʔtʼa*. Verb. glance at. pʰiʔtámʔtʰin weʔe· tanʔqaw ignore, not look; ignore what he says.

pʰiʔtʼam*   [pʰiʔtʼamʔ]  pʰiʔtʼa*. Verb. glance at. pʰiʔtámʔtʰin weʔe· tanʔqaw ignore, not look; ignore what he says.

pʰiʔtʼamad*   [pʰiʔtʼamadu]  . Verb. stare at.

pʰiʔtʼan   [pʰiʔtʼan]   Adverb. 1 • suddenly, all of a sudden; just. pʰiʔtʼan qahmati·bicʰpʰila ṭʼo· suppose he gets angry [as a consequence of ...] pʰiʔtʼané· mu @ it happens suddenly ? pʰiʔtʼané· mu mensʼiw that's what happened.

2 • unexpectedly, surprisingly, amazingly, strangely. finally. pʰiʔtʼan cohtócʼbiw it turned out he left, unexpectedly. lanhcʼa šóʔkʼo·tol ʔa be·li ʔiʔkʰe ʔi· -- pʰiʔtʼan ʔa kʰomhca sóʔkʼo·tol ʔiw I was to be here at 6:00, but instead I got here finally at 8:00. pʰiʔtʼan háʔda mu·tʼamciw (after being cloudy) the sun finally (unexpectedly) shone. compare: qani, =hla·li.

pʰiʔtʼe*   [pʰiʔtʼew]  pʰi-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. nail small piece of cloth, leather or wood in one place.

pʰiʔtʼehn*   [pʰiʔtʼehniw]  pʰiʔtʼenh*. Verb. attach with the side of a long object.

pʰiʔtʼel*   [pʰiʔtʼelʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼel*1. Verb. weak. pʰiʔtʼél₁ pʰitʼawe·₂ ma₃ ʔama·₄ míhsaʔ₅ ci·cʼínkʰe₆ tʰin₇ you look weak, so you can't lift heavy things.

pʰiʔtʼenh*   [pʰiʔtʼenʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼenh*. Variant: pʰiʔtʼehn*. Verb. use side of long object to hold something against something else. pʰiʔtʼenhciw to hold something against something else with side of stick.

pʰiʔtʼentʼelec*   [pʰiʔtʼéntʼeleʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼentʼele*. Instr Verb Stem. hit many times with stick (a hat) and make out of shape. pʰiʔtʼéntʼelewa·du D: Durative. pʰiʔtʼéntʼeleta·du D: Durative.

pʰiʔtʼeʔtew   [pʰiʔtʼéʔtew]  pʰiʔtʼeʔtʼe*.

pʰiʔtʼeʔtʼe*   [pʰiʔtʼéʔteʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼeʔtʼe*. Variant: pʰiʔtʼeʔtew. Verb. hammer down rough places.

pʰiʔtʼut   [pʰiʔtʼuʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. pitcher (for water) with long neck.

pʰiʔtʼut*   [pʰiʔtʼuʔ]  pʰi-, ʔtʼut*2. Verb. shade eyes. pʰiʔtʼutá·qa (to cap) Have eye shade, visor!

pʰiʔtʼut   [pʰiʔtʼuʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. pitcher (for water) with long neck.

pʰiʔtʼutaq   [pʰiʔtʼutaʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. cap with visor.

pʰiʔtʼutaq   [pʰiʔtʼutaʔ]  pʰiʔtʼut*. Noun. cap with visor.

pʰiʔṭaṭ*   [pʰiʔṭaʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼaṭ*3. Verb. crack with a hammer. pʰiʔṭʼaṭʰciw to hit once with split stick rattle. pʰiʔṭʼaṭá·duwa·du to hit all over with split stick rattle.

pʰiʔṭumʔhay   [pʰiʔṭumʔhay]  piʔṭu*, ʔahay. Noun. snare, bent over long object.

pʰiʔṭʼaš*   [pʰiʔṭʼaš]  Lit: nail driver pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: pʰiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place with a hammer or similar tool. pʰiʔṭʼášci mul tá·pʰla ʔ nail that board! pʰiʔṭʼášma mul ʔ close the opening by hammering!

pʰiʔṭʼawʔd*   [pʰiʔṭʼawʔdu]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼawʔd*. Verb. hurt by hitting with a stick. ciba· tʰin ʔaha· li moʔonʔba, pʰiʔṭʼáwʔducʰwiy someone hit me with a stick and hurt me bad.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise) with side of stick; tap on wood, rock. pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼa D: Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼapʰíʔṭʼameʔ tap with side of stick! compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pihtahta*.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw2   [pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼaw]  pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Noun. clapper (wooden).

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw1   [pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  . Noun. a rattle.

pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw2   [pʰiʔṭʼáʔṭʼaw]  pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Noun. clapper (wooden).

pʰiʔṭʼe*   [pʰiʔṭʼew]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. hit and mark, spot (from something put on) (not scratch); nail something over something. pʰiʔṭʼenayʔ nail up a covering, e.g. board over a window.

pʰiʔṭʼelh*   [pʰiʔṭʼelʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. part, mat down, with the side of a long object. pʰiʔṭʼela·duwa·du to go along (through grass) parting it with stick here and there. pʰiʔṭʼélhciw to part once. pʰiʔṭʼeli with stick to make way through grass by parting. pʰiṭʼeli D: Imperative.

pʰiʔṭʼes*   [pʰiʔṭʼes]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. be cracking (sound), with the side of a long object. pʰiʔṭʼésciw to hit with stick with a crack.

pʰiʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [pʰiʔṭʼéʔṭʼew]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. hammer nail several times. cawikʰ pʰiʔṭʼew to hammer on one nail. ʔama·la pʰiʔṭʼéʔṭʼeʔ to hit (with hammer) to break bones to prepare rabbit for cooking – then bones come out easy and it cooks on coals easier. compare: ʔṭʼaš*2.

pʰiʔṭʼi   [pʰiʔṭʼi]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼi*3. Adjective. bent with the side of a long object. sama pʰiʔṭʼi bent handle. pʰiʔṭʼi pʰícʼo·ye ʔkʰe tupú·lu same I made my axe handle bent by chopping. compare: cʰiʔṭʼi, qoʔṭʼi, qosʼic*, qʰosʼi·cʼ*, hisʼi*.

pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*   [pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼow]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼo*. Reduplicating Verb. sound of hitting lightly, pat, tap, with the side of a long object. ká·ma miʔkʰe ʔuhwa· cʰidahpʰi pʰiʔṭʼóʔṭʼo take your mattress out and beat the dust out!

pʰiʔṭʼu   [pʰiʔṭʼu]   blink?

pʰiʔṭʼupʰiʔṭʼu*   [pʰiʔṭʼupʰiʔṭʼuw]  pʰiʔṭʼu. Variant: pʰiṭʼupʰiṭʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. blink eyes repeatedly, closing them solidly and then opening. šahya pʰiʔṭʼupʰiṭʼu·cʼi blink your eyes a few times!

pʰiʔṭʼu*   [pʰiʔṭʼuw]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼu*. Verb. hooked at end with a long object, the finger. haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼu hooked beak (like hawk). ʔila pʰíʔṭʼu yya hooked noses (mainly at tip). cohšo pʰíʔṭʼume· to my finger is sticking out, bent at the end (up or down). píṭʼuhtime· yal our fingers are bent at the end. mícrophone pʰiʔṭʼum the microphone is bent. muhṭuṭu ya·col haʔbo pʰiʔṭʼum the great horned owl’s beak is hooked.

pʰiʔṭʼubut*   [pʰiʔṭʼubúʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼubut*1. Verb. hit rod in.

pʰiʔṭʼum*   [pʰiʔṭʼumʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼum*. Verb. bend over. pʰiʔṭʼuma bend over (and touch ground)! (or bend stick over at the end). pʰiṭʼuhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰiʔṭʼúmʔhay (bird) snare.

pʰiʔṭʼupʰiʔṭʼu*   [pʰiʔṭʼupʰiʔṭʼuw]  pʰiʔṭʼu. Variant: pʰiṭʼupʰiṭʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. blink eyes repeatedly, closing them solidly and then opening. šahya pʰiʔṭʼupʰiṭʼu·cʼi blink your eyes a few times!

pʰiʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks using the side of a long object. musú·tol ʔoho pʰiʔṭʼuṭʰ someone is knocking the burning part off the log. pʰíʔṭʼuṭi to be hitting burning stick on its side.

pʰiʔṭʼuwicʼ*   [pʰiʔṭʼuwiʔ]  pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*, pʰi-, ʔṭʼuw*. Verb. move head to side to avoid blow; blink eye (to get something off lashes). pʰiʔṭʼuwí·cʼi D: Reflexive.

pʰiʔwiʔwi*   [pʰiʔwíʔwiw]  pʰi-, ʔwi*. Verb. keep looking at, glancing at. kó·ko ṭa to· ma ʔaná· pʰiʔwiʔwiwam how come you are looking at me so much ?

pʰiʔya*   [pʰiʔyaw]  pʰi-, ʔya*. Verb. almost hit (with the side of a long object), arrest action before hitting, stop short. moʔónʔ tʰin sóh pʰiʔyayé· ma you did not hit it, just started to.

pʰiʔya·hmucʼ*   [pʰiʔyahmúʔ]  pʰiʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*. Verb. become acquainted with each other.

pʰiʔya·q*   [pʰiʔyaʔ]  Lit: cause to recognize someone pʰi-, ʔya·q*, pʰi-, ʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·q*. Verb. recognize by sight. pʰiʔyahqamuʔ to meet, be introduced. pʰiʔyahmucʼqa introduce! pʰiʔyahmúcʼqa ma·calʔ introduce them! Example Variant: ...ma·dalʔ. pʰiʔyahqamu·cʼi ma·dalʔ introduce her (or them)! pʰuʔyakʼ é· ʔa· ṭʼo ʔihya I recognize blowing of the wind. pʰiʔyahtʰela· ʔa I don't recognize it.

pʰiʔya·hmucʼ*   [pʰiʔyahmúʔ]  pʰiʔya·q*. Variant: pʰiya·ʔmucʼ*. Verb. become acquainted with each other.

pʰiʔyo   [pʰiʔyo]  pʰi-, ʔyo*1, ʔyo*4. Adjective. wrinkled, of the face. huʔú·mo pʰiʔyo wrinkled face (not aged type but of some young people with lines at side of mouth). Example Variant: moʔyo.

pʰiʔyuʔyu*   [pʰiʔyúʔyuw]  pʰi-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. hurt with stick.

pʰi·bošbošo   [pʰi·bóšbošo]  pʰi-, bo·š*. Ideophone Adjective. swollen-eyed.

pʰi·bukʼbukʼu   [pʰi·búkʼbukʼu]  pʰibu·kʼ*. Ideophone Adjective. rabbit-faced, having a round face with bulging cheeks and short jaw.

pʰi·kʼiškʼiši   [pʰi·kʼíškʼiši]  pʰikʼi·š*. Ideophone Adjective. mean-eyed, angry-eyed (of a person). huʔú· pʰi·kʼiškʼiši angry-looking eyes. compare: kule·.

pʰi·kʼoṭ*   [pʰí·kʼoʔ]  pʰi-, kʼoṭ*2. Verb. crave, desire what can't be had (food or drink only). pʰí·kʼoṭe· to mul ma·caʔkʰe maʔá ʔbaʔ I crave some of that grown (not wild) food of theirs. pʰí·kʼoṭe· to mul maʔa ṭʰáʔbamal I crave that food there (but can't have it). sóh mi·li pʰí·kʼoṭin ca maṭʼo dihciʔkʰetʰineʔ you just sit there wishing for it, you can't get it. sóh maṭʼo mi·li pʰí·kʼotʰqacin ca maṭʼo maʔáʔkʰetʰineʔ you just sit wishing for it, you can't eat any of it. pʰí·kʼoṭʰqacʼi D: Imperative. pʰí·kʼoṭʰqacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰí·kʼoṭa·du keep wishing for. compare: pʰikʼo·ṭ*.

pʰi·kʼoṭʰqa*   [pʰí·kʼoṭʰqaw]  pʰi·kʼoṭ*. Verb. cause to crave, tempt. maʔa pʰí·kʼoṭqawe· to maʔu ʔacacʼ em this man is making me really want the food (but won’t give me any). ʔama háṭʼaʔqa· ma to·ṭʼo ma pʰí·kʼoṭʰqawa·nʔ you're stingy, you make me suffer (by not sharing food).

pʰi·kʼoṭʰqa*   [pʰí·kʼoṭʰqaw]  pʰi·kʼoṭ*. Verb. cause to crave, tempt. maʔa pʰí·kʼoṭqawe· to maʔu ʔacacʼ em this man is making me really want the food (but won’t give me any). ʔama háṭʼaʔqa· ma to·ṭʼo ma pʰí·kʼoṭʰqawa·nʔ you're stingy, you make me suffer (by not sharing food).

pʰi·sismaw   [pʰi·sismaw]  pʰi-, hsis*. Adjective. eye hurts.

pʰi·sʼulsʼu   [pʰi·sʼúlsʼu]  pʰiʔsʼulh*. Adjective. of narrow projecting face.

pʰi·ṭʼisṭʼisi   [pʰi·ṭʼísṭʼisi]  pʰi-, ṭʼi·s*. Ideophone Adjective. slit-eyed, squint-eyed.

pʰo sʼuqʰa·   [pʰosʼúqʰa·]  ʔipʰo·, sʼuqʰa·. Noun. large turban snail. Tegula gallina.

pʰobošaq*   [pʰobošaʔ]  pʰobo·š*, -aq1. Verb. blow up (balloon).

pʰobo·kʼ*   [pʰoboʔ]  pʰu-, bo·kʼ*. Verb. puffed up with air (like a pillow case, or a tire being pumped). pʰobo·kʼícʼbina pʰobokʼmaw it must have filled with air, it is puffed out. synonyms: pʰobo·š*.

pʰobo·l*   [pʰobolʔ]  pʰu-, bo·l*. Verb. blow a hole.

pʰobo·m*   [pʰobomʔ´]  pʰu-, bo·m*. Verb. wind to blow smoke back into (house through the chimney or smoke hole). pʰobo·maʔ wind to blow smoke over. winató· hosa pʰobomʔ too much smoke blown back in to tepee. šibalhqʰáʔ pʰobo·ma blow elsewhere. pʰoboma·cʼi @ (to smoke). pʰobommaw smoke blown back down chimney. pʰobo·ma blow back!

pʰobo·š*   [pʰoboš]  pʰu-, bo·š*. Verb. inflate with air. pʰobo·šícʼbina pʰobošmaw it must have filled with air, it is puffed out. synonyms: pʰobo·kʼ*.

pʰobošaq*   [pʰobošaʔ]  pʰobo·š*, -aq1. Verb. blow up (balloon).

pʰo·bošbošo   [pʰo·bóšbošo]  pʰobo·š*. Ideophone Adjective. inflated by air (of balloon, skirt).

pʰocʼaht*   [pʰocʼaht]  pʰoʔcʼat*.

pʰocʼayʔta qʰaʔbe   [pʰocʼayʔta qʰaʔbe]  . Place Name. Pochayta Rock.

pʰocʼohlim*   [pʰocʼóhlimʔ]  pʰoʔcʼolhma*.

pʰocʼotam*   [pʰocʼotámʔ]  pʰocʼo·m*.

pʰocʼo·*1   [pʰocʼow]  pʰu-, cʼo·*1. Verb. expose by blowing.

pʰocʼo·cʼ*   [pʰocʼoʔ]  pʰocʼo·*1. Verb. expose self by blowing.

pʰocʼo·*2   [pʰocʼow´]  pʰu-, cʼo·*2. Verb. transform by blowing: start up a fire by blowing on it, cause to brighten up, get better by doctoring. maʔál ʔaduqʰáʔ qʰama·tow mu·kito šiʔba pʰocʼoʔkʰe ʔ after I doctor him, his life is going to bloom out better (lighten up).

pʰocʼo·cʼ*   [pʰocʼoʔ]  pʰocʼo·*1. Verb. expose self by blowing.

pʰocʼo·m*   [pʰocʼomʔ´]  pʰu-, cʼo·m*. Variant: pʰocʼotam*. Verb. break in two pieces by blowing; (wind) blow the top or a limb off a tree. synonyms: pʰuqʰam*.

pʰocʼo·ṭ*   [pʰocʼoʔ]  pʰu-, cʼo·ṭ*1. Verb. break by blowing. tulúš yaʔ qʰale ṭʼi pʰócʼoṭahy the whirlwind blew all the trees over (by roots or break off).

pʰohci*   [-]  pʰo·c*1.

pʰohmo wiša·   [pʰohmo wiša·]  . Place Name. Pohmo Rise.

pʰokʼo·l*   [pʰokʼolʔ]  pʰu-, kʼo·l*. Verb. make a hole, depression by blowing. pʰokʼo·li blow a depression! pʰokʼolmeʔ D: Plural. pʰokʼolmameʔ several people blow several holes, each person blows his own hole. pʰokʼolá·tacʼmeʔ several people blow several holes, each person may move around. pʰokʼola·law blow holes in a series down. synonyms: pʰoʔkʼoʔkʼoc*.

pʰo·kʼolkʼo   [pʰo·kʼólkʼo]  pʰokʼo·l*. Adjective. wind-blown (of a depression).

pʰolol*   [pʰololʔ]  pohlo*.

pʰoloṭʼo*   [pʰulaṭʼow]  pʰoṭʼo·*.

pʰom*   [pʰomʔ]   Verb. move as a cloud (fog, smoke). pʰoma·law (smoke) to move downhill. synonyms: tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*; compare: dahpʰot.

ʔuy pʰomʔ*   [ʔú·pʰomʔ]  huʔuy, pʰom*. Verb. cloud to come over the eyes, momentary loss of ability to see, black out (not a full faint). ʔú·pʰomwiye· to I blacked out. ʔú·pʰomye· mu·kito he blacked out.

pʰoqʼoṭa·tad*   [pʰoqʼoṭa·tadu]  pʰoqʼo·ṭ*.

pʰoqʼo·ṭ*   [pʰoqʼoʔ]  pʰu-, qʼo·ṭ*. Variant: pʰoqʼoṭa·tad*. Verb. wind to blow up a cloud (of dust).

pʰotʼa·c*   [pʰotʼaʔ]  pʰoʔtʼa. Variant: pʰoʔtʼac*. Verb. lather. pʰotʼa·ci (to soap) lather! pʰotʼaci·ducé·du D: Durative. pʰotʼacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰoʔtʼací·cʼi (to soap) lather, become lather! hoʔtʼo ʔi·li pʰotʼácʰpʰi when you lather it on your head. pʰoʔtʼacícʼqapʰi when it suds. pʰotʼacʰqáy he lathered (something). pʰotʼacqawá·duwa·du D: Durative.

pʰoṭʼo·*   [pʰoṭʼow]  pʰu-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰoloṭʼo*. Verb. burn outer layer off. pʰoṭʼoʔ to burn self. pʰoṭʼo·cʼi burn self (with cigarette) (EP says no blister or peel meaning). maʔu ʔacacʼ em ʔoho wí pʰoṭʼoyʔ this man burned himself (on purpose or accidentally) with fire. ʔoho wi pʰoṭʼocʼwiyé· to I burned myself with fire (probably so that skin peels).

pʰoyopʰoyo*   [pʰoyopʰóyow]  pʰu-, yo*. Reduplicating Verb. light things to fly up in wind. pʰoyopʰóyota·du D: Durative. pʰoyopʰóyo·duʔ wind to scatter (feathers, paper) up in air. ʔihyá hyama·duce·dem dándelion tol ʔbakʰe pʰoyopʰóyow whenever the wind blows, (seeds) waft up and around from on the dandelion.

pʰoyot*   [pʰoyoʔ]  pʰu-, yot*2. Verb. scatter by blowing. pʰoyoti·biʔ wind to scatter (sand). crowd pʰoyotá·cʼiʔ (When bomb comes), crowd scatters.

pʰoʔbola·du·c*   [pʰoʔbolá·duʔ]  pʰoʔbolh*1, -aduc. Verb. wind to blow over (a container) and scatter the contents.

pʰoʔbolh*1   [pʰoʔbolʔ]  pʰu-, ʔbolh*1. Verb. blow over. pʰoʔbólhciw blow over (box, basket, container). pʰobóhladu D: Plural. pʰoʔbolá·tadu D: Plural. pʰoʔbolá·du·y blow over and scatter contents.

pʰoʔbola·du·c*   [pʰoʔbolá·duʔ]  pʰoʔbolh*1, -aduc. Verb. wind to blow over (a container) and scatter the contents.

pʰoʔbolh*2   [pʰoʔbolʔ]  pʰu-, ʔbolh*2. Verb. wind blow up cloud. ʔino pʰóʔbolʔ wind blow up a pile of dust. ʔihya wi pʰoʔbolemmu the wind blew up a cloud. pó·tʰlo ʔiso· pʰoʔbole· mu those are thistle seed, blown off (now lying on ground). lame·sa tol ʔino pʰóʔbol the dust was blown around the table. synonyms: pʰoʔbolʔbolh*, pʰoʔboʔbo*, pʰoʔboʔbo*.

pʰoʔbolʔbolh*   [pʰoʔbólʔbolʔ]  pʰoʔbolh*2. Reduplicating Verb. wind repeatedly to blow up a cloud (of dust). pó·tʰlo ʔiso· pʰoʔbol e· mu those are thistle seeds blown off by the wind. synonyms: pʰoʔboʔbo*, pʰoʔbolh*2.

pʰoʔbolʔbolh*   [pʰoʔbólʔbolʔ]  pʰoʔbolh*2. Reduplicating Verb. wind repeatedly to blow up a cloud (of dust). pó·tʰlo ʔiso· pʰoʔbol e· mu those are thistle seeds blown off by the wind. synonyms: pʰoʔboʔbo*, pʰoʔbolh*2.

pʰoʔbopʰoʔbo*   [pʰoʔbopʰoʔbow]  pʰu-, ʔbo*3. Reduplicating Verb. wind blow up cloud. ʔino pʰóʔbopʰoʔbow wind blow up pile of dust.

pʰoʔboʔbo*   [pʰoʔboʔbow]  pʰu-, ʔbo*3. Reduplicating Verb. blow particles off. synonyms: pʰoʔbolʔbolh*, pʰoʔbolh*2, pʰoʔbolh*2.

pʰoʔcʼat*   [pʰoʔcʼaʔ]   Variant: pʰocʼaht*. Verb. be visible partly, largely hidden. pʰoʔcʼátʰmaw barely see. pʰocʼáhtimʔ D: Plural. bihše haʔa pʰoʔcʼátʰma· maʔyul cadela I saw only the deer horn barely sticking out from behind something. pʰoʔcʼatʰciw something on ground like gloth under a box with only a little showing.

pʰoʔcʼo*   [-]  pʰu-, ʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. burn or blow to pieces.

pʰoʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰoʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰoʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. burn or blow to pieces.

pʰoʔcʼolhma*   [pʰoʔcʼólhmaw]  pʰu-, ʔcʼolh*1. Variant: pʰocʼohlim*. Verb. burn a hole through something, blow a hole in something. pʰoʔcʼólhmaw to burn a hole through. ʔimo pʰóʔcʼolhmaqa· ma kʼaṭa maʔal you burned a hole in this cloth. pʰudutʼbina pʰoʔcʼolhmaqa· ma kʼaṭa maʔal you blew a hole in this cloth. compare: moʔcʼolh*2.

pʰoʔcʼon*   [pʰoʔcʼonʔ]  pʰu-, ʔcʼon*. Verb. detach from wind; wind tear off. pʰoʔcʼonʔ wind tear off (Rockman's shell).

pʰoʔcʼoqʰo·t*   [pʰoʔcʼoqʰoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔcʼoqʰot*. Verb. blow a tree up by roots.

pʰoʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [pʰoʔcʼoʔcʼow]  pʰoʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. burn or blow to pieces.

pʰoʔkʼo   [pʰoʔkʼo´]   1 • Noun. dot, spot; polka-dots or irregular splotches. pʰoʔkʼo ʔáhṭʰiy several big spots. pʰoʔkʼo báhṭʰe one big spot. pʰoʔkʼo ʔé· mu those are polka-dots. kʼili pʰóʔkʼo black dot. pʰoʔkʼo cóbo·cʰ there is a dot. synonyms: pʰaʔkʼo*.

2 • Adjective. dotted, spotted. kʼaṭa pʰóʔkʼo (polka-)dotted cloth. ʔacaʔ pʰóʔkʼo spotted man (on skin). compare: koʔyi.

pʰoʔkʼo*   [pʰoʔkʼów]  pʰu-, ʔkʼo*2. Verb. be struck by the wind.

pʰoʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoc*   [pʰoʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoc*. Verb. wind dry and stiffen. kʼaṭa starch pʰoʔkʼóṭʰkʼoṭʰocʰqʰ the wind has dried and stiffened the starched clothes.

pʰoʔkʼoʔkʼoc*   [pʰoʔkʼóʔkʼoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔkʼo*1. Reduplicating Verb. wind make a depression in ground as vacuum cleaner. synonyms: pʰokʼo·l*.

pʰoʔloʔlo*   [pʰoʔloʔlow]  pʰu-, ʔlo*2. Reduplicating Verb. tangle with the wind. sa·wana qali hcʰíliyowal pʰudala·mécʼbina pʰoʔlóʔlocʰqa· ʔihya wi the sheet hanging up high blew down and was mussed up by the wind. polo·lo D: adj from verb. compare: polo·lo.

pʰoʔo*   [pʰoʔow]   Verb. burn (something), cremate. pʰoʔo pʰála ʔ burn it again! pʰala pʰóʔo again burn it! pʰoʔotʰuʔ don’t burn it! pʰoʔoti D: Intentive. kalikákʰ pʰoʔoté· ʔa mul I am going to burn those papers. pʰoʔocʼmela I burned myself (on purpose) (set fire to clothes on self or hair). Example Comment: not flesh when it doesn’t catch fire; use /muhkʰuyiʔ/ or /pʰoṭʼoʔ/. synonyms: musi·ṭ*.

ʔaca·ʔ pʰoʔow   [ʔacaʔ pʰoʔów]  Lit: to burn a person ʔaca·c, pʰoʔo*. Noun. cremation. synonyms: ʔaca·ʔ musi·ṭ.

pʰoʔom*   [pʰoʔomʔ]  . Verb. burn (house?)

pʰoʔpʼopʰopʼota·d*   [pʰoʔpʼopʰopʼota·du]  pʰoʔpʼoʔpʼoc*.

pʰoʔpʼoʔpʼoc*   [pʰoʔpʼoʔpʼoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔpʼo*. Variant: pʰoʔpʼopʰopʼota·d*. Reduplicating Verb. empty out by blowing. vácuum cleaner wi ʔahca cusʼihcaqaʔ li ʔino ṭʼi pʰóʔpʼoʔpʼocʰqa get out all the dust in the corners of the room by blowing with the vacuum cleaner!

pʰoʔqʼopʰoqʼo*   [pʰoʔqʼopʰoqʼow]  pʰu-, ʔqʼo*2. Reduplicating Verb. wind blow up a cloud. pʰoʔqʼopʰóqʼo·nʔ the wind is blowing up a cloud of dust.

pʰoʔtʼa   [pʰoʔtʼa]   Noun. 1 • foam. pʰoʔtʼá hqamʔ to get foamy. pʰoʔtʼa hqama rise up to choke! (to what is rising in the body from lungs when person dies). pʰoʔtʼa hqama·tadu D: Durative. pʰoʔtʼa hqama·taʔtʰumeʔ D: Durative, Negative, Plural Imperative. cʰoyícʼkʰe ʔi pʰoʔtʼáhqame· (mu·kito) ʔul he is dying; foam is forming.

2 • beer.

pʰotʼa·c*   [pʰotʼaʔ]  pʰoʔtʼa. Variant: pʰoʔtʼac*. Verb. lather. pʰotʼa·ci (to soap) lather! pʰotʼaci·ducé·du D: Durative. pʰotʼacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰoʔtʼací·cʼi (to soap) lather, become lather! hoʔtʼo ʔi·li pʰotʼácʰpʰi when you lather it on your head. pʰoʔtʼacícʼqapʰi when it suds. pʰotʼacʰqáy he lathered (something). pʰotʼacqawá·duwa·du D: Durative.

pʰoʔtʼa cʰo·   [pʰoʔtʼa cʰo·]  pʰoʔtʼa, ʔicʰo·, ʔicʰo·. Noun. spit bug.

pʰoʔtʼa cʰo·   [pʰoʔtʼa cʰo·]  pʰoʔtʼa, ʔicʰo·, ʔicʰo·. Noun. spit bug.

pʰoʔtʼac*   [pʰoʔtʼaʔ]  pʰotʼa·c*.

pʰoʔyoʔyoc*   [pʰoʔyoʔyoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔyoʔyo*. Instr Verb Stem. wind to push (leaves, etc.) into a pile.

pʰo·*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be splashing.

bapʰo·*   [bapʰow´]  ba-, pʰo·*. Verb. duck head under water several times.

capʰo·*   [capʰow]  ca-, pʰo·*. Verb. splash repeatedly by siting in water.

cipʰo·*   [cipʰow´]  cʰi-, pʰo·*. Verb. be splashing, stirring with tool held by handle.

dapʰo·*   [dapʰow]  da-, pʰo·*. Verb. splash or scatter (water, dust, etc.) with the hands. ʔahqʰa cíwa·dun, ma dapʰó·w while swimming, you are splashing. dapʰo splash! dapʰo·meʔ splash (to several)! dapʰo mulʔ splash that! compare: dahpʰom*.

dipʰo·*   [dipʰow]  di-, pʰo·*. Verb. repeatedly splash by dropping into water. synonyms: dipʰo·ṭ*; compare: dipʰu·*.

dopʰo·*   [dopʰow]  du-, pʰo·*. Verb. hit water several times.

hapʰo·*   [hapʰow]  ha-, pʰo·*. Verb. splash by kicking; scatter water by kicking. ʔahqʰa hápʰow to scatter water by swinging the legs (as in swimming). ʔima·ta yaʔ ʔahʰa ciwa·dum hapʰo·w the woman splashed along while swimming.

hipʰo·*   [hipʰow]  hi-, pʰo·*. Verb. be splashing with the body. qʼayán hipʰow duck to be splashing with its body.

mapʰo·*   [mapʰow]  ma-2, pʰo·*. Verb. splash with the soles of the feet while walking in shallow water.

mipʰo·*   [mipʰow]  mi-2, pʰo·*. Verb. splashing water with feet and making noise.

mopʰo·*   [mopʰow]  mu-, pʰo·*. Verb. (water) be splashing from thrown (rocks). mopʰo·tʰuʔ don't throw rocks in the water! mopʰo·meʔ throw rocks in the water (to several)! compare: mohpʰomohpʰo*.

sipʰo·*   [sipʰow]  Lit: to be splashing with the tongue. si-, pʰo·*. Verb. Idiom: to take frequent drinks of water. ṭaʔqʼo máʔaba ʔinsʼe· to maʔu ʔahqʰa síhpʰo·wam it is probably from having eaten salt that I now have to take frequent drinks of water. ʔahqʰa síhpʰo·wam take frequent drinks of water. sipʰo take frequent drinks of water! sipʰo·meʔ take frequent drinks of water (to several)! sipoci·duce·du keep taking frequent drinks of water.

pʰo·bošbošo   [pʰo·bóšbošo]  pʰobo·š*. Ideophone Adjective. inflated by air (of balloon, skirt).

pʰo·c*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with co-. Variant: pʰohci*. Instr Verb Root. leaf out (in the spring).

copʰo·c*   [copʰoʔ]  cu-, pʰo·c*1. Variant: copʰohci*. Verb. leaf out, leaf buds to swell and develop (in the spring). copʰo·ci (to tree) leaf out! copʰocʰmeʔ leaf out (to several)! copʰóhcimeʔ bud many leaves (to several)! compare: pʰuʔlu*1.

ʔama copʰoʔ meʔ   [ʔama cópʰoʔ meʔ]  ʔama·1, copʰo·c*, meṭ. Variant: ʔama· copʰoʔ meṭ. Noun. springtime, leafing out time.

pʰo·c*2   [pʰoʔ]  hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. detach one with a pole, knock down one (nut) with a pole. pʰala pʰó·ci knock off one with pole again. pʰoʔ detach one with a pole (irregular singular). pʰo·ci mul ʔ knock that one off with a pole!

pʰo·kʼolkʼo   [pʰo·kʼólkʼo]  pʰokʼo·l*. Adjective. wind-blown (of a depression).

pʰo·ṭ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be splashing. compare: hpʰo*.

dapʰo·ṭ*   [dapʰoʔ]  da-, pʰo·ṭ*. Verb. be splashing with you hands. dapʰo·ṭi be splashing with your hands! dapʰo·ṭi splash!

dipʰo·ṭ*   [dipʰoʔ]  di-, pʰo·ṭ*. Verb. drop repeatedly into water causing splashes. dipʰo·ṭi drop self into water several times to splash and make sounds. synonyms: dipʰo·*.

mapʰo·ṭ*   [mapʰoʔ]  ma-2, pʰo·ṭ*. Verb. be splashing with the feet (while wading across a puddle). mapʰo·ṭi walk across water splashing!

pipʰo·ṭ*   [pipʰoʔ]  pʰi-, pʰo·ṭ*. Verb. strike water repeatedly with a stick causing splashes. pipʰiṭʰciw splash water once with a stick.

pʰu-   [pʰu]   pref-instr. by blowing.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

poṭo·l*   [poṭolʔ]  pʰu-, ṭo·l*. Verb. expand by blowing. ʔihya wí ciwala· poṭo·l é· dacʰulʔ cʰilʔ the wind blew up (like balloon) the shirt hanging out to dry.

poṭʰo·*   [poṭʰow]  pʰu-, ṭʰo*. Verb. remove outer layer in pieces by blowing. ʔahca tol kalikakʰ poṭʰoqʰ the paper on the house side has been blown off.

puhce*   [puhcew]  , pʰu-, hce*1. Verb. build a windbreak or fence.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

puhsu*   [puhsuw]  pʰu-, hsu*1. Verb. 1 • make sound at end of with or prayer or making basket. duʔkʼubá ʔe· ʔa puhsuyam I have finished (basket) and I "ssuu". compare: suwe*, yuhsuwe*.

2 • blow away evil desires (desire to poison, e.g.) or shaman does it to save possible victim (only results in good); "sw.." and doctor with a song.

puhtenh*1   [puhténʔ]  pʰu-, htenh*1. Verb. be flattened by the wind, knocked over so that objects are aligned in the same direction. ʔihya yaʔ ṭʼí· ʔukulu·ta puhténhciy the wind blew all the fence over. ʔihya yaʔ qʰale (hahse) baṭʰe· puhtenhciy the wind blew many trees (bushes) over.

puhtenh*2  pʰu-, htenh*2. [puhténʔ]   Verb. set fire; strike match; light (holding match in hand). ʔoho ʔem (yaʔ substitutable) qʰale tol qalí· neta·qacʼba – hadu· qʰale tol puhténhmay the (a) fire blazed up high on the tree and jumped (pounced) on another tree. mu·kinʔ puhtenye· mul he lit that. ʔacaʔ yáʔ ʔoho púhten e· mu ma·cam a person set the fire; it’s burning. ʔoho wi puhtenicʼbiw hoʔtʼo tol with a torch he set fire to himself on the head. ʔoho púhtenʔ @ set fire.

puhṭi*   [puhṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭi*1, pʰu-, hṭi*1. Variant: puhṭi. Verb. (be) bulk on long bare legs. puhṭibi·ci to get up on long legs. puhṭi·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. sʼihta ʔem puhṭimʔ bird is standing on long legs. puṭihtimʔ of several trees. qʰale šáhki puṭihtimʔ long-trunked trees are bare at bottom. synonyms: pihkihki*1, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki.

puhṭi*   [puhṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭi*1, pʰu-, hṭi*1. Variant: puhṭi. Verb. (be) bulk on long bare legs. puhṭibi·ci to get up on long legs. puhṭi·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. sʼihta ʔem puhṭimʔ bird is standing on long legs. puṭihtimʔ of several trees. qʰale šáhki puṭihtimʔ long-trunked trees are bare at bottom. synonyms: pihkihki*1, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki.

puhṭihṭi*   [puhṭihṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭihṭi*. Variant: puhṭʰiṭʰiw. Verb. blow for extremely long time (no noise nec.); at top of trees while still at the bottom.

puhṭʰa*   [puhṭʰaw]  pʰu-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. blow open. puṭʰaw to blow open.

puhṭʰe*   [puhṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out, flare. taqʰma puhṭʰe flared skirt, dress (it swings out when turning). Example Variant: taqʰma sihṭʰe. wentá·na kʼaṭa puhṭʰe drapes, curtains spread. kapu·ta puhṭʰe coat open all the way down, to take off.

puhṭʰehṭʰe*   [puhṭʰehṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. one cloth to flap in breeze. puhṭʰepúhṭʰemʔ clothes to flap on line in the breeze. puhṭʰéhṭʰemʔ several (many) clothes to flap here and there. puhṭʰéhṭʰemmeʔ (imp. pl.); puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill the lips. haʔba wí puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill with tongue (tongue is /ha·ba/; snout is /haʔbo/). Example Variant: haʔba púṭʰeṭʰemqaw. puṭʰeṭʰé· ma D: Imperative. puṭʰeṭʰémmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭaqʰma míʔkʰe ʔaná· puhṭʰepuhṭʰew your dress is really flapping in the wind. Example Variant: ...puhṭʰéhṭʰew.

puhṭʰeyʔ*   [puhṭʰeyʔ]  Lit: Make₃ˢ the window₁ curtain₂ hang₃ down₃ˢ spread₃! pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: puṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by blowing. wentá·na₁ duséhyaqoʔ₂ puhṭʰeyá·lahqa₃ hang the curtain over the window! Example Variant: pihṭʰeyá·lahqa₃..

puhṭʰeyʔ*   [puhṭʰeyʔ]  Lit: Make₃ˢ the window₁ curtain₂ hang₃ down₃ˢ spread₃! pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: puṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by blowing. wentá·na₁ duséhyaqoʔ₂ puhṭʰeyá·lahqa₃ hang the curtain over the window! Example Variant: pihṭʰeyá·lahqa₃..

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

puhṭʰuṭ*   [puhṭʰuʔ]  pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. wind to blow sparks from fire. pʰuṭʰúṭʰciw wind to blow sparks from fire.

puhṭʰuṭ*   [puhṭʰuʔ]  pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. wind to blow sparks from fire. pʰuṭʰúṭʰciw wind to blow sparks from fire.

puhwatʼ*   [puhwaʔ]  pʰu-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, fmor wind blowing, in wind. ʔihya yów ʔkʰe pišomʔ puhwátʼciy cacʰu· puqʰámmucʼba in the wind my umbrella blew to pieces, having blown (the cloth) off the ribs.

puhwel*   [puhwelʔ]  pʰu-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. quickly blow off, in an unending series. qʰale šíhpʰa mu pulúʔtapʰi, ṭʼi· puhwélʔkʰe ʔnati ʔ those tree leaves are finally going to be all blown off. Example Variant: puhwélʔkʰeʔ.

puhyut*   [puhyuʔ]  pʰu-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly by blowing. puhyutʰmaw wind to cause to break to pieces on something. puhyutʰciy shattered on floor or on chair. wentá·na pʰusʼa·ba cumátʰma· tol puhyútʰmay the wind broke out the window and it shattered on a chair.

puʔṭaš*   [puʔṭaš]  pʰu-, ʔṭaš*, pʰu-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. blow or burn bare, entirely. puṭašciw (ground) blown bare or burned bare; Example Variant: puʔṭášciw.

puʔṭaš*   [puʔṭaš]  pʰu-, ʔṭaš*, pʰu-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. blow or burn bare, entirely. puṭašciw (ground) blown bare or burned bare; Example Variant: puʔṭášciw.

pu·tuštušu   [pu·túštušu]  pʰu-, ʔtʰuš*. Ideophone Adjective. having blown-out cheeks (either one or both). putušmaw bulging blowing on cheeks.

pu·ṭašṭaša   [pu·ṭášṭaša]  pʰu-, ṭa·š*1. Ideophone Adjective. wind-faded. kʼaṭa pu·ṭášṭaša faded cloth. ʔihya yów hcʰilʔbina pu·ṭášṭasacʰqʰ it must have been hanging in the wind and faded.

pʰoṭʼo·*   [pʰoṭʼow]  pʰu-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: pʰoloṭʼo*. Verb. burn outer layer off. pʰoṭʼoʔ to burn self. pʰoṭʼo·cʼi burn self (with cigarette) (EP says no blister or peel meaning). maʔu ʔacacʼ em ʔoho wí pʰoṭʼoyʔ this man burned himself (on purpose or accidentally) with fire. ʔoho wi pʰoṭʼocʼwiyé· to I burned myself with fire (probably so that skin peels).

pʰoyopʰoyo*   [pʰoyopʰóyow]  pʰu-, yo*. Reduplicating Verb. light things to fly up in wind. pʰoyopʰóyota·du D: Durative. pʰoyopʰóyo·duʔ wind to scatter (feathers, paper) up in air. ʔihyá hyama·duce·dem dándelion tol ʔbakʰe pʰoyopʰóyow whenever the wind blows, (seeds) waft up and around from on the dandelion.

pʰoyot*   [pʰoyoʔ]  pʰu-, yot*2. Verb. scatter by blowing. pʰoyoti·biʔ wind to scatter (sand). crowd pʰoyotá·cʼiʔ (When bomb comes), crowd scatters.

pʰoʔyoʔyoc*   [pʰoʔyoʔyoʔ]  pʰu-, ʔyoʔyo*. Instr Verb Stem. wind to push (leaves, etc.) into a pile.

pʰutʼe·l*   [pʰutʼelʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·l*1, pʰu-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. attach over an area with heat. (cawikʰ) pʰutʼelqá·li soldering iron. (cawikʰ) mutʼéhna·mucʼqa·li soldering iron. synonyms: ʔtʼe*2.

pʰutʼe·l*   [pʰutʼelʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·l*1, pʰu-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. attach over an area with heat. (cawikʰ) pʰutʼelqá·li soldering iron. (cawikʰ) mutʼéhna·mucʼqa·li soldering iron. synonyms: ʔtʼe*2.

pʰutʼe·t*   [pʰutʼeʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·t*1, pʰu-, tʼe·t*1. Verb. set, fit, by blowing; (disease) to act in flash; stick by blowing; (disease) to fly and stick (to mouth). pʰutʼetá·du to do (blow) very fast, in a flash.

pʰutʼe·t*   [pʰutʼeʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·t*1, pʰu-, tʼe·t*1. Verb. set, fit, by blowing; (disease) to act in flash; stick by blowing; (disease) to fly and stick (to mouth). pʰutʼetá·du to do (blow) very fast, in a flash.

pʰuṭʼac*   [pʰuṭʼaʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼac*, pʰu-, ṭʼac*. Verb. spray by blowing in wind; spray. pʰuṭʼaci to spit. pʰuṭʼacʰqa (to person) Spray (spit)! pʰuṭʼáhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. ʔihcʰe pʰúṭʼacʰ the rain is slanting down in the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼaci·biʔ rain starting to slant down. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼacʰ rain is being sprayed by the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ D: The rain keeps being sprayed by the wind. ma cahno·dem ʔaháhkʰeyʔ pʰuṭʼacʰ when you speak spit splatters, sprays out. ʔacaʔ yaʔ makʼadel ʔila pʰanetʰmawam ʔilamo bala· pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ when he hit his friend in the nose, blood splashed all over from the nostrils.

pʰuṭʼac*   [pʰuṭʼaʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼac*, pʰu-, ṭʼac*. Verb. spray by blowing in wind; spray. pʰuṭʼaci to spit. pʰuṭʼacʰqa (to person) Spray (spit)! pʰuṭʼáhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. ʔihcʰe pʰúṭʼacʰ the rain is slanting down in the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼaci·biʔ rain starting to slant down. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼacʰ rain is being sprayed by the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ D: The rain keeps being sprayed by the wind. ma cahno·dem ʔaháhkʰeyʔ pʰuṭʼacʰ when you speak spit splatters, sprays out. ʔacaʔ yaʔ makʼadel ʔila pʰanetʰmawam ʔilamo bala· pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ when he hit his friend in the nose, blood splashed all over from the nostrils.

pʰuṭʼam*   [pʰuṭʼamʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼam*2, pʰu-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up nest (perhaps by fire).

pʰuṭʼam*   [pʰuṭʼamʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼam*2, pʰu-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up nest (perhaps by fire).

pʰuṭʼa·š*   [pʰuṭʼaš]  pʰu-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. blow hair off forehead. pʰuṭʼa·šiʔ hair to be blown back off forehead.

pʰuṭʼi·l*   [pʰuṭʼilʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*, pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*. Verb. blow and bend. pʰuṭʼilciw to be blown, bent by wind (one standing). Example Variant: pʰuṭʼimciw. pʰuṭʼi·liʔ blown bent, one tree (happening). pʰuṭʼili·cʼi D: Locative. Example Variant: pʰuṭʼili·ci. ʔihya wí qʰale qawi pʰuṭʼi·licʼqʰ the wind has bent the little tree (it could be permanently bent or temporarily). ʔihya ṭʼo mu ʔama· dóhqoṭolʔ tʰin em, qolamʔhay éti ʔem pʰuṭʼili·cíʔba the wind can (destroy) anything, even a big pole it could tilt (bend or break and tilt; need not stand on bank). pʰuṭʼi·lícʼba pʰuṭʼilmaw tilted by wind and it is standing tilted. Example Variant: ...pʰuṭʼilciw.

pʰuṭʼi·l*   [pʰuṭʼilʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*, pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*. Verb. blow and bend. pʰuṭʼilciw to be blown, bent by wind (one standing). Example Variant: pʰuṭʼimciw. pʰuṭʼi·liʔ blown bent, one tree (happening). pʰuṭʼili·cʼi D: Locative. Example Variant: pʰuṭʼili·ci. ʔihya wí qʰale qawi pʰuṭʼi·licʼqʰ the wind has bent the little tree (it could be permanently bent or temporarily). ʔihya ṭʼo mu ʔama· dóhqoṭolʔ tʰin em, qolamʔhay éti ʔem pʰuṭʼili·cíʔba the wind can (destroy) anything, even a big pole it could tilt (bend or break and tilt; need not stand on bank). pʰuṭʼi·lícʼba pʰuṭʼilmaw tilted by wind and it is standing tilted. Example Variant: ...pʰuṭʼilciw.

pʰuṭʼu·l*   [pʰuṭʼulʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼu·l*2. Variant: pʰuṭʼuhl*. Verb. project askew, from wind blowing. ʔihya wi pʰuṭʼu·líʔ qʰale cohtow the tree is standing blown by wind. ʔamahcʰíli qʰale pʰiṭʼulmaw, ʔihya wi pʰuṭʼilciw hla·li the tree is growing out from the bank (maybe blown over by wind; even horizontal but not touching ground).

pʰuyuʔci*   [pʰuyuʔciw]  pʰu-, yu·ʔ*, pʰu-. Instr Verb Stem. burn a certain thing or blow on a certain thing.

pʰuyuʔci*   [pʰuyuʔciw]  pʰu-, yu·ʔ*, pʰu-. Instr Verb Stem. burn a certain thing or blow on a certain thing.

pʰuʔsʼawad*   [pʰuʔsʼawá·du]  pʰu-, ʔsʼa*3. Verb. break lots. compare: pʰusʼa·*.

pʰuʔtʼa*   [pʰuʔtʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: pʰutʼac*. Verb. seem, feel, detect wind, blowing. ʔihyum pʰútʼaw the wind feels cold.

pʰuʔtʼe*   [pʰuʔtʼew]  pʰu-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. fasten, immobilize, by blowing. pʰutʼelqá·li soldering iron.

pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise), by blowing. kawa·yu pʰuʔṭʼaṭá·maʔ roan horse (grey, red, bay). pʰuʔṭʼaṭʼá·maʔ D: Absolutive.

pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise), by blowing. kawa·yu pʰuʔṭʼaṭá·maʔ roan horse (grey, red, bay). pʰuʔṭʼaṭʼá·maʔ D: Absolutive.

pʰuʔṭʼe*   [pʰuʔṭʼew]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something by blowing. matʼqʰa pʰuṭʼetʰqa· ʔahca tol the wind has blown mud on the house.

pʰuʔṭʼe*   [pʰuʔṭʼew]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something by blowing. matʼqʰa pʰuṭʼetʰqa· ʔahca tol the wind has blown mud on the house.

pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼew]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. wind flatten. qʰale pʰúʔṭʼe tree flattened by wind (on top or side). ʔihya wi qʰale pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ the wind has blown the tree flat (on top).

pʰuʔṭʼi   [pʰuʔṭʼi]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼi*3. Adjective. bent by blowing on, in the wind. qʰale pʰuʔṭʼi tree bent by hand. qʰale pʰúʔṭʼi ʔe· mu it is a wind-bent tree. qʰale pʰúliṭʼi ʔe· mu D: they are wind-bent trees. qʰale pʰuliṭʼícʼe· mu the trees are bent by the wind.

pʰuʔṭʼiṭ*   [pʰuʔṭʼiʔ]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼiṭ*. Verb. twist several things together, tangle. qʰale ʔíša· pʰuʔṭʼiṭahqʰ the wind has tangled (twisted together) the tree limbs. qʰale pʰuṭʼiʔ to bend tree by climbing onto it (not nec. blow) or by hanging on under side of limb. pʰuʔṭʼitaʔ to twist together. pʰuṭʼitʰ wind didn’t bend it. pʰuṭʼiʔy wind bent it. pʰuṭi·cʼi (to wind) Bend it!

pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2. Verb. wrap, tighten, by blowing in the wind. ʔihya wi qʰale tol sulemaʔ putítʰmulʔbina, pʰuʔṭʼí=ʔṭʼicʰqʰ the wind must have blown the string around the tree; it is blown around tight. (not nec. hurt).

pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2. Verb. wrap, tighten, by blowing in the wind. ʔihya wi qʰale tol sulemaʔ putítʰmulʔbina, pʰuʔṭʼí=ʔṭʼicʰqʰ the wind must have blown the string around the tree; it is blown around tight. (not nec. hurt).

pʰuʔṭʼu*   [pʰuʔṭʼuw]  pʰu-, ʔṭu*. Verb. burn edge.

pʰuʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰuʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks, by blowing; weld. pʰuʔṭʼuṭi spark (to thing)! pʰuʔṭʼuṭá·du D: Durative. pʰutʼelʔ pʰúʔṭʼuṭi weld!

pʰuʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰuʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks, by blowing; weld. pʰuʔṭʼuṭi spark (to thing)! pʰuʔṭʼuṭá·du D: Durative. pʰutʼelʔ pʰúʔṭʼuṭi weld!

pʰuʔwe   [pʰuʔwe]  pʰu-, ʔwe*1. Adjective. easily blown away (of paper, dry leaves, feathers).

pʰuʔya*   [pʰuʔyaw]  pʰu-, ʔya*. Verb. wind can’t blow and then stop halfway.

pʰucʼal*   [pʰucʼalʔ]  pʰu-, cʼal*. Variant: pʰucʼalta*. Verb. separate by blowing but remain attached at one point or along one side; hinged by blowing. pʰucʼáltaqa· miʔkʰe venta·na dusíhyalaw the wind must have blown your window curtains apart. compare: pʰuṭʰe·l*, puṭʰe·*; synonyms: pʰukʼal*.

pʰucʼalpʰucʼal*   [pʰucʼálpʰucʼalʔ]  pʰucʼal*. Reduplicating Verb. repeartedly blow open.

pʰucʼalpʰucʼal*   [pʰucʼálpʰucʼalʔ]  pʰucʼal*. Reduplicating Verb. repeartedly blow open.

pʰucʼalta*   [pʰucʼaltaw]  pʰucʼal*.

pʰucʼa·ṭ*   [pʰucʼaʔ]  pʰu-, cʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. get stuck from the wind. hiʔcʼili baṭʰe· ʔihyawi qʰale kʼáʔli pʰucʼaṭʰqʰ the wind blew a lot of dibris (bits of leaves, sticks, etc.) in the crotch of the tree and it's stuck. synonyms: pʰuʔcʼa*.

pʰucʼe*   [-]  pʰu-, cʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. quick blow (of mouth).

pʰucʼepʰucʼe*   [pʰucʼepʰúcʼew]  pʰucʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. many quick blows (of mouth).

pʰucʼepʰucʼe*   [pʰucʼepʰúcʼew]  pʰucʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. many quick blows (of mouth).

pʰucʼi·cʼi*   [pʰucʼi·cʼíw]  pʰu-, cʼi·cʼi*. Verb. stiffened by wind. ʔihya wi qʰasi·ṭʼil kʰunúmʔ cohtowal pʰucʼi·cʼicʰqʰ the bushy pines standing on te seacliff have been hardened by the wind.

pʰucʼi·ṭ*   [pʰucʼiʔ]  pʰu-, cʼi·ṭ*. Verb. mix by blowing, mix by burning. pʰucʼi·ṭi mix by blowing! ʔamalnu tʰin pʰoʔo, haduhlá· pʰicʼi·ṭi don't burn one thing (trash), mix in other things. compare: pʰuʔcʼi*.

pʰucʼu·l*1   [pʰucʼulʔ]  pʰu-, cʼu·l*1. Verb. burn off (dry grass), singe off (hair). qaʔdi pʰúcʼulʔ to burn off (dry) grass. ʔimo pʰucʼulʔ to singe off hair.

pʰucʼu·l*2   [pʰucʼulʔ]  pʰu-, cʼu·l*2. Verb. hurt by burning. mu·kinʔ pʰucʼulyé· ma·dal he gave her a hot foot and hurt her more than he should - not blister but it hurt. Example Variant: mucʼulqayé·. synonyms: mucʼu·l*2.

pʰudahcʰi*   [pʰudahcʰiw]  pʰu-, dahcʰi*1. Verb. be blown over or aside.

pʰudaya*   [pʰudayáw]  pʰulac*.

pʰude·bic*   [pʰude·biʔ]  pʰuʔdi*. Verb. 1 • blow away.

2 • blow upward.

pʰude·d*   [pʰude·du´]  pʰuʔdi*, -ad2. Verb. float along, be blown along by the wind.

pʰudu·t*   [pʰuduʔ]  pʰu-, du·t*. Verb. one to blow several times (commonest). pʰudutʰciw one to blow once with mouth or through pipe. pʰudutʰmaw several to blow. pʰudutaʔ one to blow through tube, e.g. a straw. pʰudúhtaqane·mu he is blowing through a tube; He is blowing it out. pʰudu·ti blow several times. pʰudutʰci blow once. pʰudutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰudutʰmameʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pʰudu·ticʼ*   [pʰudu·tiʔ]  Lit: blow self (calque "blowhead") pʰudu·t*. Verb. brag, lit. "blow-self", calque "blowhard".

pʰudu·ticʼ*   [pʰudu·tiʔ]  Lit: blow self (calque "blowhead") pʰudu·t*. Verb. brag, lit. "blow-self", calque "blowhard".

pʰukʼal*   [pʰukʼalʔ]  pʰu-, kʼal*1. Verb. blow open slightly. synonyms: pʰucʼal*.

pʰukʼaṭi   [pʰukʼaṭi]  pʰu-, kʼaṭi*. Adjective. open to the wind, in a windy spot. qʰatow e· ʔama· ʔihya pʰúkʼaṭi the land on the coast is unobstructed to the wind.

pʰukʼa·l*   [pʰukʼalʔ]  pʰu-, kʼa·l*. Verb. light go on, shine, by blowing, as in blowing on embers and they glow. mahsiʔ ʔoho pʰukʼálpʰukʼa·l the coals are repeatedly being blown brighter. mahsíʔ ʔoho pʰukʼalpʰukʼa·l the wind is blowing the coals repeatedly brighter. pʰukʼalciw D: Semelfactive; do once.

pʰukʼil*   [pʰukʼilʔ]  pʰu-, kʼil*. Verb. point (to where something is), indicate, with a light. ʔoho wi pʰukʼili, šaʔqʼammawa mi· ʔ point the light at it; it’s dark there.

pʰukʼis*   [pʰukʼis]  pʰu-, kʼis*. Verb. scratch lightly, mark by blowing. qʰale ʔíša· li ʔahca pʰukʼisqʰ the branch, moved by the wind, has scratched the house. qʰale ʔíša· li ʔahca pʰukʼispʰukʼisbina, pʰukʼisqʰ the tree branches must have repeatedly scratched the house in the wind, since it is scratched. Example Variant: ... pʰukʼíspʰukʼisqʰ.

pʰukʼi·*   [pʰukʼiw]  pʰu-, kʼi·*1. Verb. be cut by blowing (sand); cut by blowing (sand).

pʰukʼi·š*   [pʰukʼiš]  pʰu-, kʼi·š*3. Verb. rasp, squeak in wind. qʰale pʰukʼíšmaw e· ʔihya wi the tree is squeaking in the wind.

pʰukʼut*   [-]  hpʰukʼut*.

pʰulac*   [pʰulaʔ]  pʰu-, lac*. Variant: pʰudaya*. Verb. fail to blow; miss when trying to blow. pʰudutʼba pʰulácʰmela I missed when blowing something.

pʰulaṭʼa*   [pʰulaṭʼaw]  pʰuṭʼa·*.

pʰula·tad*   [-]  hpʰul*. Morphological Analysis: -hpʰul-Xa°ta°d- nq !!Get sample sentence with pl.

pʰulepʰule*   [pʰulepʰulew]  pʰu-, le*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c or semelfactive and reflexive -c-icʼ > -yicʼ. Reduplicating Verb. become stopped up by smoke; smoke out. hosá wi pʰulepʰuleyicʼmela I smoked myself out. I leave because smoke shuts me out.

pʰuli*   [-]  pʰu-, li*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter by blowing, dangle in wind. pʰuliʔ (leaf or clothes on a line) swing in the breeze; one to dangle in the wind. pʰulitʰmaw several to dangle in wind. compare: puhwe*, puki·l*, pʰuʔli*.

pʰulipʰuli*   [pʰulipʰuliw]  pʰuli*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter by blowing. dandelion el pʰudutʰciʔli pʰulipʰúliyiʔ when you blow on the dandelions, (the seeds) scatter in the air.

pʰulipʰuli*   [pʰulipʰuliw]  pʰuli*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter by blowing. dandelion el pʰudutʰciʔli pʰulipʰúliyiʔ when you blow on the dandelions, (the seeds) scatter in the air.

pʰuli·t*   [pʰuliʔ]  pʰu-, li·t*. Verb. one to dangle in wind. pʰulitʰmaw several to dangle in wind.

pʰulu*   [pʰuluw]  pʰu-, lu*2. Verb. coat, cover with a coating. pʰulu·tʰuʔ D: Negative. pʰulatá·du D: Durative. mahsíʔ pʰuluw to move fishing pole or arrow through smoke to darken.

pʰulu·macʼ*   [pʰulu·maʔ]  pʰu-, lu·m*2. Verb. 1 • blow (dirt) back from self.

2 • set backfire. ʔoho pʰuluma·cʼi miʔkʰe ʔahca tól ne·ta·tiʔdaʔ set a backfire so that your house won’t be burned (be hit against by fire).

pʰunac*   [pʰunaʔ]  pʰu-, nac*3. Verb. gather by wind.

pʰuna·*   [pʰunaw]  pʰu-, na·*1. Verb. blow in drifts or against. húʔ pʰunáwʔ yes, it’s blowing in drifts. (answer to question). ʔíno pʰúnaw that’s dusty. pʰuna gather by blowing! pʰuna·ma to cover by blowing. pʰunatá·ma D: Plural Object Imperative. hiʔda pʰúnaw the road is blocked by drifts (of snow or sand).

miṭaʔ pʰunaw   [miṭáʔ pʰunaw]  miṭac, pʰuna·*. Noun. sand dunes.

pʰupʼanta*   [pʰupʼantaw]  pʰuʔpʼanh*.

pʰuqʰam*   [pʰuqʰamʔ]  pʰu-, qʰam*2. Verb. blow off. synonyms: pʰocʼo·m*.

pʰuqʼa·m*   [pʰuqʼamʔ]  pʰu-, qʼa·m*1. Verb. radiate much heat in wind. pʰuqʼa·mé· to the wind (from a forest fire) is blowing scorching hot on me.

pʰuqʼa·ṭ*   [pʰuqʼaʔ]  pʰu-, qʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. burn outher layer off. heʔe pʰúqaṭʰmacʼwaʔ they used to burn the hair off themselves.

pʰusʼay*   [pʰusʼayʔ]  pʰu-, sʼay*. Verb. wobble by blowing. cʼe·líʔli šahku qali· pʰusʼáyi·biʔ having fallen, legs fly up in air (legs shoot up into the air when fall).

pʰusʼaʔsʼa*   [pʰusʼaʔsʼaw]  pʰu-, sʼaʔsʼa*. Verb. squirt out, by blowing or other means; fart. pʰusʼaʔsʼaʔ to squirt strongly (from skunk or hose). pʰusʼaʔsʼacʰqa (to skunk or stink bug) squirt it out! synonyms: sʼaʔsʼa, sʼaʔba*, sʼik*, sʼa·l*; compare: pʰiʔsʼaʔsʼac*, sʼaṭʼ.

pʰusʼa·*   [pʰusʼaw]  pʰu-, sʼa·*. Verb. break. pʰulasʼaw break lots. compare: pʰuʔsʼawad*.

pʰusʼa·l*   [pʰusʼalʔ]  pʰu-, sʼa·l*. Verb. liquid come from solid by heat, like fat coming out of cooking meat. bihše báhcʰitalʔ pʰusʼálpʰusʼa·lin sʼiwi·cʰ those strips of meat hanging up (over a fire) are hissing (from the fat coming off).

pʰusʼe·kʼ*   [pʰusʼeʔ]  pʰu-, sʼe·kʼ*. Verb. bend the tip of something by blowing. pʰusʼekʼmaw wind to blow and bend (antenna, tree).

pʰusʼi   [pʰusʼi]  Lit: But the spirit is never ever burned up. Noun. 1 • dead body, cadaver; dead person. pʰusʼi qʰamacʰqaw for dead to go by. (We on earth should work for dead and buy, not with money, to make way for dead to the proper place; dance for them and put flowers on grave; Mormon belief on this was like Indian way.)

2 • spirit (of dead person); ghost. pʰusʼi ʔel ṭʼo bute...nati muhkʰuyʔkʰe tʰin the spirit burns but never burns up. pʰusʼi daʔtʼaw see ghosts.

pʰusʼi cʼotiʔli   [pʰusʼi cʼótiʔli]  Lit: ghost appear place pʰusʼi, cʼoticʼ*, =wi. Noun. paradise, heaven.

pʰusʼi kaho·n   [pʰusʼi káho·n]  pʰusʼi, kaho·n. Noun. coffin.

pʰusʼi qʰaʔbe   [pʰusʼi qʰáʔbe]  Lit: dead person stone pʰusʼi, qʰaʔbe. Noun. tombstone. compare: cacʼihya·.

pʰusʼi qʼoʔo   [pʰusʼi qʼóʔo]  pʰusʼi, qʼoʔo. Noun. funeral song.

pʰusʼi tol qanema·cʼed   [pʰusʼi tól qanemá·cʼedu]  pʰusʼi, =tol, qanema·cʼ*. Verb. give funeral oration, pray over the body.

pʰusʼi ʔihya·   [pʰusʼi ʔíhya·]  pʰusʼi, ʔihya·. Variant: pʰusʼihya·. Noun. skeleton; any bone of dead body. compare: cacʼihya·.

pʰusʼi cʼotiʔli   [pʰusʼi cʼótiʔli]  Lit: ghost appear place pʰusʼi, cʼoticʼ*, =wi. Noun. paradise, heaven.

pʰusʼi kaho·n   [pʰusʼi káho·n]  pʰusʼi, kaho·n. Noun. coffin.

pʰusʼi qʰaʔbe   [pʰusʼi qʰáʔbe]  Lit: dead person stone pʰusʼi, qʰaʔbe. Noun. tombstone. compare: cacʼihya·.

pʰusʼi qʼoʔo   [pʰusʼi qʼóʔo]  pʰusʼi, qʼoʔo. Noun. funeral song.

pʰusʼi tol qanema·cʼed   [pʰusʼi tól qanemá·cʼedu]  pʰusʼi, =tol, qanema·cʼ*. Verb. give funeral oration, pray over the body.

pʰusʼi ʔihya·   [pʰusʼi ʔíhya·]  pʰusʼi, ʔihya·. Variant: pʰusʼihya·. Noun. skeleton; any bone of dead body. compare: cacʼihya·.

pʰusʼihya·   [pʰusʼíhya·]  pʰusʼi ʔihya·.

pʰusʼim*   [pʰusʼimʔ]  pʰu-, sʼim*. Verb. wilt by blowing. ciʔdomʔ pʰusʼimy the flowers wilted.

pʰusʼuy*   [pʰusʼuyʔ]  pʰu-, sʼuy*. Verb. blow and make get pointed, have corners, be angled. ʔihya báhṭʰe wi ʔahca pʰusʼuya·ducʰqʰ the house was blown out of shape in a big wind.

pʰut*1   [pʰuʔ]  pʰu·*3. Variant: pʰuwa·tad-.

pʰut*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. spit, expectorate.

qapʰut*   [qapʰúʔ]  qa-, pʰut*2. Variant: qapʰuht*. Verb. spit, expectorate. qapʰuti spit once! qapʰutá·du to keep on spitting. qapʰutí·biʔ to spit upwards. qapʰutayʔ to spit against. qapʰúhtibiʔ spit upwards (several)! qapʰutácʼmeʔ spit (to several)!

qapʰuhta·qa·li   [qapʰúhta·qa·li]  Lit: instrument to cause to spit repeatedly against.; instrument to make spit repeatedly against qapʰut*, -ay. Noun. sprayer (for insecticide).

pʰutʼac*   [pʰutʼaʔ]  pʰuʔtʼa*.

pʰutʼe·l*   [pʰutʼelʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·l*1, pʰu-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. attach over an area with heat. (cawikʰ) pʰutʼelqá·li soldering iron. (cawikʰ) mutʼéhna·mucʼqa·li soldering iron. synonyms: ʔtʼe*2.

pʰutʼe·t*   [pʰutʼeʔ]  pʰu-, tʼe·t*1, pʰu-, tʼe·t*1. Verb. set, fit, by blowing; (disease) to act in flash; stick by blowing; (disease) to fly and stick (to mouth). pʰutʼetá·du to do (blow) very fast, in a flash.

pʰuṭʰe·l*   [pʰuṭʰelʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʰe·l*. Verb. (something soft) spread by blowing. compare: pʰucʼal*, puṭʰe·*, puṭʰe·*.

pʰuṭʼac*   [pʰuṭʼaʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼac*, pʰu-, ṭʼac*. Verb. spray by blowing in wind; spray. pʰuṭʼaci to spit. pʰuṭʼacʰqa (to person) Spray (spit)! pʰuṭʼáhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. ʔihcʰe pʰúṭʼacʰ the rain is slanting down in the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼaci·biʔ rain starting to slant down. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭʼacʰ rain is being sprayed by the wind. ʔihcʰe pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ D: The rain keeps being sprayed by the wind. ma cahno·dem ʔaháhkʰeyʔ pʰuṭʼacʰ when you speak spit splatters, sprays out. ʔacaʔ yaʔ makʼadel ʔila pʰanetʰmawam ʔilamo bala· pʰuṭahcadu·cʰ when he hit his friend in the nose, blood splashed all over from the nostrils.

pʰuṭʼam*   [pʰuṭʼamʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼam*2, pʰu-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up nest (perhaps by fire).

pʰuṭʼa·*   [pʰuṭʼaw]  pʰu-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: pʰulaṭʼa*. Verb. break open, cause innards to come from heat. huʔú· pʰuṭʼa·y ʔoho wi the eye burst in the heat. ʔoho pʰuṭʼa·y the light(bulb) burned out.

pʰuṭʼa·š*   [pʰuṭʼaš]  pʰu-, ṭʼa·š*. Verb. blow hair off forehead. pʰuṭʼa·šiʔ hair to be blown back off forehead.

pʰuṭʼi·l*   [pʰuṭʼilʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*, pʰu-, ṭʼi·l*. Verb. blow and bend. pʰuṭʼilciw to be blown, bent by wind (one standing). Example Variant: pʰuṭʼimciw. pʰuṭʼi·liʔ blown bent, one tree (happening). pʰuṭʼili·cʼi D: Locative. Example Variant: pʰuṭʼili·ci. ʔihya wí qʰale qawi pʰuṭʼi·licʼqʰ the wind has bent the little tree (it could be permanently bent or temporarily). ʔihya ṭʼo mu ʔama· dóhqoṭolʔ tʰin em, qolamʔhay éti ʔem pʰuṭʼili·cíʔba the wind can (destroy) anything, even a big pole it could tilt (bend or break and tilt; need not stand on bank). pʰuṭʼi·lícʼba pʰuṭʼilmaw tilted by wind and it is standing tilted. Example Variant: ...pʰuṭʼilciw.

pʰuṭʼuhl*   [pʰuṭʼuhliw]  pʰuṭʼu·l*.

pʰuṭʼu·l*   [pʰuṭʼulʔ]  pʰu-, ṭʼu·l*2. Variant: pʰuṭʼuhl*. Verb. project askew, from wind blowing. ʔihya wi pʰuṭʼu·líʔ qʰale cohtow the tree is standing blown by wind. ʔamahcʰíli qʰale pʰiṭʼulmaw, ʔihya wi pʰuṭʼilciw hla·li the tree is growing out from the bank (maybe blown over by wind; even horizontal but not touching ground).

pʰuw   [pʰuw]   1 • Interjection. pew!, it stinks! compare: pʰa2, ʔahpʰa, pʰaʔpʰa.

2 • Animate Mimetic. nasty. synonyms: ʔahpʰa, biʔcʼaddu, ʔama beʔcʼa.

pʰuwa·tad-   [pʰuwa·tad]  pʰut*1.

pʰuyecʰqa*   [pʰuyecʰqaw]  . Verb. set (fire) to.

pʰuyecʼqa*   [pʰuyecʼqaw]  . Verb. light (fire).

pʰuyuʔci*   [pʰuyuʔciw]  pʰu-, yu·ʔ*, pʰu-. Instr Verb Stem. burn a certain thing or blow on a certain thing.

pʰuʔbalh*   [pʰuʔbalʔ]  pʰu-, ʔbalh*. Verb. turn over in the wind. ʔihyawi pʰuʔbálhciy it turned over in the wind.

pʰuʔcʼa*   [pʰuʔcʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔcʼa*2. Verb. get stuck from the wind. qali· cátʰmucʼem pʰuʔcʼá· pʰuʔdinʔmin pʰiʔtʼaw it looks like that airplane is stuck and can't fly further, i.e. not flying(because it is so high up). qalitó· pʰuʔcʼawe·mu ʔama· tol cohtowam That (tree limb) was blown down from above and stuck standing in the ground. pʰuʔcʼacal the one that got stuck. synonyms: pʰucʼa·ṭ*.

pʰuʔcʼi*   [-]  pʰu-, ʔcʼi*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle water or fine bits out of something. compare: pʰucʼi·ṭ*.

pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúʔcʼiw]  pʰuʔcʼi*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle water or fine bits out of something, wind blows up fine spray (from sprinkler to you).

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*. Verb. put perfume or cologne on oneself. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼi·cʼi put on perfume!

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*1   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2. Noun. perfume or cologne. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼicʼ e· mu it's perfume. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ dahyoli·cʼi sprinkle perfume on yourself!

pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼi*   [pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼiw]  pʰuʔcʼi*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle water or fine bits out of something. pʰuʔcʼíʔcʼicʰqa shake out (salt). ṭaʔqʼo pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼiw salt is coming out sprinkled.

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*1   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2. Noun. perfume or cologne. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼicʼ e· mu it's perfume. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ dahyoli·cʼi sprinkle perfume on yourself!

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*. Verb. put perfume or cologne on oneself. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼi·cʼi put on perfume!

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*1   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2. Noun. perfume or cologne. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼicʼ e· mu it's perfume. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ dahyoli·cʼi sprinkle perfume on yourself!

pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúʔcʼiw]  pʰuʔcʼi*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle water or fine bits out of something, wind blows up fine spray (from sprinkler to you).

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*. Verb. put perfume or cologne on oneself. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼi·cʼi put on perfume!

pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*1   [pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ]  pʰuʔcʼipʰucʼicʼ*2. Noun. perfume or cologne. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼicʼ e· mu it's perfume. pʰuʔcʼipʰúcʼiʔ dahyoli·cʼi sprinkle perfume on yourself!

pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼi*   [pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼiw]  pʰuʔcʼi*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle water or fine bits out of something. pʰuʔcʼíʔcʼicʰqa shake out (salt). ṭaʔqʼo pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼiw salt is coming out sprinkled.

pʰuʔcʼuma·tad*   [pʰuʔcʼumá·tadu]  pʰuʔcʼumc*.

pʰuʔcʼumc*   [pʰuʔcʼúmciw]  pʰu-, ʔcʼumc*. Variant: pʰuʔcʼuma·tad*; pʰuʔcʼumhc*. Verb. break from wind (e.g., dry limb off tree).

pʰuʔcʼumhc*   [pʰuʔcʼumhc]  pʰuʔcʼumc*.

pʰuʔdi*   [pʰuʔdíw]  pʰu-, ʔdi*1. Variant: puhsa*. Verb. move by blowing.

pʰude·bic*   [pʰude·biʔ]  pʰuʔdi*. Verb. 1 • blow away.

2 • blow upward.

pʰude·d*   [pʰude·du´]  pʰuʔdi*, -ad2. Verb. float along, be blown along by the wind.

pʰuʔdim*   [pʰuʔdímʔ]  pʰuʔdi*. Verb. float in the air. pʰuʔdimʔ wind to carry in one place in air. pʰuʔdímciw humming suddenly to hang in one place in the air; one to dance with pep.

pʰuʔdim*   [pʰuʔdímʔ]  pʰuʔdi*. Verb. float in the air. pʰuʔdimʔ wind to carry in one place in air. pʰuʔdímciw humming suddenly to hang in one place in the air; one to dance with pep.

pʰuʔdu*   [pʰuʔduw]  pʰu-, ʔdu*. Verb. be smothered (not to death).

pʰuʔdumucʼ*   [pʰuʔdumuʔ]  pʰuʔdu*. Verb. smoke to death. cibá·tʰin ʔoho bamaba hosá wi yal pʰuʔduwá·lawiy someone built a fire (in same room or outside) and smothered us with smoke.

pʰuʔdumucʼ*   [pʰuʔdumuʔ]  pʰuʔdu*. Verb. smoke to death. cibá·tʰin ʔoho bamaba hosá wi yal pʰuʔduwá·lawiy someone built a fire (in same room or outside) and smothered us with smoke.

pʰuʔkʼayʔci*   [pʰuʔkʼáyʔciw]  pʰu-, ʔkʼayʔ*. Verb. be blown by the wind and caught in a crevice.

pʰuʔkʼu*   [pʰuʔkʼuw]  pʰu-, ʔkʼu*. Verb. finish blowing something, finish burning something. mu·kinʔ hahse ṭʼi pʰuʔkʼuy he finished burning all the brush. synonyms: muʔkʼu*.

pʰuʔla*   [pʰuʔlaw]  pʰu-, ʔla*2. Verb. give a quick puff. pʰuʔláwʔciw give a quick puff.

pʰuʔli*   [-]  pʰu-, ʔli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. dangle in wind. compare: puhwe*, puki·l*, pʰuli*.

pʰuʔlipʰuʔli*   [daʔlidáʔliw]  pʰuʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. dangle in wind.

pʰuʔliʔli*   [pʰuʔliʔliw]  pʰuʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. dangle in the wind. duʔlíʔlici to wiggle once.

pʰuʔlipʰuʔli*   [daʔlidáʔliw]  pʰuʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. dangle in wind.

pʰuʔliʔli*   [pʰuʔliʔliw]  pʰuʔli*. Reduplicating Verb. dangle in the wind. duʔlíʔlici to wiggle once.

pʰuʔlu*1   [pʰuʔluw]  pʰu-, ʔlu*3. Verb. bud out, (tree) blossom, leaves grow out. maʔa qʰale ʔul pʰuʔluw the fruit tree has blossomed. maʔa pʰuʔluw fruit starting to grow (after blossom). ciʔdo pʰuʔluw flower budding out. sʼihpʰa pʰuʔluw leaves starting to grow out. pʰuʔlumeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pʰuʔlutácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: copʰo·c*.

pʰuʔlu*2   [pʰuʔluw]  pʰu-, ʔlu*1. Verb. be wrapped up.

pʰuʔluš*   [pʰuʔlúš]  pʰu-, ʔluš*. Verb. glance off of wind. pʰuʔlušciw not to blow on something squarely – wind blows on tree and tree swings around, not falling cleanly.

pʰuʔne·cicʼ*   [pʰuʔne·ciʔ]  pʰu-, ʔne·cicʼ*. Verb. get used to wind so don’t mind.

pʰuʔpʼanh*   [pʰuʔpʼanʔ]  pʰu-, ʔpʼanh*. Variant: pʰupʼanta*. Verb. cover by blowing; wind blow closed, shut. hóhwa pʰuʔpʼanʔ wind to blow the door shut.

pʰuʔsʼaṭ   [pʰuʔsʼaʔ]  pʰuʔsʼaṭ*. Adjective. wind-stung (in face).

pʰuʔsʼaṭ*   [pʰuʔsʼaʔ]  pʰu-, ʔsʼaṭ*1. Verb. hit hard and hurt, or pressurized substance, like water in hose; waves pummel. pʰuʔsʼáṭʰmaw of water squirting from hose. pʰuʔsʼaṭi to rush out under pressure. qʰamósʼ dahsama·qon pʰusʼáhṭimeʔ qʰaʔbe tol ocean waves coming in break hard on the rocks.;

pʰuʔsʼaṭ   [pʰuʔsʼaʔ]  pʰuʔsʼaṭ*. Adjective. wind-stung (in face).

pʰuʔsʼawad*   [pʰuʔsʼawá·du]  pʰu-, ʔsʼa*3. Verb. break lots. compare: pʰusʼa·*.

pʰuʔsʼil*   [pʰuʔsʼilʔ]  pʰu-, ʔsʼil*. Verb. splash (water, dust) by blowing. pʰuʔsʼilayʔ water to be blown against something. ʔino pʰuʔsʼilayʔ dust to be blown against something.

pʰuʔtʼa*   [pʰuʔtʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: pʰutʼac*. Verb. seem, feel, detect wind, blowing. ʔihyum pʰútʼaw the wind feels cold.

pʰuʔtʼe*   [pʰuʔtʼew]  pʰu-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. fasten, immobilize, by blowing. pʰutʼelqá·li soldering iron.

pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [pʰuʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tap (noise), by blowing. kawa·yu pʰuʔṭʼaṭá·maʔ roan horse (grey, red, bay). pʰuʔṭʼaṭʼá·maʔ D: Absolutive.

pʰuʔṭʼe*   [pʰuʔṭʼew]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something by blowing. matʼqʰa pʰuṭʼetʰqa· ʔahca tol the wind has blown mud on the house.

pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼew]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. wind flatten. qʰale pʰúʔṭʼe tree flattened by wind (on top or side). ʔihya wi qʰale pʰuʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ the wind has blown the tree flat (on top).

pʰuʔṭʼi   [pʰuʔṭʼi]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼi*3. Adjective. bent by blowing on, in the wind. qʰale pʰuʔṭʼi tree bent by hand. qʰale pʰúʔṭʼi ʔe· mu it is a wind-bent tree. qʰale pʰúliṭʼi ʔe· mu D: they are wind-bent trees. qʰale pʰuliṭʼícʼe· mu the trees are bent by the wind.

pʰuʔṭʼiṭ*   [pʰuʔṭʼiʔ]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼiṭ*. Verb. twist several things together, tangle. qʰale ʔíša· pʰuʔṭʼiṭahqʰ the wind has tangled (twisted together) the tree limbs. qʰale pʰuṭʼiʔ to bend tree by climbing onto it (not nec. blow) or by hanging on under side of limb. pʰuʔṭʼitaʔ to twist together. pʰuṭʼitʰ wind didn’t bend it. pʰuṭʼiʔy wind bent it. pʰuṭi·cʼi (to wind) Bend it!

pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [pʰuʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2, pʰu-, ʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*2. Verb. wrap, tighten, by blowing in the wind. ʔihya wi qʰale tol sulemaʔ putítʰmulʔbina, pʰuʔṭʼí=ʔṭʼicʰqʰ the wind must have blown the string around the tree; it is blown around tight. (not nec. hurt).

pʰuʔṭʼu*   [pʰuʔṭʼuw]  pʰu-, ʔṭu*. Verb. burn edge.

pʰuʔṭʼuṭ*   [pʰuʔṭʼuʔ]  pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*, pʰu-, ʔṭʼuṭ*. Verb. make sparks, by blowing; weld. pʰuʔṭʼuṭi spark (to thing)! pʰuʔṭʼuṭá·du D: Durative. pʰutʼelʔ pʰúʔṭʼuṭi weld!

pʰuʔwe   [pʰuʔwe]  pʰu-, ʔwe*1. Adjective. easily blown away (of paper, dry leaves, feathers).

pʰuʔya*   [pʰuʔyaw]  pʰu-, ʔya*. Verb. wind can’t blow and then stop halfway.

pʰu·*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. scatter small particles from the ground, stir up a cloud from the ground (not knock particles off some object like clothes).

cipʰu·*   [cipʰuw´]  cʰi-, pʰu·*1. Verb. stir up a cloud (of dust) by dragging something along the ground.

dipʰu·*   [dipʰuw]  di-, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter small particles from the ground; stir up dust, sand, or leaves by dropping something . šihpʰa dípʰuw to scatter leaves by dropping something on a pile. compare: dipʰo·*.

hapʰu·*   [hapʰuw]  ha-, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter small particles from the ground by kicking. miṭáʔ hapʰuw to walk along kicking up sand.

mapʰu·*   [mapʰuw]  ma-2, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter small particles from the ground by walking on, through them. ʔino mápʰuw to stir up a cloud of dust by walking. synonyms: mapʰu·m*.

mupʰu·*   [múpʰuw]  mu-, pʰu·*1. Verb. stir up cloud (of dust) with energy. trúck yaʔ ʔino múpʰuw the truck stirred up a cloud of dust.

papʰu·*   [papʰuw]  pʰa-, pʰu·*1. Verb. raise dust with the end of an instrument.

pipʰu·*   [pipʰuw]  pʰi-, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter (dust, sand, leaves) by beating on the ground with a long object.

qapʰu·*   [qapʰuw]  qa-, pʰu·*1. Verb. spout from blowhole (of whale). pú·šu qapʰuw a whale is spouting. qapʰu·tʰuʔ don't spout! qapʰu·meʔ spout (to several)! qapʰuwá·tacʼmeʔ keep spouting (to several)!

pʰu·*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be regurgitated.

cupʰu·*   [cupʰuw´]  cu-, pʰu·*2. Verb. (food) be regurgitated; have sour taste from stomach. cupʰuhqaw retaste by regurgitating (soundless); sour taste brought up from stomach. cupʰuhqamé·du @. cupʰu·tʰuʔ don't be regurgitated (to food)! cupʰu·mela was regurgitated. cupʰu·wela is regurgitating,; "food talking". cupʰuhqawé· mu·kito he retasted his food. cupʰuhqa mu·kito ʔ retaste his food! (order to person). cupʰuhqawito get sour taste from stomach (regurgitate). cupʰu regurgitate (to stomach)! cupʰu·tʰuʔ don't regurgitate! cupʰuhqawá·tadu @keep regurgitating several things? cupʰuhqawá·du @keep regurgitating?

pʰu·*3   [pʰuw]   Variant: pʰut*. Verb. thresh, sift (by tossing or tapping a tray of particles). biʔdu pʰuw to sift acorn flour by tossing or tapping a tray of it so that there is separation of different size particles. muhca pʰu thresh the grain by hand! muhca pʰúhqa cause someone else to thresh by hand! Thresh the grain by machine! pʰucí·du keep sifting. pʰala pʰúci·du keep sifting again. pʰuwá·tadu keep sifting several! pʰuci·ducé·du keep threshing! pʰutá·du @. pʰutá·duce·du @. pʰu·tʰuʔ don't sift! synonyms: hpʰul*, šali*1.

pʰu·m*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. scatter dust, stir up a cloud of dust.

dapʰu·m*   [dapʰumʔ]  da-, pʰu·m*. Verb. stir up a cloud of dust with the hand.

mapʰu·m*   [mapʰumʔ]  ma-2, pʰu·m*. Verb. scatter dust by kicking, kick up a cloud of dust. mapʰu·ma kick up dust! ʔino mápʰuma·law to kick up dust walking down (a dusty trail). mapʰummeʔ kick up dust (to several)! mapʰuma·cʼiwácʼmeʔ keep kicking up dust here and there (to several)! synonyms: mapʰu·*.

   [pʼ]   Interjection. eat, food, hungry. synonyms: baʔba, pʼaʔpʼa.

pʼanta*   [-]  ʔpʼanh*.

pʼayi   [pʼayi]   Noun. acorns collected by woodpecker.

pʼaʔlakʼuʔles   [pʼaʔlakʼuʔles]   Noun. slime.

pʼaʔla·   [pʼaʔla·]   Noun. slug (snail). pʼaʔla· ʔé· mu it's a slug.

pʼaʔla·he·šuwa   [pʼaʔla·he·šuwa]  pʼaʔla·. Variant: pʼaʔla·he·šowa. Noun. Slug Woman.

pʼaʔla·he·šowa   [pʼaʔla·he·šowa]  pʼaʔla·he·šuwa.

pʼaʔla·he·šuwa   [pʼaʔla·he·šuwa]  pʼaʔla·. Variant: pʼaʔla·he·šowa. Noun. Slug Woman.

pʼaʔpʼa   [pʼaʔpʼa]   Animate Mimetic. eat, food, hungry. synonyms: , baʔba.

pʼil*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. (particles) be of extremely fine texture, be slick (like particles of fine texture), feel slick. compare: pʼi·l*.

bipʼil*   [bipʼilʔ]  bi-, pʼil*. Verb. lips have something slick on them (like persimmon).

capʼil*   [capʼilʔ]  ca-, pʼil*. Verb. slick to rear end.

cʰipʼil*   [cʰipʼilʔ]  cʰi-, pʼil*. Verb. slick to spoon (stirring something while cooking).

dapʼil*   [dapʼilʔ]  da-, pʼil*. Verb. (particles) be of extremely fine texture, be slick (like particles of fine texture), feel slick, to the touch, in the hand. ʔaná· ʔihpʰu· dapʼilé· maʔbil the grease on here feels really slick to the hand.

dupʼil*   [dupʼilʔ]  du-, pʼil*. Verb. feel slick (of egg white) or fine-textured (of silt) to the fingers.

dupʼilʔ2   [dupʼilʔ]  dupʼil*. Adjective. slick (of eggwhite), fine-textured (of silt). compare: sipʼilʔ, dupʼilʔ1, dupʼilʔ1.

hapʼil*   [hapʼilʔ]  ha-, pʼil*. Verb. slip feet alone.

hipʼil*   [hipʼilʔ]  hi-, pʼil*. Verb. feel slick to body. hipʼil hiʔtʼaw feels slick to body.

mapʼil*   [mapʼilʔ]  ma-2, pʼil*. Verb. (particles) feel of extremely fine texture, feel slick to the foot. qʰaʔbe tól mapʼílciba, to ce·lícʰwiy on the rock, it got slippery underfoot and made me fall down.

mupʼil*   [mupʼilʔ]  mu-, pʼil*. Verb. (particles) be of extremely fine texture, be slick (like particles of fine texture), feel slick, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions. hiʔbú ʔkʰe ʔaná· muʔtʼabina, mupʼílciqʰ my potatoes must have cooked too much and become mushy. mupʼili be fine textured! mupʼilá·tacʼmeʔ be fine textured (to several)!

pʰapʼil*   [pʰapʼilʔ]  pʰa-, pʼil*. Verb. be slippery (to cane).

qapʼil*   [qapʼilʔ]  qa-, pʼil*. Verb. taste or feel slick.

sipʼil*   [sipʼilʔ]  si-, pʼil*. Verb. separate out the fine particles (of acorn flour, mush, silt, etc.) by letting the coarse particles settle out and taking the top layer of suspension. sipʼílʔ siʔtʼawe· maʔu ṭʰoʔo this mush feels slick and fine-textured to the tongue. compare: šupem*, kʼuʔles, kʼuʔles.

sipʼilʔ   [sipʼilʔ]  sipʼil*. Adjective. fine-textured, not granular, slick (no matter how created). compare: dupʼilʔ1, dupʼilʔ2.

pʼiʔye   [pʼiʔye]   Noun. scales (of fish).

pʼi·l*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be sticky (like clay or dough). compare: pʼil*; synonyms: ʔcʼanh*.

dupʼi·l*   [dupʼilʔ]  du-, pʼi·l*. Verb. feel sticky or gooey to the fingers. dupʼilá·du spread out mud. dupʼili feel sticky! dupʼilmeʔ feel sticky (to several)! dupʼilá·duwa·du @ be sticky all around. dupʼilá·tadu @ be sticky in several places.

dupʼilʔ1   [dupʼilʔ]  dupʼi·l*. Adjective. gooey, like clay. compare: sipʼilʔ, dupʼilʔ2, dupʼilʔ2.

mupʼi·l*   [mupʼilʔ]  mu-, pʼi·l*. Verb. be sticky. maṭʼqʰa dúpʼilʔ tol pili·li mó·dem, mupʼí·l when the tire runs on clay, it sticks.

pʼohkol   [pʼohkol]   Adjective. deep (of a container); bowl-shaped; having a hole in the bottom (or wine bottle); shaped so that something can stay in it. cʰiṭu pʼohkol deep basket. kaho·n pʼohkol deep round box. pʼohkol é· mu it is bowl-shaped. kalikákʰ bawilʔli pʼohkolé· miʔkʰe what you put your paper in is deep enough (or shaped enough) to contain it. buhqʰál pʼohkol deep burden basket.

cʼepohkol   [cʼepóhkol]  Lit: bowl mushroom hicʼe·, pʼohkol. Variant: cʼepʼohkol. Noun. timber mushroom, italian mushroom. Boletus edulis (Pore Fungi).