H - h

h1   [h]   INORG.

h2   [h]   Variant: x; . Inanimate Mimetic. drink, water. compare: qʰa, , ʔahqʰa.

-h-   [h]   Cooccurrence: with Decrement. Verb. PL.

ha-   [ha]   Variant: hasohṭ*. pref-instr. with a swinging motion.

hace*   [hacew]  ha-, ce*. Variant: hacet*. Verb. hold with the heel, rest the heel (on a desk). ʔispé·la wi sí·ya haceba, daʔbomáʔ dihciw with his spurs holding onto the saddle, (the cowboy leaned over and) picked the hat up (from the ground).

hacʼal*   [hacʼalʔ]  ha-, cʼal*. Variant: hacʼalta*. Verb. spread legs apart. hacʼalí·cʼi spread your legs apart! hacʼahlimmeʔ be with spread legs. synonyms: haṭʰil*.

hacʼalhacʼal*   [hacʼalhacʼalʔ]  hacʼal*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly spread legs.

hahcelh*   [hahcelʔ]  ha-, hcelh*. Verb. be obstructed, with a swinging motion.

hahcelhma*   [hahcélhmaw]  hahcelh*. Verb. stand with the legs spanning (a ditch).

hahkolhma*   [hahkólhmaw]  ha-, hkolh*. Verb. kick loose.

hahtʰunh*   [hahtʰunʔ]  ha-, htʰunh*. Verb. show off, wave arms. hahtʰúnciʔ show off, wave arms.

hahṭilh*   [hahṭilʔ]  ha-, hṭilh*, ha-, hṭilh*. Verb. knock with the legs. haṭila·duʔ to knock someone over hard. bacʼo háhṭili kick (her) in the back! ʔahá·li háhṭili throw stick at an hit several times (can’t hold in hand).

hahṭilh*   [hahṭilʔ]  ha-, hṭilh*, ha-, hṭilh*. Verb. knock with the legs. haṭila·duʔ to knock someone over hard. bacʼo háhṭili kick (her) in the back! ʔahá·li háhṭili throw stick at an hit several times (can’t hold in hand).

hahṭʰa*   [hahṭʰaw]  ha-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down (house); tear open (corral). maʔca háhṭʰaw D: Absolutive. haṭʰati D: Intentive. hahṭʰa D: Imperative. haṭʰadú·yicʼmela I pushed off with feet from myself (a blanket). Example Variant: maṭʼucʼmela..

hahṭʰe*   [hahṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out parts of body. ʔiša· hahṭʰe spread wings (as chickens on a hot day).

hahṭʰehṭʰe*   [hahṭʰéhṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. (birds) flutter wings. kayi·na yaʔ hahṭʰehahṭʰew chickens are flapping their wings.

hahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [hahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ha-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. pieces come off larger object with a swingin motion. ʔoho háhṭʰuhṭʰuw to shake burning wood, knocking sparks off. kʼaṭa₁ lto·₂ (saʔsʼa) ʔino₃ háhṭʰuhṭʰu₄ from the clothes dust (dirt) shake out!

hahwatʼ*   [hahwaʔ]  ha-, hwatʼ*. Verb. kick and make collapse, flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone. hahwatʼciw to kick rotten watermelon and it flattens out.

hahwe·n*   [hahwenʔ]  ha-, hwe·n*. Verb. leg shaking. hahwéhweyi·cʼi shake leg! hahweni·cʼi shake with leg! mito šáhku wi hahwe·ni múl cumatʰmaw ʔ rock that chair with your legs.

hahye·*   [hahyew]  ha-, hye·*. Variant: hayec*. Verb. stop, quit kicking; stop doing a swingin action, like pulling grass. hahye·ci stop kicking for a while! hahye mul ma qaʔdi šuqʼa·tal you quit that pulling grass. yohwé· hahye ʔoṭʰono ʔ all right, quit pulling seaweed (time is up)!

hahyuṭ*   [hahyuʔ]  ha-, hyuṭ*. Variant: mahyuṭʰmaw. Verb. poke. hahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire).

halu·m*   [halumʔ]  ha-, lu·m*1. Verb. swarm (insects, birds). coʔo hálu·m the bees swarm (fly in bunch in air). coʔo halumʔba cʼalhciy the bees fly in bunch and bunched up. halummeʔ D: Plural Imperative. halu·ma swarm. compare: haluhalu*.

hati·t*   [hatiʔ]  ha-, ti·t*. Verb. wrap around several times. hati·ti roll it up! hatitʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hatihtʰuʔ D: Negative. hatita·du D: Durative. hati·tiʔ to wrap around once or twice or tangle. cohšotol hatí·ticʼba when (they) wrapped around their hands (5-6.7). hatiti·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. hati·tícʰmeʔ D: Semelfactive, Plural Imperative. hati·tí·tʰuʔ D: Semelfactive, Negative. hatiti·cedú·cedu D: Semelfactive, Habitual.

hatʰut*   [hatʰuʔ]  ha-, tʰut*, ha-, tʰut*. Verb. kick and break.

hatʰut*   [hatʰuʔ]  ha-, tʰut*, ha-, tʰut*. Verb. kick and break.

hatʼe·l*   [hatʼelʔ]  ha-, tʼe·l*1, ha-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. throw and make sticky. maṭʼqʰa hátʼelqa· miʔkʰe wentá·na tol ciba· tʰin somebody must have thrown and stuck mud on your windows.

hatʼe·l*   [hatʼelʔ]  ha-, tʼe·l*1, ha-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. throw and make sticky. maṭʼqʰa hátʼelqa· miʔkʰe wentá·na tol ciba· tʰin somebody must have thrown and stuck mud on your windows.

hatʼul*   [hatʼulʔ]  ha-, tʼul*. Variant: hatʼuhl*. Verb. kick and make liquid come out. hayu mul hanetʰmapʰi balá· hatʼuli kick that dog until blood comes out!

haṭa·n*   [haṭanʔ]  ha-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. leg hang, project, not touching anything, swinging. šahku háṭanmaw to hold leg over space. haṭánhaṭanʔ moving back and forth with leg out in air, not nec, hitting anything.

haṭa·t*   [haṭaʔ]  ha-, ṭa·t*. Verb. twist body. šiʔba haṭatʰmuliʔ to twist body around.

haṭi*   [haṭiw]  ha-, ṭi*1. Verb. kick up.

haṭihaṭi*   [haṭihaṭiw]  ha-, ṭi*3. Reduplicating Verb. kick around on ground making sound (not accepted for similar sound on chair).

haṭilhaṭil*   [haṭilhaṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. moving legs in air but spreading and closing.

haṭilhaṭil*   [haṭilhaṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. moving legs in air but spreading and closing.

haṭiṭim*   [haṭiṭimʔ]  ha-, ṭiṭim*. Verb. put leg across space, as between chair and footrest. haʔdi lame·sa tol slinky ʔem muṭkṭkʼ·maba muṭímciyʔ over there on the table Slinky stretched across and pulled itself back.

haṭi·l*   [haṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. lie with legs up. haṭila·duci to lie down with legs up (of horse). haṭilmaw to be lying with legs held still in air. Example Variant: haṭʰilmaw. haṭíhlimʔ D: Locative, Absolutive. synonyms: haṭʰilhaṭʰil*.

haṭi·l*   [haṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. lie with legs up. haṭila·duci to lie down with legs up (of horse). haṭilmaw to be lying with legs held still in air. Example Variant: haṭʰilmaw. haṭíhlimʔ D: Locative, Absolutive. synonyms: haṭʰilhaṭʰil*.

haṭi·m*   [haṭimʔ]  ha-, ṭi·m*2, ṭi·m*1. Verb. wave legs around in the air. haṭima·duwá·du to wave legs around in air (no sound).

haṭohaṭo*   [haṭoháṭow]  ha-, ʔṭʼo*. Verb. kick repeatedly against something for sound.

haṭo·l*   [haṭolʔ]  ha-, ṭo·l*. Verb. kick a depression in. ʔama· haṭo·li to kick a (shallow or deep) hole in the ground. harí·ya haṭo·li doesn’t mean dent, wear down or make hole, but you can hear the noise when you do it; since a bucket is hard I’ll try softer object.

haṭo·m*   [haṭomʔ]  ha-, ṭo·m*, ha-, ṭo·m*. Verb. kick and make clang. haṭo·ma to kick and clang.

haṭo·m*   [haṭomʔ]  ha-, ṭo·m*, ha-, ṭo·m*. Verb. kick and make clang. haṭo·ma to kick and clang.

haṭʰe·*   [haṭʰew]  ha-, ṭʰe·*, ha-, ṭʰe·*. Variant: haṭʰewad*. Verb. spread out; hold hands, arms out sideways. haṭʰe D: Imperative. haṭʰe·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. haṭʰe·tʰuʔ D: Negative. haṭʰeci·duwá·du D: Durative. ṭʼi· haṭʰe·meʔ spread it all out!

haṭʰe·*   [haṭʰew]  ha-, ṭʰe·*, ha-, ṭʰe·*. Variant: haṭʰewad*. Verb. spread out; hold hands, arms out sideways. haṭʰe D: Imperative. haṭʰe·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. haṭʰe·tʰuʔ D: Negative. haṭʰeci·duwá·du D: Durative. ṭʼi· haṭʰe·meʔ spread it all out!

haṭʼam*   [haṭʼamʔ]  ha-, ṭʼam*2, ha-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm (of hornets, bees) by throwing something. haṭʼama D: Imperative. haṭʼamá·tadu nests here and there. haqaṭa haṭʼammela I stirred up hornets by throwing stick.

haṭʼam*   [haṭʼamʔ]  ha-, ṭʼam*2, ha-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm (of hornets, bees) by throwing something. haṭʼama D: Imperative. haṭʼamá·tadu nests here and there. haqaṭa haṭʼammela I stirred up hornets by throwing stick.

haṭʼel*   [haṭʼelʔ]  ha-, ṭʼel*. Verb. throw (wet cloth or something long, if not wadded up) (on wall) and make spot. kʼaṭa sihco·li háṭʼely to throw something open (not wadded up) and make spot. compare: šacʼo*, bane*1, haʔṭʼe*.

haṭʼem*   [haṭʼemʔ]  ha-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. be tired of kicking. haṭʼemaʔ to be tired of kicking (ball), no longer interested in kicking anymore. haṭʼemá·tahqacʼmeʔ (to several) Get tired of!

haṭʼi*   [haṭʼiw]  ha-, ṭʼi*. Variant: haliṭʼi*. Verb. bend the body, or parts of the body. haṭʼici·biʔ to twist body up. Example Variant: hiṭʼici·biʔ. haṭʼicʰmulʔ to twist body around. haṭʼica·duwa·du to twist body around (in bed). ʔiša· mito haṭʼíhtimu·licʼqa twist your arms! haṭʼicʰmulícʼqa singular, Imperative.

haṭʼo·*   [haṭʼow]  ha-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: haloṭʼo*. Verb. get sore from rubbing foot, heel on something.

hawi*   [hawiw]  ha-, wi*. Variant: hawit*. Verb. kick multiple times. hawi keep kicking against something! hawitʰuʔ don’t keep kicking against something! cila háwiba haʔsʼóhnciy for a while he kept kicking and then made a (one) dent.

haya·m*   [hayamʔ]  ha-, ya·m*1. Verb. kick something to break it and fail (one or several times).

hayecʼ*   [hayeʔ]  ha-, yecʼ*. Verb. hold foot against something. cumatʰma· tol qali· hayecʼi put your foot (on heel) high on the chair!

hayem*   [hayemʔ]  ha-. Instr Verb Stem. hold foot pressed on something. haye·du to ride along in car with foot propped on something.

hayi*1   [hayiw]  ha-, yi*6. Verb. move foot (not stick or hand) back and forth on a corner. hayitʰuʔ don’t rub your foot on the corner!

hayi*2   [hayiw]  ha-, yi*1. Verb. scratch using legs and nails, claws; rub foot on something. kúška yaʔ ʔacaʔ heʔ li hayi· balá· maʔyul ma·du·y the cat scratched the man many times with its claws and he became all bloody. (How bad was it ?) maʔal ṭa huʔú·mo ṭʼi· hayíhwaqoʔ like this, the face was all scratched up. ʔacacʼ em (yaʔ) kumiʔdaʔ qʰama wi hayiw e· mu ʔama· ʔimó hcemam the man always rubbed with his foot so that that ground is an open hole.

hayot*   [hayoʔ]  ha-, yot*2. Verb. pile up with feet; push into a pile with the feet. qʰama wí mul ṭʼi· haʔyoʔyopʰi cʼal hayótʰci with your foot scrape all that (gravel) and pile it together! hayotʰmaw D: Essive. qʰama wi mul ʔaṭʰa· hayotʰci with foot, pile up that gravel!

haʔtʰi*   [haʔtʰiw]  ha-, ʔtʰi*, ha-, ʔtʰi*. Verb. be sneezing. haʔtʰi·maw several sneezing. haʔtʰiye·mul he sneezed once. haʔtʰiwá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwé· mu·kito he is sneezing. Example Variant: haʔtʰiwé· mu·kinʔ.. qʰoʔi· haʔtʰiy both sneezed. haʔtʰibaʔe·mu he is sneezing. haʔtʰi D: Imperative. haʔtʰicí·du D: Durative. haʔtʰiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwa·tacʼ D: Plural Act. compare: haʔtʰi.

haʔtʰi*   [haʔtʰiw]  ha-, ʔtʰi*, ha-, ʔtʰi*. Verb. be sneezing. haʔtʰi·maw several sneezing. haʔtʰiye·mul he sneezed once. haʔtʰiwá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwé· mu·kito he is sneezing. Example Variant: haʔtʰiwé· mu·kinʔ.. qʰoʔi· haʔtʰiy both sneezed. haʔtʰibaʔe·mu he is sneezing. haʔtʰi D: Imperative. haʔtʰicí·du D: Durative. haʔtʰiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwa·tacʼ D: Plural Act. compare: haʔtʰi.

haʔtʼa*1   [haʔtʼaw]  ha-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: hatʼac*. Verb. feel, detect with feet. qʰama hátʼa·cʼe· to I feel my foot with my (other) foot while not looking at them.

haʔtʼa*2   [haʔtʼaw]  ha-, ʔtʼa*7. Cooccurrence: only with /mucʼ/, reciprocal, and /hqa/, causative.. Variant: hatʼac*. Verb. 1 • be enough. haʔtʼamúʔ tʰin there’s not enough for all. (ncf). haʔtʼatʰuʔ don’t be enough! haʔtʼa enough be given!

2 • share. haʔtʼamuʔ everybody to get share. haʔtʼáhqawʔ tʰin you don’t share. haʔtʼáhqaw to share. maʔa báṭʰe· ʔeti to ṭʼo míl ʔbakʰe haʔtʼáhqatʰ even though there’s a lot of food, he wouldn’t share any with me.

haʔtʼe*   [haʔtʼew]  ha-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. one to throw something (like mud) so it sticks. hatʼeʔ several to throw mud so it sticks.

haʔtʼemh*   [haʔtʼemʔ]  ha-, ʔtʼemh*. Verb. cover by throwing something over (with a swingin motion). haʔtʼémhciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. kayi·na mul haʔtʼémhci catch that chicken (with net on stick). kayi·na mul haʔtʼema catch that chicken! Example Comment: same meaning but you could keep it netted for longer time or while dragging it around. haʔtʼema cover something by throwing something over!

haʔtʼemʔ   [haʔtʼemʔ]  haʔtʼemh*, ʔtʼem*1. Noun. an underground drum that was danced on; any drum. haʔtʼemé· mu D: Absolutive.

haʔṭiʔṭi*   [haʔṭiʔṭiw]  ha-, ʔṭiʔṭi*. Verb. gather surface into smaller piece with kicking. haʔṭíʔṭiʔ to kick rug so it rolls up or crumples into a small bundle; haʔṭíʔṭici kick once or a few times.

haʔṭu*   [haʔṭuw]  ha-, ʔṭu*. Verb. lay legs lengthwise on an edge.

haʔṭʼaqʼat*1   [haʔṭʼaqʼaʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*, ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*. Variant: haʔṭʼaqʼat*. Verb. take off. haʔṭʼaqʼatʰciʔ to take off real fast, because want to.

haʔṭʼaqʼat*1   [haʔṭʼaqʼaʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*, ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*. Variant: haʔṭʼaqʼat*. Verb. take off. haʔṭʼaqʼatʰciʔ to take off real fast, because want to.

haʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [haʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. flop around. ʔahša haʔṭʼaháʔṭʼaw the fish (out of water) flopped around; fish flopping (not nec. making a noise).

haʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [haʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. flop around. ʔahša haʔṭʼaháʔṭʼaw the fish (out of water) flopped around; fish flopping (not nec. making a noise).

haʔṭʼelh*   [haʔṭʼelʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. kick down grass. haʔṭʼelhmaw D: Absolutive. synonyms: maʔṭʼelh*.

haʔṭʼes*   [haʔṭʼes]  ha-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. crack (sound), with a swinging motion, i.e., hitting with a stick. ʔahá· li to qaʔbasahya haʔṭʼésciw he cracked me in the jaw with a stick.

haʔṭʼiṭ*   [haʔṭʼiʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼiṭ*. Verb. twist several things together, tangle, cross. kʼaṭa haʔṭʼiṭi twist the cloth bunch (not just one piece)! kʼaṭa háti·ti twist one piece of cloth. hahse haʔal haʔṭʼiṭi twist bunch of brush and twist it together! Example Variant: hahse haʔal maʔṭʼiṭi. haʔṭʼiṭiʔ to cross the arms. ʔiša· háʔṭʼiṭaʔ to cross your arms (out from chest). haʔṭʼiṭá·qa cross your arms (sg.)! haʔṭʼiṭáhmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔṭʼiṭá·taqadu D: Durative, Causative. synonyms: šane*, bine*, bicʰa·*, bicʰa·*.

haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼiw]  Variant: haʔṭʼihaṭʼi*. haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. twist together.

haʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. wrap around tight, tighten. musa·la yáʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰwiye· to the snake wrapped around me tight. haṭʼi·háṭʼihqacʼbina qʰaboʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰmucʼqʰ the snakes have wrapped around each other.

haʔṭʼohaṭʼo*   [haʔṭʼohaṭʼow]  ha-, ʔṭʼo*. Instr Verb Stem. run around with opposite sex. haʔṭʼohaṭʼonʔwadu running around (with opposite sex). haʔṭʼó·lekinʔ one who does this. Example Variant: haʔṭʼó·lemen.

haʔṭʼubut*   [haʔṭʼubuʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1, ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1. Verb. throw iron rod (in water) and it sinks in. ʔahqʰa wi maʔṭʼubútʰwiye· to my foot sank under the water. maʔṭʼubú·ti D: Intentive. maṭʼubutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. maṭʼubú·ti one person several times (or once). maṭʼubútawa·duwa·du D: Durative. ʔila maʔyul miʔṭʼubutʰqʰ only the nose has sunk in. (or toe).

haʔṭʼubut*   [haʔṭʼubuʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1, ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1. Verb. throw iron rod (in water) and it sinks in. ʔahqʰa wi maʔṭʼubútʰwiye· to my foot sank under the water. maʔṭʼubú·ti D: Intentive. maṭʼubutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. maṭʼubú·ti one person several times (or once). maṭʼubútawa·duwa·du D: Durative. ʔila maʔyul miʔṭʼubutʰqʰ only the nose has sunk in. (or toe).

haʔṭʼuṭʰu*   [haʔṭʼuṭʰuw]  ha-, ʔṭʼuṭʰu*. Verb. squeeze with the body. haʔṭʼuṭʰú·yiʔ to squeeze legs together. baqʼotʰin nahmmó yo· dute·tíʔcʰi hiʔṭʼuṭʰú·yicʼi put something in your armpit and squeeze it. (under your arm). Example Variant: ...ʔiša·₂ yó·₃....

haʔyiʔyi*   [haʔyiʔyiw]  ha-, ʔyi*4. Verb. twist foot in air. ʔaná· duhṭʰalahqacʼba qʰama haʔyíʔyiyiyʔ he got hurt so bad he’s twisting his foot around (in air because it hurts too much to step on it). synonyms: hatuhatu*.

ha cʰo·   [ha cʰo·]  ʔahay, ʔicʰo·. Noun. wood worm. ha cʰó· ʔe·mu @ it's a wood worm. synonyms: ʔaha· cʰo·.

habat*   [habáʔ]  ha·ba, -t1. Verb. do with the tongue.

habatʰcicʼ*   [habátʰciʔ]  habat*. Verb. retract the tongue. compare: cošotʰcicʼ*.

hace*   [hacew]  ha-, ce*. Variant: hacet*. Verb. hold with the heel, rest the heel (on a desk). ʔispé·la wi sí·ya haceba, daʔbomáʔ dihciw with his spurs holding onto the saddle, (the cowboy leaned over and) picked the hat up (from the ground).

hacet*   [haceʔ]  hace*. Verb. hold with the heel.

haco·l*   [hacolʔ´]  ha-, co·l*2. Verb. line a baby basket or packing box with soft, fluffy material.

hacʰa·*   [hacʰaw]  ha-, cʰa·*2. Verb. rest the heel on (a table).

hacʰi*   [hacʰíw]  ha-, cʰi*. Verb. be chapped (hands, skin); dry and scaly, rough-looking. cohšo hácʰiw chapped hands. hacʰi chap! (to skin). hacʰitʰuʔ don't chap! (to skin). hacʰiwá·tadu @ keep chapping. compare: cihcʰi, cʰi*.

hacʰimʔ   [hacʰimʔ]   Noun. grass species growing near river. Carex species. synonyms: ʔacʰi·mʔ.

hacʰi·ṭ*   [hacʰiʔ]  ha-, cʰi·ṭ*2. Verb. remove, take out by kicking.

hacʰul*   [hacʰulʔ]  ha-, cʰul*1. Verb. remove several things by kicking.

hacʼal*   [hacʼalʔ]  ha-, cʼal*. Variant: hacʼalta*. Verb. spread legs apart. hacʼalí·cʼi spread your legs apart! hacʼahlimmeʔ be with spread legs. synonyms: haṭʰil*.

hacʼalhacʼal*   [hacʼalhacʼalʔ]  hacʼal*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly spread legs.

hacʼalhacʼal*   [hacʼalhacʼalʔ]  hacʼal*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly spread legs.

hacʼalta*   [hacʼaltaw]  hacʼal*.

hacʼa·ṭ*   [hacʼaʔ]  ha-, cʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. stuck.

hacʼe*   [-]  ha-, cʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. make a quick kick.

hacʼehacʼe*   [hacʼehácʼew]  hacʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. make many quick kicks (strong or weak).

hacʼehacʼe*   [hacʼehácʼew]  hacʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. make many quick kicks (strong or weak).

hacʼi·ṭ*   [hacʼiʔ]  ha-, cʼi·ṭ*. Verb. knead in something in dough.

hacʼohli*   [hacʼóhliw]  haʔcʼolh*2.

hacʼonta*   [hacʼontaw]  haʔcʼon*.

hacʼotʰqo*   [hacʼotʰqow]  hacʼo·q*.

hacʼo·*   [hacʼow]  ha-, cʼo·*1. Verb. expose by kicking.

hacʼo·q*   [hacʼoʔ]  ha-, cʼo·q*. Variant: hacʼotʰqo*. Verb. throw something sharp so that it sticks in. hacʼo·qo stick by throwing! hacʼohtʰuʔ don't stick by throwing! hacʼohmeʔ stick by throwing (to several)! hacʼoqo·du(wá·du) @ be sticking by throwing. hacʼótʰqomeʔ (to several) stick several things by throwing! hacʼóhqa cause to stick by throwing. hacʼokʼiyow @.

hacʼu·l*   [hacʼulʔ]  ha-, cʼu·l*2. Verb. kick really hard.

hadahcʰi*   [hadahcʰiw]  ha-, dahcʰi*1. Verb. kick over, knock over with foot with swinging motion.

hadit*   [hadiʔ]  haʔdi*3.

hadu ʔamhul   [hadu ʔamhul]  . Adverb. the next day.

haduhca   [haduhca]  hadu·, ʔahca. Noun. a different house.

haduhcaw   [haduhcáw]  hadu·, ʔahcaw. Adverb. in a different house.

hadumat*   [hadumaʔ]  hadu·m*.

hadu·   [hadu·]   Variant: hadu. \1 • Adjective. different, various, some. hadu· ʔacáʔ yaʔ cicʼi·du ʔe· mu a different man is the one who did that. ʔacaʔ hadú· yaʔ cicʼi·du ʔe· mu the Evil One (the devil) is the one who did that. The "Other One" is the one who did that.

2 • Adverb. elsewhere.

3 • Adjective. other. hadu bílahwal may he went across (to other side). hadu· biláhwal may he went across at another place (than he did last time). (/duláhwal/ ~ /bilahwal/ across).

4 • Adjective. some.

haduhca   [haduhca]  hadu·, ʔahca. Noun. a different house.

haduhcaw   [haduhcáw]  hadu·, ʔahcaw. Adverb. in a different house.

hadu· ʔaca·c   [hadu· ʔacáʔ]  Lit: other person hadu·, ʔaca·c. Noun. Satan, the Other One. synonyms: ʔama· yow ʔbakʰe yac.

hadu·m*   [hadumʔ]  hadu·. Variant: hadumat*. Verb. become different. hadu·ma become different! haduma·ducé·du habitually become different. hadumá·tadu several to become different. cahno hadutámqaw making words into something else.

hadu· min   [hadu· min]  . Adverb. as before.

hadu· ʔaca·c   [hadu· ʔacáʔ]  Lit: other person hadu·, ʔaca·c. Noun. Satan, the Other One. synonyms: ʔama· yow ʔbakʰe yac.

hadu·m*   [hadumʔ]  hadu·. Variant: hadumat*. Verb. become different. hadu·ma become different! haduma·ducé·du habitually become different. hadumá·tadu several to become different. cahno hadutámqaw making words into something else.

hae   [hae]   Interjection. If group is talking, one says /mó·limenʔ/; one knows B is in next room and whispers /hae/ and may point (= /šuhkémma/ Be quiet!)

háê   [háê]  ʔaê.

háeh   [háeh]  ʔaeh^.

haeh...   [haeh...]   Interjection. in amazement (could also clap hand to the mouth) (/háeh/ short is on being startled).

hae·:^   [háe·:^]   Interjection. in above context also; almost equivalent way of saying, "Watch it!"

hahcelh*   [hahcelʔ]  ha-, hcelh*. Verb. be obstructed, with a swinging motion.

hahcelhma*   [hahcélhmaw]  hahcelh*. Verb. stand with the legs spanning (a ditch).

hahcelhma*   [hahcélhmaw]  hahcelh*. Verb. stand with the legs spanning (a ditch).

hahciw*   [hahciw]  ha·c*.

hahcʰa*   [hahcʰaw]  ha-, hcʰa*1. Verb. kick over, knock over by swinging (a bat or club).

hahcʰahcʰac*   [hahcʰahcʰaʔ]  ha-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by kicking.

hahcʰoc*   [hahcʰoʔ]  ha-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohahcʰoc*   [hahcʰohahcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohcʰoc*   [hahcʰohcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohahcʰoc*   [hahcʰohahcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohcʰoc*   [hahcʰohcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰot*   [hahcʰoʔ]  ha-, hcʰot*. Verb. be tired of kicking.

hahkihki*   [hahkihkiw]  ha-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly swing or tap rear of foot. ʔama háhkihkiw to repeatedly swing or tap rear of foot on ground.

hahkilh*   [hahkilʔ]  ha-, hkilh*. Verb. stamp hind legs, foot every once in a while, as a horse (not paw ground). hahkílhciw to stomp once.

hahko*   [-]  ha-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: usually reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Variant: hahkot*. Reduplicating Verb. knock by kicking something loose or tapping with foot. hahkoti kick or stamp on the ground (like a horse) every once in a while.

hahkohahko*   [hahkohahkow]  hahko*. Variant: hahkohahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hahkohko*   [hahkóhkow]  hahko*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hahkohahko*   [hahkohahkow]  hahko*. Variant: hahkohahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hahkohahkotad*   [hahkohákota·du]  hahkohahko*.

hahkohko*   [hahkóhkow]  hahko*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hahkolhma*   [hahkólhmaw]  ha-, hkolh*. Verb. kick loose.

hahkot*   [hahkoʔ]  hahko*.

hahkotʰci*   [hahkotʰciw]  ha-, hkot*. Verb. wear out with leg or by kicking.

hahkʰo*   [hahkʰow]  ha-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch with a swinging motion (as shinny racquet).

hahkʰuhkʰu*   [hahkʰuhkʰuw]  ha-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. kick to pieces. synonyms: hahyuhyu*.

hahlahahla*   [hahlaháhlaw]  ha-, hla*1. Reduplicating Verb. move around fast, move arms, head, talk around, act crazy. ʔacaʔ síʔkúhṭiwem hahlaháhlamʔ when people are drunk, they act up.

hahlal*   [hahlalʔ]  ha-, hlal*. Verb. break into several pieces, with a swinging motion. qʰama hahlalʔ cracked feet (from going barefoot).

hahlud*   [hahludu]  ha-, hlud*2. Variant: haluʔta*. Verb. knock off with a kick. synonyms: mihlud*, haʔcʼon*, haʔcʼon*.

hahluhlu*   [hahlúhluw]  ha-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. cut to pieces by kicking.

hahpolh*   [hahpolʔ]  ha-, hpolh*. Verb. gush by kicking.

hahponpoloc*   [hahpónpoloʔ]  ha-, hponpolo*. Verb. make painfully swollen by repeated kicking.

hahpʰoṭ*   [hahpʰoʔ]  ha-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off by shaking leg. ʔahqʰa háhpʰoṭiʔ to shake one’s leg to get water off. hahpʰóṭʰci D: Semelfactive.

hahpʰukʼut*   [hahpʰukʼúʔ]  ha-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: hapʰukʼut*. Verb. swing something into something soft (mud, water).

hahqa*   [hahqaw]  ha-, hqa*1. Verb. get used to kicking; kick so much it comes easy.

hahqalh*   [hahqalʔ]  ha-, hqalh*. Verb. molt; shed hair; surface materal come off by itself. hiʔi háhqalʔ feathers to be molting. heʔe háhqale· to my hair is falling out. hahqali hair fall out! hahqalmeʔ hair fall out (to several)! hahqaláhmeʔ (to several heads of hair) fall out! hahqala·tadu keep falling out! hahqala·cʼiyicmeʔ several keep falling out (to several)! heʔen sʼibina ʔun mito heʔe háhqalbina qʰaʔṭʼo cicʼqam why is it your hair came off and turned bald? ʔihṭʰe háhqalʔ molt. compare: šuhqalh*; synonyms: hihqalh*.

hahqʰa*   [-]  ha-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. drag foot or leg along.

hahqʰahahqʰa*   [hahqʰahahqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. drag foot along, kick up dirt while walking. hahqʰahaqʰa·du be dragging one foot along; keep kicking up dirt while going along.

hahqʰahqʰa*   [hahqʰáhqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide legs.

hahqʰahahqʰa*   [hahqʰahahqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. drag foot along, kick up dirt while walking. hahqʰahaqʰa·du be dragging one foot along; keep kicking up dirt while going along.

hahqʰahqʰa*   [hahqʰáhqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide legs.

hahqʰalh*   [hahqʰalʔ]  ha-, hqʰalh*. Verb. barely touch by kicking.

hahqʰaṭ*   [hahqʰaʔ]  ha-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip with swinging motion.

hahsa*   [hahsaw]  haʔdi*1.

hahse   [hahse]   Noun. brush, bush(es); branch of tree after it is removed. hahsé hku one bush. compare: seʔe.

hahse duhciw   [hahse dúhciw]  hahse, duhci*. Verb. clear brush (from a trail).

hahsehca   [hahséhca]  hahse, ʔahca. Noun. brush house.

hahse duhciw   [hahse dúhciw]  hahse, duhci*. Verb. clear brush (from a trail).

hahsehca   [hahséhca]  hahse, ʔahca. Noun. brush house.

hahsehca bihciw   [hahséhca bihciw]  hci*4. Verb. bind (thatch) on a brush house.

hahsi*   [-]  . Verb. FREQ = scratch.

hahsihahsi*   [hahsihahsiw]  hahsi*. Reduplicating Verb. scratch. hayu ʔém ʔimelá hahsihási·cʼ the dog is scratching fleas. hayu ʔem hahsiháhsiyiʔ dog scratches itself. hayu ʔem hahsiháhsimuʔ dogs scratch each other. compare: sisi·l*, hsis*, cʼicʼi·l*.

hahsihahsi*   [hahsihahsiw]  hahsi*. Reduplicating Verb. scratch. hayu ʔém ʔimelá hahsihási·cʼ the dog is scratching fleas. hayu ʔem hahsiháhsiyiʔ dog scratches itself. hayu ʔem hahsiháhsimuʔ dogs scratch each other. compare: sisi·l*, hsis*, cʼicʼi·l*.

hahsikʼi·t*   [hahsikʼiʔ]  ha-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. kick up gravel.

hahsim*   [hahsimʔ]  ha-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish a fire by kicking.

hahsoq*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsoq*. Verb. wrap up, swaddle. hahsoqo wrap it (baby in blanket)! Example Variant: hahsoti. synonyms: hahsot*.

hahsot*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsot*. Verb. wrap, enclose with a swingin motion. hahsoṭi wrap it (baby)! (might still be able to see baby). Example Variant: hahsoṭá·yi ~ bihsoti. synonyms: hahsoq*.

hahsoṭ*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsoṭ*. Variant: hasohṭ*. Verb. sow seeds (one or several); throw away, waste (money). muhca hásoʔ to sow grain. hasoʔ to throw bunch; to sow one or several. hasoṭi scatter (seeds)!; throw one handful (of dust or gravel, which then spreads out)! . baṭʰe· hasóṭi D: Plural Object. hasoṭʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hasohtʰuʔ don't throw away (waste) (your money)! hasoṭa·du continually throwing away (money).

hahša*   [hahšaw]  ha-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with a swinging motion.

hahšahša*   [hahšahšaw]  hahša*. Reduplicating Verb. kick and mess up, disarrange. hahšáhšaʔ to kick and mess up (kick and make ferns crooked and down is accepted as possible use).

hahšahša*   [hahšahšaw]  hahša*. Reduplicating Verb. kick and mess up, disarrange. hahšáhšaʔ to kick and mess up (kick and make ferns crooked and down is accepted as possible use).

hahši*   [-]  ha-, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter small objects.

hahšihahši*   [hahšihahšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. (chicken) flap wings and raise dust.

hahšihši*   [hahšíhšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. chicken to scratch around.

hahšihahši*   [hahšihahšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. (chicken) flap wings and raise dust.

hahšihši*   [hahšíhšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. chicken to scratch around.

hahšohšo*   [hahšohšow]  ha-, hšo*2. Reduplicating Verb. shake loose; shake (one's hand). hahšohšo (to person) scatter by shaking several times! hahšóhšoyicʼ- to shake. hahšóhšoyiʔcʰila if you shake (your hand). synonyms: hahšolh*.

hahšokʼo·t*   [hahšokʼoʔ]  ha-, hšokʼo·t*. Verb. kick so juices splashes up. hahšokʼó·ṭi to kick (watermelon) so juice splashes up.

hahšolh*   [hahšolʔ]  ha-, hšolh*. Verb. shake loose; come loose, detach easily by shaking. hahšolhma· to shake loose or come loose. hahšólhmaw shake loose once. hahšólhciw shake loose once. synonyms: hahšohšo*.

hahšukʼu·ṭ*   [hahšukʼuʔ]  ha-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. kick dust, walk in dust. ʔino yo· hahšukʼuʔ kick dust, walk in dust. Example Variant: ... mahšukʼuʔ. synonyms: mahšukʼu·ṭ*.

hahtay*   [hahtayʔ]  ha-, htay*1. Verb. touch with foot or leg.

hahte*   [hahtew]  ha-, hte*. Verb. arrange with a swinging motion.

hahtehte*   [hahtehtew]  hahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat (ground) with the heel. ʔama· hahtehtew to pat ground with heel.

hahtehte*   [hahtehtew]  hahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat (ground) with the heel. ʔama· hahtehtew to pat ground with heel.

hahtenh*   [hahténʔ]  ha-, htenh*1. Verb. arrange by swinging foot.

hahtibic*   [hahtibiʔ]  ha·bic*.

hahtontolo*   [hahtontolow]  ha-, htontolo*. Verb. kick and make swell up. mu·kito šahku minétʰmapʰi hahtóntolo·ci kick his leg to make it swell up!

hahtʰunh*   [hahtʰunʔ]  ha-, htʰunh*. Verb. show off, wave arms. hahtʰúnciʔ show off, wave arms.

hahṭihṭi*   [hahṭihṭiw]  ha-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. kick the ground. ʔama· háhṭihṭiw to kick repeatedly the ground (not too long).

hahṭilh*   [hahṭilʔ]  ha-, hṭilh*, ha-, hṭilh*. Verb. knock with the legs. haṭila·duʔ to knock someone over hard. bacʼo háhṭili kick (her) in the back! ʔahá·li háhṭili throw stick at an hit several times (can’t hold in hand).

hahṭʰa*   [hahṭʰaw]  ha-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down (house); tear open (corral). maʔca háhṭʰaw D: Absolutive. haṭʰati D: Intentive. hahṭʰa D: Imperative. haṭʰadú·yicʼmela I pushed off with feet from myself (a blanket). Example Variant: maṭʼucʼmela..

hahṭʰe*   [hahṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out parts of body. ʔiša· hahṭʰe spread wings (as chickens on a hot day).

hahṭʰehṭʰe*   [hahṭʰéhṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. (birds) flutter wings. kayi·na yaʔ hahṭʰehahṭʰew chickens are flapping their wings.

hahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [hahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ha-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. pieces come off larger object with a swingin motion. ʔoho háhṭʰuhṭʰuw to shake burning wood, knocking sparks off. kʼaṭa₁ lto·₂ (saʔsʼa) ʔino₃ háhṭʰuhṭʰu₄ from the clothes dust (dirt) shake out!

hahwatʼ*   [hahwaʔ]  ha-, hwatʼ*. Verb. kick and make collapse, flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone. hahwatʼciw to kick rotten watermelon and it flattens out.

hahwehwe*   [hahwehwew]  ha-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake with leg; shake leg. hahwehweci shake something with leg, foot! hahwehwehwe be shaking something with leg! hahwehweyi·cʼi shake your leg!

hahwe·n*   [hahwenʔ]  ha-, hwe·n*. Verb. leg shaking. hahwéhweyi·cʼi shake leg! hahweni·cʼi shake with leg! mito šáhku wi hahwe·ni múl cumatʰmaw ʔ rock that chair with your legs.

hahye·*   [hahyew]  ha-, hye·*. Variant: hayec*. Verb. stop, quit kicking; stop doing a swingin action, like pulling grass. hahye·ci stop kicking for a while! hahye mul ma qaʔdi šuqʼa·tal you quit that pulling grass. yohwé· hahye ʔoṭʰono ʔ all right, quit pulling seaweed (time is up)!

hahyol*   [hahyolʔ]  Lit: to mix with bread ha-, hyol*. Verb. mix with a swinging motion. hayolá·qa D: Plural Act, Imperative. hayoláhtʰuʔ D: Negative. hayolá·qadu D: Durative, Plural Act. hayolá·qaʔtʰuʔ D: Causative, Negative. hahyo·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

hahyuhyu*   [hahyuhyuw]  ha-, hyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. kick to pieces. synonyms: hahkʰuhkʰu*.

hahyuṭ*   [hahyuʔ]  ha-, hyuṭ*. Variant: mahyuṭʰmaw. Verb. poke. hahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire).

hahyuṭʰnaw   [hahyuṭʰnaw]  mahyuṭ*.

hakilm*   [hakilmaw]  haki·l*. Verb. swing bucket or leg.

haki·l*   [hakilʔ]  ha-, ki·l*1. Variant: hakilm*. Verb. swing bucket or leg. haki·lela D: Performative. haki·li D: Locative. hakilma D: Imperative. harí·ya hakila·la miʔkʰe ʔ sling your bucket down there!

hako·l*   [hakolʔ]  ha-, ko·l*. Verb. twirl with the legs. synonyms: mako·l*.

haku·ṭ*   [hakuʔ]  ha-, ku·ṭ*2. Verb. pick off, kick off, scrape hops off with hand in swinging motion.

hakʰu·l*   [hakʰulʔ]  ha-, kʰu·l*1. Verb. rough to leg.

hakʼal*   [hakʼalʔ]  ha-, kʼal*1. Verb. kick open slightly.

hakʼil*   [hakʼilʔ]  ha-, kʼil*. Verb. point with leg.

hakʼis*   [hakʼis]  ha-, kʼis*. Verb. scratch lightly with a thrown long object (stick). ma·caʔ hakʼis scratch by several thrown objects.

hakʼi·*   [hakʼiw]  ha-, kʼi·*1. Verb. throw (knife, glass) to scratch and make bleed. haṭʼétʼba hakʼiw many throw stick so it bleeds.

hakʼi·š*   [hakʼiš]  ha-, kʼi·š*3. Verb. make scratching noise by swinging feet along something.

hakʼot*   [hakʼoʔ]  haʔkʼo*.

hakʼut*   [hakʼúʔ]  haʔkʼu*.

hal*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. dig.

halac*   [halaʔ]  ha-, lac*. Verb. fail to kick.

halahala*   [halahalaw]  halac*. Verb. repeatedly fail to kick. ʔaná· ʔamahcʰilíʔpʰila heʔen htaqacʼkʰetʰin – soh halahalaʔbem it is such a cliff, you don’t have a place to put a foot when climbing up; you just keep scraping your legs against it.

halahala*   [halahalaw]  halac*. Verb. repeatedly fail to kick. ʔaná· ʔamahcʰilíʔpʰila heʔen htaqacʼkʰetʰin – soh halahalaʔbem it is such a cliff, you don’t have a place to put a foot when climbing up; you just keep scraping your legs against it.

halaṭ   [haláʔ]   Variant: halaṭi. Noun. large species of clam, shellfish; perhaps pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula). synonyms: ku·ṭu.

halaṭi   [halaṭí]  halaṭ.

halehale*   [halehalew]  ha-, le*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. stop with a swinging motion. hanétʰmatʰu mul huʔú·mo halehálecʼkʰeʔeʔ don’t kick (many times in one face) or his face will get swollen.

haliṭʼi*   [haliṭʼiw]  haṭʼi*. Verb. bend with body.

haloṭʼo*   [halaṭʼow]  haṭʼo·*. Verb. get sore from rubbing foot.

haluhalu*   [haluhaluw]  . Reduplicating Verb. fly in a bunch (like blackbirds, bees, gnats). compare: halu·m*.

haluhalucʼ*   [haluhaluʔ]  halu·cʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. to cover entire object. haluháluyiʔ to cover whole self as under a blanket. haluháluyi·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

haluʔta*   [haluʔtaw]  hahlud*. Verb. knock off with a kick.

halu·cʼ*   [haluʔ]   Verb. put something over head (handkerchief etc. but not hat). haluʔ to put something (not hat) over the head or face. halucʼí mul pa·nu ʔ put the handkerchief on your head! . halucʼé· mul pa·nu ʔ he put the handkerchief on his head. Example Variant: halúʔyeʔ mul pa·nu ʔ. halúyʔtaʔ D: Plural Subject. halucʼí·du D: Durative. halucʼí·duce·du D: Habitual. halútʰmacʼmeʔ D: Plural. Example Variant: halúytacʼmeʔ. halútʰmacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

haluhalucʼ*   [haluhaluʔ]  halu·cʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. to cover entire object. haluháluyiʔ to cover whole self as under a blanket. haluháluyi·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

halu·m*   [halumʔ]  ha-, lu·m*1. Verb. swarm (insects, birds). coʔo hálu·m the bees swarm (fly in bunch in air). coʔo halumʔba cʼalhciy the bees fly in bunch and bunched up. halummeʔ D: Plural Imperative. halu·ma swarm. compare: haluhalu*.

hanac*   [hanaʔ]  ha-, nac*3. Verb. remain, stay behind, be left behind. ṭʼí· ʔacaʔ mi· pʰilaʔli kuʔmáʔyul hanacá·la·caw when everyone left there, only one was left sitting behind. hanaca·la stay back, remain behind. hanaca·lamé·du D: Durative, Directional "down". hanaca·lameʔ D: Plural Imperative, Directional "down". ciʔdómʔ qʰale tol ciʔdómʔ hanaca·laqʰ one flower remained blooming on the flowering plant.

hanaca·law   [hanaca·law]  ha-, nac*2, -ala. Noun. second crop of fruit (probably second pickings); last person to go. synonyms: hinaca·law.

hana·*   [hanaw]  ha-, na·*1. Verb. with leg to push dirt over something. hiʔda hanaw to block road (with log). ʔama· míʔkʰe ma ṭʼi· hana·qʰ you have fenced in your land. hanamʔ cover as a [!!pouring] dog does. Example Variant: hanaw.

hane*   [hanew]  ha-, ne*2. Verb. aim to kick. compare: hanec*.

hanec*   [haneʔ]  ha-, nec*. Verb. aim to kick, hit. haneci·bícʰpʰi aim to hit. Example Variant: pʰinéhcibicʰpʰi. haneci·bícʰpʰi hanema aim and kick! compare: hane*.

hanem*   [hanemʔ]  ha-, nem*1. Verb. hit, bump, with a swinging motion. harí·ya hanem tiʔdela· ʔa hiʔlaw I’m about to kick the bucket soon. hanemaʔ kick self.

hanoy*   [hanoyʔ]  ha-, noy*. Verb. limp, like with a sore ankle. hano·yiʔ D: Reflexive, Absolutive. hanoyi·cʼi limp. hano·yícʼqaw D: Causative, Reflexive, Absolutive. hanoya·dadu to limp. hanó·hano·maw D: Frequentative, Plural Subject. hanó·hanoyʔ one to limp. hanoya·duwá·du limp around. hanó·hanoya·dadu he is limping around. hanó·hanoya·cʼacʼ several limping around. hanó·hano·yi limp! hanoyá·duce·du walk along limping. synonyms: hasʼay*.

hanta   [hánta]   Noun. smelt (fish). hánta mín like smelt. kʰe hánta @ my smelt.

hanuʔsʼa   [hanúʔsʼa]   Adjective. limping. synonyms: nanu·.

hapaṭʰci*   [hapaṭʰciw]  ha-, paṭ*2. Verb. patch a hole by sewing or glue.

hapa·ṭʰci*   [hapaṭʰciw]  ha-, pa·ṭ*1. Instr Verb Stem. cover with a patch. ʔimo báhṭʰe ʔyowe· bil, mul ciba·tʰin hapa·ṭá·qʰ someone has put a patch on this former big hole.

hapʰo·*   [hapʰow]  ha-, pʰo·*. Verb. splash by kicking; scatter water by kicking. ʔahqʰa hápʰow to scatter water by swinging the legs (as in swimming). ʔima·ta yaʔ ʔahʰa ciwa·dum hapʰo·w the woman splashed along while swimming.

hapʰṭʰe   [hápʰṭʰe]   Noun. 1 • center pole of a house.

2 • Jesus Christ.

hapʰukʼut*   [hapʰukʼúʔ]  hahpʰukʼut*.

hapʰu·*   [hapʰuw]  ha-, pʰu·*1. Verb. scatter small particles from the ground by kicking. miṭáʔ hapʰuw to walk along kicking up sand.

hapʼanta*   [hapʼantaw]  haʔpʼanh*. Verb. kick closed.

hapʼil*   [hapʼilʔ]  ha-, pʼil*. Verb. slip feet alone.

haqaṭa   [haqaṭa]   Noun. hornet.

haqaṭa qʰale   [haqaṭá qʰale]  haqaṭa, qʰale1. Noun. figwort, bee plant. The warmed leaves were used as a poultice on boils. Scrophularia californica. synonyms: tule qʰale.

haqaṭa qʰale   [haqaṭá qʰale]  haqaṭa, qʰale1. Noun. figwort, bee plant. The warmed leaves were used as a poultice on boils. Scrophularia californica. synonyms: tule qʰale.

haqohqoc   [haqóhqoʔ]  haqohqoc*. Variant: haqohqotac. Adjective. crazy. ʔima·ta háhqohqoʔ crazy woman. haqohqoʔ cʼoyʔcʼedu act crazy. haqohqoʔ cahno·du talk crazy.

haqohqoc*   [haqóhqoʔ]  ʔaha, qohqoc*. Variant: haqohqotac*. Verb. go crazy. ma·dal haqohqocʼbiw he went crazy because of her. ʔima·ta ʔem hiʔbaya tol haqohqocʼbiw the woman is crazy about men. haqóhqoci go crazy! haqóhqotacʰmeʔ go crazy (to several)!

haqohqoc   [haqóhqoʔ]  haqohqoc*. Variant: haqohqotac. Adjective. crazy. ʔima·ta háhqohqoʔ crazy woman. haqohqoʔ cʼoyʔcʼedu act crazy. haqohqoʔ cahno·du talk crazy.

haqohqotac   [haqóhqotaʔ]  haqohqoc.

haqohqotac*   [haqohqotaʔ]  haqohqoc*.

haqol*   [haqolʔ]  ha-, qol*. Verb. stroke with leg.

haqota·d*   [haqota·du]  haqo·c*.

haqo·   [haqo·]   Noun. long cylindrical fish trap woven of hazel switches.

sʼihta haqo·   [sʼihta háqo·]  haqo·, haqo·. Noun. bird trap (for quail or flicker) built on the same principle – it becomes progressively more constricted so that the bird can’t turn around.

sʼihta haqo·   [sʼihta háqo·]  haqo·, haqo·. Noun. bird trap (for quail or flicker) built on the same principle – it becomes progressively more constricted so that the bird can’t turn around.

haqo·c*   [haqoʔ]   Variant: haqota·d*. Verb. increase, grow in quantity; get more. pé·su haqoʔ money to increase. matʼileʔ ya haqo·yé· miʔkʰe your possessions have increased. haqo·ci increase!; (to spirit) give blessing of more! compare: qo·c*.

haqʰal*   [haqʰalʔ]  ha-, qʰal*2. Verb. make a mark by kicking or by scraping backwards with the foot.

haqʰaqʰaṭ*   [haqʰaqʰaʔ]  ha-, qʰaqʰaṭ*. Verb. scrape with the body. haqʰaqʰa·du to strip (a branch) with a swing of the hand.

haqʰa·*1   [haqʰaw]  ha-, qʰa·*1. Verb. break by pressing leg against.

haqʰa·*2   [haqʰaw]  ha-, qʰa·*2. Verb. get the leg cut.

haqʰa·ṭ*   [haqʰaʔ]  ha-, qʰa·ṭ*2. Verb. ? feel good with swinging motion ? hops haqʰa·ṭé·to it feels good stripping hops.

haqʰoṭ*   [haqʰoʔ]  ha-, qʰoṭ*1. Verb. gouge, scratch. haqʰo·ci gouge him once! mu·kinʔ haqʰocʼbí· ma·dal he must have scratched her deeply. haqʰóṭʰmeʔ gouge (to several)! haqʰoci·ducé·du habitually gouge. haqʰoṭʼácʼiyicʼmeʔ habitually gouge (to several). Example Variant: haqʰoṭʼác'iwacʼmeʔ. haqʰo·tʰuʔ don't gouge! haqʰóhtʰumeʔ don't gouge several times (to several)! haqʰoṭá·duwa·du gouge in several places!

haqʼaw   [haqʼáw]   Noun. fox, redwood gray fox. Parents of a young child would not say this word, for fear the child would grow up tricky. Urocyon cinereoargenteus sequoiensis. compare: qʼaw2.

hari·ya   [harí·ya]   Noun. bucket, lunch pail. harí·ya ʔaše· bucket handle. compare: walte.

hase·l*   [haselʔ]  ha-, se·l*. Verb. clean, make clear, rinse feet by kicking them around in water. hase·liʔ to kick feet around in water to clean them.

hasihke   [hasíhke]  ʔaha, sihke*. Noun. chin.

hasima   [hasima]  hasime.

hasime   [hasíme]  ʔaha, sime. Variant: hasima. Noun. beard, whiskers. kúška hasime cat's whiskers. hasimé ʔaqolay beard, Lit. "long whiskers".

haskʰun   [háskʰun]   Noun. hardmouth, a long narrow river fish.

haskʼot*   [haskʼoʔ]  skʼot*. Verb. 1 • miss out on, be disappointed. háskʼoʔ wishing (for girlfriend). hiʔbaya ʔem ʔima·ta ʔel háskʼoʔ the man wants to get to know the woman. hiʔbaya ʔem kumiʔdaʔ háskʼota·duwa·du[n] the man is always wanting to meeet girls. háskʼota·qaʔ miss out of getting something you really wanted (e.g. cake was gone or material sold out). maʔa háskʼota·qacʰwiye·to I was disappointed in not getting food I really wanted because they ran short, or they won't give me any. pʰala háskʼote·to

2 • to go without. háskʼotʼba sʼoh gowiʔ Having failed to get what he wanted, he just returned home, háskʼota·du D: Durative. milṭa mu·kinʔ háskʼoʔdom They say he did without that (on that). ma·caʔ háskʼotaʔ D: Plural Act. ma·caʔ háskʼota·cʼiwaʔ D: Durative. háskʼoti fail to satisfy self! Wish for what you won't get! D: Imperative. haskʼotacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hasohṭ*   [hasohṭiw]  ha-, hahsoṭ*. Instr Verb Stem. sow (grain).

hasoyo   [hasóyo]  ʔahasoyo.

hasu*   [hasuw]  ha-, su*. Variant: hasuwac*. Verb. scratch (the skin deep). hasu D: Imperative. hasumeʔ singular Object. hasucí·ducé·du D: Plural Object. Example Variant: hasuwá·duwa·du. hasuwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hasuwac*   [hasuwaʔ]  hasu*. Verb. scratch.

hasu·l*   [hasulʔ]  ha-, su·l*1. Verb. throw (something) to knock (something else) down. biʔdu hásu·li throw (sticks) (into tree) and knock down. hasulci once. hasulá·tadu several times. hasulmaw several people one tree.

hasʼay*   [hasʼayʔ]  ha-, sʼay*. Verb. limp, wobble on legs. hasʼaya·dadu to limp (as when one leg is shorter), with jerks down. hasʼaya·daducedu D: Durative. synonyms: hanoy*.

hasʼim*   [hasʼimʔ]  ha-, sʼim*. Verb. tie up. hasʼímʔli something (rope, etc.) to tie with, to tie up a bundle with. hasʼima tie up! hasʼimá·tadu D: Durative (or Plural). hasʼitá·ma D: Plural Object, Imperative. hasʼim el mawímʔ duwal qahlahpʰi šuhcʰi put the strap through the loops and pull it tight.

hasʼiʔda   [hasʼíʔda]  ʔaha, sʼiʔda. Noun. lips. hasʼíʔda mihsaʔ thick lips. hasʼíʔda cuhṭʰe flared lips, pursed lips. hasʼíʔda cuhcʰa furrowed lips.

hasʼiʔda kʼis sʼiyiʔli   [hasʼíʔda kʼis sʼiyiʔli]  Lit: instrument to make one's lips red hasʼiʔda, kʼis, sʼiyiʔli. Noun. lipstick.

hasʼiʔda ʔime   [hasʼíʔda ʔime]  hasʼiʔda, ʔime. Noun. mustache.

hasʼiʔda kʼis sʼiyiʔli   [hasʼíʔda kʼis sʼiyiʔli]  Lit: instrument to make one's lips red hasʼiʔda, kʼis, sʼiyiʔli. Noun. lipstick.

hasʼiʔda ʔime   [hasʼíʔda ʔime]  hasʼiʔda, ʔime. Noun. mustache.

hasʼotʰqo*   [hasʼótʰqow]  haʔsʼoq*.

hasʼul*   [hasʼulʔ]  ha-, sʼul*. Verb. make smooth and shiny by rubbing heel. hasʼuliʔ to rub (pitch or salve) on self with heel or side of foot. compare: haʔsʼulh*.

haša·l*   [hašalʔ]  ha-, ša·l*. Verb. make noise with leg.

haša·yol   [haša·yol]  haša·yul.

haša·yul   [hašá·yul]   Variant: haša·yol. Adjective. thoughtless, careless, foolish, silly; put self in a pitiful position of asking a favor. haša·yulya D: Plural. haša·yulay @. haša·yol cannon pleading. hašá·yul cahno·du talking foolishly. ʔacaʔ hašá·yul foolish person. hayu haša·yul foolish dog.

haši·m*   [hašimʔ]  ha-, ši·m*1. Verb. disarray, scatter, with a swinging motion. hašimmaduʔ (room) in disarray, disarranged (not neat). hašima·taduʔ D: Durative. hašihmaduʔ D: Plural Object, Durative. haši·ma (to person) Make a mess! hašima·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ciba·tʰin qaʔdi hášimqʼa· maʔu someone scattered (dead) grass here.

hašohma*   [hašóhmaw]  hašo·m*.

hašo·m*   [hašomʔ´]  ha-, šo·m*. Variant: hašohma*. Verb. scatter by throwing. hašomʔ kalikákʰ hasommaduʔ papers scattered around in room. hašoma·duʔ D: outside.

hat*   [haʔ]  ʔaha. Verb. move with the mouth. hata·law bend down to suck, move mouth down. hata·qaci go up with your mouth. hata·lamé·du D: Durative. hatʰmuli go around with mouth. hatʰmulá·du @ go around with mouth. pʰala háta·lame·du D: Durative #again. pʰala hátʰmuli go around with mouth #again. pʰala hátʰmula·du @ go around with mouth #again.

hataš*   [hataš]  ha-, taš*1. Verb. squash with the heel. ʔicʰa· qawi hatášciye· ma you squashed a little spider by kicking back or with heel.

hataṭ*   [hataʔ]  ha-, taṭ*. Verb. twist, with a swinging motion. hataʔsiʔbaw to cut (cloth) on the bias.

hataṭa·qa*   [hataṭa·qaw]  hataṭ*, -aq1. Verb. go like drunk weaving.

qʰama hataṭ   [qʰama hataʔ]  qʰama1, hataṭ*. Adjective. slew-footed.

hataṭa·qa*   [hataṭa·qaw]  hataṭ*, -aq1. Verb. go like drunk weaving.

hate·m*   [hatemʔ]  ha-, te·m*1. Verb. scatter (something) with legs, by kicking. koci·na (hayu) yaʔ tiʔkʰe cáhti miṭícʼkʰe wi qaʔdi háte·m a pig (dog) in order to lie in his bed scatters with legs the hay. Example Variant: ... hatemmaduʔ.

hatilhla*   [hatilhlaw]  ha-, tilhla*. Verb. cross legs; long objects overlap. hatilhlamuʔ legs crossed. sulemaʔ ya ʔem hatílhlaqʰ the strings are crossed, lapped, overlapped or twisted.

hati·t*   [hatiʔ]  ha-, ti·t*. Verb. wrap around several times. hati·ti roll it up! hatitʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hatihtʰuʔ D: Negative. hatita·du D: Durative. hati·tiʔ to wrap around once or twice or tangle. cohšotol hatí·ticʼba when (they) wrapped around their hands (5-6.7). hatiti·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. hati·tícʰmeʔ D: Semelfactive, Plural Imperative. hati·tí·tʰuʔ D: Semelfactive, Negative. hatiti·cedú·cedu D: Semelfactive, Habitual.

hatohato*   [hatohato]  hatuhatu*.

hatuhatu*   [hatuhatuw]  ha-, tu*3. Variant: hatohato*. Reduplicating Verb. kicking around with one or both feet, not twisting; kick in the air. naṭa qáwi ʔem qaʔcʼaṭin hatuhátunʔwanʔ the child is kicking around on the ground crying. (or of shot animal lying kicking legs around in air). hatuhátuʔ kick once (no bulge meaning) ¡sem. synonyms: haʔyiʔyi*.

hatʰut*   [hatʰuʔ]  ha-, tʰut*, ha-, tʰut*. Verb. kick and break.

hatʼac*1   [hatʼaʔ]  haʔtʼa*1. Verb. feel.

hatʼac*2   [hatʼaʔ]  haʔtʼa*2. Verb. be enough.

hatʼat*   [hatʼaʔ]  ha-, tʼat*3. Verb. bother with foot.

hatʼe·l*   [hatʼelʔ]  ha-, tʼe·l*1, ha-, tʼe·l*1. Verb. throw and make sticky. maṭʼqʰa hátʼelqa· miʔkʰe wentá·na tol ciba· tʰin somebody must have thrown and stuck mud on your windows.

hatʼuhl*   [hatʼuhliw]  hatʼul*.

hatʼul*   [hatʼulʔ]  ha-, tʼul*. Variant: hatʼuhl*. Verb. kick and make liquid come out. hayu mul hanetʰmapʰi balá· hatʼuli kick that dog until blood comes out!

haṭamhaṭam*   [haṭámhaṭamʔ]  ha-, ṭam*. Reduplicating Verb. foot hitting repeatedly against something, making a rapping sound, not nec. in air.

haṭa·n*   [haṭanʔ]  ha-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. leg hang, project, not touching anything, swinging. šahku háṭanmaw to hold leg over space. haṭánhaṭanʔ moving back and forth with leg out in air, not nec, hitting anything.

haṭa·t*   [haṭaʔ]  ha-, ṭa·t*. Verb. twist body. šiʔba haṭatʰmuliʔ to twist body around.

haṭi*   [haṭiw]  ha-, ṭi*1. Verb. kick up.

haṭihaṭi*   [haṭihaṭiw]  ha-, ṭi*3. Reduplicating Verb. kick around on ground making sound (not accepted for similar sound on chair).

haṭilhaṭil*   [haṭilhaṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. moving legs in air but spreading and closing.

haṭiṭim*   [haṭiṭimʔ]  ha-, ṭiṭim*. Verb. put leg across space, as between chair and footrest. haʔdi lame·sa tol slinky ʔem muṭkṭkʼ·maba muṭímciyʔ over there on the table Slinky stretched across and pulled itself back.

haṭi·l*   [haṭilʔ]  ha-, ṭi·l*, ha-, ṭi·l*. Verb. lie with legs up. haṭila·duci to lie down with legs up (of horse). haṭilmaw to be lying with legs held still in air. Example Variant: haṭʰilmaw. haṭíhlimʔ D: Locative, Absolutive. synonyms: haṭʰilhaṭʰil*.

haṭi·m*   [haṭimʔ]  ha-, ṭi·m*2, ṭi·m*1. Verb. wave legs around in the air. haṭima·duwá·du to wave legs around in air (no sound).

haṭohaṭo*   [haṭoháṭow]  ha-, ʔṭʼo*. Verb. kick repeatedly against something for sound.

haṭo·l*   [haṭolʔ]  ha-, ṭo·l*. Verb. kick a depression in. ʔama· haṭo·li to kick a (shallow or deep) hole in the ground. harí·ya haṭo·li doesn’t mean dent, wear down or make hole, but you can hear the noise when you do it; since a bucket is hard I’ll try softer object.

haṭo·m*   [haṭomʔ]  ha-, ṭo·m*, ha-, ṭo·m*. Verb. kick and make clang. haṭo·ma to kick and clang.

haṭʰewad*   [haṭʰewadu]  haṭʰe·*. Verb. spread out.

haṭʰe·*   [haṭʰew]  ha-, ṭʰe·*, ha-, ṭʰe·*. Variant: haṭʰewad*. Verb. spread out; hold hands, arms out sideways. haṭʰe D: Imperative. haṭʰe·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. haṭʰe·tʰuʔ D: Negative. haṭʰeci·duwá·du D: Durative. ṭʼi· haṭʰe·meʔ spread it all out!

haṭʰil*   [haṭʰilʔ]  ha-, ṭʰil*. Verb. spread, stretch out, with a swinging motion. haṭʰilʔ to spread out. haṭʰili spread out! (move legs apart; sweater spread out). haṭʰíhlimmeʔ raise leg up in air. haṭʰiltaw D: Absolutive. haṭʰílciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. haṭʰilmaw to hold leg up and out. haṭʰilmaw D: Durative. Example Variant: haṭʰila·du. ciwalá· ʔiša· haṭʰílʔ cʰilʔ kʼaṭa dácʰuhlaʔ tol the shirt sleeve is hanging spread out on the clothesline. used at dance. synonyms: hacʼal*.

haṭʰilhaṭʰil*   [haṭʰilhaṭʰilʔ]  haṭʰil*. Reduplicating Verb. moving legs in air, spreading and closing. synonyms: haṭi·l*.

haṭʰilhaṭʰil*   [haṭʰilhaṭʰilʔ]  haṭʰil*. Reduplicating Verb. moving legs in air, spreading and closing. synonyms: haṭi·l*.

haṭʰkʼo   [háṭʰkʼo]   Variant: haṭʼko. 1 • Adjective. untruthful, lying, dishonest. ʔacaʔ ʔama háṭʰkʼo lying person. Example Variant: ʔama ʔacaʔ haṭʰkʼo. ʔama haṭʰkʼo cahno·du @ tell a lie. ʔo· háṭʰkʼo ʔe· ma oh, you're lying. ʔo· háṭʰkʼo ʔe· maya oh, you're lying (to several). háṭʰkʼo ʔ that's a lie, that's untruthful. háṭʰkʼo ʔe· ma cahno·dam you're telling lies. ʔama háṭʰkʼo a lie; one to tell a lie. compare: ʔihmi tʰin soh.

2 • Noun. liar. haṭʰkʼo ʔwam mu he's a liar, it's a lie. ʔama haṭʰkʼo yya liars. ʔama háṭʰkʼo ʔe· ma you're a liar. compare: banawad*.

haṭʼa qahle   [haṭʼa qahle]  Lit: white butt haṭʼa·1, qahle. Noun. meadow lark. synonyms: kunu qʰala·c.

haṭʼam*   [haṭʼamʔ]  ha-, ṭʼam*2, ha-, ṭʼam*2. Verb. stir up a swarm (of hornets, bees) by throwing something. haṭʼama D: Imperative. haṭʼamá·tadu nests here and there. haqaṭa haṭʼammela I stirred up hornets by throwing stick.

haṭʼa·1   [haṭʼa·´]   Noun. buttocks, rump, rear end. Usage: polite synonyms: sili.

haṭʼa qahle   [haṭʼa qahle]  Lit: white butt haṭʼa·1, qahle. Noun. meadow lark. synonyms: kunu qʰala·c.

haṭʼa·mo   [haṭʼa·mo´]  haṭʼa·1, ʔimo. Noun. anus. Usage: polite synonyms: ʔahpʰahmo. Usages note: public version of ʔahpʰahmo.

haṭʼa·2   [haṭʼá·]   Cooccurrence: ? complement of "feel". Adjective. stingy, begrudging. ʔama háṭʼa· miserly, stingy. antonym: keš.

haṭʼa·mo   [haṭʼa·mo´]  haṭʼa·1, ʔimo. Noun. anus. Usage: polite synonyms: ʔahpʰahmo. Usages note: public version of ʔahpʰahmo.

haṭʼel*   [haṭʼelʔ]  ha-, ṭʼel*. Verb. throw (wet cloth or something long, if not wadded up) (on wall) and make spot. kʼaṭa sihco·li háṭʼely to throw something open (not wadded up) and make spot. compare: šacʼo*, bane*1, haʔṭʼe*.

haṭʼem*   [haṭʼemʔ]  ha-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. be tired of kicking. haṭʼemaʔ to be tired of kicking (ball), no longer interested in kicking anymore. haṭʼemá·tahqacʼmeʔ (to several) Get tired of!

haṭʼet*   [haṭʼeʔ]  haʔṭʼe*.

haṭʼi*   [haṭʼiw]  ha-, ṭʼi*. Variant: haliṭʼi*. Verb. bend the body, or parts of the body. haṭʼici·biʔ to twist body up. Example Variant: hiṭʼici·biʔ. haṭʼicʰmulʔ to twist body around. haṭʼica·duwa·du to twist body around (in bed). ʔiša· mito haṭʼíhtimu·licʼqa twist your arms! haṭʼicʰmulícʼqa singular, Imperative.

haṭʼko   [haṭʼko]  haṭʰkʼo.

haṭʼo·*   [haṭʼow]  ha-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: haloṭʼo*. Verb. get sore from rubbing foot, heel on something.

haway*   [hawayʔ]  ha-, way*1. Variant: hawayʔta*. Verb. awaken by kicking or swinging.

hawayʔta*   [hawáyʔtaw]  haway*.

hawi*   [hawiw]  ha-, wi*. Variant: hawit*. Verb. kick multiple times. hawi keep kicking against something! hawitʰuʔ don’t keep kicking against something! cila háwiba haʔsʼóhnciy for a while he kept kicking and then made a (one) dent.

hawit*   [hawiʔ]  hawi*.

hawo·n   [hawó·n]   Noun. soap.

hay1   [háy]   Interjection. 1 • that's touchy, don't say that about me. compare: ba, hoʔway, way.

2 • where would I get it?

hay2   [hay]  ʔahay.

haya·m*   [hayamʔ]  ha-, ya·m*1. Verb. kick something to break it and fail (one or several times).

haycot*   [haycoʔ]  hayhco*. Verb. make a cooking basket.

haye*   [hayew]  ha-, ye*1. Verb. many move around.

hayehaye*   [hayehayew]  haye*. Reduplicating Verb. many to move around as in anthill or cars and people on busy street. biʔkʼás hayeháyewe· ʔama· yóltow ants are scrambling, from under ground. háyʔko hayeháyewe· ʔahqʰa yow wigglers are wiggling in the water. synonyms: biyobiyo*.

hayec*   [hayeʔ]  hahye·*.

hayecʼ*   [hayeʔ]  ha-, yecʼ*. Verb. hold foot against something. cumatʰma· tol qali· hayecʼi put your foot (on heel) high on the chair!

hayehaye*   [hayehayew]  haye*. Reduplicating Verb. many to move around as in anthill or cars and people on busy street. biʔkʼás hayeháyewe· ʔama· yóltow ants are scrambling, from under ground. háyʔko hayeháyewe· ʔahqʰa yow wigglers are wiggling in the water. synonyms: biyobiyo*.

hayem*   [hayemʔ]  ha-. Instr Verb Stem. hold foot pressed on something. haye·du to ride along in car with foot propped on something.

hayhco*   [háyhcow]  ʔahay. Variant: haycot*. 1 • Verb. make a cooking basket with willow switches woven around the outside of the basket.

2 • Noun. cooking basket.

hayhco·ša·mʔ   [háyhco·šamʔ]  hayhco*, ša·mʔ. Noun. basket.

hayhco·ša·mʔ   [háyhco·šamʔ]  hayhco*, ša·mʔ. Noun. basket.

hayhcʰa   [háyhcʰa]  ʔahay, hcʰa*4. Noun. dry brush, tree with many limbs lying stark and dry. qʰale ʔíša· háyhcʰa @ tree with many dry branches. hahse háyhcʰa @ dry brush. háyhcʰa cadela I see the dry brush. háyhcʰa min pʰiʔtʼaw @ It looks like dry brush. compare: hayhqac, hca*3, hcalh*, hca*3.

hayhcʰil*   [háyhcʰilʔ]  ʔahay, hcʰil*. Verb. 1 • celebrate. háyhcʰilmeʔ celebrate! (to several). háyhcʰila·du keep celebrating. háyhcʰilʔ to celebrate, celebration. háyhcʰili celebrate! (to a person). pʰala háyhcʰili celebrate! (to a person) #again.

2 • hang up a long stick. Usage: archaic

hayhcʰilʔmeṭ   [háyhcʰilʔmeʔ]  hayhcʰil*, meṭ. Noun. celebration, esp. one of the main celebrations of the year (Christmas or 4th of July); ceremonial occasion.

hayhcʰilʔmeṭ   [háyhcʰilʔmeʔ]  hayhcʰil*, meṭ. Noun. celebration, esp. one of the main celebrations of the year (Christmas or 4th of July); ceremonial occasion.

hayhqac   [háyhqaʔ]  ʔahay, hqac*1. Noun. snag, standing dead tree. compare: hayhcʰa, hca*3, hcalh*.

hayhša   [háyhša]  ʔahša. Noun. blue cod, codfish. compare: ʔahša kʼis, šaqʼa·qʼayʔ.

hayhṭʰoṭ   [háyhṭʰoʔ]  ʔahay, hṭʰoṭ*. Noun. rotten log.

hayhṭʼa   [háyhṭʼa]  ʔahay. Noun. 1 • redbud. Cercis occidentalis (Pea Family).

2 • switches or strips of redbud used for basket making.

hayhṭʼa qʰale   [háyhṭʼa qʰale]  Lit: red-wood tree hayhṭʼa, qʰale1. redbud tree. Cercis occidentalis (Pea Family).

hayhṭʼa qʰale   [háyhṭʼa qʰale]  Lit: red-wood tree hayhṭʼa, qʰale1. redbud tree. Cercis occidentalis (Pea Family).

hayi*1   [hayiw]  ha-, yi*6. Verb. move foot (not stick or hand) back and forth on a corner. hayitʰuʔ don’t rub your foot on the corner!

hayi*2   [hayiw]  ha-, yi*1. Verb. scratch using legs and nails, claws; rub foot on something. kúška yaʔ ʔacaʔ heʔ li hayi· balá· maʔyul ma·du·y the cat scratched the man many times with its claws and he became all bloody. (How bad was it ?) maʔal ṭa huʔú·mo ṭʼi· hayíhwaqoʔ like this, the face was all scratched up. ʔacacʼ em (yaʔ) kumiʔdaʔ qʰama wi hayiw e· mu ʔama· ʔimó hcemam the man always rubbed with his foot so that that ground is an open hole.

hayicʼ*   [hayíʔ]   Verb. 1 • ask permission. heʔénsʼibina ʔwa ṭa mu calel cohtocʰqam; calelʔtʰiné·mu hayí·cʼenʔba cohtocʼe·mu Why did he go away like that without asking? He didn't just go away, he asked first (for permission). hayí·cʼedu ask permission, can leave, can have candy. mahṭʰel hayí·cʼenʔba túlse maʔaw He asked his mother if he could eat candy. maʔa bímuci ʔti hayí·cʼedu he/she asked if he/she could eat. hayi·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural. hayí·cʼenʔwadu to ask several people (sg. subject). hayi··cʼiwaciwaʔmeʔ to ask several people (plural subject).

2 • to take leave, say goodbye, announce that you are leaving, tell where going. hayi·cʼi say goodbye. hayi·cʼedu to go tell someone where you're going.

3 • complain. ʔú·l ṭa mu tito ʔama· duhṭʰala·du hayí·cʼedu ʔem He's been complaining about his pains for a long time. hayi·cʼedu one to complain. hayi·cʼede·mu he is complaining. hayi·cʼedamṭamulmu he is complaining (used if someone asks "what's he doing?") hayi·cʼiwacʼe·mu they are complaining.

hayohma*   [hayohmaw]   Verb of Movement. several (separately) go.

hayohmacʼ*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -acʼ1. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go along (in one direction). synonyms: da·cʼqa*, wa·d*1, pʰila·cʼ*.

2 • several (separately) come toward here.

hayohmacʼic*   [hayóhmacʼiʔ]  hayohma*, -acʼic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go far, away to a distance. synonyms: da·cʼicʰqa*, wa·duc*, pʰila·cʼic*.

hayohmala*   [hayóhmalaw]  hayohma*, -ala. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go down. synonyms: da·lahqa*, wala*, pʰilala*.

hayohmala·mecʼ*   [hayóhmala·meʔ]  hayohma*, -alamecʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go down off of. synonyms: dala·mecʼqa*, wala·mecʼ*, pʰilala·mecʼ*.

hayohmaloq*   [hayóhmaloʔ]  hayohma*, -aloq. Verb of Movement. several (separately) come up to here. synonyms: da·lohqa*, woloq*, pʰiloloq*.

hayohmalo·qocʼ*   [hayóhmalo·qoʔ]  hayohma*, -aloqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) come up out of. synonyms: dalo·qocʼqa*, wolo·qocʼ*, pʰilolo·qocʼ*2.

hayohmaq*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -aq1. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go out from here, go away. synonyms: da·hqa*1, waq*, pʰilaq*.

2 • several (separately) go north or west from here.

hayohmaqac*   [hayóhmaqaʔ]  hayohma*, -aqac. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go up from here. synonyms: da·qacʰqa*, waqac*, pʰilaqac*2.

hayohmaqocʼ*   [hayóhmaqoʔ]  hayohma*, -aqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go out from here (without reference to cardinal direction). synonyms: da·qocʼqa*, woqocʼ*, pʰiloqocʼ*.

hayohmaqʷ*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -aqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) come out. synonyms: da·hqa*2, woq*, pʰiloq*.

2 • several (separately) come south or east to here, come from the north or west.

hayohwim*2   [hayóhwimʔ]  hayohma*, -m2. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go across or past. synonyms: ma*1, ʔdamqa*, pʰima*.

hayohwimac*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -mac. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go in from here. synonyms: mac*2, ʔdamacʰqa*, pʰimac*.

2 • several (separately) go south or east from here.

hayohwimacʼ*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -macʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not. synonyms: ma·d*, ʔdamacʼqa*, pʰima·cʼ*.

hayohwimaqʷ*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -maqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) come in here. synonyms: ma·qʷ*, ʔdamahqa*, pʰimaqʷ*.

2 • several (separately) come northward or westward to here, come from the south or east.

hayohwima·cʼic*   [hayóhwima·cʼiʔ]  hayohma*, -macʼic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) arrive at a place, go as far as a place, end journey, return home. synonyms: ma·duc*, ʔdama·cʼicʰqa*, pʰima·cʼic*.

hayohwima·qocʼ*   [hayóhwima·qoʔ]  hayohma*, -maqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go back a few steps. synonyms: ma·qocʼ*, ʔdama·qocʼqa*, pʰimaqocʼ*.

hayohwimul*   [hayóhwimulʔ]  hayohma*, -mul. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go around to the other side. synonyms: mul*, ʔdamulqa*, pʰimul*.

hayohwimu·licʼ*   [hayóhwimu·liʔ]  hayohma*, -mulicʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go around all the way. synonyms: mulicʼ*, ʔdamu·licʼqa*, pʰimulicʼ*.

hayom*   [hayómʔ]  hayohma*. Verb. several (separately) go here and there; wander. synonyms: da·cʼwacʼqa*, wa·nʔwad*, pʰilatʰmucʼ*.

hayohwim*1   [hayóhwimʔ]  , hayom*. Verb. walk. compare: qʰaya·m*.

hayomi·bic*   [hayomí·biʔ]  hayohma*, -ibic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) leave, go away, start to go. synonyms: cohtoc*, da·bicʰqa*, pʰilebic*.

hayohmacʼ*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -acʼ1. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go along (in one direction). synonyms: da·cʼqa*, wa·d*1, pʰila·cʼ*.

2 • several (separately) come toward here.

hayohmacʼic*   [hayóhmacʼiʔ]  hayohma*, -acʼic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go far, away to a distance. synonyms: da·cʼicʰqa*, wa·duc*, pʰila·cʼic*.

hayohmala*   [hayóhmalaw]  hayohma*, -ala. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go down. synonyms: da·lahqa*, wala*, pʰilala*.

hayohmala·mecʼ*   [hayóhmala·meʔ]  hayohma*, -alamecʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go down off of. synonyms: dala·mecʼqa*, wala·mecʼ*, pʰilala·mecʼ*.

hayohmaloq*   [hayóhmaloʔ]  hayohma*, -aloq. Verb of Movement. several (separately) come up to here. synonyms: da·lohqa*, woloq*, pʰiloloq*.

hayohmalo·qocʼ*   [hayóhmalo·qoʔ]  hayohma*, -aloqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) come up out of. synonyms: dalo·qocʼqa*, wolo·qocʼ*, pʰilolo·qocʼ*2.

hayohmaq*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -aq1. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go out from here, go away. synonyms: da·hqa*1, waq*, pʰilaq*.

2 • several (separately) go north or west from here.

hayohmaqac*   [hayóhmaqaʔ]  hayohma*, -aqac. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go up from here. synonyms: da·qacʰqa*, waqac*, pʰilaqac*2.

hayohmaqocʼ*   [hayóhmaqoʔ]  hayohma*, -aqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go out from here (without reference to cardinal direction). synonyms: da·qocʼqa*, woqocʼ*, pʰiloqocʼ*.

hayohmaqʷ*   [hayóhmaʔ]  hayohma*, -aqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) come out. synonyms: da·hqa*2, woq*, pʰiloq*.

2 • several (separately) come south or east to here, come from the north or west.

hayohwim*1   [hayóhwimʔ]  , hayom*. Verb. walk. compare: qʰaya·m*.

hayohwim*2   [hayóhwimʔ]  hayohma*, -m2. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go across or past. synonyms: ma*1, ʔdamqa*, pʰima*.

hayohwimac*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -mac. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) go in from here. synonyms: mac*2, ʔdamacʰqa*, pʰimac*.

2 • several (separately) go south or east from here.

hayohwimacʼ*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -macʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go within an enclosed place (house, pasture); at a place identified in the context, enclosed or not. synonyms: ma·d*, ʔdamacʼqa*, pʰima·cʼ*.

hayohwimaqʷ*   [hayóhwimaʔ]  hayohma*, -maqʷ. Verb of Movement. 1 • several (separately) come in here. synonyms: ma·qʷ*, ʔdamahqa*, pʰimaqʷ*.

2 • several (separately) come northward or westward to here, come from the south or east.

hayohwima·cʼic*   [hayóhwima·cʼiʔ]  hayohma*, -macʼic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) arrive at a place, go as far as a place, end journey, return home. synonyms: ma·duc*, ʔdama·cʼicʰqa*, pʰima·cʼic*.

hayohwima·qocʼ*   [hayóhwima·qoʔ]  hayohma*, -maqocʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go back a few steps. synonyms: ma·qocʼ*, ʔdama·qocʼqa*, pʰimaqocʼ*.

hayohwimul*   [hayóhwimulʔ]  hayohma*, -mul. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go around to the other side. synonyms: mul*, ʔdamulqa*, pʰimul*.

hayohwimu·licʼ*   [hayóhwimu·liʔ]  hayohma*, -mulicʼ. Verb of Movement. several (separately) go around all the way. synonyms: mulicʼ*, ʔdamu·licʼqa*, pʰimulicʼ*.

hayom*   [hayómʔ]  hayohma*. Verb. several (separately) go here and there; wander. synonyms: da·cʼwacʼqa*, wa·nʔwad*, pʰilatʰmucʼ*.

hayohwim*1   [hayóhwimʔ]  , hayom*. Verb. walk. compare: qʰaya·m*.

hayomi·bic*   [hayomí·biʔ]  hayohma*, -ibic. Verb of Movement. several (separately) leave, go away, start to go. synonyms: cohtoc*, da·bicʰqa*, pʰilebic*.

hayot*   [hayoʔ]  ha-, yot*2. Verb. pile up with feet; push into a pile with the feet. qʰama wí mul ṭʼi· haʔyoʔyopʰi cʼal hayótʰci with your foot scrape all that (gravel) and pile it together! hayotʰmaw D: Essive. qʰama wi mul ʔaṭʰa· hayotʰci with foot, pile up that gravel!

hayu   [hayu]   Noun. dog.

hayu dubelʔ   [hayu dúbelʔ]  hayu, dube·l*. Noun. mad dog, dog with rabies.

hayu kalku   [hayu kálku]  hayu, kalku. Noun. greyhound.

hayu qʰale   [hayu qʰale]  Lit: dog tree hayu, qʰale1. Noun. Mountain dogwood. Cornus Nuttalii (Dogwood Family).

šima tʼile hayu   [šima tʼíle hayu]  šima, tʼile, hayu. Variant: hayu šima tʼule. Noun. hound dog (with flopped down ears).

hayu dubelʔ   [hayu dúbelʔ]  hayu, dube·l*. Noun. mad dog, dog with rabies.

hayu kalku   [hayu kálku]  hayu, kalku. Noun. greyhound.

hayu qʰale   [hayu qʰale]  Lit: dog tree hayu, qʰale1. Noun. Mountain dogwood. Cornus Nuttalii (Dogwood Family).

hayu šima tʼule   [hayu šíma tʼule]  šima tʼile hayu.

hayu·ša   [hayú·ša]   Interjection. Uncle Will Sheard said this, meaning unk.

hayʔko   [háyʔko]   Noun. wigglers, mosquito larvae. compare: ko·tayʔ, kotolo.

hayʔqoto·lo   [háyʔqoto·lo]  . Noun. lizard specied (green, about 6 in. long); perhaps alligator lizard (Elgaria sp.) or western racer.

haʔa   [haʔa]   Noun. horns, antlers.

qʼasi·si haʔa   [qʼasí·si háʔa]  qʼasi·si, haʔa. Noun. elk horn. qʼasí·si háʔa cúhšuw powdered elkhorn.

haʔa cuhṭʰe   [haʔa cúhṭʰe]  Lit: flared horn cuhṭʰe. Noun. bugle.

haʔal   [haʔal]  haʔu, haʔu. Pronoun. that, those. compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, maʔbeṭi, mul2.

haʔamʔ   [haʔamʔ]   Noun. soaproot. Chlorogalum pomeridianum (Lily Family). synonyms: bacʼo· wihlamʔ; compare: wihlamʔ, ʔamo·le.

haʔbehaʔbe*   [haʔbehaʔbew]  ha-, ʔbe*3. Reduplicating Verb. kick along where can't see what might be encountered. haʔbehabe·du D: Durative.

haʔbeṭi   [haʔbeṭi]   Adverb. in that type place, in that certain place, there but not now, in a place moderately distant from the speaker where an object under discussion might have been in the past, or might be in the future, but is not at the time of speaking. haʔbeṭil to, at, on, in that type place, etc. haʔbeṭíl hqʰaʔ (in KT /haʔbeṭilhqʰaʔ/) towards that kind of place, etc. haʔbeṭíl tow from that type place, etc. haʔbeṭi ʔacaʔ cʰoyʔtaʔ baṭitaʔdom they say dead people were lying around in a place like that. Said while pointing to a place similar to the place where the bodies were, or while pointing to the battlefield where the bodies used to be but are no longer; /haʔdi/ would be used if the bodies were still visible. haʔbeṭí hla· waʔ he went as far as it is to there. compare: haʔbi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, haʔbi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi.

haʔbi   [haʔbi]   Adverb. there, relatively far from the speaker but visible. haʔbil on there, on that, thereon. haʔbíl banema put it on that! haʔbíl ʔbakʰe some of that, part of that, belonging there, for there, for that one, thereof, originating there, therefrom. haʔbílhqʰaʔ towards there, towards that one, thereto. haʔbiluw in there, in that (container), therein; with that (instrument), therewith. haʔbí·tow from there, from that one, therefrom; on that side. haʔbiqʰáma·tow after that, thereafter. compare: haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi.

haʔbo   [haʔbo]  ʔbo*5, ʔbo*6, ʔahay. Noun. 1 • external part of mouth, protrusion of the mouth. haʔbo wi with the mouth (never inside). compare: ha·c*, ʔaha, ha·c*, ha·c*, ʔaha.

2 • snout (of animals); beak, bill (of birds). sʼihta háʔbo bill, beak, mouth of bird.

haʔbo ʔtʼot   [haʔbo ʔtʼoʔ]  haʔbo, ʔtʼot*. Verb. kiss. haʔbo ʔtʼoʔ kissed. hayu ʔem kuška haʔbo ʔtʼoy the dog kissed the cat (and I just saw it). kuška ʔel haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the cat! miʔkʰe hiʔbaya haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your man! miʔkʰe ʔima·ta haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your woman! mihṭʰel qapʼa haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your mother's cheek. naṭa yya haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the children. naṭa yya haʔbo ʔtoti is going to kiss the children. naṭa yya baṭʰe·yi haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the child many times!

haʔbo ʔtʼot   [haʔbo ʔtʼoʔ]  haʔbo, ʔtʼot*. Verb. kiss. haʔbo ʔtʼoʔ kissed. hayu ʔem kuška haʔbo ʔtʼoy the dog kissed the cat (and I just saw it). kuška ʔel haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the cat! miʔkʰe hiʔbaya haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your man! miʔkʰe ʔima·ta haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your woman! mihṭʰel qapʼa haʔbo ʔtoci kiss your mother's cheek. naṭa yya haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the children. naṭa yya haʔbo ʔtoti is going to kiss the children. naṭa yya baṭʰe·yi haʔbo ʔtoci kiss the child many times!

haʔbolh*   [haʔbolʔ]  ha-, ʔbolh*1. Verb. knock over by thrown stick. haʔbolí·biʔ throw stick at and open and spill.

haʔbuhaʔbu*1   [haʔbuháʔbuw]  ha-, ʔbu*4. Variant: haʔbuhaʔbut*. Reduplicating Verb. repeated leg motion revealed through a partition. For example, a mouse moving around under a rug. haʔbuhábuʔ swinging legs under table. haʔbuhaʔbu·du be swinging legs under the table.

haʔbuhaʔbu*2   [haʔbuhaʔbuw]  ha-, ʔbu*5. Variant: haʔbuhaʔbut*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly feel for something unseen with legs. cʼe·lícʼba tubicʼkʰe tʰin, šahku haʔbuhábu·cʼin miṭiw having fallen unable to get up, he lay kicking his legs trying to make contact (to get up).

haʔbuhaʔbut*1   [haʔbuhaʔbuʔ]  haʔbuhaʔbu*1. Verb. repeated leg motion revealed through a partition. For example, a mouse moving around under a rug.

haʔbuhaʔbut*2   [haʔbuhaʔbuʔ]  haʔbuhaʔbu*2.

haʔcanh*   [haʔcanʔ]  ha-, ʔcʼanh*. Verb. stuck. haʔcanhci stuck.

haʔcʰu*   [haʔcʰuw]  ha-, ʔcʰu*. Verb. ??

haʔcʼa   [haʔcʼaw]   Verb. (try to) get up? ku·yi haʔcʼa stuck.

haʔcʼahaʔcʼa*   [haʔcʼahaʔcʼaw]  haʔcʼa. Reduplicating Verb. try to get up after falling.

haʔcʼa*1   [haʔcʼáw]  ha-, ʔcʼa*2. Verb. thrwo (axe) to stick it into (a log).

haʔcʼa*2   [-]  ha-, ʔcʼa*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. with leg, foot, or kicking, squeeze something into a hole tight.

haʔcʼaʔcʼa   [haʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  haʔcʼa*2. Reduplicating Verb. with leg, foot, or kicking, squeeze something into a hole tight.

haʔcʼahaʔcʼa*   [haʔcʼahaʔcʼaw]  haʔcʼa. Reduplicating Verb. try to get up after falling.

haʔcʼamh*   [haʔcʼámʔ]  ha-, ʔcʼamh*. Verb. throw and make project straight, stiff. qahca mul ʔahcahó·to· haʔtʼepʰi haʔcʼámhci throw that knife against the wall and make it stick out straight.

haʔcʼaʔcʼa   [haʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  haʔcʼa*2. Reduplicating Verb. with leg, foot, or kicking, squeeze something into a hole tight.

haʔcʼo*   [-]  ha-, ʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. kick edges off.

haʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [haʔcʼoʔcʼow]  haʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. kick edges off.

haʔcʼolh*1   [haʔcʼolʔ]  ha-, ʔcʼolh*2. Verb. throw hard. ʔama bahcil haʔcʼólhciw to throw something a long way hard enough to make a mark. cumatʰma· tiʔkʰe haʔdi háʔcʼolhciy he threw his chair so hard it made a mark.

haʔcʼolh*2   [haʔcʼólʔ]  ha-, ʔcʼolh*1. Variant: hacʼohli*. Verb. kick a hole in; throw something to make a hole in something else. haʔcʼolhma D: Imperative. haʔcʼoli slam it on the ground! haʔcʼolá·qa kick a hole in (the bucket)!

haʔcʼon*   [haʔcʼonʔ]  ha-, ʔcʼon*. Variant: hacʼonta*. Verb. detach by kicking; kick off. haʔc'oni mulʔ kick that off! (leg off stool). hacʼonta mu·liʔ @. synonyms: hahlud*, mihlud*, hahlud*.

haʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [haʔcʼoʔcʼow]  haʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. kick edges off.

haʔda   [haʔda]   Noun. 1 • sun. haʔda cálohwiy the sun is rising. haʔda cí·cʼi Turn into a sun! Become a sun!

2 • clock.

do·la· haʔda   [do·lá· haʔda]  do·la*, haʔda. Variant: haʔda dó·law. Noun. wristwatch. compare: haʔda qawi, wo·lsa haʔda.

haʔda caloʔ   [haʔda cáloʔ]  Lit: sun flies up here haʔda, caloq*. Noun. sunrise. synonyms: hca*2.

haʔda ca·law   [haʔda cá·law]  Lit: sun flies down haʔda, ca·la*2. Noun. sunset.

haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ   [haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ]  haʔda ca·law, qʰa·mosʼ. Noun. sunset star. synonyms: duweʔli qʰa·mosʼ.

haʔda cuhti   [haʔda cúhti]  haʔda, cuhti. Noun. sun design.

haʔda qawi   [haʔda qáwi]  qawi, haʔda. Noun. watch. compare: wo·lsa haʔda, do·la· haʔda.

wo·lsa haʔda   [wó·lsa haʔda]  wo·lsa, haʔda. Noun. pocket watch (just created for Shirley). compare: haʔda qawi, do·la· haʔda.

haʔda caloʔ   [haʔda cáloʔ]  Lit: sun flies up here haʔda, caloq*. Noun. sunrise. synonyms: hca*2.

haʔda ca·law   [haʔda cá·law]  Lit: sun flies down haʔda, ca·la*2. Noun. sunset.

haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ   [haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ]  haʔda ca·law, qʰa·mosʼ. Noun. sunset star. synonyms: duweʔli qʰa·mosʼ.

haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ   [haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ]  haʔda ca·law, qʰa·mosʼ. Noun. sunset star. synonyms: duweʔli qʰa·mosʼ.

haʔda cuhti   [haʔda cúhti]  haʔda, cuhti. Noun. sun design.

haʔda dó·law   [haʔda dó·law]  , do·la· haʔda.

haʔda qawi   [haʔda qáwi]  qawi, haʔda. Noun. watch. compare: wo·lsa haʔda, do·la· haʔda.

haʔdahmucʼ*   [haʔdáhmuʔ]  haʔdi*3, -ahmucʼ. Verb. 1 • swap, trade (one or several things), exchange, change, take turns. haʔdahmucʼa·cʼacʼin to pʰeʔ taking turns, (they) packed me on their backs. haʔdahmucʼkʰetʰin it can’t be changed. haʔdahmucʼi D: Imperative.

2 • change into (something different).

cahno haʔdahmucʼ   [cahno háʔdahmuʔ]  cahno1, haʔdahmucʼ*. Verb. change one’s mind.

haʔdas   [haʔdas]   Adjective. barren, sterile. haʔdas(é·mu) barren, sterile. hayu haʔdas sterile dog. hiʔbayá haʔdas sterile man. ʔima·ta háʔdas sterile woman. haʔdás ʔacaʔ barren person. Example Variant: ʔacaʔ haʔdas. haʔdás ʔacacʼel cadela I saw the barren person. Example Variant: ʔacaʔ háʔdas (el) cadela. haʔdas él ma·dal cadela I saw the woman who is without children.

haʔdasʔi   [haʔdásʔi]  haʔdas. Variant: haʔdasi. Adjective. be barren, sterile.

haʔdasi   [haʔdasi]  haʔdasʔi.

haʔdasʔi   [haʔdásʔi]  haʔdas. Variant: haʔdasi. Adjective. be barren, sterile.

haʔdaw   [haʔdaw]  ʔaha, ʔda*2. 1 • Noun. hunger, thirst.

2 • Adjective. deprived of food or water, hungry, thirsty. ʔahqʰa haʔdaw very thirsty. háʔda· ci·cʼi Starve yourself! Become hungry! háʔdaw e· ʔa I am hungry. (can’t use /to/ without using /cicʼ-/ or /šulamwiye·to./). háʔdaw ʔtʰin e· mu he is not hungry. maʔa háʔda· ʔi stay starved! ʔacaʔ (maʔa) haʔdaw hungry person. ʔima·ta háʔdaw hungry or thirsty woman.

haʔdaw hcʰoc*   [haʔdaw hcʰoʔ]  haʔdaw, hcʰo*2. Noun. famine. haʔdáw hcʰoʔ famine. haʔdaw hcʰoyí·cʼi die of starvation!

ʔahqʰa haʔdaw   [ʔahqʰa háʔdaw]  ʔahqʰa, haʔdaw. Adjective. very thirsty, water-starved. synonyms: ʔahqʰa cʰow.

haʔdaw hcʰoc*   [haʔdaw hcʰoʔ]  haʔdaw, hcʰo*2. Noun. famine. haʔdáw hcʰoʔ famine. haʔdaw hcʰoyí·cʼi die of starvation!

haʔdi   [haʔdi]   Variant: haʔdi·. Adverb. there. compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔbi, hiʔdi, huʔu, haʔbeṭi, haʔbi, haʔu, hiʔbi.

haʔdi*1   [haʔdiw]  ha-, ʔdi*1. Variant: hahsa*. Verb. move or hold one thing with a swinging motion. cʼiya· háʔdimʔ a red-tailed hawk is hovering, in one place above the ground. haʔdima·law dive (of bird). Example Variant: hada·law. haʔdimá·qaʔ up with wings. Example Variant: hada·qaʔ.

haʔdic*1   [haʔdiʔ]  haʔdi*1. Verb. hockey term to pick up ball with hockey stick. pʰiʔkʼo háʔdimʔ he kicked (or batted) a ball across.

haʔdi*2   [haʔdiw]  ha-, ʔdi*2. Verb. ??

haʔdi*3   [haʔdiw]   Variant: hadit*. Verb. borrow, rent. haʔdiw to borrow. haʔdiw one or several to borrow or rent one thing. hadiʔ one to borrow or rent several things. haditaʔ several to borrow or rent several things. miʔkʰe kʼaṭa háʔdi· da·we· to I want to borrow your clothes. haʔdimuʔ to borrow. haʔdicí·du D: Durative. haditá·du D: Plural object. haʔdimeʔ D: Plural Subject Imperative. haditacʼmeʔ D: Plural Subject Plural Object Imperative.

haʔdahmucʼ*   [haʔdáhmuʔ]  haʔdi*3, -ahmucʼ. Verb. 1 • swap, trade (one or several things), exchange, change, take turns. haʔdahmucʼa·cʼacʼin to pʰeʔ taking turns, (they) packed me on their backs. haʔdahmucʼkʰetʰin it can’t be changed. haʔdahmucʼi D: Imperative.

2 • change into (something different).

cahno haʔdahmucʼ   [cahno háʔdahmuʔ]  cahno1, haʔdahmucʼ*. Verb. change one’s mind.

haʔdihqa*   [haʔdihqaw]  haʔdi*3. Verb. lend, borrow. miʔkʰe kʼaṭa haʔdíhqawe to ʔ lend me your clothes ! má·kina haʔdihqamuʔte· ya we will borrow each other’s cars.

haʔdic*1   [haʔdiʔ]  haʔdi*1. Verb. hockey term to pick up ball with hockey stick. pʰiʔkʼo háʔdimʔ he kicked (or batted) a ball across.

haʔdic*2   [haʔdiʔ]   Noun. handle. haʔdiʔ handle (abs. of verb) (= /ʔaše·/). haʔdícʰqa put the handle on! haʔdi cá·tanʔqa several handles on!

haʔdicʰqa*   [haʔdicʰqaw]  . Verb. tie up.

haʔdihqa*   [haʔdihqaw]  haʔdi*3. Verb. lend, borrow. miʔkʰe kʼaṭa haʔdíhqawe to ʔ lend me your clothes ! má·kina haʔdihqamuʔte· ya we will borrow each other’s cars.

haʔdiʔdi1   [haʔdíʔdi]   Adjective. various. antonym: kuʔmeṭ.

haʔdiʔdi2   [haʔdiʔdi]   Adverb. several different, various. haʔdiʔdi ma· different places. haʔdíʔdi ma· ṭʼo mahsiʔ dahyoli mu·kito ʔ rub charcoal on him in several places!

haʔdi·   [haʔdi·]  haʔdi.

haʔkʰoš*   [haʔkʰoš]  ha-, ʔkʰoš*1. Verb. swing leg back to bend at knee.

haʔkʼa*   [haʔkʼaw]  ha-, ʔkʼa*1. Verb. crack by kicking.

haʔkʼayʔci*   [haʔkʼayʔciw]  ha-, ʔkʼayʔ*. Verb. kick something in between two objects.

haʔkʼo*   [haʔkʼow]  ha-, ʔkʼo*2. Variant: hakʼot*. Verb. 1 • kick backwards against (like a horse). to háʔkʼow (Horse) kicked me. hakʼoʔ kicked several times.

2 • be hit with a thrown long object (stick). ʔahá· li haʔkʼoyé· mul he hit that with a thrown stick. Example Variant: ʔahá· li haʔkʼoyé· mul mu·kinʔ | ʔahá· li haʔkʼóhqaye· mul mu·kinʔ. ʔahá· li haʔkʼow hit with a swinging stick (stick on a string, holding the string).

haʔkʼoʔkʼoc*   [haʔkʼóʔkʼoʔ]  ha-, ʔkʼo*1. Reduplicating Verb. (horse) paw away (at the ground) creating a shallow depression.

haʔkʼu*   [haʔkʼúw]  ha-, ʔkʼu*. Variant: hakʼut*. Verb. finish pulling up grass (a swinging motion). qʼaʔdi ṭʼi háʔkʼu finish pulling the grass! qaʔdi mul haʔkʼuw he pulled up all that grass.

haʔloʔlo*   [haʔloʔlow]  ha-, ʔlo*2. Reduplicating Verb. tangle by kicking; tangle in legs. haʔloʔloʔ to tangle by swinging foot.

haʔlu*   [haʔluw]  ha-, ʔlu*1. Variant: haʔluhalut*. Verb. wrap (package). haluwaʔ something thrown over to cover. cahto šáhmaʔli haluwáʔ miṭiw the bed is lying covered with bedding. haʔlu D: Imperative. haʔluháluta·du D: Durative. haʔluʔluw to be wrapped several times around. haʔluwá·dadu D: Durative. haʔlucí·du D: Durative ("inf" ?)

haʔluw   [haʔluw]  haʔlu*. 1 • Noun. big package. compare: pʰaʔluw.

2 • Adjective. wrapped up.

haʔluhalut*   [haʔluháluʔ]  haʔlu*, -t2.

haʔluw   [haʔluw]  haʔlu*. 1 • Noun. big package. compare: pʰaʔluw.

2 • Adjective. wrapped up.

haʔne·cicʼ*   [haʔne·ciʔ]  ha-, ʔne·cicʼ*. Verb. used to and good at kicking ball, as a football player.

haʔpʼanh*   [haʔpʼanʔ]  ha-, ʔpʼanh*. Variant: hapʼanta*. Verb. kick closed. hóhwa ʔel (šahku wi) haʔpʼani kick the door closed (with the foot).

haʔpʼohapʼota·d*   [haʔpʼohapʼota·du]  haʔpʼoʔpʼoc*.

haʔpʼoʔpʼoc*   [haʔpʼóʔpʼoʔ]  ha-, ʔpʼo*. Variant: haʔpʼohapʼota·d*. Reduplicating Verb. empty out by hitting, tapping, knocking. wihṭʰa méʔpʰi haʔpʼóʔpʼocʰmela cuhni· sʼiti I knocked out the last of the flour to make bread.

haʔqʼahaqʼa·cʼ*   [haʔqʼaháqʼaʔ]  ha-, ʔqʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. kick the feet around to get purchase on something in order to get up (from lying position). haʔqʼajaʼa·cʼin miṭiw kicking around to get feet on something to get up.

haʔqʼala·tad*   [haʔqʼalá·tadu]  haʔqʼalh*.

haʔqʼalh*   [haʔqʼalʔ]  ha-, ʔqʼalh*. Variant: haʔqʼala·tad*. Verb. insert one's foot into something by swinging it or kicking. haʔqʼalhciw kick foot into something.

haʔsʼahaʔsʼa*   [haʔsʼaháʔsʼaw]  ha-, ʔsʼa*2. Reduplicating Verb. keep rhythm; rhythm (of movement). haʔsʼaháʔsʼa· mane dance with (the) rhythm. haʔsʼaháʔsʼammeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

haʔsʼaṭ*   [haʔsʼaʔ]  ha-, ʔsʼaṭ*1. Verb. slam down (on the ground). ʔama háʔsʼayʔṭaw slam on ground (one several times or several)!; Example Variant: háʔsʼaṭi. ʔama háʔsʼaṭʰmeʔ (to several) Slam (one) on ground! ʔama hásayʔṭa slam several on ground!

haʔsʼil*   [haʔsʼilʔ]  ha-, ʔsʼil*. Verb. splash liquid; throw water. haʔsʼilayʔ to throw water. ʔahqʰa haʔsʼilá·law slinging down water, putting hand in. haʔsila·duʔ D: Directional "far". haʔsila·law D: Directional "down". haʔsili·biʔ D: Directional "up". ʔahqʰa haʔsʼilá·latʰu miluw ʔ don’t splash water down in there!

haʔsʼiy*   [haʔsʼiyʔ]  ha-, sʼiy*2. Verb. fold with body. synonyms: maʔsʼiy*.

haʔsʼo*   [haʔsʼow]  ha-, ʔsʼo*2. Verb. crumple with a swinging notion. taqʰma háʔsʼo straight unflared dress (but may be gathered at the waist).

haʔsʼonh*   [haʔsʼonʔ]  ha-, ʔsʼonh*. Verb. dent by throwing (something) or kicking. háʔsʼónhciw one to throw or kick and make dent. hasʼóhnacʼiʔ several to throw or kick and make dent. hasʼóhnaduʔ D: Durative or Plural Action.

haʔsʼoq*   [haʔsʼóʔ]  ha-, ʔsʼoq*. Variant: hasʼotʰqo*. Verb. knead (dough). cuhni· qáhšo haʔsʼoqo knead the dough! hasʼotʰqow several to knead (dough).

haʔsʼoʔsʼo*   [haʔsʼoʔsʼow]  ha-, ʔsʼo*3. Verb. repeatedly dent by kicking. haʔsʼóʔsʼoci kick around and dent!

haʔsʼulh*   [haʔsʼulʔ]  ha-, ʔsʼulh*2. Verb. press down with a swinging motion. qʰale ʔíša· haʔsʼulhmaw tree limb hanging down straight (can be leaves on it; not nec. bare). hasʼúhlimʔ D: Plural, Essive, Absolutive. ciba· tʰin qʰale ʔíša· ṭʼi· píhkelʔbi hasʼu·líʔ cohtoyicʰqaqʰ somebody must have cut all the tree limbs off; it’s just standing bare (smooth, straight and limbless). haʔsʼulhmaw D: Essive, Absolutive. compare: hasʼul*.

ha·sʼulʔsʼu   [há·sʼulʔsʼu]  haʔsʼulh*. Variant: ha·sʼulsʼu. Ideophone Adjective. limbless (of pole). šasʼu· há·sʼulsʼu pole without branches, like telephone pole. Example Variant: šasʼu· há·sʼulʔsʼu.

haʔtʰi   [haʔtʰi]   Animate Mimetic. sound of sneeze, "achoo". compare: haʔtʰi*.

haʔtʰi*   [haʔtʰiw]  ha-, ʔtʰi*, ha-, ʔtʰi*. Verb. be sneezing. haʔtʰi·maw several sneezing. haʔtʰiye·mul he sneezed once. haʔtʰiwá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwé· mu·kito he is sneezing. Example Variant: haʔtʰiwé· mu·kinʔ.. qʰoʔi· haʔtʰiy both sneezed. haʔtʰibaʔe·mu he is sneezing. haʔtʰi D: Imperative. haʔtʰicí·du D: Durative. haʔtʰiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔtʰiwa·tacʼ D: Plural Act. compare: haʔtʰi.

haʔtʼa*1   [haʔtʼaw]  ha-, ʔtʼa*5. Variant: hatʼac*. Verb. feel, detect with feet. qʰama hátʼa·cʼe· to I feel my foot with my (other) foot while not looking at them.

haʔtʼa*2   [haʔtʼaw]  ha-, ʔtʼa*7. Cooccurrence: only with /mucʼ/, reciprocal, and /hqa/, causative.. Variant: hatʼac*. Verb. 1 • be enough. haʔtʼamúʔ tʰin there’s not enough for all. (ncf). haʔtʼatʰuʔ don’t be enough! haʔtʼa enough be given!

2 • share. haʔtʼamuʔ everybody to get share. haʔtʼáhqawʔ tʰin you don’t share. haʔtʼáhqaw to share. maʔa báṭʰe· ʔeti to ṭʼo míl ʔbakʰe haʔtʼáhqatʰ even though there’s a lot of food, he wouldn’t share any with me.

haʔtʼe*   [haʔtʼew]  ha-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. one to throw something (like mud) so it sticks. hatʼeʔ several to throw mud so it sticks.

haʔtʼemh*   [haʔtʼemʔ]  ha-, ʔtʼemh*. Verb. cover by throwing something over (with a swingin motion). haʔtʼémhciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. kayi·na mul haʔtʼémhci catch that chicken (with net on stick). kayi·na mul haʔtʼema catch that chicken! Example Comment: same meaning but you could keep it netted for longer time or while dragging it around. haʔtʼema cover something by throwing something over!

haʔtʼemʔ   [haʔtʼemʔ]  haʔtʼemh*, ʔtʼem*1. Noun. an underground drum that was danced on; any drum. haʔtʼemé· mu D: Absolutive.

haʔtʼemʔ   [haʔtʼemʔ]  haʔtʼemh*, ʔtʼem*1. Noun. an underground drum that was danced on; any drum. haʔtʼemé· mu D: Absolutive.

haʔtʼut   [haʔtʼuʔ]  haʔtʼut*. Noun. elongated, boat-shaped basket. compare: baʔsʼuy, baʔtʼut.

haʔtʼut*   [haʔtʼuʔ]  ha-, ʔtʼut*2. Verb. be long narrow space inside, sides close together. kahó·n haʔtʼutʼé· maʔu this box is long and narrow. cʰiṭu· háʔtʼuʔ canoe basket. haʔtʼuti (to platter) Get long and narrow! haʔtʼuta·du D: Durative. compare: cuʔtʼut*.

ca·sak haʔtʼuʔ   [cá·sak háʔtʼuʔ]  haʔtʼut*. Noun. platter.

haʔtʼut   [haʔtʼuʔ]  haʔtʼut*. Noun. elongated, boat-shaped basket. compare: baʔsʼuy, baʔtʼut.

haʔṭiʔṭi*   [haʔṭiʔṭiw]  ha-, ʔṭiʔṭi*. Verb. gather surface into smaller piece with kicking. haʔṭíʔṭiʔ to kick rug so it rolls up or crumples into a small bundle; haʔṭíʔṭici kick once or a few times.

haʔṭu*   [haʔṭuw]  ha-, ʔṭu*. Verb. lay legs lengthwise on an edge.

haʔṭʰo   [haʔṭʰo]   Noun. breath vapor.

musa·la haʔṭʰo   [musa·la haʔṭʰo]  musa·la, haʔṭʰo. Noun. "snake's breath" fog: another name for rolling fog.

haʔṭʼaqʼat*1   [haʔṭʼaqʼaʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*, ha-, ʔṭʼaqʼa·t*. Variant: haʔṭʼaqʼat*. Verb. take off. haʔṭʼaqʼatʰciʔ to take off real fast, because want to.

haʔṭʼaqʼat*2   [haʔṭʼaqʼaʔ]  haʔṭʼaqʼat*1.

haʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*   [haʔṭʼaʔṭʼaw]  ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*, ha-, ʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*. Verb. flop around. ʔahša haʔṭʼaháʔṭʼaw the fish (out of water) flopped around; fish flopping (not nec. making a noise).

haʔṭʼe*   [haʔṭʼew]  ha-, ʔṭʼe*2. Variant: haṭʼet*. Verb. throw something long and hit something; make mark of several long things; one to throw long object so that it hits but doesn’t mark. haṭʼeʔ D: Semelfactive. haṭʼetʼba hakʼiw several to throw a stick so it bleeds. haʔṭʼe D: Imperative. haṭʼeti D: Imperative, Plural. haʔṭʼecí·du D: Durative. haṭʼetá·du D: Durative. ʔahá· li ʔa mito haʔṭʼéʔkʰeʔ I am going to hit you with a thrown stick. ʔahá· li haṭʼeti throw stick at someone. compare: šacʼo*, haṭʼel*, bane*1.

haʔṭʼelh*   [haʔṭʼelʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. kick down grass. haʔṭʼelhmaw D: Absolutive. synonyms: maʔṭʼelh*.

haʔṭʼes*   [haʔṭʼes]  ha-, ʔṭʼes*. Verb. crack (sound), with a swinging motion, i.e., hitting with a stick. ʔahá· li to qaʔbasahya haʔṭʼésciw he cracked me in the jaw with a stick.

haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼiw]  Variant: haʔṭʼihaṭʼi*. haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. twist together.

haʔṭʼiṭ*   [haʔṭʼiʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼiṭ*. Verb. twist several things together, tangle, cross. kʼaṭa haʔṭʼiṭi twist the cloth bunch (not just one piece)! kʼaṭa háti·ti twist one piece of cloth. hahse haʔal haʔṭʼiṭi twist bunch of brush and twist it together! Example Variant: hahse haʔal maʔṭʼiṭi. haʔṭʼiṭiʔ to cross the arms. ʔiša· háʔṭʼiṭaʔ to cross your arms (out from chest). haʔṭʼiṭá·qa cross your arms (sg.)! haʔṭʼiṭáhmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. haʔṭʼiṭá·taqadu D: Durative, Causative. synonyms: šane*, bine*, bicʰa·*, bicʰa·*.

haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼihaʔṭʼiw]  Variant: haʔṭʼihaṭʼi*. haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. twist together.

haʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. wrap around tight, tighten. musa·la yáʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰwiye· to the snake wrapped around me tight. haṭʼi·háṭʼihqacʼbina qʰaboʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰmucʼqʰ the snakes have wrapped around each other.

haʔṭʼiʔṭʼi*   [haʔṭʼiʔṭʼiw]  haʔṭʼiṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. wrap around tight, tighten. musa·la yáʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰwiye· to the snake wrapped around me tight. haṭʼi·háṭʼihqacʼbina qʰaboʔ haʔṭʼíʔṭʼicʰmucʼqʰ the snakes have wrapped around each other.

haʔṭʼohaṭʼo   [haʔṭʼohaṭʼow]   Verb. run around with the opposite sex.

haʔṭʼohaṭʼo*   [haʔṭʼohaṭʼow]  ha-, ʔṭʼo*. Instr Verb Stem. run around with opposite sex. haʔṭʼohaṭʼonʔwadu running around (with opposite sex). haʔṭʼó·lekinʔ one who does this. Example Variant: haʔṭʼó·lemen.

haʔṭʼo·lemenʔ   [haʔṭʼó·lemenʔ]   Noun. woman that runs around with men.

haʔṭʼubut*   [haʔṭʼubuʔ]  ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1, ha-, ʔṭʼubut*1. Verb. throw iron rod (in water) and it sinks in. ʔahqʰa wi maʔṭʼubútʰwiye· to my foot sank under the water. maʔṭʼubú·ti D: Intentive. maṭʼubutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. maṭʼubú·ti one person several times (or once). maṭʼubútawa·duwa·du D: Durative. ʔila maʔyul miʔṭʼubutʰqʰ only the nose has sunk in. (or toe).

haʔṭʼuṭʰu*   [haʔṭʼuṭʰuw]  ha-, ʔṭʼuṭʰu*. Verb. squeeze with the body. haʔṭʼuṭʰú·yiʔ to squeeze legs together. baqʼotʰin nahmmó yo· dute·tíʔcʰi hiʔṭʼuṭʰú·yicʼi put something in your armpit and squeeze it. (under your arm). Example Variant: ...ʔiša·₂ yó·₃....

haʔu   [haʔu]   Pronoun. that, those (visible) (subject). compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, haʔbeṭi, haʔbi, haʔdi, hiʔbi, mul2, mu·.

haʔal   [haʔal]  haʔu, haʔu. Pronoun. that, those. compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, maʔbeṭi, mul2.

haʔal   [haʔal]  haʔu, haʔu. Pronoun. that, those. compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, maʔbeṭi, mul2.

haʔwiʔwi*   [haʔwíʔwiw]  ha-, ʔwi*. Verb. nudge. haʔwíʔwiʔ D: Absolutive. hiʔwiʔwiw to keep nudging.

haʔyiʔyi*   [haʔyiʔyiw]  ha-, ʔyi*4. Verb. twist foot in air. ʔaná· duhṭʰalahqacʼba qʰama haʔyíʔyiyiyʔ he got hurt so bad he’s twisting his foot around (in air because it hurts too much to step on it). synonyms: hatuhatu*.

haʔʔa   [haʔʔa]   Animate Mimetic. call of acorn woodpecker.

ha· coʔo   [há· coʔo]  ʔahay, coʔo. Noun. yellowjacket with nest in stump.

ha·*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: with -me-. Kinship Noun. sister-in-law (spouse's sister). compare: mata*1, ha·*2.

maha·*1   [-]  ha·*1. Kinship Noun. my sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

maha·me   [maha·me]  maha·*1. Kinship Noun. sister-in-law! (spouse's sister).

maha·menʔ1   [maha·menʔ]  maha·*1. Variant: maha·. Kinship Noun. my sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

maha·menʔkʰe1   [maha·menʔkʰe]  maha·*1. Kinship Noun. for my sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

maha·meto1   [maha·meto]  maha·*1. Kinship Noun. (to, of) my sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

maha·metoʔna1   [maha·metoʔna]  maha·*1. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my sister-in-law (spouse's sister) is.

2 • at my sister-in-law (spouse's sister)'s place.

maha·*3   [-]  ha·*1. Kinship Noun. his own sister-in-law.

maha·menʔ2   [maha·menʔ]  maha·*3. Kinship Noun. his own sister-in-law.

maha·menʔkʰe2   [maha·menʔkʰe]  maha·*3. Kinship Noun. for his own sister-in-law.

maha·meto2   [maha·meto]  maha·*3. (of, to) his own sister-in-law.

maha·metoʔna2   [maha·metoʔna]  maha·*3. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his own sister-in-law is.

2 • at his own sister-in-law's place.

miha·*   [-]  ha·*1. Kinship Noun. your sister-in-law.

miha·menʔ   [miha·menʔ]  miha·*. Kinship Noun. your sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

miha·menʔkʰe   [miha·menʔkʰe]  miha·*. Kinship Noun. for your sister-in-law.

miha·meto   [miha·meto]  miha·*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) your sister-in-law.

miha·metoʔna   [miha·metoʔna]  miha·*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your sister-in-law is.

2 • at your sister-in-law's place.

miya·ha·*   [miyá·ha·]  ha·*1. Kinship Noun. his, her or their sister-in-law.

miya·ha·menʔ   [miyá·ha·menʔ]  miya·ha·*. Variant: miya·ha; miya·ha·. Kinship Noun. his, her or their sister-in-law (spouse's sister).

miya·ha·menʔkʰe   [miya·ha·menʔkʰe]  miya·ha·*. Kinship Noun. for his, her or their sister-in-law.

miya·ha·meto   [miya·ha·meto]  miya·ha·*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his, her or their sister-in-law.

miya·ha·metoʔna   [miya·ha·metoʔna]  miya·ha·*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his, her or their sister-in-law is.

2 • at his, her or their sister-in-law's place.

ha·*2   [-]   Kinship Noun. spouse's brother. compare: mata*1, ha·*1.

maha·*2   [-]  ha·*2. Kinship Noun. his own spouse's brother.

mahal   [mahal]  maha·*2. Kinship Noun. (of, to) spouse's brother.

ha·ba   [ha·ba]  Lit: tail in the mouth Noun. tongue. compare: hiba·.

habat*   [habáʔ]  ha·ba, -t1. Verb. do with the tongue.

ha·ba hqʰoṭ   [ha·bá hqʰoʔ]  ha·ba, ʔihqʰoṭ. Noun. root of the tongue.

ha·ba puʔšul   [ha·ba púʔšul]  ha·ba, puʔšul. Noun. tip of the tongue.

ha·bayow   [ha·bayow]  ha·ba, =yow. Noun. underside of tongue.

ha·ba hqʰoṭ   [ha·bá hqʰoʔ]  ha·ba, ʔihqʰoṭ. Noun. root of the tongue.

ha·ba puʔšul   [ha·ba púʔšul]  ha·ba, puʔšul. Noun. tip of the tongue.

ha·bayow   [ha·bayow]  ha·ba, =yow. Noun. underside of tongue.

ha·bic*   [ha·biʔ]   Variant: hahtibic*. Verb. get nearly full (of container). pʰala hábi·ci @ get nearly full again! habi·ci @ get nearly full! Example Variant: ha·bici.

ha·c*   [haʔ]  ʔaha. Variant: hahciw*. Verb. 1 • work mouth. compare: ha·c*, ʔaha, haʔbo, haʔbo, ʔaha.

2 • open mouth. haʔ open a mouth. hahciw open several mouths. haci·duce·du gasp, open mouth several times like a fish out of water or a winded man. háhcimeʔ open your mouths. ha·ti going to open mouth. ha·cíʔtʰuʔ don't open mouth. ha·ci open your mouth. pʰala há·ci open your mouth (again). compare: ʔaha, ha·c*, haʔbo.

ha·kima   [há·kima]   Noun. halter. há·kimatʰine· mu that's not a halter.

ha·moqʼol   [ha·moqʼól]   Noun. spirit which leads astray.

ha·ro   [ha·ro]  ha·ru.

ha·ru   [há·ru]   Variant: ha·ro. Noun. cup, tin cup, tin can. há·ro bahṭʰe big cup; big can. molókko ha·ro can of milk [or "milk can" ?]

ha·ru samaqʼo   [há·ru samaqʼo]  Lit: cup with stem ha·ru, sama, =qʼo. Noun. big dipper.

kafey ha·ro   [kaféy ha·ro]  kafe·y, ha·ru. Noun. coffee cup. synonyms: ʔahqʰaho ca·ška, kafey ca·ška.

maʔa ha·ro   [maʔa há·ro]  maʔa, ha·ru. Noun. canned food.

ha·ru samaqʼo   [há·ru samaqʼo]  Lit: cup with stem ha·ru, sama, =qʼo. Noun. big dipper.

ha·sʼulsʼu  ha·sʼulʔsʼu.

ha·sʼulʔsʼu   [há·sʼulʔsʼu]  haʔsʼulh*. Variant: ha·sʼulsʼu. Ideophone Adjective. limbless (of pole). šasʼu· há·sʼulsʼu pole without branches, like telephone pole. Example Variant: šasʼu· há·sʼulʔsʼu.

ha·tʼ   [hatʼ]   Noun. 1 • fleshy part of the nut of the California bay tree or pepperwood; fruit with the skin still over the nut. Umbellularia californica. compare: behe.

2 • prune.

ha·tʼ^ ha·tʼ^..   [há·tʼ^ há·tʼ^..]   Interjection. call or song of duck girls (in a series of extralong syllables each with falling tone).

ha·y   [há·y]   Interjection. what do you want? compare: ciba·, baqʼo, baqʼo.

=hca   [hca]   Noun. PL.

hca*1   [caw]  Lit: cause to fly Variant: ca*. \Cooccurrence: Always occurs with a Directional suffix and then takes the Plural Movement, not the Plural Act suffix. Variant: caht*; cahti*. Verb. 1 • fly, nonlong object move through the air.

2 • pilot an airplane. compare: hqa*5.

caloq*   [calóʔ]  hca*1. Verb. 1 • fly up toward here (of bird, airplane).

2 •  rise (of the sun).

haʔda caloʔ   [haʔda cáloʔ]  Lit: sun flies up here haʔda, caloq*. Noun. sunrise. synonyms: hca*2.

catmucʼ*   [cátʰmuʔ]  hca*1. Verb. fly here and there several times.

catʰma*   [catʰmaw]  hca*1, hca*2. Variant: cahtim. Verb. fly in.

ca·bic*   [ca·biʔ]  Lit: The red-tailed hawk is about to fly up me hca*1. Verb. fly up, start to fly. cʼiya· cá·biʔti ʔde· to I am dying of thirst.

ca·ducʰqa*   [ca·dúcʰqaw]  hca*1, -aduc. Verb. pilot an airplane off to a distance.

ca·la*2   [ca·láw]  hca*1, -ala. Variant: cahta·la*. Verb. fly down (of bird, airplane), set (of the sun).

haʔda ca·law   [haʔda cá·law]  Lit: sun flies down haʔda, ca·la*2. Noun. sunset.

haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ   [haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ]  haʔda ca·law, qʰa·mosʼ. Noun. sunset star. synonyms: duweʔli qʰa·mosʼ.

qalicatʰmucʼ   [qalicátʰmuʔ]  Lit: flying high here and there several times hca*1, hca*2. Noun. airplane.

qalil hcaw   [qalíl hcaw]  hca*1, hca*2. Verb. jump quickly up high.

hca*2   [caw]   Cooccurrence: Never with Directional suffixes. Only attested with a preceding adverb.. Variant: cat*. Verb. jump up quickly. synonyms: haʔda caloʔ.

hcac*   [cáʔ]  hca*2. Verb. be shocked, have a feeling of impending doom.

cahno hcac*   [cahnó hcaʔ]  cahno1, hcac*. Verb. have a sinking feeling in the heart (perhaps heart jumps). cahnó hcacʰwiye· to my heart sank (at the bad news). cahno hcaʔ tʼa·du feel apprehensive, feel anxiety.

hcayicʼ*   [cayíʔ]  hcac*. Variant: cayʔtacʼ*. Verb. 1 • become frightened, shocked (by bad news).

2 • start, jump with a start.

qalil hcaw   [qalíl hcaw]  hca*1, hca*2. Verb. jump quickly up high.

hca*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: Must have the Terrestrial or Essive suffix.. Instr Verb Root. be bushy, have branching skeletal parts bared. compare: hayhqac, hayhcʰa, hcalh*, hcalh*, hayhcʰa; synonyms: dutʼat*1.

dahcam*   [dahcamʔ]  hca*3. Verb. be bushy. cuʔqʼaṭi·cʼi, ʔaná· mito heʔe dáhcama ʔ comb yourself ; your hair is really bushy! compare: pihcam*, dahša*.

pihcam*   [pihcamʔ]  hca*3. Verb. be bushy, have branching skeletal parts bared. pihcama is bushy. compare: dahcam*.

hcac*   [cáʔ]  hca*2. Verb. be shocked, have a feeling of impending doom.

cahno hcac*   [cahnó hcaʔ]  cahno1, hcac*. Verb. have a sinking feeling in the heart (perhaps heart jumps). cahnó hcacʰwiye· to my heart sank (at the bad news). cahno hcaʔ tʼa·du feel apprehensive, feel anxiety.

hcayicʼ*   [cayíʔ]  hcac*. Variant: cayʔtacʼ*. Verb. 1 • become frightened, shocked (by bad news).

2 • start, jump with a start.

hcal*   [-]   Cooccurrence: an irregular derivative of /ʔahca/ "house" and locative /-l/, used to form three verbs of motion and one of carrying; takes the place of a Directional suffix. Adverb. to a place, arriving, terminating movement.

hcalpʰili*   [cálpʰiliw]  hcal*, pʰil*. Verb. group arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination. men pʰilácʼba, ʔul cálpʰiliw having traveled like that, they arrived.

hcalu*   [calúw]  hcal*, wa*. Verb. one arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination. weʔé· ʔahqʰa bilahwal hcaluw he arrived way over there across the water. calʔ D: Absolutive. two arrive.

hcalʔbe*   [cálʔbew]  hcal*, ʔbe*5. Verb. bring home. bihše boʔopʰi, cuʔdanpʰi, ʔaca· cálʔbemeʔ hunt deer, shoot them, and bring them home! be·li ʔahqʰa· calʔbew they brought it here to the water. calʔbayiʔ bring in several trips. synonyms: waʔbe*.

hcalʔdahqa*   [cálʔdahqaw]  hcal*, ʔdahqa*. Verb of Movement. two people (or a few men) arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination.

hcala·tad*   [-]  hcalh*, -at, -ad1. Instr Verb Root. branching skeletal parts be bared.

hcalh*   [-]   Cooccurrence: Usually suffixed by a Directional-Locational suffix and then takes the Pl. Movement infix rather than Plural Act. Variant: hcala·tad*. Instr Verb Root. branching skeletal parts be bared. Of a bush or tree leafless, of a skeleton, of a gaunt person or animal with ribs showing, of branching antlers, of bushy unkempt hair. compare: hayhqac, hayhcʰa, hca*3, hca*3.

cahli*   [-]  hcalh*.

dahcalh*   [dahcalʔ]  da-, hcalh*. Variant: dahcala·tad*. Verb. branching skeletal parts be bared. bihše háʔa qʼo dahcalá·du·y I just saw a deer with branching antlers going away.

dacahlim*   [dacáhlimʔ]  dahcalh*. Verb. several (trees) to be standing bare-branched.

dahcalhci*   [dahcálhciw]  dahcalh*, dahcalh*. Verb. (tree) be lying bare-branched on the ground.

dahcalhci*   [dahcálhciw]  dahcalh*, dahcalh*. Verb. (tree) be lying bare-branched on the ground.

dahcalhma*   [dahcálhmaw]  dahcalh*. Verb. (tree) be standing bare-branched.

pihcalh*   [pihcalʔ]  pʰi-, hcalh*. Variant: pihcala·tad*. Verb. branching skeletal parts be bared. šiʔbaši hcʰoyícʼbina, ʔama tol ʔihya pihcálhciw having died, the animal lay on the ground bones bared.

hcalpʰili*   [cálpʰiliw]  hcal*, pʰil*. Verb. group arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination. men pʰilácʼba, ʔul cálpʰiliw having traveled like that, they arrived.

hcalu*   [calúw]  hcal*, wa*. Verb. one arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination. weʔé· ʔahqʰa bilahwal hcaluw he arrived way over there across the water. calʔ D: Absolutive. two arrive.

hcalʔbe*   [cálʔbew]  hcal*, ʔbe*5. Verb. bring home. bihše boʔopʰi, cuʔdanpʰi, ʔaca· cálʔbemeʔ hunt deer, shoot them, and bring them home! be·li ʔahqʰa· calʔbew they brought it here to the water. calʔbayiʔ bring in several trips. synonyms: waʔbe*.

hcalʔdahqa*   [cálʔdahqaw]  hcal*, ʔdahqa*. Verb of Movement. two people (or a few men) arrive, terminate movement, come to a house or destination.

hcamh*   [cámʔ]   Variant: camhciwa·tacʼ*. Verb. shrink (intransitive).

hcamhcicʼqa*   [camhcicʼqaw]  hcamh*. Verb. shrink (transitive), cause to shrink. kʼaṭa cámhcicʼqaye· mu·kinʔ I just saw him shrink the clothes.

hcamhcicʼqa*   [camhcicʼqaw]  hcamh*. Verb. shrink (transitive), cause to shrink. kʼaṭa cámhcicʼqaye· mu·kinʔ I just saw him shrink the clothes.

hcasahwil   [casáhwil]  Lit: house must ʔahca, sahwil. Noun. soot.

hcasama·   [casáma·]  ʔahca sama·.

hcasʼiʔda   [casʼíʔda]  Lit: house skin ʔahca, sʼiʔda. Noun. bark that is peeled off to prepare for the lumber mill, tepees; any tree (possibly just redwood).

hcasʼiʔdahca   [casʼíʔdahca]  hcasʼiʔda, ʔahca. Noun. redwood bark house; tepee of redwood bark.

hcasʼiʔdahca   [casʼíʔdahca]  hcasʼiʔda, ʔahca. Noun. redwood bark house; tepee of redwood bark.

hcaw*   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with Durative. Instr Verb Root. eat one thing with another. synonyms: qahyol*.

qahcawad*   [qahcawá·du]  qa-, hcaw*, -ad1. Variant: qahcawacʼ*. Verb. eat one thing with another. ʔahša ṭʰoʔo qahcawa·du to eat acorn mush with fish.

hcayicʼ*   [cayíʔ]  hcac*. Variant: cayʔtacʼ*. Verb. 1 • become frightened, shocked (by bad news).

2 • start, jump with a start.

hce*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. obstruct, block by movement. compare: hcelh*, hcenh*2, hki*1, ki·m*, cihkihki*1.

bahce*   [bahcéw]  Variant: bace*. ba-, hce*1. Variant: bace*. Verb. obstruct or interfere with speaking.

cahce*   [cahcéw]  ca-, hce*1. Verb. be obstructed by something massive; dammed up (but not necessarily fully). compare: capa*, cupa*.

cuhce*   [cuhcéw]  cu-, hce*1. Verb. obstruct something flowing, such as a stream; be obstructed by something flowing.

hqʰacuhcew*   [hqʰacuhcew]  cuhce*.

dihce*   [dihcew]  di-, hce*1. Verb. obstruct or block something that falls, or other downward movement. maʔa to kʼuyu wi dihcecʰ food has blocked my windpipe.

dihce   [dihce´]  dihce*. Noun. a roof or other structure that shields from rain or other falling objects.

dihcec*   [dihcéʔ]  dihce*. Verb. movement downward under the force of gravity to block or be blocked.

hcec*1   [-]  hce*1. Instr Verb Root. obstruct or become obstructed, block, intercept.

hcecad*   [cecá·du]  hce*1. Verb. obstruct.

hcehcec*   [-]  hce*1. Reduplicating Verb. obstruct or become obstructed repeatedly.

bahcehcec*   [bahcéhceʔ]  Lit: not to become stuck on words ba-, hcehcec*. Verb. stutter repeatedly. bahcéhceʔ tʰin speak fluently, without hesitation.

muhcehce*   [muhcéhceʔ]  mu-, hcehcec*. Reduplicating Verb. movement be interrupted repeatedly.

muhce*   [muhcew]  mu-, hce*1. Verb. be obstruct, blocked, detained. muhcéhcecʰwiye· to I was detained many times (in coming). ʔama· ṭʼi· qʼoʔdi muhcéhceʔ tʰin waqa·y everything (at the meeting) went off well without any hitches.

pihce*   [pihcew]  pʰi-, hce*1. Verb. obstruct, block by movement, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcec*   [pihcéʔ]  pihce*. 1 • Verb. become shielded from blows of a stick or axe.

2 • Noun. obstruction, shield.

pihcecʰma*   [pihcécʰmaw]  pihce*. Verb. (cliff) to overhang and shelter (the ground below); (view) be obstructed by several heads or tops of long objects¡ess. haʔu qʰále pihcécʰmawal to·, ʔa heʔen bilahwal canʔkʰe tʰin because of those trees blocking the view, I cannot see across.

puhce   [puhce´]  hce*1. Noun. windbreak; fence (whether or not is to intercept the wind). ʔihya púhce bahcíl hla· puhce build the windbreak longer!

puhce*   [puhcew]  , pʰu-, hce*1. Verb. build a windbreak or fence.

šuhce*   [-]  šu-, hce*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Reduplicating Verb. hold back, pull back.

šuhcešuhce*   [šuhcešúhcew]  šuhce*. Reduplicating Verb. pull back, hold back. šudenʔqacʼin šuhcʰešucʰetanʔqawam (child) being led (pulled by someone), he kept pulling back, holding back repeatedly.

hce*2   [céw]   Cooccurrence: Almost always occurs with a Directional-Locational suffix.. Variant: ce*; ceht*; cet*. Verb. be open (of hole or door). ʔimó hcemʔ hole to lie open. ʔimo cé·law hole to be open downward. ʔimo céhtaloʔ several holes to be open up toward here.

hceqa*   [ceqaw]  hce*2. Verb. cause to open up. noʔqʼó hceqa· mu·kinʔ he got mussels, pried up mussels.

hcec*1   [-]  hce*1. Instr Verb Root. obstruct or become obstructed, block, intercept.

hcec*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. eat with. synonyms: dahyol*, hyol*, dacʼi·ṭ*, hyol*. Usages note: rare except in the absolutive as a noun.

qahcec   [qahcéʔ]  qa-, hcec*2. Verb. accompanying food, food variety. maʔa qahceʔ cʰow é· ʔkʰe, maʔa túmhuwa·ducʰmela not having any food variety, I am going off to buy more food.

hcec*3   [ceʔ]  . Verb. open up.

hcecad*   [cecá·du]  hce*1. Verb. obstruct.

hced*   [cedú]  Variant: ced*. , nihced*. Variant: hcicʼ*. Verb. say.

hcehcec*   [-]  hce*1. Reduplicating Verb. obstruct or become obstructed repeatedly.

bahcehcec*   [bahcéhceʔ]  Lit: not to become stuck on words ba-, hcehcec*. Verb. stutter repeatedly. bahcéhceʔ tʰin speak fluently, without hesitation.

muhcehce*   [muhcéhceʔ]  mu-, hcehcec*. Reduplicating Verb. movement be interrupted repeatedly.

hcelh*   [-]   Cooccurrence: almost always appears with either -m- (Essive or across) or -c- (Semelfactive) in particularized meanings.. Variant: celʔta*. Instr Verb Root. be obstructed. compare: hce*1, hcenh*2, hki*1, ki·m*.

cuhcelh*   [cuhcélʔ]  cu-, hcelh*. Variant: cucelʔta*. Verb. be obstructed while floating in a liquid. yala cúdaʔ tʰin, musu· cuhcélhmadom not floating out straight, the log got stuck crosswise, they say.

cuhcelhci*   [cuhcélhciw]  cuhcelh*. Verb. (car) bump against (the curb) and become stopped.

dahcelh*   [dahcelʔ]  da-, hcelh*. Verb. be obstructed, with the hand (palm), paw; by waves.

dahcelhma*   [dahcélhmaw]  dahcelh*. Verb. hold the hand spanning (some distance).

dihcelh*   [dihcelʔ]  di-, hcelh*. Verb. be obstructed by something falling.

dihcelhma*   [dihcélhmaw]  dihcelh*. Verb. (stick) fall and become lodged crosswise (in a tree).

hahcelh*   [hahcelʔ]  ha-, hcelh*. Verb. be obstructed, with a swinging motion.

hahcelhma*   [hahcélhmaw]  hahcelh*. Verb. stand with the legs spanning (a ditch).

hcelhci*   [-]  hcelh*. Instr Verb Root. be suddenly or momentarily obstructed, bump against an obstacle.

hcelhm*   [-]  hcelh*. Instr Verb Root. be obstructed; long object get or be caught from moving crosswise through a narrowing in its path; span a distance whether or not movement is blocked .

mihcelh*   [mihcelʔ]  mi-2, hcelh*. Variant: micelʔta*. Verb. toes be obstructed, stub toes. qʰaʔbe tol mihcélhciye· ma·caʔ they stumbled (toes hit an obstacle) on a rock.

hcelhci*   [-]  hcelh*. Instr Verb Root. be suddenly or momentarily obstructed, bump against an obstacle.

hcelhm*   [-]  hcelh*. Instr Verb Root. be obstructed; long object get or be caught from moving crosswise through a narrowing in its path; span a distance whether or not movement is blocked .

hcem*   [cemʔ]  . Verb. (hole) lie open.

ʔimohcemʔ   [ʔimóhcemʔ]  ʔimo, hcem*. Noun. hole in ground.

hcena·tacʼ*   [-]  hcenh*2. Instr Verb Root. have an impediment.

hcenh*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. build a shelter. Usage: rare Usages note: primarily occurs in the absolutive as a noun..

dihcenh*   [dihcénʔ]  di-, hcenh*1. Verb. shelter from rain or other falling objects.

muhcenh*   [muhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, mu-, hcenh*1, mu-, mu-. Verb. shelter from the sun, heat or cold.

muhcenh*   [muhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, mu-, hcenh*1, mu-, mu-. Verb. shelter from the sun, heat or cold.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

puhcenh*   [puhcenʔ]  hcenh*1, pʰu-, hcenh*1, pʰu-, pʰu-. Verb. shelter from the wind.

hcenh*2   [-]   Variant: hcena·tacʼ*. Instr Verb Root. have an impediment. compare: hce*1, hcelh*, hki*1, ki·m*.

bahcenh*   [bahcenʔ]  ba-, hcenh*2. Verb. stammer, have a speech impediment. bahcenʔ to have a speech impediment, to stammer or stutter. bahcénhciye· to cahnow I stammered once while speaking.

bahcenbahcenh*   [bahcénbahcenʔ]  bahcenh*. Reduplicating Verb. stammer repeatedly.

šuhcenh*   [šuhcénʔ]  šu-, hcenh*2. Verb. have a breathing impediment; gasp or breathe with great difficulty. ʔacaʔ ʔaná· šulamʔ – qʼoʔdi šukʰenʔkʰe tʰin – šuhcenʔ the man is very sick; he cannot breathe well; he gasps laboriously.

hceqa*   [ceqaw]  hce*2. Verb. cause to open up. noʔqʼó hceqa· mu·kinʔ he got mussels, pried up mussels.

hceye*   [-]   Variant: ceye*. Kinship Noun. son-in-law: daughter’s husband, granddaughter’s husband, sibling’s son-in-law, child-in-law’s brother. -hceye- occurs in second person and reflexive forms, -ceye- in third person forms. For first person forms, see hiʔbaya Part 3. compare: hiʔbaya, ba·*.

mahceye*   [-]  hceye*. Kinship Noun. his, her or their own son-in-law.

mahceye   [mahceye]  mahceye*. Kinship Noun. his own son-in-law.

mahceyel   [mahceyel]  mahceye*. Kinship Noun. (of or to) his own son-in-law.

mahceyeq*   [mahceyéʔ]  mahceye*, -aq2. Kinship Verb. acknowledge someone as son-in-law.

mahceyeʔkʰe   [mahceyéʔkʰe]  mahceye*. Kinship Noun. for his own son-in-law.

mahceyeʔna   [mahceyéʔna]  mahceye*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his own son-in-law is.

2 • at his own son-in-law's place.

mahceye·yi   [mahceyé·yi]  mahceye*. Kinship Noun. he and his son-in-law.

mihceye*   [-]  hceye*. Kinship Noun. your son-in-law.

mihceye   [mihceye]  mihceye*. Kinship Noun. your son-in-law.

mihceyel   [mihceyel]  mihceye*. Kinship Noun. (of or to) your son-in-law.

mihceyeʔkʰe   [mihceyéʔkʰe]  mihceye*. Kinship Noun. for your son-in-law.

mihceyeʔna   [mihceyéʔna]  mihceye*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your son-in-law is.

2 • at your son-in-law's place.

mihceye·yi   [mihceyé·yi]  mihceye*. Kinship Noun. your and your son-in-law.

miya·ceye*   [-]  hceye*. Kinship Noun. his son-in-law.

miya·ceye   [miyá·ceye]  miya·ceye*. Kinship Noun. his son-in-law.

miya·ceyel   [miyá·ceyel]  miya·ceye*. Kinship Noun. (of or to) his son-in-law.

miya·ceyeʔkʰe   [miyá·ceyeʔkʰe]  miya·ceye*. Kinship Noun. for his son-in-law.

miya·ceyeʔna   [miyá·ceyeʔna]  miya·ceye*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his son-in-law is.

2 • at his son-in-law's place.

hci*1   [-]   Variant: cit*. Instr Verb Root. clear, remove impediments from (trail, field). compare: hcil*1.

duhci*   [duhciw]  hci*1, du-. Verb. clear with fingers.

hahse duhciw   [hahse dúhciw]  hahse, duhci*. Verb. clear brush (from a trail).

pihci*   [pihciw]  hci*1, pʰi-. Verb. clear with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihcipici·q*   [pihcipíciʔ]  pihci*, -aq1. Reduplicating Verb. hoe (a field) with repeated chopping motions.

hci*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. intercept, head off.

cahci*2   [cahciw]  ca-, hci*2. Variant: cacit*. Verb. intercept with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knife.

hiʔda cahciw   [hiʔda cáhciw]  hiʔda, cahci*2. Verb. intercept on the road (as when flagging down a car for help).

kulwetʰ cahciw   [kúlwetʰ cahciw]  kulwetʰ, cahci*2. Verb. head off cattle.

hci*3   [-]   Instr Verb Root. absorb water from damp air, become damp from dew or fog. synonyms: ci·l*, hcil*2; compare: ci·l*, hcil*2.

šahci*   [šahcíw]  ša-, hci*3. Variant: šacit*. Verb. absorb water from damp air; become damp from exposure to the air, from dew. kʼaṭa ʔkʰe ʔaná· šahciqʰ my clothes have gotten very damp (from sitting out overnight).

hci*4   [-]   Variant: cit*. Instr Verb Root. lace, bind firmly with several turns of cord.

bihci*   [bihciw]  bi-, hci*4. Verb. sew tightly by overcasting; roughly sew; temporarily sew up. ʔaha· bihcí give one stick.

dahci*   [dahciw]  hci*4, da-. Verb. fasten several strands together into a rope by rolling between the palm and the thigh.

hahsehca bihciw   [hahséhca bihciw]  hci*4. Verb. bind (thatch) on a brush house.

pahci*   [pahcíw]  pʰa-, hci*4. Verb. bundle something up and bind tight with several turns of a cord.

šuhci*   [šuhciw]  hci*4, šu-, šu-. Verb. lace pulling tight.

šuhciw   [šuhciw]  šuhci*. Noun. (shoe)laces.

šuhci·cʼ*   [šuciʔ´]  šu-, šuhci*. Instr Verb Stem. lace on oneself. sapá·tu šuci·cʼi lace your shoes!

hci*5   [cíw]   Variant: cit*. Verb. put, or wear, around the neck. mihyá hciw hci put your necktie (or necklace) on!

hcihqa*   [cihqaw]  hci*5. Verb. string (beads) around someone's neck.

mihya hci*   [mihyá hciw]  mihya, hci*5. 1 • Noun. necktie, necklace.

2 • Verb. put around the neck.

hcicʼ*   [ciʔ]  hced*. Verb. say.

hcihqa*   [cihqaw]  hci*5. Verb. string (beads) around someone's neck.

hcil*1   [-]   Variant: duhcila·tad*. Instr Verb Root. clear of impediments. compare: hci*1.

duhcil*   [duhcilʔ]  du-, hcil*1. Verb. clear using fingers. lamé·sa duhcili mul ʔ clear that table!

hcil*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: -am-. Instr Verb Root. absorb water from damp air. synonyms: hci*3, ci·l*, ci·l*; compare: ci·l*, hci*3.

šahcil*   [šahcilʔ]  ša-, hcil*2. Verb. mesh absorb water from damp air. ʔo· ʔaná· cila ʔa kʼaṭa siwicʰqaqʰ. pʰala šáhcilamqʰ oh I let the clothes hang out too long; they got damp again.

hciṭ*   [-]   Cooccurrence: With a Directional-Locational suffix.. Instr Verb Root. be precipitous, perpendicular.

cihṭi*   [-]  hciṭ*, hciṭ*. Instr Verb Root. be precipitous.

cihṭi*   [-]  hciṭ*, hciṭ*. Instr Verb Root. be precipitous.

pihciṭ*   [pihciʔ]  pʰi-, hciṭ*. Variant: picihṭim*. Verb. be precipitous, perpendicular. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

pihciṭa·la*   [pihciṭá·law]  pihciṭ*, -ala. Verb. (land) drop away perpendicularly or precipitously. ciba· waláʔkʰe tʰin e· qʰaʔbe píhciṭa·la· tol no one can walk down on a perpendicular rock.

pihciṭa·qac*   [pihciṭá·qaʔ]  pihciṭ*, -aqac. Verb. (land) rise perpendicularly. picihṭaqaʔ several to rise perpendicularly.

pihciṭʰm*   [pihcíṭʰmaw]  pihciṭ*, -m2. Verb. (cliff or river bank) be overhanging.

hco*1   [hco]   Cooccurrence: Only in one compound: □hayhco-. Noun. ?

hco*2   [hco]  co*2.

hco*3   [ców]   Variant: cot*. Verb of Position. shapeless material (water, sand, gravel, sugar, flour, etc.) lie in a container on the ground; be within containing boundaries, contained material be (of a certain type); act on a container with contained material: pick up, carry, take, bring, put. ʔahqʰá hcow water to lie still within its boundaries. haʔal be·lí hco set that (basket of acorns) here on the ground! ʔama tól hco set it on the ground! ʔama tól coti set them on the ground! compare: ʔbe*5, qohqʰo*.

cohti*   [-]  hco*3, hco*3. Instr Verb Root. pick up.

cohti*   [-]  hco*3, hco*3. Instr Verb Root. pick up.

co·bic*2   [co·bíʔ]  hco*3, -ibic. Verb. liquid or other shapeless material to rise up within a contained space, or to be lifted while contained. ʔahqʰa có·biʔ water to rise (in a well or within river banks), flood; lift up a container of water.

co·d*   [co·du´]  hco*3, -ad2. Verb. liquid or other shapeless substance move within a container.

co·nʔwad*   [conʔwadú]  co·d*. Variant: co·cʼwacʼ*. Verb. liquid or other shapeless substance move here and there, back and forth, slosh around in a container. woté·ya wi ʔahqʰa conʔwadu water moves, sloshes in the bottle. qʰaʔbe šeʔeʔ wi ʔahqʰa conʔwadú water sloshes in the pan. cocʼwáʔ contained objects move here and there (of several fish in a pool or preserved fruit in a jar). ʔahqʰa cocʼwacʼqaw (several) make water slosh. maʔu hiʔbaya ʔem ʔahqʰa ʔel ʔana· cocʼwacʼqaw those men are sloshing the water a lot.

co·duc*   [co·dúʔ]  hco*3, -aduc. Verb. put aside (food in storage), spread (to fill an area). ʔahqʰa có·duʔ water to spread to a distance, flood a wide area.

co·qac*   [co·qáʔ]  hco*3, -aqac. Verb. put a container of water or other shapeless substance up onto a surface. stú·fa tol ʔa co·qaʔti ʔdela I'm going to put it on the stove. stú·fa tol ʔa co·qacʼkʰe I'll put it on the stove. ʔul é· ʔa co·qaʔ I already put it (on the stove). Example Variant: co·qacʰmela. co·qaʔti ʔduye· ʔa I was going to put it. ʔul ma co·qaʔye·ˇ did you already put it (on the stove)?

hcom*   [cómʔ]  hco*3. 1 • Verb of Position. lie within a container that is up off the ground; place a container on, or pick up from, a table or other raised surface. maʔa cóhtimaʔ maʔyul e· to da·w I like only baked food. haʔal be·lí hcoma set that (basket of acorns) here on (the table)!

2 • Verb of Handling. set a container on something off the ground. haʔdí hcoma set it there (on table)!

hcomac*   [comáʔ]  hco*3, -mac. Verb. water or other shapeless substance move into a contained space; substance in a containter be moved into another defined space. ʔahqʰá hcomaʔ water to enter a pool; set a container of water in (a refrigerator).

yo·co*   [yó·cow]  ʔiyow, hco*3. Variant: yowco*; yo· cot*. Verb. set a container with contained material down; most commonly to serve a plate or bowl of food.

hco*4   [-]   Variant: cot*. Instr Verb Root. get wet.

sihco*   [sihcow]  hco*4, si-. Variant: sicot*. 1 • Verb. get wet. sihcopʰí mito qahsíl daceʔkʰe ʔ if you get wet you will catch cold.

2 • Adjective. wet. synonyms: qʰonomʔ.

hcohco*   [-]  co*2. Instr Verb Root. pound, crush, smash repeatedly.

pihcohco*   [pihcohcow]  pʰi-, hcohco*, pʰi-, hcohco*. Verb. tenderize with a hammer.

pihcohco*   [pihcohcow]  pʰi-, hcohco*, pʰi-, hcohco*. Verb. tenderize with a hammer.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

pohcohco*   [pohcohcow]  hcohco*, pʰu-, hcohco*, pʰu-, pʰu-. Variant: pahcohco*. Verb. pound meat (abalone), tenderize by pounding. pohcopocota·du plural act. ʔana· pocóhcotʰuʔ don't pound too much! pohcopócota·du pound multiple pieces of meat.

pohcopócota·du·li   [pohcopócota·du·li]  pohcohco*. Noun. meat tenderizer.

qahcohco*   [qahcohcow]  hcohco*, qa-, hcohco*, qa-, qa-. Verb. tenderize with a meat-grinder.

qahcohco*   [qahcohcow]  hcohco*, qa-, hcohco*, qa-, qa-. Verb. tenderize with a meat-grinder.

hcom*   [cómʔ]  hco*3. 1 • Verb of Position. lie within a container that is up off the ground; place a container on, or pick up from, a table or other raised surface. maʔa cóhtimaʔ maʔyul e· to da·w I like only baked food. haʔal be·lí hcoma set that (basket of acorns) here on (the table)!

2 • Verb of Handling. set a container on something off the ground. haʔdí hcoma set it there (on table)!

hcoma   [comá]   Cooccurrence: common only in three compounds. Noun. feast, picnic. ciba ʔwa mito hcoma sʼiqam who has made a picnic of you? (figuratively, modeled on English) who beat you up?

maʔa hcoma   [maʔáhcoma]  maʔa, hcoma. Noun. feast, picnic.

ʔahša hcoma   [ʔahšáhcoma]  ʔahša, hcoma. Noun. fish feast.

ʔoho hcoma   [ʔohó hcoma]  Lit: fire feast ʔoho, hcoma. Noun. bonfire. ʔohó hcoma bamameʔ build a bonfire!

hcomac*   [comáʔ]  hco*3, -mac. Verb. water or other shapeless substance move into a contained space; substance in a containter be moved into another defined space. ʔahqʰá hcomaʔ water to enter a pool; set a container of water in (a refrigerator).

hcoq*   [coʔ]   Variant: cuʔdan*. Verb. 1 • shoot (an animal, not a weapon), (bee) sting (someone), hit the mark. coqo shoot! bihše múl šihmi wi coqo shoot that deer with a gun! naṭa yya ʔem qaʔcʼáʔ baʔtʼaw, tiyá·coʔkʰe bihše má·nsu ʔyowal hcoʔli the children burst out crying, when she shot their former tame deer. (K-T 16·13). synonyms: hqa*5.

2 • make a correct guess in the gambling game. mul pʰiʔtʼan pʰala hcoʔ unexpectedly, they guessed him too (in the gambling game).

cahno hcohqaw   [cahnó hcohqaw]  Lit: to cause to shoot words cahno2, hcoq*. Verb. argue.

cohqacʼ*   [cohqáʔ]  hcoq*. Verb. let someone shoot you.

qahle hcoʔ   [qahlé hcoʔ]  Lit: to guess white qahle*, hcoq*. Verb. guess incorrectly.

hcowad   [hcowa·du]  cot*1.

hcoway*   [cowayʔ]  . Verb. hold in front of.

hcu*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. get dizzy.

hcuhcu*   [-]  hcu*. Instr Verb Root. get dizzy.

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hcuhcu*   [-]  hcu*. Instr Verb Root. get dizzy.

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hcuṭʼki*   [-]   Variant: cuṭʼki. Kinship Noun. man’s sister’s son, man’s wife’s brother’s son. Usage: archaic compare: hcuṭʼkime*. Usages note: The meanings are taken from Gifford as they are not known to any living speaker although the subject case forms are recognized as kin terms..

cuṭʼki*   [-]  hcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. my or our sister’s son, etc. (man speaking).

cuṭʼke   [cuṭʼke]  cuṭʼki*. Variant: cuṭkide. Kinship Noun. Nephew!

cuṭʼkinʔ   [cúṭʼkinʔ]  cuṭʼki*. Variant: šuṭʼkinʔ. Kinship Noun. my nephew.

cuṭʼkito   [cúṭʼkito]  cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. (of or to) my nephew.

cuṭʼkitoʔna   [cúṭʼkitoʔna]  cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my nephew is.

2 • at my nephew's place.

cuṭʼkiʔkʰe   [cúṭʼkiʔkʰe]  cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. for my nephew.

mahcuṭʼki*   [mahcúṭʼki]  ma-1, hcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. his or their own sister’s son, etc. (of a man or men), "his own nephew".

mahcuṭʼki   [mahcúṭʼki]  mahcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. his or their own sister's son (of a man), "his own nephew".

mahcuṭʼkil   [mahcúṭʼkil]  mahcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his or their own sister's son (of a man), "to his nephew".

mahcuṭʼkiq*   [mahcúṭʼkiʔ]  mahcuṭʼki*, -aq2. Kinship Verb. (man) call someone sister’s son, etc.

mahcuṭʼkiyi   [mahcúṭʼkiyi]  mahcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. he and his own sister's son, "he and his own nephew".

mahcuṭʼkiʔkʰe   [mahcúṭʼkiʔkʰe]  mahcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. for his or their own sister's son (of a man), "for his own nephew".

mahcuṭʼkiʔna   [mahcúṭʼkiʔna]  mahcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his or their own sister's son is.

2 • at his or their own sister's son's place.

mihcuṭʼki*   [-]  hcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. your sister’s son (to a man).

mihcuṭʼki   [mihcúṭʼki]  mihcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. your nephew.

mihcuṭʼkil   [mihcúṭʼkil]  mihcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. (of or to) your nephew.

mihcuṭʼkiyi   [mihcúṭʼkiyi]  mihcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. you and your nephew.

mihcuṭʼkiʔkʰe   [mihcúṭʼkiʔkʰe]  mihcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. for your nephew.

mihcuṭʼkiʔna   [mihcúṭʼkiʔna]  mihcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your nephew is.

2 • at your nephew's place.

miya·cuṭʼki*   [-]  hcuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. his or their sister’s son, etc. (of a man).

miya·cuṭʼki   [miyá·cuṭʼki]  miya·cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. his nephew.

miya·cuṭʼkil   [miyá·cuṭʼkil]  miya·cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. (to or of) his nephew.

miya·cuṭʼkiʔkʰe   [miyá·cuṭʼkiʔkʰe]  miya·cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. for his nephew.

miya·cuṭʼkiʔna   [miyá·cuṭʼkiʔna]  miya·cuṭʼki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his nephew is.

2 • at his nephew's place.

hcuṭʼkime*   [hcuṭʼkime]   Kinship Noun. man's sister's daughter, man's wife's brother's daughter. Usage: archaic compare: hcuṭʼki*.

cuṭʼkime*   [-]  hcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. my sister's daughter (of a man).

cuṭʼkime   [cuṭʼkime]  cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. Niece! (man's sister's daughter).

cuṭʼkimenʔ   [cuṭʼkimenʔ]  cuṭʼkime*. Variant: šuṭʼkimenʔ. Kinship Noun. my sister's daughter (of a man).

cuṭʼkimeto   [cuṭʼkimeto]  cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my sister's daughter (of a man).

cuṭʼkimeʔkʰe   [cuṭʼkimeʔkʰe]  cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. for my sister's daughter (of a man).

cuṭʼkime·toʔna   [cuṭʼkime·toʔna]  cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my sister's daughter is.

2 • at my sister's daughter's place.

mahcuṭʼkime*   [-]  hcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. his or their own sister's daughter.

mahcuṭʼkime   [mahcuṭʼkime]  mahcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. his or their own sister's daughter.

mahcuṭʼkimeto   [mahcuṭʼkimeto]  mahcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his or their own sister's daughter.

mahcuṭʼkimeʔkʰe   [mahcuṭʼkimeʔkʰe]  mahcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. for his or their own sister's daughter.

mahcuṭʼkime·toʔna   [mahcuṭʼkime·toʔna]  mahcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his or their own sister's daughter is.

2 • at his or their own sister's daughter's place.

mahcuṭʼkime·yi   [mahcuṭʼkime·yi]  mahcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. him or them and his or their own sister's daughter.

mihcuṭʼkime*   [-]  hcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. your sister's daughter (of a man).

mihcuṭʼkime   [mihcuṭʼkime]  mihcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. your sister's daughter (of a man).

mihcuṭʼkimeto   [mihcuṭʼkimeto]  mihcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) your sister's daughter (of a man).

mihcuṭʼkimeʔkʰe   [mihcuṭʼkimeʔkʰe]  mihcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. for your sister's daughter (of a man).

mihcuṭʼkime·toʔna   [mihcuṭʼkime·toʔna]  mihcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your sister's daughter is (of a man).

2 • at your sister's daughter's place (of a man).

mihcuṭʼkime·yi   [mihcuṭʼkime·yi]  mihcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. you and your sister's daughter (of a man).

miya·cuṭʼkime*   [-]  hcuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. his or their sister's daughter.

miya·cuṭʼkime   [miya·cuṭʼkime]  miya·cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. his or their sister's daughter.

miya·cuṭʼkimekʰe   [miya·cuṭʼkimekʰe]  miya·cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. for his or their sister's daughter.

miya·cuṭʼkimeto   [miya·cuṭʼkimeto]  miya·cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his or their sister's daughter.

miya·cuṭʼkime·toʔna   [miya·cuṭʼkime·toʔna]  miya·cuṭʼkime*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his or their sister's daughter is.

2 • at his or their sister's daughter's place.

hcʰa*1   [-]   Variant: cʰat*. Instr Verb Root. fall over, push over: of stationary, vertical long object, usually inanimate. compare: hloq*, šali*2, daʔdi*3, ʔkʼolh*1.

bahcʰa*   [bahcʰáw]  ba-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over with the mouth, snout, or beak (as a pig might do). koci·na qʰale báhcʰaw The pig knocked the bush over with its snout.

bihcʰa*   [bihcʰaw]  bi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. put both arms around and throw over (as in wrestling). bihcʰawá·law put arms over (shoulder) and down onto back in greeting. compare: bine*.

cahcʰa*   [cahcʰaw]  ca-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over backing up.

cihcʰa*   [cihcʰáw]  cʰi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over with something dragged past (as with a bush which is pulled by one branch).

cuhcʰa*   [cuhcʰaw]  cu-, hcʰa*1. Verb. 1 • knock over with the head, elbow, knee, nose, chin, or any rounded projection of the body or other instrument; be knocked over by flowing water; shoot over; be pushed over by the front end (of a bulldozer etc.)

2 • be knocked over by water.

dahcʰa*   [dahcʰaw]  da-, hcʰa*1. Verb. push over with the hands or paws, be knocked over by waves. buṭaqa yaʔ ʔahca dáhcʰaw a bear pushed the house down. buṭaqa ʔem hohwa dahcʰaba ʔahca maʔ the bear knocked down the door and came in the house. dahcʰa knock over! dahcʰací·du keep knocking over! dahcʰameʔ knock over (to several)! dacʰátʰmeʔ knock over several (to several)! dacʰati knock over several! @ dahcʰati knock over one! dacʰatá·du keep knocking over several! compare: dadahcʰi*, dadaʔdi*.

dahcʰam*   [dahcʰamʔ]  dahcʰa*. Verb. push over onto something; push over and leave flattened. buṭaqáyaʔ ʔahca dáhcʰamʔ the bear knocked the house over and it's lying all around. dahcʰama D: Imperative. dacʰáhtima D: Plural. Example Variant: dacʰátʰma.

dihcʰa*1   [dihcʰaw]  di-, hcʰa*1. Verb. be knocked over by a falling object.

duhcʰa*1   [duhcʰaw]  du-, hcʰa*1. Verb. push over with a finger.

hahcʰa*   [hahcʰaw]  ha-, hcʰa*1. Verb. kick over, knock over by swinging (a bat or club).

hcʰa*2   [hcʰáw]  Ø-, hcʰa*1. Variant: cʰatʰ*. Verb. fall, fall over (from no apparent cause); get trapped. qʰalé hcʰaba, seʔe qáwi yya dihcʰahcʰa·y when the tree fell, it crushed the small bushes. qʰalé batʰe hcʰatʰ many trees fall. cʰahtʰ not falling. cʰati fall! pʰalá hcʰati fall again! cʰátʰmeʔ fall (to several)!; get trapped (to several! pʰala cʰátʰmeʔ fall again (to several)! cʰahqaw cause to fall. cʰa·tʰuʔ don't get trapped! cʰáhtʰumeʔ don't get trapped (to several)!

hcʰahqa*   [cʰahqaw]  hcʰa*2. Verb. let fall, cause to fall, fell. pʰalá hcʰahqaw let fall again! tupu·li wi cʰahqaw fell with an axe.

hcʰam*   [hcʰámʔ]  hcʰa*2. Variant: cʰatʰma*. Verb. fall onto something (off the ground); (walls) fall in; lean against. kalikakʰ ʔihya wi pʰudenʔba qʰale tól hcʰamy the paper was carried by the wend and fell on a tree. cʰama fall on something! pʰalá hcʰama fall on something again! cʰátʰmameʔ fall on something (to several)! cʰamʔ fall out of tree into waiting net (e.g.); parachute caught in tree.

sima hcʰaw   [simá hcʰaw]  sima, hcʰa*2. Verb. fall asleep. Calque based on English. sima hcʰatʰuʔ don't fall asleep.

hihcʰa*   [hihcʰaw]  hi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over what stands or a sitting person. synonyms: hidahcʰi*.

mahcʰa*2   [mahcʰaw]  ma-2, hcʰa*1. Verb. push over with the bottom of the foot.

mihcʰa*   [mihcʰaw]  mi-2, hcʰa*1. Verb. kick over, knock over with the toes.

muhcʰa*   [muhcʰaw]  mu-, hcʰa*1. Variant: mucʰat*. Verb. knock over by running into or throwing something at. ma·cáʔ ṭa my šacʼoba mucʰatʼem they are the ones who threw and hit many times and knocked many over. compare: mudaʔdi*, mudahcʰi*.

pahcʰa*   [pahcʰaw]  pʰa-, hcʰa*1. Verb. poke over.

pihcʰa*   [pihcʰaw]  pʰi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over with the side of a long object.

puhcʰa*   [puhcʰaw]  pʰu-, hcʰa*1. Verb. blow over.

qahcʰa*1   [qahcʰaw]  qa-, hcʰa*1. Verb. pull over with the teeth (as a dog might do).

sihcʰa*1   [sihcʰaw]  si-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over with the tongue, be knocked over by the rain.

šuhcʰa*   [šuhcʰaw]  šu-, hcʰa*1. Verb. pull over, upset (by pulling a rug out from under), knock over with a twirled rope.

hcʰa*2   [hcʰáw]  Ø-, hcʰa*1. Variant: cʰatʰ*. Verb. fall, fall over (from no apparent cause); get trapped. qʰalé hcʰaba, seʔe qáwi yya dihcʰahcʰa·y when the tree fell, it crushed the small bushes. qʰalé batʰe hcʰatʰ many trees fall. cʰahtʰ not falling. cʰati fall! pʰalá hcʰati fall again! cʰátʰmeʔ fall (to several)!; get trapped (to several! pʰala cʰátʰmeʔ fall again (to several)! cʰahqaw cause to fall. cʰa·tʰuʔ don't get trapped! cʰáhtʰumeʔ don't get trapped (to several)!

hcʰahqa*   [cʰahqaw]  hcʰa*2. Verb. let fall, cause to fall, fell. pʰalá hcʰahqaw let fall again! tupu·li wi cʰahqaw fell with an axe.

hcʰam*   [hcʰámʔ]  hcʰa*2. Variant: cʰatʰma*. Verb. fall onto something (off the ground); (walls) fall in; lean against. kalikakʰ ʔihya wi pʰudenʔba qʰale tól hcʰamy the paper was carried by the wend and fell on a tree. cʰama fall on something! pʰalá hcʰama fall on something again! cʰátʰmameʔ fall on something (to several)! cʰamʔ fall out of tree into waiting net (e.g.); parachute caught in tree.

sima hcʰaw   [simá hcʰaw]  sima, hcʰa*2. Verb. fall asleep. Calque based on English. sima hcʰatʰuʔ don't fall asleep.

hcʰa*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: In the singular, it must be suffixed by -r̂- and the Semelfactive -c-.. Instr Verb Root. crumble, break something dry and crumbly into pieces. compare: hcʰaṭ*; synonyms: hkʰu*, hcʰu*, co*2, hyu*2, hma*.

dihcʰa*2   [-]  di-, hcʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. break up by gravity.

dihcʰadicʰa*   [dihcʰadicʰaw]  dihcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. break up by gravity; falling heavy weight. dihcʰadicʰata·du D: Durative Plural.

dihcʰahcʰac*   [dihcʰahcʰaʔ]  dihcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. heavy weight falling crush something. qʰalé hcʰaba seʔe qáwiya dihcʰáhcʰa·y when the tree fell, it crushed a little bush.

duhcʰa*2   [-]  du-, hcʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with finger.

duhcʰaducʰa*   [duhcʰaducʰaw]  duhcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. crumble several with fingers. duhcʰadúcʰata·du break up several (clods of dirt) with finger.

duhcʰahcʰac*   [duhcʰáhcʰaʔ]  duhcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with fingers, break up (a clod of earth) with the fingers.

hahcʰahcʰac*   [hahcʰahcʰaʔ]  ha-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by kicking.

hihcʰahcʰac*   [hihcʰahcʰaʔ]  hi-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body.

puhcʰahcʰa*   [puhcʰáhcʰaw]  pʰu-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. blow to pieces. ʔihya wi miʔkʰe kalikakʰ puhcʰáhcʰaw the wind is messing up your book (ruffling pages repeatedly). compare: puhšahša*.

qahcʰa*2   [-]  qa-, hcʰa*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crumble between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating.

qahcʰahcʰac*   [qahcʰahcʰaʔ]  qahcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. chew (dry toast) to pieces.

qahcʰaqahcʰa*   [qahcʰaqahcʰaw]  qahcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. crumble between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating. qahcʰqacʰata·du D: Plural.

sihcʰa*2   [-]  si-, hcʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by water: wetting, dissolving, slipping, floating, rain, tongue.

sihcʰahcʰac*   [sihcʰáhcʰaʔ]  sihcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. soften by water (like hard ground in the rain). ʔimo· sihcʰahcʰacʰqaw make hard-baked land tillable by soaking with water. ʔahqʰa yó· banala·bina, cuhni· síhcʰahcʰacʰqʰ the bread must have fallen into the water and disintegrated. sihcʰáhcʰa·ci (to water) soften it!

sihcʰasihcʰa*   [sihcʰasihcʰaw]  sihcʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. soften with water. sihcʰasicʰatá·du (to water) keep softening it!

šuhcʰahcʰac*   [šuhcʰahcʰaʔ]  šu-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. pull to pieces, crumble by dragging around.

hcʰa*4   [hcʰa]   Cooccurrence: only in the compound. Noun. ?

hayhcʰa   [háyhcʰa]  ʔahay, hcʰa*4. Noun. dry brush, tree with many limbs lying stark and dry. qʰale ʔíša· háyhcʰa @ tree with many dry branches. hahse háyhcʰa @ dry brush. háyhcʰa cadela I see the dry brush. háyhcʰa min pʰiʔtʼaw @ It looks like dry brush. compare: hayhqac, hca*3, hcalh*, hca*3.

hcʰa*5   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with /cu-/. Adjective. gather into pleats, ruffle.

cuhcʰa   [cuhcʰa]  cu-, hcʰa*5. 1 • Noun. ruffle, pleat.

2 • Adjective. ruffled, gathered into folds, pleats. kʼaṭa cúhcʰa ruffled cloth. hasʼíʔda cuhcʰa thick, corrugated lips. Example Variant: haʔbo cuhcʰa.

3 • Noun. club (suit in cards).

hcʰahqa*   [cʰahqaw]  hcʰa*2. Verb. let fall, cause to fall, fell. pʰalá hcʰahqaw let fall again! tupu·li wi cʰahqaw fell with an axe.

hcʰam*   [hcʰámʔ]  hcʰa*2. Variant: cʰatʰma*. Verb. fall onto something (off the ground); (walls) fall in; lean against. kalikakʰ ʔihya wi pʰudenʔba qʰale tól hcʰamy the paper was carried by the wend and fell on a tree. cʰama fall on something! pʰalá hcʰama fall on something again! cʰátʰmameʔ fall on something (to several)! cʰamʔ fall out of tree into waiting net (e.g.); parachute caught in tree.

hcʰamacʼ*   [cʰamaʔ]   Variant: cʰahtimacʼ*. Verb. 1 • be a step-parent to. cʰamá·cʼi be a step-parent to! ʔima·ta mul cʼa·hácʰpʰi, mul naṭa hcʰamá·ci marry that woman and be a step-father to that child! pʰalá hcʰamá·cʼi be a step-parent again! cʰamá·cʼedu D: Durative. cʰáhtima·cʼi be a step-parent to several children! pʰala cʰáhtima·cʼi be a step=parent to several children again! cʰáhtima·cʼedu keep being a step-parent to several children! ʔa hcʰamácʼe· mu that's my stepson (said by step-parent). ʔa· naṭá hcʰamáʔ this is my step-child. cʰáhtimacʼmeʔ D: Plural Durative Imperative. compare: coho*.

2 • lie down with (no sexual connotation). mu·kito cʰamá·cʼi biduwe lie down with him tonight! cʰamáʔ miṭiw to lie together. cʰamá·cʼi lie down with! pʰalá hcʰama·cʼi lie down with again! cʰáhtimacʼmeʔ lay with them!

hcʰaṭ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. disarrange, mess up. compare: hcʰa*3.

dahcʰaṭ*   [dahcʰaʔ]  da-, hcʰaṭ*. Verb. mess up with hand. ciba·tʰin šukʰéhtaqoʔli dahcʰaṭánʔbina lamé·sa kʼaṭa daʔsʼóʔsʼicʰqʰ apparently someone messing around in the drawer messed up (wrinkled) the table cloth. dahcʰaṭi dig for something.

dihcʰaṭ*   [dihcʰaʔ]  di-, hcʰaṭ*. Verb. get disarranged by gravity; fall and get messed up. heʔe dihcʰaʔ hair get disarranged when person jumps around. dihcʰatá·du fall and get disarranged (my file box). dihcʰaṭi (to hair) get disarranged! dihcʰaṭanʔqa @ ?? D: Plural ?? ʔacaʔ cʼe·licʼba mul kalikakʰ ṭʼi dihcʰahy a man fell down and messed up all the books.

puhcʰaṭ*   [puhcʰaʔ]  pʰu-, hcʰaṭ*. Verb. be disarranged by wind.

šuhcʰaṭ*   [šuhcʰaʔ]  šu-, hcʰaṭ*. Verb. pull apart, pull open, reopen; unpack. šuhcʰaṭi pull open or apart! šuhcʰaṭá·du D: Plural.

hcʰe*1   [cʰew]   Variant: hcʰet*. Verb. 1 • be prying loose (shellfish, roots, potatoes), dig. cʰetá·du pry off mussels, dig potatoes, pry up roots. pʰalah cʰeta·du pry off mussels, dig potatoes, pry up roots again. Example Comment: Oswald has pʰaláh, but marks it as probably a mistake. pʰala hcʰeci pry up one (again). Example Comment: Oswald has pʰaláh, but marks it as probably a mistake?. cʰecí·du keep prying up. pʰaláh cʰe @ pry loose again. cʰetʰuʔ @ don't prying loose. cʰeti @. cʰetá·du mul ʔihqʰoʔ dig those roots. ʔama hcʰew dig ground (with mattock, not spade; nothing need come up). ʔino hcʰew @ dig dust. ʔaṭʰa hcʰew @ dig gravel. ʔaqʰa· wala·pʰi ʔaṭʰáhcʰe go down to the creek and dig gravel. ʔama· ʔél hcʰepʰi mul ʔihqʰoʔ daqʰo·ci dig the ground and dig the root out. noʔqʼóhcʰey he got mussels, he pried open the mussles. cʰe @ dig! cʰemeʔ dig! (pl.) cʰeci pry up one. cʰecí·duce·du @ keep digging. pʰalá hcʰeci·duce·du @ keep digging (again).

2 • dig up (bulb).

ʔamahcʰe·li   [ʔamahcʰé·li]  ʔama·1, hcʰe*1. Noun. hoe. synonyms: ʔama pico·li, ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li, salo·n.

hcʰe*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. act in many places!! ʔahqʰa sícecʰmela· haru wi sihmul I didn't drink it up, I left water in the glass.

bahcʰe*   [-]  ba-, hcʰe*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. be nosy, ask a lot of questions.

bahcʰebahcʰe*   [bahcʰebáhcʰew]  bahcʰe*. Reduplicating Verb. be nosy, ask a lot of questions. mu· ṭʼo bahcʰebácʰetaʔti ʔe· wanʔqam He came to ask a lot of questions. Example Comment: (snooping questions, not proper questions). bahcʰebacʰetaʔ being nosy, asking a lot of questions.

cihcʰe*   [-]  cʰi-, hcʰe*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Reduplicating Verb. scratch around with a stick.

cihcʰecihcʰe*   [cihcʰecíhcʰew]  cihcʰe*. Variant: cihcʰecicʰetad*. Reduplicating Verb. scratch around with a stick. @ cihcʰecícʰetanʔba daʔtʼawem that's what I found scratching around with a stick. Example Comment: Oswalt has cicʰecícʰetanʔba.

duhcʰe*   [duhcʰew]  du-, hcʰe*2. Verb. fool around. duhcʰetáʔtʰuʔ don't be fooling around! duhcʰéʔtʰuʔ don't fool around (once)!

duhcʰeduhcʰe*   [duhcʰeduhcʰew]  duhcʰe*. Reduplicating Verb. do many types of things, fool around. @ man haʔdíʔdo qan ṭʼo duhcʰedúcʰeta·dutʰine·to I'm not in the habit of fooling around diealing with important and different things like that. duhcʰeducʰeta·du doing many types of things, doing something a lot that you don't know you are doing.

pihcʰe*   [pihcʰew]  pʰi-, hcʰe*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. snoop around, suspiciously look around for several things.

pihcʰepihcʰe*   [pihcʰepihcʰew]  pihcʰe*. Reduplicating Verb. snooping around, suspiciously looking around for several things.

hcʰet*   [hcʰeʔ]  hcʰe*1.

hcʰi*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. hurt badly, cause pain.

bahcʰi*1   [bahcʰíw]  ba-, hcʰi*. Verb. face insult with truth, embarrassed from having ancestors named or telling something bad about him that is true; make ashamed. bahcʰiwá·duʔ face insult with truth, make someone ashamed. bahcʰiwá·duci shame him/her! bacʰíhwadu·ci shame them! bahcʰiwá·duci Violet to criticize Violet! (with any true insult) . bahcʰiwá·ducʰwiye· to kʰe naṭa hcʰoyiʔli wi he insulted me with my dead child (by meaning it).

bahcʰi*2   [bahcʰíw]  ba-, hcʰi*. Verb. peck to pieces.

bahcʰibahcʰi*   [bahcʰibáhcʰiw]  bahcʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. peck or pick to pieces with beak.

dahcʰi*2   [dahcʰíw]  da-, hcʰi*. Verb. hit with butt of hand so it really hurts. dahcʰiwá·duʔ to hit with butt of hand so it really hurts.

hcʰiwa·la*   [-]  hcʰi*, -w2, -ala. Cooccurrence: with /pʰa-, cu-/ only. Instr Verb Root. kill much game.

cuhcʰiwa·la*   [cuhcʰiwá·law]  cu-, hcʰiwa·la*. Verb. shoot a lot of game, shoot down many (birds); slaughter. mu·kinʔ sʼihta bóʔobina -- sʼihta cuhcʰiwá·laqʰ -- sʼihta mišukʰ cuṭʼaʔ cʰíʔdima·duy he must have gone hunting birds and shot down a lot of birds; I see him arriving with a bag full of birds. sʼihta cuhcʰiwá·law shoot down lots of birds.

pahcʰiwa·la*   [pahcʰiwá·law]  pʰa-, hcʰiwa·la*. Verb. spear a lot of game, spear many (fish). ʔahša ṭa mu pahcʰiwa·ladom they really speared a lot of fish.

hihcʰi*   [hihcʰiw]  hi-, hcʰi*. Verb. hit hard. hihcʰiwá·duʔ hard hit. compare: hinem*.

mahcʰi*   [mahcʰíw]  ma-2, hcʰi*. Verb. be hurt by stepping on. macʰíhwacʼicʰmeʔ step on those so it hurts (not inanimate). mahcʰiwá·duci step on one of those so it hurts. mahcʰiwá·duce·du @ step on several of those so it hurts. mahcʰiwá·duʔ @.

muhcʰi*   [muhcʰíw]  mu-, hcʰi*. Verb. hurt with thrown rocks, by hitting hard. muhcʰiwá·duʔ hurt with a thrown rock, hurt by hitting hard. šulamʔba muhcʰiwá·du·y He got very sick. He is hit hard by sickness.

pahcʰi*   [pahcʰíw]  pʰa-, hcʰi*. Verb. hurt with fist. pahcʰiwá·duʔ (one) injured with fist. pahcʰiwá·dicʰmemulʔ (two) injured (one) with fist. pacʰíhwadu·cimulʔ (one) injured (several) with fist. pacʰíhwacʼicʰmemulʔ (two) injured (several) with fist. pahcʰiwá·duyiʔ hit self so it hurts. compare: pʰaʔṭʼawʔd*.

picʰi*   [picʰiw]  pʰi-, hcʰi*. Verb. hurt with a stick.

sihcʰi*   [sihcʰíw]  si-, hcʰi*. Verb. 1 • be kissed too much, cheeks turned black and blue. qapʼa sʼálalamqa·mito aba·tʰin sihcʰiwá·duʔye· Your cheek has turned black and blue, did someone kiss you too much/hard?

2 • drink lots (not necessarily too much). ma·cáʔkʰe ʔaca· ma·ducʼba ʔahqʰa ho sihcʰiwá·ducʰmela When I visited their home, I drank lots of hot drinks.

hcʰil*   [cʰilʔ]   Variant: cʰil*. \Variant: cʰihli*; cʰilʔta*. Verb. hang, cling to a surface, swing. cʰiliʔ to hang. cʰilí·cʼi hang yourself. cʰilá·du be hanging something up. chila·loqo·du left something hanging up out (of water, as in fishing) . cʰilí·biʔ (lizard crawls up and stops). dacʰaw cʰilí·biʔ it clings. sʼiʔcʼanáyʔ cʰilʔ be stuck (on walls or ceiling). cʰilá·qa swing once, "hang away". cʰíhlaqa several swings. cʰíhlahmeʔ several people swing. pʰaláh hcʰilá·qa swing again. pʰaláh cʰilmaw go across anging or hang across as an unstretched rope again. Example Variant: pʰala cʰílmaw. cʰíhlimʔ @ (several) hang across. kapú·ta miʔkʰe hcʰili hang up your coat. ʔacaʔ qali hcʰili hand the man (to one). Example Variant: ʔacaʔ hcʰili. cʰili hang up something. cʰilmaw go across anging or hang across as an unstretched rope. pʰalá hcʰili hang up something (again). compare: siwi·c*.

hayhcʰil*   [háyhcʰilʔ]  ʔahay, hcʰil*. Verb. 1 • celebrate. háyhcʰilmeʔ celebrate! (to several). háyhcʰila·du keep celebrating. háyhcʰilʔ to celebrate, celebration. háyhcʰili celebrate! (to a person). pʰala háyhcʰili celebrate! (to a person) #again.

2 • hang up a long stick. Usage: archaic

hayhcʰilʔmeṭ   [háyhcʰilʔmeʔ]  hayhcʰil*, meṭ. Noun. celebration, esp. one of the main celebrations of the year (Christmas or 4th of July); ceremonial occasion.

ʔamahcʰili   [ʔamahcʰilí]  ʔama·1, hcʰil*. Variant: ʔama· cʰili. Noun. bank, bluff, cliff, precipice.

hcʰilicʼ*   [cʰiliʔ]  . Variant: cʰiltacʼ*. Verb. sling (over shoulder).

hcʰita·l*   [-]   Variant: hcʰita·laq*. Instr Verb Root. cut meat in strips for jerky. not for seaweed or fish.

bahcʰital*   [bahcʰitálʔ]  ba-, hcʰita·l*. Variant: bahcʰita·laq*. Verb. make jerky, cut meat into strips and string it to dry. bahcʰitalʔ to string meat. bahcʰitá·laʔ D: Plural. bacʰitá·laqá·du D: Plural Durative. bacʰitá·ladu D: Durative. bacʰita·ladu·cedu D: Habitural. bahcʰitá·ladu @. bihše báhcʰita·li string meat. bahcʰitá·li @. bahcʰitáltʰuʔ @. mul bihše bahcʰitá·li string that meat. bihše báhcʰitalmeʔ string meat (pl). mul bihše bahcʰitálmeʔ tring that meat (pl). bihše báhcʰita·lela· sʼuwácʰqati I'm stringing meat to dry it. bahcʰitála mulʔ cut that.

hcʰita·laq*   [-]  hcʰita·l*. Instr Verb Root. cut meat in strips for jerky.

hcʰiṭi   [-]   Noun. fork [?]

hcʰiwa·la*   [-]  hcʰi*, -w2, -ala. Cooccurrence: with /pʰa-, cu-/ only. Instr Verb Root. kill much game.

cuhcʰiwa·la*   [cuhcʰiwá·law]  cu-, hcʰiwa·la*. Verb. shoot a lot of game, shoot down many (birds); slaughter. mu·kinʔ sʼihta bóʔobina -- sʼihta cuhcʰiwá·laqʰ -- sʼihta mišukʰ cuṭʼaʔ cʰíʔdima·duy he must have gone hunting birds and shot down a lot of birds; I see him arriving with a bag full of birds. sʼihta cuhcʰiwá·law shoot down lots of birds.

pahcʰiwa·la*   [pahcʰiwá·law]  pʰa-, hcʰiwa·la*. Verb. spear a lot of game, spear many (fish). ʔahša ṭa mu pahcʰiwa·ladom they really speared a lot of fish.

hcʰo*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. steam. synonyms: cʰo·l*.

pohcʰo*   [-]  pʰu-, hcʰo*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms.. Reduplicating Verb. steam. synonyms: pocʰo·l*1.

pohcʰohcʰo*   [pohcʰóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. keep on steaming; steam to rise, but not as fast as from boiling water.

pohcʰopohcʰo*   [pohcʰopóhcʰow]  pohcʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. steam; steam to rise rapidly from boiling water. pohcʰopóhcʰomʔ several are steaming.

hcʰo*2   [cʰow]   Variant: cʰo·*. Verb. not be, be absent, be without. molókko cʰoʔ no milk, without milk. ʔacaʔ cʰoʔ end of human life. ʔama hcʰoʔ world ending. cʰo·natí mo·dela I can barely run; I am barely running. Example Comment: Although tired, keep going. cʰo·natí wa·dela I am barely walking (tired). Example Comment: Although tired, keep going. qawi cʰówe· to qahmatí·bi·ti ʔdu I almost got mad; I got a little mad; It makes me a little mad. ʔahqʰa cʰow thirsty. maʔa cʰow hungry. ʔimeqʼa cʰow šulamwiye· to I'm hungry for peaches. ʔí·lo sʼaqʰa·la tolʔkʰe cʰo· ken to·ʔ The shade of green thread I don't have. cʰo mi· ʔ don't be there! (sg). cʰow nothing's there (said by wife at intersection). cʰo·me mi· ʔ don't be there! (pl). cʰomé mayaʔkʰe ʔaca· don't be in your home. cʰotʰuʔ don't fail to be. cʰotácʼmeʔ don't be there (pl). cʰo·tʰumé mi· ʔ @ was not . cʰotáʔtʰumeʔ @ don't fail to be (pl). cʰo·yiʔ to not be there. cʰotí·biʔ almost running out of patience. qahnatácʼqaw cʰow they tried in vain. Example Variant: qahnatácʼqa hcʰow.

cʰow   [cʰow]  hcʰo*2. Adverb. no more.

cʰo·hqa*   [cʰohqáw]  hcʰo*2. Verb. miss someone, miss something you expected to find. cʰohqayé· mu·kinʔ ma·dal he missed her. cʰohqamilá· ʔa ma·cal ʔaca· I missed them at home (I went home and they were gone).

haʔdaw hcʰoc*   [haʔdaw hcʰoʔ]  haʔdaw, hcʰo*2. Noun. famine. haʔdáw hcʰoʔ famine. haʔdaw hcʰoyí·cʼi die of starvation!

hcʰoc*1   [-]  hcʰo*2. Variant: cʰo·ci*. Instr Verb Root. wear away, wear out, become nothing, disappear, die away, wear out. -v̂-c [?] erode, gradually wear out. -R- be worn down; go to nothingness in increments.

bahcʰoc*   [bahcʰoʔ]  ba-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear away with mouth or beak.

bahcʰobahcʰoc*   [bahcʰobáhcʰoʔ]  bahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear away with mouth or beak.

bahcʰohcʰoc*   [bahcʰohcʰoʔ]  bahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear away with mouth or beak. sʼihta yaʔ bahcʰóhcʰocʰqa haʔal qʰale tol ya·palka cʰilal a bird is pecking away on an apple hanging on that tree. Example Comment: (not so it dissapears or is in pieces but so it wears away).

bihcʰoc*   [bihcʰoʔ]  bi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

bihcʰobihcʰoc*   [bihcʰobihcʰoʔ]  bihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

bihcʰohcʰoc*   [bihcʰohcʰoʔ]  bihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

cahcʰoc*   [cahcʰoʔ]  ca-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cahcʰocahcʰoc*   [cahcʰocahcʰoʔ]  cahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cahcʰohcʰoc*   [cahcʰohcʰoʔ]  cahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cihcʰoc*   [cihcʰóʔ]  cʰi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cihcʰocihcʰoc*   [cihcʰocíhcʰoʔ]  cihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cihcʰohcʰoc*   [cihcʰóhcʰoʔ]  cihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cohcʰoc*   [cohcʰoʔ]  cu-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out at knees.

cohcʰocohcʰoc*   [cohcʰocohcʰoʔ]  cohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out (jeans) at knees (by kneeling too much). cohcʰococʰota·du wearing out at the knees.

cohcʰohcʰoc*   [cohcʰohcʰoʔ]  cohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out at knees.

cʰotʰci*   [cʰohci]  hcʰoc*1. Verb.

dahcʰoc*   [dahcʰoʔ]  da-, hcʰoc*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. tear up by rubbing.

dahcʰohcʰoc*   [dahcʰohcʰoʔ]  dahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. to tear up to pieces by rubbing.

dihcʰoc*   [dihcʰoʔ]  hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dihcʰodihcʰoc*   [dihcʰodihcʰoʔ]  dihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dihcʰohcʰoc*   [dihcʰohcʰoʔ]  dihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dohcʰoc*   [dohcʰoʔ]  du-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. be worn down with fingers.

dohcʰodohcʰoc*   [dohcʰodohcʰoʔ]  dohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. be worn down with fingers. dohcʰodóhcʰota·du @ keep wearing down with fingers.

dohcʰohcʰoc*   [dohcʰohcʰoʔ]  dohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. tear up to pieces by rubbing. dohcʰohcʰoci tear up to pieces!

hahcʰoc*   [hahcʰoʔ]  ha-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohahcʰoc*   [hahcʰohahcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohcʰoc*   [hahcʰohcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hcʰoc*2   [cʰoʔ]  Ø-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. be destroyed, wear away, wear out, become nothing, disappear, die away, wear out. cʰoʔ to disappear, die away, wear out. kʼaṭa cʰohciw hqal e· ma you like to wear your clothes out. ciʔdomʔ cʰoca·du ʔye· ʔul the flowers are all gone (stopped blooming). cʰoci wear out! (to cloth, etc.); go away! dissappear! cʰocí·du(wa·du) keep getting worn out. cʰóhcimeʔ get worn out! (pl); go away! (pl). kʼaṭa síhyaše· šahyá cʰoci·du Thin material wears out fast. cʰocayʔ wear out on something. cʰocʰmeʔ go away! disappear! (pl). qʰamosʼ pʰalá hcʰoyʔ The ocean quieted (itself) down again. qʰaletol ciʔdomʔ cʰocʰqʰ the flowers are gone, faded. heʔe hcʰocʰqa· mito You've lost your hair. ciwalaw hcʰócʰqa· miʔkʰe Your shirt has worn out. kʼaṭa hcʰocá·wiye·to my clothes are wearing out. maʔa hcʰocayʔ @. maʔa hcʰocá·wiye·yal we don't have enough food. maʔa hcʰoyíʔye· yaʔkʰe there's not more food for us; our food is gone. cʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out! don't go away (again)! cʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out! (pl). cʰocí·du keep wearing out. pʰala hcʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out (again)! don't go away (again)! pʰala hcʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out (again)! (pl). pʰala hcʰoci·du keep wearing out (again). ʔahcá hcʰoci (to house) be destroyed! ʔahcá hcʰocʰqa (to person) destroy the house. compare: cʰo·*, hoyhcʰoc*; synonyms: hkot*.

ʔama· hcʰoc   [ʔama· hcʰoʔ]  ʔama·1, hcʰoc*2. Variant: ʔamahcʰoc. Noun. destruction (any), ending of the world. ʔamahcʰoʔ world ending (used in church), any destruction. ʔamahcʰocʼ ínsʼe· mu it seems to be destruction. ʔamahcʰoci be destroyed!

hcʰocʰqa*   [cʰocʰqaw]  hcʰoc*1. Verb. destroy. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi destroy yourself. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi mul mito šiʔbatol ʔama·ṭʰáʔbamal Destroy the material (clothes, glasses, etc.) that is on your body. cʰocʰqaw destroy.

hcʰoyicʼ*   [cʰoyíʔ]  Variant: cʰoyicʼ*. hcʰoc*1. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ*. Verb. die. pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyí·cʼibiw he died suddenly. Example Variant: pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyícʼibiw. cʰoyí·cʼi die! cʰóytacʼmeʔ die (pl)! cʰo·yiʔ to die. cʰoyiyʔ he has (just) died. cʰoyiʔye· mu that died. hu· cʰoyicʼ yes, he is dead (answer to question). hayu cʰoyiʔ a dead dog. naṭa wi hcʰoyiʔ to die in childbirth.

hcʰoyicʼ   [cʰoyíʔ]  hcʰoyicʼ*. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ. Adjective. dead.

hihcʰoc*   [hihcʰoʔ]  hi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohcʰoc*   [hihcʰohcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohihcʰoc*   [hihcʰohihcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

mahcʰoc*   [mahcʰoʔ]  ma-2, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car.

mahcʰohcʰoc*   [mahcʰohcʰoʔ]  mahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰihtʰic*, mahtʰohtʰoc*.

mahcʰomahcʰoc*   [mahcʰomahcʰoʔ]  mahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car.

mihcʰoc*   [mihcʰoʔ]  mi-2, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by kicking.

mihcʰohcʰoc*   [mihcʰohcʰoʔ]  mihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by kicking. kumíʔdaʔ hanétʰmatʰu miʔkʰe cumatʰma· mito qʰamawi ma mihcʰóhcʰocʼkʰeʔeʔ Don't be kicking your chair with your foot all the time or you'll be wearing it out.

mihcʰomihcʰoc*   [mihcʰomihcʰoʔ]  mihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by kicking.

pahcʰoc*   [pahcʰoʔ]  pʰa-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰohcʰoc*   [pahcʰohcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰopahcʰoc*   [pahcʰopahcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pihcʰoc*   [pihcʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰohcʰoc*   [pihcʰohcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰopihcʰoc*   [pihcʰopihcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

qahcʰoc*   [qahcʰóʔ]  qa-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by chewing.

qahcʰohcʰoc*   [qahcʰóhcʰoʔ]  qahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by chewing.

qahcʰoqahcʰoc*   [qahcʰoqáhcʰoʔ]  qahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by chewing.

sihcʰoc*   [sihcʰoʔ]  si-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

sihcʰohcʰoc*   [sihcʰohcʰoʔ]  sihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

sihcʰosihcʰoc*   [sihcʰosihcʰoʔ]  sihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

šohcʰoc*   [šohcʰoʔ]  šu-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

šohcʰohcʰoc*   [šohcʰohcʰoʔ]  šohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

šohcʰošohcʰoc*   [šohcʰošohcʰoʔ]  šohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

ʔihya hcʰo*   [ʔihya hcʰow]  ʔihya·, hcʰo*2. Verb. hopeless; spineless; without stength, ability, or courage. heʔen ma ninéʔtʰe· mul cahno ʔihya hcʰó·yaw You can't learn the language, you're hopeless; it's too hard to teach you the language. ʔiya hcʰó·yawe· mu·kinʔ - ʔama dúhkʰeniʔ He's hopeless -- too lazy.

hcʰoc*1   [-]  hcʰo*2. Variant: cʰo·ci*. Instr Verb Root. wear away, wear out, become nothing, disappear, die away, wear out. -v̂-c [?] erode, gradually wear out. -R- be worn down; go to nothingness in increments.

bahcʰoc*   [bahcʰoʔ]  ba-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear away with mouth or beak.

bahcʰobahcʰoc*   [bahcʰobáhcʰoʔ]  bahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear away with mouth or beak.

bahcʰohcʰoc*   [bahcʰohcʰoʔ]  bahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear away with mouth or beak. sʼihta yaʔ bahcʰóhcʰocʰqa haʔal qʰale tol ya·palka cʰilal a bird is pecking away on an apple hanging on that tree. Example Comment: (not so it dissapears or is in pieces but so it wears away).

bihcʰoc*   [bihcʰoʔ]  bi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

bihcʰobihcʰoc*   [bihcʰobihcʰoʔ]  bihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

bihcʰohcʰoc*   [bihcʰohcʰoʔ]  bihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by eating, e.g. moths eat up clothes.

cahcʰoc*   [cahcʰoʔ]  ca-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cahcʰocahcʰoc*   [cahcʰocahcʰoʔ]  cahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cahcʰohcʰoc*   [cahcʰohcʰoʔ]  cahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out with rear end (e.g., seat of pants or chair wears out).

cihcʰoc*   [cihcʰóʔ]  cʰi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cihcʰocihcʰoc*   [cihcʰocíhcʰoʔ]  cihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cihcʰohcʰoc*   [cihcʰóhcʰoʔ]  cihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by rubbing with an instrument.

cohcʰoc*   [cohcʰoʔ]  cu-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out at knees.

cohcʰocohcʰoc*   [cohcʰocohcʰoʔ]  cohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out (jeans) at knees (by kneeling too much). cohcʰococʰota·du wearing out at the knees.

cohcʰohcʰoc*   [cohcʰohcʰoʔ]  cohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out at knees.

cʰotʰci*   [cʰohci]  hcʰoc*1. Verb.

dahcʰoc*   [dahcʰoʔ]  da-, hcʰoc*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. tear up by rubbing.

dahcʰohcʰoc*   [dahcʰohcʰoʔ]  dahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. to tear up to pieces by rubbing.

dihcʰoc*   [dihcʰoʔ]  hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dihcʰodihcʰoc*   [dihcʰodihcʰoʔ]  dihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dihcʰohcʰoc*   [dihcʰohcʰoʔ]  dihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., ball) from many falls.

dohcʰoc*   [dohcʰoʔ]  du-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. be worn down with fingers.

dohcʰodohcʰoc*   [dohcʰodohcʰoʔ]  dohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. be worn down with fingers. dohcʰodóhcʰota·du @ keep wearing down with fingers.

dohcʰohcʰoc*   [dohcʰohcʰoʔ]  dohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. tear up to pieces by rubbing. dohcʰohcʰoci tear up to pieces!

hahcʰoc*   [hahcʰoʔ]  ha-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohahcʰoc*   [hahcʰohahcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hahcʰohcʰoc*   [hahcʰohcʰoʔ]  hahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out from kicking.

hcʰoc*2   [cʰoʔ]  Ø-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. be destroyed, wear away, wear out, become nothing, disappear, die away, wear out. cʰoʔ to disappear, die away, wear out. kʼaṭa cʰohciw hqal e· ma you like to wear your clothes out. ciʔdomʔ cʰoca·du ʔye· ʔul the flowers are all gone (stopped blooming). cʰoci wear out! (to cloth, etc.); go away! dissappear! cʰocí·du(wa·du) keep getting worn out. cʰóhcimeʔ get worn out! (pl); go away! (pl). kʼaṭa síhyaše· šahyá cʰoci·du Thin material wears out fast. cʰocayʔ wear out on something. cʰocʰmeʔ go away! disappear! (pl). qʰamosʼ pʰalá hcʰoyʔ The ocean quieted (itself) down again. qʰaletol ciʔdomʔ cʰocʰqʰ the flowers are gone, faded. heʔe hcʰocʰqa· mito You've lost your hair. ciwalaw hcʰócʰqa· miʔkʰe Your shirt has worn out. kʼaṭa hcʰocá·wiye·to my clothes are wearing out. maʔa hcʰocayʔ @. maʔa hcʰocá·wiye·yal we don't have enough food. maʔa hcʰoyíʔye· yaʔkʰe there's not more food for us; our food is gone. cʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out! don't go away (again)! cʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out! (pl). cʰocí·du keep wearing out. pʰala hcʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out (again)! don't go away (again)! pʰala hcʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out (again)! (pl). pʰala hcʰoci·du keep wearing out (again). ʔahcá hcʰoci (to house) be destroyed! ʔahcá hcʰocʰqa (to person) destroy the house. compare: cʰo·*, hoyhcʰoc*; synonyms: hkot*.

ʔama· hcʰoc   [ʔama· hcʰoʔ]  ʔama·1, hcʰoc*2. Variant: ʔamahcʰoc. Noun. destruction (any), ending of the world. ʔamahcʰoʔ world ending (used in church), any destruction. ʔamahcʰocʼ ínsʼe· mu it seems to be destruction. ʔamahcʰoci be destroyed!

hcʰocʰqa*   [cʰocʰqaw]  hcʰoc*1. Verb. destroy. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi destroy yourself. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi mul mito šiʔbatol ʔama·ṭʰáʔbamal Destroy the material (clothes, glasses, etc.) that is on your body. cʰocʰqaw destroy.

hcʰoyicʼ*   [cʰoyíʔ]  Variant: cʰoyicʼ*. hcʰoc*1. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ*. Verb. die. pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyí·cʼibiw he died suddenly. Example Variant: pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyícʼibiw. cʰoyí·cʼi die! cʰóytacʼmeʔ die (pl)! cʰo·yiʔ to die. cʰoyiyʔ he has (just) died. cʰoyiʔye· mu that died. hu· cʰoyicʼ yes, he is dead (answer to question). hayu cʰoyiʔ a dead dog. naṭa wi hcʰoyiʔ to die in childbirth.

hcʰoyicʼ   [cʰoyíʔ]  hcʰoyicʼ*. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ. Adjective. dead.

hihcʰoc*   [hihcʰoʔ]  hi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohcʰoc*   [hihcʰohcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohihcʰoc*   [hihcʰohihcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

mahcʰoc*   [mahcʰoʔ]  ma-2, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car.

mahcʰohcʰoc*   [mahcʰohcʰoʔ]  mahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰihtʰic*, mahtʰohtʰoc*.

mahcʰomahcʰoc*   [mahcʰomahcʰoʔ]  mahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., floor) by walking on it, wear out tires but not car.

mihcʰoc*   [mihcʰoʔ]  mi-2, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by kicking.

mihcʰohcʰoc*   [mihcʰohcʰoʔ]  mihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by kicking. kumíʔdaʔ hanétʰmatʰu miʔkʰe cumatʰma· mito qʰamawi ma mihcʰóhcʰocʼkʰeʔeʔ Don't be kicking your chair with your foot all the time or you'll be wearing it out.

mihcʰomihcʰoc*   [mihcʰomihcʰoʔ]  mihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by kicking.

pahcʰoc*   [pahcʰoʔ]  pʰa-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰohcʰoc*   [pahcʰohcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pahcʰopahcʰoc*   [pahcʰopahcʰoʔ]  pahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by poking.

pihcʰoc*   [pihcʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰohcʰoc*   [pihcʰohcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

pihcʰopihcʰoc*   [pihcʰopihcʰoʔ]  pihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something (e.g., bat) from many hits.

qahcʰoc*   [qahcʰóʔ]  qa-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by chewing.

qahcʰohcʰoc*   [qahcʰóhcʰoʔ]  qahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by chewing.

qahcʰoqahcʰoc*   [qahcʰoqáhcʰoʔ]  qahcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by chewing.

sihcʰoc*   [sihcʰoʔ]  si-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

sihcʰohcʰoc*   [sihcʰohcʰoʔ]  sihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

sihcʰosihcʰoc*   [sihcʰosihcʰoʔ]  sihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by water (e.g., paper disintegrates in water).

šohcʰoc*   [šohcʰoʔ]  šu-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

šohcʰohcʰoc*   [šohcʰohcʰoʔ]  šohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

šohcʰošohcʰoc*   [šohcʰošohcʰoʔ]  šohcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out by pulling many times.

hcʰoc*2   [cʰoʔ]  Ø-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. be destroyed, wear away, wear out, become nothing, disappear, die away, wear out. cʰoʔ to disappear, die away, wear out. kʼaṭa cʰohciw hqal e· ma you like to wear your clothes out. ciʔdomʔ cʰoca·du ʔye· ʔul the flowers are all gone (stopped blooming). cʰoci wear out! (to cloth, etc.); go away! dissappear! cʰocí·du(wa·du) keep getting worn out. cʰóhcimeʔ get worn out! (pl); go away! (pl). kʼaṭa síhyaše· šahyá cʰoci·du Thin material wears out fast. cʰocayʔ wear out on something. cʰocʰmeʔ go away! disappear! (pl). qʰamosʼ pʰalá hcʰoyʔ The ocean quieted (itself) down again. qʰaletol ciʔdomʔ cʰocʰqʰ the flowers are gone, faded. heʔe hcʰocʰqa· mito You've lost your hair. ciwalaw hcʰócʰqa· miʔkʰe Your shirt has worn out. kʼaṭa hcʰocá·wiye·to my clothes are wearing out. maʔa hcʰocayʔ @. maʔa hcʰocá·wiye·yal we don't have enough food. maʔa hcʰoyíʔye· yaʔkʰe there's not more food for us; our food is gone. cʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out! don't go away (again)! cʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out! (pl). cʰocí·du keep wearing out. pʰala hcʰó·tʰuʔ don't wear out (again)! don't go away (again)! pʰala hcʰo·tʰumeʔ don't wear out (again)! (pl). pʰala hcʰoci·du keep wearing out (again). ʔahcá hcʰoci (to house) be destroyed! ʔahcá hcʰocʰqa (to person) destroy the house. compare: cʰo·*, hoyhcʰoc*; synonyms: hkot*.

ʔama· hcʰoc   [ʔama· hcʰoʔ]  ʔama·1, hcʰoc*2. Variant: ʔamahcʰoc. Noun. destruction (any), ending of the world. ʔamahcʰoʔ world ending (used in church), any destruction. ʔamahcʰocʼ ínsʼe· mu it seems to be destruction. ʔamahcʰoci be destroyed!

hcʰocʰqa*   [cʰocʰqaw]  hcʰoc*1. Verb. destroy. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi destroy yourself. cʰócʰqayi·cʼi mul mito šiʔbatol ʔama·ṭʰáʔbamal Destroy the material (clothes, glasses, etc.) that is on your body. cʰocʰqaw destroy.

hcʰohqacʼ*1   [cʰohqaʔ]   Verb. growl, scold, quarrel. mayal cóhqaʔsʼuw they will scold you.

hcʰohqacʼ*2   [cʰóhqaʔ]   Variant: cʰohqacʼ*. Verb. 1 • growl, scold in anger, insult. cʰohqaʔ growl at. cahnó hcohqawiye· to mu·kinʔ he insulted me. cóhqacʼe· to mu·kinʔ @ he growled at me. cʰohqacʼi growl! cʰohqacʼmeʔ growl (pl)! cʰohqacʼa·duwa·du @ keep growling. Example Variant: cʰohqacʼi·duwa·du.

2 • quarrel. cʰóhqacʼi·cʼi quarrel with yourself. compare: cʰohmucʼ*, duhṭʰalahmucʼ*.

hcʰohqacʼqacʼ*   [cʰohqacʼqaʔ]  . Verb. quarrel.

=hcʰot   [hcʰot]  =cʰot.

hcʰot*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. become unable to finish from being tired from too much, or inability; give out.

bahcʰot*   [bahcʰoʔ]  ba-, hcʰot*. Verb. become tired from talking, voice give out.

bihcʰot*   [bihcʰoʔ]  bi-, hcʰot*. Verb. be unable to pick up (e.g., a 200 lb sack).

cahcʰot*   [cahcʰoʔ]  ca-, hcʰot*. Verb. be tired of sitting.

cihcʰot*   [cihcʰóʔ]  cʰi-, hcʰot*. Verb. give out from digging with an instrument.

dahcʰot*   [dahcʰoʔ]  da-, hcʰot*. Verb. be tired of doing (with hands). dahcʰotayʔ feil to finish washing because its too much for you (either you're lazy or work is too much).

dohcʰot*   [dohcʰoʔ]  du-, hcʰot*. Verb. be stuck, be unable to finish, fail to do because it is too much, too hard or don't know how. ʔahca qawí·ba to heʔen duʔkʼuʔkʰe tʰin dohcʰota·wiy I am building, I can't finish because I'm stuck. ʔahca dohcʰotá·wiye· to I'm unable to finish the house.

hahcʰot*   [hahcʰoʔ]  ha-, hcʰot*. Verb. be tired of kicking.

mahcʰot*   [mahcʰoʔ]  hcʰot*. Verb. feet give out, be tired from walking. hoʔen ʔa bahcil wánʔkʰe tʰín mahcʰotáyʔkʰeʔe·tu I can't go any farther, my feet are going to give out.

mohcʰot*   [mohcʰoʔ]  mu-, hcʰot*. Cooccurrence: all examples with /-ay/. Verb. become tired, get out of breath; get tired of doing something (work or running) and then not finish. sukʰenʔ mohcʰotayʔ get out of breath (from running). mohcʰotá·yi get tired of it! mohcʰotá·meʔ get tired of it! (to in-law). mocʰóhta·meʔ get tired of it! (to sev.)

pihcʰot*   [pihcʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hcʰot*. Verb. eyes tired from batting, eyes give out (from reading).

pohcʰot*   [pohcʰoʔ]  pʰu-, hcʰot*. Verb. give out from blowing (e.g., blowing up a balloon).

qahcʰot*   [qahcʰoʔ]  qa-, hcʰot*. Verb. be too full to finish eating.

sihcʰot*   [sihcʰoʔ]  si-, hcʰot*. Verb. be too full to finish drinking, etc.

šuhcʰot*   [šuhcʰoʔ]  šu-, hcʰot*. Verb. be tired of shaking something.

hcʰoyicʼ   [cʰoyíʔ]  hcʰoyicʼ*. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ. Adjective. dead.

hcʰoyicʼ*   [cʰoyíʔ]  Variant: cʰoyicʼ*. hcʰoc*1. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ*. Verb. die. pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyí·cʼibiw he died suddenly. Example Variant: pʰiʔtʼan cʰoyícʼibiw. cʰoyí·cʼi die! cʰóytacʼmeʔ die (pl)! cʰo·yiʔ to die. cʰoyiyʔ he has (just) died. cʰoyiʔye· mu that died. hu· cʰoyicʼ yes, he is dead (answer to question). hayu cʰoyiʔ a dead dog. naṭa wi hcʰoyiʔ to die in childbirth.

hcʰoyicʼ   [cʰoyíʔ]  hcʰoyicʼ*. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼ. Adjective. dead.

hcʰoyicʼqa*   [cʰoyícʼqaw]  hcʰoyicʼ*. Variant: cʰoyʔtacʼqa*. Verb. 1 • kill, murder.

2 • be killed.

hcʰo·*   [cʰow]   Verb. disappear, go away. cʰota·duʔ going away (about to die). ʔama hcʰocʰpʰi dú·cicʼmile when world comes to an end. cʰow no more. cʰo disappear! cʰo·meʔ disappear (to several)! cʰo·tʰuʔ don't disappear! ʔama· cʰocí·duwa·dutʰin to be eager, butt in where not wanted. cʰo·natí hwoʔ It's barely flowering. Example Variant: woqó· cʰo·nati. compare: =cʰot, =cʰuʔli.

hcʰu*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated. Instr Verb Root. crumble, break up (into crumbs or powder). synonyms: hkʰu*, hcʰa*3, co*2, hyu*2, hma*.

dahcʰu*   [dahcʰuw]  da-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. crumble with hands.

dahcʰudahcʰu*   [dahcʰudahcʰuw]  dahcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with hands. dahcʰúhcʰuci mul ʔama qʰanaʔ break up the clods to powder.

dahcʰuhcʰu*   [dahcʰuhcʰuw]  dahcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with hands. synonyms: dahkʰuhkʰu*.

duhcʰu*   [duhcʰuw]  du-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. sprinkle something powdered on something with hand.

duhcʰuduhcʰu*   [duhcʰuduhcʰuw]  Variant: duhcʰuducʰu*. duhcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle something powdered on something with hand. duhcʰuducʰula·ba duhcʰudúcʰu·law

duhcʰuhcʰu*   [duhcʰuhcʰuw]  duhcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle something powdered on something with hand. duhcʰúhcʰuw sprinkle something powdered on something with hand.

hihcʰu*   [hihcʰuw]  hi-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. crumble with body or from body. synonyms: hihkʰuhihkʰu*.

hihcʰuhcʰu*   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body. hihcʰuhcʰuw lhair falling out, lots of small pieces coming off. synonyms: hihkʰuhku*.

hihcʰuhihcʰu   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰuhcʰu*. Noun. one of the best; chip off the old block. hihcʰuhcʰuw (I suppose you are an expert gambler.) "One of the best". Example Variant: hihcʰúhcʰu·ṭa. soh hihcʰúhcʰuwidomṭamu ˇ He is one of the best.

hihcʰuhihcʰu*   [hihcʰuhihcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body.

pihcʰu*   [pihcʰuw]  pʰi-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰuhcʰu*   [pihcʰuhcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

pihcʰupihcʰu*   [pihcʰupihcʰuw]  pihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. break into powder by hitting with a hoe.

qahcʰu*   [qahcʰúw]  qa-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. chew something (e.g., mealy apple, crackers) to pieces.

qahcʰuhcʰu*   [qahcʰuhcʰuw]  qahcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. chew something (e.g., mealy apple, crackers) to pieces. qahcʰúcʰuw eating crackers. ya·pálka qahcʰuhcʰuw mealy apple. synonyms: qahsuhsu*.

qahcʰuqahcʰu*   [qahcʰuqahcʰuw]  qahcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. chew something (e.g., mealy apple, crackers) to pieces. qahcʰuqáhcʰuw eating crackers.

sihcʰu*   [sihcʰúw]  si-, hcʰu*. Verb. crumble or wash away by water.

sihcʰuhcʰu*   [sihcʰuhcʰuw]  sihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by water. ʔahqʰa yaʔ miṭaʔ sihcʰúhcʰuw ^ the water is washing away ths and. sihcʰúhcʰuci @ it washed away. synonyms: sihkʰuhkʰu*, sihyuhyu*.

sihcʰusihcʰu*   [sihcʰusíhcʰuw]  sihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by water. sohcʰusícʰuta·du D: Plural Place.

hcʼelh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. ??

pahcʼelhma*   [pahcʼélhmaw]  pʰa-, hcʼelh*. Verb. poke into [?] synonyms: pʰaʔcʼenhma*.

=he   [he]  =he·.

he   [he]   Interjection. hey!

he*2   [hew]  he. Verb. scram. weʔé· heci scram! Get away! Disappear! Not happen! weʔé· hesʼuw let it not happen! mul ma weʔé· hecʰqaʔkʰe you are going to make it go away.

he*1   [hew]   Verb. gather. be· hémʔ to gather here.

he*2   [hew]  he. Verb. scram. weʔé· heci scram! Get away! Disappear! Not happen! weʔé· hesʼuw let it not happen! mul ma weʔé· hecʰqaʔkʰe you are going to make it go away.

hele   [héle]   Interjection. be careful! what's going on? try again! compare: ʔo·cʰi, hohoy.

helec   [heléʔ]   Noun. pole. heleʔya D: Plural. heléʔ bahṭʰe big pole. heleʔ li biʔdú hpʰoṭi knock acorns off with a pole. compare: šasʼu·.

hemʔqʼolo   [hémʔqʼolo]   Noun. thimbleberry (berry). Rubus parviflorus. whole: qʼoṭʰo·lo qʰale.

hentil   [héntil]   Variant: hintil; hinti·l. Noun. ignorant person, gentile. Usage: archaic

heʔbeṭi1   [heʔbeṭi]   Adjective. where, like what place.

heʔbeṭi2   [heʔbeṭi]   Adverb. in what type place, in what certain place. heʔbeṭil to, at, on, inside what type of place, etc. heʔbeṭíl hqʰaʔ (in KT /heʔbeṭílhqʰa/) towards what type of place, etc. heʔbeṭíl tow from what type of place, etc. heʔbeṭi wanʔwadu·li ʔdo ṭa mul ṭʰaba·du in what type place do they say he got hurt, while walking around ? heʔbeṭí ʔdo ṭa ṭʰaba·du where (what part of his body) do they say he was injured ? The answer might be /ʔohcómhya/ the hip (a class of parts of which the particular injured hip is not present and visible). compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, hiʔbi, hiʔdi, huʔu, haʔdi.

heʔe   [heʔe]   Noun. hair (of head). heʔe qʰá·ṭʼa epithet for a man with spiked hair !kʼ.

heʔe dibošmaw   [heʔe díbošmaw]  heʔe, dibo·šma*. Noun. pompadour, puffed-up hair.

heʔel   [heʔel]   Adverb. which, which one.

heʔelel ʔtʰin   [heʔelel ʔtʰin]  . Adjective. otherwise.

heʔen   [heʔén]   Adverb. 1 • how, in what way, why. heʔen ʔahṭʰiy/qawiyya ʔwa ma sapa·tu htalaw what size shoes do you wear? heʔen ta·wi what shape? what way? heʔen šiʔba ʔwa what shape is it? what kind of body is it? heʔen pʰiʔtʼa· sʼiw iwa what shape (aspect) was it made? how was it made to look?

2 • could not (with Negative verb).

3 • somehow, in some way (usually with Negative clitic).

heʔen cila   [heʔen cila]  . Adverb. how long (time).

heʔen sʼiwa   [heʔen sʼiwa]  . Adverb. why.

heʔen ʔtʰin   [heʔen ʔtʰin]  . 1 • Adverb. somehow.

2 • Adjective. peculiar.

3 • Adverb. however.

heʔensʼi*   [heʔensʼiw]   Verb. why.

heʔey   [heʔéy]   Adverb. 1 • where (place not visible).

2 • anywhere (with Negative verb).

3 • somewhere (with Negative clitic).

heʔey ʔtʰin   [heʔéy ʔtʰin]  . Adverb. somewhere.

heʔe·   [héʔe·]   Interjection. sigh from boredom.

heʔqʰa*   [heʔqʰaw]   Verb. clear the throat. pʰala héʔqʰaw clear the throat again. heʔqʰací·du keep clearing the throat. heʔqʰawá·taʔ several to be clearing their throats. Note the ʔ is not decremented. heʔqʰatʰuʔ don't clear the throat. heʔqʰa clear the throat! heʔqʰameʔ clear the throat (to several)! ku·kánṭʼo heʔqʰameʔ each caugh separately. heʔqʰawá·tacʼmeʔ several to clear the throat.

=he·   [he·]   Variant: =he. Conjunction. 1 • and. synonyms: =qʼo.

2 • or.

he·   [he·]   Interjection. sighing from boredom.

he·cʼ   [he·cʼ hecʼ]   Noun. nail (of finger or tow), claw, hoof.

cohšo he·cʼ   [cohšo hécʼ]  cohšo, he·cʼ. Noun. fingernail.

qʰama he·cʼ   [qʰama hécʼ]  qʰama1, he·cʼ. Noun. toe nail.

hə̨   [hə̨]  hm1.

hə̃h   [hə̃h]   Interjection. on hearing some story, not quite persuaded.

hi-   [hi]   pref-instr. with the body. This can include any of the individual parts of the body specified by other prefixes if the action is due to motion of the body and not to a purposeful act of the individual part. E.g. hihcʰaw could be ‘to knock over’ with the hand if a person walked by and brushed against a vase with his hand and so knocked it over. synonyms: diʔsʼi*.

hice*   [hicew]  hi-, ce*. Variant: hicet*. Verb. body hold up. Idiom (probably based on English): hold up, not wear out. taqʰma qʼoʔdi hícewe· maʔu this dress is holding up well.

hicu·l*   [hiculʔ]  hi-, cu·l*. Variant: hicula·tad*. Verb. (part of) body ache, have a dull pain, feel sore. šimamó hicu·le· to my ear aches. ma·cal hiculá·tacʼqaʔ they ache. hiculmadu·cedu habitually to have a dull pain inside (the belly).

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hihkʰuhihkʰu*   [hihkʰuhihkʰuw]  hi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. body crumble. ʔama· hihkʰuhíkʰuhtalaw the dirt (of a bank) was crumbling down. synonyms: hihcʰu*.

hihṭanṭala*   [hihṭanṭalaw]  hi-, hṭanṭala*, hi-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. body fade, wear out. hihṭanṭalaʔ to fade by wearing. muhṭánṭalaʔ to fade in sunlight. ʔaná· to qʼoʔdi caʔtʰu – pʰihṭánṭalacʼkʰe tʰi(´)n e to· ma ʔ. (pʰihṭánṭala·sʼuwe to· ma ʔ.) don’t look at me so much; you can’t wear me out by looking. (you might wear me out by looking.)

hihṭanṭala*   [hihṭanṭalaw]  hi-, hṭanṭala*, hi-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. body fade, wear out. hihṭanṭalaʔ to fade by wearing. muhṭánṭalaʔ to fade in sunlight. ʔaná· to qʼoʔdi caʔtʰu – pʰihṭánṭalacʼkʰe tʰi(´)n e to· ma ʔ. (pʰihṭánṭala·sʼuwe to· ma ʔ.) don’t look at me so much; you can’t wear me out by looking. (you might wear me out by looking.)

hihṭʰa*   [hihṭʰaw]  hi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. door to open by itself or button to come unbuttomed by itself. hóhwa hihṭʰay the door opened by itself. woto·n hihṭʰayé· to the button came unbuttoned, (also of shoelace undone).

hihṭʰeyʔ*   [hihṭʰeyʔ]  hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: hiṭʰehy*. Verb. spread, press with the body. miṭiʔ hihṭʰeyʔ maducʼba having lain on and pressed (tules) into a bed.

hihṭʰeyʔ*   [hihṭʰeyʔ]  hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: hiṭʰehy*. Verb. spread, press with the body. miṭiʔ hihṭʰeyʔ maducʼba having lain on and pressed (tules) into a bed.

hihwatʼ*   [hihwaʔ]  hi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. body lie rotten. hayúhcʰoyiʔ ṭʰotʼbina hihwátʼci· miṭiw the dead dog has rotted and is lying there. qali hihwatʼmaw D: Locative, Causative, Absolutive. hihwatʼá·law a rotten cloth to fall to pieces and down.

hihwel*   [hihwelʔ]  hi-, hwel*2. Verb. move endlessly, incessantly, in an unending series. hihwelá·laʔkʰe min as if no ending (in a column of people coming down). hihwélʔ tʰin no end (to column of ants).

hihwit*   [hihwiʔ]  hi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the body. ma dá·qacʼi· hihwítʰci pick out the one you want (trying on clothes)!

hihyu*1   [hihyuw]  hi-, hyu*1, hi-, hyu*1. Verb. quiver (the body). hihyuhíhyuw to quiver the body in dancing. Example Variant: hihyúhyuw. hihyuhíyula·meʔ quiver the body while sinking down to low dancing position. qʰálʔsʼanʔ "weasel" in English called Blackie, a dachshund of BT’s.

hihyu*1   [hihyuw]  hi-, hyu*1, hi-, hyu*1. Verb. quiver (the body). hihyuhíhyuw to quiver the body in dancing. Example Variant: hihyúhyuw. hihyuhíyula·meʔ quiver the body while sinking down to low dancing position. qʰálʔsʼanʔ "weasel" in English called Blackie, a dachshund of BT’s.

hihyut*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly, with the body. hihyutʰmaw D: Absolutive. hihyutá·law pieces to break off (wall of bricks) and fall down (in an earthquake).

hihyuṭ*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. get mixed up. hihyuṭʰmaw to get mixed up. šahya mácʰqati ʔahay el mihyúṭʰma to make it burn (faster), stir (or poke) the wood with your foot.

hikel*   [hikelʔ]  hi-, kel*1. Variant: hikelta*. Verb. straighten the body. hikeli (to blanket or rope hanging up) Unwrinkle yourself! hikelá·du D: Durative. hikeltaw D: Absolutive.

hikʼi·*1   [hikʼiw]  hi-, kʼi·*1. Verb. get the body cut. hikʼiʔ bump into something and scratch self. hiqʰamaʔ several bump into and scratch selves (D: Plural Action).

hikʼi·*2   [hikʼiw]  hi-, kʼi·*2. Verb. get the body marked; hug real tight or cut body or something dropped on self.

hikʼo·cʼed*   [hikʼo·cʼedu]  hi-, kʼo*. Verb. act important, put on a big front, act proud. ʔima·ta hikʼo·cʼedun e·; doʔqʼoʔdiyi·cʼedam he’s trying to impress a woman; that’s why he got himself all fixed up. pʰala híkʼo·cʼedu put on a good front again. hikʼó·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural. haʔu ʔacacʼem cʼiškan tʼawícʼqacʼin hikʼo·cʼenʔ that man thinks he's handsome and is acting proud. synonyms: hokʼoyʔcʼed*.

ʔama hikʼo·cʼedu   [ʔama híkʼo·cʼedu]  hikʼo·cʼed*. 1 • Noun. snob.

2 • Adjective. snobbish, stuck-up. ʔama híkʼo·cʼedu ʔe· ma, to· ṭʼo ma cahnonmuʔtʰ you are stuck-up; you don’t speak to me.

hinaca·law   [hinaca·law]  hi-, nac*2, -ala. Noun. second crop of fruit (probably second pickings); last person to go. synonyms: hanaca·law.

hisa*   [hisaw]  hi-, sa*2. Verb. crack off of itself (as limb on hot day). hisa D: Imperative. hisameʔ D: Plural Imperative. hisayícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. hisawá·tadu D: Durative.

hiša·m*   [hišamʔ]  hi-, ša·m*. Variant: hišamat*. Verb. rustle with the body. hišamʔ sound of falling on hay or paper. Example Variant: dišamciw. hiša·ma (to cloth) rustle! hišammeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hišammameʔ D: Plural Imperative (several together). hišamá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative (several not together, here and there). synonyms: hiša·l*.

hišamʔ   [hišamʔ]  hiša·m*. Noun. taffeta.

taqʰma hišamʔ   [taqʰma híšamʔ]  taqʰma, hišamʔ. Noun. taffeta dress.

hitʰil*   [hitʰilʔ]  hi-, tʰil*1. Verb. tear but not necessarily apart, with the body. kalikakʰ hitʰílciqʰ the paper is torn. coʔqʰo hitʰílciqʰ the quilt is torn.

hitʼul*   [hitʼúlʔ]  hi-, tʼul*. Variant: hitʼuhl*. Verb. squeeze by leaning on (cat or child).

hiṭa·n*   [hiṭanʔ]  hi-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. side of long object be in contact with the body. šiʔba wí hiyemán hiṭanma with body, hold it down sticking out!

hiṭo·l*   [hiṭolʔ]  ṭo·l*, hi-. Verb. make a dent using the body, i.e., by lying on. hayu ʔem ʔimo híṭolqa· kumíʔdaʔ miṭinʔbina mi· the dog has made a depression (in the ground) apparently by always lying there.

hiṭʰaṭ*   [hiṭʰaʔ]  hi-, ṭʰaṭ*. Verb. break open with the body. hiṭʰáṭʰciw to break into two or more pieces or remain in one piece. Example Variant: diṭʰáṭʰciw.

hiṭʰa·l*   [hiṭʰalʔ]  hi-, ṭʰa·l*. Verb. bright, light enough to see by. with the body. diṭʰalciw dark room; door opens by itself and light comes in, letting us see. Example Variant: hiṭʰalciw. compare: cuṭʰa·l*, diṭʰa·l*, diṭʰa·l*.

hiṭʰil*   [hiṭʰilʔ]  hi-, ṭʰil*. Verb. spread, stretch out, either parts of body, or using the body. šahku hiṭʰílqa mito ʔ spread your legs (little or far)! ciwala· hiṭʰilí miʔkʰe ʔ stretch your shirt by wearing it!

hiṭʼa·*   [hiṭʼaw´]  hi-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: hilaṭʼa*. Verb. cause insides (innards) to come out. ʔipʰe híṭʼaʔ to fart involuntarily with noise. hiṭʼa·cʼi D: Imperative (involuntarily). hicʼo hloʔba hiṭʼa·y the egg fell and broke.

hiṭʼem*   [hiṭʼemʔ]  hi-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. be tired of something, restricted to things, activities involving the body, like wearing clothes. hiṭʼemaʔ to be tired of clothes (and want new ones).

hiṭʼi*   [hiṭʼíw]  hi-, ṭʼi*. Variant: hiliṭʼi*. Verb. bend, with the body. wíre qawi miṭicá·qol mil ma mihcílhciba miṭʼimy you tripped on the small wire lying there and bent it.

hiṭʼo·*   [hiṭʼow´]  hi-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: hiloṭʼo*. Verb. chafe, (skin) to rub off.

hiṭʼun*   [hiṭʼunʔ]  hi-, ṭʼun*. Verb. body be slimy. pʼaʔba· hiṭʼunʔ slimy slug. hiṭʼuni·cʼi make slime (to slug)! maqʰa ʔahša ʔe· hiṭʼunʔ, winatow salmon fish are slimy, terribly. compare: kʼuʔles.

hiwaṭʰ*   [hiwaʔ]  hi-, waṭʰ*. Verb. weaken, fall apart, of the body. hiwáṭʰciw to fall down (of house) and break by self. hicʼo· mu dabánepʰila, sine muwáṭʰciʔbeʔ if you threw an egg, it would burst easily.

hiwoṭ*   [hiwoʔ]  hi-, woṭ*. Verb. stir with body in water.

hiyaʔta*   [hiyaʔtaw]  hi-, yaʔta*. Verb. share, help, restricted to objects associated with the body, like clothes. kʼaṭa₁ híyaʔtamu·cʼe·₂ ya₃ manʔ₄ qʼo₅ I’m sharing clothes with her. hadu· yacol ʔima·ta híyaʔtaw he’s sharing his woman with another man; he’s sharing the other man’s woman. tiʔkʰe ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· miya·daqʰanʔ they say the husband is sharing his wife. miyá·daqʰanʔ tiʔkʰe ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· mu·kito they say the husband is sharing his wife with him. ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· mu·kito they say his wife is running around with another man.

hiya·m*   [hiyamʔ]  hi-, ya·m*2. Verb. hurt, give pain to what is already sore. hiyam to hurt by bumping. hiya·ma to ʔ hurt me! hiyamme to ʔ (several) Hurt me! hiyatámmetaʔ several hurt me several times! cihsi hiyamtʰe· to· ma you did not hurt my sore. ʔiša· hiyámwiye· to· ma you hurt my arm (it was already sore) by bumping me.

hiyecʼ*   [hiyeʔ]  hi-, yecʼ*. Verb. be up against. hiyecʼ íyow (He) leaned against.; mi híyeʔ caw to sit leaning against there. ʔana· hiyécʰqatʰu mul ʔ don’t sit so clost to that! siʔbál hiyecʼa·lahqa mul ʔahá· qʰale tol ʔ set that stick close to the tree. Example Variant: siʔbál₁ hiyecʼá·lahqa₂.....

hiyem*   [hiyemʔ]  hi-, ye*2. Instr Verb Stem. hold authority. hiyémʔ ʔihya· the strongest by far, way stronger than anyone else. haʔbí·tow ma·dal hiye·du from over there someone is coming pressed up against her. (no slow meaning).

hiyi*   [hiyiw]  hi-, yi*6. Verb. rub body on edge of something. malá· to· šuyímuli draw string back and forth around edge, making mark or not (can use file and mark).

hiyoṭ*   [hiyoʔ]  hi-, yoṭ*. Verb. stir up with the body. hiyóṭʰmadu·c- to crawl around in river and get body muddy (related to -hyol ?) hiyóṭʰmacʼicʰmeʔ D: Reflexive, Plural Imperative. hihohṭibiʔ inceptive, or Directional. qʰamʔli ṭʼi· hiyóṭʰciba ʔdo hcʰoyiʔ they say it got all bruised inside and died. waṭaʔ yacʼ iqa· mu ʔahqʰa hiyoṭi·bi·yam it must have been a frog that disturbed the water (what was on bottom floated up).

hiʔtʼe*   [hiʔtʼew]  hi-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. stick on by itself. hitʼe·biʔ to prosper.

hitʼe·bic*   [hitʼe·bíʔ]  hiʔtʼe*, -ibic. Verb. prosper.

hiʔtʼekele*   [hiʔtʼekelew]  hi-, ʔtʼekele*, hi-, ʔtʼekele*. Verb. make out of shape, with the body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼekele*   [hiʔtʼekelew]  hi-, ʔtʼekele*, hi-, ʔtʼekele*. Verb. make out of shape, with the body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼentʼele*   [hiʔtʼentʼelew]  hi-, ʔtʼentʼele*. Verb. get out of shape with the body. kalikakʰ kaho·n hiʔtʼéntʼeleʔ miṭiwe· miʔkʰe your pasteboard box is lying out of shape (method of happening unknown).

hiʔtʼuʔtʼu*   [hiʔtʼuʔtʼuw]  hi-, ʔtʼuʔtʼu*. Verb. squeezebodies together. hiʔtʼúʔtʼumucʼmeʔ squeeze together (said to singers at dance to make more room)! hiʔtʼúʔtʼumucʼmeʔ squeeze together! (e.g. people getting photo taken).

hiʔṭaš*   [hiʔṭaš]  hi-, ʔṭaš*, hi-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. be familiar to body. qa·sʼénʔ ṭʼo hiʔbaya ṭʼi hiʔṭášciw my grandmother was familiar with the feel of all the men.

hiʔṭaš*   [hiʔṭaš]  hi-, ʔṭaš*, hi-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. be familiar to body. qa·sʼénʔ ṭʼo hiʔbaya ṭʼi hiʔṭášciw my grandmother was familiar with the feel of all the men.

hiʔṭʼaš*   [hiʔṭʼaš]  hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: hiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place (entire object, such as a door) ?? hiʔṭʼášciw door to close. hiʔṭʼášciyiʔy e· mu hohwa "The door latched itself."

hiʔṭʼaš*   [hiʔṭʼaš]  hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: hiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place (entire object, such as a door) ?? hiʔṭʼášciw door to close. hiʔṭʼášciyiʔy e· mu hohwa "The door latched itself."

hiʔṭʼe*   [hiʔṭʼew]  hi-, ʔṭʼe*2, hi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something on the body. maṭʼqʰa híʔṭʼeqa· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa tol you have a mud spot on your clothes (probably by body touching something muddy).

hiʔṭʼe*   [hiʔṭʼew]  hi-, ʔṭʼe*2, hi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something on the body. maṭʼqʰa híʔṭʼeqa· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa tol you have a mud spot on your clothes (probably by body touching something muddy).

hiʔṭʼelh*  hi-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. part, down down with the body.

hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [hiʔṭʼéʔṭʼew]  hi-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. touch many times something shouldn’t (because oil, e.g., and get oily). hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼeʔ touched many times, well-used (of worn clothes). ʔima·ta ʔém kʰe kʼaṭa ṭʼi· ʔí· hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ the woman has worn out all my (new) clothes (making them old). Example Variant: ʔima·ta₁ ʔém₂ kʰe₃ kʼaṭa₄ ṭʼi·₅ híʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ₇.. maʔu ṭʼo ʔul hiʔṭʼéʔṭʼe· min pʰiʔtʼaw this looks like it’s been used (worn) already. (/du-/ here would mean only "braid").

hiʔya*   [hiʔyaw]  hi-, ʔya*. Verb. almost do. cʰoyíʔ hiʔyawe·me he almost died.

hiʔya·q*   [hiʔyaʔ]  hi-, ʔya·q*. Verb. recognize (by touching) with the body. hitayʔtanati, hiʔyahtʰela· ʔa even though my body touched it, I do not recognize it.

hiʔyo   [hiʔyo]  hi-, ʔyo*4. Adjective. wrinkled by (contact with) the body. kʼaṭa hiʔyo wrinkled cloth (from just wearing and being thrown in pile).

hiʔyuʔyu*   [hiʔyuʔyuw]  hi-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. cause pain to body without injury. coʔkʼoba hiʔyuʔyucʰwiye· to I bumped myself and it hurts.

-hi   [hi]  -pʰi.

hibaya cihṭʰiṭi   [hibayá cihṭʰiṭi]  hiʔbaya, cihṭʰiṭi. Noun. man's crotch. Usage: polite synonyms: ʔihsa, ʔama beʔcʼa. Usages note: hibayá cihṭʰiṭi is public word for ʔihsa.

hiba·   [hiba·]   Noun. tail. hayu híba· dog’s tail. sʼihta híba· bird’s tail. qʰabóʔ hiba· snaketail. compare: ha·ba.

hiba· duʔliʔliw   [hiba· dúʔliʔliw]  Lit: tail wagging hiba·, duʔliʔli*. Noun. tail bone, last bone in the spine. synonyms: duʔlic*.

hiba· duʔliʔliw   [hiba· dúʔliʔliw]  Lit: tail wagging hiba·, duʔliʔli*. Noun. tail bone, last bone in the spine. synonyms: duʔlic*.

hiba·d*   [hiba·du´]  hiʔbi*, -ad2. Variant: hibi·d*. Verb. go along for food, implying the search is for deer or other prey that moves. hiba·du to be hunting; keep providing with food. hibi·du go hunt! (to one). hibicʼmeʔ go hunt! (to several). maʔa híbaʔcedu he used to hunt long ago. bihše híba·du go hunt for deer. mu·kínʔ hiba·du ʔe· mu, winató· hiba·nʔ he got them, he is getting more and more. synonyms: šiba·d*.

maʔa hiba·du ša·   [maʔa híba·du ša]  maʔa, hiba·d*, =ša·. Noun. expert hunter, one who is an expert in hunting for food. synonyms: maʔa šiba·du ša·.

hiba·duc*   [hiba·dúʔ]  hiʔbi*. Verb. go away to the (distant) place where the hunt will be, not hunting untl arriving there. duʔkʼáš hiba·duʔ hunt for abalone. hiba·duʔ go off to the place where the hunt will be (not hunting yet). synonyms: šiba·duc*.

hiba·q*   [hibaʔ´]  hiʔbi*, -aq1. Verb. go west for food, implying it is for mussels, abalone or other sea food. hibaʔ one to go hunting once. duʔkʼáš hibaʔ hunt for abalone. qʰál hibaʔ to go to the beach for food. hiba·qa go hunting at the ocean! go for food! hiba·qaʔtʰuʔ don't keep hunting at the ocean! noʔqʼo híbahy he went after mussels. hibahtʰuʔ don't go hunting at the ocean! hibaqa·du(cé·du) habitually hunt at the ocean. Usage: high

hibi·d*   [hibi·du´]  hiba·d*.

hibo·kʼ*   [hibo·kʼ]  hibu·kʼ*.

hibu·kʼ*   [-]  hi-, bu·kʼ*. Cooccurrence: Only with essive or semelfactive. Variant: hibo·kʼ*. Verb. hold up in air. qʼohsa híbokʼmaw elbow help up in air, pointing up. Example Variant: híbukʼmaw. hibukʼciw @. Example Variant: hibokʼciw. ʔacacʼem coʔlóʔloʔ miṭin siliqali· hibókʼmaw the man is lying doubled over with his rear-end sticking up in the air. Example Variant: hibukʼmaw.

hice*   [hicew]  hi-, ce*. Variant: hicet*. Verb. body hold up. Idiom (probably based on English): hold up, not wear out. taqʰma qʼoʔdi hícewe· maʔu this dress is holding up well.

hicet*   [hiceʔ]  hice*.

hicula·tad*   [hicula·tadu]  hicu·l*. Verb. ache with body.

hicu·l*   [hiculʔ]  hi-, cu·l*. Variant: hicula·tad*. Verb. (part of) body ache, have a dull pain, feel sore. šimamó hicu·le· to my ear aches. ma·cal hiculá·tacʼqaʔ they ache. hiculmadu·cedu habitually to have a dull pain inside (the belly).

hicʰa·*   [hicʰaw]  hi-, cʰa·*2. Verb. begin to put arm through someone else's arm; grab with body, hold tightly.

hicʰa·cʼ*   [hicʰaʔ]  hicʰa·*. Verb. go arm in arm; hold against one’s own body, especially hold between the arm and the body. hicʰaʔ qoqócʼwacʼe· ma·caʔ they are standing around arm in arm. hicʰáytaʔ go arm in arm several times. hicʰa·cʼi hold under arm! hold between arm and body! hicʰayʔtacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hicʰacʼi·ducé·du D: Habitual.

hicʰa·mucʼ*   [hicʰa·muʔ]  hicʰa·*. Verb. be arm in arm. hicʰa·múcʼba mihaʔdi dahqay after you linked arms you walked over there. hicʰa·múcʼba sihqʰaʔ dacʼqaw after you linked arms you walked over this way. hicʰamu·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative.

hicʰa·cʼ*   [hicʰaʔ]  hicʰa·*. Verb. go arm in arm; hold against one’s own body, especially hold between the arm and the body. hicʰaʔ qoqócʼwacʼe· ma·caʔ they are standing around arm in arm. hicʰáytaʔ go arm in arm several times. hicʰa·cʼi hold under arm! hold between arm and body! hicʰayʔtacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hicʰacʼi·ducé·du D: Habitual.

hicʰa·mucʼ*   [hicʰa·muʔ]  hicʰa·*. Verb. be arm in arm. hicʰa·múcʼba mihaʔdi dahqay after you linked arms you walked over there. hicʰa·múcʼba sihqʰaʔ dacʼqaw after you linked arms you walked over this way. hicʰamu·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative.

hicʰi·ṭ*   [hicʰiʔ´]  hi-, cʰi·ṭ*2. Verb. come out by itself, e.g. like a hairpin from a woman’s hair. ʔima·ta yá·col heʔe qʰamʔlí lto· heʔe mísʼita·maʔli hicʰi·ṭiy the hairpin came out by itself from the woman's hair. Example Variant: heʔe mísʼita·maʔ.

hicʰul*   [hicʰúlʔ]  hi-, cʰul*1. Verb. remove several objects with the body, several objects fall off body. mu ma qʼóhsa wi ʔime ʔel ṭʼi hícʰulʔtinʔ you're going to knock all the cotton out of there with your elbow. heʔe hícʰulʔ hair falling out one after another. compare: hihšolh*.

hicʼal*   [hicʼálʔ]  hi-, cʼal*. Variant: hicʼalta*. Verb. dress gape open.

hicʼalta*   [hicʼaltaw]  hicʼal*. Verb. dress gape open.

hicʼa·t*   [hicʼaʔ]  hi-, cʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. stuck.

hicʼe*   [-]  hi-, cʼe*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. visit frequently.

hicʼehicʼe*   [hicʼehícʼew]  hicʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. visit frequently. ʔaná·ma hicʼehicʼewe· mihca you visit in that house too oftenr. synonyms: mucʼemucʼe*, molomolo*.

hicʼehicʼe*   [hicʼehícʼew]  hicʼe*. Reduplicating Verb. visit frequently. ʔaná·ma hicʼehicʼewe· mihca you visit in that house too oftenr. synonyms: mucʼemucʼe*, molomolo*.

hicʼe·   [hicʼe·]   Variant: cʼe·. Noun. mushroom (of any kind). specific: cʼalal, šici, baṭa.

bahṭʰucʼe·   [bahṭʰucʼe·]  hicʼe·. Noun. species of mushroom. Russula?.

bihšecʼe·   [bihšecʼe·]  Lit: deer mushroom bihše, hicʼe·. Noun. deer mushroom, wood mushroom. Agaricus silvicola (Fill Fungi).

cʼepohkol   [cʼepóhkol]  Lit: bowl mushroom hicʼe·, pʼohkol. Variant: cʼepʼohkol. Noun. timber mushroom, italian mushroom. Boletus edulis (Pore Fungi).

duwicʼe·   [duwicʼe·]  Lit: coyote mushroom duwi, hicʼe·. Noun. orange peel mushroom, golden-cup mushroom. grows in bunches in forest in oaks and pines on ground; smells bad. Peziza aurantia, Aleuria aurantia (Cup Fungi).

masuncʼe·   [masuncʼe·]  hicʼe·. Variant: masincʼe·. Noun. species of mushroom.

ma·ṭi·hocʼe·   [ma·ṭí·hocʼe·]  Lit: poison oak mushroom ma·ṭi·ho, hicʼe·. Noun. fly amanita mushroom, panther cap mushroom. Amanita muscaria, Amanita pantherina (Gill Fungi).

pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe   [pʰaláʔcayʔ hicʼe]  Lit: whiteman mushroom pʰalaʔcayʔ, hicʼe·. Variant: pʰalaʔcayʔ hicʼe·. Noun. field mushoom. Agaricus campestris (Agaricales, Gill Fungi).

sʼayicʼe·   [sʼayicʼe·]  Lit: scrub jay mushroom sʼayi, hicʼe·. Noun. coral mushroom. Hericium coralloides (Tooth Fundi; Hedgehog Mushrooms).

ʔama qʼala·ša hicʼe·   [ʔama qʼála·ša hicʼe·]  Lit: moon mushroom ʔama·2, qʼala·ša, hicʼe·. Variant: qʼala·ša hicʼe·. Noun. puffball mushroom. Lycoperdon (Puffballs).

hicʼi   [hicʼi]   Interjection. 1 • let's see. hicʼi buté ʔše ʔyowam mu let's see, when was that now?

2 • scram!

hicʼi*   [hicʼiw]   Variant: hicʼiʔ*. \Verb. defective verb ‘get away’. hicʼi tóʔ wa·yi ʔ get out of my way! hicʼiʔ ʔice·du keep getting away. pʰala hícʼi scram again! hicʼiʔmeʔ D: Plural. hicʼi get away! (from here or there). hicʼi mí·li ʔ get away from there! hicʼíʔtʰuʔ don't get away. hicʼíʔmeʔ get away (to several)! hicʼiyʔ I got away. hicʼiʔye·ma·caʔ they got away. hicʼiʔbaʔye·mu @. hicʼíʔmela I got out of the way. hicʼiʔqʰ D: Inferential. hicʼíʔqa·mu @.

hicʼicʼi·l*   [hicʼicʼilʔ]  hi-, cʼicʼi·l*. Verb. feel something rough against body. baqʼo·li tʰin šiʔba hicʼicʼi·le· to something feels rough to my body (of clothes).

hicʼi·ṭ*   [hicʼiʔ]  hi-, cʼi·ṭ*. Verb. mix together (whole objects such as flowers or clothes in closet). ciʔdóm hicʼiṭʰmúʔba cʼeʔkʰe my flowers are growing mixed up together.

hicʼi·ṭaq*   [hicʼiṭaʔ]  hicʼi·ṭ*. Verb. mix (socially). hicʼiṭaʔ mix (socially). synonyms: cacʼi·ṭaq*, dicʼi·ṭaq*.

hicʼi·ṭaq*   [hicʼiṭaʔ]  hicʼi·ṭ*. Verb. mix (socially). hicʼiṭaʔ mix (socially). synonyms: cacʼi·ṭaq*, dicʼi·ṭaq*.

hicʼohli*   [hicʼóhliw]  hiʔcʼolh*.

hicʼoʔ cohto   [hicʼoʔ cóhtow]  hicʼo·q*, cohto*. Verb. 1 • stand upside down.

2 • somersault, fall and turn over. hicʼoʔ cóhtomu·licʼe·du to do a somersault. hicʼocʼe· mu it's a somersault. hicʼoʔ cotoʔ to somersault; to fall and turn over.

hicʼoʔqʼaṭa   [hicʼoʔqʼaṭa]  hicʼo·, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. eggshell.

hicʼo·   [hicʼo·]   Noun. egg.

hicʼoʔqʼaṭa   [hicʼoʔqʼaṭa]  hicʼo·, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. eggshell.

hicʼo· cuhni·   [hicʼo· cúhni·]  hicʼo·, cuhni·. Noun. cake.

qʰacʼo·   [qʰacʼó·]  hicʼo·, ʔahqʰa. Noun. thatched barnacle. qʰacʼo·ʔé·mu it's a barnacle. Tetraclita rubescens.

hicʼo· cuhni·   [hicʼo· cúhni·]  hicʼo·, cuhni·. Noun. cake.

hicʼo· daholaʔ meṭ   [hicʼo· daholaʔ meṭ]  hicʼo·, dahol*, meṭ. Noun. Easter.

hicʼo· miʔṭʼaʔ   [hicʼo· miʔṭʼaʔ]  miʔṭʼaṭ*. Noun. scrambled eggs.

hicʼo·*   [hicʼow]  hi-, cʼo·*1. Verb. expose body. hicʼo (to cloth) show! (lining of coat/ underneath apron). hicʼo·tʰuʔ don't expose! miʔkʰe cú·ki hihqʰáṭʼbina mito sʼiʔi hícʼo·qʰ when you tore your sock you exposed your skin. hicʼo·cinʔkʰe will be showing. hicʼoci·du exposing to view. Example Comment: (of a scratch or discoloration on waist if not properly covered by clothes).

hicʼo·cʼ*   [hicʼoʔ]  hicʼo·*. Verb. expose one's body. hicʼoʔ cótoʔ to somersault, fall and turn over. haʔu ʔacacʼem qahqp hicʼocʼqʰ That man has exposed his body (squirm so his shirt has pulled out). Example Variant: hicʼoqa·cʼi "on purpose". hicʼoʔ nemu·liʔ to somersault. hicʼoʔ qamu·liʔ to somersault (of stick).

hicʼo·cʼ*   [hicʼoʔ]  hicʼo·*. Verb. expose one's body. hicʼoʔ cótoʔ to somersault, fall and turn over. haʔu ʔacacʼem qahqp hicʼocʼqʰ That man has exposed his body (squirm so his shirt has pulled out). Example Variant: hicʼoqa·cʼi "on purpose". hicʼoʔ nemu·liʔ to somersault. hicʼoʔ qamu·liʔ to somersault (of stick).

hicʼo·q*   [hicʼoʔ]  hi-, cʼo·q*. Verb. insert with the body. hicʼo·qo stick something sharp in with body! hicʼoʔ cóhtow standing upside down.

hicʼoʔ cohto   [hicʼoʔ cóhtow]  hicʼo·q*, cohto*. Verb. 1 • stand upside down.

2 • somersault, fall and turn over. hicʼoʔ cóhtomu·licʼe·du to do a somersault. hicʼocʼe· mu it's a somersault. hicʼoʔ cotoʔ to somersault; to fall and turn over.

hicʼo·ṭ*   [hicʼoʔ]  hi-, cʼo·ṭ*1. Verb. ends fall off body (e.g., paper kleenex rubs on something and pulls pieces off itself).

hidacʰac*   [hidacʰaʔ]  hidahcʰi*, hidahcʰi*. Verb. knock over thing.

hidahcʰi*   [hidáhcʰiw]  hi-, dahcʰi*1. Verb. knock over thing (what sits). hidáhcʰimuʔ to shove e.o. aside or over. hidáhcʰiba to· ma paʔṭíʔṭiyicʼqawiy you shoved me away with your body and made me stagger. (on purpose or not). synonyms: hihcʰa*.

hidacʰac*   [hidacʰaʔ]  hidahcʰi*, hidahcʰi*. Verb. knock over thing.

hidacʰac*   [hidacʰaʔ]  hidahcʰi*, hidahcʰi*. Verb. knock over thing.

hidalo·qocʼ*   [hidalo·qóʔ]  hiʔdi*, -aloqocʼ. Verb. put out of business.

hidaya*   [hidayáw]  hiʔdayac*. Verb. 1 • fail to do with body.

2 • miscount.

3 • forget. ʔama· hidayáw hqal e· ma you like to forget; you alwas forget things.

hida·   [hida·]  hiʔda, . Adverb. on the path.

hida·wi   [hida·wi]  hida·, =wi. Adverb. along the way.

hida·qac*   [hida·qáʔ]  hiʔdi*, -aqac. Verb. figure out (a problem).

hida·wi   [hida·wi]  hida·, =wi. Adverb. along the way.

hide·cʼwacʼ*   [hide·cʼwaʔ]  hide·d*.

hide·d*   [hide·du´]  hiʔdi*, -ad2. Variant: hide·cʼwacʼ*. Verb. 1 • push along with the body. hidecʼwaʔ shove around.

2 • keep track of, count. mu·kinʔ wanʔkʰe tol maci hide·dela I am keeping track of (counting) the days until he comes. (day on which he will (is supposed to) come).

hidul*   [hidulʔ]  hi-, dul*. Verb. fail to touch with the body.

hidulcicʼ*   [hidúlciʔ]  hidul*. Verb. several to fail to touch with body. mul matʼiléʔya ṭʰaʔbamal – ʔa hihtáyʔ da·qaʔ cumatʰma· hó·to· miṭi·li – to hidúlcicʼwiy I wanted to touch that furniture lying there with my body – the chair was lying in the way and it was too far for me to touch.

hidulcicʼ*   [hidúlciʔ]  hidul*. Verb. several to fail to touch with body. mul matʼiléʔya ṭʰaʔbamal – ʔa hihtáyʔ da·qaʔ cumatʰma· hó·to· miṭi·li – to hidúlcicʼwiy I wanted to touch that furniture lying there with my body – the chair was lying in the way and it was too far for me to touch.

hiduw*   [hiduwʔ]  hi-, duw*1. Verb. put body on edge of something. hidu·law D: Durative, Directional "down". Example Variant: hiduwá·law. hóhwa hiduwá·la· tʼetʰma stand against the door, touching it all up and down!

hihcuhcu*   [hihcuhcuw]  hi-, hcuhcu*, hi-, hcuhcu*. Verb. get dizzy ?

hihcʰa*   [hihcʰaw]  hi-, hcʰa*1. Verb. knock over what stands or a sitting person. synonyms: hidahcʰi*.

hihcʰahcʰac*   [hihcʰahcʰaʔ]  hi-, hcʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body.

hihcʰi*   [hihcʰiw]  hi-, hcʰi*. Verb. hit hard. hihcʰiwá·duʔ hard hit. compare: hinem*.

hihcʰoc*   [hihcʰoʔ]  hi-, hcʰoc*1. Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohcʰoc*   [hihcʰohcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohihcʰoc*   [hihcʰohihcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohcʰoc*   [hihcʰohcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰohihcʰoc*   [hihcʰohihcʰoʔ]  hihcʰoc*. Reduplicating Verb. wear out something by rubbing, as limb of tree rub paint off house.

hihcʰu*   [hihcʰuw]  hi-, hcʰu*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated form. Verb. crumble with body or from body. synonyms: hihkʰuhihkʰu*.

hihcʰuhcʰu*   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body. hihcʰuhcʰuw lhair falling out, lots of small pieces coming off. synonyms: hihkʰuhku*.

hihcʰuhihcʰu   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰuhcʰu*. Noun. one of the best; chip off the old block. hihcʰuhcʰuw (I suppose you are an expert gambler.) "One of the best". Example Variant: hihcʰúhcʰu·ṭa. soh hihcʰúhcʰuwidomṭamu ˇ He is one of the best.

hihcʰuhihcʰu*   [hihcʰuhihcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body.

hihcʰuhcʰu*   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body. hihcʰuhcʰuw lhair falling out, lots of small pieces coming off. synonyms: hihkʰuhku*.

hihcʰuhihcʰu   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰuhcʰu*. Noun. one of the best; chip off the old block. hihcʰuhcʰuw (I suppose you are an expert gambler.) "One of the best". Example Variant: hihcʰúhcʰu·ṭa. soh hihcʰúhcʰuwidomṭamu ˇ He is one of the best.

hihcʰuhihcʰu   [hihcʰuhcʰuw]  hihcʰuhcʰu*. Noun. one of the best; chip off the old block. hihcʰuhcʰuw (I suppose you are an expert gambler.) "One of the best". Example Variant: hihcʰúhcʰu·ṭa. soh hihcʰúhcʰuwidomṭamu ˇ He is one of the best.

hihcʰuhihcʰu*   [hihcʰuhihcʰuw]  hihcʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with body.

hihkihki*   [hihkihkiw]  hi-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. with the body. ʔahca qawí· ša· ʔin hihkíhkiʔtʰin qawi·w because you know how to build a house, you don’t get stuck building it (get to where don’t know what to do).

hihko*   [-]  hi-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body.

hihkohihko*   [hihkohihkow]  hihko*. Variant: hihkohihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body.

hihkohko*   [hihkóhkow]  hihko*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body. hihkóhkoci·du to keep knocking with body.

hihkoc*   [hihkóʔ]  hi-, hko*4, -c1. Verb of Position. group be sitting on the ground. hihkócʰmeʔ D: Plural only. hihkoyícʼmeʔ D: durative. compare: šohko*1, huʔut*.

hihkom*   [hihkomʔ]  hihkoc*. Verb of Position. group be sitting off the ground. hihkócʰmeʔ sit down (on bench), everyone! hihkomameʔ be sitting on something. compare: bama*1, cuma*.

hihkohihko*   [hihkohihkow]  hihko*. Variant: hihkohihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body.

hihkohihkotad*   [hihkohíkota·du]  hihkohihko*, -t2, -ad1.

hihkohko*   [hihkóhkow]  hihko*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body. hihkóhkoci·du to keep knocking with body.

hihkok*   [hihkoʔ]  hi-, hkok*. Verb. boom and shake. hihkokʰmaw several booms.

hihkokʰci*   [hihkókʰciw]  hihkok*. Verb. large boom and shake (sonic boom); /dihkilhciw/ isn’t as big. ʔama· hihkokʰciw earth to shake from big boom (as a sonic boom). synonyms: dihkokʰci*.

hihkokʰci*   [hihkókʰciw]  hihkok*. Verb. large boom and shake (sonic boom); /dihkilhciw/ isn’t as big. ʔama· hihkokʰciw earth to shake from big boom (as a sonic boom). synonyms: dihkokʰci*.

hihkolhci*   [hihkolhciw]  hi-, hkolh*. Instr Verb Stem. loosen with the body. maʔkʼalá mubacʼba ʔahca hihkólhciy the thunder clapped and shook the house.

hihkom*   [hihkomʔ]  hihkoc*. Verb of Position. group be sitting off the ground. hihkócʰmeʔ sit down (on bench), everyone! hihkomameʔ be sitting on something. compare: bama*1, cuma*.

hihkotʰci*   [hihkotʰciw]  hi-, hkot*. Verb. wear out, wear off paint from body by rubbing against.

hihkʰe*   [hihkʰew]  hi-, hkʰe*2. Verb. drag oneself, move (along surface). kulúlhqʰaʔ hihkʰew drag oneself into the woods. hihkʰe D: Imperative. hihkʰemeʔ D: Plural Imperative. be·li híkʰe·du move this way! hihkʰecí·du D: Durative. hikʰedu·cedu keep moving along. qalilhqʰaʔ hikʰe·du increase skill. hihkʰemaʔ move in. hikʰe·law move down. hikʰela·mecʼi move down off, out. hikʰe·biʔ to drag oneself erect; slide up (not fully erect).

hihkʰo*   [hihkow]  hi-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch with the body. šiʔbawí hihkʰomela· kʼaṭa hloʔli I caught the falling cloth with my body (between body and wall or only with body).

hihkʰuhihkʰu*   [hihkʰuhihkʰuw]  hi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. body crumble. ʔama· hihkʰuhíkʰuhtalaw the dirt (of a bank) was crumbling down. synonyms: hihcʰu*.

hihkʰuhku*   [hihkʰuhkuw]  hi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with the body. synonyms: hihcʰuhcʰu*.

hihlaba*   [hihlabaw]  hi-, hlaba*. Variant: hihlaba·t*. Verb. body crack apart . qaṭi to pʰala hihlabatʰwiy my scar came open again. qaṭíyya to pʰala hilabátʰwiy my scars cracked apart. synonyms: hiʔcʼaba*.

hihlaba·t*   [hihlabaʔ]  hihlaba*.

hihlahilataq*   [hihlahílataʔ]  hihlahla*. Verb. several to gossip.

hihlahla*   [hihláhlaw]  hi-, hla*2. Variant: hihlahilataq*. Reduplicating Verb. one to gossip. to· ṭʼo ʔácaʔ hihlahla· da·tʰ I don’t like to gossip about people. ʔacaʔ híhlahlaw hqale· manʔ she gossips about people. mu ʔimá·ṭa ṭʼo ʔacaʔ híhlahlaw hqal ʔ that woman likes to gossip about people, talk bad about people.

hihlal*   [hihlalʔ]  hi-, hlal*. Verb. body break into several pieces. sʼiʔda híhlale·to my skin is cracking.

hihlaw   [hihlaw]   Adverb. short intervals [?]

hihlo*   [hihlow]  hi-, hlo*2. Variant: hilol*. Verb. detach, of the body. ʔa· pʰanamyal sulemaʔ hihló·qʰ the string I tied came loose (not open; not a covering). Example Variant: ...hihṭʰaqʰ.

hihlohlo*   [hihlóhlow]  hihlo*. Reduplicating Verb. shed. hihlohilota·du D: Durative. qʰale qáhwa· hihlóhlow the tree bark sheds easily (comes off easily by itself; it’s loose).

hihlohlo*   [hihlóhlow]  hihlo*. Reduplicating Verb. shed. hihlohilota·du D: Durative. qʰale qáhwa· hihlóhlow the tree bark sheds easily (comes off easily by itself; it’s loose).

hihluhlu*   [hihluhluw]  hi-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. make into pieces, of the body. tʼilemí· to tito duhṭʰalli ʔihya· hihluhluʔdo the old woman says the rheumatism is affecting her joints.

ʔihya· hihluhluʔ   [ʔihya· hihlúhluʔ]  ʔihya·, hihluhlu*. Adjective. paralyzed.

hihmuhmuc*   [hihmúhmuʔ]  hi-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. break to pieces (plastic, window, box, chair, table, felled tree, bones). hihmuhímutacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hihmu·l*   [hihmulʔ]  hi-, hmu·l*1. Verb. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over. hihmula·duwá·du to hang back. ya hihmulʔ we're survivors; we're left over. mula·taqa·du one to fail to complete habitually.

hihmu·lʔ   [hihmu·lʔ]  . Noun. leftovers (food).

hihna*   [-]  hi-, hna*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth).

hihnahihna*   [hihnahihnaw]  hihna*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth). ʔacaʔ díhsamucʼbina ʔama· hihnahíhnaw there must be a big crowd; the ground is trembling. synonyms: kiṭikiṭi.

hihnahihna*   [hihnahihnaw]  hihna*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth). ʔacaʔ díhsamucʼbina ʔama· hihnahíhnaw there must be a big crowd; the ground is trembling. synonyms: kiṭikiṭi.

hihnahna*   [hihnahnaw]  hihna*. Verb. tremble (of earth). hihnáhnaw lots; also means "to tremble" (of ground, thunder, etc.) Example Variant: hihnahíhnaw. qali·cátʰmuʔ mubacʼba hihnáhna·y when the airplane booms (of jet), the ground trembles.

hihpahpa*1   [hihpahpaw]  hi-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. (the body) come into repeated contact; keep moving against. hihpáhpaba sʼalúʔ hicʼow repeated contact with bodies turned it smooth. compare: hihpʰitʼ*, hihqʰa*1, hihqʰa*1.

hihpahpa*2   [hihpahpaw]  hi-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. (the body) be smeared with dirt. sʼaʔsʼa híhpahpaʔ all covered with dirt (of apron).

hihpanh*   [hihpanʔ]  hi-, hpanh*. Variant: hihpanha·ta·d*. Verb. compress with the body. haʔu qoláhtibicʼ el hihpani press in with your body that (wall insulation) sticking out!

hihpanha·ta·d*   [hihpanha·ta·du]  hihpanh*.

hihpitʼ*   [hihpitʼ]  hihpʰitʼ*.

hihpo*   [hihpow]  hi-, hpo*2. Verb. filled with body; a three-dimensional space be filled completely and to overflowing with a body. ʔahqʰa yó ma ʔama· bahṭʰe banal·*pʰila, hipoʔbem ~ if you put something big in the water, it would rise to the top.

hihpohpo*   [hihpóhpow]  hi-, hpo*1. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • quiver (of gelatin, or very fat people).

2 • to be touchy, be easily hurt or irritated (Idiomatic). qatʼaʔtʰu mul ʔacaʔ; ʔacaʔ hihpóhpow emu ʔ don’t say anything to that man; he is a touchy man!

hihpolh*   [hihpolʔ]  hi-, hpolh*. Verb. gush out by itself.

hihpʰa·š*   [hihpʰaš]  hi-, hpʰa·š*. Verb. sag inward, depress, with body, by itself.

hihpʰihipʰita·d*   [hihpʰihipʰita·du]  hihpʰihpʰic*.

hihpʰihpʰic*   [hihpʰihpʰiʔ]  hi-, hpʰi*1. Variant: hihpʰihipʰita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. shred with the body. ciwala· hihpʰíhpʰiʔ šime· ma you are wearing a ragged shirt. hihpʰíhpʰiʔ torn to pieces. synonyms: hihpʰitʼ*.

hihpʰitʼ*   [hihpʰiʔ]  hi-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: hihpitʼ*; hihpʰitʼpʰitʼiwa·d*; hipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear with body; body of something is torn. hihpítʼciw torn so that unusable. compare: hihqʰa*1, hihpahpa*1; synonyms: hihpʰihpʰic*.

hihpʰitʼpʰitʼiwa·d*   [hihpʰítʼpʰitʼiwa·du]  hihpʰitʼ*.

hihpʰohihpʰo*   [hihpʰohihpʰow]  hi-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. shake body (like a wet dog). hihpʰohípʰo·cʼi shake self (as chicken in dust).

hihpʰohpʰo*   [hihpʰohpʰow]  hi-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. shake scattering (water, as a dog does); flap or flutter wings (of bird). hihpʰóhpʰoyiʔ to shake oneself scattering (water, as a dog does) ¡sem ¡refl. hihpʰóhpʰoyiʔdu he shakes himself (as a dog does when wet).

hihqa*   [hihqaw]  hi-, hqa*1. Verb. the body to be used to (the weather). to· ṭʼo ʔaná· hihqa·, ʔama· qahsilá·du tʰin I am so used to it, that I do not feel cold. compare: ʔeʔne·cicʼ*.

hihqalh*   [hihqalʔ]  hi-, hqalh*. Verb. surface come off by itself; hair fall out by itself; molt. heʔe hihqalʔ shedding hair by self (without brush). hiʔi hihqalʔ molting. hiʔi hihqalhciw molting all at once. synonyms: hahqalh*.

hihqosʼ*   [hihqoʔ]  hi-, hqosʼ*. Variant: hiqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. body spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off. sama· wáʔba, ma mul hihqósʼciy having walked close, you bumped and spilled that. synonyms: hiʔkʼolh*.

hihqoyʔ*   [hihqoyʔ]  hi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend back; bend any joint by being bumped by someone's body.

hihqoyʔci*   [hihqóyʔciw]  hihqoyʔ*. Instr Verb Stem. suddenly to bed or strain the back; suddenly to bend any joint by it being hit by someone elsea'€™s body. hinémʔba to· ma moqʰo· híhqoyʔciwiy you bumped me with your body and bent my knee.

hihqoyʔhihqoyʔ*   [hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ]  hihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. joint bend back and forth. hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ (wrist) bending back and forth. hihqoyʔhihqoyʔmaw several joints bending back and forth.

hihqoyʔci*   [hihqóyʔciw]  hihqoyʔ*. Instr Verb Stem. suddenly to bed or strain the back; suddenly to bend any joint by it being hit by someone elsea'€™s body. hinémʔba to· ma moqʰo· híhqoyʔciwiy you bumped me with your body and bent my knee.

hihqoyʔhihqoyʔ*   [hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ]  hihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. joint bend back and forth. hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ (wrist) bending back and forth. hihqoyʔhihqoyʔmaw several joints bending back and forth.

hihqʰa*1   [hihqʰaw]  hi-, hqʰa*3. Verb. tear with the body. compare: hihpʰitʼ*, hihpahpa*1, hihpahpa*1.

hihqʰa*2   [-]  hi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. fidget with body in chair.

hihqʰahqʰa*   [hihqʰáhqʰaw]  hihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. figdet with body in chair.

hihqʰahqʰa*   [hihqʰáhqʰaw]  hihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. figdet with body in chair.

hihqʰalh*   [hihqʰalʔ]  hi-, hqʰalh*. Verb. brush against with the body. hiqʰala·dadu to be moving along intermittently with the body lightly brushing against (the bushes). compare: hiqʰal*.

hihqʰaṭ*   [hihqʰaʔ]  hi-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. rip apart or open the body, specifically belly. ʔuhqʰa híhqʰaṭʰqa mul ʔ rip that belly open! ʔuhqʰa hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼahqa rip open those bellies! hihqʰaṭʼba @. hihqʰáṭʰqa mul ʔ rip that up.

hihqʰobot*   [hihqʰoboʔ]  hi-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. nudge someone with the body; poke someone in the ribs (with finger or elbow).

hihsa*1   [hihsaw]  .

hihsa*2   [hihsaw]  hiʔdi*. Verb. figure out.

hihsi*   [hihsiw]  hi-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces by itself, with the body. hihsitaʔ come off itself. hihsitacʼqʰ pieces have come off.

hihsilh*   [hihsilʔ]  hi-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in nose. ʔila hisilhmawiye· to a sliver got in my nose.

hihsis*   [hihsis]  hi-, hsis*. Verb. body feel surface irritationl body feel itchy. hihsísmawe· to maʔal kʼaṭa my clothes feel itchy, rough (more than itch). (also of hair from haircut). compare: hisisil*.

hihsisil*   [hihsisil]  hisisil*.

hihsit*   [hihsiʔ]  hi-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces , strips, by itself (as bark of a dead tree in strips) . hihsiti D: Imperative. hisitʰqaw to make chip off, crumble off, powder off. synonyms: hihsut*; compare: hisi·ṭ*.

hihsom*   [hihsomʔ]  hi-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up with the body. cahti hihsómʔ ṭʰaʔbamʔ the bed is messed up (unmade). hihsómqaw to stir up (to war). ʔama· qʼóʔdi tʰin ci·cʼinʔba yal ʔama·hihsómqawiy by doing something bad, he interfered with us (doesn’t say we got mad). hihsomqatʰumulʔ don’t mess it up (or let it get messed up, by any method! hihsoma (to person) Get or be messed up! hihsótʰmameʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hihsomqa*   [hihsomqaw]  . Verb. stir up, get (someone) riled.

hihsoṭ*   [hihsoʔ]  hi-, hsoṭ*. Variant: hisohṭ*; hisoṭ*. Verb. scatter with the body. maʔca ʔel hisoṭa·ducʼba bursting the sweathouse (with his body).

hihsuhsu*   [hihsuhsuw]  hi-, hsu*2. Verb. be crushed. hihsúhsuci (to thing) Come to pieces! hihsúhsu (several) be crushed! hihsuhísuta·du D: Durative. hihsuhísunʔwadu D: Durative.

hihsuhsuc   [hihsúhsuʔ]  hihsuhsu*. Adjective. crushed.

hihsuhsuc   [hihsúhsuʔ]  hihsuhsu*. Adjective. crushed.

hihsut*   [hihsuʔ]  hi-, hsut*. Verb. little pieces (n.d.); pieces of wood, cloth only (no good for ice or rock). hihsuti D: Imperative. synonyms: hihsit*.

cuhni hihsut   [cuhni híhsuʔ]  cuhni·, hihsut*. Noun. bread crumbs.

kʼaṭa hihsut   [kʼaṭa híhsuʔ]  kʼaṭa2, hihsut*. Noun. little pieces of cloth (for making quilt).

ʔaha· hihsut   [ʔahá· hihsuʔ]  ʔahay, hihsut*. Noun. kindling, wood chips.

hihšay*   [hihšayʔ]  hi-, hšay*. Verb. have premonition that something won’t happen. hihšaya·du to have feeling that otherwise expected event won’t happen. hihšaya·du· to I feel it won’t happen.

hihša·l*   [hihšolʔ]  hiša·l*.

hihšolh*  hi-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, off of the body. hahšóhšoyiʔcʰila heʔe hihšolʔ hair falling out one after another. compare: hicʰul*.

hihtahqa*   [hihtahqaw]  . Verb. touch with body.

hihtey*   [hihteyʔ]  hi-, htey*. Verb. cause several bodies, objects, entities to lie down. tiyúʔdul hihte·ciwe· mu it (old grass) fell down by itself. synonyms: dihtey*.

hihtsi*   [hihtsiw]  hi-, htsi*. Verb. move with body. hihtsiwʔtʰin not moving. hicʼíʔqaqa·cʼeʔnati hihtsíwʔtʰin tʼetʰmaw although I told him to get away he stands unmoving. qʰaʔbe báhṭʰe heʔen hihtsíʔkʰetʰin caw @ "the big sits unbudgeable". ʔá· tʼo ṭa mul hihtsíhqaʔbem but I could move it.

hihtsinhcicʼ*   [hihtsinhciʔ]  hi-, htsinh*. Verb. jump. give a start.

hihtʰihtʰi*   [hihtʰihtʰiw]  htʰihtʰi*. Verb. shred (a piece of cloth). miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqʰ you must have shred your dress. miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqa· ma you must have shred your dress.

hihṭanṭala*   [hihṭanṭalaw]  hi-, hṭanṭala*, hi-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. body fade, wear out. hihṭanṭalaʔ to fade by wearing. muhṭánṭalaʔ to fade in sunlight. ʔaná· to qʼoʔdi caʔtʰu – pʰihṭánṭalacʼkʰe tʰi(´)n e to· ma ʔ. (pʰihṭánṭala·sʼuwe to· ma ʔ.) don’t look at me so much; you can’t wear me out by looking. (you might wear me out by looking.)

hihṭʰa*   [hihṭʰaw]  hi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. door to open by itself or button to come unbuttomed by itself. hóhwa hihṭʰay the door opened by itself. woto·n hihṭʰayé· to the button came unbuttoned, (also of shoelace undone).

hihṭʰeyʔ*   [hihṭʰeyʔ]  hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: hiṭʰehy*. Verb. spread, press with the body. miṭiʔ hihṭʰeyʔ maducʼba having lain on and pressed (tules) into a bed.

hihwatʼ*   [hihwaʔ]  hi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. body lie rotten. hayúhcʰoyiʔ ṭʰotʼbina hihwátʼci· miṭiw the dead dog has rotted and is lying there. qali hihwatʼmaw D: Locative, Causative, Absolutive. hihwatʼá·law a rotten cloth to fall to pieces and down.

hihwehwe*   [hihwehwew]  hi-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble, shake (of earth). hihwéhweʔ "began to tremble" (5-6.9).

hihwel*   [hihwelʔ]  hi-, hwel*2. Verb. move endlessly, incessantly, in an unending series. hihwelá·laʔkʰe min as if no ending (in a column of people coming down). hihwélʔ tʰin no end (to column of ants).

hihwit*   [hihwiʔ]  hi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the body. ma dá·qacʼi· hihwítʰci pick out the one you want (trying on clothes)!

hihye·c*   [hihyeʔ]  hi-, hye·c*. Verb. keep someone company. hihyecʰmaw to keep company with someone. mihṭʰel hihyecʰma keep your mother company! hihyecʰma mihṭʰel ʔ stay with your mother! Example Variant: hihyecci ma mihṭʰel ʔ. hihyecʰmaw to keep company with someone . Usages note: high word.

hihyu*1   [hihyuw]  hi-, hyu*1, hi-, hyu*1. Verb. quiver (the body). hihyuhíhyuw to quiver the body in dancing. Example Variant: hihyúhyuw. hihyuhíyula·meʔ quiver the body while sinking down to low dancing position. qʰálʔsʼanʔ "weasel" in English called Blackie, a dachshund of BT’s.

hihyu*2   [-]  hi-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. dirt to come loose.

hihyuhyu*   [hihyuhyuw]  hihyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. dirt on road bank to come loose. ʔama· hihyúhyuw the land (hillside) keeps crumbling off.

hihyuhihyu*   [hihyuhihyuw]  hihyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. dirt to come loose. ʔama· hihyuhíyu·law the land (hillside) keeps crumbling down. waṭaʔ hihyuhiyucʼba ʔahqʰa hiwoṭí·biy the frog wiggling its body stirred up the water. Example Variant: ...hiyoṭí·biy..

hihyuhyu*   [hihyuhyuw]  hihyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. dirt on road bank to come loose. ʔama· hihyúhyuw the land (hillside) keeps crumbling off.

hihyut*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly, with the body. hihyutʰmaw D: Absolutive. hihyutá·law pieces to break off (wall of bricks) and fall down (in an earthquake).

hihyuṭ*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. get mixed up. hihyuṭʰmaw to get mixed up. šahya mácʰqati ʔahay el mihyúṭʰma to make it burn (faster), stir (or poke) the wood with your foot.

hikel*   [hikelʔ]  hi-, kel*1. Variant: hikelta*. Verb. straighten the body. hikeli (to blanket or rope hanging up) Unwrinkle yourself! hikelá·du D: Durative. hikeltaw D: Absolutive.

hikelta*   [hikeltaw]  hikel*. Verb. straighten with body.

hikimci*   [hikimciw]  hi-, kim*. Instr Verb Stem. stretch by self.

hiki·š*   [hikiš]  hi-, ki·š*. Verb. stretch over surface of body. ciwalaw hsawín to hikišciwiy the shirt being too small (tight), it stretches tight over me.

hi·kiškiši   [hi·kíškiši]  hiki·š*. Ideophone Adjective. be stretched. hi·kíškiši ʔe· mu it is stretched. ciwala· hi·kíškiši šime· ma you are wearing a tight-stretched shirt.

hiku·ṭ*   [hikuʔ]  hi-, ku·ṭ*2. Verb. break off, come off, pop off the body. ciwalá· tol kʰe woto·n ṭʼi híkuṭʰqʰ all the buttons came off my shirt. hikuṭʰciqʰ came off all at once (something hanging) (for stamps, use /loqʰ/).

hikʰe*   [hikʰew]  . Verb. move [?]

hikʰe·d*   [hikʰe·du]  . Verb. (entire body) move.

hikʰi*   [hikʰiw]  hi-, kʰi*. Verb. stretch itself (as socks when put on).

hikʰu·l*   [hikʰulʔ]  hi-, kʰu·l*1. Verb. feel rough with body.

hi·kʰulʔkʰu   [hi·kʰúlʔkʰu]  hikʰu·l*. Ideophone Adjective. lumpy (of bed).

hikʼaddedu   [hikʼaddedu]   1 • Adjective. main, chief. ʔacaʔ hikʼáddedu the main man.

2 • Noun. the main one, the most important person, the one doing the most or the best in some activity. hikʼáddedu tʼawicʼqaʔ he thinks he’s the main one. hikʼáddedu ʔe· ma you are the main one, the one doing the most (whether a good or bad activity). hikʼaddedu ʔi be the main one! hikʼddedu ʔimeʔ be the main ones (to several)! maʔé· mu hikʼaddedu ʔama· pišudu cicʼi·duce·du you are the main one doing bad things.

hikʼal*   [hikʼalʔ]  hi-, kʼal*1. Verb. open slightly by itself.

hikʼi·   [hikʼi·]   Noun. crab. hikʼi· cohšo crab claw. Example Variant: hikʼi· ʔiša·.

biʔdakʼi·   [biʔdakʼí·]  Lit: river crab; river crab biʔda, hikʼi·. Noun. crayfish.

pahcankʼi·   [pahcánkʼi·]  Lit: osprey crab pahcan, hikʼi·. Noun. rock crab.

hikʼi·*1   [hikʼiw]  hi-, kʼi·*1. Verb. get the body cut. hikʼiʔ bump into something and scratch self. hiqʰamaʔ several bump into and scratch selves (D: Plural Action).

hikʼi·*2   [hikʼiw]  hi-, kʼi·*2. Verb. get the body marked; hug real tight or cut body or something dropped on self.

hikʼocʼaʔyaw   [hikʼocʼáʔyaw]  hikʼo·c*, -aʔyaw. Adjective. universally respected; most respected.

hikʼot*   [hikʼóʔ]  hiʔkʼo*.

hikʼo·c*   [hikʼoʔ]  hi-, kʼo·c*. Verb. consider important, have respect for. yaʔkʰe wanté·ra ya ṭʼihca hikʼócʰqacʼ we all respect our flag. hikʼocʰqaʔ have respect for. hikʼo·cʼé· to mito I have respect for you. hikʼo·cé· mito to you have respect for me. hikʼocʰqacʼé· to· ma you are polite to me. hikʼocá·tanʔ qacʼéla·ya mayal we have respect for you all; we are polite to you. hikʼocʰqáʔtʰin not show respect. ʔama píšudu cicʼi·de·ma ma·cal huʔu· tol hikʼocʰqáʔtʰin you're doing something bad, you don't show respect to them in front of them.

hikʼocʼaʔyaw   [hikʼocʼáʔyaw]  hikʼo·c*, -aʔyaw. Adjective. universally respected; most respected.

hikʼo·cʼed*   [hikʼo·cʼedu]  hi-, kʼo*. Verb. act important, put on a big front, act proud. ʔima·ta hikʼo·cʼedun e·; doʔqʼoʔdiyi·cʼedam he’s trying to impress a woman; that’s why he got himself all fixed up. pʰala híkʼo·cʼedu put on a good front again. hikʼó·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural. haʔu ʔacacʼem cʼiškan tʼawícʼqacʼin hikʼo·cʼenʔ that man thinks he's handsome and is acting proud. synonyms: hokʼoyʔcʼed*.

ʔama hikʼo·cʼedu   [ʔama híkʼo·cʼedu]  hikʼo·cʼed*. 1 • Noun. snob.

2 • Adjective. snobbish, stuck-up. ʔama híkʼo·cʼedu ʔe· ma, to· ṭʼo ma cahnonmuʔtʰ you are stuck-up; you don’t speak to me.

hikʼo·l*   [hikʼolʔ]  hi-, kʼo·l*. Verb. dig a depression or cavity, make a hole that does not go all the way through the material using the body. hikʼolciw to scrape out a depression by wiggling body. hayi·na qʼolo·li ʔino ʔimo híkʼolciqʰ the chickens made a depression in the dust by wiggling their bodies.

hikʼum*   [hikʼumʔ]  hi-, kʼum*. Verb. be excessive, be too much or too difficult to do, do to one’s limit, with the body. ʔa·!!ṭʰeto hcʰoyícʼkʰe ʔdu·cicʼin, hikʼumá·cʼela knowing my mother is dying, I stay with her as much as I can.

hikʼut*1   [hikʼúʔ]  hiʔkʼu*.

hikʼut*2   [hikʼuʔ]  hi-, kʼut*2. Instr Verb Stem. unseen being to produce a one short faint sign of its presence; barely detect unseen body moving. ku·yi híkʼutʰci· šocela I heard a faint noise just once of someone moving. hikʼútʰmaw unseen beings to produce faint signs of their presence; barely hear lots of things sneaking around. bé· ʔacaʔ hikʼutá·du min tʼa·nʔ it feels like a man is sneaking around here. hikʼútʰciw unseen being to produce a one short faint sign of its presence ; barely detect one by feel or sound. hikʼutá·du to detect (hear, feel) someone's body moving making slight sneaky noise (not visible). hikʼutacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. híkʼutʰci make faint noise! hikʼutá·duwa·du D: Durative.

-hila   [hila]  -pʰila.

hilac*   [hilaʔ]  hi-, lac*. Verb. fail to do (of one thing, involuntary), with the body. hilácʰwiye· to maʔal béṭʼbuyi dutʼaʔ I failed to keep track of what day of the week it is.

hilasʼa*   [hilasʼaw]  hisʼa·*. Verb. break with body.

hilasʼa·cʼ*  hisʼa·cʼ*.

hilaṭʼa*   [hilaṭʼáw]  hiṭʼa·*, la-.

hilaya*   [hilayaw]  hi-, laya*. Verb. body slip. sʼalutʼin sóh hilaya·w because it’s slick, the body slips right off without affecting it.

hilehile*   [hilehilew]  hi-, le*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • (part of) body be stopped up, likes ears. šimamo hilehílecʰwiye· to, ʔa· bimáci mul ci·cʼinʔkʰe ʔyowal I forgot what I was going to do today, like my ears (metaphor for mind) were plugged.

2 • drown out.

hiliṭʼi*   [hiliṭʼiw]  hiṭʼi*. Verb. bend with body.

hilol*   [hilolʔ]  hihlo*. Verb. detach, of the body.

hiloṭʼo*   [hilaṭʼow]  hiṭʼo·*. Verb. chafe.

hilu*   [hiluw]  hi-, lu*2. Verb. rub dirt into. mito ʔiša·li sʼaʔsʼa híluwi·ma with your arm you are rubbing dirt (on something else). hiluʔ rub it on yourself; to rub on something freshly painted and you. hilutʰuʔ D: Negative. hilu·tʰuʔ D: semelfactive ? hilútʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. kihlaʔ hilu·ci do it once anyway. ku·yi hilu·ci do it once!

hiluhilu*   [hiluhiluw]  hilu*. Reduplicating Verb. keep rubbing dirt into. kʼaṭa qáhle tol sʼaʔsʼa híluhilu·ye·ma you’re rubbing dirt on a white cloth. hiluhiluci keep rubbing dirt (on self)! Example Variant: hiluhilu·ci ~ hiluhilu·cʼi.

hiluhilu*   [hiluhiluw]  hilu*. Reduplicating Verb. keep rubbing dirt into. kʼaṭa qáhle tol sʼaʔsʼa híluhilu·ye·ma you’re rubbing dirt on a white cloth. hiluhiluci keep rubbing dirt (on self)! Example Variant: hiluhilu·ci ~ hiluhilu·cʼi.

hilʔba*   [hilʔbaw]   Verb. start to be troubled by; be bothered by; interfere. mu ṭa meṭilto· híʔbayiʔ it (the pain) started from there. hílʔbayi·cʼeʔdom mitow Pain keeps spreading from there. šinalto· hilʔbayiʔ have trouble in the head: aches, dizziness, losing mind. hilʔbaʔkʰe ʔe·mu that is going to interfere. mú·cayʔya hilbawem ṭa mu that's what bothered him. hílʔbasʼuwe· maʔu will this interfere. baqʼó ʔwa ṭa hílʔbayiʔ, matʼiléʔya hóyhcʰocayʔ what is his trouble? his possessions (money) run short. Example Variant: ...pe·su hóyhcʰoca·wiye·to "my money ran short". cahno hílʔbayiʔ losing speech. hilʔbayi·cʼiwaʔ D: plural? compare: hiʔba·yic*, hiʔbaʔba*.

him*   [himʔ]   Verb. man go to gather food or wood. duʔkʼáš himʔ man to get abalone. ʔahá· himʔ man to get wood. hima go hunt! hímmeʔ go hunt (to several)! himá·du keep going to hunt. hímtʰuʔ don't go hunt! himácʼmeʔ go to hunt (to several)! himá·duce·du keep going to hunt. himá·cʼiyicʼmeʔ @. tʼoqayʔ ʔahé· hima go after some wood in a while. noʔqʼo hímy he went ater mussels. compare: hiʔbi*, baʔa·c*, micʰe·c*, boʔo*, micʰe·c*, baʔa·c*, boʔo*.

hima*   [himaw]  hi-, ma*3. Verb. put shapeless substance, with the body. ʔahqʰa hima get water (to man). synonyms: baʔa·c*.

hinac*   [hinaʔ]  hi-, nac*3. Verb. (people) gather. hinácʰmeʔ gather! (no sg.) hinacá·ciwacʼmeʔ several groups. Example Variant: hinayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ. hinayícʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. pʰala hínacʰmeʔ gather again!

hinaca·law   [hinaca·law]  hi-, nac*2, -ala. Noun. second crop of fruit (probably second pickings); last person to go. synonyms: hanaca·law.

hina·*   [hinaw]  hi-, na·*1. Verb. cover itself; (slide) covered (road).

balay hina·   [balá· hinaw]  balay, hina·*. Verb. blood be blocked. balá· hinaʔ blood is blocked. synonyms: balay cana·.

hine*   [hinew]  hi-, ne*1. Variant: hinehc*. Verb. be far away; possess with the body. ʔama híne·duʔ far away (more than 1000 miles). ʔama· hinédu·ci go far away. Example Variant: ʔama hínedu·ci. hine·cʼicʰmeʔ (to several) go far away! ʔama hínehtacʼicʰmeʔ D: Plural Object Plural Imperative.

hinehc*   [hinehciw]  hine*.

hinem*   [hinémʔ]  hi-, nem*1. Verb. bump, not hard; bump with body (hard or soft ?) qʰale ʔa hinémyam I bumped the tree with my elbow. compare: hihcʰi*, hiʔsʼiʔsʼi*, hiʔsʼi*.

hintil  hentil.

hinti·l   [hintí·l]  hentil.

hipa*   [hipaw]  hi-, pa*2. Verb. cover with body, entirely cover area. hipa cover! hipatʰuʔ don't cover! hipameʔ cover (to several)! hipawa·duci @. qʰale hipá· mimaw the place is covered with (fallen) trees. qʼoʔdi hípaw to fill an area well, to fit the space allotted. hipáhqaw fill up (table, garden with flowers). hipawaʔ it just barely fits going through. Example Variant: hipawá·qa.

hipawaq*   [hipawaʔ]  hipa*, -aq1. Verb. the body to fill (a doorway) going through, barely to fit through. hipáhqaw to fill (a tabletop) full with things. compare: baʔcʰu*.

hipahqa*   [hipahqaw]  . Verb. (land, table) be covered, full.

hipaṭ*   [hipaʔ]  hi-, paṭ*2. Verb. cover or fill in a hole with the body. ʔimo ʔel hiyeʔ tʼeti·bícʰpʰi, hipáṭʰci stand up to lean against the hole and cover it with your body.

hipawaq*   [hipawaʔ]  hipa*, -aq1. Verb. the body to fill (a doorway) going through, barely to fit through. hipáhqaw to fill (a tabletop) full with things. compare: baʔcʰu*.

hipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*   [hipʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiw]  hihpʰitʼ*.

hipʰo·*   [hipʰow]  hi-, pʰo·*. Verb. be splashing with the body. qʼayán hipʰow duck to be splashing with its body.

hipʼanta*   [hipʼantaw]  hiʔpʼanh*. Verb. close by itself.

hipʼil*   [hipʼilʔ]  hi-, pʼil*. Verb. feel slick to body. hipʼil hiʔtʼaw feels slick to body.

hiqol*   [hiqolʔ]  hi-, qol*. Variant: hiqola·tad*. Verb. rub against with the body; pass one thing over the surface of another, stroke with the body. kú·ška ʔem cumátʰma· tol hiqoli·cʼ the cat is rubbing its body on the chair. ʔaná· damu·cʼin, kumíʔdaʔ hiqólmuʔ loving each other so, they are always rubbing up against each other. Example Variant: hiqólmaʔ, hiqólciw. hiqoli rub body with something! hiqoltameʔ D: Plural. hiqolá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural. synonyms: hisʼul*, hiqʰal*.

hiqola·tad*   [hiqola·tadu]  hiqol*. Verb. pass one thing over the surface of another with body.

hiqosʼqoʔsʼo*   [hiqosʼqoʔsʼow]  hihqosʼ*.

hiqʰac   [hiqʰáʔ]  hiqʰac*. 1 • Numeral. half. maci híqʰacʰmuʔ meʔ half the day. hiqʰáʔ qahšo half raw. ʔama híqʰacʰmuʔ meʔ half the time.

2 • Noun. part of some larger quantity [?] hiqʰaʔ kalo·n part of a gallon; quart. molokko mihca híqʰaʔ kalo·n four quarts of milk.

hiqʰaʔ kalo·n   [hiqʰaʔ kalo·n]  hiqʰac, kalo·n. Noun. quart. molokko mihce híqʰaʔ kalo·n four quarts of milk.

hiqʰac*   [hiqʰáʔ]  hi-, qʰac*3. Verb. 1 • break apart, break in half. maci híqʰacʰmuʔ half the day.

2 • come to an end [?]

hiqʰac   [hiqʰáʔ]  hiqʰac*. 1 • Numeral. half. maci híqʰacʰmuʔ meʔ half the day. hiqʰáʔ qahšo half raw. ʔama híqʰacʰmuʔ meʔ half the time.

2 • Noun. part of some larger quantity [?] hiqʰaʔ kalo·n part of a gallon; quart. molokko mihca híqʰaʔ kalo·n four quarts of milk.

hiqʰaʔ kalo·n   [hiqʰaʔ kalo·n]  hiqʰac, kalo·n. Noun. quart. molokko mihce híqʰaʔ kalo·n four quarts of milk.

hiqʰal*   [hiqʰalʔ]  hi-, qʰal*1. Verb. brush against with body. hiqʰala·dadu be walking along barely brishing against bushes. compare: hihqʰalh*; synonyms: hiqol*, hisʼul*.

hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*   [hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaw]  hihqʰaṭ*.

hiqʰaʔ kalo·n   [hiqʰaʔ kalo·n]  hiqʰac, kalo·n. Noun. quart. molokko mihce híqʰaʔ kalo·n four quarts of milk.

hiqʰa·*1   [hiqʰaw]  hi-, qʰa·*1. Verb. break off of itself. šuciʔ hiqʰáw iqa· miʔkʰe your shoelace has broken. šuciʔ mu hiqʰaw iqʰ your shoelace is broken. hiqʰa break!

cahno hiqʰaw   [cahno híqʰaw]  cahno1, hiqʰa·*1. Adjective. broken-hearted.

hiqʰa·*2   [hiqʰaw]  hi-, qʰa·*2. Verb. get cut using the body. hiqʰaʔ to cut oneself by action of the whole body. hiqʰa·cʼi cut self by nudging against something!

hiqʰa·sad*   [hiqʰasa·du´]  hi-, qʰa·s*, -ad2. Verb. go along with the body rubbing against (a wall). hiqʰsa·duwádu go along with the body rubbing against.

hiqʰa·ṭ*   [hiqʰaʔ]  hi-, qʰa·ṭ*2. Verb. be pleasurable to the body, to like to wear; to admire clothes. hiqʰa·ṭé· to· maʔal taqʰma I like to wear this dress (it fits well). hiqʰaṭʰqacʼi let self feel good by wearing.

hiqʰoṭ*   [hiqʰoʔ]  hi-, qʰoṭ*2. Verb. uproot with the body, become uprooted by self. hiqʰoṭʰqʰ they must have come uprooted by themselves.

hiqʼahci*   [hiqʼahciw]  hiʔqʼac*. Verb. tighten with body.

hiqʼa·s*   [hiqʼas]  hi-, qʼa·s*. Verb. scratch body on something sharp.

hiqʼa·ṭ*   [hiqʼaʔ]  hi-, qʼa·ṭ*1. Verb. scrape with the body, scratch body against something, e.g., wall or floor. hiqʼaṭʰmaʔ to be scratching one’s body against (a tree, as bears do).

hiqʼa·ṭicʼ*   [hiqʼa·ṭiʔ]  hiqʼa·ṭ*. Verb. rub body.

hiqʼa·ṭicʼ*   [hiqʼa·ṭiʔ]  hiqʼa·ṭ*. Verb. rub body.

hisa*   [hisaw]  hi-, sa*2. Verb. crack off of itself (as limb on hot day). hisa D: Imperative. hisameʔ D: Plural Imperative. hisayícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. hisawá·tadu D: Durative.

hise*   [hisew]  hi-, se*. Verb. dislike, restricted to objects, activities involving the body, like wearing clothes. hisewá· to maʔal ciwalaw I’m tired of this shirt. hiseqa·cʼe· mu·kinʔ ciwalaw he is tired of the shirt. Example Variant: ... ʔa .... hisewáhwiye to getting tired of.

hise·l*   [hiselʔ]  hi-, se·l*. Verb. clean, make clear, rinse, entire object. hiselqaw to put (strawberries) in bowl and clean by shaking.

hisisil*   [hisisilʔ]  hi-, sisi·l*. Variant: hihsisil*. Verb. body be easily irritated, tender; feel crumbs in bed, sand or burrs on towel, rash from vine; feeling when something touches you, as something touching a tender place. cihsi hisisi·le· to my sore is touchy (it hurts when it touches something). ku·yi qán kʰe cahti yów hihsisí·ladu sometimes in my bed it feels scratchy. hihsisilwiye· to implies someone is doing it to you, e.g. putting crumbs in the bed. compare: hihsis*.

hisiṭi·cʼ   [hisiṭiʔ]  hisi·ṭ*. Verb. free, be free. hisiṭi·cʼi be free! hisi·ṭíʔ tʰin caw he’s not free, loose, he’s restricted (he doesn’t go around to beer joints). hisiṭi·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative, Directional "away".

hisi·ṭ*   [hisiʔ]  hi-, si·ṭ*1. Verb. waste, be wasteful. hisiṭʰqaw to be wasteful. hisiṭʰqawá·du D: Plural-Durative, Causative. hisiṭʰqáwʔtʰin not to waste; taking good care of (papers, money), not tearing up or throwing away. hisiṭʰqatʰú mul ʔ don’t waste it! hisi·ṭíʔtʰuʔ take care of yourself; don’t waste yourself! hisi·tícʼqaw ʔtʰin to protect part of body (skin from burning, chapping). hisiṭʰqatʰuʔ don’t waste it! hisiṭʰqatʰúmeʔ D: Causative, Plural Imperative, Negative. hisiṭa·cʼiwácʼqatʰume don’t scatter powder around! compare: hihsit*.

hisiṭi·cʼ   [hisiṭiʔ]  hisi·ṭ*. Verb. free, be free. hisiṭi·cʼi be free! hisi·ṭíʔ tʰin caw he’s not free, loose, he’s restricted (he doesn’t go around to beer joints). hisiṭi·cʼedú·cedu D: Durative, Directional "away".

hisi·ṭʰqa*   [hisi·ṭʰqaw]  . Verb. let go to waste.

hisohṭ*   [hisohṭiw]  hihsoṭ*.

hisoṭ*   [hisoṭ]  hihsoṭ*.

hiso·l*   [hisolʔ]  hi-, so·l*. Verb. swirl water with body.

hisu*   [hisuw]  hi-, su*. Variant: hisuwac*. Verb. scratch body on. hisuʔ to scratch body on something.

hisuwac*   [hisuwaʔ]  hisu*. Verb. scratch off part of surface with body.

hisʼa·*   [hisʼaw]  hi-, sʼa·*. Variant: hilasʼa*. Verb. break. hisʼaw ʔbakʰe tʰin (rule) not to be broken. ʔahá· hisʼamqaqa· ma ʔimo· you must have broken a stick in that hole. hisʼa·wiye· to I’m broke (no money). miʔkʰe cʰikʼisa·du wi hisʼaw your writing implement [pencil] is broken.

hisʼa·cʼ*   [hisʼaʔ]  hisʼa·*. Variant: hilasʼa·cʼ*. Verb. Idiom: look proud. ma mice·du·li hisʼacʼi·nʔ when you said ("you look nice today"), she really acted or looked happy, proud. hilasʼa·cʼ D: Plural, Reflexive.

hisʼa·cʼ*   [hisʼaʔ]  hisʼa·*. Variant: hilasʼa·cʼ*. Verb. Idiom: look proud. ma mice·du·li hisʼacʼi·nʔ when you said ("you look nice today"), she really acted or looked happy, proud. hilasʼa·cʼ D: Plural, Reflexive.

hisʼi*   [hisʼiw]  hi-, sʼi*2. Verb. pinch, fold with the body; wind, zigzag (of road). ʔacaʔ ʔíhpʰu· šiʔba hísʼihciw a fat man with creased body, folds on flesh. hisʼíhci D: Plural, Imperative. Example Variant: disʼíhci. qʼoʔo hísʼicaduwa·du song rhythm. (hiʔdá) hisʼica·duwá·du baṭʰe the road winds a lot. hisʼi·cʼi get a body fold. Example Variant: disʼi·cʼi. hisʼica·duwa·du goes along zigzag, winds along. compare: cʰiʔṭʼi, qoʔṭʼi, pʰiʔṭʼi, qosʼic*, qʰosʼi·cʼ*, hisʼihc*; synonyms: disʼi*.

hisʼihc*   [hisʼihʔ]  hi-, sʼih*. Instr Verb Stem. zigzag design. hisʼíhci· cuhti zigzag pattern, design on basket. compare: hisʼi*.

hisʼihciw cuhti   [hisʼíhci· cuhti]  hisʼihc*, cuhti. Noun. zigzag pattern.

hisʼihciw cuhti   [hisʼíhci· cuhti]  hisʼihc*, cuhti. Noun. zigzag pattern.

hisʼit*   [hisʼíʔ]  hiʔsʼi*.

hisʼiw   [hisʼiw]   Adverb. exactly. compare: hiʔsʼi*.

hisʼu   [hisʼu]  hisʼu·.

hisʼuhqa*   [hisʼuhqaw]  hisʼu·. Verb. shoot arrow.

hisʼuhši   [hisʼuhši´]  hisʼu·, ʔihši. Noun. quiver, case for gun or bow and arrows. synonyms: hisʼu· mahsoq.

hisʼul*   [hisʼulʔ]  hi-, sʼul*. Verb. make body smooth and shiny. qahwe· hisʼulʔ shiny and sticky, with pitch. ʔihpʰú· sʼaʔsʼa tol hisʼulícʼba to ʔaná· sʼaʔsʼacʰwiy (My body or clothes) rubbed on dirty oil andb I have become shiny and really dirty. ʔaná· damu·cʼin kumíʔdaʔ hisʼúlmuʔ you love each other so much you are attached together. (bodies always touching). Example Comment: ~ hiqólmuʔ. synonyms: hiqol*, hiqʰal*.

hisʼu·   [hisʼu·]   Variant: hisʼu. Noun. arrow.

hisʼuhqa*   [hisʼuhqaw]  hisʼu·. Verb. shoot arrow.

hisʼuhši   [hisʼuhši´]  hisʼu·, ʔihši. Noun. quiver, case for gun or bow and arrows. synonyms: hisʼu· mahsoq.

hisʼu· mahsoq   [hisʼu· máhsoʔ]  hisʼu·, mahsoq. Noun. quiver. synonyms: hisʼuhši.

hisʼu· šima   [hisʼu· šima]  Lit: arrow ear hisʼu·, šima. Noun. fletching of arrow.

šamʔsʼu   [šamʔsʼu]  ša·mʔ, hisʼu·. Noun. hazel or willow switch (straight) for making baskets.

šasʼu·   [šasʼu·]  ʔahša, hisʼu·. Noun. 1 • flexible pole, fishing pole, pole for harpoon. šasʼu· ʔé· mu it's a pole. compare: helec.

2 • point (of harpoon).

hisʼu· mahsoq   [hisʼu· máhsoʔ]  hisʼu·, mahsoq. Noun. quiver. synonyms: hisʼuhši.

hisʼu· qahca   [hisʼu· qáhca]  Lit: arrowknife qahca. Noun. arrowhead.

hisʼu· šima   [hisʼu· šima]  Lit: arrow ear hisʼu·, šima. Noun. fletching of arrow.

hišamat*   [hišamáʔ]  hiša·m*.

hišamʔ   [hišamʔ]  hiša·m*. Noun. taffeta.

taqʰma hišamʔ   [taqʰma híšamʔ]  taqʰma, hišamʔ. Noun. taffeta dress.

hiša·l*   [hišálʔ]  hi-, ša·l*. Variant: hihša·l*. Verb. clothing rustle (while wearing it); sound of taffeta dress. hiša·li (to dress) Rustle! hišalciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. hišalmaw many dresses rustle in a group. hišala·tadu many dresses rustle here and there. hihšalayʔ to rustle against. hiša·layʔ to rustle against. hišala·yi rustle against! taqʰma híšamʔ šaqacʼbem wínato· hišá·l she must be wearing a taffeta dress; it’s rustling a lot. synonyms: hiša·m*.

hiša·m*   [hišamʔ]  hi-, ša·m*. Variant: hišamat*. Verb. rustle with the body. hišamʔ sound of falling on hay or paper. Example Variant: dišamciw. hiša·ma (to cloth) rustle! hišammeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hišammameʔ D: Plural Imperative (several together). hišamá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative (several not together, here and there). synonyms: hiša·l*.

hišamʔ   [hišamʔ]  hiša·m*. Noun. taffeta.

taqʰma hišamʔ   [taqʰma híšamʔ]  taqʰma, hišamʔ. Noun. taffeta dress.

hišud*   [hišudu]  hi-, šud*1. Verb. be unfamiliar, strange, to the body. hišudé· to milu· ʔahcaw in that house it feels strange to me. Example Variant: hišudé· to mul ʔahca "that house feels strange to me". ciwala· hišudé· to maʔal this shirt doesn’t feel right; it feels unsatisfactory; not satisfied. hišudá·tade· to maʔal ciwala·ya they’re not satisfied with their shirts. Example Variant: hišúcʼqacʼe· tiya·coʔkʰe ciwala·ya..

hiti·t*   [hitiʔ]  hi-, ti·t*. Verb. twist body.

hitsayqa*   [hitsá·qaw]  hi-, tsay*. Verb. twine with two or three sticks; weave start of basket, close weave. hitsá·qawi·biʔ D: Directional "up". hitsá·qa twine! hitsá·qamela D: Performative Complete. baṭʰe· ma· cama hitsá·qaw ʔ weave twine in many places. šamʔ hitsá·qa weave the /ša·mʔ/ basket (with close weaving). Example Variant: hisʼá·qa· šamʔ. šamʔ ma camaqal hitsá·qa the basket you are weaving, twine (closely). hisʼá·qame·du D: Durative. baṭʰé· hisʼá·qaw many close weaves. hisʼá·qa· camaw hlawe· mu šamʔ ʔitadu there are some baskets that are twined closely.

hituhituc*   [hituhituʔ]  hi-, tu*2. Reduplicating Verb. be pressed tight, stuffed.

hitʰil*   [hitʰilʔ]  hi-, tʰil*1. Verb. tear but not necessarily apart, with the body. kalikakʰ hitʰílciqʰ the paper is torn. coʔqʰo hitʰílciqʰ the quilt is torn.

hitʼac*   [hitʼaʔ]  hiʔtʼa*. Verb. detect with body.

hitʼat*   [hitʼaʔ]  hi-, tʼat*3. Verb. fidget the body.

hitʼe·bic*   [hitʼe·bíʔ]  hiʔtʼe*, -ibic. Verb. prosper.

hitʼe·t   [hitʼe·t]  . Adjective. ready.

hitʼe·t*   [hitʼeʔ´]  Lit: body fit, parallel with English, calque hi-, tʼe·t*1. Verb. 1 • set, fit in, fit, be set, ready, prepared. hitʼehtʰé· to mul it doesn’t suit me. cahno cʰiʔcʼámʔ li hitʼetʰqa where there is space for the word, fit it in! ʔama hítʼeʔ tʰin e· ma nothing suits you; you aren’t satisfied with anything. cahno hitʼeta·qácʰqaw correct the word; make the word fit completely.

2 • fit.

hitʼe·tʰqa*   [hitʼe·tʰqáw]  . Verb. get (something) ready.

hitʼuhl*   [hitʼúhliw]  hitʼul*.

hitʼul*   [hitʼúlʔ]  hi-, tʼul*. Variant: hitʼuhl*. Verb. squeeze by leaning on (cat or child).

hiṭa·n*   [hiṭanʔ]  hi-, ṭa·n*2. Verb. side of long object be in contact with the body. šiʔba wí hiyemán hiṭanma with body, hold it down sticking out!

hiṭo·l*   [hiṭolʔ]  ṭo·l*, hi-. Verb. make a dent using the body, i.e., by lying on. hayu ʔem ʔimo híṭolqa· kumíʔdaʔ miṭinʔbina mi· the dog has made a depression (in the ground) apparently by always lying there.

hiṭʰaṭ*   [hiṭʰaʔ]  hi-, ṭʰaṭ*. Verb. break open with the body. hiṭʰáṭʰciw to break into two or more pieces or remain in one piece. Example Variant: diṭʰáṭʰciw.

hiṭʰa·l*   [hiṭʰalʔ]  hi-, ṭʰa·l*. Verb. bright, light enough to see by. with the body. diṭʰalciw dark room; door opens by itself and light comes in, letting us see. Example Variant: hiṭʰalciw. compare: cuṭʰa·l*, diṭʰa·l*, diṭʰa·l*.

hiṭʰehy*   [hiṭʰéhyiw]  hihṭʰeyʔ*.

hiṭʰil*   [hiṭʰilʔ]  hi-, ṭʰil*. Verb. spread, stretch out, either parts of body, or using the body. šahku hiṭʰílqa mito ʔ spread your legs (little or far)! ciwala· hiṭʰilí miʔkʰe ʔ stretch your shirt by wearing it!

hiṭʼahš*   [hiṭʼáhšiw]  hiʔṭʼaš*.

hiṭʼa·*   [hiṭʼaw´]  hi-, ṭʼa·*. Variant: hilaṭʼa*. Verb. cause insides (innards) to come out. ʔipʰe híṭʼaʔ to fart involuntarily with noise. hiṭʼa·cʼi D: Imperative (involuntarily). hicʼo hloʔba hiṭʼa·y the egg fell and broke.

hiṭʼem*   [hiṭʼemʔ]  hi-, ṭʼem*2. Verb. be tired of something, restricted to things, activities involving the body, like wearing clothes. hiṭʼemaʔ to be tired of clothes (and want new ones).

hiṭʼi*   [hiṭʼíw]  hi-, ṭʼi*. Variant: hiliṭʼi*. Verb. bend, with the body. wíre qawi miṭicá·qol mil ma mihcílhciba miṭʼimy you tripped on the small wire lying there and bent it.

hiṭʼo·*   [hiṭʼow´]  hi-, ṭʼo·*. Variant: hiloṭʼo*. Verb. chafe, (skin) to rub off.

hiṭʼun*   [hiṭʼunʔ]  hi-, ṭʼun*. Verb. body be slimy. pʼaʔba· hiṭʼunʔ slimy slug. hiṭʼuni·cʼi make slime (to slug)! maqʰa ʔahša ʔe· hiṭʼunʔ, winatow salmon fish are slimy, terribly. compare: kʼuʔles.

hiwaṭʰ*   [hiwaʔ]  hi-, waṭʰ*. Verb. weaken, fall apart, of the body. hiwáṭʰciw to fall down (of house) and break by self. hicʼo· mu dabánepʰila, sine muwáṭʰciʔbeʔ if you threw an egg, it would burst easily.

hiwoṭ*   [hiwoʔ]  hi-, woṭ*. Verb. stir with body in water.

hiyaʔta*   [hiyaʔtaw]  hi-, yaʔta*. Verb. share, help, restricted to objects associated with the body, like clothes. kʼaṭa₁ híyaʔtamu·cʼe·₂ ya₃ manʔ₄ qʼo₅ I’m sharing clothes with her. hadu· yacol ʔima·ta híyaʔtaw he’s sharing his woman with another man; he’s sharing the other man’s woman. tiʔkʰe ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· miya·daqʰanʔ they say the husband is sharing his wife. miyá·daqʰanʔ tiʔkʰe ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· mu·kito they say the husband is sharing his wife with him. ʔima·ta híyaʔtamuʔdo· mu·kito they say his wife is running around with another man.

hiya·m*   [hiyamʔ]  hi-, ya·m*2. Verb. hurt, give pain to what is already sore. hiyam to hurt by bumping. hiya·ma to ʔ hurt me! hiyamme to ʔ (several) Hurt me! hiyatámmetaʔ several hurt me several times! cihsi hiyamtʰe· to· ma you did not hurt my sore. ʔiša· hiyámwiye· to· ma you hurt my arm (it was already sore) by bumping me.

hiyecʼ*   [hiyeʔ]  hi-, yecʼ*. Verb. be up against. hiyecʼ íyow (He) leaned against.; mi híyeʔ caw to sit leaning against there. ʔana· hiyécʰqatʰu mul ʔ don’t sit so clost to that! siʔbál hiyecʼa·lahqa mul ʔahá· qʰale tol ʔ set that stick close to the tree. Example Variant: siʔbál₁ hiyecʼá·lahqa₂.....

hiyem*   [hiyemʔ]  hi-, ye*2. Instr Verb Stem. hold authority. hiyémʔ ʔihya· the strongest by far, way stronger than anyone else. haʔbí·tow ma·dal hiye·du from over there someone is coming pressed up against her. (no slow meaning).

hiyemʔyac   [hiyémʔ yaʔ]  hiyem*, =yac. Noun. lord, ruler, one with authority.

hiyi*   [hiyiw]  hi-, yi*6. Verb. rub body on edge of something. malá· to· šuyímuli draw string back and forth around edge, making mark or not (can use file and mark).

hiyoṭ*   [hiyoʔ]  hi-, yoṭ*. Verb. stir up with the body. hiyóṭʰmadu·c- to crawl around in river and get body muddy (related to -hyol ?) hiyóṭʰmacʼicʰmeʔ D: Reflexive, Plural Imperative. hihohṭibiʔ inceptive, or Directional. qʰamʔli ṭʼi· hiyóṭʰciba ʔdo hcʰoyiʔ they say it got all bruised inside and died. waṭaʔ yacʼ iqa· mu ʔahqʰa hiyoṭi·bi·yam it must have been a frog that disturbed the water (what was on bottom floated up).

hiyow   [hiyow]   Adjective. alright, better.

hiʔbahibat*   [hiʔbahibaʔ]  hiʔbaʔba*.

hiʔbalh*   [hiʔbalʔ]  hi-, ʔbalh*. Verb. turn the body. hiʔbalhmuli·cʼwaʔ turn towards.

hiʔbay   [hiʔbay]   1 • Adjective. mean, ill-tempered, angry. huʔú· hiʔbay mean-looking eyes. ʔima·ta híʔbay mean woman. hayu híʔbay mean dog.

2 • Adverb. forcefully.

hiʔba·cay   [hiʔbá·cay]  hiʔbay, =ʔcayʔ. Noun. mean person or animal. compare: kilakʰ.

hiʔba·li   [hiʔbá·li]  hiʔbay, =wi. Adverb. by force.

hiʔba·yic*   [hiʔbá·yiʔ]  hiʔbay. Verb. become forceful, brave. hiʔba·yiʔdom take courage. compare: hilʔba*, hiʔbaʔba*.

hiʔbay*   [hiʔbayʔ]   Verb. be strong.

hiʔbaya   [hiʔbaya]   Cooccurrence: Only when used with a possessive word (Beneficiary case), most commonly a first person possessor.. 1 • Noun. man, adult male human being. compare: ba·*, hceye*; synonyms: ʔaca·c.

2 • Noun. husband. kʰe híʔbaya my husband. synonyms: ʔdaqʰad*, ṭʰaʔ*.

3 • Kinship Noun. son-in-law. hiʔbayá yaʔ my son-in-law, subject. hiʔbayáʔmaʔ yaʔ my sons-in-law, subject. Example Comment: unique plural. synonyms: ṭʰaʔkinʔ.

4 • Adjective. male.

baya   [báya]  hiʔbaya. Noun. Son-in-law!

hibaya cihṭʰiṭi   [hibayá cihṭʰiṭi]  hiʔbaya, cihṭʰiṭi. Noun. man's crotch. Usage: polite synonyms: ʔihsa, ʔama beʔcʼa. Usages note: hibayá cihṭʰiṭi is public word for ʔihsa.

hiʔbaya capʰya   [hiʔbayá capʰya]  hiʔbaya, capʰya2. Noun. virgin man.

hiʔbaya dimoʔcayʔ   [hiʔbayá dimoʔcayʔ]  hiʔbaya, dimoʔcayʔ. Noun. bridegroom.

koci·na hiʔbaya  Lit: male pig koci·na, hiʔbaya, koci·na. [koci·na híʔbaya] [koci·na híʔbaya]   [koci·na hiʔbaya]   Noun. 1 • boar.

2 • boar, male pig.

naṭa hiʔbaya   [naṭa híʔbaya]  hiʔbaya. Noun. boy, male child.

hiʔbaya capʰya   [hiʔbayá capʰya]  hiʔbaya, capʰya2. Noun. virgin man.

hiʔbaya dimoʔcayʔ   [hiʔbayá dimoʔcayʔ]  hiʔbaya, dimoʔcayʔ. Noun. bridegroom.

hiʔbayicʼ*   [hiʔbáyiʔ]  hi-. Verb. start to be troubled by. ʔuhqʰál to· hiʔbayiʔdom they say he started to feel discomfort in the stomach.

hiʔbaʔba*   [hiʔbaʔbaw]  hi-, ʔbaʔba*. Variant: hiʔbahibat*. Verb. be troubled, bothered, by illness, financial problem. duhṭʰál li hiʔbaʔbawe· to I am troubled with illness. baqʼó ʔše· hiʔbahibaʔ I wonder what their troubles are (continuously bothered). pé·su tol hiʔbahíba·cʼe· to I'm having trouble with money. duhtʰalli hiʔbahíba·cʼe· to I'm having trouble with sickness. hiʔbáʔbawe· to I'm being troubled by (sickness, money). compare: hilʔba*, hiʔba·yic*.

hiʔba·cay   [hiʔbá·cay]  hiʔbay, =ʔcayʔ. Noun. mean person or animal. compare: kilakʰ.

hiʔba·li   [hiʔbá·li]  hiʔbay, =wi. Adverb. by force.

hiʔba·yic*   [hiʔbá·yiʔ]  hiʔbay. Verb. become forceful, brave. hiʔba·yiʔdom take courage. compare: hilʔba*, hiʔbaʔba*.

hiʔbi   [hiʔbi]   1 • Adverb. where, visible locative interrogative-indefinite. hiʔbíl ʔtʰin on something or other. hiʔbíl ʔbakʰe some of what, part of what, belonging where, wherefrom, for what, wherefor, whereof. hiʔbil ʔbakʰe tʰin for somewhere or other, etc. hiʔbíl hqʰaʔ towards where, towards what, whereto. hiʔbíl hqʰaʔ tʰin towards somewhere or other. hiʔbiluw in what (visible container), wherein; with what (visible instrument), wherewith. hiʔbilúw ʔtʰin in someting or other, with something or other. hiʔbí·tow from where, from what, wherefrom; which side. hiʔbí·tow ʔtʰin from some visible place; on some side or other. compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, huʔu, haʔdi, haʔbeṭi, haʔbi, haʔdi, haʔu.

2 • Adjective. some (time).

hiʔbil   [hiʔbíl]  hiʔbi. Adverb. on where, on what, whereon.

hiʔbi meʔ tʰin   [hiʔbi meʔ tʰin]  . Adverb. 1 • from time to time.

2 • sometime.

hiʔbi*   [-]   Variant: hiba*. \Cooccurrence: requires directional suffix. Verb. (man) go to get food, to hunt; go to place where hunting or food gathering will be done. compare: baʔa·c*, micʰe·c*, him*, boʔo*; synonyms: šiʔbi*.

hiba·d*   [hiba·du´]  hiʔbi*, -ad2. Variant: hibi·d*. Verb. go along for food, implying the search is for deer or other prey that moves. hiba·du to be hunting; keep providing with food. hibi·du go hunt! (to one). hibicʼmeʔ go hunt! (to several). maʔa híbaʔcedu he used to hunt long ago. bihše híba·du go hunt for deer. mu·kínʔ hiba·du ʔe· mu, winató· hiba·nʔ he got them, he is getting more and more. synonyms: šiba·d*.

maʔa hiba·du ša·   [maʔa híba·du ša]  maʔa, hiba·d*, =ša·. Noun. expert hunter, one who is an expert in hunting for food. synonyms: maʔa šiba·du ša·.

hiba·duc*   [hiba·dúʔ]  hiʔbi*. Verb. go away to the (distant) place where the hunt will be, not hunting untl arriving there. duʔkʼáš hiba·duʔ hunt for abalone. hiba·duʔ go off to the place where the hunt will be (not hunting yet). synonyms: šiba·duc*.

hiba·q*   [hibaʔ´]  hiʔbi*, -aq1. Verb. go west for food, implying it is for mussels, abalone or other sea food. hibaʔ one to go hunting once. duʔkʼáš hibaʔ hunt for abalone. qʰál hibaʔ to go to the beach for food. hiba·qa go hunting at the ocean! go for food! hiba·qaʔtʰuʔ don't keep hunting at the ocean! noʔqʼo híbahy he went after mussels. hibahtʰuʔ don't go hunting at the ocean! hibaqa·du(cé·du) habitually hunt at the ocean. Usage: high

hiʔbimac*   [hiʔbimáʔ]  hiʔbi*, -mac. Verb. go east for food, to hunt (especially for acorns or other foods that typically lie in that direction from the usual Kashaya living sites).

hiʔbil   [hiʔbíl]  hiʔbi. Adverb. on where, on what, whereon.

hiʔbimac*   [hiʔbimáʔ]  hiʔbi*, -mac. Verb. go east for food, to hunt (especially for acorns or other foods that typically lie in that direction from the usual Kashaya living sites).

hiʔbolh*1   [hiʔbolʔ]  hi-, ʔbolh*1. Verb. knock over with body. hiʔbolí·biʔ pry lid off with stick and spill.

hiʔbolh*2   [hiʔbolʔ]  hi-, ʔbolh*2. Verb. particles to fly off body. ʔacacʼem ʔino qʰámʔli ʔama dútʼatʰbina ʔino híʔbolʔ he must have been working in the dust, dust is flying off him.

hiʔboqʼo·t*   [hiʔboqʼoʔ]  hi-, ʔboqʼo·t*. Verb. flop down. synonyms: diʔboqʼo·t*, nam*, ʔkʼil*, kʼili, diʔboqʼ*.

hiʔboʔbo*   [hiʔboʔbow]  hi-, ʔbo*3. Reduplicating Verb. pieces to fall off. kayina qʼolo·ba tʼeti·bíʔli ʔino híʔboʔbow the chicken is rolling in dust, stands up, the dust falls off.

hiʔbu   [hiʔbu]   Noun. bulb, potato; any edible underground plant part, principally bulbs but also corms, rhizomes, tubers and thick roots; potato; any plant with a bulb whether edible or not. Commonly called in English "Indian potatoes". compare: cubuš, cubuš; synonyms: witʰic, bimu·, hubaba, kʼoyoʔyo.

ciʔdomʔ hiʔbu   [ciʔdómʔ hiʔbu]  ciʔdom*, hiʔbu. Variant: ciʔdomʔ ʔihqʰoʔ hiʔbu. Noun. flower bulb (tulip, daffodil, etc.)

cʰaʔbu   [cʰaʔbu]  hiʔbu. Noun. carrot.

duwi cʰaʔbu   [duwi cʰáʔbu]  Lit: Coyote’s carrot; coyote carrot duwi, cʰaʔbu. Noun. 1 • common lomatium, bladder parsnip, hog fennel. a native plant with bitter, but edible, roots; 4-6 inches high; yellow flowers; growing in dry, rocky places. Lomatium utriculatum.

2 • wild carrot, bigseed biscuitroot, large fruited lomatium. Lomatium macrocarpum.

hiʔbu cahlalʔ   [hiʔbu cahlalʔ]  hiʔbu, cahlal*. Noun. (potatoes split lengthwise for) french fries.

hiʔbu tulse   [hiʔbu túlse]  hiʔbu, tulse. Noun. sweet potato (calque). synonyms: kamo·te.

hiʔbuṭa·š   [hiʔbuṭá·š]  hiʔbu, ṭa·š*2. Noun. Potato Giant, a mythical being who protected the hiʔbu from transgressors.

hiʔbuʔla   [hiʔbúʔla]  hiʔbu. Cooccurrence: unknown element /ʔla/. Noun. 1 • Ithuriel’s spear, the most important "Indian potato". brodiaea laxa (Amaryllis Family).

2 • Common brodiaea, blue dick. brodiaea pulchella (Amaryllis Family).

3 • Harvest brodiaea. brodiaea coronaria (Amaryllis Family). synonyms: kuyʔbu.

kuška šima hiʔbu   [kúška šima hiʔbu]  Lit: cat’s ears bulb (calque based on English). kuška šima, hiʔbu. Noun. Cat's ear bulb. Calochortus tolmiei. whole: kuška šima.

kuyʔbu   [kúyʔbu]  hiʔbu. Cooccurrence: unknown element /kuy/. Noun. Harvest brodiaea (edible bulb species). brodiaea coronaria (Amaryllis Family). synonyms: hiʔbuʔla.

qʼosaʔbu   [qʼosáʔbu]  Lit: elbow bulb; elbow bulb qʼohsa, hiʔbu. Noun. evening primrose. inedible plant whose yellow flowers were chewed by children with gum or pine pitch to color it. Grows in low flat rosettes. Oenothera Hookeri (Evening Primrose Family).

saʔtʼabu*   [saʔtʼabu]  Lit: crybaby bulb saʔtʼa*, hiʔbu. Noun. inedible bulb species. About 4 feet tall, grass-like, growing in pine woods, easily pulled in June. Singers held these bulbs in their mouths before a battle then gave them in a bag to the warriors for protection.

šicibu   [šicibu]  Lit: oyster mushroom bulb; oyster mushroom bulb Variant: šiciʔbu. šici, hiʔbu. Noun. edible bulb species, species of wild potato.

hiʔbu cahlalʔ   [hiʔbu cahlalʔ]  hiʔbu, cahlal*. Noun. (potatoes split lengthwise for) french fries.

hiʔbu tulse   [hiʔbu túlse]  hiʔbu, tulse. Noun. sweet potato (calque). synonyms: kamo·te.

hiʔbuṭa·š   [hiʔbuṭá·š]  hiʔbu, ṭa·š*2. Noun. Potato Giant, a mythical being who protected the hiʔbu from transgressors.

hiʔbuʔla   [hiʔbúʔla]  hiʔbu. Cooccurrence: unknown element /ʔla/. Noun. 1 • Ithuriel’s spear, the most important "Indian potato". brodiaea laxa (Amaryllis Family).

2 • Common brodiaea, blue dick. brodiaea pulchella (Amaryllis Family).

3 • Harvest brodiaea. brodiaea coronaria (Amaryllis Family). synonyms: kuyʔbu.

hiʔcʰu*   [hiʔcʰuw]  hi-, ʔcʰu*. Verb. ??

hiʔcʼa*   [-]  hi-, ʔcʼa*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. be packed tight in a limited space.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼa*   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  hiʔcʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. be packed tight in an extended but limited space [?]

hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*   [hiʔcʼáʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼa*. Verb. be packed tight (fully?) hiʔcʼáʔcʼaci be packed tight! hiʔcʼáʔcʼamaʔ @.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*. Adjective. packed tight. antonym: qaʔboy.

hiʔcʼaba*   [hiʔcʼabaw]  hi-, ʔcʼaba*. Verb. be breaking apart, of the body. qaṭi to pʰala hiʔcʼabacʰwiy my scar cracked apart. qaṭíyya to pʰala hicʼabá·wiy my scars cracked apart. compare: hlabac*; synonyms: hihlaba*.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼa*   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaw]  hiʔcʼa*. Reduplicating Verb. be packed tight in an extended but limited space [?]

hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*   [hiʔcʼáʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼa*. Verb. be packed tight (fully?) hiʔcʼáʔcʼaci be packed tight! hiʔcʼáʔcʼamaʔ @.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*. Adjective. packed tight. antonym: qaʔboy.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*   [hiʔcʼáʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼa*. Verb. be packed tight (fully?) hiʔcʼáʔcʼaci be packed tight! hiʔcʼáʔcʼamaʔ @.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*. Adjective. packed tight. antonym: qaʔboy.

hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ   [hiʔcʼaʔcʼaʔ]  hiʔcʼaʔcʼac*. Adjective. packed tight. antonym: qaʔboy.

hiʔcʼet*   [hiʔcʼeʔ]  hi-, ʔcʼet*. Verb. chip off the edge (of some chair arm). hiʔcʼeti chip off edge! hiʔcʼétʰci chip off the edge once! hiʔcʼetá·duwa·du is chipping off the edge.

hiʔcʼi   [hiʔcʼi]   Noun. fishbone. ʔahša híʔcʼi fishbone. ʔahša bacʼohya· hiʔcʼi fish backbone.

hiʔcʼili   [hiʔcʼili]   Noun. crumbs, small pieces, bits of dirt or paper.

hiʔcʼo*   [-]  hi-, ʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. fall to pieces.

hiʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [hiʔcʼoʔcʼow]  hiʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. fall to pieces. sulemáʔ miʔkʰe hiʔcʼóʔcʼocʰqʰ your string fell to pieces.

hiʔcʼolh*   [hiʔcʼólʔ]  hi-, ʔcʼolh*1. Variant: hicʼohli*. Verb. make a hole in the body, or in something using the body. hiʔcʼoli·bici @. ʔama· híʔcʼola·law (ground) to cave in. ʔama· híʔcʼole·biʔ have cut flap on shin, close it and skin flap opens up by itself. hiʔcʼólhmaqa· miʔkʰe ciwalaw your shirt has a hole worn in it.

hiʔcʼon*   [hiʔcʼonʔ]  hi-, ʔcʼon*. Verb. come off; detach by itself.

hiʔcʼoʔcʼo*   [hiʔcʼoʔcʼow]  hiʔcʼo*. Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -c. Reduplicating Verb. fall to pieces. sulemáʔ miʔkʰe hiʔcʼóʔcʼocʰqʰ your string fell to pieces.

hiʔcʼu*   [-]  hi-, ʔcʼu*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. break with body. synonyms: hiʔcʼumc*.

hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼu*   [hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼuw]  hiʔcʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. break many with body. hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼu·du go along breaking off brush or making noise of breaking.

hiʔcʼuʔcʼu*   [hiʔcʼúʔcʼuw]  hiʔcʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. break several with body.

hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼu*   [hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼuw]  hiʔcʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. break many with body. hiʔcʼuhiʔcʼu·du go along breaking off brush or making noise of breaking.

hiʔcʼumc*   [hiʔcʼúmciw]  hi-, ʔcʼumc*. Variant: hiʔcʼumhc*. Verb. suddenly break by itself; break by body falling on it. hiʔcʼumciyem ʔṭʼo I see it is breaking (glass). hiʔcʼúmcihqaye· ma you broke it (glass with body). hiʔcʼúmci break! hiʔcʼumcime·du(wa·du) @. hiʔcʼumciwiyow @. synonyms: hiʔcʼu*.

hiʔcʼumhc*   [hiʔcʼumhc]  hiʔcʼumc*.

hiʔcʼuʔcʼu*   [hiʔcʼúʔcʼuw]  hiʔcʼu*. Reduplicating Verb. break several with body.

hiʔda   [hiʔda]   Variant: ʔda. \Noun. path, trail, road. hida·wi along the way. hiʔda dá·du the road stretches along. dono tól hiʔda ʔdamul the road runs around on the hill. hiʔdá hku mi· ʔahca tol dayʔ the road goes there to the house. maʔu hiʔda dá·dun hadu· híʔda tol dawayʔ this road runs along and runs into another road. hiʔda báhṭʰe da·dam ʔama hlá· tol hida·duʔ this big road going (extending) along goes off as far as the border. compare: biʔda*, ʔda*1, biʔda, hwoq*, poṭʰo·m*.

hida·   [hida·]  hiʔda, . Adverb. on the path.

hida·wi   [hida·wi]  hida·, =wi. Adverb. along the way.

hiʔda bahṭʰe   [hiʔda bahṭʰe]  hiʔda, bahṭʰe. Noun. road.

hiʔda cahciw   [hiʔda cáhciw]  hiʔda, cahci*2. Verb. intercept on the road (as when flagging down a car for help).

hiʔda cuqʼaʔ li   [hiʔda cúqʼaʔ li]  hiʔda, cuqʼa·ṭ*, =wi. Noun. road-scraper.

hiʔda danʔqaw   [(hiʔdá) danʔqaw]  hiʔda, ʔda*1. Verb. make a trail.

hiʔda qawi   [hiʔda qáwi]  hiʔda, qawi. Noun. trail.

hiʔdamo   [hiʔdamo]  hiʔda, ʔimo. Noun. tunnel for road. compare: mocet.

hiʔdayic*   [hiʔdayiʔ]  hiʔda. Verb. 1 • wait along the way to help someone. ki·kito ʔa hiʔdayíʔteʔ I am going to wait for my brother.

2 • meet along the way, path; run across. hiʔdayí·cʼenʔwadu one to meet several.

ʔoho kare·ta ʔda   [ʔoho káre·ta ʔda]  ʔoho kare·ta, hiʔda. Variant: ho kare·ta ʔda. Noun. railroad, railway track.

hiʔda bahṭʰe   [hiʔda bahṭʰe]  hiʔda, bahṭʰe. Noun. road.

hiʔda cahciw   [hiʔda cáhciw]  hiʔda, cahci*2. Verb. intercept on the road (as when flagging down a car for help).

hiʔda cuqʼaʔ li   [hiʔda cúqʼaʔ li]  hiʔda, cuqʼa·ṭ*, =wi. Noun. road-scraper.

hiʔda danʔqaw   [(hiʔdá) danʔqaw]  hiʔda, ʔda*1. Verb. make a trail.

hiʔda qawi   [hiʔda qáwi]  hiʔda, qawi. Noun. trail.

hiʔdamo   [hiʔdamo]  hiʔda, ʔimo. Noun. tunnel for road. compare: mocet.

hiʔdayac*   [hiʔdayáʔ]  Lit: I failed in counting things. hi-, ʔdayac*. Variant: hidaya*. Verb. miscount. ʔama(·) miyi· hiʔdayácʰwiye· to I miscounted. Example Variant: ...miʔdayácʰwiye·... ~ ...milacʰwiye·... ~ ...hilacʰwiye·.... ʔama· hidayáw hqale· ma you like to forget; you always forget things.

hiʔdayic*   [hiʔdayiʔ]  hiʔda. Verb. 1 • wait along the way to help someone. ki·kito ʔa hiʔdayíʔteʔ I am going to wait for my brother.

2 • meet along the way, path; run across. hiʔdayí·cʼenʔwadu one to meet several.

hiʔdayicʼ*   [hiʔdayiʔ]  . Verb. come across, cross paths [?]

hiʔdi   [hiʔdi]   Variant: hiʔdi·. Adverb. 1 • whereabouts (in question, speaker can see the place but does not know exactly what spot is meant). compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, huʔu, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔbi, huʔu, haʔdi.

2 • anywhere (with negative).

hiʔdi tʰin   [hiʔdi tʰin]  . Adverb. somewhere.

hiʔdi*   [hiʔdíw]  hi-, ʔdi*1. Cooccurrence: rare without suffix. Variant: hihsa*. Verb. push something along with body or knee (and let set?) Usage: rare

hidalo·qocʼ*   [hidalo·qóʔ]  hiʔdi*, -aloqocʼ. Verb. put out of business.

hida·qac*   [hida·qáʔ]  hiʔdi*, -aqac. Verb. figure out (a problem).

hide·d*   [hide·du´]  hiʔdi*, -ad2. Variant: hide·cʼwacʼ*. Verb. 1 • push along with the body. hidecʼwaʔ shove around.

2 • keep track of, count. mu·kinʔ wanʔkʰe tol maci hide·dela I am keeping track of (counting) the days until he comes. (day on which he will (is supposed to) come).

hiʔdi·   [hiʔdi·]  hiʔdi.

hiʔi   [hiʔi]   Noun. large feather. synonyms: ʔihṭʰe, kʰi·sʼun, kʰeya.

hiʔkʰošci*   [hiʔkʰošciw]  hi-, ʔkʰoš*1. Verb. bending itself.

hiʔkʼa*   [hiʔkʼaw]  hi-, ʔkʼa*1. Verb. crack by itself.

hiʔkʼo*   [hiʔkʼow]  Lit: to bump with the body something forbidden hi-, ʔkʼo*2. Variant: hikʼot*. Verb. bump with the body, as when one slightly loses balance. ʔama ko·ko hiʔkʼow to come in contact with a forbidden, thing; to be hit by the retribution for breaking a taboo. hiʔkʼoʔkʰe taboo will happen. hikʼoyʔ sway against something. hikʼo·yi to sway one against something. hikʼoti bump several times. ʔem hiʔkʼow bump something with body. hikʼotéla· ʔa maʔal I am bumping this. synonyms: maṭʰa·m*.

hiʔkʼohqa*   [hiʔkʼóhqaw]  Lit: to cause (someone or something) to bump with the body. hiʔkʼo*. Verb. bunt (in baseball). hiʔkʼóhqa bunt (the ball)!

hiʔkʼohqa*   [hiʔkʼóhqaw]  Lit: to cause (someone or something) to bump with the body. hiʔkʼo*. Verb. bunt (in baseball). hiʔkʼóhqa bunt (the ball)!

hiʔkʼolh*   [hiʔkʼolʔ]  hi-, ʔkʼolh*1. Verb. spill the contents of a container by bumping with body. synonyms: hihqosʼ*.

hiʔkʼonh*   [hiʔkʼonʔ]  hi-, ʔkʼonh*. Verb. hold under the arm against the body.

hiʔkʼonhcicʼ*   [hiʔkʼónhciʔ]  hiʔkʼonh*. Verb. hold under the arm against the body. hiʔkʼónhcicʼi D: Imperative.

hiʔkʼonhcicʼ*   [hiʔkʼónhciʔ]  hiʔkʼonh*. Verb. hold under the arm against the body. hiʔkʼónhcicʼi D: Imperative.

hiʔkʼu*   [hiʔkʼúw]  hi-, ʔkʼu*. Variant: hikʼut*. Verb. body finish moving; finish action completely. pʰiʔtʼan ʔul ṭʼi· hiʔkʼuwa·law suddenly then all (the column of people) going down ended. mulido cila ʔiba pʰiʔtʼan ʔul ṭʼi· hiʔkʼuwa·law suddenly then all (the column of people coming down) ended. mulido ʔul cila hiʔkʼú·maʔtʰin for a long time they didn't finish filing by. ʔama· hiʔkʼuw finished the world; covered the world. hátʼ ʔul ṭʼi híʔkʼuwa·lay the prunes all dropped off.

hiʔkʼu·ma*   [hiʔkʼu·maw]  hiʔkʼu*. Verb. finish filing by, moving serially.

hiʔkʼu·ma*   [hiʔkʼu·maw]  hiʔkʼu*. Verb. finish filing by, moving serially.

hiʔlaw ʔqan   [hiʔlaw ʔqan]  . Adverb. frequently, often, at short intervals. hiʔlaw ʔqan šulama·nʔ he is often sick. hiʔláw ʔqan wadu·cedu duhkál ʔtʼadu·ede· kʼaye·ma ʔin hihyecʼma· cʰoʔ come often, I'm lonely being alone without a companion. compare: hiʔlawʔ.

hiʔlawʔ   [hiʔlawʔ]   Adverb. soon, pretty quick. hiʔláwʔ cohtocʼkʰe ʔe· ʔa I'm going right away. hiʔláwʔ qamuʔwadu·cedu he often comes right away. hiʔláwʔ tʼala·ye· bicapatol this week seems (to have gone by) quick. hiʔláwʔ duʔkʼumela· ʔaʔkʰe ʔama dutʼaʔ I finished my work fast (sooner than expected). pʰala ya hiʔlawʔ pʰilaʔteʔ we will come again in the (near) future (sooner than average, or shortly). compare: tʼo qayʔ, hiʔlaw ʔqan.

hiʔlo*   [-]  hi-, ʔlo*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tangle.

hiʔlohiʔlo*   [hiʔlohíʔlow]  hiʔlo*. Reduplicating Verb. get tangled.

hiʔloʔlo*   [hiʔloʔlow]  hiʔlo*. Reduplicating Verb. tangle. sulemáṭʼem winató· hiʔlóʔlowe·maʔu the string is awfully tangled. sulemaʔ hiʔlóʔlocʰqʰ the string has got tangled (by itself).

hiʔlohiʔlo*   [hiʔlohíʔlow]  hiʔlo*. Reduplicating Verb. get tangled.

hiʔloʔlo*   [hiʔloʔlow]  hiʔlo*. Reduplicating Verb. tangle. sulemáṭʼem winató· hiʔlóʔlowe·maʔu the string is awfully tangled. sulemaʔ hiʔlóʔlocʰqʰ the string has got tangled (by itself).

hiʔlu*   [hiʔluw]  hi-, ʔlu*1. Verb. wrap with the body. hiʔluyiʔ wrapped itself, baby wiggling.

hiʔluš*   [hiʔlúš]  hi-, ʔluš*. Verb. glance off with the leg. hiʔlušciw to sit on chair with loose leg and leg slips out of socket sideways.

hiʔne·cicʼ*   [hiʔne·ciʔ]  hi-, ʔne·cicʼ*. Verb. tight clothes uncomfortable until used to them.

hiʔpʼanh*   [hiʔpʼanʔ]  hi-, ʔpʼanh*. Variant: hipʼanta*. Verb. close by itself. hóhwa hiʔpʼanʔ door to close by itself.

hiʔqʼac*   [hiʔqʼaʔ]  hi-, ʔqʼac*. Variant: hiqʼahci*. Verb. tighten, make secure, make safe, with the body. hiʔqʼa press (a door closed) tight with the body! hiʔqʼacá·law to settle down to stay more than temporarily. ʔama· ʔimó ʔi· li ʔama· daná·pʰi, maʔqácci where the ground hole is cover it with dirt, and stamp it down tight! hiʔqʼaci press something into something with body; press a door closed tight with body. hiʔqʼáccicʼi tuck in (shirt)!

hiʔqʼaccicʼ*   [hiʔqʼacciʔ]  hiʔqʼac*. Verb. to get oneself securely into a place, to settle in comfortably and with no worries about a place to stay. hiʔqʼáccicʼi relax!; settle self in (a house) for a stay!

hiʔqʼaccicʼ*   [hiʔqʼacciʔ]  hiʔqʼac*. Verb. to get oneself securely into a place, to settle in comfortably and with no worries about a place to stay. hiʔqʼáccicʼi relax!; settle self in (a house) for a stay!

hiʔqʼaṭa   [hiʔqʼaṭa]   Noun. shell. synonyms: puhšiy.

hicʼoʔqʼaṭa   [hicʼoʔqʼaṭa]  hicʼo·, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. eggshell.

noʔqʼoʔqʼaṭa   [noʔqʼóʔqʼaṭa]  noʔqʼo, hiʔqʼaṭa. Variant: noʔqʼoqʼaṭa·. Noun. mussel shell. Used as a spoon.

qʰawina hiʔqaṭa   [qʰawiná hiʔqaṭa]  hiʔqʼaṭa, qʰawina, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. turtle shell.

qʰawina hiʔqaṭa   [qʰawiná hiʔqaṭa]  hiʔqʼaṭa, qʰawina, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. turtle shell.

sʼupʰit ʔqʼaṭa*   [sʼupʰíʔqʼaṭa]  Variant: sʼupʰiʔ qʼaṭa. sʼupʰit, hiʔqʼaṭa. Noun. shell of a large limpet.

hiʔqʼotam*   [hiʔqʼotamʔ]  hi-, ʔqʼot*. Verb. be choking with no causing instrument. hiʔqʼotamwiy (necktie) is choking me.

hiʔqʼoʔdi*   [hiʔqʼoʔdiw]  hi-, ʔqʼoʔdi*1. Verb. do well with the whole body.

hiʔqʼoʔdic*   [hiʔqʼoʔdiʔ]  hiʔqʼoʔdi*. Verb. settle down for good ?

hiʔqʼoʔdiyicʼ*   [hiʔqʼóʔdiyiʔ]  hiʔqʼoʔdic*. Verb. settle down (in a new domicile) for good. hiʔqóʔdiyiʔ to settle down (in a new domicile) for good.

hiʔqʼoʔdic*   [hiʔqʼoʔdiʔ]  hiʔqʼoʔdi*. Verb. settle down for good ?

hiʔqʼoʔdiyicʼ*   [hiʔqʼóʔdiyiʔ]  hiʔqʼoʔdic*. Verb. settle down (in a new domicile) for good. hiʔqóʔdiyiʔ to settle down (in a new domicile) for good.

hiʔqʼoʔdiyicʼ*   [hiʔqʼóʔdiyiʔ]  hiʔqʼoʔdic*. Verb. settle down (in a new domicile) for good. hiʔqóʔdiyiʔ to settle down (in a new domicile) for good.

hiʔsʼi*   [hiʔsʼiw]  hi-, ʔsʼi*2. Variant: hisʼit*. Verb. put a pinch in, knock piece off a hunk of ice; a little bit like. hiʔsʼi piece come off (said to table)! hisʼítʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hiʔsʼitʰuʔ D: Negative. hiʔsʼicí·du D: Durative. hisʼita·law put a little bit in. danaká bakʰe he· kʰálle bakʰe cahno híʔsʼiwe· yaʔkʰe Stewart’s Point and Healdsburg – our languages are similar. maʔe mín hiʔsʼiwem ṭamu pʰiʔtʼawám he looks a little bit like his father. ("a chip off the old block"). synonyms: diʔsʼi*; compare: hisʼiw, hiʔsʼiʔsʼi*, hinem*.

hiʔsʼil*   [hiʔsʼilʔ]  hi-, ʔsʼil*. Verb. splash, with the body. qali tó· min ṭʼa·ci bahcíl hla hiʔsʼilá·du·sʼuwe ʔ pour it from a little higher so it will splash farther. (water or wheat, flour, gravel).

hiʔsʼiʔsʼi*   [hiʔsʼiʔsʼiw]  hi-, ʔsʼi*1. Reduplicating Verb. nudge a few times (when joking). hiʔsʼihíʔsʼitacʼmeʔ to nudge someone to get their attention. hiʔsʼihíʔsita·du D: Durative. hiʔsʼihísʼitacʼmuʔ to nudge e.o. mu·kinʔ hiʔsʼihíʔsʼiwe· ma·dal he nudged her several times. Example Variant: ...hiʔsʼíʔsʼiwe·.... compare: hinem*, hiʔsʼi*.

hiʔsʼo   [hiʔsʼo]  hi-, ʔsʼo*1. Adjective. 1 • wrinkled (of clothes, not can or face). ciwalá· hiʔsʼo wrinkled shirt. compare: suṭu.

2 • Idiom: stubborn. ʔacaʔ híʔsʼo stubborn person.

hiʔsʼoʔsʼo*   [hiʔsʼoʔsʼow]  hi-, ʔsʼo*3. Verb. wrinkle clothing. hiʔsʼóʔsʼoʔ neat shirt thrown in a pile to get wrinkled. Example Variant: diʔsʼóʔsʼoʔ. synonyms: diʔsʼoʔsʼo*.

hiʔtʼa*   [hiʔtʼaw]  ʔtʼa*5. Variant: hitʼac*. Verb. seem, feel, detect with the senses, with the body. sáwʔ hiʔtʼaw it feels tight. botʼ hitʼá·cʼe· to I feel soft feeling with arms, elbows.

hiʔtʼe*   [hiʔtʼew]  hi-, ʔtʼe*2. Verb. stick on by itself. hitʼe·biʔ to prosper.

hitʼe·bic*   [hitʼe·bíʔ]  hiʔtʼe*, -ibic. Verb. prosper.

hiʔtʼekele*   [hiʔtʼekelew]  hi-, ʔtʼekele*, hi-, ʔtʼekele*. Verb. make out of shape, with the body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼekelec*   [hiʔtʼekeleʔ]  hiʔtʼekele*, hiʔtʼekele*. Verb. lean on something with body.

hiʔtʼentʼele*   [hiʔtʼentʼelew]  hi-, ʔtʼentʼele*. Verb. get out of shape with the body. kalikakʰ kaho·n hiʔtʼéntʼeleʔ miṭiwe· miʔkʰe your pasteboard box is lying out of shape (method of happening unknown).

hiʔtʼuʔtʼu*   [hiʔtʼuʔtʼuw]  hi-, ʔtʼuʔtʼu*. Verb. squeezebodies together. hiʔtʼúʔtʼumucʼmeʔ squeeze together (said to singers at dance to make more room)! hiʔtʼúʔtʼumucʼmeʔ squeeze together! (e.g. people getting photo taken).

hiʔṭaš*   [hiʔṭaš]  hi-, ʔṭaš*, hi-, ʔṭaš*. Verb. be familiar to body. qa·sʼénʔ ṭʼo hiʔbaya ṭʼi hiʔṭášciw my grandmother was familiar with the feel of all the men.

hiʔṭʼaš*   [hiʔṭʼaš]  hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2, hi-, ʔṭʼaš*2. Variant: hiṭʼahš*. Verb. fasten in place (entire object, such as a door) ?? hiʔṭʼášciw door to close. hiʔṭʼášciyiʔy e· mu hohwa "The door latched itself."

hiʔṭʼe*   [hiʔṭʼew]  hi-, ʔṭʼe*2, hi-, ʔṭʼe*2. Verb. spot or stain something, make mark by putting semiliquid on something on the body. maṭʼqʰa híʔṭʼeqa· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa tol you have a mud spot on your clothes (probably by body touching something muddy).

hiʔṭʼelh*  hi-, ʔṭʼelh*. Verb. part, down down with the body.

hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*   [hiʔṭʼéʔṭʼew]  hi-, ʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*2. Verb. touch many times something shouldn’t (because oil, e.g., and get oily). hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼeʔ touched many times, well-used (of worn clothes). ʔima·ta ʔém kʰe kʼaṭa ṭʼi· ʔí· hiʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ the woman has worn out all my (new) clothes (making them old). Example Variant: ʔima·ta₁ ʔém₂ kʰe₃ kʼaṭa₄ ṭʼi·₅ híʔṭʼeʔṭʼecʰqʰ₇.. maʔu ṭʼo ʔul hiʔṭʼéʔṭʼe· min pʰiʔtʼaw this looks like it’s been used (worn) already. (/du-/ here would mean only "braid").

hiʔṭʼiṭ   [hiʔṭʼíʔ]   Noun. thorn, "sticker". hiʔṭʼiʔ qʼó ʔe· mu it has thorns. compare: baduʔ.

ṭʼiʔbahqay   [ṭʼíʔbahqay]  Lit: thorn berry hiʔṭʼiṭ, bahqay. Noun. California blackberry, wild blackberry. Rubus vitifolius, Rubus ursinus.

hiʔwiʔwi*   [hiʔwíʔwiw]  hi-, ʔwi*. Verb. nudge with elbows repeatedly. qʼohsa wi hiʔwíʔwici nudge (someone) with elbows! (two to many times, slow or fast).

hiʔya*   [hiʔyaw]  hi-, ʔya*. Verb. almost do. cʰoyíʔ hiʔyawe·me he almost died.

hiʔya·q*   [hiʔyaʔ]  hi-, ʔya·q*. Verb. recognize (by touching) with the body. hitayʔtanati, hiʔyahtʰela· ʔa even though my body touched it, I do not recognize it.

hiʔyo   [hiʔyo]  hi-, ʔyo*4. Adjective. wrinkled by (contact with) the body. kʼaṭa hiʔyo wrinkled cloth (from just wearing and being thrown in pile).

hiʔyuʔyu*   [hiʔyuʔyuw]  hi-, ʔyuʔyu*. Verb. cause pain to body without injury. coʔkʼoba hiʔyuʔyucʰwiye· to I bumped myself and it hurts.

hi·kiškiši   [hi·kíškiši]  hiki·š*. Ideophone Adjective. be stretched. hi·kíškiši ʔe· mu it is stretched. ciwala· hi·kíškiši šime· ma you are wearing a tight-stretched shirt.

hi·kʰulʔkʰu   [hi·kʰúlʔkʰu]  hikʰu·l*. Ideophone Adjective. lumpy (of bed).

hi·sʼluc*   [hi·sʼluʔ]  hi-, sʼluc*. Verb. dog to get dirty or dog to get floor or house dirty with himself.

hi·šluc*   [hi·šluʔ]  hi-, šluc*. Verb. go to bed dirty and get sheet dirty.

hi·walhmuʔ   [hí·walhmuʔ]   Place Name. Hiwalmu.

hka*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. on all fours. synonyms: hko*4, ca*2, hkaṭʼ*, hkaṭʼ*.

dahka*   [dahkaw]  da-, hka*. Variant: dakaht*. Verb. be on all fours. dahkaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

dahkadahka*   [-]  dahka*. Reduplicating Verb. be on all fours repeatedly. dahkadáhka·du going along (or hence) on hands and knees. dahkadáhkama·duwa·du (baby) crawling around.

dahkam*   [dahkamʔ]  dahka*. Variant: dahkatim*. Instr Verb Stem. person to be with feet and hands on floor. dahkama D: Imperative. waṭaʔ qʰaʔbe tol dáhkamʔ the frog was raised up on the rock. Example Variant: ...dahkáṭmaw.. dahkamʔ be like a frog on all fours when body is raised up off the ground (not used of dogs who usually stand that way); person to be with feet and hands on floor. dakáhtimacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahkamá·du D: Durative. dakáhtimtʰume D: Negative. dakáhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahkámtʰuʔ D: Negative. dahkamciw D: Semelfactive. synonyms: dahkom*, dahkaṭʼma*.

dahkam   [dahkam]  dahkam*. Adjective. up off ground, like a frog on all fours, when its body is raised.

dahka·d*   [dahka·du]  dahka*. Variant: dakahtacʼ*. Verb. person to walk/crawl on hands and feet. dahka·du D: Durative. dakáhtacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahkadu·cedú·cedu D: Durative, Directional "away". da(h)káhtacʼi·yicʼwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive.

hkaṭʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. on all fours. synonyms: hko*4, ca*2, hka*, hka*.

dahkaṭʼ*   [dahkaʔ]  da-, hkaṭʼ*. Verb. on all fours, on hands and knees. dahkáṭʼmaci·du D: Durative. dahkaṭʼí·biʔ to rise up to being on all fours. dahkaṭʼa·duwa·du crawl around on hands and knees.

dahkaṭʼci*   [dahkáṭʼciw]  dahkaṭʼ*. Verb. jump onto ground in the position /dahkamʔ”/; drop onto hands and feet or knees. dahkaṭʼí·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. dahkaṭʼa·duwa·du to crawl around on hands and knees.

dahkaṭʼma*   [dahkáṭʼmaw]  dahkaṭʼ*. Verb. stay in one place on hands and feet; rise up to position like frog with body up. dahkáṭʼmaci·du D: Durative. biláhqal dahkaṭʼmaw go across on hands and feet. dahkaṭʼmame·du dahkaṭʼmadu go along on hands and feet. dahkaṭʼmaduʔ synonyms: dahkam*, dahkom*.

hke*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. 1 • fail to fit.

2 • block, obstruct movement.

3 • be stopped short.

bahke*   [bahkew]  ba-, hke*. Verb. put beak into something shallow.

bihke*   [bihkew]  bi-, hke*. Verb. arms won’t reach clean around something. mu·kinʔ ma·dal bihkew he couldn’t reach, put his arms around her.

cahke*   [cahkew]  ca-, hke*. Verb. be blocked by something in sitting. ʔahqʰa ʔíyo· tʼa·duʔli cahkewíye·to I thought the water was deep but I couldn’t sit down in it completely. Example Variant: ...cahkilhciwiye·to..

cihke*   [cihkéw]  cʰi-, hke*. Verb. dragging something and it gets stuck on something.

cuhke*   [cuhkew]  cu-, hke*. Verb. fail to fit with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. šihpʰa báṭʰe ʔyowal ʔahqʰa wi cuhkélhcila bida· cúhkew the water washed the leaves down and they were stopped downstream. synonyms: cuhkem*.

dahke*   [dahkew]  da-, hke*. Verb. have hand stopped while digging. ʔahqʰa ʔiyow do·la· da·qacʼinati dahkewiye·to I wanted to put my hands into deep water but something was in the way.

dihke*   [dihkew]  di-, hke*. Verb. lie down in shallow water and your body is /dihkew/ because it is not all in the water.

duhke*   [duhkew]  du-, hke*. Verb. 1 • put finger in something shallow so it doesn’t go in as far as expected. mi·li ʔimo· dó·qati ʔduʔli to ʔahca tol duhkewiy when I was about to put my hand through the hole, my finger bumped into the house. (there is no /duhcewiy/). ʔahqʰa síli· duhta·ti ʔa dolá·li baqʼotólʔtʰin to duhkewiy when I extended my hand down to touch the bottom of the water, something was in the way.

2 • bump finger on something. duhkecí·du D: Durative, Directional "away". duhkeyícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive, Directional "away". duhkewá·cʼiwacmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Directional "away".

mahke*   [mahkew]  ma-2, hke*. Verb. foot not go all the way in (liquid, etc). ʔahqʰa mahkewi·li ma ʔiyowtʰin go across the shallow water, not the deep! heʔén ʔa htimʔkʰetʰin mahkewiye·to I can’t put my foot in (it); (it) is in the way.

muhke*   [muhkew]  mu-, hke*. Verb. hit ball to be stopped by (wall), not completing its flight. synonyms: muhkem*.

pahke*   [pahkew]  pʰa-, hke*. Verb. poke into something shallow; poking blocked.

pihke*   [pihkew]  pʰi-, hke*. Verb. try to hit into deep water but hit rock under the surface instead. synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihkem*, pihki, hqo*2, pihkihki*1.

puhke*   [puhkew]  pʰu-, hke*. Verb. wind fail to go through. ʔihya púhce tol ʔihya puhkey the wind didn’t go through the windbreak.

šuhke*   [šuhkew]  šu-, hke*. Verb. try to lasso cow but rope stopped by horns.

hkela·tad*   [-]  hkelh*. Instr Verb Root. remove projecting part.

hkelh*   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with ʔama-. Variant: hkela·tad*. Instr Verb Root. remove projecting part. compare: kel*1, hṭʰinh*.

dahkelh*   [dahkelʔ]  da-, hkelh*. Variant: dahkela·tad*. Verb. brush off something with hand.

dihkelh*   [dihkelʔ]  di-, hkelh*. Variant: dihkela·tad*. Verb. drop something to knock off limbs off weak bush – easy to do.

duhkelh*   [duhkelʔ]  du-, hkelh*. Variant: duhkela·tad*. Verb. pick over, take out bad and take out good. sʼicʼi· duhkeli pick the ripe ones.

ʔama duhkel   [ʔama dúhkel]  ʔama·2, duhkelh*. Adjective. lonesome.

hkelhci*   [-]  hkelh*. Instr Verb Root. remove down to roots.

bihkelhci*   [bihkelhciw]  bi-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots. šiʔbaši yaʔ miʔkʰe qaʔdi ṭʼi bíhkelhciy the animals ate your grass all up.

cuhkelhci*   [cuhkelhciw]  cu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots with liquid; wash away. šihpʰa báṭʰe ʔyowal ʔahqʰa wi ṭʼi cúhkelhciy there were a lot of leaves all washed away ? by the water.

duhkelhci*   [duhkelhciw]  du-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots, with the finger. ʔama· dúhkelhci straighten the things out!

muhkelhci*   [muhkelhciw]  mu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots with heat. ʔoho wi qaʔdi súwaʔ ṭʼi muhkelhciy the dry grass, with fire, burned down to the roots (burned smooth?) (/muhkew/ doesn’t fit here). muhkelhci (to fire) Burn it off to roots! muhkelhcihqa D: Causative, Imperative. muhkelá·tadu

puhkelhci*   [puhkelhciw]  pʰu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots, entirely, by wind blowing. mal walá·meʔ tol e· mu šihpʰa sʼuwací·dem ʔihya wi ṭʼi púhkelhcime·du in the fall when the leaves dry and wind blows them all off.

sihkelhci*   [sihkelhciw]  si-, hkelhci*. Verb. wash with water. ʔahqʰa wi sihkélhcihqa mul sʼaʔsʼa ʔelʔ wash that off with water (hose or thrown); it’s dirty.

muhkelh*   [muhkelʔ]  mu-, hkelh*. Verb. knock off branches by throwing; burn off (branches).

pahkelhma*   [pahkelhmaw]  pʰa-, hkelh*, -m2. Verb. lay across ? ʔaha· pahkélhma mil ʔ lay a stick across there (that open space)!

pihkelh*   [pihkelʔ]  pʰi-, hkelh*. Verb. trim (limbs from tree); cut projecting part off (with axe or stick); cut briars or small branches. pihkeli D: Imperative. pihkelá·tadu to cut several. pihkelá·du D: Durative. qʰale ʔíša· pihkelʔ to cut limbs off tree (not cut down tree). piqʰamʔ to cut down tree or branch.

puhkela·tad*   [puhkéla·tadu]  pʰu-, hkelh*. Verb. remove twigs (plural).

sihkelh*   [sihkelʔ]  si-, hkelh*. Verb. wash with water ?? sihkelá·law wash down (dirst moves from top to bottom).

šuhkelh*   [šuhkelʔ]  šu-, hkelh*. Verb. pull off little branches.

hkelhci*   [-]  hkelh*. Instr Verb Root. remove down to roots.

bihkelhci*   [bihkelhciw]  bi-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots. šiʔbaši yaʔ miʔkʰe qaʔdi ṭʼi bíhkelhciy the animals ate your grass all up.

cuhkelhci*   [cuhkelhciw]  cu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots with liquid; wash away. šihpʰa báṭʰe ʔyowal ʔahqʰa wi ṭʼi cúhkelhciy there were a lot of leaves all washed away ? by the water.

duhkelhci*   [duhkelhciw]  du-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots, with the finger. ʔama· dúhkelhci straighten the things out!

muhkelhci*   [muhkelhciw]  mu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots with heat. ʔoho wi qaʔdi súwaʔ ṭʼi muhkelhciy the dry grass, with fire, burned down to the roots (burned smooth?) (/muhkew/ doesn’t fit here). muhkelhci (to fire) Burn it off to roots! muhkelhcihqa D: Causative, Imperative. muhkelá·tadu

puhkelhci*   [puhkelhciw]  pʰu-, hkelhci*. Verb. remove down to roots, entirely, by wind blowing. mal walá·meʔ tol e· mu šihpʰa sʼuwací·dem ʔihya wi ṭʼi púhkelhcime·du in the fall when the leaves dry and wind blows them all off.

sihkelhci*   [sihkelhciw]  si-, hkelhci*. Verb. wash with water. ʔahqʰa wi sihkélhcihqa mul sʼaʔsʼa ʔelʔ wash that off with water (hose or thrown); it’s dirty.

hkem*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. stick out, up, project.

cuhkem*   [cuhkemʔ]  cu-, hkem*. Verb. (the front end) project, stick out. mihya cuhkemʔ to stretch neck across. synonyms: cuhke*; compare: cuhke, puwenta.

mahkem*   [mahkemʔ]  ma-2, hkem*. Verb. (feet) project, stick out. ʔahqʰa mahkemʔ to walk in really shallow water.

muhkem*   [muhkemʔ]  mu-, hkem*. Verb. stand with chest sticking out. mukeyí·biʔ to start to have chest sticking out. compare: muhkeykey*, muhke, muhke; synonyms: muhke*.

pihkem*   [pihkemʔ]  pʰi-, hkem*. Verb. sticking up (of flower), stretched out (of neck). haʔál cadu híʔbaya ʔima·ta dáʔtʼabina heʔén pihkemal look at that man, how he stretched (arched) his neck out when he saw a girl. Example Variant: pihkimal. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkeykey*, pihke; synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihke*, pihki.

hkeš*   [-]   Cooccurrence: with neg.. Instr Verb Root. brag; be choosy, say something isn’t good enough for self.

bahkeš*   [bahkeš]  ba-, hkeš*. Cooccurrence: with neg.. Verb. brag. bahkéšmahqawʔtʰin ma cahnodu·cenʔ every word you say you brag. compare: kešqawʔtʰin.

ʔama bahkešmawʔtʰin  ʔama·2, bahkeš*. [ʔama báhkešmawʔtʰin] [ʔama báhkešmawʔtʰin]   [ʔama bahkešmawʔtʰin]   1 • Noun. a braggart.

2 • Adjective. be choosy. ʔaná· ṭa ma ʔamabáhkešmawʔtʰin em. menininsʼem mito men tʼadu you are too choosy, particular; I guess that’s why you think that way.

hkey*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. extend, project, stick out.

hkeykey*   [-]  hkey*. Instr Verb Root. extend, project, stick out.

muhkeykey*   [muhkeykeyʔ]  mu-, hkeykey*. Verb. extend, project, stick out. ʔacaʔ kunu muhkeykeyeʔ the man has a chest sticking out. ʔacaʔ kunu muhkeykeyeʔ the man has a chest sticking out. compare: muhke, muhkem*.

pihkeykey*   [pihkeykeyʔ]  pʰi-, hkeykey*. Verb. extend, project, stick out. šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). bihše ʔel mihya pihkéyʔ pihkeya·danʔ the deer is going along with its neck moving forward and back (with each step). šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihke.

hkeykey*   [-]  hkey*. Instr Verb Root. extend, project, stick out.

muhkeykey*   [muhkeykeyʔ]  mu-, hkeykey*. Verb. extend, project, stick out. ʔacaʔ kunu muhkeykeyeʔ the man has a chest sticking out. ʔacaʔ kunu muhkeykeyeʔ the man has a chest sticking out. compare: muhke, muhkem*.

pihkeykey*   [pihkeykeyʔ]  pʰi-, hkeykey*. Verb. extend, project, stick out. šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). bihše ʔel mihya pihkéyʔ pihkeya·danʔ the deer is going along with its neck moving forward and back (with each step). šiʔbaši giráffe nihccʼe· mihya píhkeykeyeʔ the animal called giraffe has a long neck (not nec. fat or thin). compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihke.

hki*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated. Instr Verb Root. resist, block movement. compare: hce*1, hcelh*, hcenh*2, ki·m*.

bahkihki*   [bahkihkiw]  Lit: They refuse words many times ba-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). cahno bahkibákitanʔqaw refuse to do something. Example Comment: An idiom meaning "not pay attention". bahkíhkicʰqawʔtʰin cicʼi·du do it without refusing!

cihkihki*1   [cihkíhkiw]  cʰi-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. by holding a small part of a larger object, e.g. a handle. ʔiša· cihkíhkicʰqamela· mito I’m going to resist your pulling my arm (by pulling back). hóhwa ʔaše· sulemáʔli pʰaʔbecáyʔbem – heʔen šuʔpʼánʔkʰetʰin – cihkíhki·y having tied with a rope the door knob to some place it can’t be pulled closed, it pulls back. compare: hce*1.

cuhkihki*   [cuhkihkiw]  cu-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. be stretched ??; resist, block movement. with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. cuki·ci let it be stretched! Example Variant: cukʰi·ci ~ cukʰilci. ʔacaʔ mihya cúhkihkiʔ it's a person with a long neck. compare: pihki.

hihkihki*   [hihkihkiw]  hi-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. with the body. ʔahca qawí· ša· ʔin hihkíhkiʔtʰin qawi·w because you know how to build a house, you don’t get stuck building it (get to where don’t know what to do).

pihkihki*1   [pihkihkiw]  pʰi-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. be long or tall ??; resist, block movement. with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pihkihkiʔ D: Absolutive. qʰale píhki ʔe· cohtowam a high-trunked tree is standing. qʰale sama píhkihkicʼ the tree has a high trunk. ʔaca mihya píhkihkicʼ it’s a man with a long neck. pihkipíkiqa·du run by every once in a while with long neck. synonyms: puhṭi*, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki, hqo*2, pihke*; compare: pihki*, pihki.

šahkihki*   [šahkihkiw]  ša-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. by a long object moving lengthwise; with a mesh. šahkihkiʔ D: Absolutive, Semelfactive. Example Variant: šahki. šahkišáhkiw walking short. ʔacaʔ šahkíhkiʔ man (who) has short body and long legs. ʔima·ta taqʰma bíʔtʼaqʼo šahkišáhkiw woman with a short dress. Example Variant: ʔima·ta taqʰma šahki....

šuhkihki*   [šuhkihkiw]  šu-, hki*1. Reduplicating Verb. resist, block movement. by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object; unwind a knot. haʔal kawa·yu ʔel šohkopʰi mul šuhkíhkicʰqa having lassoed the horse, it couldn’t go farther. Example Variant: ...muhkíhkicʰqa.. sulemáʔ šuhkíhkicʼi unwind the rope! synonyms: mukel*.

hki*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. thud. synonyms: hkilh*.

cihkihki*2   [cihkíhkiw]  cʰi-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly jerk by holding a handle. pé·su buhqʰal cihkíhkicʰqamela· mito I gave you the purse and jerked it back (several times) (and you didn’t let go). pésu buhqʰal cihkíhkicʰqacʼba duhluṭʼahqay (I) gave (you) the purse and jerked it back and you let go.

hahkihki*   [hahkihkiw]  ha-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly swing or tap rear of foot. ʔama háhkihkiw to repeatedly swing or tap rear of foot on ground.

mihkihki*   [mihkihkiw]  mi-2, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. tap (hit) ground with toes.

pahkihki*   [pahkihkiw]  pʰa-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly pound with a fist. pahkíhkiw socíla I hear the pounding. compare: pahki·l*.

pihkihki*2   [pihkihkiw]  pʰi-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. hit ground with mattock and make noise. ʔama· píhkihkiw repeatedly hit ground with an axe. pʰiṭʼáhšayʔli ʔama· pihkihki^ hit the ground with a hammer and make thud (several times)! (/pihkilhciw/ is once). Example Variant: hammer wi ʔama· pihkihki^. pihkilhciw hit once.

sihkihki*   [sihkíhkiw]  si-, hki*2. Reduplicating Verb. (always) be breezy. cʼíškan ʔihya síhkihkiwe· biʔámaduwe the breeze is nice this morning. compare: siki·l*.

sihkihkiw*   [sihkíhkiw]  sihkihki*. Noun. light wind (whether or not it is causing something to swing).

hkibit*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. thud. compare: hkilh*, kili*, kipʰ, tibi·t*, kilililili, kilil, ṭipʰ.

hkilh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. thud. synonyms: hki*2; mimetic base: kil; compare: hṭilh*, kili*, kipʰ, hkibit*, tibi·t*, kilililili, kilil, ṭipʰ.

cahkilh*   [cahkilʔ]  ca-, hkilh*. Verb. thud with the rear end, make a thud (sound) with rear end (by sitting down). ʔahsí· cahciba to cahkílhciwiy when I sat down hard, it made a thud.

dihkilh*   [dihkilʔ]  di-, hkilh*. Verb. thud from falling, gravity.

dihkilhci*   [dihkílhciw]  dihkilh*. Verb. something to fall on ground with thud (once). dikibiʔ several things to fall on the ground and thud. dihkilá·tadu D: Durative.

dihkilhcihqa*   [dihkilhcihqaw]  dihkilh*. Verb. chop something with a thud.

dihkilqa*   [dihkílqaw]  dihkilh*. Verb. drop several one at a time with thud. dihkílqa D: Imperative.

duhkilh*   [duhkilʔ]  du-, hkilh*. Verb. stomp with front leg.

hahkilh*   [hahkilʔ]  ha-, hkilh*. Verb. stamp hind legs, foot every once in a while, as a horse (not paw ground). hahkílhciw to stomp once.

kil   [kil]  hkilh*. mimetic: hkilh*. Inanimate Mimetic. sound of dropping sack of grain on the ground; massive continuing sound. compare: kol, til.

mihkilh*   [mihkilʔ]  mi-2, hkilh*. Variant: minátʰmaw. Verb. refers to hollow sound or a thump or thud of heavy object.

muhkilh*   [muhkilʔ]  mu-, hkilh*. Verb. thud with piledriver or throwing heavy rock.

pihkilh*   [pihkilʔ]  pʰi-, hkilh*. Verb. hit ground with sledgehammer.

qahkilh*   [qahkilʔ]  qa-, hkilh*. Verb. prevent from closing.

qahkilhci*   [qahkilhciw]  qahkilh*. Verb. prevent from closing. baqʼo tól ʔtʰin hohwa qahkílhciy something stopped (prevented) the door from closing.

hko*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. long (leg, trunk, etc.) be exposed vertically. compare: hkom*, hko*2.

bihkom*   [bihkómʔ]  bi-, hko*1. Verb. be standing with short clothes showing the knees. ʔima·ta taqʰma biʔtʼe qʼo bihkomʔ the woman with a short dress is standing with short dress (even one just showing ankle). ʔimata ʔel taqʰma bihkom the dress is short on the woman. compare: bihko.

dahkom*   [dahkómʔ]  da-, hko*1. Instr Verb Stem. hands and feet on the ground, knees bent; crouch; be like a sprinter at start of race, hands and feet on the ground, knees bent, resting at each end. ku·yí ʔyowe· ya ʔahqʰa mála· ṭʰahqawem pʰiʔtʼan hase qʰámʔli ʔacaʔ dáhkomʔ yal cadun once while we were playing by the river, suddenly in the brush a man was crouched watching us. dahkoma D: Imperative. dahkomá·du D: Durative. dakóhtimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahkoci be with hands and feet on floor. dakóhyimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahkocí·du D: Durative. waṭacʼem qʰaʔbe tol cumaba dahko·bícʼba ʔahqʰa yo· bacula·y the frog sitting on the rock raised up (as frogs do) and jumped down into the water. dahkowa·yi to crawl to something. Example Variant: dahkoya·yi. synonyms: dahkam*, dahkaṭʼma*.

musu dahkomali   [musu dáhkomali]  musu·, dahkom*. Noun. where the log is resting on each end (like an old drum).

mihkoʔ cude·du   [mihkóʔ cude·du]  hko*1. Verb. hop along on one leg.

qʰale bihko   [qʰale bihkow]  hko*1. Verb. tree with a long trunk.

hko*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wiggle something back and forth, dangle, standing loose, move loosely at point of attachment. compare: hko*1.

cahko*   [cahkow]  ca-, hko*2. Verb. chair to move loosely when sat in.

cahkohko*   [cahkohkow]  cahko*. Reduplicating Verb. chair to move loosely when sat in.

dahko*1   [-]  da-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. sway back and forth.

dahkodahko*1   [dahkodáhko]  dahko*1. Reduplicating Verb. sway back and forth (of baby).

pohko*   [-]  pʰu-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. shake from wind. compare: puhtsinh*.

pohkohko*   [pohkohkow]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. wind to make house shake or rattle window. wenta·na pohkóhkow the window is shaking loosely in the wind. compare: pohkok*.

pohkopohko*   [pohkopóhko]  pohko*. Reduplicating Verb. post shaking loose in wind, breeze (whether noisy or not). compare: hqonh*, hqo*1, sihkosihko*, sihkosihko*, hqo*1.

qahko*   [-]  qa-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tooth to move loosely while chewing.

qahkoqahko*   [qahkoqáhkow]  qahko*. Reduplicating Verb. tooth to move loosely while chewing.

sihko*   [-]  si-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. wiggle of tooth.

sihkohko*   [sihkóhkow]  sihko*. Reduplicating Verb. tooth hanging loose (must be standing). hoʔo sihkóhko· cohtowe· mito your tooth is barely standing (upper or lower). ʔama· sihkóhkow the land (or thing) is wobbling (dry or wet). ʔaná· ʔahca ṭʰuʔulin sihkóhkow the house is so old it’s shaking (wobbling) loosely (not nec. making noise). (no water meaning).

sihkosihko*   [sihkosihkow]  sihko*. Reduplicating Verb. wiggle of tooth, wet ground; (post) shake loose in the wind. compare: hqonh*, hqo*1, pohkopohko*, hqo*1, pohkopohko*.

šohko*2   [-]  šu-, hko*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pull and push on something loose.

šohkošohko*   [šohkošóhkow]  šohko*2. Reduplicating Verb. pull and push on something loose, wiggle something. ʔišá· ʔem to ʔaná· šohkošohkow my arm is really shaking, spasm.

hko*3   [-]   Instr Verb Root. tap.

bahko*   [-]  ba-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tap with beak.

bahkobahko*   [bahkobahkow]  bahko*. Variant: bahkobakotad*. Reduplicating Verb. (woodpecker) tap on tree (with beak).

bahkohko*   [bahkohkow]  bahko*. Reduplicating Verb. (woodpecker) tap on tree (with beak). bahkóhkoci (to flicker) Tap once!

cihko*   [-]  cʰi-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. hook something and tap.

cihkohko*   [cihkóhkow]  cihko*. Reduplicating Verb. hook something and tap.

cohko*   [-]  cu-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tap with a round object.

cohkocohko*   [cohkocohkow]  cohko*. Variant: cohkocohkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. tap with a round object.

cohkohko*   [cohkohkow]  cohko*. Reduplicating Verb. tap with a round object. ʔahsi· cohkóhkotʰu mul miʔdíš cuʔban ʔ don’t tap those nuts so hard while cracking them! (C.f. word order).

dahko*2   [-]  da-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. make something knock (as by shaking it).

dahkodahko*2   [dahkodáhkow]  dahko*2. Reduplicating Verb. make knock by shaking.

dahkohko*   [dahkóhkow]  dahko*2. Reduplicating Verb. make something knock (as by shaking it).

dohko*1   [-]  du-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. knock (as on door).

dohkodohko*2   [dohkodohkow]  dohko*1. Variant: dohkodohkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. knock (as on a door) several times. dohkodóhkotacʼmeʔ knock (to several)! compare: dohṭodohṭo*.

dohkodohko·du   [dohkodohko·du]  dohkodohko*2. Noun. knocking.

dohkohko*   [dohkóhkow]  dohko*1. Reduplicating Verb. knock. dohkóhkoʔ knock once. dohkohkoci·du knocking. synonyms: dohṭohṭo*.

dohko*2   [-]  du-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. trot.

dohkodohko*1   [dohkodóhkow]  dohko*2. Variant: dohkodohkom*. Reduplicating Verb. trot. dohkodóhko·du to trot (sg.) dohkodóhkomʔ several to trot. dohkodókoci·du trotting.

hahko*   [-]  ha-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: usually reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Variant: hahkot*. Reduplicating Verb. knock by kicking something loose or tapping with foot. hahkoti kick or stamp on the ground (like a horse) every once in a while.

hahkohahko*   [hahkohahkow]  hahko*. Variant: hahkohahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hahkohko*   [hahkóhkow]  hahko*. Reduplicating Verb. by kicking something that is loose or tapping. hahkoháhko·du go along rapping things with foot.

hihko*   [-]  hi-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body.

hihkohihko*   [hihkohihkow]  hihko*. Variant: hihkohihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body.

hihkohko*   [hihkóhkow]  hihko*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with body. hihkóhkoci·du to keep knocking with body.

mahko*   [-]  ma-2, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tap with bottom of foot.

mahkohko*   [mahkóhkow]  mahko*. Reduplicating Verb. tap with bottom of foot.

mahkomahko*   [mahkomáhkow]  mahko*. Variant: mahkomahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. tap with bottom of foot.

mihko*   [-]  mi-2, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. knock on something with toe, make knock with toe; knock with nose (with /ʔilawi/).

mihkohko*   [mihkóhkow]  mihko*. Reduplicating Verb. knock on something with toe or make knock with toe, or with nose. mul mihkóhkotʰuʔ don’t tap on table with foot! or Don’t make table knock! Example Variant: mihkóhkotʰuʔ mulʔ.

mihkomihko*   [mihkomíhkow]  mihko*. Variant: mihkomihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. knock on something with toe or make knock with toe.

pahko*   [-]  pʰa-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkohko*   [pahkóhkow]  pahko*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pahkopahko*   [pahkopáhkow]  pahko*. Variant: pahkopahkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. pounding hand to make noise.

pihko*   [-]  pʰi-, hko*3. Cooccurrence: usually reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Variant: pihkot*. Reduplicating Verb. tap (with side of object). pihkoti hit with stick making noise every once in a while!

pihkohko*   [pihkóhkow]  pihko*. Reduplicating Verb. tap (with side of object).

pihkopihko*   [pihkopíhkow]  pihko*. Variant: pihkopihkotad*. Reduplicating Verb. tap many times, or to tap (side of broom). synonyms: pihṭapihṭa*.

hko*4   [kow]   Verb. several sit, on legs, arched, supported at each end. synonyms: ca*2, hkaṭʼ*, hka*; compare: hkoy*.

hihkoc*   [hihkóʔ]  hi-, hko*4, -c1. Verb of Position. group be sitting on the ground. hihkócʰmeʔ D: Plural only. hihkoyícʼmeʔ D: durative. compare: šohko*1, huʔut*.

hihkom*   [hihkomʔ]  hihkoc*. Verb of Position. group be sitting off the ground. hihkócʰmeʔ sit down (on bench), everyone! hihkomameʔ be sitting on something. compare: bama*1, cuma*.

hkoce·d*   [koce·du]  hko*4, hko*4. Verb. sit.

hkoce·d*   [koce·du]  hko*4, hko*4. Verb. sit.

hkoce·d*   [koce·du]  hko*4, hko*4. Verb. sit.

hkok*   [-]   Cooccurrence: with Essive or Terrestrial. Instr Verb Root. boom and shake; make the sound /kilil/. compare: kilil.

dihkok*   [dihkoʔ]  di-, hkok*. Verb. something heavy falls with a thud.

dihkokʰci*   [dihkokʰciw]  dihkok*. Verb. something heavy falls with a thud and the ground shakes. synonyms: hihkokʰci*.

hihkok*   [hihkoʔ]  hi-, hkok*. Verb. boom and shake. hihkokʰmaw several booms.

hihkokʰci*   [hihkókʰciw]  hihkok*. Verb. large boom and shake (sonic boom); /dihkilhciw/ isn’t as big. ʔama· hihkokʰciw earth to shake from big boom (as a sonic boom). synonyms: dihkokʰci*.

pohkok*   [pohkoʔ]  pʰu-, hkok*. Verb. wind to shake. compare: pohkohko*.

pohkokʰci*   [pohkokʰciw]  pohkok*. Verb. wind to shake once.

hkolh*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always takes semelfactive or essive. Instr Verb Root. loosen. compare: dahlu·c*, šohqosʼ*.

cahkolhma*   [cahkólhmaw]  ca-, hkolh*. Verb. (old chair) loosened by sitting in.

cohkolhma*   [cohkolhmaw]  cu-, hkolh*. Verb. loosen with a round object; with the front end. moqʰo· cohkólhmawiye· to I injured my kneecap by falling on it. hoʔo cohkólhmawiye· to I loosened my tooth by bumping.

dahkolhci*   [dahkolhciw]  da-, hkolh*. Instr Verb Stem. press on something and loosen it (door) (no sound).

dahkolhma*   [dahkólhmaw]  da-, hkolh*. Verb. press on something and loosen it (door). dahkólhmaw something arched.

dohkolhma*   [dohkolhmaw]  du-, hkolh*. Verb. loosen by fiddling with fingers.

hahkolhma*   [hahkólhmaw]  ha-, hkolh*. Verb. kick loose.

hihkolhci*   [hihkolhciw]  hi-, hkolh*. Instr Verb Stem. loosen with the body. maʔkʼalá mubacʼba ʔahca hihkólhciy the thunder clapped and shook the house.

mahkolhci*   [mahkolhciw]  ma-2, hkolh*. Verb. loosen with the foot.

mihkolhci*   [mihkolhciw]  mi-2, hkolh*. Verb. loosen by kicking. ciba·tʰin ṭoloṭólo· mihkólhcinne· be· someone kicked on a tin can (aurally evident).

mohkolhci*   [mohkolhciw]  mu-, hkolh*. Verb. 1 • loosen with heat, fire. ʔahca muhkʰúyʔba cawikʰ ṭʼi· mohkólhciy the house burned down and the hardware all came loose (and fell down).

2 • step on and make loose (no sound meaning).

pahkolhci*   [pahkolhciw]  pʰa-, hkolh*. Verb. hit post on ground to make sound (thud) or loosen something.

pihkolhma*   [pihkolhmaw]  pʰi-, hkolh*. Verb. make it loose by hitting (but not apart), e.g. loosen tooth. ʔahsí· pihkolhci hit it hard to make noise (bang)!

pohkolhma*   [pohkolhmaw]  pʰu-, hkolh*. Verb. blow loose.

qahkolhma*   [qahkolhmaw]  qa-, hkolh*. Verb. loosen by biting. hoʔo qáhkolhmawiye·to I have a loose tooth from biting (on something hard).

šohkolhma*   [šohkolhmaw]  šu-, hkolh*. Verb. pull loose. šohkólhci pull loose! šohkólhcuwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hkom*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. supported on each end, on legs; arched. compare: hko*1.

hkot*   [- kotʰciw]   Cooccurrence: Usually with -c- Semelfactive. Instr Verb Root. go to nothing gradually, wear down; make (wear down to) little or nothing (not by breaking off pieces). synonyms: hcʰoc*2.

bahkotʰci*   [bahkótʰciw]  ba-, hkot*. Verb. wear away with mouth; (bird) peck to nothing.

bihkotʰci*   [bihkótʰciw]  bi-, hkot*. Verb. bird to peck something to nothing (unless /qawi/ is used). biʔcʼóʔcʼoba bihkotʰciw (Mice) nibbled on corner until no corner was left. Example Variant: qahkotʰciw..

cahkotʰci*   [cahkotʰciw]  ca-, hkot*. Verb. wear out seat of chair or pants.

cihkotʰci*   [cihkótʰciw]  cʰi-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by dragging.

cohkotʰci*   [cohkotʰciw]  cu-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by rubbing with something round.

dahkotʰci*   [dahkótʰciw]  da-, hkot*. Verb. wear off by rubbing. dahkótʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dahkotá·du D: Durative. hawó·n dahkota·du used soap. dahkoti rub with hand and remove (paint)! or Use soap so it gets thin! hawo·n yaʔkʰe dahkótʰciqʰ our soap (bar) is thin from rubbing or washing. compare: dahsut*.

dihkotʰci*   [dihkotʰciw]  di-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by falling down.

dohkotʰci*   [dohkotʰciw]  du-, hkot*. Verb. rub down to nothing with finger.

hahkotʰci*   [hahkotʰciw]  ha-, hkot*. Verb. wear out with leg or by kicking.

hihkotʰci*   [hihkotʰciw]  hi-, hkot*. Verb. wear out, wear off paint from body by rubbing against.

mahkotʰci*   [mahkotʰciw]  ma-2, hkot*. Verb. (sole) wear out by walking on (linoleum). ʔahca ṭʰemʔ mahkotʰci wear out the floor covering!

mihkot*   [mihkoʔ]  mi-2, hkot*. Verb. 1 • bend the knee. mihkoti bend knee (raising foot or kneeling)! synonyms: cʼohkot*.

2 • hop. mihkoti hop! mihkótʰmeʔ D: Plural. mihkóʔ cudaʔ to hop along. mihkóʔ cusahmeʔ to hop along (pl.) mihkotá·du D: Durative. mihkótʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. mihkotá·cʼicʰmeʔ bending knees separately. mihkoʔ cude·du hop along on one leg; skip.

mihkotʰci*   [mihkotʰciw]  mihkot*. Verb. 1 • kneel only one knee, genuflect. mihkotʰcimeʔ several altogether separately to kneel. compare: mihten*, cuhten*.

2 • wear out toes of shoes by kicking.

mihkotʰma*   [mihkótʰmaw]  mihkot*. Verb. kneel on something ¡terr.

mohkota·la*   [mohkotá·law]  mu-, hkot*, -ala. Verb. burned down to ashes or badly burned (man).

mohkotʰci*   [mohkotʰciw]  mu-, hkot*. Verb. 1 • tire to wear out.

2 • burn down to ashes, ready to food on to cook.

pahkotʰci*   [pahkotʰciw]  pʰa-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by pounding.

pihkotʰci*   [pihkótʰciw]  pʰi-, hkot*. Verb. hit with stick down to nothing. qawi pihkótʰciw to chop to make little, small. ṭí· pihkótʰciw to chop to nothing.

sihkotʰci*   [sihkotʰciw]  si-, hkot*. Verb. soap or ice to disappear by sitting in water. sihkoti dissolve! (to soap in water).

šohkotʰci*   [šohkotʰciw]  šu-, hkot*. Verb. wear out by pulling across something. šohkotá·laqʰ D: Directional "down". cawíkʰ sulemaʔ šuqʰahlaʔli qahwa· šohkótʰmaqʰ the cable dragging acorns across the bark has worn it down.

hkoy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. crawl to something. compare: hko*4.

dahkoy*   [dahkoyʔ]  da-, hkoy*. Verb. crawl to something. dahkoya·yi D: Imperative. dahkoyá·law moving down in /dahkomʔ/ position. pʰánʔkitoʔna dahkoya·ducʰmela I’m going to go to my granddaughter’s. dahkoya·duʔ to crawl out of sight. dahkoyá·duʔ feeble old person to go away using hands to help himself along.

hku   [ku]   Variant: ku. Numeral. one.

kumi·l   [kumí·l]  hku, mi·l*. Numeral. one thousand.

kuse·ntumi·l   [ku sé·ntu mi·l]  hku, se·ntu, mi·l*. Numeral. one hundred thousand.

kuyala   [kuyála]  hku, yala. Adverb. right away. sáhqaci kuyala ʔ stop right now. synonyms: ʔanawi, yala.

hkucʼa·ha   [kucʼa·ha]   ??

hkulh*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. clog up.

cihkulhma*   [cihkúlhmaw]  cʰi-, hkulh*1, cʰi-, hkulh*1. Verb. clog up. mihyaqʰáma cihkúlhmawiye·to phlegm is clogging my throat. ʔihpʰú· ʔihyumciba cihṭúlhmay when the grease got cold it hardened. synonyms: cihṭulh*.

cihkulhma*   [cihkúlhmaw]  cʰi-, hkulh*1, cʰi-, hkulh*1. Verb. clog up. mihyaqʰáma cihkúlhmawiye·to phlegm is clogging my throat. ʔihpʰú· ʔihyumciba cihṭúlhmay when the grease got cold it hardened. synonyms: cihṭulh*.

hkulh*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. stir.

muhkulh*   [muhkulʔ]  mu-, hkulh*2. Verb. stir (cooking), as mush, pudding (not soup; it must be something you keep stirring all the time). mukulá·qa D: Causative?, Imperative. mukulá·taqa D: Causative, Imperative. muhkuli D: Stir! muhkula·qaci to stir and cook one dab (a little bit of leftovers). muhkúlmulʔ to stir around pots in circle. muhkulá·tadu D: Durative. ṭʼí· bahqa· ṭʰoʔo muhkuli keep stirring to prevent lumps while thickening the blackberry sauce (thicken with heat)! (/cihyoqʰma/ is more general for stir). compare: duhkul.

hkut*   [-]   Cooccurrence: usually occurs with R or r̂. Instr Verb Root. pulse, pulsate.

bahkut*   [bahkuʔ]  ba-, hkut*. Verb. get dull. bahkuti get dull. bahkutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: bahku.

cuhkut*   [cuhkuʔ]  cu-, hkut*. Verb. ache.

cuhkucuhku*   [cuhkucúhkuw]  cuhkut*. Reduplicating Verb. pulsing ache. moʔbowem cuhkucúhkuwe·to my swelling has a pulsing ache.

dihkut*   [dihkuʔ]  di-, hkut*. Verb. rhythmically dropping something heavy on floor.

mihkut*   [mihkuʔ]  mi-2, hkut*. Verb. with toe to make drum sound.

muhkut*   [muhkuʔ]  mu-, hkut*. Verb. pulse; beat (of heart only). sʼuhkúl muhkutʼ the heart is beating. muhkutʼínsʼe·mu it’s probably still beating. muhkutínsʼe·mu it’s beating for sure. muhkutínsʼe·muṭʼomu it must be beating. muhkuti D: Imperative. muhkútʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. muhkútʰmaw to sev. diff.

muhkumuhku*   [muhkumuhkuw]  muhkut*. Reduplicating Verb. pulse, beat (of heart). cʰuwayá·dun muhkumúhkudow laughing, his body was pulsing. sʼuhkúl maʔyul muhkumúhkudom only (his) heart was beating. Example Variant: ...muhkumúhkuwam.. compare: muʔbumuʔbu*.

sʼuhkul muhkut   [sʼuhkúl muhkuʔ]  sʼuhkul, muhkut*. Noun. heartbeat.

pahkut*   [pahkuʔ]  pʰa-, hkut*. Verb. sound of pounding something hollow. ʔaha·li ʔama· páhkuta·duwa·du with a stick pounding acorns on the ground. ...pahkútʰciw pounding once.

pihkut*   [pihkuʔ]  pʰi-, hkut*. Verb. with hoe to make drum sound.

pihkupihku*   [pihkupihkuw]  pihkut*. Reduplicating Verb. bob with head. sʼihta yaʔ pihkupíhkuw bird making his head bob (of some wading bird on the river).

šuhkut*   [šuhkuʔ]  šu-, hkut*. Verb. with rope to drum on something.

hkʰa*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. stained. synonyms: hpa*1, pa·ṭʼ*.

bihkʰahkʰa*   [bihkʰahkʰaw]  bi-, hkʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. stained, by eating. haʔbo mala·to· bihkʰáhkʰayicʼqa·ma santí·ya maʔabina you have stained around your mouth having eaten watermelon.

cahkʰahkʰa*   [cahkʰahkʰaw]  ca-, hkʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. stained with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knife. cahkʰáhkʰac (baby) messing up rear.

cuhkʰa   [cuhkʰa]  cu-, hkʰa*1. Adjective. dirty, smeared, smudged (face); smudged, smeared, stained. huʔú·mo cuhkʰa dirty, smeared, smudged face. cuhkʰámmaw to show (face) smeared up.

cuhkʰahkʰa*   [cuhkʰahkʰaw]  cu-, hkʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. stain with liquid. cuhkʰáhkʰaʔ stained with liquid.

muhkʰahkʰa*   [muhkʰahkʰaw]  mu-, hkʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. throw and make stick. muhkʰáhkʰac to throw mud on wall.

sihkʰahkʰa*1   [sihkʰahkʰaw]  si-, hkʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. stained with water, from water. sihkʰáhkʰaʔ to get stain (on wall, dress) from dripping water. ʔahqʰa síhkʰahkʰacʰqa· maʔu the water is apparent on cloth in drops here and there (as in rain -- not solidly wet yet). ʔama· sihkʰáhkʰacʰqaw to wash the land free of salt. Example Variant: <sihkáhkacʰqaw>. synonyms: sihpahpa*; compare: sihkʰahkʰa*2.

hkʰa*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. whisper, pant.

sihkʰa*   [-]  si-, hkʰa*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. whisper.

sihkʰahkʰa*2   [sihkʰáhkʰaw]  sihkʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. whisper, murmer; one to whisper, murmur a little. sihkʰáhkʰamʔ several keep on whispering. ʔama· qʼoʔdi tʰín cahno·dunne· mu šima ma sihkʰáhkʰawam he's not saying good things, that's why he's whispering in his ear. Example Variant: ... sihkʰasíhkʰamam. compare: sihkʰahkʰa*1.

sihkʰasihkʰa*   [sihkʰasihkʰaw]  sihkʰa*. Variant: sihkʰasihkʰat*. Reduplicating Verb. whisper, murmur. sihkʰasíkʰataʔ D: Plural Subject and Object. sihkʰasíhkʰamʔ several keep on whispering.

šuhkʰa*   [-]  šu-, hkʰa*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pant.

šuhkʰašuhkʰa*   [šuhkʰašúhkʰaw]  šuhkʰa*. Variant: šuhkʰašuhkʰat*. Reduplicating Verb. pant (as a dog). hayu tʼunubina šuhkʰašúhkʰaw the dog must be tired, it is panting. synonyms: mišu·n*, yamihše*, šukʰe·naqac*.

hkʰan*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be uncertain.

bahkʰan*   [bahkʰanʔ]  ba-, hkʰan*1. Verb. be uncertain, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). ʔaná· šulamido· mu·kimʔ ʔacaʔ wenaʔqá· yaʔ bahkʰánqaw (sʼimun ʔiʔkʰetʰinido· hla·li mu·kinʔ) they say he was so sick that the doctor isn’t sure he will live or die or recover (like saying there are two possibilities). bahkʰánqa(meʔ) D: Causative Imperative. Example Variant: bahkʰánmahqaw. bahkʰaná·tacʼqameʔ D: Plural.

bahkʰani·cʼ*   [bahkʰaniʔ]  bahkʰan*. Verb. to be uncertain of course of action, to excuse self if told to do something. bahcil cohtoʔ da·qáʔnati bahʰaní·cʼ!!e ʔa although he wants to go far away, he is hesitationg. bahkʰaní·cʼi D: Imperative. bahkʰaní·cʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pihkʰan*   [pihkʰanʔ]  pʰi-, hkʰan*1. Verb. be uncertain, with the eyes. pihkʰánʔ pʰiʔtʼaw it looks like he might die.

hkʰan*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with certain directionals. Instr Verb Root. get out of breath.

šuhkʰan*   [šuhkʰan-]  šu-, hkʰan*2. Cooccurrence: always takes directional suffix. Verb. get out of breath. šuhkʰaná·wiye·to I’m out of breath. šuhkʰana·du to keep getting out of breath. šuhkʰani·biʔ to start to get out of breath. šuhkʰanayʔ to get out of breath (from running). šuhkʰaná·yi get out of breath!

hkʰaš*   [kʰaš]   Verb. yawn. kʰašá·du to be yawning. kʰaša·taʔ several to be yawning. kʰaškʰaš to keep yawning (note inf.) kʰašácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. kʰašá·de mu·kinʔ he is yawning (he has control). kʰašá·de· mu·kito he is yawning (he can't help it). pʰalá hkʰaša·du to be yawning again. kʰašá·tacʼe· mu they are yawning. kʰaškʰaše· mu he keeps on yawning. pʰalá hkʰáškʰaši yawn repeatedly (one after another). kʰáškʰašmeʔ D: Plural Iterative.

hkʰe*1   [kʰew]  Ø-, hkʰe*2. Verb. 1 • move along. síl hkʰehqa mul buhqʰal move the packing basket this direction. cuhulál hkʰew to move north. síl hkʰeci·du keep moving this way. síl hkʰeci·tʰuʔ don't move this way. wišlil hkʰew move eastwards. bislál hkʰew move down. donól hkʰew @move mountain-wards? bidál hkʰew move downstream.

2 • shift position while sitting along surface; scoot over. síl hkʰew scoot this way. míl hkʰew scoot that way. weʔél hkʰew scoot aside. haʔbíl hkʰew scoot there. šibál kʰew ? scoot around ? ʔacál hkʰew ??

wišal hkʰe   [wišál hkʰew]  wiša·, hkʰe*1. Verb. move up along a surface. wišál hkʰe move up! wišál hkʰemeʔ (to several) move up! wišál hkʰeci·du D: Durative. wišál hkʰeme·du D: Durative. wišál hkʰeyicʼmeʔ D: Durative Plural. Example Variant: wišál hkʰemecʼmeʔ. wišál hkʰewanʔbiw they moved up (after finding them moved).

hkʰe*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. 1 • move along a surface. synonyms: hkʰel*, hqʰa*3, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, hqʰaṭ*1, qʰaqʰaṭ*, hqʰaṭ*2, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hqʰayʔ*1, hqʰayʔ*1, hqʰalh*, qʰa·m*, qʰa·s*, hkʰeyʔ*, hqʰac*2, hpʰa*1.

2 • slide, slip, roll.

cahkʰe*   [cahkʰew]  ca-, hkʰe*2. Verb. scoot over, to shift position while sitting along surface. synonyms: caye*.

cihkʰe*   [cihkʰew]  cʰi-, hkʰe*2. Verb. drag by handle. cikʰebi·ci lift it! cikʰelo·qoʔ pull out or off.

cikʰe·qac*   [cikʰe·qáʔ]  cihkʰe*, -aqac. Verb. drag up from here.

cuhkʰe*   [cuhkʰew]  cu-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move along a surface. cukʰe·du push (by car?)

cukʰetʰmuʔ   [cukʰetʰmuʔ]  cuhkʰe*. Noun. wheelbarrow.

dahkʰe*   [dahkʰew]  da-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move with hand. dakʰénʔwadú one to push around by hand (car to start it). dakʰecʰwaʔ several to push around by hand. dakʰe·du ?? dakʰéhtadu ?? dakʰedu·cedú·cedu ??

dihkʰe*   [dihkʰew]  di-, hkʰe*2. Verb. fall, move by gravity. dikʰénʔwadu to fall slowly.

duhkʰe*   [duhkʰew]  du-, hkʰe*2. Verb. increase or decrease; move along a surface with the finger, . haʔda dúkʰe·du to set clock. dukʰelá·mecʼi decrease (chain in crocheting). dukʰe·biʔ lift someone up; promoted to higher grade. dukʰelá·meʔ demoted a grade. pe·su dukʰelá·mecʼqʰ the money has decreased. tʼo· ʔíʔkʰe siyicʼba ʔnati; dukʰe·qoyʔ even though you said it would be now, you put it off. dukʰe·du push hither! move something towards (the speaker) using hand! maʔa to tólhqʰaʔ dukʰe·du shove that towards me! (bottle standing on table). dukʰénʔwadu to move (clock (ahead)) with finger. dukʰehtanʔwadu one move several. dukʰecʼwacʼ one move one thing around. dukʰetʰmuʔ move this and that to difference places. duhkʰeʔ shift, slide to another position. duhkʰéyʔcicʼi move backwards. dukʰe·law move down. dukʰe·qa push away! push outside! dukʰedu·ci push away! dukʰe·qo push hither out! duhkʰewíye· to someone shoved me. šiba· dúhkʰewiye· to I was shifted elsewhere.

hihkʰe*   [hihkʰew]  hi-, hkʰe*2. Verb. drag oneself, move (along surface). kulúlhqʰaʔ hihkʰew drag oneself into the woods. hihkʰe D: Imperative. hihkʰemeʔ D: Plural Imperative. be·li híkʰe·du move this way! hihkʰecí·du D: Durative. hikʰedu·cedu keep moving along. qalilhqʰaʔ hikʰe·du increase skill. hihkʰemaʔ move in. hikʰe·law move down. hikʰela·mecʼi move down off, out. hikʰe·biʔ to drag oneself erect; slide up (not fully erect).

hkʰe*1   [kʰew]  Ø-, hkʰe*2. Verb. 1 • move along. síl hkʰehqa mul buhqʰal move the packing basket this direction. cuhulál hkʰew to move north. síl hkʰeci·du keep moving this way. síl hkʰeci·tʰuʔ don't move this way. wišlil hkʰew move eastwards. bislál hkʰew move down. donól hkʰew @move mountain-wards? bidál hkʰew move downstream.

2 • shift position while sitting along surface; scoot over. síl hkʰew scoot this way. míl hkʰew scoot that way. weʔél hkʰew scoot aside. haʔbíl hkʰew scoot there. šibál kʰew ? scoot around ? ʔacál hkʰew ??

wišal hkʰe   [wišál hkʰew]  wiša·, hkʰe*1. Verb. move up along a surface. wišál hkʰe move up! wišál hkʰemeʔ (to several) move up! wišál hkʰeci·du D: Durative. wišál hkʰeme·du D: Durative. wišál hkʰeyicʼmeʔ D: Durative Plural. Example Variant: wišál hkʰemecʼmeʔ. wišál hkʰewanʔbiw they moved up (after finding them moved).

muhkʰe*   [muhkʰew]  mu-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move a car, vehicle.

puhkʰe*   [puhkʰew]  pʰu-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move by blowing. puhkʰewayʔ blown against "move" somtehing.

sihkʰe*   [sihkʰew]  si-, hkʰe*2. Verb. move along a surface with tongue, by sucking. muṭʼo cuhni·ʔel haʔbowí sikʰe·de· maʔati he is moving that bread, sucking with his mouth in order to eat it. Example Variant: ...maʔatí sikʰé·nʔ.. sihkʰe·du move something along with tongue. sihkʰey·cicʼ- move towards self. sihkʰéyʔcicʼi move towards self with tongue! sihkʰeyí·tacʼme D: Plural. Example Variant: sikʰéyʔtacʼmeʔ. sikʰe·nʔ moving with tongue or by sucking.

šuhkʰe*   [šuhkʰew]  šu-, hkʰe*2. Verb. pull (a wagon). kare·ta šúkʰenʔwaʔti ʔe· ʔa I'm going to pull the wagon around. kare·ta šúkʰe·du pull the wagon!

šuhkʰehtaqoʔli   [šuhkʰehtaqoʔli]  šuhkʰe*. Noun. drawer.

hkʰel*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. skim over. synonyms: hkʰe*2, hqʰa*3, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, hqʰaṭ*1, qʰaqʰaṭ*, hqʰaṭ*2, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hqʰayʔ*1.

muhkʰel*   [muhkʰelʔ]  mu-, hkʰel*. Verb. skim over quickly. muhkʰeli skim once.

muhkʰelʔhay   [muhkʰélʔhay]  muhkʰel*, ʔahay. Noun. a three-foot stick which was scaled along the ground, farthest one wins; (of a tree) straight sapling with long straight trunk suitable for making such a stick.

hkʰela   [kʰelá]  hkʰela·*. Variant: kʰela. 1 • Adjective. menstrual; on her period. kʰelá one menstruate. kʰelá yya several menstruate. kʰelá balay menstrual blood. ʔima·tá hkʰela mentruating woman. Example Variant: ʔima·ta kʰéla.

2 • Noun. menstrual blood. kʰela báhṭʰe keʰlaw a lot of menstrual blood started flowing. kʰelá ʔe· mu it is menstrual blood. kʰelá tʰin e· mu it is not menstrual blood.

hkʰela*   [kʰelaw]  hkʰela. Verb. 1 • be menstruating.

2 • bring bad luck. ʔama hkʰela you caused the rain by being here.

hkʰela*   [kʰelaw]  hkʰela. Verb. 1 • be menstruating.

2 • bring bad luck. ʔama hkʰela you caused the rain by being here.

hkʰela·*   [kʰelaw]   Verb. menstruate. pʰalá hkʰela flow again! (to blood). kʰelá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural. kʰelá·meʔ D: Plural. kʰelá·medu D: Durative. kʰelá·tʰuʔ D: Negative. kʰelá·tadu D: Durative? kʰelá·wadu D: Durative?

hkʰela   [kʰelá]  hkʰela·*. Variant: kʰela. 1 • Adjective. menstrual; on her period. kʰelá one menstruate. kʰelá yya several menstruate. kʰelá balay menstrual blood. ʔima·tá hkʰela mentruating woman. Example Variant: ʔima·ta kʰéla.

2 • Noun. menstrual blood. kʰela báhṭʰe keʰlaw a lot of menstrual blood started flowing. kʰelá ʔe· mu it is menstrual blood. kʰelá tʰin e· mu it is not menstrual blood.

hkʰela*   [kʰelaw]  hkʰela. Verb. 1 • be menstruating.

2 • bring bad luck. ʔama hkʰela you caused the rain by being here.

hkʰeya   [kʰeyá]  kʰeya.

hkʰeyʔ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. move along a surface. synonyms: hkʰe*2.

bahkʰeyʔ*   [bahkʰeyʔ-]  ba-, hkʰeyʔ*. Verb. move with beak, mouth. bahkʰeyʔcicʼi move it towards self with beak, mouth. bahkʰeyʔcicʼmeʔ D: Plural. bahkʰeyí·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural. bakʰéyʔtacʼmeʔ D: Plural.

cahkʰeyʔ*   [cahkʰeyʔ-]  ca-, hkʰeyʔ*. Verb. shift in seat. cahkʰeyʔciʔ someone to shift his seat toward the speaker.

hkʰi*   [-]   Cooccurrence: with directionals. Instr Verb Root. choke. synonyms: hkʰiṭʼ*2.

puhkʰi*   [puhkʰi-]  pʰu-, hkʰi*. Cooccurrence: always occurs with directionals. Verb. choke or cough from something in windpipe. puhkʰiwaʔ choke or cough from something in windpipe. puhkʰiwá·qa (to water or choking object) choke! puhkʰiwahqa (to person) cough!; choke! puhkʰiwá·law (water) go down wrong way. ʔino puhkʰiwahwiye· to I'm choking on dust. synonyms: puhkʰiṭʼ*.

hkʰiṭʼ*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. spread. synonyms: šuhkʰihkʰi*.

dahkʰiṭʼ*   [dahkʰiʔ]  da-, hkʰiṭʼ*1. Verb. strain wrist. dahkʰiṭʼciʔ to strain wrist.

mahkʰiṭʼ*   [mahkʰiʔ]  ma-2, hkʰiṭʼ*1. Verb. strain foot. mahkʰiṭʼciʔ to strain foot.

šuhkʰiṭʼ*   [šuhkʰiʔ]  šu-, hkʰiṭʼ*1. Verb. spread, stretch across; strain. ʔahqʰa yo· waṭáʔpʰa šuhkʰiṭʼmaw the algae spread widely in the water. (of rope it would mean "across"). ʔiša· šuhkʰiṭʼcicʼwiye·to I stretched (strained) my arm by pulling. šukʰiṭʼmaw D: Essive.

hkʰiṭʼ*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. choke. synonyms: hkʰi*.

puhkʰiṭʼ*   [puhkʰiʔ]  pʰu-, hkʰiṭʼ*2. Verb. choke on something in windpipe. puhkʰiṭaʔ choke on something in windpipe. ʔino puhkʰiṭʼahwiye· to I'm choked with dust. synonyms: puhkʰi*.

sihkʰiṭʼ*   [sihkʰiʔ]  si-, hkʰiṭʼ*2. Verb. choke on something swallowed, on food or liquid in windpipe. sikʰíṭʼkʰiʔṭʼimeʔ choke (to several). sihkʰíṭʼwiye· to I'm choking. sihkʰiṭʼi choke (on liquid)! sihkʰiṭʼa·du D: Durative. ʔahqʰa síhkʰiʔye· mito you choked on water. ʔahqʰa síhkʰiṭʼinne· mito D: Aural. ʔahqʰa síhkʰiṭʼqa· mito D: Circumstantial Evidential. sihkʰiṭ'á·law choke while going downhill. sihkʰíṭʼmuliʔ choke while going around. sihkʰiṭʼkʰeʔe· mito you will choke. sihkʰiṭʼíyowe· mito you did choke. sihkʰíʔdo· mito D: Quotative. Example Variant: sihkʰiṭʼído· mito. sihkʰíʔtʰuʔ don't choke! sihkʰíʔti about to choke. Example Variant: sihkʰíʔtiʔdu. sikʰíṭʼkʰiʔtitʰumeʔ don't choke (to several).

hkʰi·   [hkʰi·]  kʰi*.

hkʰo*   [-]   Variant: kʰot*. Instr Verb Root. catch a moving object. synonyms: ce*.

bahkʰo*   [bahkʰow]  ba-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch moving object with mouth or beak.

bihkʰo*   [bihkʰow]  bi-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch moving object with both arms.

cahkʰohqa*   [cahkʰóhqaw]  ca-, hkʰo*, -aq1. Verb. catch with a shinny bat; catch something falling in basket, box, etc.

cihkʰo*   [cihkʰów]  Lit: to trip with a hook cʰi-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch (a fish) with a hook. cikʰomaʔ hooked? cikʰomá·cʼi hook something with foot or finger. cikʰoʔ repeatedly hook something. cikʰoṭi repeatedly hook something.

cohkʰo*   [cohkʰow]  cu-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch moving object with flowing water.

dahkʰo*   [dahkʰow]  da-, hkʰo*. Variant: dakʰot*. Verb. catch with hand (a thrown ball). dakʰoti catch several balls or one ball several times. cʼe·líʔ tiʔdu· li dahkʰoy he caught him from falling. dakʰotá·du D: Plural Durative. dahkʰo catch one! dahkʰocí·du D: Durative. dakʰótʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dakʰoʔ D: Plural Absolutive. pʰiʔkʼo mul dahkʰo catch ball! pʰiʔkʼo dákoti catch balls!

dihkʰo*   [dihkʰow]  di-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch a moving object (shape unimportant) by falling on it. qʰale wi dihkʰoy the tree fell on something moving and caught it. dihkʰóhqa catch something falling in basket, box, etc.

dohkʰo*   [dohkʰow]  du-, hkʰo*. Verb. grab quick or moving object with fingers. kʰe máʔal kalikákkaho·n hló·tiʔdu·li dohkʰoméla I grabbed my paper box when it was about to fall. lóʔwa·yi dohkʰoy he caught it before it fell.

hahkʰo*   [hahkʰow]  ha-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch with a swinging motion (as shinny racquet).

hihkʰo*   [hihkow]  hi-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch with the body. šiʔbawí hihkʰomela· kʼaṭa hloʔli I caught the falling cloth with my body (between body and wall or only with body).

mahkʰo*   [mahkʰow]  ma-2, hkʰo*. Verb. catch with sole of foot.

mihkʰo*   [mihkʰow]  mi-2, hkʰo*. Verb. trip with foot. mikʰoti D: Plural Imperative.

mohkʰo*   [mohkʰow]  mu-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch a moving object (shape unimportant). banéqa ʔda·tʰeti pʰiʔkʼowi mohkʰowíye· to although I didn’t want to be hit, I was caught (struck) by the ball. mokʰoʔ shoot (deers) running by fast.

mokʰoʔ ṭʰahqaw   [mokʰoʔ ṭʰahqaw]  mohkʰo*, ṭʰahqaw. Noun. game of throwing stone through rolling hoop.

pahkʰo*   [pahkʰow]  pʰa-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch a moving object (shape unimportant), with the end of a long object, the fist; by wrapping.

pili·li pakʰoʔ   [pili·li pákʰoʔ]  pili·li, pahkʰo*. Noun. a game in which a hoop is rolled and the children race to see who can get a stick stuck through it first. pili·li pakʰoti @.

pihkʰo*   [pihkʰow]  pʰi-, hkʰo*. Verb. bat a ball, catch a moving object with the side of a long object.

pohkʰo*   [pohkʰow]  pʰu-, hkʰo*. Variant: pokʰot*. Verb. catch by blowing; catch moving ball with vacuum cleaner. kayi·na cisa·qom aírpressure wi pokʰotʰmaw as the chickens came out (hung on wires) the air pressure catches them (to blow off feathers of birds dipped in hot water).

qahkʰo*   [qahkʰow]  qa-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch moving object with mouth (as dog with ball).

šahkʰo*   [šahkʰow]  ša-, hkʰo*. Verb. catch a moving object (shape unimportant) in mesh, net, web. ʔicʰa· šahkʰoyícʼqaʔ tiʔkʰe su·lewi the spider caught itself in its own web. synonyms: cʰahqa*.

šohkʰo*   [šohkʰow]  šu-, hkʰo*. Variant: šokʰot*. Verb. lasso; catch a moving object (shape unimportant) with a long flexible object.

šokʰoʔli   [šokʰóʔli]  šohkʰo*. Noun. lasso; meat grinder (with a turning handle). sulemáʔ šokʰoʔli a lasso.

hkʰoš*   [kʰóš]  ʔkʰoš*2.

hkʰošci*   [kʰóšciw]  ʔkʰošci*.

hkʰošcicʼ*   [kóšciʔ]  ʔkʰošcicʼ*.

hkʰu*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. crumble. synonyms: hcʰu*, hcʰa*3, co*2, hyu*2, hma*.

bahkʰuhkʰu*   [bahkʰuhkʰuw]  ba-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush to pieces with bill.

cahkʰuhkʰu*   [cahkʰuhkʰuw]  ca-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush (glass) by sitting on.

cihkʰuhkʰu*   [cihkʰuhkʰuw]  cʰi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush to pieces with fork, spoon.

cuhkʰuhkʰu*   [cuhkʰuhkʰuw]  cu-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. straighten with comb. pé·nya wi heʔe cuhkʰúhkʰuci comb the tangles out of the hair. pé·nya wi heʔe cuhkʰúhkʰuyi·cʼi comb the tangles out of your own hair.

dahkʰuhkʰu*   [dahkʰúhkʰuw]  da-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush with the hand. synonyms: dahcʰuhcʰu*.

dihkʰuhkʰu*   [dihkʰuhkʰuw]  di-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush by falling on.

duhkʰuhkʰu*   [duhkʰuhkʰuw]  du-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush with fingers. duhkʰúhkʰuci D: Semelfactive Imperative.

hahkʰuhkʰu*   [hahkʰuhkʰuw]  ha-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. kick to pieces. synonyms: hahyuhyu*.

hihkʰuhihkʰu*   [hihkʰuhihkʰuw]  hi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. body crumble. ʔama· hihkʰuhíkʰuhtalaw the dirt (of a bank) was crumbling down. synonyms: hihcʰu*.

hihkʰuhku*   [hihkʰuhkuw]  hi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with the body. synonyms: hihcʰuhcʰu*.

muhkʰuhkʰu*   [muhkʰuhkʰuw]  mu-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with heat. hiʔbu muhkʰúhkʰu·y the potato cooked to pieces.

pahkʰuhkʰu*   [pahkʰuhkʰuw]  pʰa-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush to pieces in a powder.

pihkʰuhkʰu*   [pihkʰúhkʰuw]  pʰi-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush with side of long object; powderize (clods). synonyms: pikʰu·l*.

ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li   [ʔama pihkʰuhkʰu·li]  ʔama·1, pihkʰuhkʰu*, =wi. Variant: ʔama· pihkʰuhkʰu·li. Noun. hoe. synonyms: ʔama pico·li, ʔamahcʰe·li, salo·n.

puhkʰuhkʰu*   [puhkʰuhkʰuw]  pʰu-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble by wind.

qahkʰuhkʰu*   [qahkʰuhkʰuw]  qa-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with teeth. kayé·ta mu·kinʔ qahkʰúkʰuw he crushed up the crackers.

sihkʰuhkʰu*   [sihkʰuhkʰuw]  si-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. crumble with water. (ʔaqʰawi banalapʰi) tuyʔtu qʰanacʼel sihkʰúhkʰucʰqa put cube of sugar in water and let it come to pieces. Example Variant: sihyúhyucʰqa. synonyms: sihcʰuhcʰu*, sihyuhyu*.

šuhkʰuhkʰu*   [šuhkʰuhkʰuw]  šu-, hkʰu*. Reduplicating Verb. straighten out tangled (hair, string). heʔe šuhkʰúhkʰuw pull apart clotted hair. šuhkʰúhkʰuci do one.

hkʰun*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be ashamed.

muhkʰun*   [muhkʰunʔ]  mu-, hkʰun*. Verb. be ashamed or bashful, be embarrassed. muhkúnʔ pʰiʔtʼaw it looks shameful. muhkʰuná·de· to ʔacaʔ baṭʰe· kʼaʔli ʔiti I feel bashful, being among many people. muhkʰuní·cʼe· to I am ashamed of myself. ʔama múhkʰunʔ something embarrassing. ʔama múhkʰunqal someone bashful. ʔama múhkʰunʔcʰoʔ unashamed. mukʰunanʔqawe· ma you are feeling embarrassment or shame. muhkʰuná·tahqaʔ D: Plural. muhkʰuná·tahqaʔ ye· maya you are all embarrassed. muhkʰunánʔqaw be ashamed or bashful. muhkʰuná·du be ashamed, be bashful. ʔama múhkʰunʔqale· mu he's bashful. muhkʰuní·cʼedu do something in a bashful way. muhkʰuní·cʼiwaʔ several do something in a bashful way. ʔama múhkʰun(ʔ)qalaye· ma·caʔ they're bashful. ʔima·ta ʔamamúhkʰunqal a bashful woman. ʔa muhkʰuná·de· to I'm bashful. compare: munac*, muna·c*; antonym: mukʰaṭʼkʰa·ni.

muhkʰunmahqa*   [muhkʰúnmahqaw]  muhkʰun*. Verb. make someone feel ashamed by picking on.

hkʰuy*1   [-]   Variant: kʰuyʔta*. Instr Verb Root. damage, ruin.

bihkʰuy*   [bihkʰuyʔ]  bi-, hkʰuy*1. Verb. eat up, devour, gobble up; bite all over, bite to death. šiʔbaší yaʔ mito sʼiʔi bihkʰú·y the insects (or germs?) are eating your flesh. Example Variant: ʔicʰo· yaʔ ... "spiders..." | hayu yaʔ ... "dogs". bihkʰú·mela I ate it up. synonyms: bisa*, maʔa*.

muhkʰuy*   [muhkʰúyʔ]  mu-, hkʰuy*1. Verb. be burned, damaged with heat; burn up, burn to death. cuhni· muhkʰuy burnt bread. qawi muhkʰú·qa burn it a little! (if you like the toast dark). ʔohowi muhkʰuyʔ to burn down; to burn to death. muhkʰuyi burn up! muhkhú·tʰuʔ D: Negative. muhkʰuyá·du D: Durative. muhkʰu·ti it's going to burn. muhkʰú·ciw burn up all at once. muhkʰú·maw keep burning (by adding more to fire). muhkʰuyʔ ṭʼi· burn up completely. ʔohowi muhkʰu·wiye· to I was burnt by the fire.

muhkʰuyʔ   [muhkʰuyʔ]  muhkʰuy*. Adjective. burnt, burned up.

muhkʰu·qa*   [muhkʰu·qaw]  muhkʰuy*. Variant: mukʰuyʔtahqa*. Verb. (cause to) burn. muhkʰú·qamela I burned it.

hkʰuy*2   [-]  kʼu·m*2. Instr Verb Root. kill many.

duhkʰuy*   [duhkʰuyʔ]  du-, hkʰuy*2, pʰakʼu·m*. Verb. kill many, beat up many. duhkʰuyá·du D: Distributive.

bihše duhkʰuya·du yaʔ   [bihše dúhkʰya·du yaʔ]  bihše, duhkʰuy*, =yac. Noun. butcher.

duhkʰuymucʼ*   [duhkʰuymuʔ]  duhkʰuy*. Variant: duhkuymucʼ*. Verb. fight with (each other), fight back, struggle. duhkʰú·muʔ fight each other (not war).

ʔahqʰatol duhkʰu·muʔ yacʰma   [ʔahqʰatol duhkʰú·muʔ yacʰma]  ʔahqʰa, =tol, duhkʰuymucʼ*, =yac. Noun. navy. synonyms: ʔahqʰa tol qamu·muʔ yacʰma.

hla   [-]   Noun. combining form "bird" /-hla/, "bird species perhaps".

ʔihsulhla   [ʔihsulhla]  ʔihsul, hla. Noun. a big bird (condor? mythological?)

hla*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with prefix /ha-/ and frequentative. Instr Verb Root. move limbs quickly. compare: ʔla*2.

hahlahahla*   [hahlaháhlaw]  ha-, hla*1. Reduplicating Verb. move around fast, move arms, head, talk around, act crazy. ʔacaʔ síʔkúhṭiwem hahlaháhlamʔ when people are drunk, they act up.

hla*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with prefix /hi-/ and iterative. Instr Verb Root. gossip. compare: sʼahluhlu*, sʼoʔyoʔyo*, sʼul*.

hihlahla*   [hihláhlaw]  hi-, hla*2. Variant: hihlahilataq*. Reduplicating Verb. one to gossip. to· ṭʼo ʔácaʔ hihlahla· da·tʰ I don’t like to gossip about people. ʔacaʔ híhlahlaw hqale· manʔ she gossips about people. mu ʔimá·ṭa ṭʼo ʔacaʔ híhlahlaw hqal ʔ that woman likes to gossip about people, talk bad about people.

hla*3   [law]   Cooccurrence: with adverb of place. Variant: hlat*. Verb. go as far as, up to, until. ʔaqʰa hla go as far as the water! hlatʰuʔ D: Negative. ʔaqʰa hlá· pʰilahtala·meʔ go as far as the water! ʔaqʰa hlací·duce·du go as far as the water! (habitually). ʔaqʰa hlací·duceceʔtʰuʔ don't go as far as the water! hacacʼélli hlaci·duce·du D: Go as far as ?? ! (habitually). hacacʼélli hlací·duceʔtʰuʔ don't go as far as ?? ! hi hlaqateʔ I will continue. mi hlahqateʔ I’ll go that far. mi hlatí·yihe in order to get there. mi hla go that far! get that far! Example Variant: la mi· ʔ. mi hlameʔ D: Plural. mi hlátʰmeʔ D: Plural, different places. mi hlací·du keep getting there. Example Variant: lací·du mi· ʔ. mi hlaméla I got there. ṭʰaʔbamʔ la·tol as long as there is. cohtó·yal hla· the one who left too. Example Variant: cohtó·yam hla·. lawé· mu mice·duce·dam he keeps saying it over and over. mi·li hlaw as far as there. qʼoʔdí hlaw the good one to leave. cohtóʔ lawe· mu cohto·yam di·cʼíʔtʰeti pʰala wanʔkʰe he might have gone for good although he didn't say he is coming back. cohtoʔ hlaw ? mensʼibá hlawemta mu bé·to· cohto·yam (when he wants to stay but something gets on his nerves so he leaves, one says) that's the reason why he left here. wanʔkʰe ʔín hlaw because he might have to come. qʼaʔkʰe ʔín hlawe· mu ʔahca doʔqʼoʔdiʔtʰin he didn't fix his house because he might have to leave. wanʔkʰé hlawe· mu·kinʔ he might come. Example Variant: mu·kinʔ wanʔkʰé hlaw. waʔtí hlawem ṭa mu tiʔkʰe maʔtʼiléʔya yal cohto dubila·dadam he sent his things with us even though he isn't sure to go. soh natícʼmela· kʰunuʔkʰéhlaw I am just trying (to make something) whether it turns out bad or not. ʔam húl hla· caʔkʰe he'll stay until tomorrow. bahcíl hlaw to get farther away. bida hlaw(á·la) move further downward; do something farther downward. dono hlaw be further up or into hills. Example Variant: wisa hlaw. kulu hlaw go as far as to the woods (into the woods as well). kulu hlay he got as far as the woods. mi kuluhla get into the woods! ma·dál tol hlaw hla·li ʔe· mu cohto·yam he is probably going for her too. ma·dal tol hla· maʔyul miyi count as far as her. ma·dál hla· miyi count her in too! siʔbál hlaw to get closer. siʔbál hla(meʔ) get closer! siʔbál hlawa·dadu to get closer and closer. sama hlaw to get closer. sama hlawá·dadu to get closer and closer. ma·dú mito wa·yi bahcí hlayaʔ you'd better run (to catch up) because they're a long way ahead. siʔbal hla·li quite close. biʔda báhṭʰel elli hlaw as far as the river. bahcil hla· cʰida·la take it way down. ʔaqʰa hlá· cʰida·la take it to the water. hayu ʔelli hlaw @ as far as the dog ? hiʔbayá hla· ʔima·ta hla· ṭʼi· kʼata ʔaqola· šátʰqaʔ both the men and the women all wore long clothes. lawé· mu mice·dam (does he always say that?) he always says that; always doing one thing. hihla qateʔ I will continue. mihla hqateʔ I'll go that far. mu·kito hoʔtʼo ʔel šiʔbá hla· lebaṭʰé hlá· muhkʰuyʔbiw his head and as far down as the middle of his body had been burned up. betʼ mihṭʰel hla· wanʔqa ask your mother to come next time too. compare: hla·tol, =hlaw.

hlaba*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. crack apart.

bihlaba*   [bihlabaw]  bi-, hlaba*. Verb. crack apart by encircling. ʔihqʰóʔ bihlabaʔ split one root. compare: bihlal*.

cahlaba*   [cahlabaw]  ca-, hlaba*. Variant: cahlabat*; cahlabay*. Verb. crack apart (by cutting). qahca wí cahlabá·y he cut it open with a knife. Example Variant: ...caʔcʼaba·y.

cuhlaba*   [cuhlabaw]  cu-, hlaba*. Variant: cuhlaba·t*. Verb. crack apart, as if from bomb.

cuhlabay   [cuhlabay]  cuhlaba*. Noun. bomb.

dihlaba*   [dihlabaw]  di-, hlaba*. Variant: dihlaba·t*. Verb. split by dropping, falling. dihlabacʰqaw cut by gravity. santí·ya dihlabacʰqaw to drop a watermelon and break it. Example Variant: ...diʔcʼabacʰqaw.

hihlaba*   [hihlabaw]  hi-, hlaba*. Variant: hihlaba·t*. Verb. body crack apart . qaṭi to pʰala hihlabatʰwiy my scar came open again. qaṭíyya to pʰala hilabátʰwiy my scars cracked apart. synonyms: hiʔcʼaba*.

hlabac*   [-]  hlaba*, hlaba*. Variant: hlaba·t*. Instr Verb Root. crack apart. compare: hiʔcʼaba*.

hlabac*   [-]  hlaba*, hlaba*. Variant: hlaba·t*. Instr Verb Root. crack apart. compare: hiʔcʼaba*.

mihlaba*   [mihlabaw]  mi-2, hlaba*. Variant: mihlaba·t*. Verb. split by kicking. mihlaba·y to split by kick, big crack, either apart or not apart, two pieces or many pieces.

muhlaba*   [muhlabaw]  mu-, hlaba*. Variant: muhlaba·t*. Verb. crack from heat. mutʼamʔ ʔahsí· tol miṭibina ta·pʰla muhlabacʰqʰ from lying in the strong sun, the board has cracked. Example Variant: ...muʔkʼaqʰ.. muhlabá·tanʔqʰ D: Plural. synonyms: muʔcʼaba*; compare: muhlal*.

muhlaba·c   [muhlabaʔ]  muhlaba*. Verb. crack from heat. synonyms: muʔcʼabac*, muʔkʼa*.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pihlaba*   [pihlabaw]  hlaba*, pʰi-, hlaba*, pʰi-, pʰi-. Variant: pihlaba·t*. Verb. cut with an axe. pihlabá·y cut with axe.

pʰihlaba*   [pʰihlabaw]  pʰi-, hlaba*. Verb. crack apart with axe.

sihlaba*   [sihlabaw]  si-, hlaba*. Variant: sihlabat*. Verb. cut by water, wetting. sihlabá·y cut by water, by wetting.

šuhlaba*   [šuhlabaw]  šu-, hlaba*. Variant: šuhlaba·t*. Verb. pull cracking apart. šuhlabá·y pull cracking apart.

hlabac*   [-]  hlaba*, hlaba*. Variant: hlaba·t*. Instr Verb Root. crack apart. compare: hiʔcʼaba*.

hlabat*   [-]   Variant: labat*. Instr Verb Root. be unconscious.

duhlabat*   [duhlabaʔ]  du-, hlabat*. Verb. faint, become unconscious, black out. synonyms: ʔasi·c*.

duhlabatʰqa*   [duhlabátʰqaw]  duhlabat*. Variant: dulabatʰqa*. Verb. knock out (any way).

duhlabaʔ ney   [duhlabáʔ ney]  duhlabat*. Verb. faint (less from emotions). duhlabáʔ nehqay (He) knocked (him) out.

hlaba·t*   [-]  hlabac*. Instr Verb Root. crack apart.

hlal*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break into several pieces.

bihlal*   [bihlalʔ]  bi-, hlal*. Verb. break into several pieces. ʔihqʰóʔ bihlalʔ split several roots. bihlalá·ci split one! bihlali split several! by holding end in the mouth and split down with fingernail. compare: bihlaba*.

cahlal*   [cahlalʔ]  ca-, hlal*. Verb. break into several pieces. with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knife.

hiʔbu cahlalʔ   [hiʔbu cahlalʔ]  hiʔbu, cahlal*. Noun. (potatoes split lengthwise for) french fries.

dahlal*   [dahlalʔ]  da-, hlal*. Verb. split (watermelon) by pressing. dahlala·ci split one. dahlali split several. dahlalá·tadu D: Durative.

dihlal*   [dihlalʔ]  di-, hlal*. Verb. fall and be in several pieces, either from breaking ot already in separated. tá·pʰla ʔem ṭʼi díhlal the boards all are splitting from falling. dihlálmaw boards repeatedly dropped in one place. dihlalaʔ D: Semelfactive, "one".

duhlal*   [duhlalʔ]  du-, hlal*. Verb. split several with fingers. miʔdíš cuʔban duhlalʔ nuts that have been cracked are pulled apart. Example Variant: miʔdíš cuʔban duʔṭʼaʔ. compare: duʔṭʼaṭ*.

hahlal*   [hahlalʔ]  ha-, hlal*. Verb. break into several pieces, with a swinging motion. qʰama hahlalʔ cracked feet (from going barefoot).

hihlal*   [hihlalʔ]  hi-, hlal*. Verb. body break into several pieces. sʼiʔda híhlale·to my skin is cracking.

muhlal*   [muhlalʔ]  mu-, hlal*. Verb. split with heat. ʔihpʰú· dayholi mil hiʔbutol muhlálʔkʰe ʔemu rub grease on those potatoes; they will crack. compare: muhlaba*.

pihlal*   [pihlalʔ]  pʰi-, hlal*. Verb. split (wood) with axe into several pieces. ʔaha· pihlalʔ to be splitting wood with axe. pihlalá·ci split one! pihlali keep splitting! compare: pʰiʔba*.

puhlal*   [puhlalʔ]  pʰu-, hlal*. Verb. by wind to break apart what is cracked. sa·wana qali hcʰilʔ ṭʼi púhlalʔbiw the wind split in several places the sheet hanging up.

hlasʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wilt, become limp.

bihlasʼ*   [bihlaʔ]  bi-, hlasʼ*. Verb. wilt, become limp, while holding in arms. naṭa qáwi macíhqʰowal biden ʔwánʔbama bihlásʼciy you carried the baby around all day and it wilted, flopping around. bihlásʼciwiye· to· ma you tire me out (wilt me).

dihlasʼ*   [dihlaʔ]  di-, hlasʼ*. Verb. wilt, become limp, by gravity, falling, a heavy weight.

dihlasʼci*   [dihlásʼciw]  dihlasʼ*. Variant: dihlásʼma. Instr Verb Stem. plants to wilt from disease or bugs, or of person wilted with no pep; or of clothes with no starch (latter form only).

muhlasʼ*   [muhlaʔ]  mu-, hlasʼ*. Verb. wilt, become limp, with heat, from heat. muhlásʼciw plants to wilt and bend over from heat.

hlat*   [láʔ]  hla*3.

=hlaw   [hlaw]   Adverb. 1 • as far as, up to, even. hiʔbayá hla· ʔima·ta hla· ṭʼi· kʼaṭa ʔáqola· šátʰqaʔ both the men and the women all wore long clothes. biʔdabáhṭʰel elli hlaw as far as the river. bahcilhla· cʰida·la take it way down! ʔaqʰa hlá· cʰida·la take it down to the water! hayu ʔelli hlaw D: up to where the dog is. mu·kito hoʔtʼo ʔel šiʔbá hla· lebaṭʰé hla· muhkʰuyʔbiw his head and as far down as the middle of his body had been burned up. betʼ mihṭʰel hla· wanʔqa ask your mother to come next time too. bidahlaw lower down. compare: hla*3.

2 • also.

3 • even (Intensive).

=hla·le   [hla·le]   Interjection. probably.

=hla·li   [hla·li]   Adverb. maybe. tʼo qáyʔ la·li maybe after a while. cadú hla·li ʔe· ʔa heʔeyhloʔli I see about where it fell. lá·li ʔe· mu it's possible; it could be. lá·li tʰine·mu it might not be. pʰilaʔ la·li ʔe· ma·caʔ maybe they moved away. mulidom ʔul pʰilaʔ maʔyul hla·li ʔe· ya qʼoʔdi the best thing for us to do is move out of here. bute hla·li mu mensʼiw it happened sometime ago; I wonder when it happened; I don't know when it happened. kusé·ntu hla·li approximately. compare: qani, pʰiʔtʼan; synonyms: cuʔdun ʔtʰin.

hla·tol   [lá·tol]  Lit: to his limit (BT) 1 • Adverb. to the extreme, to the limit. titó hlá·tol cʼiškan as handsome as can be. titó hlá·tol huʔutʰmaw said by B but should put in Adj. titó hlá·tol qʼoʔdi huʔutʰmaw n. def. tito hlá·tol as much as he could; with all his might. hiʔda hlá·tol head of a road. compare: hla*3.

2 • Noun. end (of story).

hle·m*   [-]   Variant: leta·m*. Instr Verb Root. extend, stretch (of something of limited length). synonyms: lam*; compare: ʔda*1.

bihle·m*   [bihlemʔ]  bi-, hle·m*. Variant: biletam*. Verb. extend, stretch (of something of limited length), with arms, in arms. naṭa miʔkʰe bihlempʰi bíʔdiyi·cʼi take your child and pick it up lying across your arm.

cihle·m*   [cihlemʔ´]  cʰi-, hle·m*. Variant: ciletam*. Verb. carry a bundle. cihlemʔ cʰide·du carrying a bundle on back. cihle·ma carry a pack on your back! (strapped across body not head). ciletámmeʔ several to carry several packs. ciletamʔ D: Plural Absolutive. ciletá·ma one to carry several packs (on back with straps across chest). compare: cʰi·lam*, cʰi·lan.

dahle·m*   [dahlemʔ]  da-, hle·m*. Variant: daletam*. Verb. be striped (horizontally without directional suffixes); stretch across. dahle·ma (to one stipe) stretch across; stretch with hands on each side of door! dahlema·ducé·du D: Durative, Directional "away". dahlema·qacé·du be stripes upward. Example Variant: daletá·malqacʰmeʔ. daletamʔ stripes to run horizontally; also used for plaids. ciwalá· daletá·meʔ šaqa·cʼe· ma you’ve got a striped shirt on. Example Variant: ...daletamʔ.... daletá·ma(du) (to stripe) Be stripe across (to several)! daletá·malaw to be stripes downward. Example Variant: dahlema·la ~ dahlema·lamé·du.

dihle·m*   [dihlemʔ]  di-, hle·m*. Variant: diletam*. Verb. lengthen by gravity. dihlem tólhqʰaʔ ʔahqolé·mu it’s long lengthwise. dihlem tólhqʰaʔ ʔahqolcicʼqaw to lengthen lengthwise. dihlem tólhqʰaʔ ʔahqol šukʰiw to stretch lenghwise (something elastic). dihle·ma be lengthwise. dihlema·ducé·du D: Durative, Directional "away". dihlemʔmimá·yici lay crosswise (to speaker). diletámmeʔ D: Plural. diletá·macʼme D: Plural. diletámmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. diletá·macʼmé D: Plural Imperative.

muhle·m*   [muhlemʔ]  mu-, hle·m*. Variant: muletam*. Verb. extend, stretch (of something of limited length), with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions. muhlemʔ muqʰahqa to burn (pole) in two.

pihle·m*   [pihlemʔ]  pʰi-, hle·m*. Variant: piletam*. Verb. extend, stretch (of something of limited length), with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. pihle·ma to hit across with stick (chair or table). pihlema·la to hit down with stick (chair or table). pihlemʔ moʔó·ni hit it crosswise.

šuhle·m*   [šuhlemʔ]  šu-, hle·m*. Variant: šuletam*. Verb. settle (onto top of water; not nec. sticky); also sticky stuff on leaf of certain plant; grease to settle on walls; spread out. créam molokka tol šuhlemʔ cream spreads out on the milk. šuhlema·law grease to settle in streak down the wall. waṭáʔpʰa šuhlemʔ ʔahqʰá hcow algae spreads across still water. šuhlemmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. šuhle·ma to tie string across. šuhlema·law to tie down across (door opening). šuhlemá·tadu

hli*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. snoop.

bahli*2   [-]  ba-, hli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. ask same question.

bahlibahli*   [bahlibahliw]  bahli*2. Variant: bahlibalita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. be too inquisitive, ask too many questions. cahno bahlibalita·du hqal a nosy person prying, asking questions that are not their business. compare: bahṭʰihṭʰi*, bahlihli*.

bahlihli*   [bahlihliw]  bahli*2. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly ask same question. compare: bahṭʰihṭʰi*, bahlibahli*.

bihli*   [-]  bi-, hli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. look through.

bihlibihli*   [bihlibihliw]  bihli*. Variant: bihlibilitad*. Reduplicating Verb. look through, look all over. ʔama bihlibílita·du to go all through (someone’s) things. ʔama· bihlibíhliʔ to go all over a place (looking for something). Example Variant: bihlihliʔ.

bihlihli*   [bihlihliw]  bihli*. Reduplicating Verb. look through, look all over. ʔama· bihlíhlicʼe· ʔa mi·li I went everywhere there, all through (a city).

duhli*1   [-]  du-, hli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. get fingers into things.

duhliduhli*   [duhliduhliw]  duhli*1. Reduplicating Verb. get fingers into things. ʔana· duhlidúhlima·duwaʔtʰuʔ don’t be getting your fingers into things so much!

duhlihli*   [duhlihliw]  duhli*1. Reduplicating Verb. get finger into things. ʔana· duhlíhlitʰuʔ don’t get into it so much!

pihli*   [-]  pʰi-, hli*. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. snoop with the eyes.

pihlipihli*   [pihlipíhliw]  pihli*. Variant: pihlipilita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. snoop too much with eyes. synonyms: pihtʰipitʰita·d*.

hlic*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break off part-way.

dahli*   [-]  da-, hlic*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. dig into bank to cut it back.

dahlihlic*   [dahlíhliʔ]  dahli*. Reduplicating Verb. keep digging into bank to cut it back. dahlidáta·du D: Durative.

duhli*2   [-]  du-, hlic*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pinch off pieces.

duhlihlic*   [duhlihliʔ]  duhli*2. Reduplicating Verb. pinch off pieces (of bread), all over (the loaf).

muhli*   [-]  mu-, hlic*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. partially burn.

muhlihli*   [muhlihliw]  muhli*. Reduplicating Verb. burn edges.

muhlihlic*   [muhlihliʔ]  muhlihli*. Verb. break off with fire; burn. tá·pʰla cocʼoṭʼíʔyowal ṭʼi· muhlíhlicʰqʰ the lumber pile is (partly) burned (all over the outside). donotol seʔéʔ yowal ṭʼi(·) muhlíhlicʰqʰ the brush on the hill is all burned at the edges of the bushes.

muhlimuhli*   [muhlimuhliw]  muhli*. Reduplicating Verb. burned partly.

puhli*   [puhliw]  pʰu-, hlic*1. Verb. break off partly from blowing.

puhlihlic*   [puhlihliʔ]  puhli*. Reduplicating Verb. break off partly from blowing. ʔoho wi muhkʰuyʔbina puhlíhlicʰqʰ it has burned with fire and burned partly into it (a tree).

qahli*2   [-]  qa-, hlic*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. cut partly with scissors.

qahlihli*   [qahlihliw]  Lit: get into part way qahli*2. Reduplicating Verb. nibble off several pieces; cut partly with scissors with several cuts. qahlihliʔ cut partly with scissors with several cuts. compare: qaʔcʼoʔcʼo*.

sihli*   [-]  si-, hlic*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. erode bank of river or road (with water).

sihlihlic*   [sihlíhliciw]  sihli*. Reduplicating Verb. (to water) Erode bank of river or road.

hlic*2   [liʔ]   Verb. be willing, do something wholeheartedly, with enthusiasm. licí·de· to D: Durative. lícʰqaʔ peppy, willing. lícʰqacʼinsʼem he seems to be peppy, willing. lícʰqaʔ to· mul cicʼi·du do that willingly! lícʰqaʔ to· mul cicʼwacʼmeʔ do that willingly (to several)! lícʰqan cicʼi·nʔ he does it tirelessly. lícʰqan macíhqʰowal kʼaṭa bitʼé·l not getting tired or lazy, she sews clothes all day, tirelessly. lícʰqacʼi be tireless, industrious, not lazy! be willing! lícʰqacʼmeʔ be industrious! (to several). pʰalá hlice· to I don’t feel lazy; I feel like doing something #again. licí· wi do willingly, like to do it. licí to ʔ let me be willing! pʰalá hlici to ʔ let me be willing again! licé· to I don't feel lazy; I feel like doing something. lícʰqa @. pʰala lícʰqacʼi be willing again!

hlici·wi   [lici·wi]  hlic*2. Adverb. with gusto, willingly.

ʔama·hlic   [ʔamahlíʔ]  ʔama·2, hlic*2. Adjective. industrious, energetic, active, not lazy. ʔacaʔ ʔámahliʔ industrious man. ʔamahliʔ ʔi be active!

hlici·wi   [lici·wi]  hlic*2. Adverb. with gusto, willingly.

hlo*1   [low]  Ø-, hlo*2. Variant: lol*. Verb. detach (with no agentive meaning). qʰalélto· lolé· šihpʰa sʼuwaʔ the dry leaves fell from the tree (not just come loose). Example Variant: ...loʔye·.... lólma one by one, leaves dry and drop at different times. lólqawe· ma you’re dropping them (papers). Example Variant: lo·tahqawe· ma.. loli D: Imperative. pʰalá hloli D: Imperative #again. lowá·loqoʔ to get free from (being tied up) by rope or free from obligations; "free" (from jail or from tight clothing), get loose. Example Variant: lúṭʼciʔ. compare: hlokʰ*.

hloq*   [lóʔ]  hlo*1, -aq1. Variant: loʔta*. Verb. fall off of. hloyʔ to drop off. pʰalá hloqo D: Imperative (singular) #again. loqo D: Imperative (singular). hátʼ ʔul ṭʼi hloyʔ the prunes all dropped off. loqo fall off (of something)! loʔtameʔ D: Plural Imperative. loʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. loʔtatʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. loqo·du D: Durative. loʔtamecʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: hcʰa*1, šali*2, daʔdi*3, dihsoṭ*, šali*2; synonyms: hlokʼ*, hlokʰ*.

cahno hloʔ   [cahno hloʔ]  cahno1, hloq*. Variant: sʼuhkul hloʔ. Adjective. broken-hearted (in love or lost child, etc.)

loqʰma   [loqʰmaw]  hloq*. Verb. be baggy, loose (of clothes, shoes).

hlo*2   [-]   Variant: lol*. Instr Verb Root. come loose, detach.

bahlo*   [bahlow]  ba-, hlo*2. Variant: balol*. Verb. detach with the mouth (take curtain off rod, not off table).

bihlo*   [bihlow]  bi-, hlo*2. Verb. come loose by encircling. mu·kinʔ ma·dal bahṭʰe ʔqan bihlowayʔ he could barely get his arms around her (because) she was so big.

cihlo*   [cihlów]  cʰi-, hlo*2. Variant: cʰilol; cʰilol*. Verb. hook something loose.

cohlo*   [cohlów]  cu-, hlo*2. Variant: colol*. Verb. be cleaned by brushing off with brush. cuhti ʔel ṭʼi cóloli eraser wi ʔ remove all the marks with an araser.

dahlo*   [dahlow]  da-, hlo*2. Variant: dalol*. Verb. be clean; be cleaned with hand. dahloqa clean it off! dahlowé· mu it is clean. dalolé· ma·caʔ they are clean. dalólqa clean them off!

dahlohqa*   [dahlohqaw]  dahlo*. Verb. wash (stain) out (of clothes).

dihlo*   [dihlów]  di-, hlo*2. Variant: dilol*. Verb. be knocked loose by something falling (not fall off by self). dihlodíhlow come loose. compare: dihlokʼdihlokʼ*.

dohlo*   [dohlow]  du-, hlo*2. Verb. be cleaned by brushing off with finger.

dohlohlo*   [dohlohlow]  dohlo*. Reduplicating Verb. peel easily, slip out easily (like hust of green walnut, not orange). miʔdíš dohlohlowela I am hulling/peeling nuts. dohlohlomtʰumeʔ don’t keep hulling (nuts that are being renewed in one place)! dohlodolota·du diff. nuts, not nec. in a group. dohlohlotʰuʔ D: Negative. compare: dohṭʰolh*.

hihlo*   [hihlow]  hi-, hlo*2. Variant: hilol*. Verb. detach, of the body. ʔa· pʰanamyal sulemaʔ hihló·qʰ the string I tied came loose (not open; not a covering). Example Variant: ...hihṭʰaqʰ.

hihlohlo*   [hihlóhlow]  hihlo*. Reduplicating Verb. shed. hihlohilota·du D: Durative. qʰale qáhwa· hihlóhlow the tree bark sheds easily (comes off easily by itself; it’s loose).

hlo*1   [low]  Ø-, hlo*2. Variant: lol*. Verb. detach (with no agentive meaning). qʰalélto· lolé· šihpʰa sʼuwaʔ the dry leaves fell from the tree (not just come loose). Example Variant: ...loʔye·.... lólma one by one, leaves dry and drop at different times. lólqawe· ma you’re dropping them (papers). Example Variant: lo·tahqawe· ma.. loli D: Imperative. pʰalá hloli D: Imperative #again. lowá·loqoʔ to get free from (being tied up) by rope or free from obligations; "free" (from jail or from tight clothing), get loose. Example Variant: lúṭʼciʔ. compare: hlokʰ*.

hloq*   [lóʔ]  hlo*1, -aq1. Variant: loʔta*. Verb. fall off of. hloyʔ to drop off. pʰalá hloqo D: Imperative (singular) #again. loqo D: Imperative (singular). hátʼ ʔul ṭʼi hloyʔ the prunes all dropped off. loqo fall off (of something)! loʔtameʔ D: Plural Imperative. loʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. loʔtatʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. loqo·du D: Durative. loʔtamecʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: hcʰa*1, šali*2, daʔdi*3, dihsoṭ*, šali*2; synonyms: hlokʼ*, hlokʰ*.

cahno hloʔ   [cahno hloʔ]  cahno1, hloq*. Variant: sʼuhkul hloʔ. Adjective. broken-hearted (in love or lost child, etc.)

loqʰma   [loqʰmaw]  hloq*. Verb. be baggy, loose (of clothes, shoes).

mahlo*   [mahlow´]  ma-2, hlo*2. Variant: bahloq; malol*. Verb. detach with mouth.

mihlo*   [mihlow]  mi-2, hlo*2. Variant: milol*. Verb. detach, of the nose or foot. cohšo tol hawó·n mihsewam mihló·y the smell of soap on the hands can’t be smelled anymore; it is gone, has come off. cu·ki mihlo·cʼi push your socks off with toes (of other foot)! milolʔ D: Plural.

mohlo*   [mohlow]  mu-, hlo*2. Verb. detach with a quick movement. hayu šucʰawel mohlohqa turn the tied dog loose!

pihlo*   [pihlow]  pʰi-, hlo*2. Variant: pʰilol*. Verb. with stick to knock curtain off (slides off rod).

pohlo*   [pohlow]  pʰu-, hlo*2. Variant: pʰolol*. Verb. detach by blowing, blow off. dabó·maʔ pohlo·wiyé· to my hat blew off.

qahlo*   [qahlow]  qa-, hlo*2. Variant: qalol*. Verb. detach, by the teeth. qahwe· tol túlse qahlo·yh the sweet flavor of the gum is chewed away. Example Variant: ... qahlo·mela.

sihlo*   [sihlow]  si-, hlo*2. Variant: silol*. Verb. wash off. kʼaṭa sʼaʔsʼa sihlo·y dirt washed from cloth.

šohlo*   [šohlow]  šu-, hlo*2. Variant: šolol*. Verb. take off (clothes, picture off wall, shoes, curtain from window). šohlo·tʰuʔ D: Negative. šohloci·ducé·du D: Durative. šololi D: Plural Imperative. šololá·du D: Plural Durative. kʼaṭa tiʔkʰe šohloyʔ He took off his clothes. šohlo·cʼi pull (skin) off self! šohloʔ to pull (skin) off self. šohlo D: Imperative.

hlokʰ*   [loʔ]   Verb. be loose, too large to fit. lokʰa·law D: Directional "down", Absolutive. pʰalá hlokʰa·law D: Directional "down", Absolutive #again. lokʰá·lawiye· to qʰama ʔel sapa·tu ʔahṭʰiyin my foot went in easy because the shoe is big. compare: hlo*1, lowa·loqocʼ*; synonyms: hlokʼ*, hloq*.

hlokʰma*   [lókʰmaw]  hlokʰ*. Verb. be loose, too big to fit, of clothing that is worn. ciwala· lokʰmawiye· to the shirt is getting loose on me. lókʰma D: Imperative. lokʰmawa·du D: Durative. Example Variant: lókʰmata·du. sapa·tu lókʰmaw shoe is loose. pʰalá hlokʰma D: Imperative #again. Example Variant: pʰala lókʰma.

hlokʰma*   [lókʰmaw]  hlokʰ*. Verb. be loose, too big to fit, of clothing that is worn. ciwala· lokʰmawiye· to the shirt is getting loose on me. lókʰma D: Imperative. lokʰmawa·du D: Durative. Example Variant: lókʰmata·du. sapa·tu lókʰmaw shoe is loose. pʰalá hlokʰma D: Imperative #again. Example Variant: pʰala lókʰma.

hlokʼ*   [-]   Cooccurrence: often with -R-. Instr Verb Root. limber object to flop, bend uncontrolled. synonyms: hloq*, hlokʰ*.

bahlokʼ*   [bahloʔ]  ba-, hlokʼ*. Verb. feel like collapsing from words. cʰóhqacʼba cahno píšudu wi to·ma bahlókʼciwiy you scolded me with bad words and made me weak (feel like collapsing).

cahlokʼ*   [cahloʔ]  ca-, hlokʼ*. Verb. massive or bulky object to bend.

cohlokʼ*   [cohloʔ]  cu-, hlokʼ*. Verb. bend at knee. moqʰo· cahlókʼciy his knee bent by bump.

dahlokʼ*   [dahloʔ]  da-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop hand back and forth. dahlokʼciw fold (chair), one flop, or fall and flop hand from bent back to bent front or vice versa. dahlókʼci fold (chair)! . dahlókʼcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Semelfactive. dahlókʼcitacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahlókʼcita·du one do one several places. dahlókʼa·law D: Directional "downward".

cumatʰma· dahlokʼciw   [cumátʰma· dahlókʼciw]  cumatʰmaw, dahlokʼ*. Noun. folding chair.

dahlokʼdahlokʼ*   [dahlókʼdahloʔ]  dahlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flop the hand back and forth.

dihlokʼ*   [dihloʔ]  di-, hlokʼ*. Verb. 1 • flop by gravity.

2 • flop back and forth.

dihlokʼdihlokʼ*   [dihlokʼdihloʔ]  dihlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flop, hanging down loosely. cá·ška naṭa ya·col mihya dihlókʼdihlokʼ the neck of the doll flopped back and forth (came loose). Example Variant: ...dihlodíhlow.. compare: dihlo*.

dihlokʼdihlokʼa·duwa·d*   [dihlókʼdihlokʼa·duwa·du]  dihlokʼdihlokʼ*. Verb. flop back and forth (of something limber).

dohlokʼ*   [dohloʔ]  du-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop finger.

mihlokʼ*   [mihloʔ]  mi-2, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop with foot.

mihlokʼmihlokʼ*   [mihlókʼmihloʔ]  mihlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flop with foot.

mohlokʼ*   [mohloʔ]  mu-, hlokʼ*. Verb. bend with a quick movement. šahya mónʔba šahku mohlókʼciyicʼba cʼe·li·y (He) ran fast, bent (his) knee (uncontrolled) and fell down.

pihlokʼ*   [pihloʔ]  pʰi-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop back and forth with stick.

pihlokʼpihlokʼ*   [pihlókpihloʔ]  pihlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. (to flop back and forth) with stick. pihlókʼpihlokʼmaw to flop several things back and forth.

pohlokʼ*   [pohloʔ]  pʰu-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop in the breeze.

pohlokʼpohlokʼ*   [pohlókʼpohloʔ]  pohlokʼ*. Reduplicating Verb. flopping in the breeze (not sheet, stick, rope, but broken tree branch).

qahlokʼ*   [qahloʔ]  qa-, hlokʼ*. Verb. flop with teeth. qahlókʼciw to bite off at broken joint.

sihlokʼ*   [sihloʔ]  si-, hlokʼ*. Verb. bend, flop by wetting. šahku sihlókʼciwiye· to qʰawóṭowi my legs bent uncontrollably (collapsed) in the rough water.

hlokʼot*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. jerk.

šohlokʼot*   [šohlokʼoʔ]  šu-, hlokʼot*, šu-, hlokʼot*. Verb. jerk by pulling and pushing. šohlokʼótʰciw one to jerk (towel) out of water. šolokó·tiʔ several to jerk several (towels) out of water, sloshing it (BT) !

šohlokʼot*   [šohlokʼoʔ]  šu-, hlokʼot*, šu-, hlokʼot*. Verb. jerk by pulling and pushing. šohlokʼótʰciw one to jerk (towel) out of water. šolokó·tiʔ several to jerk several (towels) out of water, sloshing it (BT) !

hloq*   [lóʔ]  hlo*1, -aq1. Variant: loʔta*. Verb. fall off of. hloyʔ to drop off. pʰalá hloqo D: Imperative (singular) #again. loqo D: Imperative (singular). hátʼ ʔul ṭʼi hloyʔ the prunes all dropped off. loqo fall off (of something)! loʔtameʔ D: Plural Imperative. loʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. loʔtatʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. loqo·du D: Durative. loʔtamecʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: hcʰa*1, šali*2, daʔdi*3, dihsoṭ*, šali*2; synonyms: hlokʼ*, hlokʰ*.

cahno hloʔ   [cahno hloʔ]  cahno1, hloq*. Variant: sʼuhkul hloʔ. Adjective. broken-hearted (in love or lost child, etc.)

loqʰma   [loqʰmaw]  hloq*. Verb. be baggy, loose (of clothes, shoes).

hlo·m*1   [lomʔ]  Ø-, hlo·m*2. Variant: luhlu*. Verb. break off joint. ʔihya· lohlo to pull all the joints off. Example Variant: ...luhlu. ʔihya· lo·ma to pull one joint off. pʰala ló·ma D: Imperative #again. pʰala hlomʔbiw D: Absolutive. ná·mi hlo·ma D: Imperative. lo·ma D: Imperative. pʰalá hlo·ma D: Imperative #again. pʰala lúhlu D: Plural Imperative #again. Example Variant: pʰalá hluhlu. lúhlumu·cʼi disjoint e.o. luhlu (to person) disjoint! (deer). ʔúl ma ṭʼi lúhlu muʔ yahni Did you disjoint it all?

hlo·m*2   [-]   Variant: luhlu*. Instr Verb Root. break off at a joint, disjoint. synonyms: hluhlu*.

bihlo·m*   [bihlomʔ]  bi-, hlo·m*2. Variant: biluhlu*. Verb. put arm around rotten log to pick up and it breaks in two.

cahlo·m*   [cahlomʔ]  ca-, hlo·m*2. Verb. dismember an animal. calotammuʔ dismember an animal; cut joints, cut up animal. compare: šame*.

cohlo·m*   [cohlomʔ]  cu-, hlo·m*2. Variant: coluhlu*. Verb. bump and break.

dahlo·m*   [dahlomʔ]  da-, hlo·m*2. Variant: daluhlu*. Verb. fold together something jointed; break but not into two pieces, bend on a hinge. ʔahá· miṭicʰma· dahlommela I broke by pressing the stick lying across (can be in two or not in two). dahlo·ma D: Imperative. dalotá·ma D: Imperative, Plural. dahloma·du D: Durative. dahlo·máʔtʰuʔ D: Plural Durative.

dihlo·m*   [dihlomʔ]  di-, hlo·m*2. Verb. fall and fall apart. ca·ška dihlommuyʔ the dish fell and broke in two. dihlommuʔ fall apart.

dohlo·m*   [dohlomʔ]  du-, hlo·m*2. Variant: duhluhlu*. Verb. break in half with fingers, remove the top of a container with fingers (bottle, tuperware). dahloma·du D: Durative. dahlo·máʔtʰuʔ D: Negative.

hlo·m*1   [lomʔ]  Ø-, hlo·m*2. Variant: luhlu*. Verb. break off joint. ʔihya· lohlo to pull all the joints off. Example Variant: ...luhlu. ʔihya· lo·ma to pull one joint off. pʰala ló·ma D: Imperative #again. pʰala hlomʔbiw D: Absolutive. ná·mi hlo·ma D: Imperative. lo·ma D: Imperative. pʰalá hlo·ma D: Imperative #again. pʰala lúhlu D: Plural Imperative #again. Example Variant: pʰalá hluhlu. lúhlumu·cʼi disjoint e.o. luhlu (to person) disjoint! (deer). ʔúl ma ṭʼi lúhlu muʔ yahni Did you disjoint it all?

mohlo·m*   [mohlomʔ]  mu-, hlo·m*2. Verb. partially burn. ʔahá· mohlomʔ baṭiw the wood is lying partly burned (not nec. broken).

pahlo·m*   [pahlomʔ]  pʰa-, hlo·m*2. Variant: paluhlu*. Verb. break at the joint. pahlo·maʔ to snap one’s (leg).

pohlo·m*   [pohlomʔ]  pʰu-, hlo·m*2. Variant: poluhlu*. Verb. wind to blow antenna off.

šohlo·m*   [šohlomʔ]  šu-, hlo·m*2. Variant: šoluhlu*. Verb. pull off, of a handle. ʔaša· šóhlomʔ to pull the handle off; not break string, nor stick ?; only at joint of something. compare: šošolhma*.

hlu*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make into pieces.

cahluhlu*   [cahlúhluw]  ca-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. cut to pieces with knife.

hahluhlu*   [hahlúhluw]  ha-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. cut to pieces by kicking.

hihluhlu*   [hihluhluw]  hi-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. make into pieces, of the body. tʼilemí· to tito duhṭʰalli ʔihya· hihluhluʔdo the old woman says the rheumatism is affecting her joints.

ʔihya· hihluhluʔ   [ʔihya· hihlúhluʔ]  ʔihya·, hihluhlu*. Adjective. paralyzed.

muhluhlu*   [muhluhluw]  mu-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. burn to pieces (not all to ashes; several pieces left). ʔohowi ʔahayí yowal ṭʼi múhluhlucʰqʰ by fire the former wood was all burnt into several pieces.

pihluhlu*   [pihlúhluw]  pʰi-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. chop to (little) pieces (bones, wood).

qahluhlu*   [qahlúhluw]  qa-, hlu*. Reduplicating Verb. cut to pieces by biting.

hlud*1   [ludu]  Ø-, hlud*2. Variant: luʔta*. Verb. remove, break or cut off one something attached by a stem.

hlud*2   [-]   Variant: luʔta*. Instr Verb Root. detach. synonyms: ku·ṭ*2; compare: mikuṭʰci*, misʼa·*, caku·ṭ*.

bahlud*   [bahludu]  ba-, hlud*2. Variant: baluʔta*. Verb. pick (fruit, etc) off of branch with beak, mouth. sʼihta yaʔ maʔa bahlúyʔ The bird picked food (off a tree with its beak).

cuhlud*   [cuhludu]  cu-, hlud*2. Variant: culuʔta*. Verb. knock off with water.

dahlud*   [dahludu]  da-, hlud*2. Variant: daluʔta*. Verb. knock off with the hand; detach. dalúʔtawa·law D: Plural, Directional "down". dalúʔta D: Plural, Imperative. dalúʔtame·du D: Plural, Durative. dalúʔta·maci D: Plural, Directional "inward". dalúʔtaw to knock down several. dalúʔtay daluʔtaqʰ D: Plural, Consequential. daluʔtaqam D: Plural, Causative. dalúʔtalaw D: Plural, Directional "down", Absolutive. daluʔtamu·li D: Plural, Locative. mu·kín ṭa dalu·taqam he knocked them off. dahludúʔbem would detach. Example Variant: dúʔba. dahludá·duwa·du detach here and there. dahludá·law to knock off a row downward. dahlúnba after detaching. Example Comment: @- /dahlún?ba/ ?. Example Variant: dahludú·li. dahludá·dem while detaching. Example Variant: dahludá·dun. dahlu·dánʔpʰ when detaching. Example Variant: dahlun(ʔ)pʰi. dahluyʔ he just knocked it off (visual). dahlunqʰ he just knocked it off (circum.) dahlúʔdo(m) he just knocked it off (quot.) dahludun ('nam) he just knocked it off (hear). dahlúʔyam D: Essive. dahlumqam D: Causative. dahludí·biʔ to start to knock off. dahluduʔyow D: Past Perfect. dahlúnʔkʰe D: Future. dahlunʔmiy distant past. dahlúnʔmeʔ D: Polite Imperative (to in-law). dahludá·du D: Durative. dahludá·duce·du D: Durative, Directional "away". dahludá·law D: Directional "down". dahludá·qaʔ D: Directional "up". dahlu· mulʔ spill that. dahlúnʔmulʔ mu·kín ṭa dahluʔyam he knocked it off. dahludí·cʼedu knocked (owl) off himself. pʰala dáhludu to knock off again.

duhlud*   [duhludu]  du-, hlud*2. Variant: duhlucʼ*; duluʔta*. Verb. detach with the fingers; pick fruit. dulúʔta D: Imperative. dulúʔtameʔ D: Plural Imperative. dulúʔtaʔme·du D: Durative. dulúʔtamecʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dulúʔtaw to pick several (berries) but not lots. duhluda·du D: Durative. duhlúʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. duhlúcʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. duhlucʼácʼme D: Plural Imperative. qʰo·yáʔ duhlucʼme mul daséhyalaw hcʰilal ʔ both of you take off that curtain hanging up! duhluʔye· ʔa hiʔṭʼiṭʼ el I took off the thorn (from the rose bush). compare: šuhlud*; synonyms: doʔcʼon*.

duhludicʼ*   [duhludiʔ]  duhlud*. Verb. unsling (bow).

hahlud*   [hahludu]  ha-, hlud*2. Variant: haluʔta*. Verb. knock off with a kick. synonyms: mihlud*, haʔcʼon*, haʔcʼon*.

hlud*1   [ludu]  Ø-, hlud*2. Variant: luʔta*. Verb. remove, break or cut off one something attached by a stem.

mihlud*   [mihludu]  mi-2, hlud*2. Variant: miluʔta*. Verb. knock off with kick; knock off one hanging (cherry). synonyms: hahlud*, haʔcʼon*.

muhlud*   [muhludu]  mu-, hlud*2. Variant: muluʔta*. Verb. knock off by throwing.

pahlud*   [pahludu]  pʰa-, hlud*2. Variant: paluʔta*. Verb. knock off with side of stick or brush off with hand (not acting as a hand), poke off.

pihlud*   [pihludu]  pʰi-, hlud*2. Variant: piluʔta*. Verb. knock off with pole. pilúʔta D: Plural Imperative. synonyms: pʰiʔcʼon*; compare: pihšolh*.

puhlud*   [puhludu]  pʰu-, hlud*2. Variant: puluʔta*. Verb. knock off with wind. puhlúʔtaw wind blow down several things.

qahlud*   [qahludu]  qa-, hlud*2. Variant: qaluʔta*. Verb. knock off with teeth; be biting off.

šuhlud*   [šuhludu]  šu-, hlud*2. Variant: šuluʔta*. Verb. pull off hanging thing. šuhlunʔkʰetʰun can’t pull off hanging thing. compare: duhlud*.

hluhlu*   [luhluw]  , Ø-, hlud*2. Verb. disjoint. lúhlu disjoint (several deer bones, e.g.)! Example Variant: lúhlumu·cʼi. ʔúl ma ṭʼi lúhlumuʔye hni did you disjoint all (of them)? luhluʔ take all joints off as on a deer. Example Variant: luhlumu·cʼi. synonyms: hlo·m*2.

hluṭʼ*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. slip off, slip away.

dahluṭʼ*   [dahluʔ]  da-, hluṭʼ*1. Verb. slip off, slip away, while pressing with hand. dahluṭʼciw hand pressed on something to slip. dahluṭʼa·law hand pressed on something slips down.

duhluṭʼ*   [duhluʔ]  du-, hluṭʼ*1. Verb. slip off, slip away, with the finger.

duhluṭʼahqa*   [duhluṭʼahqaw]  duhluṭʼ*. Variant: duhluṭʼa·tahqa*. Verb. let go of, loosen grip. duhluṭʼahqaʔ to let go, loosen grip. ya duhluṭʼáhqate· let’s break off (relations, having anything to do with one another) [calque]. soh ku·yi ya duhluṭʼahqate· let’s just break off (have nothing to do with e.o.) duhluṭʼahqa let go of it! (e.g. hot coffee cup); leave him! (relationship). soh ku·yi duhluṭʼahqa just leave him (and be done with it, no looking back; once and for all)! duhluṭʼahqa mul let go of that (railing)!

hluṭʼ*2   [luʔ]  Ø-, hluṭʼ*1. Verb. sneak away. lúṭʼciʔ to sneak away, get away from, slip out. luṭʼciw sneak away. lúṭʼcicʼi free yourself ! [?] pʰala· lúṭʼcicʼi free yourself again ! [?] lúṭʼcicʼwaʔ D: Plural. compare: lowa·loqocʼ*.

qahluṭʼ*   [qahluʔ]  qa-, hluṭʼ*1. Verb. bite off and drop it. qahluṭʼahqaw to try to bite off and stop without doing it; (stop /qanew/); qalúhṭʼiw to try to bite off a bunch (of grapes) but don’t do it. qalúhṭʼi to fail to bite several (imp. ?) qahlúṭʼci fail to bite one! bite off and drop it!

hluṭʼ*2   [luʔ]  Ø-, hluṭʼ*1. Verb. sneak away. lúṭʼciʔ to sneak away, get away from, slip out. luṭʼciw sneak away. lúṭʼcicʼi free yourself ! [?] pʰala· lúṭʼcicʼi free yourself again ! [?] lúṭʼcicʼwaʔ D: Plural. compare: lowa·loqocʼ*.

hluṭʼci*   [luṭʼciw]   Variant: luhṭʼi*. Instr Verb Root. detach.

hlu·c*   [-]   Variant: luhlu*. Instr Verb Root. shapeless object come out of container, spill, pour.

bahlu·c*   [bahluʔ]  ba-, hlu·c*. Verb. 1 • cry. qaʔcʼáʔ bahlu·y he made him cry by (cruel) words. bahlu·ci chicken or birds to peck on sack so wheat spills out.

2 • spill by pecking. kayi·na yaʔ mišúkʰli sinicca bahlúcʼbem ṭʼi šáhlucʰqʰ the chicken pecked through the sack to let the wheat out and it all spilled out.

cahlu·c*   [cahluʔ]  ca-, hlu·c*. Verb. spill out (of beads, flour, water). cahlu·ci lots to stream out, spill (sugar, water, fish). calúhlumeʔ spill diff. places or diff. things. ʔahqʰa cáhluʔ to flush, force out by pouring (?/63). synonyms: šahlu·c*.

dahlu·c*   [dahluʔ]  da-, hlu·c*. Variant: daluhlu*. Verb. spill by hand. dahlu·ci spill one contents (obj. of verb) of sack! empty pocket by hand! dahluci·duce·du D: Durative, Directional "away". dalúhlu spill several! dalúhlume·du D: Durative. dahlúcʼmeʔ several knock off one. dahlucʼa·lameʔ D: Plural Imperative, Directional "down". dalúʔta·mulmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahlúcʼmulmeʔ D: Plural Imperative ("in circle"). compare: šohqosʼ*, hkolh*.

duhlu·c*   [duhluʔ]  du-, hlu·c*. Verb. spill with a finger. duhlu·ci to roll in fingers something (salt, powder, sand, beads) so something comes out (not salve). duhlucʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: duluhlumeʔ.

muhlu·c*   [muhluʔ]  mu-, hlu·c*. Verb. spill with a quick movement (something thrown); with heat. mul wihṭʰa míṭiwal qʰaʔbe wi banepʰi muhlu·ci hit that (sack of) flour lying there with a thrown rock and spill it (flour, not sack)! pasté·l kʰe muhlucʰqʰ my pie spilled over when heated; my pie boiled over and spilled. Example Variant: pasté·l ʔkʰe muhlucʰqʰ.

qahlu·c*   [qahluʔ]  qa-, hlu·c*. Verb. spill or get out of container with teeth. qahlu·ci pig to peck on sack so apples spill out.

šahlu·c*   [šahluʔ]  ša-, hlu·c*. Verb. spill out. kayi·na yaʔ mišúkʰli sinicca bahlúcʼbem ṭʼi šáhlucʰqʰ the chicken pecked through the sack to let the wheat out and it all spilled out. Example Variant: ... cahlucʰqʰ. synonyms: cahlu·c*.

šuhlu·c*   [šuhluʔ]  šu-, hlu·c*. Variant: šuluhw*. Verb. spill from sack or other long flexible object. šulúhwacʼiʔ pouring out from sack. šulúhwadu·ci several spill out. šuhluwá·duci one spill out (not water, but dust, flour, sugar, grain, clothes). šuhlu·ci spill! šulúhwibi·ci spill several!

hlu·m*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. forget.

bahlu·m*   [bahlumʔ]  ba-, hlu·m*. Verb. forgot with the mouth. (qʼoʔo) bahlumtʰé· to I can’t forget (the song). compare: šahlu·m*.

pihlu·m*   [pihlumʔ]  pʰi-, hlu·m*. Verb. forget with the eyes, of sight. pihlumtʰ I can’t forget how it looks; I keep visualizing it (of something horrible or pretty). pihlumyé· to I just forgot what it looks like.

šahlu·m*   [šahlumʔ]  ša-, hlu·m*. Verb. spill up on something. compare: bahlu·m*.

hm1   [hm]   Variant: hmm. \Variant: hə̨. Interjection. Used while someone else is talking to show you are paying attention, or might be said if something is dropped.

hm2   [hm]   Animate Mimetic. disbelief.

hm3   [hm]   Animate Mimetic. "It finally has dawned on me what you have been talking about."

hm4   [hm´..^]   Interjection. I finally see the light, understand.

hmˇ   [hmˇ]  hu·ʔ.

hma*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. crush, crumble. synonyms: hkʰu*, hcʰu*, hcʰa*3, co*2, hyu*2.

hmh   [hmh]   Interjection. expresses more disgust.

=hmi   [hmi]  ʔihmi. 1 • Adverb. really, truly. bahṭʰé hmi a lot bigger. duqʰawhmi dúqʰa really pick (Lit. "really picking pick"). ʔama dícʼi·du·li hmiw ʔṭʼo hcʰoyíʔdo according to the story, he died.

2 • Adjective. real.

hmiy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fidget.

bahmiy*   [bahmiyʔ]  ba-, hmiy*. Verb. (not talk) dog poke all over with nose.

cahmiy*   [cahmiyʔ]  ca-, hmiy*. Verb. keep moving around in seat.

cihmiy*   [cihmíyʔ]  cʰi-, hmiy*. Verb. rub. mul cuhti ʔel cihmi·pʰi cuhqálʔ daqa·cʼi rub on the printing (letters) and try to rub them out!

cuhmiy*   [cuhmiyʔ]  cu-, hmiy*. Verb. rub around with elbow or side of arm.

dahmiy*   [dahmiyʔ]  da-, hmiy*. Verb. rub off (husk), rub off (acorn shell); keep moving stuff around in basket with hand. dahmiyi D: Imperative. dahmiyá·duwa·du D: Durative.

duhmiy*   [duhmiyʔ]  du-, hmiy*. Verb. someone to keep bothering you; work fingers on something (needn’t be off); bother by picking at all over. duhmíhmiw someone to keep bothering you, shaking you around. duhmíhmitʰuʔ don’t be tickling! (n.d.) duhmiyi to fidget all over with. duhmí·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. duhmidúhmimeʔ do it lots.

pahmiy*   [pahmiyʔ]  pʰa-, hmiy*. Verb. stir with stick. used for stirring around with spoon before washing rice to get shells off.

suhmiy*   [suhmiyʔ]  šu-, hmiy*. Verb. shake. ciba· mito bute· suhmíhmiwe· did anyone ever shake you ?

hmo*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. break up clods. synonyms: hmoy*.

bahmohmo*   [bahmohmow]  ba-, hmo*. Verb. work the mouth. ʔaha·wi túlse qaʔdi manéhni mu bahmohmowam you’re working your mouth; do you have candy in your mouth ?

bihmobihmo*   [bihmobihmow]  bi-, hmo*. Verb. twitch.

bihmohmo*   [bihmohmow]  bi-, hmo*. Verb. break up with the lips. bihmohmow to work lips around repeatedly. bihmobihmow work lips around repeatedly. Example Comment: this has a dirty connotation.

cihmohmo*   [cihmóhmow]  cʰi-, hmo*. Verb. break up ground; till. cihmohmo·li disc of harrow; harrow itself [?] ʔama cihmohmohqaw to harrow, smooth the ground.

dahmohmo*   [dahmóhmow]  da-, hmo*. Verb. rub with hand; break up clods by passing hand over surface. dahmohmo smooth! break up clods by passing hand over a surface! dahmóhmopʰi mul sʼaʔsʼa ṭʼi· dáhkeli roll (beads) around in your hand; knock all the dirt off. dahmóhmow (could be) to roll around (lumpy flour) in hand to break up clods. ma cuhni· sʼíwʔwa·yi mul wihṭʰa dahmóhmow before you make bread, smooth the flour. dahmodámo·law D: Directional "down". dahmodámola·medu D: Directional "down". dahmodáhmommeʔ for several (beads).

qahmohmo*   [qahmohmow]  qa-, hmo*. Reduplicating Verb. work food with mouth. maʔa ʔáhsi· soh qahmóhmowela hoʔo cʰótʼin I’m working the tough food around (in my mouth) because I don’t have teeth.

sahmohmo*   [sahmohmo]  ša-, hmo*. Reduplicating Verb.

sihmohmo*   [sihmohmow]  si-, hmo*. Verb. roll around with tongue in mouth to clean inside of mouth or break up candy, etc. sihmóhmo D: Imperative. sihmosíhmoma several at same time, not separately. sihmosímota·du several separately or several at same time. sihmóhmoci·du D: Durative.

hmoy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break up clods. synonyms: hmo*.

bihmoy*   [bihmoyʔ]  bi-, hmoy*. Verb. work lips around.

cahmoy*   [cahmoyʔ]  ca-, hmoy*. Verb. shift around, not sitting still. cumatʰma· tol cahmo·yin cumawe· ma you are sitting rubbing your rear on the chair.

cihmoy*   [cihmóyʔ]  cʰi-, hmoy*. Verb. break up clod with tool; just once [?] cihmó·qaw D: Causative. Example Variant: cihmóhmohqaw.

cohmoy*   [cohmoyʔ]  cu-, hmoy*. Verb. rub (washing) together in hands; rub off dirt or something else as in washing clothes and rubbing between butts of hand.

dahmoy*   [dahmoyʔ]  da-, hmoy*. Verb. rub off surface with palms (skin, fuzz off peach); break up clods by pushing and moving slightly. kalikákʰ dahmo·teʔ I’m going to rub a piece of paper in my hands. cohšo dáhmo·yiʔ to rub hands together. dahmowá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahmo·yi several times. Example Variant: dahmoyi. dahmoyá·duce·du D: Durative. dahmoyá·tadu D: Plural, Durative. ku·yi dáhmoyci do it once. dahmó·tʰuʔ D: Negative. dahmoyci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dahmó·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: damil*.

dohmoy*   [dohmoyʔ]  du-, hmoy*. Verb. work with fingers; rub around in fingers. ʔaná· qawi ʔe cohsóʔbamli dohmoyi roll it around with your fingers; it is too small.

qahmoy*   [qahmoyʔ]  qa-, hmoy*. Verb. work (the food); not actually chew. qahmoyi work (the food)! (not actually chew).

sihmoy*   [sihmoyʔ]  si-, hmoy*. Verb. break up with water. tú·lse sihmo·te· ya we are working the candy around (in our mouths) with tongue – not nec. getting smooth.

šohmoy*   [šohmoyʔ]  šu-, hmoy*. Verb. move cloth back and forth in water, synonyms: šuse·l*.

hmu*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. 1 • crush something brittle, break up.

2 • crush something brittle.

cahmuhmuc*   [cahmúhmuʔ]  ca-, hmu*. Variant: cahmucamutad*. Reduplicating Verb. sit on and break to pieces.

dahmuhmuc*   [dahmúhmuʔ]  da-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush (glass) to pieces with hand (or something brittle); crush chair to pieces by pressing. dahmúhmuci D: Imperative.

dihmuhmuc*   [dihmúhmuʔ]  di-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. drop (chair) and break up.

duhmuhmuc*   [duhmúhmuʔ]  du-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. break up (straw) with fingers.

hihmuhmuc*   [hihmúhmuʔ]  hi-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. break to pieces (plastic, window, box, chair, table, felled tree, bones). hihmuhímutacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

muhmuhmuc*   [muhmúhmuʔ]  mu-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. break apart by heat. ma·kina muhmúhmuyiyʔ the engine broke itself to pieces by running; or (car) run over and crush (bushes). Example Variant: ...muhmúhmuyiʔy..

šuhmuhmuc*   [šuhmúhmuʔ]  šu-, hmu*. Reduplicating Verb. shake and break to pieces.

hmutʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break to pieces.

duhmutʼ*   [duhmuʔ]  du-, hmutʼ*. Verb. break to pieces with fingers. duhmutʼciw to break a toothpick into many pieces. duhmútʼmutʼuwa·du to keep breaking (pl.) compare: dusa*.

muhmutʼ*   [muhmuʔ]  mu-, hmutʼ*. Verb. break to pieces by (car) running over. car ʔama· (ʔaha·) la wina· moʔba muhmutʼciy the car ran over the rabbit (stick) and squashed (broke) it to pieces.

šuhmutʼ*   [šuhmuʔ]  šu-, hmutʼ*. Verb. pull apart a chair (into one or 2 or more pieces, as long as it is destroyed; not for string or cloth).

hmu·*   [muw]   Verb. break off a branch. muw to break several off, branch of tree or bush. muwé·mu break it. hahsé hmu D: Break the brush. mucí·du D: Durative. muci·ducé·du to break off a branch. qʰale ʔíša· muhqa madalʔ tell her to break some branches. mu (tʰuʔ) D: Negative. mumeʔ D: Plural Imperative. muci break one. pʰalá hmuci·ducé·du to break off a branch again. pʰalá hmu (tʰuʔ) D: Negative #again. pʰalá hmumeʔ D: Plural Imperative #again. pʰalá hmuci break one again.

hmu·l*1   [-]   Variant: mula·taq*. Instr Verb Root. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over. -mula·taʔ several things to fail completely. -mula·qa·du one to fail completely habitually.

bahmu·l*   [bahmulʔ]  ba-, hmu·l*1. Verb. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). qawi bahmulâ·dadu not say everything, leave out a few words. bahmu·li D: Imperative.

dahmu·l*   [dahmulʔ]  da-, hmu·l*1. Verb. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over, restricted to activities done with the hand. dahmu·li to fail to wash all. damula·taqa(·du) D: Causative. dahmula·duwá·du D: Durative. dahmu·láʔtʰuʔ D: Plural, Negative.

duhmu·l*   [duhmulʔ]  du-, hmu·l*1. Verb. leave behind; (for food, "leftovers"). duhmulciw leave some to pick later; leftovers.

hihmu·l*   [hihmulʔ]  hi-, hmu·l*1. Verb. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over. hihmula·duwá·du to hang back. ya hihmulʔ we're survivors; we're left over. mula·taqa·du one to fail to complete habitually.

hmu·l*2   [mulʔ]  Ø-, hmu·l*1. Verb. lag behind, stay behind. mula·qoʔ to stay behind. mulá·qo·cʼedu D: Durative. mula·duwa·du to lag behind all the time. pʰala mula·duwa·du to lag behind all the time again.

mihmu·l*   [mihmulʔ]  mi-2, hmu·l*1. Verb. not count all of, fail to count all of, count incompletely. ṭʼi· miyitʰé·ma mul mihmulyé· ma you didn’t count all; you left out some.

muhmu·l*   [muhmulʔ]  mu-, hmu·l*1. Verb. left something after burning. compare: muhsut*.

qahmu·l*   [qahmulʔ]  qa-, hmu·l*1. Verb. not eat all the food; leave some food for others.

šahmu·l*   [šahmulʔ]  ša-, hmu·l*1. Verb. do incompletely, fail to complete, be left over. by a long object moving lengthwise; with a mesh. to· qa mílʔbakʰe ṭʰoʔo šahmu·li, da·wa to· pʰala ʔ leave some acorn mush; I want some too! {ša-} is used because the action that will be done incompletely was done with a ladle which moved into the pot lengthwise.

šuhmu·l*   [šuhmulʔ]  šu-, hmu·l*1. Verb. left out some, not pulling all.

hmu·l*2   [mulʔ]  Ø-, hmu·l*1. Verb. lag behind, stay behind. mula·qoʔ to stay behind. mulá·qo·cʼedu D: Durative. mula·duwa·du to lag behind all the time. pʰala mula·duwa·du to lag behind all the time again.

hna*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. tremble, move violently (of earth or vehicle).

bihnahna*   [bihnahnaw]  bi-, hna*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth), by encircling, e.g. with the arms; by sewing, eating (esp. with a spoon).

cihnacihna*   [cihnacíhnaw]  cʰi-, hna*. Reduplicating Verb. (car) drive jerkily. cihnacinanʔwanʔqaw he's jerking the car the way he drives.

hihna*   [-]  hi-, hna*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth).

hihnahihna*   [hihnahihnaw]  hihna*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble (of earth). ʔacaʔ díhsamucʼbina ʔama· hihnahíhnaw there must be a big crowd; the ground is trembling. synonyms: kiṭikiṭi.

hnat*1   [naʔ]  Ø-, hnat*2. Variant: hnataʔ*. Verb. mock, imitate; weigh; measure. pʰalá hnata·du (ce·du) to mock. natá·du (ce·du) imitate! natá·duwa·du D: Durative. nátʰqaw to weigh, measure (all at once). natáhqaw to measure length along something, to keep measuring. natá·lahqaw to measure height. ʔahqól hnaʔ to measure length. natá·cʼiwacʼqaw several to measure here and there. natícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. natíʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. natí·cʼedu(cedu) D: Durative. natícʼiyow D: Absolutive. naticʼqaw to examine.

hnat*2   [-]  Lit: to investigate with the mouth Variant: hnatacʼ*. Instr Verb Root. try, investigate, test. -hnaʔ one to investigate, to test to see if. synonyms: ʔbe*3, hol*, bet*, ʔbu*4, ʔbu*5.

bahnat*   [bahnáʔ]  ba-, hnat*2. Verb. ask. bahnaʔ to ask (a question). bahnata·duci go find out. bahnatʰqaw to tell someone to go ask. bahnáhti he’s going to ask. bahnatá·latʰuʔ D: Negative, Directional "down". bahnatá·la go down and ask. bahnáhtʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. bahnátʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. bahnatʼíyow D: Absolutive. bahnáhtʰuʔ D: Negative. bahnati D: Imperative. bahnátʰqa ask him/them! bahnatá·du asking. John, Gene-to bahnátʰqa John, ask Gene! bahnatʰqatʰiqam ṭʼo ma why didn't you ask him? mu·kito bahnatʰqa mu·kitó bahnatʰqa heʔen ʔicʰe ʔahsi· dibuʔ ʔicʰe díbuʔ min baʔtʼaw, mu·kitó bahnatʰqa it sounds like it's raining; ask him (if it is).

bahnatad*   [bahnatá·du]  bahnat*. Variant: bahnatacʼ*. Verb. ask about something, ask for information. bahnatácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. cahno báhnata·du yaʔ to inverview, ask questions. ya mito cahno báhnata·cʼin we're asking you questions about the language.

bahnaticʼ*   [bahnatíʔ]  bahnat*. Verb. ask someone to do something; ask for permission; practice (a song). bahnatí·cʼedu he asked (requested for himself). Literally: ask him how hard it's raining. bahnatí·cʼi go ask him for permission! bahnatícʼmeʔ go ask him for permission (to several)! mul qʼoʔo bahnatí·cʼedu practice that song!

dahnat*   [dahnaʔ]  da-, hnat*2. Verb. try to move by pushing. dahnati to try once to push.

dahnadahna*   [dahnadahnaw]  dahnat*. Reduplicating Verb. try to move, by pushing, (no tremble meaning). dayamʔ ti min dahnadáhnaw he’s pushing and pushing, trying to move it. (no tremble meaning). dahnadáhna to keep trying to push.

hnat*1   [naʔ]  Ø-, hnat*2. Variant: hnataʔ*. Verb. mock, imitate; weigh; measure. pʰalá hnata·du (ce·du) to mock. natá·du (ce·du) imitate! natá·duwa·du D: Durative. nátʰqaw to weigh, measure (all at once). natáhqaw to measure length along something, to keep measuring. natá·lahqaw to measure height. ʔahqól hnaʔ to measure length. natá·cʼiwacʼqaw several to measure here and there. natícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. natíʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. natí·cʼedu(cedu) D: Durative. natícʼiyow D: Absolutive. naticʼqaw to examine.

hnaticʼ*   [natiʔ]  hnat*2. Verb. try, test. natiʔ to try. natí·cʼi D: Imperative. natí·cʼem try! maʔál hiʔda hnati·cʼi try this road! natí·cʼedu to keep trying (be persistent).

mahnat*   [mahnaʔ]  ma-2, hnat*2. Verb. try with foot.

muhnat*   [muhnaʔ]  mu-, hnat*2. Variant: muhnataʔ*. Verb. test, investigate by throwing something. muhnátʰmaw D: Absolutive. mul ʔahqʰa pʰímaw ʔwa·yi ya qʰaʔbe wí ʔwa· muhnatʰmateʔ before we go across the water, let’s throw rocks in first to test (depth by the sound of the splash).

pihnat*   [pihnaʔ]  pʰi-, hnat*2. Verb. investigate with the eye. pihnatʰcicʼi give a look at self.

qahnat*   [qahnaʔ]  hnat*2. Verb. taste; investigate by eating.

sihnat*   [sihnaʔ]  si-, hnat*2. Verb. taste. sihnatʰqa (mulʔ) taste (it)! synonyms: biʔtʼam*, biʔtʼa*1.

šuhnat*   [šuhnaʔ]  šu-, hnat*2. Variant: šuhnataʔ*. Verb. test by pulling; pull and try to break string. maʔal ya šuhnahte (ʔ) let’s pull on this (to test it, investigate it)! šuhnata·du mu·kinʔ ma·cal he jerked them.

hnatacʼ*   [-]  hnat*2.

hnataʔ*   [nataʔ]  hnat*1. Verb. several to investigate, test to see if.

hnaticʼ*   [natiʔ]  hnat*2. Verb. try, test. natiʔ to try. natí·cʼi D: Imperative. natí·cʼem try! maʔál hiʔda hnati·cʼi try this road! natí·cʼedu to keep trying (be persistent).

hnatʰqa*   [natʰqaw]  . Verb. measure.

ʔama hnatʰqa· yacʰma   [ʔama hnatʰqa· yacʰma]  ʔama·1, hnatʰqa*, =yac. Variant: ʔama ciqʰamʔ yacʰma. Noun. surveyors.

=hni   [hni]   Variant: =hni·; =ni·. Particle. question particle. momáʔ ni· did he run in?; he ran in, didn't he. dukʼiw hni· scratched, isn't it? dukʼi·tʰ ni· it isn't scratched, is it? buwítʰ ni· it isn't strung, is it?; he's not strining, is he? mikú·tʰ ni· he's humming, isn't he? buwíw hni· he's stringing, isn't he? Example Variant: buwiwʔ ni·. bitʼe·l hni· he's sewing, isnt he? (factual). bitʼelʔ ni· he's sewing, isn't he? (assertive). momá·y hní· he ran in, didn't he? momá·tʰem ṭa hni· he didn't run in, did he? momá·cedu·cedam ṭa hni he didn't run (habitually), didn't he? moma·cedu·ʔtʰem ṭa hni he doesn't run (habitually), does he? ma·cacʼe hni is it them? šoqʼotʼé hni is it a rat? mihyoqé hni is it a rat? mensʼiyé hni mu? hu·ʔ mensʼiyám ṭa mu did he do that? yes, he did that. mensʼitʰínsʼem mahní· I bet you didn't do it, did you?

meʔni   [meʔni]  meṭ, =hni. Interjection. and then what?; well?; but why?

=hni·   [hní·]  =hni.

   [hǫ]   Animate Mimetic. oink, cry of pig. koci·na yaʔ "hǫ" cenʔ the pig said "oink".

ho kare·ta   [ho káre·ta]  ʔoho kare·ta.

ho kare·ta ʔda   [ho káre·ta ʔda]  ʔoho kare·ta ʔda.

ho ʔicʰa·   [ho ʔícʰa·]  Lit: fire spider ʔoho, ʔicʰa·. Noun. spider species that lives in old logs and shines at night.

ho*1   [how]   Variant: hot*. Verb. give something long. howa·dadu give long object (or in cup) interrupted. Example Variant: hota·dadu. howé· mu to give something long. ho give something long! hoti give several long objects! hotʰmeʔ (to several) give several long objects! homeʔ give something long (to several)! hótʰmulʔ (several) give around something long. hotá·law @give down something long (or inchoative?) ʔahá· ho give a stick. maʔa ho give food (in plate, even if not long). qʰaʔbe ho give rocks in a box. haʔái mu·kitó ho mul ʔahayʔ give that stick to him over there. hówʔtʰiniyow @. howíyow @. hoqʰ @. hoy @. hóʔtʰiniyow @. hotʼíyow @. hotʰqʰ @. hotʰ @. hoté·mu @. hoyé·mu @. compare: coʔdoq*, dihqa*1, biʔdaq*, ho*2, cʰiʔdaq*, dihqa*1, cʰiʔdaq*.

ho*2   [how]   Variant: hot*. Verb. give contained substance; give something in a container. to· qa ʔahqʰa howeʔ (please) give me water. to howéʔ give it to me! ʔahqʰa ʔóho to howeʔ give me coffee. cá·yu to howeʔ give me tea. John kʰe ṭʼo kafe· hoh give J coffee! howa·dadu give in a cup. Example Variant: hota·dadu. hoti give several things in a container! hocí·du keep giving something in a container. give! pʰala hó give again! compare: coʔdoq*, dihqa*1, biʔdaq*, cʰiʔdaq*, ho*1, biʔdaq*.

hobic*   [hobiʔ]   Variant: hobi·tad*. Verb. have more to do, have increasing amounts done, be successful; increasing, gaining, getting more. ʔamadútʼaʔ hobí·ye· mu·kito bimaci he did more work today (than before). mu·kínʔkʰe hobícʼkʰe wi, qʼoʔo cáhnowayʔ She sang a song over him, so that he would be successful. qʼoʔdi hóbici, qʼoʔo wínato· yaco ʔ may you be successful, you great song ! Word marks word as a vocative. hobícʰqa make it successful! hobícʰqameʔ make it successful (to several)! mu·kito hobiʔ @ he was successful ?? qʼoʔdi ʔkʰe ʔamadútʼaʔ hobí·sʼuw may my work be successful. Example Variant: hobíʔsʼuw. hobici gain! increase! hobicí·du keep gaining! hobicá·du gain in more than one place (to several)! pé·su hobicé· miʔkʰe your money is increasing. hobí·tadu D: Plural. hobici·biʔ to start to gain. hobicí to ʔ (to spirit) let me do more! Example Variant: hobicʰqawe to ʔ.

hobiʔša·   [hobiʔša·]  hobic*, =ša·. Noun. successful person.

hobiʔša·   [hobiʔša·]  hobic*, =ša·. Noun. successful person.

hobi·tad*   [hobí·tadu*]  hobic*. Verb. have more to do.

hodidu   [hodidú]   Noun. California kingsnake. Lampropeltis getula californiae.

hodotow1   [hodotow]   Noun. right (side).

hodotow2   [hodotow]   Adjective. right (side), right (hand). hodotó· šiʔba right side of body. Example Variant: šiʔba hodotó·. hodotó· duhtayi touch the right (hand) one! hodotó· cohšo right hand.

hohay   [hoháy]  ʔoho, ʔahay. Noun. firewood; wood good for fires, like hard wood. hoháy e· mu it's firewood.

hohci*   [hohciw]  ʔoho. Verb. get hot, heat up. pʰala hóhci get hot again. compare: hoṭʰi·c*.

hohoy   [hohóy]   Interjection. 1 • you brought it on yourselves; do you see what you've done? compare: ʔo·cʰi, hele.

2 • bravo, good for you! hohóy heʔen ʔama· winatow ma cicʼi·du bravo! you're really doing good.

hohwa   [hóhwa]  how2. Noun. door. cahóhwa outside of wall.

hohwa macew   [hóhwa mace·yaʔ]  hohwa, macew. Cooccurrence: with /-yac/. Noun. door guard, doorman, usher. synonyms: mame·ta.

hohwa macew   [hóhwa mace·yaʔ]  hohwa, macew. Cooccurrence: with /-yac/. Noun. door guard, doorman, usher. synonyms: mame·ta.

hokʼoyʔciwacʼ*   [hokʼoyʔcíwaʔ]  hokʼoyʔcʼed*.

hokʼoyʔcʼed*   [hokʼóyʔcʼedu]  kʼoyʔcʼed*. Variant: hokʼoyʔciwacʼ*. Verb. talk big, brag. mu·kinʔ ti· ʔamá· cicʼi·du hokʼóyʔcʼenʔ he is bragging about what he does. synonyms: hikʼo·cʼed*.

hol*   [-]   Variant: holat*. Instr Verb Root. try to detect without seeing; try to locate something unseen in the vacinity that you may know is there. synonyms: ʔbe*3, bet*, ʔbu*4, ʔbu*5, hnat*2.

bahol*   [bahólʔ]  ba-, hol*. Verb. call for something or someone unseen, not presently within sight. macáʔkʰe maʔa cʰówʔ dú·ciʔnati kihlaʔ ʔa bahólmela I know they don't have food, still I call for it (food not seen but people are). baholi ma·dalʔ call her! (don't know where she is). baholá·du keep calling. bahólmameʔ lot of people calling (not at once, they can be in separate places).

cohol*   [coholʔ]  cu-, hol*, cu-, hol*. Variant: cohola·tad*. Verb. shoot at an unseen object.

cohol*   [coholʔ]  cu-, hol*, cu-, hol*. Variant: cohola·tad*. Verb. shoot at an unseen object.

dahol*   [daholʔ]  da-, hol*. Verb. search for something unseen with hand, try to contact or feel for something with hand. dahólciyi·cʼi @. daholí·cʼi @. daholi feel for something! dahólmeʔ feel for something (to several)! daholá·duwa·du keep feeling around for something. daholácʼmeʔ (several) feel around for several things! daholá·tacʼmeʔ each searching for something different.

mohol*   [moholʔ]  mu-, hol*. Verb. throw at something unseen. mohólte· ʔa mul biye·línnal I'm going to throw by guess at what I hear moving. moholi throw at something unseen! moholta throw several times! mohólmaw keep throwing at one place. ʔahša móholmaw throw (rocks) into fish hole where can't see fish to scare them out to see them.

pahol*   [paholʔ]  pʰa-, hol*. Verb. try to find by poking. ʔahša páholmaw poke in hole to see if fish are in there.

sihol*   [siholʔ]  si-, hol*. Verb. feel for something with tongue. sihola·du feeling for something on lip. sihólsiholʔ move tongue from side to side.

šohol*   [šoholʔ]  šu-, hol*. Verb. 1 • take a chance. soh šoholé· ʔa madu bahnatíʔyam I'm just taking chances by asking.

2 • try to catch by pulling (on a fishing line). ʔahša šáholmaw throw fishing line into hole to see if can catch fish.

holat*   [holaʔ]  hol*. Instr Verb Root. try to detect without seeing.

holomʔlo   [holómʔlo]   Noun. small species of bee; solitary species. compare: lom; synonyms: cehey.

holomʔlome·toʔna   [holómʔlome·toʔna]  holomʔlo. Place Name. Bee-Woman's Place: an unknown location.

holomʔlome·toʔna   [holómʔlome·toʔna]  holomʔlo. Place Name. Bee-Woman's Place: an unknown location.

holo·la   [holo·la]   Noun. hornless deer; wild sheep; antelope.

holtow   [hóltow]   Adverb. inside (bottom?) biʔkʼás mo·qa·ye· ʔahca holtow the ant ran up onto (or on) the wall. Example Variant: ho·tow. tu hóltow tʼetʰmatʰúʔ don't stand in front of me! compare: ho·tow, ʔiyo·tow.

holtow hṭʰeya·yiʔ   [holtow hṭʰeya·yiʔ]  holtow ṭʰeya·yiʔ.

holtow ṭʰeya·yiʔ   [hóltow ṭʰeya·yiʔ]  Lit: to spread in front of oneself . Variant: holtow hṭʰeya·yiʔ; hó·tow hṭʰeya·yiʔ. Noun. apron.

hom*   [hómʔ]  ʔoho. Variant: hotʰma*. Verb. roast; cook in embers or coals. homa roast! homá·du keep roasting. hómmeʔ roast (to several)! hótʰmameʔ roast several (to several)! hótʰma (mul ʔ) roast (those) several! pʰala hóma bake again! Example Variant: homá pʰalaʔ. pʰala qán homa·du bake again and again. synonyms: hoṭʰma*.

honemʔli   [honémʔli]  Lit: where put over fire ʔoho, nem*2, =wi. Noun. a hot bed (for steaming body).

hopompo   [hopómpo]  ʔoho, pompo*. Noun. smoke hole: the hole in the roof of the roundhouse to let smoke out . compare: cimine·ya.

hopʰune   [hopʰúne]   Noun. white-footed mouse; long-eared wood mouse. compare: qaʔdi šóqʼo·t, šoqʼo·t.

hoqalitow   [hoqálitow]  ʔoho, qali·, =tow2. Adverb. above the fire.

hosa   [hosá]   Noun. smoke.

maqʰa hosa sʼiw   [maqʰa hosá sʼiw]  maqʰa, hosa, sʼi*1. Noun. smoked salmon.

hosama·   [hosáma·]  ʔoho, sama·. Adverb. by the fire.

hosikʼ   [hosikʼ]  hosiqʼ.

hosiqʼ   [hosiqʼ]   Variant: hosikʼ. Noun. species of small owl; nightowl, screech owl ? hosiqʼé· mu it's an owl. Example Variant: hosikʼé· mu. compare: si·qʼ, daʔṭʼoṭʼo.

hot*1   [hot]  ho*1.

hot*2   [hoʔ]  ho*2.

hote·l   [hoté·l]   Variant: hoṭʰe·l. Noun. hotel. Usage: obsolete

hotoltow   [hotoltow]  ho·toltow.

hotow1   [hotow]  how2, =tow2, ho·tow. Adverb. front, in front of. ca hótow front of house, at or on the wall. Example Variant: ʔahca hótow.

hotow2   [hotow ho·tow]   Adverb. 1 • before.

2 • less, not enough. ku hótow less than one. qʰo· hotów less than two. sibó hotow less than three. mihca hótow less than four. ku sé·ntu hotow almost 100, nearly 100. ku sé·ntu bahcil hotow not nearly 100, far before 100. hiqʰáʔ hotow under a half. maʔa ho·tó· moloʔ food came up short. pe·su hotó· woloʔ not have enough money with one for some purpose. hotó· wolo·qo (to money) run out! hoto· wohtolohmeʔ (to several) run out! hoto·wóhtolohtʰumeʔ @ don't run out! hotó· tʰin ʔiw @ not be enough? pe·su hotó· ciyʔ the money has decreased. hotow (ʔbakʰe) ma ʔama· dicʼi·duwa·nʔ you told less (than story has). Example Variant: hotow e· ma ʔama· dicʼi·duwa·nʔ. compare: mo·qocʼ*; antonym: winan.

hotʰma*   [hotʰmaw]  hom*.

hotʼot*   [hotʼoʔ]   Verb. move head.

hoṭʰ   [hóṭʰ]  ʔoho. Adjective. warm (weather, feeling under blanket); not for juicy or liquid substance. hoṭʰí·biʔ warm weather; start to get warm (of weather). ʔacaʔ hóṭʰ person with warm body. lamé·sa hóṭʰ warm table. ʔatiyá·la warm blanket (because someone has been under it). ʔama hoṭʰamy it's getting warm (weather). compare: ʔoho, mašamʔ.

hoṭʰi·c*   [hoṭʰiʔ]  hoṭʰ. Variant: hoṭʰihci*. Verb. get warm. compare: hohci*.

hoṭʰma*   [hoṭʰmaw]  hoṭʰ. Verb. roast, heat. gásli ʔahca hoṭʰmadu·y with gas the house is heated. Example Variant: can add ʔel or ʔem. synonyms: hom*.

hoṭʰa·la*   [hoṭʰa·law]  . Verb. warm up.

hoṭʰe·l   [hoṭʰihciw]  hote·l.

hoṭʰihci*  hoṭʰi·c*.

hoṭʰi·c*   [hoṭʰiʔ]  hoṭʰ. Variant: hoṭʰihci*. Verb. get warm. compare: hohci*.

hoṭʰma*   [hoṭʰmaw]  hoṭʰ. Verb. roast, heat. gásli ʔahca hoṭʰmadu·y with gas the house is heated. Example Variant: can add ʔel or ʔem. synonyms: hom*.

how1   [hów]   Interjection. patting at hand in grass game.

how2   [hów]   Adverb. in front of.

hohwa   [hóhwa]  how2. Noun. door. cahóhwa outside of wall.

hohwa macew   [hóhwa mace·yaʔ]  hohwa, macew. Cooccurrence: with /-yac/. Noun. door guard, doorman, usher. synonyms: mame·ta.

hotow1   [hotow]  how2, =tow2, ho·tow. Adverb. front, in front of. ca hótow front of house, at or on the wall. Example Variant: ʔahca hótow.

ho·do*   [hó·dow]  how2, ʔdo*2. Variant: hó·doht*. Verb. protect. hó·doma (to person) Protect it (from harm)! hó·doma ma·calʔ protect them! hó·dohtamme ma·calʔ you (pl.) protect them! ʔá· ṭʼo qʼoʔdi ʔ (or ʔe·). to· ṭʼo hó·domʔ I am all right. I am protected. ho·domʔ D: Absolutive.

ho·do·bic*   [ho·do·biʔ]  ho·do*. Variant: ho·dohtibic*. Verb. hold out hand to stop something; hold out hand to pray. hó·dobi·ci hold out hand to stop something or to pray. hó·dohtibicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

ho·do·biʔ   [hó· do·biʔ]  Lit: to raise the hand up in front of; put the hand in front of ho·do·bic*. Noun. protection.

ho·do·biʔ weya wantera   [hó·do·biʔ weya wantera]  ho·do·biʔ, weya, wante·ra. Noun. protection flag.

ho·toltow   [ho·toltow]  how2, =tol, =tow2. Variant: hotoltow. Adverb. away from; inside? ʔahca ho·toltow away from on the wall, inside wall. Example Variant: ca hótoltow.

ho·tow   [hó·tow]  how2, =tow2, . Variant: hotow. 1 • Adverb. in front, on or at the side (of a wall), on the inside side (of basket). ho·tow bakʰe šahku forelegs. ʔahca hó·tow in front of the house; at, on, inside the wall. Example Variant: cahó·tow. to hó·tow matʼetʰmaw you're standing in front of me. biʔkʼás mo·qa·ye· ʔahca ho·tow the ant ran up onto (or on) the wall. Example Variant: holtow. ʔahca hó·tow dilameʔ take down from (the wall). ʔoho hó·tow in front of the fire. ʔahqʰa hó·tow coast (in front of the water). ʔahca hó·to· cohtawamu ṭʰuʔul ʔ the house standing in front is old. ʔahca ho·to· doʔqʼoʔdiwaʔti about to fix wall. compare: holtow, ʔiyo·tow, wina·, =tol, winaluw tow; antonym: ʔana·tow.

2 • Noun. front (of something). ʔahca ho·tów front of house. Example Variant: ʔahca hó·tow. má·kina ho·tow front end of car. ʔahca hó·to· ṭʰúʔul ʔ the front house is old; the front wall is old. ʔahca hó·to· doʔqʼoʔdi qaʔti about to fix the wall.

ho·to·qan   [ho·to·qan]  ho·tow, =qan. Adverb. from the front (inside surface of basket) .

qʰama ho·tow   [qʰama hó·tow]  qʰama1, ho·tow. Noun. sole of foot.

how3   [how]   Interjection. oh yes. how ʔbaya oh yes, son-in-law.

how tʼe·tibic   [hó· tʼeti·biʔ]  Lit: stand in front of how2, tʼe·tibic*. Verb. protect.

how tʼe·tʰma   [hó· tʼetʰmaw]  how2, tʼe·tʰma*. Verb. stand in front, protect. hó· tʼetʰmaci·du protect. ho· tʼetʰmatʰuʔ don't protect! ho· tʼetʰmacíʔtʰuʔ @.

howina·   [howína·]  ʔoho, wina·. Adverb. on top of the fire.

hoya   [hoya]   Noun. scoring sticks (for a game).

hoyhcʰoc*   [□hóyhcʰoʔ]   Variant: hoyhcʰoca·tad*. Verb. (supplies) run low, run short, be insufficient. kʼaṭa hóyhcʰoca·wiye· to I didn't get clothes because they ran out. hóyhcʰoca·yi run short! hóyhcʰoca·tʰuʔ don't run short! hoyhcʰoʔqʼa· mu ʔtʰin don't leave anything short; don't run out of words; get the last word in an argument; have an answer to everything other person says. maʔa hóyhcʰoca·yi (to food) run short! maʔa hóyhcʰoca·qa (to person) run short of food! hóyhcʰoca·qatʰuʔ don't run short (of food)! maʔa hóyhcʰocayʔ we didn't have enough food. maʔa hóyhcʰoca·wiye· yal we've run short of food. hóyhcʰocayʔ didn't have enough. hóyhcʰoca·yi (to thing) be insufficient! pe·su hóyhcʰoca·wiye· to I didn't have enough money. compare: hcʰoc*2, cʰo·*.

hoyhcʰoca·tad*   [hóyhcʰoca·tadu]  hoyhcʰoc*.

hoyhmucʼ*   [hoyhmuʔ]   Verb. hog something greedily (e.g., food, clothes, space); be greedy. hóyhmucʼin siʔlasíʔlawe·mu he is licking it fast (ice cream cone) because he's hogging it. hóyhmucʼi hog it! be greedy! hoymucʼe·du keep hogging. hóyhmucʼmeʔ hog it (to several)!

hoyhmuʔ   [hoyhmuʔ]  hoyhmucʼ*. Adjective. greedy.

hoyhmuʔ   [hoyhmuʔ]  hoyhmucʼ*. Adjective. greedy.

hoyʔis*   [hoyʔis]   Verb. sing with rapid tone changes. hoyʔismaw to sing song with wide and rapid tone changes; Example Variant: hoʔyismaw ~ hoʔsʼi·maw. hoʔyisciw to do it once. hoʔyisa·du to keep doing it.

hoʔkʼiš*   [hoʔkʼiš]   Verb. intone, talk with lots of tonal variation to the voice, yodel. as did the Southern Pomo of the Dry Creek area.

hoʔkʼišma*   [hoʔkʼíšmaw]  hoʔkʼiš*. Verb. be yodeling, speaking with lots of tonal variation.

hoʔkʼišma*   [hoʔkʼíšmaw]  hoʔkʼiš*. Verb. be yodeling, speaking with lots of tonal variation.

hoʔo   [hoʔo]   Noun. tooth. hoʔóspʰa decayed tooth.

hoʔo cuseʔli   [hoʔo cúseʔli]  hoʔo, cuse·*, =wi. Noun. toothbrush.

hoʔo doʔbow   [hoʔo dóʔbow]  hoʔo, doʔbo*. Noun. swollen gums.

hoʔo paši·šiw   [hoʔo paši·šiw]  hoʔo, paši·. Noun. (poisonous) bite. hayu hoʔo paši·šiw mad dog bite. qʰaboʔ hoʔo paši·šiw snake bite.

hoʔo qʼalaw   [hoʔo qʼálaw]  hoʔo, qʼala·*. Noun. toothache.

hoʔo baʔcʼeʔ   [hoʔo baʔcʼeʔ]  baʔcʼet*. Noun. chipped tooth (missing tooth). sirú·cu hoʔo baʔcʼeʔ chipped off saw-teeth. tupú·lu hoʔo baʔcʼeʔ chipped axe blade.

hoʔo cuseʔli   [hoʔo cúseʔli]  hoʔo, cuse·*, =wi. Noun. toothbrush.

hoʔo doʔbow   [hoʔo dóʔbow]  hoʔo, doʔbo*. Noun. swollen gums.

hoʔo paši·šiw   [hoʔo paši·šiw]  hoʔo, paši·. Noun. (poisonous) bite. hayu hoʔo paši·šiw mad dog bite. qʰaboʔ hoʔo paši·šiw snake bite.

hoʔo qʼalaw   [hoʔo qʼálaw]  hoʔo, qʼala·*. Noun. toothache.

hoʔospʰa   [hoʔospʰa]  hoʔo, spʰa*. Noun. decayed tooth. qahca hoʔóspʰa dull knife. synonyms: cohpʰa.

hoʔoṭʼaya   [hoʔoṭʼáya]   Noun. gums (in mouth).

hoʔqʼomʔ   [hoʔqʼomʔ]   Noun. leech, maggot. hoʔqʼom é· mul those are maggots. ʔahqʰa yów ʔbakʰe hoʔqʼomʔ small dead maggots in water. Example Variant: ʔahqʰa hóʔqʼomʔ.

hoʔsiya   [hoʔsiya]   Noun. second part of feather dance, danced fast with libu· whistle to keep rhythm. hoʔsiya ʔe· mu it's the /hoʔsiya/. compare: to·to, diʔcʼanʔ, likʰotiʔ.

hoʔsʼim*   [hoʔsʼimʔ]   Verb. intone. hoʔsʼímmeʔ (to several) intone! hoʔsʼima intone! cahno hóʔsʼime· ma caʔkʰe their language is intoned (goes up and down in tone). synonyms: hoʔsʼimhma*.

hoʔsʼimhma*   [hoʔsʼímhmaw]  hoʔsʼim*. Verb. intone. hoʔsʼimhma intone, make voice go up and down! hoʔsʼímhmameʔ (to several) intone, make voice go up and down! mayáʔkʰe cahno winato· hoʔsʼímhmawʔ your language is overly intoned. (of individual’s speech). synonyms: hoʔsʼim*.

hoʔsʼimṭaṭa   [hoʔsʼímṭaṭa]  hoʔsʼimhma*. Noun. Wappo people (because their language has wide tonal variation).

hoʔsʼimhma*   [hoʔsʼímhmaw]  hoʔsʼim*. Verb. intone. hoʔsʼimhma intone, make voice go up and down! hoʔsʼímhmameʔ (to several) intone, make voice go up and down! mayáʔkʰe cahno winato· hoʔsʼímhmawʔ your language is overly intoned. (of individual’s speech). synonyms: hoʔsʼim*.

hoʔsʼimṭaṭa   [hoʔsʼímṭaṭa]  hoʔsʼimhma*. Noun. Wappo people (because their language has wide tonal variation).

hoʔsʼimṭaṭa   [hoʔsʼímṭaṭa]  hoʔsʼimhma*. Noun. Wappo people (because their language has wide tonal variation).

hoʔtʼo   [hoʔtʼo]   Noun. head, brain. synonyms: šina·.

hoʔtʼo cuhni   [hoʔtʼo cúhni]  Lit: head bread (crumbs) hoʔtʼo, cuhni·. Noun. dandruff.

hoʔtʼo koʔcʰi   [hoʔtʼo kóʔcʰi]  hoʔtʼo. Noun. straightpin.

hoʔtʼo mahna   [hoʔtʼo mahna]  hoʔtʼo, mahna. Noun. spinal fluid.

hoʔtʼo pʰakʼi·maʔ   [hoʔtʼo pʰákʼi·maʔ]  hoʔtʼo, pʰakʼi·*2. Noun. plain headband. baceʔ band with dangling ornaments.

hoʔtʼo sʼiʔda   [hoʔtʼo sʼíʔda]  hoʔtʼo, sʼiʔda. Noun. scalp.

hoʔtʼokʼolomʔ   [hoʔtʼokʼólomʔ]  hoʔtʼo, kʼolomʔ. Noun. mind, brains.

tʼoʔbe*   [tʼóʔbew]  hoʔtʼo, ʔbe*5. Verb. decide, take a notion to do on the spur of the moment, change one’s mind. tʼoʔbepʰi, men sʼi when you decide, do it! bihše bóʔo· cohtoʔ. tʼoʔbeba ʔahqʰa báʔaʔ he left to hunt deer. Changing his mind, he got water.

hoʔtʼo cuhni   [hoʔtʼo cúhni]  Lit: head bread (crumbs) hoʔtʼo, cuhni·. Noun. dandruff.

hoʔtʼo koʔcʰi   [hoʔtʼo kóʔcʰi]  hoʔtʼo. Noun. straightpin.

hoʔtʼo mahna   [hoʔtʼo mahna]  hoʔtʼo, mahna. Noun. spinal fluid.

hoʔtʼo moʔkʼow   [hoʔtʼo móʔkʼow]  Lit: to be struck in the head by a round object; to be struck by the sun or by heat hoʔtʼo, moʔkʼo*. Verb. 1 • get sunstroke. ʔoho wi hoʔtʼo móʔkʼow to get sunstroke from the heat.

2 • be turning from green to a ripening red state.

hoʔtʼo pʰakʼi·maʔ   [hoʔtʼo pʰákʼi·maʔ]  hoʔtʼo, pʰakʼi·*2. Noun. plain headband. baceʔ band with dangling ornaments.

hoʔtʼo qʰaʔbe   [hoʔtʼo qʰáʔbe]  Lit: brain rock qʰaʔbe. Noun. skull.

hoʔtʼo qʰaʔbe catʼow   [hoʔtʼo qʰáʔbe catʼow]  Lit: to peel the skull qʰaʔbe. Verb. scalp.

hoʔtʼo qʰaʔbe dicʼow   [hoʔtʼo qʰáʔbe dicʼow]  Lit: expose the skull qʰaʔbe. Verb. clip hair close to the scalp.

hoʔtʼo sʼiʔda   [hoʔtʼo sʼíʔda]  hoʔtʼo, sʼiʔda. Noun. scalp.

hoʔtʼokʼolomʔ   [hoʔtʼokʼólomʔ]  hoʔtʼo, kʼolomʔ. Noun. mind, brains.

hoʔway   [hoʔwáy]   Interjection. you’re hitting close to home, that's embarrassing me, that's insulting to me. hoʔwáy e· mu it's insulting. hoʔwáy[ʔ]tʰin e· mu it's not insulting. compare: ba, hay1, way, ba.

hó·doht*   [hó·dohtiw]  ho·do*.

hó·tow hṭʰeya·yiʔ   [hó·tow hṭʰeya·yiʔ]  holtow ṭʰeya·yiʔ.

ho·   [ho·]   Variant: ho·w. Interjection. bravo! more! encore! exclamation of approval given at a dance.

ho·do*   [hó·dow]  how2, ʔdo*2. Variant: hó·doht*. Verb. protect. hó·doma (to person) Protect it (from harm)! hó·doma ma·calʔ protect them! hó·dohtamme ma·calʔ you (pl.) protect them! ʔá· ṭʼo qʼoʔdi ʔ (or ʔe·). to· ṭʼo hó·domʔ I am all right. I am protected. ho·domʔ D: Absolutive.

ho·do·bic*   [ho·do·biʔ]  ho·do*. Variant: ho·dohtibic*. Verb. hold out hand to stop something; hold out hand to pray. hó·dobi·ci hold out hand to stop something or to pray. hó·dohtibicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

ho·do·biʔ   [hó· do·biʔ]  Lit: to raise the hand up in front of; put the hand in front of ho·do·bic*. Noun. protection.

ho·do·biʔ weya wantera   [hó·do·biʔ weya wantera]  ho·do·biʔ, weya, wante·ra. Noun. protection flag.

ho·dohtibic*   [ho·dohtibiʔ]  ho·do·bic*.

ho·do·bic*   [ho·do·biʔ]  ho·do*. Variant: ho·dohtibic*. Verb. hold out hand to stop something; hold out hand to pray. hó·dobi·ci hold out hand to stop something or to pray. hó·dohtibicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

ho·do·biʔ   [hó· do·biʔ]  Lit: to raise the hand up in front of; put the hand in front of ho·do·bic*. Noun. protection.

ho·do·biʔ weya wantera   [hó·do·biʔ weya wantera]  ho·do·biʔ, weya, wante·ra. Noun. protection flag.

ho·do·biʔ   [hó· do·biʔ]  Lit: to raise the hand up in front of; put the hand in front of ho·do·bic*. Noun. protection.

ho·do·biʔ weya wantera   [hó·do·biʔ weya wantera]  ho·do·biʔ, weya, wante·ra. Noun. protection flag.

ho·do·biʔ weya wantera   [hó·do·biʔ weya wantera]  ho·do·biʔ, weya, wante·ra. Noun. protection flag.

ho·toltow   [ho·toltow]  how2, =tol, =tow2. Variant: hotoltow. Adverb. away from; inside? ʔahca ho·toltow away from on the wall, inside wall. Example Variant: ca hótoltow.

ho·tow   [hó·tow]  how2, =tow2, . Variant: hotow. 1 • Adverb. in front, on or at the side (of a wall), on the inside side (of basket). ho·tow bakʰe šahku forelegs. ʔahca hó·tow in front of the house; at, on, inside the wall. Example Variant: cahó·tow. to hó·tow matʼetʰmaw you're standing in front of me. biʔkʼás mo·qa·ye· ʔahca ho·tow the ant ran up onto (or on) the wall. Example Variant: holtow. ʔahca hó·tow dilameʔ take down from (the wall). ʔoho hó·tow in front of the fire. ʔahqʰa hó·tow coast (in front of the water). ʔahca hó·to· cohtawamu ṭʰuʔul ʔ the house standing in front is old. ʔahca ho·to· doʔqʼoʔdiwaʔti about to fix wall. compare: holtow, ʔiyo·tow, wina·, =tol, winaluw tow; antonym: ʔana·tow.

2 • Noun. front (of something). ʔahca ho·tów front of house. Example Variant: ʔahca hó·tow. má·kina ho·tow front end of car. ʔahca hó·to· ṭʰúʔul ʔ the front house is old; the front wall is old. ʔahca hó·to· doʔqʼoʔdi qaʔti about to fix the wall.

ho·to·qan   [ho·to·qan]  ho·tow, =qan. Adverb. from the front (inside surface of basket) .

qʰama ho·tow   [qʰama hó·tow]  qʰama1, ho·tow. Noun. sole of foot.

ho·to·qan   [ho·to·qan]  ho·tow, =qan. Adverb. from the front (inside surface of basket) .

ho·w1   [ho·w]  ho·.

ho·w2   [ho·w]   Interjection. said while herding animals. ho··w ho··w ho··w Said by ogre when driving people.

hpa*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with -r̂-, often with -c-:. Instr Verb Root. smear all over or in spots. synonyms: pa·ṭʼ*, hkʰa*1.

dahpahpa*2   [dahpáhpaw]  da-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. smear with hand. dahpáhpapʰi dahpáhpacʼkʰe if you pat (that wet paint), you wil smear it (on something else). maʔa mul dahpáhpapʰi kʼaṭa tól dahpahpacʼkʰe ʔe·mu if you pat that food, it will get smeared on your clothes.

hihpahpa*2   [hihpahpaw]  hi-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. (the body) be smeared with dirt. sʼaʔsʼa híhpahpaʔ all covered with dirt (of apron).

muhpahpa*   [muhpahpaw]  mu-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. smear all over? sʼaʔsʼa múhpahpacʰwiye· to I am getting dirty. Example Variant: šaʔsʼa·bicʰwiye· to.

sihpahpa*   [sihpahpaw]  si-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. be smeared all over or in spots by water, wetting. wenta·na sihpáhpaʔ the window got smeared by the rain (so can't see through). ʔahqʰa síhpahpacʰqa· maʔu the water is apparent on cloth in drops here and there (as in rain -- not solidly wet yet). synonyms: sihkʰahkʰa*1.

šuhpahpa*2   [šuhpáhpaw]  šu-, hpa*1. Reduplicating Verb. smeared with water.

hpa*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with -r̂-:. Instr Verb Root. come into contact with, pat.

bahpahpa*   [bahpáhpaw]  ba-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly with snout.

cahpahpa*   [cahpahpaw]  ca-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly with rear.

cuhpahpa*   [cuhpáhpaw]  cu-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly with a pad.

dahpahpa*1   [dahpahpaw]  da-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. (the hand) come into repeated contact with something messy; repeatedly pat something messy, gooey. dahpáhpahpʰi dahpáhpacʼkʰe if you pat (that wet paint), you will smear it (on something else). maʔa múl dahpáhpapʰi kʼaṭa tól dahpáhpacʼkʰe ʔe· mu if you pat that food, it will get smeared on your clothes.

hihpahpa*1   [hihpahpaw]  hi-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. (the body) come into repeated contact; keep moving against. hihpáhpaba sʼalúʔ hicʼow repeated contact with bodies turned it smooth. compare: hihpʰitʼ*, hihqʰa*1, hihqʰa*1.

mahpahpa*   [mahpahpaw]  ma-2, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly with foot.

šuhpahpa*1   [šuhpáhpaw]  šu-, hpa*2. Reduplicating Verb. hit repeatedly with wet rag.

hpanh*   [-]   Variant: hpanha·ta·d*. Instr Verb Root. pack down; compress (some material, usually but not necessarily, make the surface even).

cahpanh*   [cahpanʔ]  ca-, hpanh*. Verb. compress with rear end or with body. ʔiša· li cahpani compress with your arm! ʔuhqʰa wi cahpani compress with your stomach!

cihpanh*   [cihpánʔ]  cʰi-, hpanh*. Verb. compress or flatten (land) with a tool. ʔama· cihpánqaw to make land smooth with a harrow. cihpánhci· ṭʰaʔbamʔ (the field) is smooth.

dahpanh*   [dahpanʔ]  da-, hpanh*. Variant: dapana·tad*. Verb. break up (e.g., clods of earth) with the hand. ʔama· dahkʰúhkʰucʰpʰi, dahpánhci break up the (clods of) earth with your hands and even the land with your palms. compare: daʔqʼac*.

dihpanh*   [dihpanʔ]  di-, hpanh*. Verb. compress,with heavy weight, falling. musu· tilitílila·bina, ʔama· dihpanhciqʰ a log must have rolled down and pressed the ground smooth. Example Variant: dihpanqʰ.

hihpanh*   [hihpanʔ]  hi-, hpanh*. Variant: hihpanha·ta·d*. Verb. compress with the body. haʔu qoláhtibicʼ el hihpani press in with your body that (wall insulation) sticking out!

mahpanh*   [mahpanʔ]  ma-2, hpanh*. Variant: mahpana·tad*. Verb. compress with the foot. qʰama wi mahpaní mul ʔama· ʔ tamp down that ground with your feet by spreading and mashing!

mihpanh*   [mihpanʔ]  mi-2, hpanh*. Verb. compress with a long instrument.

muhpanh*   [muhpanʔ]  mu-, hpanh*. Verb. compress by driving over. ʔama· botʼ má·kina yaʔ muhpánhciqʰ the car ran over the soft ground and packed it down.

sihpanh*   [sihpanʔ]  si-, hpanh*. Verb. compress with water. ʔaná· ʔihcʰe mihsaʔ dibúcʰbina matʼqʰa síhpanhciqʰ such a heavy rain fell, (dust) turned into mud and packed (dirt) down; if water lands a lot and you don't hoe, it will pack down (not necessarily smooth).

šuhpanh*   [šuhpanʔ]  šu-, hpanh*. Verb. compress by dragging; drag something over to make smooth.

hpanha·ta·d*   [-]  hpanh*. Instr Verb Root. compress.

hpi*   [hpi]  hpʰi*1.

hpitʼ*   [hpitʼ]  hpʰitʼ*.

hpitʼpitʼi   [hpitʼpitʼi]  pʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*.

hpo*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with -r̂-. Instr Verb Root. have consistency of gelatinous material.

dohpohpo*   [dohpóhpow]  du-, hpo*1. Reduplicating Verb. when poked with the finger to give way with a quiver (of gelatin, starch when crusted over, of plastic bag filled with water). ka·ša winalu·to· dohpóhpow on top of the (crusted) mush, it yields when poked with the finger.

hihpohpo*   [hihpóhpow]  hi-, hpo*1. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • quiver (of gelatin, or very fat people).

2 • to be touchy, be easily hurt or irritated (Idiomatic). qatʼaʔtʰu mul ʔacaʔ; ʔacaʔ hihpóhpow emu ʔ don’t say anything to that man; he is a touchy man!

hpo*2   [-]   Variant: pot*. Instr Verb Root. a three-dimensional space be filled completely and to overflowing, be stuffed full and overfull. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*.

cahpo*   [cahpow]  ca-, hpo*2. Verb. (water) overflow a dam.

cohpo*   [cohpów]  cu-, hpo*2. Verb. a reservoir to fill (with water flowing in).

dahpo*   [dahpow]  da-, hpo*2. Verb. a three-dimensional space be filled completely and to overflowing with the hand. dahpotʰuʔ @ don't overflow. dahpowá·tacʼmeʔ @ overflow several! synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dohpo*.

dahpohpoc*   [dahpóhpoʔ]  dahpo*. Reduplicating Verb. stuff to be overflowing. dahpóhpocʰqaw to stuff full by hand. kahó·n ma miʔkʰe dahpóhpocʰqa stuff your box to overflowing!

dihpo*   [dihpow]  di-, hpo*2. Verb. drop something into (a container) to raise the (water) level to the top.

dohpo*   [dohpow]  du-, hpo*2. Verb. be full to the top; heaping full. šeʔéʔ li ʔahqʰa dohpoqʰ in the container the water is up to the top. dohpó·maw keep getting dull again and again. Example Variant: cuṭʼahmaw. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, hwisʼ*, pam*, paṭ*3, dahpo*, cuṭʼa·q*, pa*2, dahpo*.

hihpo*   [hihpow]  hi-, hpo*2. Verb. filled with body; a three-dimensional space be filled completely and to overflowing with a body. ʔahqʰa yó ma ʔama· bahṭʰe banal·*pʰila, hipoʔbem ~ if you put something big in the water, it would rise to the top.

mahpo*   [mahpow]  ma-2, hpo*2. Verb. step into water and cause it to overflow.

mohpo*   [mohpow]  mu-, hpo*2. Variant: mopot*. Verb. boil over (out of a container); overflow a container by movement. (ʔahqʰa múl) mohpo jump in a tub of water so it overflows! mohpocí·du @. mohpowá·du D: Plural. mopóhwaqaʔ several (pots) boil up and over. mopóhwaqaʔ (waves) break. mohpóhmaw boil over and run down on stove. mohpoti ready to boil over.

hpolh*   [-]   Variant: hpolha·ta·d*. Instr Verb Root. gush, spurt (of liquids only). synonyms: hšukʼu·ṭ*, hšokʼo·t*, hsokʼo·t*1.

bahpolh*   [bahpólʔ]  ba-, hpolh*. Variant: bahpola·tad*. Verb. cause (liquid) to gush or spurt by the mouth or snout, or by speaking. bahpólhciw to cause liquid to spurt out by poking with the snout or by talking. ʔú·qʰa bahpólhciwiye· to· ma cʰóhqacʼba you made me burst into tears when you scolded me.

cahpolh*   [cahpolʔ]  ca-, hpolh*. Verb. gush by sitting on. ʔahqʰ cahpólhciw make water come by sitting on.

cohpolh*   [cohpolʔ]  cu-, hpolh*. Variant: cohpolha·ta·d*. Verb. gush, spurt (of liquids only). ʔú·qʰa cohpólhciwe· to tears flowed out of me.

dohpolh*   [dohpolʔ]  du-, hpolh*. Variant: dohpolha·ta·d*. Verb. make gush, spurt (of liquids only), using fingers. dohpólhciw to poke (a tomato) with the finger and make juice spurt out. dohpólhmaw to poke (a tomato) over (a bowl to catch the juice). muhkúyʔba to, qʰasʼíyaš cotoʔbiʔli, ʔa duhtayʔli, ʔahqʰa dóhpolhciy when I got badly burned, a blister rose up, and, when I touched it, water spurted out.

hahpolh*   [hahpolʔ]  ha-, hpolh*. Verb. gush by kicking.

hihpolh*   [hihpolʔ]  hi-, hpolh*. Verb. gush out by itself.

mohpolh*   [mohpolʔ]  mu-, hpolh*. Variant: mohpola·tad*. Verb. gush, spurt with emotions. ʔú·qʰa mohpólciwe· to tears poured out of me. Example Variant: mohpólhciwiye· to. mohpólhci gush! mohpólhcimeʔ gush (to several)! mohpolá·tacʼmeʔ several gush! mohpolciwi·biʔ @.

hpolha·ta·d*   [-]  hpolh*.

hpolpolo*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. (tongue or water) make a hole.

sihpolpolo*   [sihpólpolow]  si-, hpolpolo*1. Verb. make holes with water. ʔicʰe díṭʼetʼbina, ʔama· sihpólpolowanqʰ rain must have fallen, it has made holes in the ground. sihpolpolow sʼibiw (the rain) must have made small holes (in the ground). sihpólpolow lick rotten spot from apple and clean it out.

hpolpolo*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be painfully swollen from repeated irritation. compare: hponpolo*.

mohpolpoloc*   [mohpolpoloʔ]  mu-, hpolpolo*2. Verb. swell up from heat or bee sting. coʔo yaʔ huʔúy hcoʔbina, mito mohpólpolocʰqaʔ a yellowjacket must have stung your eye, it has swollen badly. mohpólpolo·tʰuʔ don't swell up! mohpólpoloci swell up! synonyms: mohponpoloc*, moʔbo*, mohponpoloc*.

šahpolpoloc*   [šahpolpoloʔ]  ša-, hpolpolo*2. Verb. make swollen and sore by repeated putting a long object in lengthwise. šahpolpolocʰwiy keep poking in and out of wound and make it swell and be sore. synonyms: šahponpoloc*.

hponpolo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be painfully swollen from repeatedly irritation. compare: hpolpolo*2; synonyms: mohtontolo*, htontolo*, hṭʰonṭolo*, htontolo*, hṭʰonṭolo*.

cahponpoloc*   [cahponpoloʔ]  ca-, hponpolo*. Verb. rear end swollen.

dahponpoloc*   [dahpónpoloʔ]  da-, hponpolo*. Verb. make painfully swollen by repeated irritation by the palm of the hand. dahqʰáhqʰaba dahqʰáhqʰaba, daṭʼo·ba, dahpónpoloʔ having rubbed and rubbed, rubbed and rubbed, he rubbed the skin off and made it get painfully swollen. dahpónpoloci make swollen by rubbing! dahpónpolowacʼmeʔ make swollen by rubbing (to several)!

dohponpoloc*   [dohponpoloʔ]  du-, hponpolo*. Verb. finger badly swollen.

hahponpoloc*   [hahpónpoloʔ]  ha-, hponpolo*. Verb. make painfully swollen by repeated kicking.

mahponpoloc*   [mahponpoloʔ]  ma-2, hponpolo*. Verb. make painfully swollen by walking about. ʔaná· wanʔwanʔba, mahpónpolocʰwiye· to qʰama I walked around so much that my feet got painfully swollen.

mihponpoloc*   [mihponpoloʔ]  mi-2, hponpolo*. Verb. kick so much that (feet) get badly swollen.

mohponpoloc*   [mohponpoloʔ]  mu-, hponpolo*. Verb. be painfully swollen from a burn, bee sting, or thrown nonlong object (rock). mohpónpolowa·du to be painfully swollen from a burn, bee sting, or thrown nonlong object (rock). (Durative). mohpónpolocʰmeʔ swell up (to several)! huʔú·mo mohpónpoloʔ face swollen up (from bee sting). synonyms: moʔbo*, mohpolpoloc*, mohpolpoloc*.

pahponpoloc*   [pahponpoloʔ]  pʰa-, hponpolo*. Verb. make (something alive) swell badly and painfully from repeated poking.

pihponpoloc*   [pihponpoloʔ]  pʰi-, hponpolo*. Verb. make sore and swollen by beating with a long object (stick).

qahponpoloc*   [qahponpoloʔ]  qa-, hponpolo*. Verb. make swollen by biting.

šahponpoloc*   [šahpónpoloʔ]  ša-, hponpolo*. Verb. make swollen and sore by repeated putting a long object in lengthwise, make swollen and sore by rape. ʔana· pʰaʔqʼapʰáʔqʼa·li to qaṭi šahpónpolocʰwiy they repeatedly poked in my wound (with a long instrument to clean it out) and made it really swollen and sore. synonyms: šahpolpoloc*.

šohponpoloc*   [šohpónpoloʔ]  šu-, hponpolo*. Verb. be swollen and sore from being chafed by something flexible (belt, clothing), or from being beaten with a whip. synonyms: šohtontolo*.

hpʰa*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. face toward. synonyms: hqʰac*2, hkʰe*2.

hpʰa*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: with R. Instr Verb Root. sink in. compare: hpʰa·š*.

bahpʰa*   [bahpʰaw]  ba-, hpʰa*2. Verb. sink in with mouth. hasʼiʔda bahpʰa lips sunk in over, no teeth. compare: bahpʰa·š*.

bahpʰabahpʰa*   [bahpʰabahpʰaw]  bahpʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. lips moving with no teeth underneath (talking or eating) as of old people.

dihpʰa*   [dihpʰaw]  di-, hpʰa*2. Verb. sink in by gravity. qapʼa dihpʰa sunken in cheecks. compare: dihpʰa·š*.

qahpʰahpʰa*   [qahpʰahpʰaw]  qa-, hpʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. sink in by chewing, chewing something not crispy (like damp cracker).

hpʰa*3   [pʰaw]   Variant: hpʰacʰma*. Verb. bake under the ashes (something relatively small, such as bulbs or quail). pʰalá hpʰa bake again! pʰa bake! pʰameʔ bake (to several)! pʰácʰma bake several! pʰácʰmameʔ bake several (to several)! pʰaci·du keep baking. pʰayícʼmeʔ keep baking (to several). pʰácʰmamecʼmeʔ keep baking several (to several). pʰácʰmame·du keep baking several. pʰalá hpʰaci·du bake again and again. pʰala pʰácʰma bake (several) again! pʰala qán hpʰaci·du @ keep baking now? synonyms: malum*, diʔbu*.

hpʰacʰma*   [hpʰacʰmaw]  hpʰa*3.

hpʰanki*   [hpʰanki]   Kinship Noun. daughter. compare: pʰa·*.

mahpʰanki*   [-]  hpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their own daughter.

mahpʰanki   [mahpʰanki]  mahpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their own daughter.

mahpʰankil   [mahpʰankil]  mahpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his, her, or their own daughter.

mahpʰankiyi   [mahpʰankiyi]  mahpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. him, her or them and his, her, or their own daughter.

mahpʰankiʔkʰe   [mahpʰankiʔkʰe]  mahpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for his, her, or their own daughter.

mahpʰankiʔna   [mahpʰankiʔna]  mahpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his, her, or their own daughter is.

2 • at his, her, or their own daughter's place.

mihpʰanki*   [-]  hpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. your daughter.

mihpʰanki   [mihpʰanki]  mihpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. your daughter.

mihpʰankil   [mihpʰankil]  mihpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) your daughter.

mihpʰankiyi   [mihpʰankiyi]  mihpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. you and your daughter.

mihpʰankiʔkʰe   [mihpʰankiʔkʰe]  mihpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for your daughter.

mihpʰankiʔna   [mihpʰankiʔna]  mihpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your daughter is.

2 • at your daughter's place.

miya·pʰanki*   [-]  hpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their daughter.

miya·pʰanki   [miya·pʰanki]  miya·pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their daughter.

miya·pʰankil   [miya·pʰankil]  miya·pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his, her, or their daughter.

miya·pʰankiʔkʰe   [miya·pʰankiʔkʰe]  miya·pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for his, her, or their daughter.

miya·pʰankiʔna   [miya·pʰankiʔna]  miya·pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his, her, or their daughter is.

2 • at his, her, or their daughter's place.

pʰanki*   [-]  hpʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (my or our) daughter.

pʰanke   [pʰanke]  pʰanki*. Variant: pʰankide. Kinship Noun. Daughter!

pʰankinʔ   [pʰánkinʔ]  pʰanki*. Noun. (my or our) daughter.

pʰankito   [pʰankito]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our daughter.

pʰankitoʔna   [pʰankitoʔna]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our daughter is.

2 • at my or our daughter's place.

pʰankiʔkʰe   [pʰankiʔkʰe]  pʰanki*. Kinship Noun. for my or our daughter.

hpʰaqʼ*   [-]   Variant: pʰahqʼi*. Instr Verb Root. surface sag inwards; interior of a surface break, collapse. synonyms: hpʰa·š*.

cahpʰaqʼ*   [cahpʰaqʼciw]  ca-, hpʰaqʼ*. Variant: capʰahqʼa*. Verb. break interior (of something) with rear end, e.g., by sitting on it. cahpʰáqʼmaw to break a chair inward by sitting on. cahpʰaqʼciw to break spring in chair (so it doesn't come up again). compare: cahpʰatʼ*.

dahpʰaqʼ*   [dahpʰaqʼciw]  da-, hpʰaqʼ*. Verb. interior of a surface break from hand. dahpʰaqʼmaw push and break a chair seat with hand.

dihpʰaqʼ*   [dihpʰaqʼciw]  di-, hpʰaqʼ*. Variant: dipʰahqʼi*. Verb. interior of a surface break, collapse, fall in, perhaps under heavy weight. dihpʰáqʼciw (roof) suddenly to collapse under the force of gravity. dipʰáhqʼiw several (roofs) to collapse. dihpʰáqʼciʔ surface (of grave) to collapse inward on itself. dihpʰáqʼmaw (roof) suddenly to collapse within the confines of its walls under the force of gravity. dipʰáhqʼimʔ several (roofs) collapse inward. dihpʰaqʼmaw D: Essive. synonyms: dihpʰa·š*, diʔcʼolhcicʼ*.

mahpʰaqʼ*   [mahpʰaqʼciw]  ma-2, hpʰaqʼ*. Variant: mapʰahqʼi*. Verb. interior of a surface break, collapse, from someone walking on it. mahpʰáqʼmaw (porch) collapse inward when walked on. synonyms: mahpʰa·š*.

muhpʰaqʼ*   [muhpʰaqʼciw]  mu-, hpʰaqʼ*. Variant: mupʰahqʼi*. Verb. interior of a surface break, collapse, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions. muhpʰáqʼciw (wall) to be bent or broken by a thrown (rock). muhpʰaqʼmaw throw against (paper) so that it is curved back (with the ball).

sihpʰaqʼ*   [sihpʰaqʼciw]  si-, hpʰaqʼ*. Variant: sipʰahqʼi*. Verb. interior of a surface break, collapse, by water; get wet and collapse. sihpʰáqʼciw (cardboard box, paper house) get wet, soft, and collapse. sihpʰaqʼmaw D: Essive. compare: sihpʰatʼ*, sihwatʼ*.

hpʰaš   [hpʰaš]  hpʰa·š*.

hpʰatʼ*   [-]   Cooccurrence: takes -ma- and -ci-. Variant: pʰahtʼi*. Instr Verb Root. flop, go flat.

bahpʰatʼ*   [bahpʰatʼciw]  ba-, hpʰatʼ*. Verb. lips flop in. ʔacaʔ hoʔo cʰoʔ hasʼiʔda bahpʰatʼciw a person without teeth, (his) lip has sunken in (floppy lip) (sitting). ʔacaʔ hoʔo cʰoʔ hasʼiʔda bahpʰatʼciw a person without teeth, (his) lip has sunken in (floppy lip) (standing or sitting). bahpʰatʼmaw D: Essive.

bihpʰatʼ*   [bihpʰatʼciw]  bi-, hpʰatʼ*. Variant: bipʰahtʼi*. Verb. 1 • flop, go flat, while being held in arms. bihpʰátʼmaw to hold (clothes) in the arms flopped over.

2 • have sunken lips, as if without teeth. bihpʰatʼciw a person without teeth, (his) lip has sunken in (floppy lip). Example Variant: bihpʰatʼmaw.

cahpʰatʼ*   [cahpʰatʼciw]  ca-, hpʰatʼ*. Variant: capʰahtʼi*. Verb. flop down onto rear end; sit flat, as car on flat tire. cʼe·lícʼba, to· sili wí cahpʰatʼciy having fallen, I flopped on my rear. cahpʰatʼá·law sit (on paper or a bed) and break through the middle. cahpʰátʼciwcaw to sit flat on the floor (as car with flat tire). cahpʰatʼciw (slip and fall) on rear loosely, floppily. cahpʰatʼmaw D: Essive. compare: cahpʰaqʼ*.

cihpʰatʼ*   [cihpʰátʼciw]  cʰi-, hpʰatʼ*. Variant: cipʰahtʼi*. Verb. flop, go flat, by holding a small part of a larger object, e.g. a handle. cihpʰátʼmaw (wet cloth) to hang flopped over. compare: cipʰa·l*.

dihpʰatʼ*   [dihpʰatʼciw]  di-, hpʰatʼ*. Variant: dipʰahtʼi*. Verb. flop down (in liquid), fall flat. ʔahqʰa yó· dihpʰatʼmaye· ʔa I (belly-)flopped in the water. maṭʼqʰa yów dihpʰatʼciw to fall flat in the mud (on belly or back). Example Variant: maṭʼqʰa tol dihpʰatʼciw. dipʰahtʼimʔ D: Plural. dihpʰatʼmaw D: Essive.

sihpʰatʼ*   [sihpʰatʼciw]  si-, hpʰatʼ*. Verb. flop, go flat, from water, rain. qaʔdi qoláhtibiʔ ṭʼi sihpʰatʼciqʰ the haystacks have all gone flat from being wet. sihpʰatʼciw soaking wet (so clothes stick to body). sihpʰatʼciw (paper house) get wet, soft and go flat. sihpʰatʼmaw D: Essive. compare: sihwatʼ*, sihpʰaqʼ*.

hpʰa·š*   [-]   Variant: hpʰaš; pʰahši*. Instr Verb Root. sag inward, depress. synonyms: hqʰolh*, tʰol*, ʔcʼolh*1, kʰol, hpʰaqʼ*; compare: hpʰa*2.

bahpʰa·š*   [bahpʰaš]  ba-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: bapʰahši*. Verb. sag inward, depress, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). bahpʰášmaw cheek or lips to be sunken in (not backing of teeth). compare: bahpʰa*.

bihpʰa·š*   [bihpʰaš]  bi-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: bipʰahši*. Verb. lip sag inward. bihpʰášmaw lip to be sunken in.

cihpʰa·š*   [cihpʰaš´]  cʰi-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: cipʰahši*. Verb. sag inward, depress, by holding a small part of a larger object, e.g. a handle. kare·ta cʰíʔdimbina, puwenta cihpʰášmaqʰ a wagon must have been pulled across and caved in the bridge.

dihpʰa·š*   [dihpʰaš]  di-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: dipʰahši*. Verb. sag inward, depress, by gravity, falling, a heavy weight. dihpʰášciʔ (grave) to be sunken in on itself. dihpʰašciw (cardboard box) get out of shape (in rain). dihpʰášmaw (rotten old house) fall down . compare: dihpʰa*; synonyms: dihpʰaqʼ*, diʔcʼolhcicʼ*.

duhpʰa·š*   [duhpʰaš]  du-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: dupʰahši*. Verb. make sag inward, depress, with a finger. duhpʰaša·law push down with the finger on a surface (cloth spread over the mouth of a jar).

hihpʰa·š*   [hihpʰaš]  hi-, hpʰa·š*. Verb. sag inward, depress, with body, by itself.

mahpʰa·š*   [mahpʰašciw]  ma-2, hpʰa·š*. Verb. sag inward, depress, with sole of foot. mahpʰášmaw (porch) break in when walked on. synonyms: mahpʰaqʼ*.

mihpʰa·š*   [mihpʰaš]  mi-2, hpʰa·š*. Variant: mipʰahši*. Verb. collapsed, knocked in by kicking. mihyóʔca ma·caʔ hanétʰmabina, mihpʰášciqʰ they must have been kicking on the woodrat house; it has been kicked down.

muhpʰa·š*   [muhpʰaš]  mu-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: mupʰahši*. Verb. collapse from car driving on. cár mombina, puwenta muhpʰášmaqʰ a car must have run across and caved in the bridge.

sihpʰa·š*   [sihpʰaš]  si-, hpʰa·š*. Variant: sipʰahši*. Verb. sag inward, depress, by water. sihpʰášmaw a surface (tissue stretched over a cup) to break in when it becomes wet.

hpʰe*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. not go through with action; expected action not continue to completion.

muhpʰe*   [muhpʰew]  mu-, hpʰe*1. Verb. not go through with action; expected action not continue to completion. cohtocʼkʰe ʔa ʔi·, muhpʰewíye· to I was about to leave, when I didn’t have to. haʔtʰitíʔduba, muhpʰey he was about to sneeze, but stopped in the middle. Example Variant: haʔtʰitiʔdubaʔnati muhpʰewa·y. ʔihcʰe muhpʰewá·qa let the rain stop! muhpʰewayʔ something supposed to happen but it doesn't go through. Prayer for when rain has continued for too long.

hpʰe*2   [hpʰe]  hpʰi*2.

hpʰem*   [pʰimʔ]  hpʰi*2, -m2. Variant: hpʰim*; pʰehtim*; pʰitʰm*. Verb of Handling. carry across on back. pʰema carry one across! pʰemtʰuʔ don't carry across! pʰitʰma carry several across one at a time! pʰéhtimmeʔ carry several all together (to several)! pʰítʰmameʔ carry several one after another (to several)! naṭayya qʰo hpʰima carry the two children across one at a time! naṭayya qʰo· pʰítʰma @ <not> naṭayya qʰo· ʔí· pʰitʰma carry the two children across one at a time! Example Variant: naṭayya qʰi· pʰítʰma ku·yiʔ. pʰitmaw hold, or carry across, several one at a time.

hpʰemaqʷ*   [pʰemaʔ]  hpʰi*2, -maqʷ. Variant: pʰehtimaqʷ*; pʰihtimaqʷ*. Verb of Handling. carry (child) in here on back. pʰemá·qo carry one in here! pʰéhtima·qo carry several in here at once! pʰíhtima·qo carry several in here one at a time! pʰemáhmeʔ carry one in here (to several)! pʰéhtimahmeʔ carry several in here at once (to several)! pʰíhtimahmeʔ carry several in here one at a time (to several)! pʰemáhtʰuʔ don't carry one in here! pʰéhtimahtʰuʔ don't carry several in here at once! pʰíhtimahtʰuʔ don't carry several in here one at a time! pʰemáhtʰumeʔ don't carry several in here at once (to several)! pʰemá·qocʼmeʔ keep carrying one in here (to several)! pʰemá·qoyicʼmeʔ @ <habitual?>

hpʰema·duc*   [pʰema·duʔ]  . Verb. arrive carrying.

hpʰeṭ*   [pʰeʔ]   Variant: pʰehṭʰim*. Verb. fart, break wind, insult by farting at, razz with a Bronx cheer. ʔipʰe· báhṭʰe pʰeʔ to let out a big fart. pʰéṭʰmaw to fart at, to razz with a Bronx cheer. pʰéṭʰma razz! pʰala pʰéṭʰma razz again! Example Variant: pʰalá hpʰeṭʰma. pʰéhṭʰima razz several times! pʰéṭʰmameʔ razz (to several)! pʰéhṭʰimmeʔ razz several times (to several)! compare: duṭʰis*, nupʰe·, ʔipʰe·, ʔipʰe·.

hpʰeṭʰma*   [pʰeṭʰmaw]  . Verb. fart at, razz.

hpʰi*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -R- or -r̂-: Only attested with -r̂-:. Variant: hpi*. Instr Verb Root. shred, tear repeatedly. synonyms: hpʰitʼ*.

bahpʰihpʰic*   [bahpʰihpʰiʔ]  ba-, hpʰi*1. Reduplicating Verb. shred by pecking with beak.

cahpʰihpʰic*   [cahpʰihpʰiʔ]  ca-, hpʰi*1. Variant: cahpihpi*; cahpʰicapʰitad*. Reduplicating Verb. shred with a massive object, the rear, a knife. mu·kínʔ mi·li kumíʔdaʔ cumacínʔba, cahpʰíhpʰicʼ e· mu, hiqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa· ṭʰaʔbamam he always sits there; that is why he has shredded it with his rear, and it is there in pieces. cahpíhpiʔ to cut to pieces with a knife; to wear (a cushion cover) to pieces by sitting on it. synonyms: cahpʰitʼ*.

dahpʰihpʰi*   [dahpíhpiw]  da-, hpʰi*1. Variant: dahpihpi*; dahpʰidapʰitad*. Reduplicating Verb. tear up or shred by rubbing with hand (or with claws). dahpʰíhpʰi shred! synonyms: dahpʰitʼ*.

dahpʰihpʰic*   [dahpʰíhpʰiʔ]  dahpʰihpʰi*. Reduplicating Verb. tear up by rubbing with hands. dahpʰíhpʰici tear it up! dahpíhpiʔ to tear up, wear our by rubbing.

duhpʰihpʰic*   [duhpʰihpʰiʔ]  du-, hpʰi*1. Reduplicating Verb. wear a hole in by constant fidgeting around with fingers.

hihpʰihpʰic*   [hihpʰihpʰiʔ]  hi-, hpʰi*1. Variant: hihpʰihipʰita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. shred with the body. ciwala· hihpʰíhpʰiʔ šime· ma you are wearing a ragged shirt. hihpʰíhpʰiʔ torn to pieces. synonyms: hihpʰitʼ*.

mahpʰihpʰic*   [mahpʰihpʰiʔ]  ma-2, hpʰi*1. Reduplicating Verb. shred with sole of foot. compare: mahtʰihtʰic*, mahtʰohtʰoc*, mahcʰohcʰoc*.

pihpʰihpʰi*   [pihpʰihpʰiw]  pʰi-, hpʰi*1. Variant: pihpihpi*. Reduplicating Verb. shred, tear repeatedly with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer.

šuhpʰihpʰi*   [šuhpíhpiw]  šu-, hpʰi*1. Variant: šuhpihpi*; šuhpʰišupʰita·d*. Reduplicating Verb. shred or tear up by pulling or pushing, a long flexible object.

šuhpʰihpʰic*   [šuhpʰihpʰiʔ]  šuhpʰihpʰi*. Reduplicating Verb. shred a flexible object. kʼaṭa šúhpʰipʰici tear the cloth to pieces!

hpʰi*2   [pʰiw]   Variant: hpʰe*; pʰeht(i)*; pʰiht(i)*. Verb of Handling. carry, hold, pick up. pʰiyí·!!cʼi· pick (a person) up onto your back! pʰiyí·cʼi carry on back! kʰe bihše kawa·yu ʔel pʰeyicʼqa have the horse carry my deer on its back! kawa·yu ʔem bihše ʔel pʰeyicʼbiw the horse is carrying the deer on its back sounds like the horse put it there. pʰiyiʔ carry (child on shoulders). naṭa ʔel kʰe pʰiyí·cʼi carry the child for me! miyá·ṭʰe ʔem naṭa ʔel pʰeyicʼqam his mother is carrying the baby on her back. pʰeyíʔ wrap blanket (ʔatiya·la) around waist, carry baby in back. pʰiyíʔtʰuʔ don't start to carry person on back! pʰihtiw carry several one at a time. pʰehtimʔ hold, or carry across, several together.

hpʰem*   [pʰimʔ]  hpʰi*2, -m2. Variant: hpʰim*; pʰehtim*; pʰitʰm*. Verb of Handling. carry across on back. pʰema carry one across! pʰemtʰuʔ don't carry across! pʰitʰma carry several across one at a time! pʰéhtimmeʔ carry several all together (to several)! pʰítʰmameʔ carry several one after another (to several)! naṭayya qʰo hpʰima carry the two children across one at a time! naṭayya qʰo· pʰítʰma @ <not> naṭayya qʰo· ʔí· pʰitʰma carry the two children across one at a time! Example Variant: naṭayya qʰi· pʰítʰma ku·yiʔ. pʰitmaw hold, or carry across, several one at a time.

hpʰemaqʷ*   [pʰemaʔ]  hpʰi*2, -maqʷ. Variant: pʰehtimaqʷ*; pʰihtimaqʷ*. Verb of Handling. carry (child) in here on back. pʰemá·qo carry one in here! pʰéhtima·qo carry several in here at once! pʰíhtima·qo carry several in here one at a time! pʰemáhmeʔ carry one in here (to several)! pʰéhtimahmeʔ carry several in here at once (to several)! pʰíhtimahmeʔ carry several in here one at a time (to several)! pʰemáhtʰuʔ don't carry one in here! pʰéhtimahtʰuʔ don't carry several in here at once! pʰíhtimahtʰuʔ don't carry several in here one at a time! pʰemáhtʰumeʔ don't carry several in here at once (to several)! pʰemá·qocʼmeʔ keep carrying one in here (to several)! pʰemá·qoyicʼmeʔ @ <habitual?>

pʰe·bic*   [pʰe·biʔ]  hpʰi*2, -ibic. Variant: pʰehtibic*; pʰihtibic*. Verb of Handling. start to carry person on back; get up while carrying person on back. pʰebi·ci get up with person on your back! pʰihtibicʰmeʔ start to carry several on back one at a time (to several)! pʰehtibicʰmeʔ start to carry several on back all at once (to several)!

pʰe·d*   [pʰe·du´]  hpʰi*2, -ad2. Variant: pʰe·cʼ*. Verb. carry (person, child) along on back, carry here. pʰala pʰé·du carry along again! hu·ʔ pʰe·dú yes, bring it! Example Comment: answer to "shall I bring it?". men mul naṭa pʰe·du pack that child along. Example Variant: men pʰe·du múl naṭa ʔ. be·li múl naṭa pʰe·du pack that child here. Example Variant: be·li pʰé·du mul naṭa ʔ.

pʰe·la*   [pʰe·láw]  hpʰi*2, -ala. Verb of Handling. carry (person) down on back. pʰe·la carry down! pʰela·tʰúʔ don't carry down! pʰela·méʔ carry down (to several)! pʰela·tʰuméʔ don't carry down (to several)! pʰela·medú keep carrying down! pʰela·medú mi·li ʔ keep carrying one down there! pʰela·mécʼmeʔ keep carrying down (to several)! pʰelamecí·yicʼmeʔ @. mi·li pʰé·la carry one down there! Example Variant: pʰe·la mí·liʔ. pʰela·tʰu mí·li don't carry one there! Example Variant: mi·li pʰela·tʰúʔ. pʰela·tʰumé mi·li ʔ don't carry one down there (to several)! Example Variant: mi·li pʰéla·mecʼmeʔ.

pʰe·qac*   [pʰe·qáʔ]  hpʰi*2, -aqac. Variant: pʰehtaqac*; pʰihtaqac*. Verb of Handling. carry (a child) up on back. pʰeqa·ci carry one up! pʰéhtaqa·ci carry several up at once! pʰíhtaqa·ci carry several up one at a time! pʰe·qá·tʰuʔ don't carry up! pʰéhtaqacʰmeʔ carry several up together (to several)! pʰíhtaqacʰmeʔ carry several up one at a time (to several)! pʰe·qácʰmeʔ carry one up (to several)! (all carrying same person). pʰe·qá·tʰumeʔ don't carry up (to several)! mi·li pʰéqa·ci carry one up there! Example Variant: pʰeqa·ci mí·liʔ. pʰeqá·tʰu mi·li ʔ don't carry one up there!

hpʰim*   [hpʰim]  hpʰem*.

hpʰitʼ*   [-]   Variant: hpitʼ*; pʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Instr Verb Root. tear, rip (paper, cloth, lettuce). synonyms: hpʰi*1.

cahpʰitʼ*   [cahpʰiʔ]  ca-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: cahpitʼ*; capʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear with knife, by sitting. cahpitʼciw tear with knife, by sitting. cahpitʼádu synonyms: cahpʰihpʰic*.

dahpʰitʼ*   [dahpʰiʔ]  da-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: dahpitʼ*; dapʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear, rip (paper, cloth, lettuce), with the hand. dahpítʼciw to tear (a rag) once with the hands. dahpitʼá·du to keep tearing with the hands. dahpitʼá·duwa·du to keep tearing here and there with the hands. Calque (of English slang): to tear around, move around wildly, go on a spree. ʔama dútʼaʔ ša· ʔin, mu ṭʼo dahpitʼá·dadun min sʼiw being a great worker, he does like he is tearing things up. Calque: work with speed. dapʰítʼpʰiʔtʼiw to tear several with the hands. dahpitʼá·qa go around moving fast doing things (tearing around). synonyms: dahpʰihpʰi*.

dihpʰitʼ*   [dihpʰiʔ]  di-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: dihpitʼ*; dipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. fall and tear, fall and rip (paper, cloth, lettuce). dihpítʼciw (a sack of groceries) to tear apart from being dropped.

duhpʰitʼci*   [duhpʰitʼciw]  du-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: duhpitʼci*. Verb. tear to pieces with finger. duhpítʼci mul mišukʰ tear the sack to pieces!

hihpʰitʼ*   [hihpʰiʔ]  hi-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: hihpitʼ*; hihpʰitʼpʰitʼiwa·d*; hipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear with body; body of something is torn. hihpítʼciw torn so that unusable. compare: hihqʰa*1, hihpahpa*1; synonyms: hihpʰihpʰic*.

mihpʰitʼci*   [mihpʰitʼciw]  mi-2, hpʰitʼ*. Verb. tear by kicking.

muhpʰitʼ*   [muhpʰiʔ]  mu-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: muhpitʼ*; mupʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear, rip (paper, cloth, lettuce) into pieces by fire, heat, or machine. muhpítʼciw burnt. ʔoho yaʔ seʔe múhpitʼciy the fire burned the brush into pieces. Example Variant: muhpʰitʼciy. maʔa ṭʼi múhpitʼciy the food is all cooked to pieces. Example Variant: mupʰitʼciy. búlldozer ʔem seʔé ʔyowal muhpitʼciqʰ the bulldozer must have torn out the former brush. muhpʰítʼmaw car swipe through brush. muhpʰitʼá·law car swipe down. muhpʰitʼciwa·du D: Plural. muhpʰitʼa·du @.

pihpʰitʼci*   [pihpʰitʼciw]  pʰi-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: pihpitʼci*. Verb. tear with stick. moʔoʔtaba kʼaṭa pihpítʼciy he tore the clothes by hitting.

sihpʰitʼ*   [sihpʰiʔ]  si-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: sihpitʼ*; sipʰitʼpʰiʔtʼi*. Verb. tear, rip (paper, cloth, lettuce), by water. sihpítʼciw (paper) to come to pieces when wet.

šuhpʰitʼ*   [šuhpʰiʔ]  šu-, hpʰitʼ*. Variant: šuhpitʼ*. Verb. tear, rip a long flexible object. kʼaṭa šúhpʰitʼci tear the cloth once! kʼaṭa šúhpʰitʼpiʔtʼiw shredding cloth. šuhpʰitʼá·du @ <Violet>

hpʰiyicʼ*   [pʰiyiʔ]  . Verb. put (person) on one's back.

hpʰo*   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -R- or -r̂-:. Instr Verb Root. scatter. compare: pʰo·ṭ*.

cihpʰohpʰoc*   [cihpʰóhpʰoʔ]  cʰi-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter (dust) with a handled instrument by repeated movements, dust (furniture).

dahpʰohpʰo*   [dahpʰóhpʰow]  da-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. brush (dandruff) off (a coat) with the hand; fluff (a pillow). dahpʰóhpʰoci fluff (the pillow)!

hihpʰohihpʰo*   [hihpʰohihpʰow]  hi-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. shake body (like a wet dog). hihpʰohípʰo·cʼi shake self (as chicken in dust).

hihpʰohpʰo*   [hihpʰohpʰow]  hi-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. shake scattering (water, as a dog does); flap or flutter wings (of bird). hihpʰóhpʰoyiʔ to shake oneself scattering (water, as a dog does) ¡sem ¡refl. hihpʰóhpʰoyiʔdu he shakes himself (as a dog does when wet).

mohpʰomohpʰo*   [mohpʰomohpʰow]  mu-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter with a quick movement, with heat. mohpʰomópʰo·du (power boat) move along fast scattering (water). compare: mopʰo·*.

qahpʰoqahpʰo*   [qahpʰoqahpʰow]  qa-, hpʰo*. Variant: qahpʰoqapʰotad*. Reduplicating Verb. shake something held teeth, repeatedly. qahpʰoqápʰota·du (dog) to shake again and again something held in the teeth. qahpʰoqápʰotacʼmeʔ shake things held in teeth (to several)! synonyms: qaʔliʔli*, qahpʰoṭ*.

šohpʰohpʰo*   [šohpʰohpʰow]  šu-, hpʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter, of a long flexible object. kʼaṭá ʔkʰe šohpʰóhpʰoy he shook my clothes getting (dirt) off. mul kʼaṭa ʔuhwa· dihpʰi, šohpóhpʰoci, hiʔcʼilí qʼo ʔeʔ take that cloth outside and shake it off; it has crumbs. kʼaṭa šóhpʰohpʰowiye· to he shook my clothes getting (dirt) off. šohpʰohpʰowi·cʼi shake (shirt on self).

hpʰom*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. splash.

dahpʰom*   [dahpʰomʔ]  da-, hpʰom*. Verb. waves to splash over (rocks). kuṭa·wi dahpʰomciw a wave came in once. baṭʰe·yi dahpʰomʔ waves came in many times. baṭʰe·yi dahpʰoma·du waves came in many times. duwecʼi ʔana hmi dahpʰomʔ yesterday the waves really slammed the rocks. compare: dapʰo·*.

hpʰoṭ*1   [pʰoʔ]  Ø-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off a larger object with repeated movement. pʰoʔ to detach many. Especially: to knock down many nuts or acorns with several blows with a pole. pʰalá hpʰoṭi knock off lots with pole again. ṭʼi· pʰóhtʰuʔ don't knock down everything! Example Variant: ṭi (h)pʰóhtʰuʔ. ṭʼi hpʰoṭi knock down everything! pʰoṭáʔtʰuʔ don't keep knocking off everything with pole. pʰoṭá·du keep knocking off everything with pole. pʰóhtʰuʔ don't knock off everything with pole! pʰoṭi knock off everything with pole! ṭʼi· pʰoṭí mul ʔ knock all of those (acorns) off with several blows with a pole!

hpʰoṭʰci*   [pʰoṭʰciw]  hpʰoṭ*1. Verb. detach many with one movement. ṭʼi· pʰóṭʰci mul ʔ knock all of those off with one blow with a pole! pʰoṭʰciw detach many with one blow with a pole.

hpʰoṭ*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make many fine particles come off some larger object in repeated movements, brush off.

cihpʰoṭ*   [cihpʰóʔ]  cʰi-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. dust (remove dust and cobwebs from furniture) with a duster or broom.

cihpʰoʔ li   [cihpʰóʔ li]  cihpʰoṭ*. Noun. duster.

cohpʰoṭ*   [cohpʰoʔ]  cu-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off some larger object in repeated movements, brush off. cucʼuqáʔ li cohpʰoṭí·cʼi brush yourself off with a brush! (dust off clothes); brush off gray hair [?] cohpʰoṭicʼmeʔ brush yourselves off (to several)!

dahpʰoṭ*   [dahpʰoʔ]  da-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off some larger object in repeated movements, brush off, with the hand. dahpʰoʔ to brush (crumbs) off (a table) with the hand. dahpʰoṭícʼbaʔnati, mayʔma waʔ dusted himself off anyway and just walked off (like nothing happened). Example Variant: dahpʰoṭí·cʼin, mayʔma waʔ.. dahpʰoṭi brush off with hand! compare: tʼo*, siṭʼan*.

dihpʰoṭ*   [dihpʰoʔ]  di-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off some larger object in repeated movements; brush off, knock off. dihpʰóṭʰciw one fall to knock off many, (tree) to fall on (a bush) and knock off many (leaves).

hahpʰoṭ*   [hahpʰoʔ]  ha-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off by shaking leg. ʔahqʰa háhpʰoṭiʔ to shake one’s leg to get water off. hahpʰóṭʰci D: Semelfactive.

hpʰoṭ*1   [pʰoʔ]  Ø-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. make many fine particles come off a larger object with repeated movement. pʰoʔ to detach many. Especially: to knock down many nuts or acorns with several blows with a pole. pʰalá hpʰoṭi knock off lots with pole again. ṭʼi· pʰóhtʰuʔ don't knock down everything! Example Variant: ṭi (h)pʰóhtʰuʔ. ṭʼi hpʰoṭi knock down everything! pʰoṭáʔtʰuʔ don't keep knocking off everything with pole. pʰoṭá·du keep knocking off everything with pole. pʰóhtʰuʔ don't knock off everything with pole! pʰoṭi knock off everything with pole! ṭʼi· pʰoṭí mul ʔ knock all of those (acorns) off with several blows with a pole!

hpʰoṭʰci*   [pʰoṭʰciw]  hpʰoṭ*1. Verb. detach many with one movement. ṭʼi· pʰóṭʰci mul ʔ knock all of those off with one blow with a pole! pʰoṭʰciw detach many with one blow with a pole.

pihpʰoṭ*   [pihpʰoʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. knock many (leaves) off by beating with a stick.

pʰo·c*2   [pʰoʔ]  hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. detach one with a pole, knock down one (nut) with a pole. pʰala pʰó·ci knock off one with pole again. pʰoʔ detach one with a pole (irregular singular). pʰo·ci mul ʔ knock that one off with a pole!

qahpʰoṭ*   [qahpʰoʔ]  qa-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. (dog) shake something held in the teeth (nothing need come off). qahpʰoṭi shake something held in teeth! qahpʰoṭácʼmeʔ shake something held in teeth (to several)! synonyms: qaʔliʔli*, qahpʰoqahpʰo*.

šohpʰoṭ*   [šohpʰoʔ]  šu-, hpʰoṭ*2. Verb. shake clothes (dry).

hpʰoṭʰci*   [pʰoṭʰciw]  hpʰoṭ*1. Verb. detach many with one movement. ṭʼi· pʰóṭʰci mul ʔ knock all of those off with one blow with a pole! pʰoṭʰciw detach many with one blow with a pole.

hpʰoy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fall ? dahpʰó·maw falling, stick hand into water. synonyms: hpʰukʼut*, hpʰuy*.

hpʰu*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. puff on, smoke (a pipe or cigarette).

qahpʰu*   [qahpʰuw]  qa-, hpʰu*. Verb. puff on, smoke (a pipe or cigarette). pí·pa qahpʰu smoke a pipe (or cigarette)! qahpʰutʰuʔ don’t smoke! qapʰutá·du to be puffing on several (pipes). Example Comment: Homophonous with qa-pʰut-a°d-u to keep spitting..

hpʰukʼut*   [-]   Variant: pʰukʼut*. Instr Verb Root. sink into, or insert into, something soft and yielding. synonyms: hpʰoy*, hpʰuy*.

cahpʰukʼut*   [cahpʰukʼúʔ]  ca-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: capʰukʼut*. Verb. sink into something soft, of the rear. maṭʼqʰa yó· cahpʰukʼútʰwiye· to I sank into the mud seat first.

cihpʰukʼut*   [cihpʰukʼúʔ]  cʰi-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: cipʰukʼut*. Verb. put a handled instrument into something soft (like a spoon into mush).

cuhpʰukʼut*   [cuhpʰukʼúʔ]  cu-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: cupʰukʼut*. Verb. stick something round into something soft (like cracker into soup).

dahpʰukʼut*   [dahpʰukʼúʔ]  da-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: dapʰukʼut*. Verb. put hand, palm first, into something yielding, soft, or in water.

dihpʰukʼut*   [dihpʰukʼúʔ]  di-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: dipʰukʼut*. Verb. sink into something soft, from being heavy. mihsacʼ ín e· mu dihpʰukʼúhyam being heavy, it sank in.

duhpʰukʼut*   [duhpʰukʼúʔ]  du-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: dupʰukʼut*. Verb. poke finger into something soft (mush, batter, water, sand). duhpʰukʼú·ti poke finger into something soft! duhpʰukʼí·ti mul ʔ poke your finger into it!

hahpʰukʼut*   [hahpʰukʼúʔ]  ha-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: hapʰukʼut*. Verb. swing something into something soft (mud, water).

mihpʰukʼut*   [mihpʰukʼúʔ]  mi-2, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: mipʰukʼut*. Verb. kick toes into something soft.

muhpʰukʼut*   [muhpʰukʼúʔ]  mu-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: mupʰukʼut*. Verb. throw something into something soft.

pahpʰukʼut*   [pahpʰukʼúʔ]  pʰa-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: papʰukʼut*. Verb. use end of long object to poke something into something soft so that it sinks. kalikakʰ mul ʔahqʰa yó· pahpʰukʼu·ti poke that paper into the water.

pihpʰukʼut*   [pihpʰukʼúʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: pipʰukʼut*. Verb. put side of long instrument into something soft.

qahpʰukʼut*   [qahpʰukʼúʔ]  qa-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: qapʰukʼut*. Verb. bite into something soft (fat pie, marshmallow, butter, cake). qapʰukʼuʔ several to bite into soft things. qahpʰukʼú·ti bite into something soft! qapʰukʼútʰmeʔ bite into several soft things (to several)! qapʰukʼú·tacʼmeʔ keep biting into several soft things (to several)!

sihpʰukʼut*   [sihpʰukʼúʔ]  si-, hpʰukʼut*. Variant: sipʰukʼut*. Verb. sink into water or mud; sink under water. maṭʼqʰa yo· sihpʰukʼútʰciʔ it went under the mud.

hpʰul*   [-]   Variant: pʰula·tad*. Instr Verb Root. thresh, winnow. synonyms: pʰu·*3, šali*1.

qahpʰul*   [qahpʰulʔ]  qa-, hpʰul*. Variant: qahpʰula·tad*; qapʰula·tad*. Verb. 1 • thresh, winnow, blow away the skin. muhca qáhpʰuli thresh the grain! qahpʰuli thresh (one)! qapʰulá·taqa thresh (several)! qahpʰulá·tadu thresh (several)!

2 • winnow.

hpʰuṭ*   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with -â·y-, against. Instr Verb Root. be unable to finish, have too much to do, not be able to make it.

bahpʰuṭay*   [bapʰuṭáyʔ]  ba-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish telling (a story that is too long). ʔama· dihpʰuṭá·yadu mu·kito; tʼunicí·du mul coʔdoman he couldn’t get enough of lying down; he was so tired from carrying them.

bihpʰuṭay*   [bihpʰiṭayʔ]  bi-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to lift with arms.

dahpʰuṭay*   [dahpʰuṭayʔ]  da-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish (washing clothes) with hands.

dihpʰuṭay*   [dihpʰuṭayʔ]  di-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to get up; have to keep lying down. ʔama· dihpʰuṭá·yadu he couldn't get enough of lying down.

duhpʰuṭay*   [duhpʰuṭayʔ]  du-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish with fingers. duhpʰuṭá·yi don't be able to finish!

mahpʰuṭay*   [mahpʰuṭáyʔ]  ma-2, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish walking a certain distance. heʔen miʔána· wanʔkʰe tʰin; mahpʰuṭá·wiye· to it is too far to walk; I can’t make it.

pihpʰuṭay*   [pihpʰuṭáyʔ]  pʰi-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish with side of instrument(chopping with an axe, hitting with stick). qʰale báhṭʰe pʰiqʰa·ti pihpʰuṭʼa·wiye· to to chop the big tree down was just too much for me. pihpʰuṭá·yi fail to chop! mu·kito píhpʰuṭayʔ he failed to chop.

qahpʰuṭay*   [qahpʰuṭáyʔ]  qa-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish eating. mu·kito qahpʰuṭayʔ he was unable to finish eating all the food.

sihpʰuṭay*   [sihpʰuṭayʔ]  si-, hpʰuṭ*, -ay. Verb. be unable to finish drinking.

hpʰuṭʼ*   [-]   Cooccurrence: usually with semelfactive -ci-. Instr Verb Root. lose control of, become weak.

bahpʰuṭʼ*   [bahpʰuʔ]  ba-, hpʰuṭʼ*. Verb. lose control of, become weak, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). bahpʰúṭʼciw to turn weak and trembly on hearing (an unexpected loud noise).

dahpʰuṭʼ*   [dahpʰuʔ]  da-, hpʰuṭʼ*. Verb. hand become weak, lose control of hand. dahpʰúṭʼciw (when you press hand down to get up) hand to turn weak (so that it can’t raise you) ¡sem.

dihpʰuṭʼ*   [dihpʰuʔ]  di-, hpʰuṭʼ*. Verb. lose control of, become weak. dihpʰúṭʼciwiye· to I am getting weak, I am losing control. dihpʰuṭʼá·duwa·de· to I feel weak (wobbly) while walking around. dihpʰúṭʼciʔ tʼa·de· do you feel weak? dihpʰuṭʼá·duwa·du move around weakly.

mahpʰuṭʼ*   [mahpʰuʔ]  ma-2, hpʰuṭʼ*. Verb. lose control of feet, feet become weak. ʔihya· cʰó·ba to, mihcélhciba, mahpʰúṭʼciwiy when I lost my strength, I stumbled, and lost control of my feet.

hpʰuy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. quick thrust into something yielding. synonyms: hpʰoy*, hpʰukʼut*.

dahpʰuy*   [dahpʰuyʔ]  da-, hpʰuy*, da-, hpʰuy*. Verb. quickly thrust hand into something yielding. dahpʰú·ciw thrust palm of hand into (feather bed). dahpʰú·maw thrust hand into (water). ʔino yo· dihpʰú·ciw to fall into deep dust.

dahpʰuy*   [dahpʰuyʔ]  da-, hpʰuy*, da-, hpʰuy*. Verb. quickly thrust hand into something yielding. dahpʰú·ciw thrust palm of hand into (feather bed). dahpʰú·maw thrust hand into (water). ʔino yo· dihpʰú·ciw to fall into deep dust.

mahpʰuy*   [mahpʰuyʔ]  ma-2, hpʰuy*. Verb. quicky thrust foot into something. mahpʰú·maw thrust foot into (water).

hpʰu·*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always with semelfactive -ci- or essive -ma-. Instr Verb Root. put self down into something yielding.

dahpʰu·*   [-]  da-, hpʰu·*. Cooccurrence: always with semelfactive -ci- or essive -ma-. Verb. thrust hand into something soft while falling. dahpʰú·maw falling, stick hand into water or feather bed. Example Variant: dahpʰó·maw.

dihpʰu·*   [-]  di-, hpʰu·*. Cooccurrence: always with semelfactive -ci- or essive -ma-. Verb. drop self into something yielding (deep, soft feather bed). ʔino yo· dihpʰú·ciw to drop (self) into deep dust.

mahpʰu·*   [-]  ma-2, hpʰu·*. Verb. thrust foot into something yielding while falling.

-hqa   [hqa]  Variant: -qa. Verb. 1 • Causative: make or cause another to act.

2 • Permissive: let another act.

hqa*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be used to, be inured to, be familiar wth. synonyms: ʔne·cicʼ*.

bahqa*   [bahqaw]  ba-, hqa*1. Verb. be inured to a noise, so that it isn’t noticeable or bothersome.

bihqa*   [bihqaw]  bi-, hqa*1. Verb. get used to lifting heavy things so it doesn't feel heavy.

cahqa*1   [cahqaw]  ca-, hqa*1. Variant: caqawa·tad*. Verb. be used to sitting (in a lumpy chair), so that it is not bothersome.

dihqa*2   [dihqaw]  di-, hqa*1. Verb. get inured to falling down.

duhqa*   [duhqaw]  du-, hqa*1. Verb. be inured to (making baskets), so the fingers don’t get sore.

hahqa*   [hahqaw]  ha-, hqa*1. Verb. get used to kicking; kick so much it comes easy.

hihqa*   [hihqaw]  hi-, hqa*1. Verb. the body to be used to (the weather). to· ṭʼo ʔaná· hihqa·, ʔama· qahsilá·du tʰin I am so used to it, that I do not feel cold. compare: ʔeʔne·cicʼ*.

mahqa*   [mahqaw]  ma-2, hqa*1. Verb. be familiar with by walking. ma ṭʼo miʔkʰe hiʔda ʔaná· mahqa·, pʰisʼámcicʼ inati waqáʔba you are so familiar with walking your path that you could go out it even with your eyes closed. !!(Can’t use ma-ʔne°c-î°cʼ-). !! compare: maʔne·cicʼ*.

mihqa*   [mihqaw]  mi-2, hqa*1. Verb. be unable to smell. kumíʔdaʔ ya·palka dutʼatʼba, to· ṭʼo mul mihqawiy having worked with apples all the time, I can’t smell them anymore. compare: miʔne·cicʼ*.

muhqa*1   [muhqaw]  mu-, hqa*1. Verb. be used to the heat.

pihqa*   [pihqaw]  pʰi-, hqa*1. Verb. 1 • get used to hitting.

2 • get used to looking at.

qahqa*   [qahqaw]  qa-, hqa*1. Verb. get used to eating. synonyms: qaʔne·cicʼ*.

sihqa*   [sihqaw]  si-, hqa*1. Verb. be used to drinking. ʔahqʰa píšudu caha ʔeti, qʼo· yáʔ sihqaw in, caha siʔtʼaqáʔ tʰin ʔqʼow although whisky is bitter, the drinking person, being inured to drinking it, drinks it not tasting the bitterness. to·ṭʼo ʔaná· wi·no sihqawin šulamʔkʰetʰin I'm so used to drinking wine, I won't get sick. sihqa get used to drinking!

hqa*2   [hqa]   Cooccurrence: Only in one constructions. Noun. ? time ? synonyms: be·tʼ.

bihqatol   [bíhqatol]  bi*, hqa*2, =tol. Adverb. this time. bíhqatol ʔa sóh mi· ʔiʔkʰeʔ this time I am just going to stay there. (The previous time I didn’t.) maʔbíhqatol this time.

hqa*3   [-]   Verb. choose (which to take). ʔa·ṭʼo ma·dál hqateʔ I'll choose her. qa choose! pʰalá hqa choose again! mul ʔahcá hqateʔ I'll choose that house. Example Variant: mul ʔahcá hqayiʔteʔ.

hqac*2   [-]  hqa*3. Cooccurrence: not used without further suffixation?. Verb. ask for (a favor of an object). qaci ask for something! pʰalá hqaci ask for something again! qá·tʰuʔ don't ask for something! pʰala hqá·tʰuʔ don't ask for something again! qacá·tadu keep asking for something! pʰalá hqaca·tadu keep asking for something again! qácʰmeʔ ask for something (to several)! qayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep asking for something (to several)!

hqacid*   [qací·du]  hqac*2. Variant: hqayicʼ*. Verb. ask for (an object or a favor). ya·pálka hqaci·de· mu·kinʔ ma·dal he asked her for an apple. qahwe· qací·du ask for some gum. pʰala hqáci·du ask for something again. Example Variant: pʰalá hqaci·du. qayicʼmeʔ ask for several things (to several)!

hqacʰmucʼ*   [qacʰmuʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. ask each other for something.

hqayicʼ*1   [qayíʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. choose (something) for oneself. mul ʔahcá hqayiʔteʔ I’ll choose that house for me. Example Variant: mul ʔahcá hqateʔ.

hqayicʼmucʼ*   [qayicʼmuʔ]  hqayicʼ*1. Verb. ask each other for (something); choose each other, become engaged.

hqamucʼ*   [qamuʔ]  hqa*3. Verb. choose someone. qamúcʼmeʔ choose each other (to be on a team). Example Variant: qamucʰmeʔ. qamuci choose someone! pʰala qámuci choose someone again! Example Variant: pʰalá hqamuci. qamuci·du keep choosing someone. pʰiʔkʼoṭʰahqati ʔacaʔ qamúʔte· ya let's take turns choosing people to play ball.

hqa*4   [-]   Cooccurrence: only occurs in Frequentative. Instr Verb Root. rub or wipe (not necessarily off).

cahqacahqa*   [cahqacáhqaw]  ca-, hqa*4. Reduplicating Verb. rub repeatedly with the butt.

dahqadahqa*   [dahqadáhqaw]  da-, hqa*4. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly rub with the hand, wash often. dahqadáhqanati, baqʼo dahqálʔ tʰin although rubbed repeatedly, nothing is wiped off.

hqa*5   [qaw]   Variant: hqal*; qa*; qahli*. Verb. 1 • long object move lengthwise. qaʔ to move off lengthwise. yasu qá·qaʔ (thread) to go lengthwise thru a needle, to thread a needle. ʔahqʰa qa·biʔ water to move lengthwise up. ʔahqʰa qáhlibiʔ water (fountains) to spout up several places. ʔahša qáhlibiʔ fish are jumping up. qamaʔ long object (a stick) go lengthwise into (a sack); make intromission (in intercourse). maʔal ʔa yá·wi ʔimo hqamacʼkʰeʔ I am going to stick this into the key hole. qa·qa long object move through air by itself lengthwise. qáhlahmeʔ several long objects move lengthwise. qama·ci @. pʰalá hqama·ci @. Example Variant: pʰalá qama·ci. qáhclimacʰmeʔ @ Plural. qa·mulʔ go lengthwise in curves [?] synonyms: hcoq*; compare: hca*1.

2 • shoot (an arrow, a gun). mi·lí hqa mul ʔ shoot that (arrow, gun) there! šihmí hqalʔ to shoot a gun several times. hisʼu hqámqaw to shoot an arrow across. hisʼu hqamʔ arrow to fly across. šihmi hqale· mu you're shooting the gun (several times). šihmi hqale· ma·caʔ they're shooting the gun. qalá·du šihmi ʔ keep shooting! mi·lí hqati shoot several there! Example Variant: mi·lí qati. qama·du @ (arrow) keep flying across. qamá·ci @ (arrow) fly across once ? pʰalá hqama·ci @ (arrow) fly across once again? qamá·qo @ (arrow) fly out.

hqamac*   [qamaʔ]  hqa*5, -mac. Variant: qahlimac*; qahtimac*. Verb. move lengthwise in hence; put lengthwise in hence; make intromission (in intercourse). qama·ci push stick into something! qáhlima·ci push several sticks into something! Example Variant: qáhtima·ci. maʔal ʔa yá·wi ʔimo hqamacʼkʰeʔ I'm going to stick this in the keyhole. dihlem qamá·ci put long object in sidewase. Example Variant: dihlemʔ qamá·ci.

hqa·d*   [qa·du]  hqa*5, -ad2. Verb. move straight along lengthwise; weave a straight lattice weave (not a Kashaya style). qa·du move straight along lengthwise.

qa·bic*   [qa·biʔ]  hqa*5, -ibic. Variant: qahlibic*. Verb. move lengthwise up; (water) spout up. ʔahqʰa qa·bícʰqa let water spurt up. ʔahša qáhlibiʔ fish are jumping. ʔahša qá·biʔ one fish is jumping. ʔhqʰa qa·biʔ water spouts up.

qa·d*   [qa·du]  hqa*5, -ad2. Variant: qahlad*. Verb. throw long object (stick, arrow) in this direction. pʰala qá·du throw long object in this direction again! qáhladu throw several long object (or one object several times) in this direction! pʰala qáhladu throw several long objects (or one object several times) in this direction again! . qahlacʼmeʔ throw several long objects (or one object several times) in this direction (to several)!

qa·q*   [qaʔ]  hqa*5, -aq1. Variant: qahlaq*. Verb. ready to put something long in a sack. qahti @. qa·qa be ready to put something long in a sack! qahtʰuʔ don't be ready to put something large in a sack! qaqa·du keep being ready to put something large in a sack. pʰala qáqa·du keep being ready to put something large in a sack again. qa·qáʔtʰuʔ don't keep being ready to put something large in a sack. qáhlaqa be ready to put something in a sack (to several)! qáhlaqa·du keep be ready to put something in a sack (to several)! qáhlahtʰuʔ don't be ready to put something in a sack (to several)!

qa·qac*   [qa·qaʔ]  hqa*5, -aqac. Variant: qahlaqac*. Verb. go up and through; put something all the way through. qaqa·ci put something all the way through! qa·qácʰmeʔ put something all the way through (to several)! qáhlaqacʰmeʔ put several things all the way through (to several)! mu·kinʔ ma·dal pʰacʼóʔba duwál qa·qa·y @ he poked her and put it through. pʰala qáqa·ci go up and through again. ya·su qá·qaʔ to thread a needle. Example Variant: ʔí·lo qá·qaʔ. ʔahá· qa·qaʔ poke stick up through hole.

ya·su qa·qac   [ya·su qá·qaʔ]  ya·su, qa·qac*. Verb. thread a needle.

ʔahqʰa qa·qaʔ   [ʔahqʰa qá·qaʔ]  ʔahqʰa, qa·qac*. Noun. geyser. synonyms: ʔahqʰa qaloʔ.

šinalma· qaʔ li   [šinalmá· qaʔ li]  Lit: move-lengthwise-off pillow instrument šinalmaw, hqa*5, =wi. Variant: šinalma· qahlaʔ li. Noun. pillow case. synonyms: šinalma· dusehyaqoʔ.

hqa*6   [-]   Variant: qat*. Instr Verb Root. be stiff (not permanently so, but of something usually flexible).

muhqa*2   [muhqaw]  mu-, hqa*6. Verb. be stiff (of something usually flexible). ʔacaʔ cʰoyí·cʼedun, muhqací·du when a person dies, he gets stiff. muqayá·dadu to limp along intermittently with unbending knee. muhqa stiffen yourself! muhqatʰuʔ don't stiffen yourself. muqátʰmeʔ stiffen yourselves (to several)!

muhqa   [muhqa]  muhqa*2. Variant: muhqayya. Adjective. stiff (of something usually flexible). kʼaṭa múhqa stiff clothes, starched clothes. mihya múhqa stiff neck. šahku múhqa mo·du run stiff-legged! ʔiša· muhqa stiff arm. compare: ʔasi·c*, ʔahsiy, saha·t*, saha·c*, ʔasi·c, saha·t*.

muhqamuhqa*   [muhqamúhqaw]  muhqa*2. Reduplicating Verb. walking fast but stiff-legged. compare: pahqapahqa*.

pahqa*   [pahqaw]  pʰa-, hqa*6. Verb. be stiff, specifically of the leg.

pahqa   [pahqa]  pahqa*. Adjective. stiff-legged. šahku páhqa stiff leg (unbending).

pahqam*   [pahqámʔ]  pahqa*. Instr Verb Stem. stand stiff-legged. ʔacaʔ pahqamʔ man standing stiff.

pahqapahqa*   [pahqapáhqaw]  pahqa*. Reduplicating Verb. walk stiff-legged, , as if the legs were stumps. heʔen íwa ṭa maʔu ma to· huʔú·mo pahqapahqawam how come you are stumping around now in front of me !!. (The selection of verb expresses irritation with the addressee.) compare: muhqamuhqa*.

hqac*1   [qaʔ]   Cooccurrence: only in one construction. Noun. ?

hayhqac   [háyhqaʔ]  ʔahay, hqac*1. Noun. snag, standing dead tree. compare: hayhcʰa, hca*3, hcalh*.

hqac*2   [-]  hqa*3. Cooccurrence: not used without further suffixation?. Verb. ask for (a favor of an object). qaci ask for something! pʰalá hqaci ask for something again! qá·tʰuʔ don't ask for something! pʰala hqá·tʰuʔ don't ask for something again! qacá·tadu keep asking for something! pʰalá hqaca·tadu keep asking for something again! qácʰmeʔ ask for something (to several)! qayí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ keep asking for something (to several)!

hqacid*   [qací·du]  hqac*2. Variant: hqayicʼ*. Verb. ask for (an object or a favor). ya·pálka hqaci·de· mu·kinʔ ma·dal he asked her for an apple. qahwe· qací·du ask for some gum. pʰala hqáci·du ask for something again. Example Variant: pʰalá hqaci·du. qayicʼmeʔ ask for several things (to several)!

hqacʰmucʼ*   [qacʰmuʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. ask each other for something.

hqayicʼ*1   [qayíʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. choose (something) for oneself. mul ʔahcá hqayiʔteʔ I’ll choose that house for me. Example Variant: mul ʔahcá hqateʔ.

hqayicʼmucʼ*   [qayicʼmuʔ]  hqayicʼ*1. Verb. ask each other for (something); choose each other, become engaged.

hqacid*   [qací·du]  hqac*2. Variant: hqayicʼ*. Verb. ask for (an object or a favor). ya·pálka hqaci·de· mu·kinʔ ma·dal he asked her for an apple. qahwe· qací·du ask for some gum. pʰala hqáci·du ask for something again. Example Variant: pʰalá hqaci·du. qayicʼmeʔ ask for several things (to several)!

hqacuhse   [qacúhse]  Lit: nest game ʔahqa, cuhse. Noun. grass game, hand game. qacúhse qamaʔ to play the grass game. Formerly the most popular gambling game. compare: tepʰ.

hqacʰmucʼ*   [qacʰmuʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. ask each other for something.

hqahmat   [qahmaʔ]  qahmat1.

=hqal   [hqal]   Variant: =qalay. Noun. one who likes something, tends to do something; lover of . Conrad ʔe· mu yaʔpálka hqal Conrad likes apples. yaʔpálka hqal ʔe· mu he likes apples.

cahnohqal   [cahnohqal]  Lit: word lover cahno2, =hqal. Variant: cahnoqalay. Noun. chatterer.

hqal*1   [hqal]   Adverb. bland, tasteless, saltless.

sihqal*   [sihqalʔ]  si-, hqal*1. Verb. taste bland. maʔa sihqal qáʔtʼaw the food tastes saltless.

hqal*2   [qalʔ]  hqa*5. Verb. successive long objects move lengthwise.

hqalqa*   [qalqaw]  hqal*2. Verb. shoot (arrows).

hqal*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: only attested with the suffixes /-ad/ Durative and /-ala/ Inceptive. Verb. obey or follow a rule, taboo, or law, abstain.

hqalad*   [qalá·du]  hqal*3, -ad1. Variant: hqalacʼ*; qala·tacʼ*. Verb. obey a rule or law; abstain (from food), fast. ʔama hqalá·du to live by the rules. maʔá hqala·du to be abstaining from food, to be fasting. mul hqalá·du obey that (law)! qalácʼmeʔ fast (to several)!; follow the rules (to several)! pʰalá hqalácʼmeʔ fast again (to several)! qalá·tacʼmeʔ fast (to several)! mul qalá·tacʼmeʔ obey that! pʰalá hqalá·tacʼmeʔ fast again (to several)! Example Variant: pʰala qála·tacʼeʔ. pʰalá hqala·du follow the rules again!

hqala·la*   [qalá·law]  hqal*3, -ala. Variant: qala·tala*. Verb. start to obey or follow a rule, taboo, or law; start to abstain (from food), begin a fast. maʔá hqala·law to start to fast.

qala·duc*   [qala·duʔ]  hqal*3. Variant: qala·cʼic*. Verb. abstain until a set period of time has been reached.

hqalacʼ*   [hqalacʼ]  hqalad*.

hqalad*   [qalá·du]  hqal*3, -ad1. Variant: hqalacʼ*; qala·tacʼ*. Verb. obey a rule or law; abstain (from food), fast. ʔama hqalá·du to live by the rules. maʔá hqala·du to be abstaining from food, to be fasting. mul hqalá·du obey that (law)! qalácʼmeʔ fast (to several)!; follow the rules (to several)! pʰalá hqalácʼmeʔ fast again (to several)! qalá·tacʼmeʔ fast (to several)! mul qalá·tacʼmeʔ obey that! pʰalá hqalá·tacʼmeʔ fast again (to several)! Example Variant: pʰala qála·tacʼeʔ. pʰalá hqala·du follow the rules again!

hqala·la*   [qalá·law]  hqal*3, -ala. Variant: qala·tala*. Verb. start to obey or follow a rule, taboo, or law; start to abstain (from food), begin a fast. maʔá hqala·law to start to fast.

hqala·tad*   [qalá·tadu]  hqalh*.

hqalh*   [-]   Variant: hqala·tad*; qahla*. Instr Verb Root. remove from the surface material different from the substrate, wipe off.

cuhqalh*   [cuhqalʔ]  cu-, hqalh*. Verb. remove with a rounded object, brush off. heʔe cúhqalʔ (dog’s) hair come out when brushed. compare: cuba·l*.

dahqalh*   [dahqalʔ]  da-, hqalh*. Verb. wipe off with the palm of the hand (e.g., dust from a table); wipe clean. dahqalá·law wipe downwards. daqáhlala wipe several downwards. dahqalá·qo wipe out hither. dahqalá·duci wipe hence. dahqáhlimá·qo wipe in hither. daqáhlaqo wipe several hither. daqahladu·ci wipe several hence. dahqalá·qa dust off (one table). daqalá·qa dust off (several tables). Example Variant: dahqalá·tadu. dahqalicʼ wipe sweat off self. kumíʔda ʔa mu·kito mahsiʔ dahyolá·dem mul dahqalí·cʼenʔ every time I rubbed charcoal on him, he rubbed it off himself. dahqálciw to wipe something clean in one place. dahqalí mulʔ wipe that! dahqaltaw to wipe several things. compare: daba·l*.

duhqalh*   [duhqalʔ]  du-, hqalh*. Verb. wipe off with finger.

hahqalh*   [hahqalʔ]  ha-, hqalh*. Verb. molt; shed hair; surface materal come off by itself. hiʔi háhqalʔ feathers to be molting. heʔe háhqale· to my hair is falling out. hahqali hair fall out! hahqalmeʔ hair fall out (to several)! hahqaláhmeʔ (to several heads of hair) fall out! hahqala·tadu keep falling out! hahqala·cʼiyicmeʔ several keep falling out (to several)! heʔen sʼibina ʔun mito heʔe háhqalbina qʰaʔṭʼo cicʼqam why is it your hair came off and turned bald? ʔihṭʰe háhqalʔ molt. compare: šuhqalh*; synonyms: hihqalh*.

hihqalh*   [hihqalʔ]  hi-, hqalh*. Verb. surface come off by itself; hair fall out by itself; molt. heʔe hihqalʔ shedding hair by self (without brush). hiʔi hihqalʔ molting. hiʔi hihqalhciw molting all at once. synonyms: hahqalh*.

mahqalh*   [mahqalʔ]  ma-2, hqalh*. Verb. remove from surface with foot. synonyms: mahsoṭ*.

qʰama maqalmaʔ li   [qʰama máqalmaʔli]  Lit: many feet wipe themselves place.; where many feet wipe on qʰama1, mahqalh*. Noun. rug. synonyms: qʰama maqalmaʔ tol.

qʰama maqalmaʔ tol   [qʰama máqalmaʔ tol]  Lit: many feet wipe themselves on. qʰama1, mahqalh*. Noun. rug. synonyms: qʰama maqalmaʔ li.

muhqalh*   [muhqálʔ]  mu-, hqalh*. Verb. (skin) be burned smooth (free of hair). ṭʼi· muhqalcibina it was all burned smooth (head of hair). muhqálciw be burned smooth. muhqálcihqa mul burn that smooth. muhqala·du burned off in one big place or several places.

pahqalh*   [pahqalʔ]  pʰa-, hqalh*. Verb. wipe off by poking or ramming.

šihmi pahqalʔ li   [šihmi pahqalʔ li]  Lit: gun push-wipe instrument šihmi, pahqalh*, =wi. Noun. ramrod (for cleaning guns).

qahqalh*   [qahqalʔ]  qa-, hqalh*. Verb. remove from the surface with the teeth; by caustic lye, bleach. ma qáhqalʔ bakʰe ʔe· mu ʔihya· that bone is for you to pick. qahqalí mulʔ pick that (bone)!; (to lye) bleach stain! qahqala·tadu @. qahqálmeʔ pick a bone (to several)! qaqalá·qa pick several bones! qaqaláhmeʔ pick several bones (to several)! qahqalá·du keep picking. compare: bisu*.

qahqalqa*   [qahqálqaw]  qahqalh*. Instr Verb Stem. cause to bite off surface material; use chemicals to clean off the surface, use caustic lye, bleach. kʼili cícʼqammu, dahloʔ ʔáhsiy e· mu. láy hqʰa ʔṭʼaya·pʰi, qahqálqa that (burned food on a pot) got black, it is hard to get off. Pour lye water on it, and make it be eaten off! sʼiʔda qahqálqame·du bleach skin.

kʼaṭa sʼaʔsʼa qahqalqa· li   [kʼaṭa sʼáʔsʼa qahqálqa· li]  Lit: dirty clothes bleach instrument qahqalqa*. Noun. bleach.

sihqalh*   [sihqalʔ]  si-, hqalh*. Verb. lick off. sihqálhciw to lick off all at once. sihqali lick it off!

šuhqalh*   [šuhqalʔ]  šu-, hqalh*. Verb. clean out by pulling; clean out entirely; wipe out by pulling; clean by pulling (cloth on string, weeds from garden). heʔe šuhqaliʔ to pull own hair out. šuhqali weed (the garden)! šuhwalá·tadu @. šuqalá·qa clean out by pulling (as a cloth on a string through a gunbarrel). compare: hahqalh*.

šihmi šuhqalʔ li   [šihmi šuhqalʔ li]  Lit: gun pull-wipe instrument šihmi, šuhqalh*, =wi. Noun. a piece a leather on a string used to pull through a gunbarrel to clean it.

hqalqa*   [qalqaw]  hqal*2. Verb. shoot (arrows).

hqam*   [-]   Cooccurrence: only occurs with the suffixes /-ad/ Durative and /-ala/ "down". Verb. play a game, gamble. compare: ʔahqa, ṭʰahqa*; synonyms: ṭʰahqa*.

hqamad*   [qamá·du]  hqam*. Variant: hqamacʼ*. Verb. be playing a game, be gambling; deal (cards). qacúhse hqamaʔ several play the grass game (the former main gambling game). qama·du one to be playing games. qamaʔ several to be playing games. qamacʼmeʔ play games (to several)!

hqamacʼmucʼ*   [qamacʼmuʔ]  hqamad*. Verb. compete with each other (in a game, in gambling).

hqama·la*   [qamá·law]  hqam*. Verb. start to play (a game), take one's turn. pʰiʔkʼó hqama·lameʔ play ball! (to several). qamá·la start to play!; take your turn!

hqamac*   [qamaʔ]  hqa*5, -mac. Variant: qahlimac*; qahtimac*. Verb. move lengthwise in hence; put lengthwise in hence; make intromission (in intercourse). qama·ci push stick into something! qáhlima·ci push several sticks into something! Example Variant: qáhtima·ci. maʔal ʔa yá·wi ʔimo hqamacʼkʰeʔ I'm going to stick this in the keyhole. dihlem qamá·ci put long object in sidewase. Example Variant: dihlemʔ qamá·ci.

hqamacʼ*   [qamáʔ]  hqamad*.

hqamacʼmucʼ*   [qamacʼmuʔ]  hqamad*. Verb. compete with each other (in a game, in gambling).

hqamad*   [qamá·du]  hqam*. Variant: hqamacʼ*. Verb. be playing a game, be gambling; deal (cards). qacúhse hqamaʔ several play the grass game (the former main gambling game). qama·du one to be playing games. qamaʔ several to be playing games. qamacʼmeʔ play games (to several)!

hqamacʼmucʼ*   [qamacʼmuʔ]  hqamad*. Verb. compete with each other (in a game, in gambling).

hqama·la*   [qamá·law]  hqam*. Verb. start to play (a game), take one's turn. pʰiʔkʼó hqama·lameʔ play ball! (to several). qamá·la start to play!; take your turn!

hqamucʼ*   [qamuʔ]  hqa*3. Verb. choose someone. qamúcʼmeʔ choose each other (to be on a team). Example Variant: qamucʰmeʔ. qamuci choose someone! pʰala qámuci choose someone again! Example Variant: pʰalá hqamuci. qamuci·du keep choosing someone. pʰiʔkʼoṭʰahqati ʔacaʔ qamúʔte· ya let's take turns choosing people to play ball.

hqayicʼ*1   [qayíʔ]  hqac*2. Verb. choose (something) for oneself. mul ʔahcá hqayiʔteʔ I’ll choose that house for me. Example Variant: mul ʔahcá hqateʔ.

hqayicʼmucʼ*   [qayicʼmuʔ]  hqayicʼ*1. Verb. ask each other for (something); choose each other, become engaged.

hqayicʼ*2   [qayíʔ]  hqacid*.

hqayicʼmucʼ*   [qayicʼmuʔ]  hqayicʼ*1. Verb. ask each other for (something); choose each other, become engaged.

hqa·d*   [qa·du]  hqa*5, -ad2. Verb. move straight along lengthwise; weave a straight lattice weave (not a Kashaya style). qa·du move straight along lengthwise.

=hqo   [hqo]  =hqow.

hqo*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be twitching. compare: hqonh*, sihkosihko*, pohkopohko*, sihkosihko*, pohkopohko*.

šohqo*   [šohqow]  šu-, hqo*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated or with semelfactive or essive. Verb. twitch, tic.

šohqohqo*   [šohqóhqow]  šohqo*. Reduplicating Verb. be twitching (muscle). compare: šuʔsʼiʔsʼi*, šohqonh*.

šohqošohqo*   [šohqošóhqow]  šohqo*. Reduplicating Verb. be twitching (muscle). šohqošóqo·cʼi twitch several times. šohqošóqota·du D: Durative.

hqo*2   [hqo]   Adjective. long and limber (of the neck). synonyms: pihkihki*1, puhṭi*, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki, pihkihki*1, pihke*.

pihqo   [pihqo]  pʰi-, hqo*2. Variant: pihqon. Adjective. long, limber (of neck of swan or giraffe). mihya píhqo long, limber neck. Example Variant: mihya píhqon. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihki.

pihqopihqo*   [pihqopihqow]  pihqo. Reduplicating Verb. moving neck back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqohqoc*.

pihqohqoc*   [pihqóhqoʔ]  pʰi-, hqo*2. Reduplicating Verb. have a long, limber neck. pihqopíhqow to be moving a long limber neck back and forth. musa·la cíwadun, hoʔtʼo pihqopíhqo·nʔ while the snake was crawling along, its head was swaying back and forth. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihkikinʔ, pihkihkic*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkihkic*.

hqo*3   [-]   Instr Verb Root. subside, die down (of the wind).

pohqo*   [pohqow]  pʰu-, hqo*3. Verb. subside, die down (of the wind). ʔihya póhqoy the wind has died down. pohqo (to wind) die down! pohqomeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pohqomela (said by wind) I died down. pohqowem when it died down. pohqotʰuʔ don't die down! pohqowá·cʼicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pohqo mul ʔ quit blowing wind. Example Variant: pohqo múl ʔihya ʔ. pohqóhqo mu·kito ʔ let him die down. pohqon I heard the wind die down.

hqo*4   [qow]   Variant: qot*. Verb. pass by. pʰalá hqoy he just passed by again. qowaʔ to pass going out; to overtake and pass. qowáhte· ʔa haʔal wa·dal I am going to overtake that one walking. qohwaʔ to overtake several. qowáhmuʔ to pass each other. qó·maʔ to pass someone on your way in (or going S or E). pʰalá hqo pass again! pʰalá hqomeʔ many pass again! qótmeʔ pass several (to several)! pʰala qótmeʔ pass several again (to several)! qoti one pass several! qotá·du one keep passing several. qowá·qa overtake! qowahmeʔ overtake (to several)! qowahtʰuʔ don't overtake! qowá·kʼiyow @. pʰala qówahmuʔ pass each other again. pʰala qómaʔ pass somebody comiung in (again). qohwaqa pass sevaral! pʰalá hqowa·qa pass again! Example Variant: pʰala qówa·qa. pʰalá hqo pass again! kumál hqohqaba he let a year pass; he slept for a year. kumál hqoba pʰala mensʼiy ʔ It happened again after a year had past. qowá·qadu keep passing going out.

=hqohqaw   [hqohqaw]  hqo*4. Variant: =qotʰqaw. Verb. let that period of time go by. baṭʰe· mál hqohqaw to let many years go by.

=hqow   [qow]  hqo*4. Variant: =hqo. Adverb. ago, past (time interval). qʰo máci hqow two days ago. sibó maci hqow three days ago. kumáci hqow one day ago. baṭʰe· mál hqow many years past, many years ago. qʰocápa hqow ṭuhšoyí dutʼaʔ two weeks ago Friday!,!4; Friday before last. kumál hqoba, pʰala mensʼiy when a year had passed, it happened again. synonyms: šihcaʔ, ʔu·l, huʔul.

hqo*5   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -R-:. Instr Verb Root. make carelessly. compare: hqoy*1.

dohqo*   [-]  du-, hqo*5. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. make carelessly with finger.

dohqodohqo*   [dohqodohqow]  dohqo*. Reduplicating Verb. make carelessly, restricted to activities done with fingers (like making bread). ʔima·ta yaʔ cuhni· dohqodóhqoba ʔnati, qʼoʔdi pʰíʔtʼahqaw although the woman made bread carelessly, it looked good. compare: dohqo·ci*.

=hqohqaw   [hqohqaw]  hqo*4. Variant: =qotʰqaw. Verb. let that period of time go by. baṭʰe· mál hqohqaw to let many years go by.

hqom*   [qomʔ]   Variant: qotʰma*. Verb. bathe, swim (as undirected play in water). qómte· ʔa I am going to take a bath (a swim). qom íyowe· mu·kinʔ kuqʼála·šal hqow he took a bath a month ago. qomti ʔe· ʔa I'm going to take a bath. ʔaqʰa· cohto·ti ʔdela· ʔa qomti I'm going to the river to swim/bathe. qoma bathe! pʰalá hqoma bathe again! Example Variant: pʰala qóma. qótʰmameʔ bathe (to several)! qomá·du(wa·du) keep bathing! ʔahqʰa hqomʔ bathe. synonyms: ciw*.

hqomqa*   [qomqaw]  . Verb. bathe (someone).

hqonh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. twitch, tic, (muscle) contract involuntarily. compare: hqo*1, sihkosihko*, pohkopohko*.

hqošohqo*   [-]  hqonh*, hqonh*. Reduplicating Verb. tic, twitch.

hqošohqo*   [-]  hqonh*, hqonh*. Reduplicating Verb. tic, twitch.

šohqonh*   [šohqonʔ]  šu-, hqonh*. Verb. tic, twitch, (muscle) contract involuntarily. šohqónhciʔ to twitch once, to have a tic. šohqošóhqow (muscle) to have a series of tics. šohqošóhqomʔ one to have a series of tics in several spots. šohqošóqota·du several people to have a series of tics. heʔensʼin insʼe· to ʔiša· šohqon[h]cicʼe·damˇ I don't know why my arm is twitching. šohqošóhqommeʔ (to different skins) tic! compare: šuʔsʼiʔsʼi*, šohqohqo*.

šohqocci*   [šohqócciw]  šohqonh*. Verb. (muscle) have one tic. šohqócci tic!

hqosʼ*   [-]   Variant: qosʼqoʔsʼo*. Instr Verb Root. spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off.

cohqosʼ*   [cohqoʔ]  cu-, hqosʼ*. Variant: coqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. knock over a group of solid objects; bump non-liquids and cause them to spill over. cohqósʼciw to bump and spill (dishes) onto the floor or ground. cohqósʼmaw to bump and spill (dishes) onto some object above the ground (a table).

coqosʼqoʔsʼo*   [coqosʼqoʔsʼow]  cohqosʼ*, cohqosʼ*. Verb. spill nonliquids.

dahqosʼ*   [dahqoʔ]  da-, hqosʼ*. Variant: daqohsʼ*; daqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. spill nonliquids with the hand, cause a group of solid objects to fall off, using the hand. dahqosʼá·law to spill into or onto something (i.e. sugar into sink). dahqósʼmaw to spill onto something. dahqósʼciw push table cloth off and spill what is on it. dahqosʼá·duʔ to spill and scatter. dahqosʼá·duci spill and scatter! dahqosʼá·cʼicʰmeʔ spill and scatter (to several)! daqʼohsʼacʼicʰmeʔ spill and scatter several (to several)! daqóhsʼaduʔ to spill and scatter several. dahqósʼci spill one! dahqósʼcitʰuʔ don't spill one! dahqósʼcimeʔ @. dahqósʼcime·du @. daqosʼqoʔsʼo one spill several!

daqosʼqoʔsʼo*   [daqosʼqoʔsʼow]  dahqosʼ*, dahqosʼ*. Verb. spill nonliquids with the hand.

hihqosʼ*   [hihqoʔ]  hi-, hqosʼ*. Variant: hiqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. body spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off. sama· wáʔba, ma mul hihqósʼciy having walked close, you bumped and spilled that. synonyms: hiʔkʼolh*.

mohqosʼ*   [mohqósʼ]  mu-, hqosʼ*. Variant: moqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off by throwing. mohqósʼciw be spilled by a thrown object (a rock).

šohqosʼ*   [šohqoʔ]  šu-, hqosʼ*. Variant: šoqosʼqoʔsʼo*. Verb. shake and spill nonliquids, cause a group of solid objects to fall off by shaking. šohqósʼmaw to shake (a sack of objects) out onto (a table). šohqósʼciw to grab bottom of sack and shake everything out, or shake something off rug. šoqósʼqoʔsʼow to shake out several sacks. compare: dahlu·c*, hkolh*.

šoqosʼqoʔsʼo*   [šoqosʼqoʔsʼow]  šohqosʼ*, šohqosʼ*.

hqošohqo*   [-]  hqonh*, hqonh*. Reduplicating Verb. tic, twitch.

hqoṭol*1   [-]   Variant: qoṭolta*. Instr Verb Root. try and fail to do, try in vain, not be able to do. synonyms: lac*, ʔdayac*.

bahqoṭol*   [bahqoṭólʔ]  ba-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: baqoṭolta*; baqoṭolʔta*. Verb. fail to get what one asks for, beg or plead in vain; be unable to make somebody do what is asked. mul bahqoṭólʔba to qahmatí·bicʰwiy I got mad because he refused to do that. Having failed in a request, it made me mad. sóh bahqoṭo·li mul, wanʔkʰe tʰín eti ʔ just ask him and fail, even though he will not go! The Imperative is on the asking, the failing is concomitant. cila báhqoṭolqawa·du miyá·pʰanki for a while his daughter refused him (the food he had asked for). bahqoṭó·li beg in vain! baqoṭóltameʔ beg in vain (several)! bahqoṭóltaw beg repeatedly in vain! bahqoṭólmela· ʔa he wouldn't do it for me.

bahqoṭolqa*   [bahqoṭolqaw]  bahqoṭol*. Verb. deny to someone what he or she has requested, withhold granting a request, refuse to give; cause someone to fail to get what he asks for.

bahqoṭolqacʼ*   [bahqoṭolqaʔ]  bahqoṭolqa*. Verb. hesitate; refuse to do; verbally to cause oneself to fail.

cihqoṭol*   [cihqoṭólʔ]  cʰi-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: ciqoṭolta*. Verb. fail to lift with a handle. cʰide·bíʔ ṭa ʔa natí·cʼedam, muʔnati ʔa cihqoṭólyam I kept trying to lift it by the handle, but I couldn’t.

dahqoṭol*   [dahqoṭolʔ]  da-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: daqoṭolta*. Verb. try to push something but fail to move it; try but fail to wash everything.

dihqoṭol*   [dihqoṭolʔ]  di-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: diqoṭolta*. Verb. drop, fall and fail to break. dihqoṭólmela· ʔa mul diʔcʼabá·ti I failed to break that by dropping it (or by dropping something on it).

dohqoṭol*   [dohqoṭolʔ]  du-, hqoṭol*1. Verb. fail, give up. dohqoṭólmela· ʔa I failed.

hqoṭol*2   [qoṭolʔ]  Ø-, hqoṭol*1. Verb. fail to do (with no agentive meaning). bimáci cohtóʔ da·qaʔnati, ʔa hqoṭó·icʼmela although I wanted to leave today, I failed to.

pihqoṭol*   [pihqoṭolʔ]  pʰi-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: piqoṭolta*. Verb. fail to do with the eyes. pihqoṭólʔba, sóh men ihqamela having failed to see (someone expected), I just let it be that way. Meaning: I gave up waiting for someone to show up.

qahqoṭol*   [qahqoṭolʔ]  qa-, hqoṭol*1. Verb. be unable to chew up.

šahqoṭol*   [šahqoṭolʔ]  ša-, hqoṭol*1. Variant: šaqoṭolta*. Verb. fail to net (fish). ʔahša šahqoṭólmela I failed to catch any fish. compare: šaluwaq*.

hqoṭol*2   [qoṭolʔ]  Ø-, hqoṭol*1. Verb. fail to do (with no agentive meaning). bimáci cohtóʔ da·qaʔnati, ʔa hqoṭó·icʼmela although I wanted to leave today, I failed to.

=hqow   [qow]  hqo*4. Variant: =hqo. Adverb. ago, past (time interval). qʰo máci hqow two days ago. sibó maci hqow three days ago. kumáci hqow one day ago. baṭʰe· mál hqow many years past, many years ago. qʰocápa hqow ṭuhšoyí dutʼaʔ two weeks ago Friday!,!4; Friday before last. kumál hqoba, pʰala mensʼiy when a year had passed, it happened again. synonyms: šihcaʔ, ʔu·l, huʔul.

hqowic*   [qowíʔ]  hqowil*. Variant: hqo·wic*. Verb. one return to a place, return home. qowí·tʰuʔ do not return home! hqowicʼiʔ come back, return to this place. qowí·cicʼkʰe ʔe· ʔa I am going to come back here. qowícʰqaw cause to return home, !!repay. ʔul ʔa qowícʰmela I am returning now. qowí·ti [ʔ]dela· ʔa I'm going home. qowícʰqa tell him to go home. qowí·ci go home! ʔacá· qowí·ci go to your house! qowí·ciʔ to return. qowi·te· ʔa I'm going home. Example Variant: qowicʼkʰe ʔe· ʔa. qowí·cedu keep returning! qowí·ceʔtʰuʔ don't keep returning! mi·lí hqowi·ci return there! be·lí hqowi·ci return here! be·li hqowí·tʰuʔ don't return here! synonyms: qahqoc*, hqowil*.

hqowicʰqa   [qowícʰqaw]  hqowic*. Verb. repay, pay back, return, give back. maʔu ʔe· to pé·su qowícʰqa return my money! mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqati ʔdela I'm going to pay you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqaʔkʰe I'll paid you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqamela I paid you back the money (I borrowed). maʔu ʔé· miʔkʰe pe·su qowicʰqa[w] here's your change. Example Variant: maʔu ʔé· to pe·su qowicʰqa[w]. kʰe má·kina qowicʰqa return my car!

hqowicʰqa   [qowícʰqaw]  hqowic*. Verb. repay, pay back, return, give back. maʔu ʔe· to pé·su qowícʰqa return my money! mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqati ʔdela I'm going to pay you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqaʔkʰe I'll paid you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqamela I paid you back the money (I borrowed). maʔu ʔé· miʔkʰe pe·su qowicʰqa[w] here's your change. Example Variant: maʔu ʔé· to pe·su qowicʰqa[w]. kʰe má·kina qowicʰqa return my car!

hqowil*   [qowílʔ]   Verb. group return to a place, return home. qowí·laʔtʰumeʔ don’t keep returning home! Imperative to a group. qowílmeʔ return (to several)! qowíltʰumeʔ don't return (to several)! qowí·lacʼmeʔ keep returning (to several)! qowí·laci·yicʼmeʔ @ . be·lí hqowilmeʔ return here (to several)! be·li hqowíltʰmeʔ don't return here (to several)! yohwé· qowílacʼmeʔ now let's return! yohwé· ʔacalqʰaʔ qowi·lacʼmeʔ now let's return home! yohwe· qowi·lacʼme maya hitʼetʰpʰíʔ let's return home when you are ready. synonyms: hqowic*, qahqoc*, qahqoc*.

hqowic*   [qowíʔ]  hqowil*. Variant: hqo·wic*. Verb. one return to a place, return home. qowí·tʰuʔ do not return home! hqowicʼiʔ come back, return to this place. qowí·cicʼkʰe ʔe· ʔa I am going to come back here. qowícʰqaw cause to return home, !!repay. ʔul ʔa qowícʰmela I am returning now. qowí·ti [ʔ]dela· ʔa I'm going home. qowícʰqa tell him to go home. qowí·ci go home! ʔacá· qowí·ci go to your house! qowí·ciʔ to return. qowi·te· ʔa I'm going home. Example Variant: qowicʼkʰe ʔe· ʔa. qowí·cedu keep returning! qowí·ceʔtʰuʔ don't keep returning! mi·lí hqowi·ci return there! be·lí hqowi·ci return here! be·li hqowí·tʰuʔ don't return here! synonyms: qahqoc*, hqowil*.

hqowicʰqa   [qowícʰqaw]  hqowic*. Verb. repay, pay back, return, give back. maʔu ʔe· to pé·su qowícʰqa return my money! mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqati ʔdela I'm going to pay you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqaʔkʰe I'll paid you back the money (I borrowed). mito ʔa pe·su qowícʰqamela I paid you back the money (I borrowed). maʔu ʔé· miʔkʰe pe·su qowicʰqa[w] here's your change. Example Variant: maʔu ʔé· to pe·su qowicʰqa[w]. kʰe má·kina qowicʰqa return my car!

hqoy*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -ci- Semelfactive. Instr Verb Root. make carelessly. compare: hqo*5.

dohqo·ci*   [dohqó·ciw]  du-, hqoy*1. Verb. make one thing carelessly. ʔima·ta yaʔ cuhni· sóh dohqo·ciy the woman made the bread just any old way. compare: dohqodohqo*.

hqo·ci*2   [qo·ciw]  Ø-, hqoy*1. Verb. make carelessly.

hqoy*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. arrange, put several things in order.

dohqo·qa*   [dohqó·qaw]  du-, hqoy*2, -hqa. Instr Verb Stem. arrange, put things in order. kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dohqó·qapʰi, kaho·n li bawili arrange your papers and pack them in a box.

hqoyʔ*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. bend strongly at a joint, sprain or strain a joint.

bahqoyʔci*   [bahqóyʔciw]  ba-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend something with mouth.

bihqoyʔ*   [bihqoyʔ]  bi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend joint by putting arms around it.

cihqoyʔ*   [cihqóyʔ]  cʰi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. get something else out of joint with instrument.

dahqoyʔ*   [dahqoyʔ]  da-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend or sprain wrist by pressing the hand against something.

dahqoyʔci*   [dahqóyʔciw]  dahqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend the wrist, to strain or sprain the wrist. dahqóyʔci sprain wrist! dahqóyʔcimeʔ sprain wrist (to several)! dahqóyʔciwa·cʼiwacʼmeʔ @ keep spraining wrists (to several)!

dahqoyʔdahqoyʔ*   [dahqóyʔdahqoyʔ]  dahqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. bend wrist back and forth. dahqóyʔdahqoyi bend your wrist back and forth! dahqóyʔdahqoyʔmameʔ several get twisting wrists. dahqóyʔdaqoya·cʼiwacʼmeʔ @.

dohqoyʔ*   [dohqoyʔ]  du-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend, strain, or sprain finger.

dohqoyʔci*   [dohqóyʔciw]  dohqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend, strain, or sprain a finger. dohqóyʔcimela I bent my finger pushing against something.

dohqoyʔdohqoyʔ*   [dohqóyʔdohqoyʔ]  dohqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. keep bending finger.

hihqoyʔ*   [hihqoyʔ]  hi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend back; bend any joint by being bumped by someone's body.

hihqoyʔci*   [hihqóyʔciw]  hihqoyʔ*. Instr Verb Stem. suddenly to bed or strain the back; suddenly to bend any joint by it being hit by someone elsea'€™s body. hinémʔba to· ma moqʰo· híhqoyʔciwiy you bumped me with your body and bent my knee.

hihqoyʔhihqoyʔ*   [hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ]  hihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. joint bend back and forth. hihqóyʔhihqoyʔ (wrist) bending back and forth. hihqoyʔhihqoyʔmaw several joints bending back and forth.

hqo·ci*1   [-]  Ø-, hqoyʔ*1, Ø-. Instr Verb Root. suddenly to overbend, strain or sprain a joint.

mahqoyʔci*   [mahqóyʔciw]  ma-2, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. suddenly to bend, strain, or sprain the ankle. mahqoyʔciʔ sprain wrist.

mohqoyʔci*   [mohqóyʔciw]  mu-, hqoyʔ*1. Instr Verb Stem. have a joint (knee) suddenly bent by a thrown nonlong object (rock).

pihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔ]  pʰi-, hqoyʔ*1. Verb. bend the neck. compare: pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*, pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*, pihqohqoc*, pihqopihqo*.

pihqoyʔci*   [pihqóyʔciw]  pihqoyʔ*. Verb. suddenly to bend or strain the neck. mihya· puhqóyʔciw get neck out of joint from snapping head forward.

pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ*   [pihqoyʔpihqoyʔ]  pihqoyʔ*. Reduplicating Verb. neck moving back and forth. bihše ʔem wanʔwadem hoʔtʼo ʔem pihqoyʔpihqo·y as the deer walks along, its head goes up and down. bihše píhqoyʔpihqo·y (While walking) the deer’s neck is bending forward and back. compare: pihqopihqo*, pihkikinʔ, pihki, pihkihkic*, pihqohqoc*, pihqoyʔ*, pihqo, pihke, pihkem*, pihkeykey*.

hqoyʔ*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with ša- and semelfactive. Instr Verb Root. take quick steps to keep from falling.

šahqoyʔci*   [šahqoyʔciw]  ša-, hqoyʔ*2. Verb. take quick steps to keep from falling. caʔtʰelá· ʔa mul me·li ʔaha· mitiw mihcílhciba to šahqóyʔciwiy I didn't see that stick lying there; I tripped and took quick steps to keep from falling. šahqóyʔciwa·tacʼmeʔ take quick steps to keep from falling in several different places (to several)!

hqo·ci*1   [-]  Ø-, hqoyʔ*1, Ø-. Instr Verb Root. suddenly to overbend, strain or sprain a joint.

hqo·ci*2   [qo·ciw]  Ø-, hqoy*1. Verb. make carelessly.

hqo·wic*   [hqo·wic]  hqowic*.

hqʰa coʔbolʔ*   [qʰacóʔbolʔ]  ʔahqʰa, coʔbolh*1. Verb. turn over in the water, capsize.

hqʰa cuhcem*   [qʰa cúhcemʔ]  ʔahqʰa, cuhce*, -m1. Variant: qʰa ho cuhcemʔ*. Verb. moving water to block someone’s path, be stranded by high tide; road blocked by moving water in front.

hqʰa cuhcew*   [qʰacúhcew]  ʔahqʰa, cuhce*. Verb. flowing water to be blocked.

hqʰa sʼaqa·*   [qʰasʼáqa·]  Lit: water eel ʔahqʰa, sʼaqa·. Verb. eel grass. Zostera marina.

hqʰa šaqa·qa*   [qʰašáqa·qa]  ʔahqʰa, šaqa·qa. Verb. water strider (insect).

hqʰa*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with di- and -w-â·q-. Instr Verb Root. be satisfied.

dihqʰawaq*   [dihqʰawaʔ]  hqʰa*1. Verb. be satisfied. dihqʰawáhwiye· to (If I crave some food or drink, and then have some, then) It satisfies me.

maʔa dihqʰawaq   [maʔa díhqʰawaʔ]  maʔa, dihqʰawaq*. Noun. dessert.

hqʰa*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -R- or -r̂-:. Instr Verb Root. barely be able; be faintly detectable, barely detect. compare: qʰa·š*, qʰa*.

bahqʰa*   [-]  ba-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to hear.

bahqʰabahqʰa*   [bahqʰabahqʰaw]  bahqʰa*. Variant: bahqʰabaqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. sound fade away. bahqʰabáqʰa·duʔ sound to fade away in distance.

bahqʰahqʰa*   [bahqʰáhqʰaw]  bahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to hear.

dihqʰa*   [-]  di-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to run.

dihqʰadihqʰa*   [dihqʰadihqʰaw]  dihqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to run. ʔima·ta báhṭʰe dihqʰadíhqʰaw the big woman was barely able to run.

mihqʰa*2   [-]  mi-2, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to smell.

mihqʰahqʰa*1   [mihqʰáhqʰaw]  mihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to smell.

mihqʰamihqʰa*2   [mihqʰamíhqʰaw]  mihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. barely be able to smell.

pihqʰa*1   [-]  pʰi-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. be faintly detectable by eye.

pihqʰahqʰa*   [pihqʰáhqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to see.

pihqʰapihqʰa*1   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. be faintly detectable by the eyes. pihqʰapíqʰanʔwadu faintly to see someone walking around.

qahqʰa*2   [-]  qa-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to taste what is chewed.

qahqʰahqʰa*   [qahqʰáhqʰaw]  qahqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. barely to taste what is chewed.

sihqʰa*2   [-]  si-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. barely able to taste what is drunk.

sihqʰahqʰa*   [sihqʰahqʰaw]  sihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. barely taste what is drunk.

sihqʰasihqʰa*2   [sihqʰasíhqʰaw]  sihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. barely to taste what is drunk.

šuhqʰa*   [-]  šu-, hqʰa*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. be panting. synonyms: hqʰam*2, cahqa*2.

šuhqʰahqʰa*   [šuhqʰáhqʰaw]  šuhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. be panting.

šuhqʰašuhqʰa*   [šuhqʰašúhqʰaw]  šuhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. (dog) be panting.

hqʰa*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: Usually with -R- or -r̂-. Instr Verb Root. rub repeatedly, be stroking, be sliding. synonyms: hkʰel*, hkʰe*2, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, hqʰaṭ*1, qʰaqʰaṭ*, hqʰaṭ*2, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hqʰayʔ*1.

bihqʰa*   [-]  bi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. drag along.

bihqʰabihqʰa*   [bihqʰabihqʰaw]  bihqʰa*. Variant: bihqʰabiqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. drag along (the ground) what is held in two arms. qʰale ʔíša· baṭʰe· biʔdiyícʼbina, bihqʰabíqʰa·nʔ many tree branches must have been picked up in two arms, a double-armload is being dragged along.

cahqʰa*   [cahqʰaw]  ca-, hqʰa*3. Verb. slide on rear. cahqʰayá·law one to slide down on the rear end. caqʰáhyalaw several to slide down on their rear ends. N. (children’s) slide. compare: cahqʰaya·la*.

cahqʰacahqʰa*   [cahqʰcáhqʰaw]  cahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide on rear repeatedly.

cahqʰahqʰa*   [cahqʰáhqʰaw]  cahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide on rear.

cihqʰa*   [-]  cʰi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. go back and forth with a pen.

cihqʰahqʰa*   [cihqʰáhqʰaw]  cihqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. go back and forth with a pen.

cuhqʰa*   [cuhqʰaw]  cu-, hqʰa*3. Verb. rub repeatedly, as in washing, polishing.

cuhqʰahqʰa*   [cuhqʰáhqʰaw]  cuhqʰa*. Variant: cuhqʰacuqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. rub repeatedly with a nonlong object (to make smooth); sand (something to make it smooth).

cuhqʰahqʰa·li   [cuhqʰáhqʰa·li]  cuhqʰahqʰa*. Noun. cleaning pad, sander, polisher.

dahqʰa*   [-]  da-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub with the hand; with waves. compare: daqʰal*2, daqʰal*1.

dahqʰadahqʰa*   [dahqʰdáhqʰaw]  dahqʰa*. Variant: dahqʰadaqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. rub repeatedly with the hand. dahqʰadáhqʰa, ʔima cʰíhyaʔ rub it, it cramped. dahqʰadáhqʰata·du rub in several places. dahqʰadáhqʰa mul ʔima cʰihya ʔ rub it, it cramped. Example Variant: dahqʰadáhqʰa ʔima cʰihya mul ʔ. dahqʰadáqʰa·cʼi rub self back and forth. dahqʰadáhqʰamʔ several rub with hand back and forth. dahqʰadáhqʰacidu keep rubbing habitually.

dahqʰahqʰa*   [dahqʰáhqʰaw]  dahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. rub or slide with hands; with waves. dahqʰáhqʰawe to be·li, duṭʰalaʔ rub me with your hands back here; it pains me. dahqʰahqʰa rub around gently where it pains! dahqʰahqʰaw rub with hand back and forth.

duhqʰa*3   [-]  du-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub or slide with fingers. compare: duqʰal*2, duqʰal*1, duqʰal*2.

duhqʰaduhqʰa*   [duhqʰaduhqʰaw]  duhqʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. slide fingers back and forth. duhqʰadúqʰa·du slide fingers. duhqʰadúhqʰamʔ several rub with fingers back and forth. duhqʰadúhqʰacidu habitually keep rubbing.

duhqʰahqʰa*2   [duhqʰáhqʰaw]  duhqʰa*3. Reduplicating Verb. rub with finger back and forth. duhqʰáhqʰawe· ʔa I rub with finger.

hahqʰa*   [-]  ha-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. drag foot or leg along.

hahqʰahahqʰa*   [hahqʰahahqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. drag foot along, kick up dirt while walking. hahqʰahaqʰa·du be dragging one foot along; keep kicking up dirt while going along.

hahqʰahqʰa*   [hahqʰáhqʰaw]  hahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide legs.

hihqʰa*1   [hihqʰaw]  hi-, hqʰa*3. Verb. tear with the body. compare: hihpʰitʼ*, hihpahpa*1, hihpahpa*1.

hihqʰa*2   [-]  hi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. fidget with body in chair.

hihqʰahqʰa*   [hihqʰáhqʰaw]  hihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. figdet with body in chair.

mahqʰa*   [-]  ma-2, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub with sole of foot; with butt of hand.

mahqʰahqʰa*   [mahqʰáhqʰaw]  mahqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. slide feet.

mahqʰamahqʰa*   [mahqʰamahqʰaw]  mahqʰa*. Variant: mahqʰamaqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. shuffle along; slide feet repeatedly. mahqʰamáqʰa·du shuffle along, run and slide repeatedly. mahqʰamahqʰa sit or stand in one place sliding feet! mahqʰamaqʰataʔ several to shuffle along.

mihqʰa*1   [-]  mi-2, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub the toes around.

mihqʰahqʰa*2   [mihqʰáhqʰaw]  mihqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. rub with toe.

mihqʰamihqʰa*1   [mihqʰamíhqʰaw]  mihqʰa*1. Variant: mihqʰamiqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. rub the toes around.

muhqʰa*   [-]  mu-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: Always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. drive along slowly.

muhqʰamuhqʰa*   [muhqʰamuhqʰaw]  muhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. drive along slowly. muhqʰamúqʰa·du drive along slowly.

pihqʰa*2   [-]  pʰi-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub with limb.

pihqʰapihqʰa*2   [pihqʰapihqʰaw]  pihqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. rub with limb. pihqʰapíhqʰanʔwa·du limb of tree rubbing on house.

puhqʰa*   [-]  pʰu-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. branch rubbing in the wind.

puhqʰapuhqʰa*   [puhqʰapuhqʰaw]  puhqʰa*. Reduplicating Verb. branch rubbing in the wind.

qahqʰa*1   [-]  qa-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • rub with teeth.

2 • drag along by carrying in teeth (like a dog).

qahqʰaqahqʰa*   [qahqʰaqahqʰaw]  qahqʰa*1. Reduplicating Verb. drag in teeth. qahqʰaqáqʰa·qaʔ (dog) to drag upward along the ground something held in its teeth.

sihqʰa*1   [-]  si-, hqʰa*3. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rub by water.

sihqʰasihqʰa*1   [sihqʰasihqʰaw]  sihqʰa*1. Variant: sihqʰasiqʰata·d*. Reduplicating Verb. rub or slide repeatedly in water, something wet. ʔama· sʼalútʼ in, e· mito sihqʰasíhqʰawam the ground is slick is why you are sliding around.

hqʰa*4   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -r̂-. Instr Verb Root. like a little, be fond of. compare: hqʰa*5.

duhqʰa*2   [-]  du-, hqʰa*4. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. like a little, be fond of. compare: duhqʰa*1.

duhqʰahqʰa*1   [duhqʰahqʰaw]  duhqʰa*2. Reduplicating Verb. be a fond of, like a little; secret liking. ma·dal duhqʰáhqʰawe· to I kind of like her. haʔú naṭa ʔima·ta ʔem haʔál hiʔbaya ʔel duhqʰáhqʰaqaw min pʰiʔtʼaw ʔaná· cuʔdanqaw It looks like that girl kind of likes that man; She makes eyes at him.

hqʰa*5   [-]   Cooccurrence: Attested in only one construction, with du-, without -R- or -r̂-. . Instr Verb Root. bother. compare: hqʰa*4.

duhqʰa*1   [duhqʰaw]  du-, hqʰa*5. Verb. fool around with. ʔama dúhqʰawa·de· to maʔu ʔacacʼ em this man is fooling around with me (taking things, touching me, etc.) ʔama dúhqʰawa·du bother someone. hayu ʔem naṭa yya ʔel (ʔama) duhqʰawa·duce·du the dog is always bothering the children. compare: duhqʰa*2.

hqʰabihše   [qʰabihše]  qʰabihše.

=hqʰac   [hqʰaʔ]  hqʰac*2. Adposition. toward, -ward.

bida·lhqʰac   [bidalhqʰáʔ]  bida·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. 1 • downstream, downhill. synonyms: bidal, bida·; antonym: dono·lhqʰac.

2 • downward.

dono·lhqʰac   [donolhqʰáʔ]  dono·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. upstream, uphill. antonym: bida·lhqʰac.

kulu·lhqʰac   [kululhqʰáʔ]  kulu·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. into the woods, toward the woods, the wilderness.

šiba·lhqʰac   [šibalhqʰáʔ]  šiba·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. 1 • to somewhere else, toward another place.

2 • in the wrong direction, off course.

=tolhqʰac   [tolhqʰaʔ]  -to, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. towards. to· tolhqʰaʔ wa·du come towards me! lamé·sa tolhqʰaʔ toward the table. to· tólhqʰaʔ toward me. hóhwa tolhqʰaʔ wa·du come towards the door.

duweʔli tolhqʰac   [duweʔli tolhqʰaʔ]  duweʔli, =tolhqʰac. Noun. afternoon.

ʔaca·lhqʰac   [ʔacalhqʰáʔ]  ʔaca·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. homeward, toward home, towards the house.

ʔašo·lhqʰac   [ʔašolhqʰáʔ]  ʔašo·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. southward, toward the south.

hqʰac*1   [qʰáʔ]  ʔahqʰa. Verb. be watery, thin (of liquids). qʰaci become thin! pʰalá hqʰaci get thin again! qʰá·tʰuʔ don't get thin. pʰala hqʰá·tʰuʔ don't get thin again! qʰaci·du D: Plural. qáhcimeʔ D: Plural.

hqʰaʔ   [qʰáʔ]  hqʰac*1. Adjective. watery, thin (of liquids). qʰá·cʼinsʼe· mu it seems to be watery. qʰacʼáye· mu ? it is watery ?

hqʰac*2   [qʰaʔ]  Lit: toward on me; facing on the table Verb. face toward. ʔamalhqʰácʰqa make it face the ground! Turn it upside down! cuhulálhqʰa·tʰuʔ don’t face north! cuhulálhqʰaci face to the north! haʔbílhqʰaʔ to face there. weʔélhqʰaci face away from me! synonyms: hkʰe*2, hpʰa*1.

=hqʰac   [hqʰaʔ]  hqʰac*2. Adposition. toward, -ward.

bida·lhqʰac   [bidalhqʰáʔ]  bida·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. 1 • downstream, downhill. synonyms: bidal, bida·; antonym: dono·lhqʰac.

2 • downward.

dono·lhqʰac   [donolhqʰáʔ]  dono·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. upstream, uphill. antonym: bida·lhqʰac.

kulu·lhqʰac   [kululhqʰáʔ]  kulu·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. into the woods, toward the woods, the wilderness.

šiba·lhqʰac   [šibalhqʰáʔ]  šiba·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. 1 • to somewhere else, toward another place.

2 • in the wrong direction, off course.

=tolhqʰac   [tolhqʰaʔ]  -to, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. towards. to· tolhqʰaʔ wa·du come towards me! lamé·sa tolhqʰaʔ toward the table. to· tólhqʰaʔ toward me. hóhwa tolhqʰaʔ wa·du come towards the door.

duweʔli tolhqʰac   [duweʔli tolhqʰaʔ]  duweʔli, =tolhqʰac. Noun. afternoon.

ʔaca·lhqʰac   [ʔacalhqʰáʔ]  ʔaca·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. homeward, toward home, towards the house.

ʔašo·lhqʰac   [ʔašolhqʰáʔ]  ʔašo·, -l, =hqʰac. Adverb. southward, toward the south.

silhqʰac*   [silhqʰaʔ]  sil*, hqʰac*2. Verb. ?? face this way ?? silhqʰaci D: Imperative. silhqʰacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. sílhqʰayi·tacʼmeʔ @. sílhqʰa·tʰuʔ D: Negative. sílhqʰaciʔtʰuʔ @. sílhqʰaci·duceʔtʰuʔ D: Negative Durative.

silhqʰaʔ   [silhqʰaʔ]  silhqʰac*. Adverb. this way, in this direction, towards here, hither. silílhqʰaʔ kihlaʔ hikʰe·qon move still closer. compare: hsil, hsiluw, sililtow.

hqʰacahcehqaw   [qʰacáhcehqaw]  ʔahqʰa, cahcehqa*. Noun. dam.

hqʰacuhcew*   [hqʰacuhcew]  cuhce*.

hqʰal   [qʰál]  ʔahqʰa, -l. Adverb. along the shore, to the coast.

hqʰalh*   [-]   Variant: qʰalta*. Instr Verb Root. touch, brush against lightly, slip easily. synonyms: hqʰayʔ*1, hkʰe*2, qʰa·m*, qʰa·s*.

bihqʰalh*   [bihqʰálʔ]  bi-, hqʰalh*. Variant: biqʰalta*. Verb. (try to pick something up with both arms) and it slips loosely through the arms.

cihqʰalh*   [cihqʰálʔ]  cʰi-, hqʰalh*. Variant: ciqʰalta*. Verb. 1 • something hanging brush against, lightly. cihqʰalhciw something hanging to brush against. kʰe taqʰma mito qʰáma tol cihqʰálhciy my dress brushed lightly against your foot.

2 • drag something (which barely touches something else). cihqʰálciʔ pulled (into mud). cihqʰali drag! ciqʰáltameʔ drag (to several)! cihqʰálhci one pull to touch something. maṭʼqʰayá· cuqʰalciw fall down and get !!head stuck in mud (dragged in mud?) synonyms: ciqʰal*1.

cuhqʰalh*   [cuhqʰalʔ]  cu-, hqʰalh*. Verb. brush against with car.

dahqʰalh*   [dahqʰalʔ]  da-, hqʰalh*. Variant: daqʰalta*. Verb. dust. dahqʰali dust! dahqʰalá·du keep dusting! dahqʰálmeʔ dust (to several)! daqʰáltameʔ dust several (to several)!

dihqʰalh*   [dihqʰalʔ]  di-, hqʰalh*. Verb. brush against by falling.

duhqʰalh*   [duhqʰalʔ]  du-, hqʰalh*. Variant: duqʰalta*. Verb. stroke lightly once with the finger. duhqʰálduhqʰalʔ stroke repeatedly with the finger.

hahqʰalh*   [hahqʰalʔ]  ha-, hqʰalh*. Verb. barely touch by kicking.

hihqʰalh*   [hihqʰalʔ]  hi-, hqʰalh*. Verb. brush against with the body. hiqʰala·dadu to be moving along intermittently with the body lightly brushing against (the bushes). compare: hiqʰal*.

mihqʰalh*   [mihqʰalʔ]  mi-2, hqʰalh*. Verb. brush against with toes.

muhqʰalh*   [muhqʰalʔ]  mu-, hqʰalh*. Variant: muqʰalta*. Verb. be lightly brushed by a thrown nonlong object.

pihqʰalh*   [pihqʰalʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰalh*. Variant: piqʰalta*. Verb. lightly to touch with a flick of a long object.

qahqʰalh*   [qahqʰalʔ]  qa-, hqʰalh*. Variant: qaqʰalta*. Verb. brush against with teeth; (dog to snap at someone but only) graze with the teeth.

sihqʰalh*   [sihqʰalʔ]  si-, hqʰalh*. Variant: siqʰalta*. Verb. lick lightly.

šahqʰalh*   [šahqʰalʔ]  ša-, hqʰalh*. Variant: šaqʰalta*. Verb. feel a light touch through the skin.

hqʰam*1   [qʰamʔ]   Verb. form, begin to become. pʰoʔtʼa hqʰamʔ beginning to get foamy. kʼuʔlés qʰamʔ beginning to get slimy.

balay hqʰam*   [balay hqʰamʔ]  balay, hqʰam*1. Verb. get pregnant. baláy hqʰame· ma·dal she is just beginning to get pregnant. baláy hqʰama (to womb) get pregnant!

balayhqʰamʔ   [baláyhqʰamʔ]  balay hqʰam*. Noun. embryo.

naṭa hqʰam*   [naṭá hqʰamʔ]  naṭa, hqʰam*1. Verb. form a baby. naṭá hqʰama (to organ) form a baby!

soʔol hqʰam*   [soʔol hqʰamʔ]  hqʰam*1. Verb. begin to spoil, fester. soʔól hqʰamʔ beginning to get spoiled (of blood). soʔól qʰama·tadu to have sevral (cuts) fester. soʔól hqʰama (to cut) fester! soʔól hqʰameʔ mito your (cut) is beginning to fester.

hqʰam*2   [-]   Variant: qʰama·tad*. Instr Verb Root. grunt rhythmically. synonyms: šuhqʰa*, cahqa*2.

sihqʰam*   [sihqʰamʔ]  si-, hqʰam*2. Variant: siqʰama·tad*. Verb. 1 • accompany the lead singer in the Kashaya style of singing by producing a vocal rhythm; accompany other music in the bass (with a piano, bass fiddle, or voice). qʼoʔo síhqʰama hold the bass of the song! sihqʰámmeʔ accompany on the bass (to several)! sihqʰamá·tacʼmeʔ accompany several on the bass (to several)! sihqʰama accompany on the bass! The Kashaya accompaniment is also technically called /qʰaʔbe dímaw/ "holding the rock". /siqʰamʔ/ also applies to certain types of interrupted breathing.

2 • breath noisily from cold or sickness. qahsilí· šulamʔba ʔe· mito sihqʰamam you are sickening from the cold is why you are wheezing.

hqʰaṭ*1   [-]   Variant: qʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Instr Verb Root. rip apart or open, tear apart or open. synonyms: hkʰel*, hkʰe*2, hqʰa*3, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, qʰaqʰaṭ*, hqʰaṭ*2, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hqʰayʔ*1.

bahqʰaṭ*   [bahqʰaʔ]  ba-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip with beak.

cihqʰaṭ*   [cihqʰáʔ]  cʰi-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: ciqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. rip (flesh) with a hook. ciqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaw to rip repeatedly with a hook. ciqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaʔ rip up several times with a hook. cihqʰaṭi rip once with a hook! cihqʰaṭa·du keep ripping with a hook! ciqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼawa·duwa·du keep ripping up several things with hooks! ciqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼawa·cʼiwaʔ keep ripping up with hooks (to several)!

cuhqʰaṭ*   [cuhqʰaʔ]  cu-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip by bumping.

dahqʰaṭ*   [dahqʰaʔ]  da-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip by hand. dahqʰaṭi rip by hand!

dihqʰaṭ*1   [dihqʰaʔ]  di-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: diqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. (sack of sugar) fall and rip open. diqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼaw several fall and rip open.

duhqʰaṭ*1   [duhqʰaʔ]  du-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: duqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. rip (a piece of paper) apart with the fingers. duhqʰaṭi rip with fingers! duhqʰáhtʰuʔ don't rip with fingers! duhqʰaṭá·du keep ripping with fingers! duhqʰaṭaʔṭʰuʔ don't keep ripping with fingers! duhqʰáṭʰmeʔ rip with fingers (to several)! duqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa rip several with fingers! duqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼame·du keep ripping several with fingers! duqʰáṭʼqʰaʔṭʼameʔ rip several with fingers (to several)!

hahqʰaṭ*   [hahqʰaʔ]  ha-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip with swinging motion.

hihqʰaṭ*   [hihqʰaʔ]  hi-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. rip apart or open the body, specifically belly. ʔuhqʰa híhqʰaṭʰqa mul ʔ rip that belly open! ʔuhqʰa hiqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼahqa rip open those bellies! hihqʰaṭʼba @. hihqʰáṭʰqa mul ʔ rip that up.

pihqʰaṭ*   [pihqʰaʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: piqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. beat with a stick. piqʰatʼqʰaʔṭʼaw chop to piexes (cloth, paper, not wood); tear by hitting with a stick.

qahqʰaṭ*   [qahqʰaʔ]  qa-, hqʰaṭ*1. Verb. rip with teeth.

sihqʰaṭ*   [sihqʰaʔ]  si-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: siqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. (paper) weaken when wet and come apart. sihqʰaṭi tear paper by getting wet!

šuhqʰaṭ*   [šuhqʰaʔ]  šu-, hqʰaṭ*1. Variant: šuqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*. Verb. tear (a piece of cloth) in two by pulling on it. miʔkʰe taqʰma (¡ heʔen) šuhqʰaṭʰ you tore your dress. šuhqʰaṭi tear it! šuqʰáṭʼʰaʔṭʼa tear it to pieces! compare: šutʰil*.

hqʰaṭ*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. shave off (one or more) thin pieces of the surface, whittle. Attested with only three prefixes. synonyms: hkʰel*, hkʰe*2, hqʰa*3, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, hqʰaṭ*1, qʰaqʰaṭ*, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hqʰayʔ*1.

cahqʰaṭ*   [cahqʰáʔ]  ca-, hqʰaṭ*2. Verb. whittle, shave off pieces from (a stick) with a knife. synonyms: dihqʰaṭ*2.

dihqʰaṭ*2   [dihqʰaʔ]  di-, hqʰaṭ*2. Verb. shave off with a knife; whittle. ʔahá· dihqʰaṭi whittle the stick! ʔahá· diqʰaṭa·tacʼmeʔ (You pl.) Whittle those sticks! dihqʰaṭi whittle! dihqʰaṭácʼmeʔ keep whittling (to several)! dihqʰaṭá·tacʼmeʔ keep whittling several (to several)! synonyms: cahqʰaṭ*.

ʔaha· dihqʰaʔ   [ʔahá· dihqʰaʔ]  ʔahay, dihqʰaṭ*2. Noun. fine wood shavings.

duhqʰaṭ*2   [duhqʰaʔ]  du-, hqʰaṭ*2. Verb. shave pieces off the surface with the fingernails.

hqʰaṭʼqʰaʔṭʼa*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. rip open in several places, rip apart into several pieces, tear into bits.

hqʰayʔ*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with directional suffixes. Instr Verb Root. slide, move smoothly along a surface. synonyms: hkʰel*, hkʰe*2, hqʰa*3, qʰal*1, qʰa·m*, hqʰaṭ*1, qʰaqʰaṭ*, hqʰaṭ*2, qʰa·*1, qʰam*3, hkʰe*2, hqʰalh*, qʰa·m*, qʰa·s*.

bahqʰayad*   [bahqʰayadu]  ba-, hqʰayʔ*1, -ad2. Verb. push along with mouth.

cahqʰayʔ*   [-]  ca-, hqʰayʔ*1. Cooccurrence: only with directionals. Verb. slide on rear.

cahqʰayad*   [cahqʰaya·du]  cahqʰayʔ*, -ad2. Verb. slide along on read (as a baby).

cahqʰaya·la*   [cahqʰayá·law]  cahqʰayʔ*, -ala. Variant: caqʰahyala*. Verb. slide downhill on one’s rear. caqʰáhyalaw several to slide down on their rear ends. ʔama· díhqʰaya·law land to be sliding downward. compare: cahqʰa*.

caqʰahyalaw   [caqʰáhyalaw]  cahqʰaya·la*. Noun. (children’s) slide.

cahqʰayʔma*   [cahqʰayʔmaw]  cahqʰayʔ*, -m2. Verb. slide across on rear.

cuhqʰayad*   [cuhqʰayadu]  cu-, hqʰayʔ*1, -ad2. Verb. push something along forward on ground or table. cuhqʰyá·dadu pushing something along forward on ground or table.

dihqʰayʔ*   [-]  di-, hqʰayʔ*1. Cooccurrence: only with directionals. Verb. slide by gravity.

dihqʰayad*   [dihqʰaya·du]  dihqʰayʔ*, -ad2. Verb. slide of earth coming down slow. synonyms: dihqʰayala*.

dihqʰayala*   [dihqʰayá·law]  dihqʰayʔ*, -ala. Verb. slide of earth coming down slow. ʔama· dihqʰyá·law slide of earth coming down slow. synonyms: dihqʰayad*.

duhqʰayʔ*   [-]  du-, hqʰayʔ*1. Cooccurrence: only with directionals. Verb. slide with finger.

duhqʰayad*   [duhqʰayá·du]  duhqʰayʔ*, -ad2. Instr Verb Stem. slide the finger along (homophonous with du-qÊ°ay-â·d-u gather). duhqʰayá·dadu pushing something along with finger. duhqʰayá·tacʼmeʔ pushing several along with finger (to several)!

duhqʰayʔma*   [duhqʰayʔmaw]  duhqʰayʔ*, -m2. Verb. slide fingers across something slick.

mahqʰayʔ*   [-]  ma-2, hqʰayʔ*1. Cooccurrence: Only with directional suffixes. Verb. slide on feet.

mahqʰayala*   [mahqʰayá·law]  mahqʰayʔ*, -ala. Verb. slide downward on feet.

mahqʰayʔma*   [mahqʰáyʔmaw]  mahqʰayʔ*, -m2. Verb. slide across (a room) on the feet.

pahqʰayad*   [pahqʰaya·du]  pʰa-, hqʰayʔ*1, -ad2. Verb. slide a long object (cane) point first; slide object by poking.

qʰahy*   [-]  hqʰayʔ*1, . Instr Verb Root. slide.

sihqʰayʔma*   [sihqʰáyʔmaw]  si-, hqʰayʔ*1, -m2. Verb. slide across on something wet and slick.

hqʰayʔ*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: Used only with Directional or Essive/Semelfactive suffixes.. Instr Verb Root. 1 • a large group to move agitatedly; a large group to rush.

2 • be busy, be exciting.

puhqʰayʔ*   [puhqʰáyʔmaw]  pʰu-, hqʰayʔ*2. Cooccurrence: Only with suffixes. Verb. a group be excited, a group move around agitatedly. qʰale ʔíša· puhqʰáyʔmaw the tree limbs are moving around agitatedly in the wind. ʔacaʔ puhqʰáyʔmaw people are rushing around agitatedly; the people are running around back and forth; people moving in all directions as on the street. puhqʰayá·law a group to rush down (downstairs). puhqʰáyʔciw a bunch moving together or in different drections from one direction or many. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔciw bunch. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔmaw bunch going around in a place. ʔahcá puhqʰayʔmaʔ bunch go in. puhqʰaya·dadu bunch rush along. puhqʰáyʔmacʰmeʔ rush in!

puhqʰayʔma· maci*   [púhqʰáyʔma· maci]  puhqʰayʔ*, maci. Noun. busy day, exciting day.

ʔama puhqʰayʔma· meʔ*   [ʔama púhqʰayʔma· meʔ]  ʔama·2, puhqʰayʔ*, meṭ. Verb. busy time, exciting time.

hqʰaʔ   [qʰáʔ]  hqʰac*1. Adjective. watery, thin (of liquids). qʰá·cʼinsʼe· mu it seems to be watery. qʰacʼáye· mu ? it is watery ?

hqʰo*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only with -R- or -r̂-:. Instr Verb Root. skewer. compare: hqʰolh*.

pahqʰohqʰo*   [pahqʰohqʰow]  pʰa-, hqʰo*1. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly skewer. ʔahá· tol pahqʰohqʰow repeatedly to skewer (pieces of meat) on a stick.

hqʰo*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: Only occurs with -R- or -r̂-. Instr Verb Root. grunt, snort. compare: qʰo·ṭ*, qʰo·ṭʼ.

mihqʰo*   [-]  mi-2, hqʰo*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. grunt, snort like a pig. compare: miqʰo·ṭ*.

mihqʰohqʰo*   [mihqʰóhqʰow]  mihqʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. grunt like a pig several times in succession.

mihqʰomihqʰo*   [mihqʰomíhqʰow]  mihqʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. grunt like a pig several times in quick succession.

sihqʰo*   [-]  si-, hqʰo*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. snort like a horse. compare: siqʰo·ṭ*, siqʰol*, sihqʰolh*, siqʰol*, sihqʰolh*.

sihqʰohqʰo*   [sihqʰóhqʰow]  sihqʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. snort like a horse several times in quick succession.

sihqʰosihqʰo*   [sihqʰosíhqʰow]  sihqʰo*. Reduplicating Verb. snort like a horse several times in quick succession.

hqʰobo·t*   [-]   Variant: qʰobo·t*; qʰobo·t*. Instr Verb Root. poke gently in the body of an animate being only, nudge; get up quickly (from sitting to standing), jump up.

cohqʰobot*   [cohqʰoboʔ]  cu-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. nudge someone in the ribs or belly with the elbow.

dohqʰobot*   [dohqʰobóʔ]  du-, hqʰobo·t*. Variant: doqʰobot*. Verb. poke or touch body with a finger. kʼiliwí mu·kito dohqʰobo·ti poke him in the waist with your finger! dohqʰobó·ti poke! dohqʰobóhtinʔ he's going to poke you (in the ribs) with his finger. doqʰobóʔ touch with finger several times. doqʰobotʰmeʔ poke (to several)! doqʰobó·ti ma·calʔ poke them (to one)! doqʰobó·tadu keep poking!

hihqʰobot*   [hihqʰoboʔ]  hi-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. nudge someone with the body; poke someone in the ribs (with finger or elbow).

mohqʰobot*   [mohqʰobóʔ]  mu-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. jump up, get up quickly. qahmatí·bicʼba, mohqʰobótʼba, ʔuhwa· wahy he got mad, jumped up, and went outside. mohqʰobó·ti get up quick! mohqʰobótʰmeʔ get up quick (to several)! Example Variant: moqʰobotʰmeʔ. mohqʰobó·tʰmameʔ keep getting up quick! ?? qahmati·bicʼba mohqʰobótʼba ʔuhqa· wáhy he got mad, jumped up and went out.

pahqʰobot*   [pahqʰoboʔ]  pʰa-, hqʰobo·t*. Verb. poke someone in the ribs or belly with a long object (e.g., a stick).

hqʰolh*   [-]   Variant: qʰolta*. Instr Verb Root. penetrate through a barrier, break through where there was not passage before. synonyms: tʰol*, ʔcʼolh*1, kʰol, hpʰa·š*, qʰol, kʰol, qʰolo*, tʰol*, qʰolol, ṭo·l*, qʰol*, tʰol*, qʰolo*, tʰolo*, hṭʰolh*, bo·l*, kʼo·l*; compare: bo·l*, ṭu·š*, ʔcʼolh*1, hṭʰolh*, ʔbo*6, bokʼ*, hqʰo*1.

bahqʰolh*   [bahqʰólʔ]  ba-, hqʰolh*. Variant: baqʰolta*. Verb. cut through, cut open (fish or chicken to clean it out). bahqʰoli cut open! baqʰolá·tadu cut open several.

ʔaca·ʔ bahqʰolh   [ʔacaʔ báhqʰolʔ]  ʔaca·c, bahqʰolh*. Verb. operate, perform surgery on a person. ʔacaʔ wenú ʔqa· yaʔ ʔacaʔ báhqʰoly the doctor operated on the man.

ʔaca·ʔ bahqʰolʔ   [ʔacaʔ báhqʰolʔ]  ʔaca·ʔ bahqʰolh. Noun. operation, surgery on a person.

bihqʰolh*   [bihqʰolʔ]  bi-, hqʰolh*. Variant: biqʰolta*. Verb. break through an encirclement, come up through hole. bihqʰoliʔ to press oneself through where there was no previous passage. biʔkʼás bihqʰolicʼqa· be·li ants have pressed their way through (where there was no hole before). muhtʰi bíhqʰolhmaʔ rattlesnake coming out of hole. bihqʰolicʼmeʔ @. méʔpʰi ʔe· bihqʰolícʼmeʔ it's the end (of meeting), go out together through the door which is now open. túbe bihqʰólhmayʔ the air just made a hole and came out of the tube by itself. Example Variant: bihqʰolhmacʼqʰ. compare: pʰiloqocʼ*.

cahqʰolh*   [cahqʰolʔ]  ca-, hqʰolh*. Variant: caqʰolta*. Verb. leak (of cup), massive object to break through. cahqʰolí·biʔ mass (of water behind a dam) to start to break through. cahqʰolal doʔqʼóʔdiʔ fix the leak.

cohqʰolh*   [cohqʰolʔ]  cu-, hqʰolh*. Verb. penetrate through a barrier, break through where there was not passage before. cohqʰólhmaw flowing water (from a hose) to make a hole through. cohqʰólhciw the water pressure made a hole. ʔahqʰa ʔel cohqʰoli·biʔ @ water came up through it ? ʔahqʰa ʔem ʔimo cóhqʰolhmaba @ water came up through the hole ?

dahqʰolh*   [dahqʰolʔ]  da-, hqʰolh*. Variant: daqʰolta*. Verb. break through with the hand, drill hole. hida·wi ʔahqʰa dáqʰohlimʔ they let out the water in the road (puddles) (digging) by hand. dahqʰoli drill hole! dahqʰóltʰuʔ don't drill hole! daqʰóhlima D: Plural. compare: qʰol.

dohqʰolh*   [dohqʰolʔ]  du-, hqʰolh*. Verb. bore a hole through. dohqʰólhmaw to poke a finger through (a piece of paper); riped torn through. ʔimo dóhqʰolʔ bore a hole through something. ʔimo dóhqʰolhmaw make a hole (in paper with finger). synonyms: dohṭʰolh*, doʔcʼolhma*.

pihqʰolh*   [pihqʰolʔ]  pʰi-, hqʰolh*. Verb. chop water tank and water comes out. pihqʰolhmaw D: Essive Absolutive. pihqʰoli D: Imperative. pihqʰolhma D: Essive Imperative.

sihqʰolh*   [sihqʰolʔ]  si-, hqʰolh*. Variant: siqʰolta*. Verb. liquid to soak through, open a blocked pipe with pressure. compare: sihqʰo*, siqʰo·ṭ*, siqʰol*, siqʰol*, sihqʰo*.

šahqʰolh*   [šahqʰolʔ]  ša-, hqʰolh*. Variant: šaqʰolta*. Verb. liquid leak out. ʔahqʰa šáhqʰolʔ water to leak out (of a faucet). šahqʰoli (to water) leak! šahqʰólmeʔ leak (to several)! šaqʰóltameʔ leak (to several)! šahqʰólhciw D: Semelfactive. šahqʰólhmaw keep leaking; leaks. šahqʰolá·tadam it's leaking in several places. šahqʰolal doʔqʼóʔdiʔ fix the leak.

ʔahpʰa šaqʰol   [ʔahpʰa šáqʰolʔ]  ʔahpʰa, šahqʰolh*. Verb. have diarrhea, excrement to leak out. ʔahpʰa šáqʰole· to I have diarrhea.

ʔahpʰa šaqʰolʔ   [ʔahpʰa šáqʰolʔ]  ʔahpʰa šaqʰol. Noun. diarrhea.

hqʰoq*   [-]  tʼe·t*3. Instr Verb Root. set long object upright.

hqʰoqʰo*   [hqʰoqʰo]  .

hqʰoṭ   [qʰoʔ]  ʔihqʰoṭ.

=hqʰowal   [hqʰowal]  qʰo·. Adverb. all (with time expressions). duwé hqʰowal all night. duwéʔli hqʰowal all evening. qʰowál maci all day. compare: qʰowal.

hqʰoʔ*   [hqʰoʔ]   Variant: hqʰoʔmacʼ*. Adjective. insulting.

bahqʰoʔ   [bahqʰóʔ]  ba-, hqʰoʔ*. Adjective. insulting, of one word. bahqʰóʔ baʔtʼawe· to cahno the word sounds insulting to me. bahqʰóʔmaʔ insulting, of several words. ʔacaʔ cáhno bahqʰóʔmaʔ baʔtʼaqacʼba, cohtócʰmela having heard the man say insulting words, I am leaving. ʔacaʔ báhqʰoʔ cohtócʰmela I'm leaving insulted. ʔacaʔ cáhno bahqʰóʔmaʔ baʔtʼawe· to miceʔtʰuʔ don't say it, I have head insulting words. bahqʰoʔ macʼaʔ that's an insult. bahqʰoʔ macʼahwiye· to @. bahqʰóʔ baʔtʼaw to hear insults.

bahqʰoʔmacʼahqa*   [bahqʰóʔmacʼahqaw]  Lit: Make them come out insulting! bahqʰoʔ. Verb. insult (someone). bahqʰóʔmacʼahqa insult him!

dohqʰoʔ   [dohqʰoʔ]  du-, hqʰoʔ*. Adjective. insulting, of one deed. dohqʰóʔmaʔ insulting, of several deeds. dohqʰóʔmaʔ pʰiʔtʼaw to look insulting, of several deeds. dohqʰoʔmaʔ baʔtʼaw that sounds insulting.

hqʰoʔmacʼ*   [-]  hqʰoʔ*.

hsa   [hsa]  sa*1.

hsa*1   [-]  ʔdi*1. Instr Verb Root. move several. synonyms: ye*2, ʔbe*5, ne*3, bane*3, duye*, mihca*, biʔdi*2, di*, coʔdo*, mica·cʼic*, biʔdic*, yecʼ*, biʔcʼi*, hsa*2, bane*2, biʔdic*, ne*3, bane*3.

duhsa*2   [duhsáw]  du-, hsa*1, duʔdi*2.

pahsa*2   [pahsa]  hsa*1, pʰaʔdi*1, pʰa-.

pihsa*1   [pihsaw]  pʰiʔdi*, pʰi-, hsa*1.

puhsa*1   [puhsaw]  pʰuʔdi*, pʰu-, hsa*1.

hsa*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. warn, admonish, tell not to do, tell to stop. synonyms: ye*2, ʔbe*5, ne*3, bane*3, duye*, mihca*, biʔdi*2, di*, coʔdo*, mica·cʼic*, hsa*1, biʔdic*, yecʼ*, biʔcʼi*, bane*2, bane*2, ne*3, biʔcʼi*, bane*3; compare: ne*1, bane*2, mit*.

bahsa*3   [bahsaw]  ba-, hsa*2. Verb. get in the way.

basatad*   [basatá·du]  bahsa*3. Verb. something to get in way (no "mouth" meaning). synonyms: dasatad*.

dahsa*3   [dahsaw]  da-, hsa*2. Verb. warn, admonish, tell not to do, tell to stop. dahsawíye· yal he told us to stop doing that.

dasatad*   [dasata·du]  dahsa*3. Variant: dasatacʼ*. Verb. warn, admonish, dissuade. ma·cál dasata·du to warn several. dasatá·du to admonish. dasatá·duwa·du D: Durative. ma·caʔ duhkʰú·muʔli ʔa dasatá·du they had a fight and I stopped them. dasata·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. synonyms: basatad*.

hsa*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: with Semelfactive, means "bounce". Instr Verb Root. block. compare: hsamcicʼ*.

bahsa*2   [bahsaw]  ba-, hsa*3. Variant: basat*. Verb. have obstruction in one’s way, e.g. to be blocked in car by downed bridge, blocked walking by brush. bahsawíye· to I’m blocked. ʔama báhsaye· mito you’re blocked (from driving through). Example Variant: bahsayé· mito.. bahsa be blocked. bahsatʰuʔ D: Negative. basáhtʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. basátʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. basatá·du to be unable to get through anyplace. mihilálhqʰaʔ cohto·li to hiʔda báhsawiy when I went west, the road was blocked. ʔicʰeyáʔ hiʔda báhsahqawiye·to the rain blocked the road. basatʰqaw to interrupt while talking. basatʰqawe· mu·kinʔ ma·dal he interrupted her. basatʰqawe· ma·caʔ ma·dal they interrupted her. ʔama básaʔ qʼoʔo song to prevent harm or injury. ʔama bahsaw to be prevented from going further. cahno básatʰqaw to interrupt. bahsamciʔ @.

cahsa*   [cahsáw]  ca-, hsa*3. Verb. 1 • back up in car or take step backward and bump into something in water.

2 • push, backing up (either with with one'€™s own body or with a machine such as a car).

dahsa*2   [dahsaw]  da-, hsa*3. Verb. go stop someone from doing something. dahsamciʔ to walk around in dark with hand in front and hit something with hand – it couldn’t go through. dahsameʔ stop someone.

duhsa*1   [duhsaw]  du-, hsa*3. Verb. block finger; try to move finger through something and it gets blocked. baqʼotóltʰin duhsawíye· to something is stopping my finger from going through hole or just moving. dusata·du something in way of finger.

mahsa*2   [mahsaw]  ma-2, hsa*3. Verb. step on something in way.

muhsa*2   [muhsaw]  mu-, hsa*3. Verb. 1 • throw something and it is stopped, blocked by something. musati bounce back. hahsetol pʰiʔkʼo muhsámciy the ball got caught on the brush. muhsámciw

2 • bump into.

musatʰqa*   [musátʰqaw]  muhsa*2. Verb. buck against, be defiant.

pahsa*1   [pahsaw]  pʰa-, hsa*3. Verb. block with the end of a long instrument; be blocked from poking.

pihsa*2   [pihsaw]  pʰi-, hsa*3. Verb. be blocked from poking; try to hit something with stick under the table but hit table instead; stick to be blocked. pisatʰqaw to put something in the way to block someone else from hitting with stick. míl pihsaba moʔóntʰe·ma you couldn’t hit (that) (this was in the way), (being blocked from hitting with side of long object). compare: pihsam*, pihsamucʼ*.

puhsa*2   [hsahqacʼ]  pʰu-, hsa*3. Verb. obstruct by blowing; several to fly up and stay. puhsamciw several to fly up and stay.

hsahqacʼ*  sahqacʼ*.

hsakʼa·t*   [-]   Variant: sakʼa·t*. Instr Verb Root. bounce off. compare: hsamcicʼ*; synonyms: hsikʼi·t*.

bahsakʼa·t*   [bahsakʼaʔ]  ba-, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. fall and hit face with hard bounce on something.

cahsakʼa·t*   [cahsakʼaʔ]  ca-, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. fall hard and bounce with rear end; rear end jarred. cahsakʼá·ti fall hard on fanny once! casakʼa·ti fall hard on fanny several times! hiʔda píšudu ma· ma·kina casakʼá·tin mó·nʔ on the bad road, the car went bouncing up and down.

dahsakʼa·t*   [dahsakʼaʔ]  da-, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. bounce with the hand; hand be jarred. cʼe·lícʼba ʔahsi· dahsakʼátʰwiye·to falling, my hand was jarred hard (on catching myself). compare: dahsikʼi·t*.

dihsakʼa·t*   [dihsakʼaʔ]  di-, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. bounce by gravity. ʔaná· disakʼa·te· to I am being bounced up and down (in car).

mahsakʼa·t*   [mahsakʼaʔ]  ma-2, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. bounce with the sole of the foot. ʔacaʔ mahsakʼá·tin wá·nʔ the man is going stepping high (even though nothing to step over).

muhsakʼa·t*   [muhsakʼaʔ]  mu-, hsakʼa·t*. Verb. bounce with a quick movement. pʰiʔkʼo bahcíl muhsakʼahy the ball bounced far, because of one hard bounce.

hsam*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. twist, be twisted.

muhsam*   [muhsamʔ]  mu-, hsam*, muʔdim*. Verb. boil (food or water)).

šuhsam*   [šuhsamʔ]  šu-, hsam*. Verb. twist. qali· šúhsamʔ to make open-mesh twined basket. qali· šúhsama make open-mesh twined basket! šuhsama to twist (or lead several across).

hsamcicʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. bounce back. compare: hsakʼa·t*, hsa*3.

muhsamcicʼ*   [muhsámciʔ]  mu-, hsamcicʼ*. Verb. bounce back (try to throw between trees and miss – hit tree so it bounces back). muhsámciʔ to hit something and it bounces back. muhsámcicʼi D: Imperative. muhsámcicʼe·du to bounce back several times. muhsámcicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. muhsamcicʼwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hóhwatol munemba mito muhsámciʔ you ran into the door and bounced back. compare: muʔsʼaṭ*.

pahsamcicʼ*   [pahsamciʔ]  pʰa-, hsamcicʼ*. Verb. hit with fist and bounce back.

hsamucʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. gather.

cuhsamucʼ*   [cuhsamúʔ]  cuhsa*, hsamucʼ*. Variant: cusatʰmucʼ*. Verb. drift together, hop together. batʰe· cúhsamucʰ many are drifting (scattered or together). šahkúkuwi cuhsamucʰmeʔ hop together!

dihsamucʼ*   [dihsamuʔ]  di-, hsamucʼ*. Verb. gather together. ʔacaʔ díhsamu·ye·be·li people gathered here.

duhsamucʼ*   [duhsamuʔ]  du-, hsamucʼ*. Verb. tend the fire, put outside unburned pieces into the fire. ʔoho dúhsamuʔ to tend the fire. ʔoho dúhsamu·ci (pitch either place) Tend the fire! Example Variant: ʔoho duhsamúci. duhsamú·ce· mu ʔoho the fire is already tended.

pihsamucʼ*   [pihsamuʔ]  pʰi-, hsamucʼ*. Verb. watch gathering. pihsamúcʰmuʔ to watch each other gathering. dicʼi·duwá·du bakʰe ʔe· ʔa maʔal ʔacaʔ pihsamu·cam I am watching the people gathering in order to tell about it (to someone else). compare: pihsam*, pihsa*2.

hsetʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. many project.

bahsetʼ*   [bahseʔ]  ba-, hsetʼ*. Verb. hairs protrude from face, like a mustache. ʔacaʔ hasimé bahsetʼmaw the man has a mustache (hairs stand out).

cahsetʼ*   [cahseʔ]  ca-, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project (i.e. hair on body).

dahsetʼ*   [dahseʔ]  da-, hsetʼ*. Verb. wash self.

dasetʼmacʼ*   [dasetʼmaʔ]  dahsetʼ*. Verb. several people (a group) washing themselves.

dihsetʼ*   [dihseʔ]  di-, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project hanging down. pʰaláʔcayʔ cuṭʼa· ʔisa· dihsétʼmaw weeping willow’s branches are hanging down thick (not nec. stiff).

duhsetʼ*   [duhseʔ]  du-, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project with fingers. mul qaʔdi ʔamatol baṭiwal duhsetʼí·bici make the grass lying on the ground stand up! duhsetʼí·biʔ

mahsetʼ*   [mahseʔ]  ma-2, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project, with the sole of the foot. mahsetʼá·dawa·du D: Durative, "here and there".

mihsetʼ*   [mihseʔ]  mi-2, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project, with the end of a long object. mihsetʼí·biʔ to kick something so it stands up (grass, hair – not just one thing). Example Variant: miséhtʼibiʔ.

muhsetʼ*   [muhseʔ]  mu-, hsetʼ*. Verb. many to project by hitting.

pihsetʼ*   [pihseʔ]  pʰi-, hsetʼ*. Verb. hair, bristle, to project. pihsetʼí·biʔ to spring up like a bristle. pihsétʼmaw to be standing up all over. ku pihsétʼmaw one to be standing up. heʔe píhsetʼmawe·to my hair is standing up. Example Variant: heʔe píhsetʼi·bicʰwiye·to.. lile héʔe pihsetʼá·law bangs are hanging down (not nec. stiff). ʔime pihsetʼí·bi·y body hair stands up.

puhsetʼ*   [puhseʔ]  pʰu-, hsetʼ*. Verb. wind make many project in bunch. puhsetʼí·biʔ wind is making things rise up in bunch (bunch of papers).

šahsetʼ*   [šahseʔ]  ša-, hsetʼ*. Verb. many project, like hair on body. ʔime šahsetʼmaw body to have hair (of hairy man or animal). Example Variant: sime .... ʔime šahsetʼí·bi·y body hair stands up.

hsey*1   [seyʔ]  Ø-, hsey*2. Verb. cover completely; spread over something. hseya·yi cover completely (could be complete or not). semaʔ cover completely. hseyá·la D: Directional "down", Imperative. semʔ to cover (a bucket of water to keep it clean; over face, recorder). pʰala hséma D: Imperative. Example Variant: pʰala séma. semá·du D: Durative. séhtima D: Imperative. Example Variant: semá·tadu.

cahti hseyaʔ   [cahtí hseyaʔ]  cahti, hsey*1. Noun. bedspread. synonyms: cahti duhseya·qoʔ.

hseyaq*   [seyaʔ]  hsey*1, -aq1. Verb. cover, spread over. cahtí hseya·qa cover the bed! cahtitól htʰeya·qa spread it on the bed! mu·kínʔ ma·dal hseyayh he covered her. Example Variant: ...hseyahy.. compare: ṭʰeyay*.

hsey*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. spread over something. compare: šahma*.

bahsey*   [bahseyʔ]  ba-, hsey*2. Verb. interrupt. maʔba yal ma cahno bahsémwiy when you came in, you interrupted us (talking). bahsema interrupt! bahsemá·tadu D: Durative.

dahsey*   [dahseyʔ]  da-, hsey*2. Verb. spread (cloth) over something with the hand. dahseyá·qa push cloth over something to cover it! daséhyaqa D: Plural, Causative, Imperative. dahseyá·qa spread out cloth over something by hand.

dihsey*   [dihseyʔ]  di-, hsey*2. Verb. (cloth) fall and cover. dihsemʔ to cover over something with cloth falling. dihsema D: Imperative. dihsemá·tacʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. Example Variant: diséhtimʔ.

duhsey*   [duhseyʔ]  du-, hsey*2. Verb. spread over something with the finger. duseyá·la pull curtain!; Cover window! duhsema cover something (with towel, sheet)! duhseyá·qa pull the curtain to cover (window)! duhsemá·law D: Directional "down". Example Variant: duhseyá·law. duhsemaʔ extra ? (like extra card in deck).

cahti duhseya·qoʔ   [cahti dúhseya·qoʔ]  cahti, duhsey*. Noun. bedspread. cahti dúhseya·qoʔ one bedspread. Example Variant: duhseyá·qa. cahti dúsehyaqoʔ several bedspreads. synonyms: cahti hseyaʔ.

šinalma· dusehyaqoʔ   [šinalmá· dusehyaqoʔ]  šinalmaw, duhsey*. Noun. pillow case. synonyms: šinalma· qaʔ li.

wenta·na duhseya·law   [wentá·na duhseya·law]  wenta·na, duhsey*. Noun. window curtain. wentá·na dusehyalaw several curtains. wentá·na duhseya·law one curtain. compare: dusihyalaw.

hsey*1   [seyʔ]  Ø-, hsey*2. Verb. cover completely; spread over something. hseya·yi cover completely (could be complete or not). semaʔ cover completely. hseyá·la D: Directional "down", Imperative. semʔ to cover (a bucket of water to keep it clean; over face, recorder). pʰala hséma D: Imperative. Example Variant: pʰala séma. semá·du D: Durative. séhtima D: Imperative. Example Variant: semá·tadu.

cahti hseyaʔ   [cahtí hseyaʔ]  cahti, hsey*1. Noun. bedspread. synonyms: cahti duhseya·qoʔ.

hseyaq*   [seyaʔ]  hsey*1, -aq1. Verb. cover, spread over. cahtí hseya·qa cover the bed! cahtitól htʰeya·qa spread it on the bed! mu·kínʔ ma·dal hseyayh he covered her. Example Variant: ...hseyahy.. compare: ṭʰeyay*.

muhsey*   [muhseyʔ]  mu-, hsey*2. Verb. spread cover by throwing. muhseyá·qa throw something over something!

pahsey*   [pahseyʔ]  pʰa-, hsey*2. Verb. cover by wrapping.

cahla· pahsemaʔ   [cahla· páhsemaʔ]  cahla·, pahsey*. Noun. diaphragm. synonyms: dile· pahsemaʔ.

dile· pahsemaʔ   [dile· páhsemaʔ]  dile·, pahsey*. Noun. middle covering; diaphragm. synonyms: cahla· pahsemaʔ.

pihsey*   [pihseyʔ]  pʰi-, hsey*2. Verb. spread over something with the side of a long object such as a stick; this verb means cover more thoroughly than /ṭʰeyá·qa/. pihseyá·qa cover with stick (push cover on with side of stick)! . compare: ṭʰeyay*.

puhsey*   [puhseyʔ]  pʰu-, hsey*2. Verb. spread over something by blowing. puhseyaʔ D: Directional "out", Absolutive. puhseyá·qa (to sheet) Be thrown! puhseyá·duʔ D: Durative. puhseyáhqa spread out by throwing. puséhyaqa spread out several by throwing.

hseyaq*   [seyaʔ]  hsey*1, -aq1. Verb. cover, spread over. cahtí hseya·qa cover the bed! cahtitól htʰeya·qa spread it on the bed! mu·kínʔ ma·dal hseyayh he covered her. Example Variant: ...hseyahy.. compare: ṭʰeyay*.

hsi*1   [siw]  Ø-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces.

hsi*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make into pieces. compare: hsim*.

bihsi*   [bihsiw]  bi-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces, by encircling, e.g. with the arms; by sewing, eating (esp. with a spoon). kalikákʰ bihsitʰqaw cut off the ends of the paper (with scissors)!

cahsi*   [cahsiw]  ca-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces with blade of knife. cahsíhsiw to slice up (potatoes). cahsitá·ci mulʔ slice off! casíhtahme mulʔ several slice off (several)! cahsíhsiw D: Iterative, Absolutive. ké·su mul cahsíhsici cut cheese to pieces (while it lies on table or in hand)! (can also be used for tomatoes and other non-crumbling things). casihtaʔ to shred with knife. compare: cahsuhsu*, cahsut*.

cuhsi*   [cuhsiw]  cu-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces (could be with scissors).

dihsi*   [dihsiw]  di-, hsi*2. Verb. drop and shatter. disihtaʔ to drop (something) on (soft kindling) so it splits into a lot of pieces.

duhsi*   [duhsiw]  du-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces using fingers. duhsíhsiw to tear little pieces off (from piece of paper). duhsidúsitacʼmeʔ D: Durative, Plural Imperative, Directional "away". duhsidúsita·du D: Durative, Directional "away". ʔiša· hécʼli duhsíhsici mu·kito pinch him on the arm (not nec. making marks)!

hihsi*   [hihsiw]  hi-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces by itself, with the body. hihsitaʔ come off itself. hihsitacʼqʰ pieces have come off.

hsi*1   [siw]  Ø-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces.

mihsihsi*   [mihsihsiw]  mi-2, hsi*2. Reduplicating Verb. make into pieces by kicking. mihsihsici D: Semelfactive, Imperative. synonyms: mihsit*.

pihsi*   [pihsiw]  pʰi-, hsi*2. Verb. make kindling. pihsíhsiw used to make kindling.

puhsi*   [puhsiw]  pʰu-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces. by blowing. compare: puhsim*.

qahsi*   [qahsiw]  qa-, hsi*2. Verb. shred with teeth or scissors. qasihtaʔ to shred (with scissors or teeth). qahsíhsiʔ to shred to pieces with teeth. qahsitaʔ to bite off one strip. qahsitá·ci D: Causative, Semelfactive, Imperative. qahsitá·cedu D: Durative, Causative. qasíhtaqa D: Plural Object, Imperative. qahsíhsiʔ to rip to pieces with teeth or with scissors. qahsíhsici D: Plural, Imperative.

sihsi*   [sihsiw]  si-, hsi*2. Verb. make into pieces, by water: wetting, dissolving, slipping, floating, rain, tongue (could be with scissors).

šuhsi*   [šuhsiw]  šu-, hsi*2. Verb. tear into pieces. šusihtaʔ to shred (with hands). ma·caʔ šusihtakʼe·mu they shredded that. šuhsiti pull it to pieces (paper). šuhsítʰciw to tear one piece of paper. šuhsita·du D: Plural. šuhsitá·qa tear it off! šusihta·qa tear them off! šuhsíhsi to pull, break into small pieces. šuhsiʔ D: Semelfactive? Plural?

hsibo   [sibó]   Variant: sibo. Numeral. three. sibó yi caw third of month. compare: tres.

na·sibo1   [ná·sibo]  wina·, hsibo. Numeral. thirteen.

sibose·ntu na·sibo   [sibóse·ntu na·sibo]  sibose·ntu, na·sibo1. Numeral. three-hundred thirteen.

na·sibo2   [ná·sibo]  wina·, hsibo. Numeral. add two to preceding quinary number.

lanhcʼamhma na·sibo   [lanhcʼámhma na·sibo]  Lit: thirty plus two lanhcʼamhma, na·sibo2. Numeral. thirty-two.

sibose·ntu   [sibose·ntu]  hsibo, se·ntu. Numeral. three hundred.

sibose·ntu na·sibo   [sibóse·ntu na·sibo]  sibose·ntu, na·sibo1. Numeral. three-hundred thirteen.

simhma   [simhma]  Lit: three times five hsibo, -mhma. Numeral. fifteen.

simhma na·ncʼa   [simhma ná·ncʼa]  Lit: one more than fifteen simhma, na·ncʼa. Numeral. sixteen.

simhma na·qʰo   [simhma ná·qʰo]  Lit: fifteen plus two simhma, na·qʰo1. Numeral. seventeen.

simhma šon   [simhma šon]  Lit: fifteen minus one simhma, =šon. Numeral. fourteen.

hsikʼi·t*   [-]   Variant: sikʼi·t*. Instr Verb Root. bounce through air. synonyms: hsakʼa·t*.

bahsikʼi·t*   [bahsikʼiʔ]  ba-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. push away with mouth or beak (as chicken).

cahsikʼi·t*   [cahsikʼiʔ]  ca-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. knock away or over something with rear. synonyms: šahsikʼi·t*.

cihsikʼi·t*   [cihsikʼíʔ]  cʰi-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. flick something with an instrument;it need not leave the ground, just so it moves quickly and beyond finger on impetus. cihsikʼí·ti flick it! cihsikʼítʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. cisikʼí·ti D: Plural Object Imperative.

dahsikʼi·t*   [dahsikʼiʔ]  da-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. brush off or away (insect from self, vase from table). dahsikʼí·ti D: Imperative. dasikʼí·ti D: Plural Object Imperative. compare: dahsakʼa·t*.

dihsikʼit*   [dihsikʼiʔ]  di-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. fall and bounce through the air. pʰiʔkʼó hloʔba bahcil dihsikʼihy when the ball fell it bounced a long way.

duhsikʼi·t*   [duhsikʼiʔ]  du-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. bounce through the air with a finger. duhsikʼí·ti D: Imperative.

hahsikʼi·t*   [hahsikʼiʔ]  ha-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. kick up gravel.

mahsikʼi·t*   [mahsikʼiʔ]  ma-2, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. bounce through air with the foot. masikʼí·tin to walk and something flies up.

mihsikʼi·t*   [mihsikʼiʔ]  mi-2, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. bounce through the air with the small end of along object. mihsikʼí·ti D: Imperative.

muhsikʼi·t*   [muhsikʼiʔ]  mu-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. bouncing (ball). muhsikʼíʔ muhsikʼiʔ bouncing up and down. muhsikʼíʔ muhsikʼi·ti bounce (self ) up and down. muhsikʼí·ti to bounce (not of ball); (coin thrown in bowl bounces up and out). sapa·tu ʔel muhsakʼátʼba muhsikʼihy the shoes bounced hard and fell far off.

pihsikʼi·t*   [pihsikʼiʔ]  pʰi-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. flick away with a long object.

puhsikʼi·t*   [puhsikʼiʔ]  pʰu-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. blow and move on impetus. puhsikʼí·ti D: Imperative.

šahsikʼi·t*   [šahsikʼiʔ]  ša-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. knock away or over something with rear. synonyms: cahsikʼi·t*.

šuhsikʼi·t*   [šuhsikʼiʔ]  šu-, hsikʼi·t*. Verb. pull and dump something off rug; bounce through air with pulling and pushing.

hsil   [-]   Cooccurrence: never used alone. Noun. this side, this way. silíl kiwiʔ (hikʰe·qon) move a little closer. sililhqʰaʔ @. compare: sili, hsiluw, silhqʰaʔ, sililtow.

hsilh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. get a sliver in.

bihsilh*   [bihsilʔ]  bi-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in, by encircling, e.g. with the arms. bihsilhmaw get a sliver into arms.

dahsilh*   [dahsilʔ]  da-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in the hand (palm), paw. cabáhla· dahsílhmawiye· to a sliver ran into my hand. Example Variant: dahsílhciwiye· to.

duhsilh*   [duhsilʔ]  du-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in the finger. duhsílhmaw to get sliver in skin. duhsílhma (to person) Get sliver in finger!

hihsilh*   [hihsilʔ]  hi-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in nose. ʔila hisilhmawiye· to a sliver got in my nose.

mihsilh*   [mihsilʔ]  mi-2, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in the small end of a long object, the toes, nose. ʔila mihsílhmacʼmela I ran a sliver into my nose (pushed nose onto wood). cabáhla· mihsílhmawiye· to qʰamatol I ran a sliver into my toe.

pihsilh*   [pihsilʔ]  pʰi-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in from side of long object. pihsilhmaw hit stick on and put in sliver. moʔónʔba pihsilhmaye· mito someone hit and put sliver in you.

sihsilh*   [sihsilʔ]  si-, hsilh*. Verb. get a sliver in tongue. sihsilhmaw get a sliver on tongue while licking.

hsiluw   [silúw]   Adverb. closer; a little to this side. silú· min šuhkʰe move it a little this way. mihsiluw this side of there. mihsilu·tow a little this side of there. puwénta hsilu·tow a little this side of bridge. silú·tow bane throw it from this side (of fence). antonym: weʔey; compare: hsil, silhqʰaʔ, sililtow.

hsim*   [-]   Variant: sitʰma*. Instr Verb Root. extinguish (fire). compare: hsi*2, siʔba*2.

cahsim*   [cahsimʔ]  ca-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (fire) by sitting, with the rear end.

cihsim*   [cihsímʔ]  cʰi-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (fire) with a tool, by holding a handle.

cuhsim*   [cuhsimʔ]  cu-, hsim*. Verb. put out fire with hose.

dahsim*   [dahsimʔ]  da-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (fire), with the hand, by brushing with hand. ʔoho dáhsim put out fire with hand. heʔén dahsimácʼkʰetʰin he couldn’t brush it out (fire).

dihsim*   [dihsimʔ]  di-, hsim*. Verb. cover a fire to put out. (ʔahqʰawi,ʔinowi) dihsímqa mul ʔoho put the fire out (by pouring on water or dirt)!

duhsim*   [duhsimʔ]  du-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (small fire) with a finger. ʔoho duhsímmela I put out the (small) fire with finger. (also, if bother a campfire so it goes out).

hahsim*   [hahsimʔ]  ha-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish a fire by kicking.

mahsim*   [mahsimʔ]  ma-2, hsim*. Verb. stamp out fire. ʔoho máhsimʔ to stamp fire out. ʔoho másitʰmaw several to stamp out fire; mahsima D: Imperative. masítʰma D: Plural, Imperative. masítʰmaci·du D: Durative. mahsimá·tadu D: Plural Durative. mahsimá·du D: Durative.

mihsim*   [mihsimʔ]  mi-2, hsim*. Verb. extinguish a fire by kicking.

muhsim*   [muhsimʔ]  mu-, hsim*. Verb. roll something over a fire to put out.

pahsim*   [pahsimʔ]  pʰa-, hsim*. Verb. poke at out.

pihsim*   [pihsimʔ]  pʰi-, hsim*. Verb. beat a fire to put out.

puhsim*   [puhsimʔ]  pʰu-, hsim*. Verb. blow fire out on self. wé·la puhsima to blow out the candle (also for lamp). pusítʰma to blow out the candles. pusímtaw blow fires out. puhsimʔ blow fire out. compare: puhsi*.

sihsim*   [sihsimʔ]  si-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (fire) by water. sihsímqaw to put out with water.

šuhsim*   [šuhsimʔ]  šu-, hsim*. Verb. extinguish (fire) with a flexible cloth. ʔoho šúhsimʔ to put out fire with sack or brush.

hsis*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. surface irritation (temporaru). compare: sisi·l*, cʼicʼi·l*, hahsihahsi*.

cahsisil*   [cahsisilʔ]  ca-, hsis*, sisi·l*. Verb. feel crumbs, grit by sitting; irritation from sitting.

dahsis*   [dahsis]  da-, hsis*. Verb. itch, have surface irritation. kihlaʔ dahsísmaw it still itches (painful, not just itch).

hihsis*   [hihsis]  hi-, hsis*. Verb. body feel surface irritationl body feel itchy. hihsísmawe· to maʔal kʼaṭa my clothes feel itchy, rough (more than itch). (also of hair from haircut). compare: hisisil*.

mahsis*   [mahsis]  ma-2, hsis*. Verb. rash feeling on foot. compare: masisi·l*.

muhsis*   [muhsis]  mu-, hsis*. Verb. burn black, be burnt black. muhsísciw to scorch off a piece. ʔoho síʔbabina kʼili múhsismaw when the fire had burned out, everything was burned black, as where forest fire was. ʔacaʔ kʼili(kʼili) múhsismaw the black man is burned black (as if burned). compare: muhsut*.

pihsis*   [pihsis]  pʰi-, hsis*. Verb. surface irritation of eye.

pihsisma*   [pihsísmaw]  pihsis*. Verb. squint, half-close eyes (as from glare or irritation, but could be for any reason). pihsísmawe· to I feel something under my eyelid. pisihsimʔ D: Plural, Absolutive. pisisitʰmaw D: Plural, Absolutive. pihsisá·duce·du to keep eyes closed almost all the way in sunlight. pisítʰmaw several to squint (also for put out fire). pihsísciw sitting squinting. pihsísmaw sitting or standing squinting (but EP getting erratic).

pʰi·sismaw   [pʰi·sismaw]  pʰi-, hsis*. Adjective. eye hurts.

ʔihsis   [ʔihsis]  hsis*. Noun. nettle, stinger, plant fuzz (causes rash from inside bark of pines (not from redwoods)). ʔohómʔ ʔihsis stinging hair on nettle or tree bark.

hsit*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make little pieces, strips.

bihsit*   [bihsiʔ]  bi-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces with the mouth, teeth. ʔahá· bihsiti to pull pieces off wood with teeth (old way of making kindling).

cuhsit*   [cuhsiʔ]  cu-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces, strips, with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. cuhsit to make finely divided. synonyms: cuhsut*.

dahsit*   [dahsiʔ]  da-, hsit*. Verb. make into pieces with hand.

duhsit*   [duhsiʔ]  du-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces, strips; sprinkle little pieces. dusitá·law split down with fingers (a long root); sprinkle little pieces of anything down. ʔahqʰa dúsita·la miluʔ (second form better) Splash water in there! Example Variant: ...miluwʔ. dusita·lamé·du keep sprinkling little pieces of anything down. dusitá·duʔ look for something and drop something out (of purse); to misplace something, flick away. dusita·ducé·du keep looking for something and drop something out (of purse). ʔahqʰa yo· ʔama· dúhsita·lamela I flicked pieces of dirt into the water. Example Variant: dusita·law.

hihsit*   [hihsiʔ]  hi-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces , strips, by itself (as bark of a dead tree in strips) . hihsiti D: Imperative. hisitʰqaw to make chip off, crumble off, powder off. synonyms: hihsut*; compare: hisi·ṭ*.

mihsit*   [mihsiʔ]  mi-2, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces, strips using toes, possibly by kicking. mihsiti split one pieces off! misíhtaʔ several to split off pieces with foot. mihsitaʔ one to split off pieces with foot. ʔacaʔ yaʔ tá·pʰla hanetʰmaba mihsihy a man kicked a board and made pieces come off. synonyms: mihsihsi*.

qahsit*   [qahsiʔ]  qa-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces, strips with teeth; break off with teeth. qasitá·law to peel (bark) downward with teeth (used to do it to acorns and buckeye). qasitá·lame·du D: Durative, Directional "down". qahsití·biʔ to break off with teeth. Example Variant: qahsitá·du.

qasita·law   [qasitá·law]  qahsit*, -ala. Noun. soaked and split buckeye nuts. synonyms: dihsa.

šuhsit*   [šuhsiʔ]  šu-, hsit*. Verb. make little pieces, strips. by pulling; pull splinters off. šuhsiti pull to split in little pieces or strips (paper, roots)! šuhsita·du keep doing it. šuhsití·biʔ to pull splinter off wood.

hsitʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. itch.

hso*   [dahsohsow]  Instr Verb Root. scatter, sprinkle. synonyms: hsoṭ*.

dahsohso*  da-, hso*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle (clothes to iron).

pohsohso*   [pohsohsow]  pʰu-, hso*. Reduplicating Verb. sprinkle (from sprinkler). ʔahqʰa póhsohsow to sprinkle water. Example Variant: ...posoʔ. pohsopohsomʔ D: Plural, Absolutive. synonyms: pohsoṭ*.

hsoh   [sóh]  Variant: hsoq. soh.

hsokʼo·t*1   [-]   Variant: sokʼo·t*. Instr Verb Root. spurt. synonyms: hšukʼu·ṭ*, hšokʼo·t*, hpolh*.

cahsokʼo·t*   [cahsokʼoʔ]  ca-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. spurt by sitting. matʼqʰatól cohsokʼoʔ to fall on knees in mud; the water or mud splashes up, squirts.

dahsokʼo·t*   [dahsokʼoʔ]  da-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. spurt with the hand. dasokʼó·ti D: Plural Imperative (several places). synonyms: dahšokʼo·t*.

dohsokʼo·t*   [dohsokʼoʔ]  du-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. make liquid spurt with fingers. ʔá· cohšo dúʔsʼi·li balá· dohsokʼoyh when I pinched his hand the blood squirted out.

hsokʼo·t*2   [sokʼoʔ]  Ø-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. one to make spurt. sokʼoʔ D: Plural subject or action,Absolutive.

mihsokʼo·t*   [mihsokʼóʔ]  mi-2, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. kick watermelon and juice squirt out (nothing with nose).

pihsokʼo·t*   [pihsokʼoʔ]  pʰi-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. make spurt using the side of a long object. balay píhsokʼoʔ to hit with knife and blood spurt out.

qahsokʼo·t*   [qahsokʼoʔ]  qa-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. spurt by biting. balá· qahsokʼoʔ to bite and make blood spurt out. (mul) ya·pálka qahsokʼoʔ to bite into juicy apple. qahsokʼo·ti D: Imperative (one place). qahsokʼótʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. qahsokʼohtʰu D: Negative. qahsokʼó·tacʼwacʼmeʔ D: Durative, Plural Imperative. qahsokʼó·tadu D: Durative. qahsokʼó·tanʔwadu D: Durative. qahsokʼó·taʔtʰuʔ D: Durative, Negative. synonyms: qahšokʼo·t*.

sihsokʼo·t*   [sihsokʼoʔ]  si-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. spurt with wetting. ʔaná· ʔahqʰa ṭubu·taʔli ʔilamo balá· sihsokʼotʰwiy when (I) dived so much, my nose bled spurting.

hsokʼo·t*2   [sokʼoʔ]  Ø-, hsokʼo·t*1. Verb. one to make spurt. sokʼoʔ D: Plural subject or action,Absolutive.

hsom*1   [-]   Variant: sohtim*; sotʰma*. Instr Verb Root. disrupt, mess up, scatter over an area. compare: hsoṭ*.

bahsom*   [bahsomʔ]  ba-, hsom*1. Verb. interrupt speech. cahno ma ʔkʰe bahsomy you interrupted me by talking (or mixed me up). Example Variant: kʰe cahno ma bahsomy..

bihsom*   [bihsomʔ]  bi-, hsom*1. Verb. mess (muss) up in arms, by hugging. binetʰú to· ma bihsómʔ kʰe ʔeʔ don’t hug me; you’ll mess me up! (scatter in restricted area = mess up).

cahsom*   [cahsomʔ]  ca-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up with rear, by sitting. cahti tol cumatʰú ma cahsómʔkʰe ʔe ʔ don’t sit on the bed; you’ll mess it up.

dahsom*   [dahsomʔ]  da-, hsom*1. Verb. rub off with fingers; erase.

dihsom*   [dihsomʔ]  di-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up by gravity, falling, a heavy weight. dihsom mussed up by falling (scattered ?) disotʰmaw D: Plural, Absolutive. Example Variant: disohtimʔ.

dohsom*   [dohsomʔ]  du-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up with a finger. dohsoma mess it up with the fingers!

hihsom*   [hihsomʔ]  hi-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up with the body. cahti hihsómʔ ṭʰaʔbamʔ the bed is messed up (unmade). hihsómqaw to stir up (to war). ʔama· qʼóʔdi tʰin ci·cʼinʔba yal ʔama·hihsómqawiy by doing something bad, he interfered with us (doesn’t say we got mad). hihsomqatʰumulʔ don’t mess it up (or let it get messed up, by any method! hihsoma (to person) Get or be messed up! hihsótʰmameʔ D: Plural Imperative.

mohsom*   [mohsomʔ]  mu-, hsom*1. Verb. scatter by running through (on foot) or driving through (in a car). ʔama· mohsómtʰu baṭiwal ʔ don’t run over and scatter those things lying there! mohsomohsomʔ scatter (driving car through water, sg. or pl.)

mosohṭ*   [mosohṭiw]  mohsom*. Verb. scatter with a quick movement.

pihsom*   [pihsomʔ]  pʰi-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up by hitting with side of long object; put out fire. (ʔoho) pihsoma put fire out by hitting it!; muss up by hitting!; pisótʰmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. pisomá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

pohsom*   [pohsomʔ]  pʰu-, hsom*1. Verb. wind to blow (papers) around.

qahsom*   [qahsomʔ]  qa-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up by eating (i.e., eating decoration on pretty cake).

šohsom*   [šohsomʔ]  šu-, hsom*1. Verb. mess up by pulling (sheet).

hsom*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. mark off.

cihsom*   [cihsómʔ]  cʰi-, hsom*2. Verb. erase; mark off or out an item on a list. duʔkʼuci·dun cihsoma·du when you finish, mark it off or out to get rid of it. synonyms: cʰikʼis*.

hsoq*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. encase. synonyms: hsot*.

bahsoq   [bahsoʔ]  ba-, hsoq*. Noun. quiver. bahsoʔ e· mu that's a quiver. synonyms: mahsoq.

bihsoq*   [bihsoʔ]  bi-, hsoq*. Verb. wrap in arms. synonyms: bihsot*.

bihsoq   [bihsoʔ]  bihsoq*. Noun. blanket. naṭa bihsoʔ baby blanket. naṭa bihsokʼe· mu it's a baby blanket. Example Variant: naṭa bihsoṭe· mu. synonyms: bihsot, ʔatiya·la, šasʼol.

cahsoq*   [cahsoʔ]  ca-, hsoq*. Verb. sit on a mat. haʔal ṭʰemʔ cáhsoqo sit or lie on that spread! casotʰqomeʔ D: Plural Imperative (several on several pieces). casoqo D: Imperative "don't sit on the ground". kalikákʰ cahsoqo sit on the cardboard! cahsohmeʔ synonyms: cahsot*.

cahsoq   [cahsoʔ]  cahsoq*. Noun. grass mat to lie on, anything to lie or sit on, cushion, mattress. cahsokʼe·mu it's a mat to sit on. synonyms: cahsot.

hahsoq*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsoq*. Verb. wrap up, swaddle. hahsoqo wrap it (baby in blanket)! Example Variant: hahsoti. synonyms: hahsot*.

mahsoq*   [mahsoʔ]  ma-2, hsoq*. Verb. encase (gun). miʔkʰe šíhmi mahsoqo encase your gun! miʔkʰe šíhmi yya mahsoqo encase your guns!

mahsoq   [mahsoʔ]  mahsoq*. Variant: mahsot. Noun. 1 • quiver. mahsokʼé· mu it's a quiver. Example Variant: mahsotʼé· mu. mahsokʼ D: quiver (assertive). synonyms: bahsoq.

2 • rug. mahsokʼé· mu it's a rug.

hisʼu· mahsoq   [hisʼu· máhsoʔ]  hisʼu·, mahsoq. Noun. quiver. synonyms: hisʼuhši.

hsot*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wrap, cushion something. synonyms: hsoq*.

bihsot*   [bihsoʔ]  bi-, hsot*. Verb. wrap (baby) in a blanket. qahqo bide·dú·tʰu miʔkʰe naṭa ʔ bihsoti don’t carry your baby bare; wrap baby up in blanket (held in arms) (enclosed on all sides)! synonyms: bihsoq*.

bihsot   [bihsoʔ]  bihsot*. Noun. blanket. (naṭa) bihsoʔ baby blanket. Example Variant: bihsoṭ. synonyms: bihsoq, ʔatiya·la, šasʼol.

cahsot*   [cahsoʔ]  ca-, hsot*. Verb. sit on mat. cahsoti sit down on mat! mul cahsóʔ cahsoʔ cahci sit down, sitting on that mat! cahsótʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative (several on one piece). mul cahsoti Sit down on it! Example Variant: cahsoqo. synonyms: cahsoq*.

cahsot   [cahsóʔ]  cahsot*. Noun. 1 • cushion. synonyms: cahsoq.

2 • a mat to sit on. Usage: traditional

hahsot*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsot*. Verb. wrap, enclose with a swingin motion. hahsoṭi wrap it (baby)! (might still be able to see baby). Example Variant: hahsoṭá·yi ~ bihsoti. synonyms: hahsoq*.

hsoṭ*   [-]   Variant: soṭ. Instr Verb Root. 1 • scatter little pieces. compare: hsom*1; synonyms: hso*.

2 • melt, dissolve (of liquids).

bahsoṭ*   [bahsoʔ]  ba-, hsoṭ*. Variant: basohṭ*. Verb. scatter with the mouth, beak. basoʔ chicken to scatter grain.

basohṭ*   [basóhṭiw]  ba-, bahsoṭ*, bahsoṭ*. Verb. scatter with the mouth.

dahsoṭ*   [dahsoʔ]  da-, hsoṭ*. Variant: dasohṭ*. Verb. brush off with the hand; splash, scatter little pieces with the hand. dahsoṭi scatter (paper, dust, feathers, leaves, stones). dasoṭá·duʔ to scatter with hand. dasoṭá·duci D: Directional "away". dasoṭá·cicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dasoṭádu·tʰuʔ D: Durative, Negative. dahsoṭi brush that off! (dust, dandruff). dasóhṭaduʔ to splash (water) around with hands.

dihsoṭ*   [dihsoʔ]  di-, hsoṭ*. Variant: disohṭ*. Verb. sprinkle, scatter when falling. ʔihcʰe disoṭʰ it’s sprinkling. ʔikʰe· dísoṭa·la ye·qʰaleltow the dew fell down from the tree (all at once). compare: simesime*, šali*2, hloq*.

hahsoṭ*   [hahsoʔ]  ha-, hsoṭ*. Variant: hasohṭ*. Verb. sow seeds (one or several); throw away, waste (money). muhca hásoʔ to sow grain. hasoʔ to throw bunch; to sow one or several. hasoṭi scatter (seeds)!; throw one handful (of dust or gravel, which then spreads out)! . baṭʰe· hasóṭi D: Plural Object. hasoṭʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hasohtʰuʔ don't throw away (waste) (your money)! hasoṭa·du continually throwing away (money).

hihsoṭ*   [hihsoʔ]  hi-, hsoṭ*. Variant: hisohṭ*; hisoṭ*. Verb. scatter with the body. maʔca ʔel hisoṭa·ducʼba bursting the sweathouse (with his body).

mahsoṭ*   [mahsoʔ]  ma-2, hsoṭ*. Variant: masohṭ*. Verb. scatter little pieces with the feet. mahsoṭiʔ to wipe feet. Example Variant: mahqaliʔ. synonyms: mahqalh*.

mohsoṭ*   [mohsoʔ]  mu-, hsoṭ*. Verb. melt (of snow). mohsoṭi D: Imperative. mohsótʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative ("to two snowmen"). mohsoṭá·du D: Durative. mohsoṭá·duci melt away! ʔihyu· mohsóhye· bimaci the snow melted today.

pihsoṭ*   [pihsoʔ]  pʰi-, hsoṭ*. Variant: pisohṭ*. Verb. scatter with the first, by hitting. pisoṭí·biʔ to hit something (dust, water) with stick so it splashes up. pisoṭi scatter with stick!

pohsoṭ*   [pohsoʔ]  pʰu-, hsoṭ*. Variant: posohṭ*; posoṭ*. Verb. scatter by blowing. qʰaʔbeʔ yowam ṭʼi· posoṭa·ducʼba ṭʼi·ma having exploded and scattered all the former rock everywhere. šihpʰa (ʔihcʰe, miṭaʔ) pósoṭa·wiye· to leaves (rain, sand) blew on me. ʔahqʰa pósoʔli sprinkle water! Example Variant: ... posoʔ | ... póhsohsow | ... póhsohso·li. synonyms: pohsohso*.

posohṭibiʔ šihmi   [posóhṭibiʔ šihmi]  Lit: splatter gun pohsoṭ*, šihmi. Noun. shotgun.

posoṭa·duc*   [posoṭa·duʔ]  pohsoṭ*, -aduc. Verb. explode into bits.

sihsoṭ*   [sihsoʔ]  si-, hsoṭ*. Verb. melt, disappear, dissolve, vanish. sihsóṭʰciʔ to dissolve, disappear, liquefy (4-177.7). sihsóṭʰciyʔ it disappeared. sihsóṭʰcicʼi D: Reflexive, Imperative. sihsoṭʰcicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. sihsoṭá·du·wadu do it several times here and there. sihsóṭʰqa make it disappear!

sihsoṭʰcicʼ*   [sihsóṭʰciʔ]  sihsoṭ*. Verb. disappear, vanish.

sohṭ*   [-]  hsoṭ*. Instr Verb Root. scatter little pieces.

šohsoṭ*   [šohsoʔ]  šu-, hsoṭ*. Variant: šosohṭ*. Verb. scatter by pulling or pushing. šosoṭá·duʔ to scatter by pulling (rug) out (once). šosóhṭaduʔ to scatter a bunch of things by pulling (a rug) out from under them (several times). šosóhṭacʼiʔ several do this. šosóhṭacicʰmeʔ several pull one thing.

hsu*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make labialized hiss.

puhsu*   [puhsuw]  pʰu-, hsu*1. Verb. 1 • make sound at end of with or prayer or making basket. duʔkʼubá ʔe· ʔa puhsuyam I have finished (basket) and I "ssuu". compare: suwe*, yuhsuwe*.

2 • blow away evil desires (desire to poison, e.g.) or shaman does it to save possible victim (only results in good); "sw.." and doctor with a song.

hsu*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. make pieces from something solid. synonyms: hsut*.

cahsuhsu*   [cahsúhsuw]  ca-, hsu*2. Verb. make into little pieces with a knife. ké·su mul cahsúhsuci cut that cheese to little pieces! compare: cahsi*, cahsut*.

dahsuhsu*   [dahsuhsuw]  da-, hsu*2. Verb. be scratched up (on surface). dahsúhsuʔ scratched up.

duhsuhsu*   [duhsuhsuw]  du-, hsu*2. Reduplicating Verb. scratch in many places with fingernail. duhsúhsuci scratch many places with fingernail.

hihsuhsu*   [hihsuhsuw]  hi-, hsu*2. Verb. be crushed. hihsúhsuci (to thing) Come to pieces! hihsúhsu (several) be crushed! hihsuhísuta·du D: Durative. hihsuhísunʔwadu D: Durative.

hihsuhsuc   [hihsúhsuʔ]  hihsuhsu*. Adjective. crushed.

pahsuhsu*   [pahsúhsuw]  pʰa-, hsu*2. Verb. crush to pieces by pounding.

qahsuhsu*   [qahsuhsuw]  qa-, hsu*2. Verb. chew to pieces. synonyms: qahcʰuhcʰu*.

hsukʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fire burn down to coals.

muhsukʼ*   [muhsuʔ]  mu-, hsukʼ*. Verb. fire burn down to coals. muhsukʼa·dadu slowly dying down of fire.

musukʼa·la*   [musukʼá·law]  muhsukʼ*, -ala. Verb. (fire) burn down to coals. ʔoho múhsukʼá·law fire to burn down. (ʔoho ʔem) muhsukʼa·law burned down to coals; Example Variant: (ʔoho ʔel) muhsukʼa·law. ʔoho mací·tadal muhsukʼá·lay fires burning here and there are down to coals.

hsut*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make pieces from something solid. compare: ʔihšut; synonyms: hsu*2.

bihsut*   [bihsuʔ]  bi-, hsut*. Verb. make pieces from something solid, by encircling, e.g. with the arms; by sewing, eating (esp. with a spoon). bihše sʼúwaʔ bihsuti eat jerky (it comes off in strips). synonyms: qahsut*.

cahsut*   [cahsuʔ]  ca-, hsut*. Verb. make into little pieces with a knife. compare: cahsuhsu*, cahsi*.

cuhsut*   [cuhsuʔ]  cu-, hsut*. Verb. scrape, crush or tear paper or wood to fine pieces. cuhsuti D: Imperative. Example Variant: cuhsiti. synonyms: cuhsit*.

cuhsut   [cuhsuʔ]  cuhsut*. Noun. punk, tinder. cuhsutʼ e· mú it's tinder.

dahsut*   [dahsuʔ]  da-, hsut*. Verb. make into pieces with the hand (like a leftover bar of soap). dahsuti leave that (tiny sliver of soap)! dahsutá·du D: Durative. dahsutácʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. dahsutʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. hawó·n dahsuʔ soap to wear smaller and smaller. dahsutʼi D: Imperative. dahsútʼciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. compare: dahkotʰci*.

duhsut*   [duhsuʔ]  du-, hsut*. Verb. tear in pieces with fingers.

hihsut*   [hihsuʔ]  hi-, hsut*. Verb. little pieces (n.d.); pieces of wood, cloth only (no good for ice or rock). hihsuti D: Imperative. synonyms: hihsit*.

cuhni hihsut   [cuhni híhsuʔ]  cuhni·, hihsut*. Noun. bread crumbs.

kʼaṭa hihsut   [kʼaṭa híhsuʔ]  kʼaṭa2, hihsut*. Noun. little pieces of cloth (for making quilt).

ʔaha· hihsut   [ʔahá· hihsuʔ]  ʔahay, hihsut*. Noun. kindling, wood chips.

muhsut*   [muhsuʔ]  mu-, hsut*. Verb. burn to ashes. muhsuti (to wood) Burn to ashes! muhsutá·du D: Durative. muhsut D: Imperative. muhsutʰmaw sizzle. compare: muhmu·l*, muhsis*.

muhsut   [muhsuʔ]  muhsut*. Noun. pieces left from burning, cinders and unburned chips.

pihsut*   [pihsuʔ]  pʰi-, hsut*. Verb. chop to little pieces.

qahsut*   [qahsuʔ]  qa-, hsut*. Verb. cut in pieces with scissors. bihše sʼúwaʔ qahsuti eat jerky (it comes off in strips). synonyms: bihsut*.

šuhsut*   [šuhsuʔ]  šu-, hsut*. Verb. tear paper in pieces, not nec. strips.

hša*1   [hša]   Adjective. loose (of hair only). compare: hša*2.

duhša   [duhša]  du-, hša*1. Adjective. bushy, loose (of hair and plants only). heʔe dúhša loose hair (not braided or bound). qʰale duhša tree or bush with many limbs and leaves. ʔima·ta dúhša woman with bushy hair.

hšac*   [-]  hša*1. Instr Verb Root. pack loosely.

dahšac*   [dahšaʔ]  da-, hšac*. Verb. pack loosely; put stuff into something any old way, gather various small things into pile. dahšaci pack it loose (so clothes won’t wrinkle)! dahšacá·duwa·du D: Plural, Durative. dašáhciwacʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural, Durative, Imperative (here and there). dašahcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

puhšac*   [puhšaʔ]  pʰu-, hšac*. Verb. pack loosely by blowing. ʔama· ṭʼí· ʔihya wi qʰale híyeʔ puhšacʰqʰ the wind blew everything (trash, e.g.) into a pile against the tree.

hša*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. disarrange, mess up, rustle. compare: hša*1.

bahša*   [-]  ba-, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up.

bahšahša*   [bahšahšaw]  bahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up. bahšahšaʔ of birds, to eat all fruit from tree.

bihša*   [-]  bi-, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange by encircling.

bihšahša*   [bihšahšaw]  bihša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, with arms, by hugging. bihšahšaʔ to mess up hair with arms.

cahša*   [-]  ca-, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange with a massive object; with a knife.

cahšahša*   [cahšahšaw]  cahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up by sitting (on something). cahšáhšaʔ to sit on and mess up (not mash).

cihša*   [-]  cʰi-, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange by holding a handle.

cihšahša*   [cihšáhšaw]  cihša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, by dragging something across while holding a handle. cihšáhšaʔ to drag something on flower bed and mess up.

dahša*   [dahšaw]  da-, hša*2. Verb. have unkempt hair; be with (hair) sticking out all over; hair to be bushy; dissarange with hand. dahšaci be with mussed hair long or short time. kalikakʰ dahšáʔ bawili milu· kaho·n li ʔ put the papers loose in the box there! (not pushed down tight). dašatácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahšamá·du D: Essive, Durative. dašátʰmameʔ D: Essive, Plural Imperative. dašáhtimmeʔ D: Essive, Plural Imperative. dahšamʔ be with (hair) sticking out all over; hair to be bushy. compare: dahcam*, puhšaš*, šuhšahša*, duša·maw.

dahšahša*   [dahšahšaw]  dahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, with the hand (palm). kʼaṭa dahšahšaʔ to mess up cloth so not neat (no mat down meaning). dahšahšayiʔ D: Reflexive, Absolutive.

dihšahša*   [dihšahšaw]  di-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange, mess up, by rolling on. moʔoda mihsaʔ qoʔlawal tilitílinʔ wanʔbina maṭʼi· dihšahšacʰqʰ you must have rolled around in the thick stand of ferns; you have mashed them all down. Example Variant: diʔṭʼelá·ducʰqʰ. compare: daʔṭʼelh*.

duhša*   [duhšaw]  du-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with finger.

duhšaduhša*   [duhšaduhšaw]  duhša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange with finger. duhšadúšata·du D: Durative.

duhšahša*   [duhšahšaw]  duhša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up (papers) with a finger. duhšahšaʔ to mess up (papers in a box). duhšahšaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

hahša*   [hahšaw]  ha-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with a swinging motion.

hahšahša*   [hahšahšaw]  hahša*. Reduplicating Verb. kick and mess up, disarrange. hahšáhšaʔ to kick and mess up (kick and make ferns crooked and down is accepted as possible use).

mahša*   [-]  ma-2, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rustle with sole of foot; with butt of hand.

mahšahša*   [mahšahšaw]  mahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up. with the sole of the foot, claws, the butt of the hand. mahšahšaʔ to tramp on haystack and it goes down – it is diff. shape.

mahšamahša*   [mahšamahšaw]  mahša*. Reduplicating Verb. rustle something while walking on it. mahšamáša·du sound of someone walking along on dry leaves.

mihša*   [mihšaw]  mi-2, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with the small end of long object.

mihšahša*   [mihšahšaw]  mihša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, with the small end of a long object, the toes, nose; by kicking smelling, counting, reading; mess up with toe.

muhša*   [muhšaw]  mu-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange quickly; with heat; with light; with the mind; with emotions.

muhšahša*   [muhšahšaw]  muhša*. Reduplicating Verb. swell up a lot, puff up a lot, raise up a lot. huʔú·mo muhšáhšacʰqa·mito your face is reall swollen, puffed up (more than /moʔbow/). (no "messed up" meaning) (of bread it is "really raised high"). muhšahšaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

muhšamuhša*   [muhšamuhšaw]  muhša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange quickly; with heat; with light; with the mind; with emotions. muhšamúšata·du D: Plural.

pahša*   [pahšaw]  pʰa-, hša*2. Verb. disarragne with the end of a long object, by wrapping.

pahšahša*   [pahšahšaw]  pahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, by poking. pahšáhšaʔ to poke and mess up; to poke and knock off all flowers.

pihša*   [pihšaw]  pʰi-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pihšahša*   [pihšahšaw]  pihša*. Reduplicating Verb. hit (with the side of a long object) and knock down, mess up, disarrange. pihšahšaʔ to hit cherry tree and knock all fruit, flowers or leaves off or acorns from oak. pihšahšaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. pišapíšata·du D: Durative.

puhša*   [puhšaw]  pʰu-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange by blowing.

puhšahša*   [puhšahšaw]  puhša*. Reduplicating Verb. wind disarrange, mess up. puhšahšaʔ wind to mess up (hair). ʔihya wi qʰale šíhpʰa puhšáhšaw the tree’s leaves are moving around in wind. (no sound nec.) ʔihya wi miʔkʰe kalikakʰ puhšahšaw the wind is messing up your book (ruffling pages repeatedly). compare: puhcʰahcʰa*.

qahša*   [qahšaw]  qa-, hša*2. Verb. disarrange with teeth.

qahšahša*   [qahšahšaw]  qahša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, with teeth, when eating. qahšáhšaʔ horse to mess up bale of hay.

šuhša*   [-]  šu-, hša*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. rustle.

šuhšahša*   [šuhšahšaw]  šuhša*. Reduplicating Verb. disarrange, mess up, by pulling, shaking. šuhšáhšaʔ to shake tree and knock all flowers off; to mess up (hair) by pulling on it. compare: duša·maw, dahša*.

hšac*   [-]  hša*1. Instr Verb Root. pack loosely.

dahšac*   [dahšaʔ]  da-, hšac*. Verb. pack loosely; put stuff into something any old way, gather various small things into pile. dahšaci pack it loose (so clothes won’t wrinkle)! dahšacá·duwa·du D: Plural, Durative. dašáhciwacʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural, Durative, Imperative (here and there). dašahcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

puhšac*   [puhšaʔ]  pʰu-, hšac*. Verb. pack loosely by blowing. ʔama· ṭʼí· ʔihya wi qʰale híyeʔ puhšacʰqʰ the wind blew everything (trash, e.g.) into a pile against the tree.

hšame   [hšame]  šame*.

hšan*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be resilient.

bihšan*   [bihšanʔ]  bi-, hšan*. Verb. embrace something spongy.

cahšan*   [cahšanʔ]  ca-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knife. cahti cáhšanʔ springy, soft bed.

cuhšan*   [cuhšanʔ]  cu-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. cuhšanciw if boat or car hits something spongy.

dahšan*   [dahšanʔ]  da-, hšan*. Verb. push on something resilient.

dihšan*   [dihšanʔ]  di-, hšan*. Verb. be on springy mattress. cahti díhšane·ʔkʰe my bed is resilient.

duhšan*   [duhšanʔ]  du-, hšan*. Verb. feel resilient to finger pressing. duhšani to press something springy. duhšaná·du D: Durative. duhšánmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. duhšaní·cʼi D: Reflexive, Imperaive. duhšaná·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural, Durative, Imperative. duhšánduhšanmameʔ a lot of people repeatedly doing it.

mahšan*   [mahšanʔ]  ma-2, hšan*. Verb. feel resilient to the (sole of the) foot, i.e., while walking on. qʰama máqal maʔli mahšán maʔtʼaw the rug feels resilient to walk on. mahšánhciw resistant to foot in one step. mašaná·tadu D: Durative.

puhšan*   [puhšanʔ]  pʰu-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, by blowing. pʰudu·ṭem puhšánpuhša·n when it’s blowing it’s springing in and out (pillow).

qahšan*   [qahšanʔ]  qa-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, as of marshmallow.

šuhšan*   [šuhšanʔ]  šu-, hšan*. Verb. be resilient, by pulling, pushing and pulling; with a long flexible object. šuhšan D: Imperative.

hšaš*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. puff up, scatter.

puhšaš*   [puhšaš]  pʰu-, hšaš*. Verb. puff up, scatter, by blowing, in the wind. puhšašíbicʼba pʰoyotá·duʔ the wind in one puff blew on a pile and scattered it. tó qan našoyáhca heʔe sʼitʰmaʔ pʰuhšášma· min pʰiʔtʼaw nowadays the way the girls fix their hair looks as if puffed up by wind. puhšašmaw D: Essive. compare: dahša*.

hšay*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. have premonition that something won’t happen.

hihšay*   [hihšayʔ]  hi-, hšay*. Verb. have premonition that something won’t happen. hihšaya·du to have feeling that otherwise expected event won’t happen. hihšaya·du· to I feel it won’t happen.

hše*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: with neg only. Instr Verb Root. never fail to do.

bahše*   [bahšew]  ba-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. not fail to say; not omit saying anything. bahšew ʔtʰin don’t miss saying anything that must be said. ʔama bahšew ʔtʰin don’t hesitate to say anything. bahšetʰuʔ D: Imperative. bahšetʰúmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, bahšetáʔtʰumeʔ D: Durative, Plural Imperative.

dahše*   [dahšew]  da-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. not miss anything by touching. dahšew ʔtʰin not miss anything by touching.

duhše*   [duhšew]  du-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail to do; be able to do everything. ʔama duhšew ʔtʰin talented, able to do almost anything; never make mistake doing, never get stuck. mu ṭʼo ma ṭʼeʔye ʔama dúhšew ʔtʰin em you’re smart; you can do all things (after other person has said they can’t do it). duhšetʰuʔ D: Imperative. (ʔamá) duhšecí·duceʔtʰuʔ D: Durative.

pahše*   [pahšew]  pʰa-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail to poke . pahšéw ʔtʰin ṭʼi pʰaʔkʼuw he didn’t miss poking on one of them.

pihše*   [pihšew]  pʰi-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail with the eyes. pihšew ʔtʰin to see everything, have nothing escape the eyes.

puhše*   [puhšew]  pʰu-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never failt to blow out. biʔdíʔ maci bakʰe cuhni· tu·lse tol we·la ʔel puhšéw ʔtʰin puhsímmela birthday cake candles, I never fail to blow out.

qahše*   [qahšew]  qa-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail to do, between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating. maʔa qáhšew ʔtʰin e· ma you’re not backwards in eating.

šahše*   [šahšew]  ša-, hše*1. Cooccurrence: only with negative. Verb. never fail to net something (when hunting or fishing). ʔahša bakʰe wayáʔ neman šahšew ʔtʰin when I set a net for fish (or quail), I never fail to catch some.

hše*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. smell (like something).

mihše*   [mihšew]  mi-2, hše*2. Verb. smell (like something). pʰu·· mantekí·ya min ma mihšew phew, you smell like butter. cʼíškan mito mihšew ehní does it smell pretty to you ? qʼoʔdi míhšew it smells good. qʼoʔdi míhšewe· maʔu yacʰma these things smell good. . mihšécʰqa maʔal ʔ smell these! mihšehqa maʔal ʔ let this smell! pišudu mihšew smell bad. hicʼo· min mihšew smell like an egg.

mihše· qʰale   [mihšé· qʰale]  Lit: smell plant mihše*, qʰale1. Noun. yerba buena, Indian tea. Satureja Douglasii, Micromeria chamissonis (Mint Family).

naya mihše qʰale   [naya míhše qʰale]  Lit: wild tea naya, mihše*, qʰale1. Noun. labrador tea tree, tree tea. Ledum glandulosum ssp. columbianum (Heath Family).

yamihše*   [yamíhšew]  ʔihya, mihše*. Variant: yamiše*. Verb. 1 • be sniffing. pʰala yá mihše sniff again! pʰala ya míhšetʰuʔ don't sniff again! ya míhše·du be sniffing standing still or hither; sniff in. ya míhšeta·du be sniffing (pl). ya míhšemihše·du @ sniff repeatedly. ya míhšedu·cedu @ keep sniffing. ya míhšedu·ci smell from air from long way. ya míhšetʰuʔ don't sniff! pʰala yá mihšew sniff the air again. pʰala yá mihšemihše·du @ sniff repeatedly #again. synonyms: mišu·n*, šuhkʰašuhkʰa*, šukʰe·naqac*.

2 • to scent or track by scent, be sniffing (as an animal), . ʔacaʔ ya míhšew to scent a man. qʰama ya míhšew to track by scent. ya míhšew animal to sniff around on traces.

hši*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. scatter small objects. synonyms: hšu*2.

dahši*   [-]  da-, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter with the hand.

dahšihši*   [dahšíhšiw]  dahši*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter (grass or leaves) (like chickens but with hand). synonyms: dahšuhšu*.

hahši*   [-]  ha-, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter small objects.

hahšihahši*   [hahšihahšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. (chicken) flap wings and raise dust.

hahšihši*   [hahšíhšiw]  hahši*. Reduplicating Verb. chicken to scratch around.

mahši*   [-]  ma-2, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter small objects with sole of foot.

mahšihši*   [mahšíhšiw]  mahši*. Reduplicating Verb. scatter small objects with the sole of the foot, claws. kayi·na yaʔ qaʔdi mahšihšiw the chicken is scratching around in the straw. Example Variant: ...mahšiša·nʔ..

pahši*   [-]  pʰa-, hši*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter, poke.

pahšihši*   [pahšíhšiw]  pahši*. Reduplicating Verb. poke grass, poke in box of papers to move around (to look for something or not nec.)

hši*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. grind (acorns).

cuhši*   [cuhšíw]  cu-, hši*2. Variant: cušitad*. Verb. grind, pound, pulverize. biʔdu cúhšiw to pound acorns (with a rock). qʼasi·si haʔa cuhšiw to pound elk horn. qʰana biʔdu (cušítaʔkʰe) cuhšiʔkʰe tol mortar rock(s) for pounding acorns.

hši*3   [šiw]  Variant: š*; še*. Variant: šiht*. Verb. wear (clothes). compare: cahqacʼ*, caqa*.

hšic*   [šiʔ]  hši*3. Variant: šihci*. Verb. put on a diaper (only). šici D: Imperative. naṭa mul tapʰlá·ku šicʰqa put a diaper on that child! šihcihqa D: Plural Object, Causative, Imperative. kʼaṭá hšici to put cloth on self (on crotch). compare: ʔihši.

šaqacʼ*   [šaqáʔ]  hši*3. Variant: šatʰqacʼ*. Verb. wear (one thing), be wrapped by (blanket). šaqá·cʼi put it on! šaqá·cʼedu keep wearing one thing. šátʰqacʼe·du put on several things several times (like a suit). kapú·ta šatʰqacʼmeʔ, qasilá·daʔ put on your coats; it’s cold! šaqá·yiʔ to put (shawl, clothes) on self, wear on self. šatʰqacʼme mul kʼaṭaʔ (to several) put the clothes on! šatʰqacʼi mul kʼaṭaʔ put the clothes on! ʔatiyá·la šaqacʼqa mu·bal ʔ put a blanket around him!

ša·q*   [šaʔ]  hši*3, -aq1. Variant: šahtaq*. Verb. to go with clothes (out or North or West). ša·qa D: Imperative. šahtʰuʔ D: Negative. ša·qáʔtʰuʔ D: Durative, Negative. šaqa·ducé·du D: Durative. mul kʼaṭa ša·qa walk over there with those clothes on! šáhtahmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative.

še·d*   [še·du]  hši*3, -ad2. Variant: šihtacʼ*; šihtad*. Verb. to walk hither with clothes (certain clothes). šihtacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. Example Variant: šehtacʼmeʔ ~ šehtala·meʔ.

še·la*   [še·law]  hši*3, -ala. Variant: šehtala*; šihtala*. Verb. wear (certain clothes) down. šela·tʰuʔ D: Directional "down", Negative. šela·medu D: Directional "down", Durative. šéhtala·meʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. Example Variant: šíhtala·meʔ.

šim*   [šimʔ]  hši*3. Variant: šihtim*. Verb. wear (while moving). ciwalá· cʼiškan šim é· ma you are wearing a pretty shirt. šimʔ wa·du to wear while walking. Example Variant: še·du. šimíyow šimá·du D: Durative. šímtʰuʔ D: Negative. šíhtimmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. šima D: Imperative.

hšic*   [šiʔ]  hši*3. Variant: šihci*. Verb. put on a diaper (only). šici D: Imperative. naṭa mul tapʰlá·ku šicʰqa put a diaper on that child! šihcihqa D: Plural Object, Causative, Imperative. kʼaṭá hšici to put cloth on self (on crotch). compare: ʔihši.

hšicʰmacʼ*   [hšicʰmacʼ]  šicʰmacʼ*.

hšiṭʰ*   [šiʔ]   Variant: šiṭʰaʔ*. Verb. search, look for something close around. mi·li ʔá šiṭʰaʔteʔ I am going to look there. pʰalá hšiṭʰá·du (mulʔ) search for it again! . Example Variant: pʰala šiṭʰá·du. šiṭʰácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. šiṭʰá·duci go look hence! šiṭʰá·cʼicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, plural Directional "away". mul hšitʰá·du look for that! mu hšitʰá·du he is looking for (it). pʰala šíṭʰmulʔ to look around (something) again. Example Variant: pʰalá hšiṭʰmulʔ. šitʰmula·tadu (several) to look around (something). šiṭʰá·du (mulʔ) search for it! šiṭʰmulʔ to look around (something). compare: šiṭʰa*.

hšiyi·cʼ*   [šiyiʔ]   Cooccurrence: root /hšic/ not attested without Reflexive. Variant: šicʰmacʼ*. Verb. say (when speaking about oneself); indirect quote about self. men hšiyí·cʼi D: Imperative. Example Variant: šiyí·cʼi. men hšiyíʔtʰuʔ don’t say that about yourself! Example Variant: šiyíʔtʰuʔ. šícʰmacʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. šiyícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative (in-law form). šiyí·cʼiyow D: pʰalá hšicʰmaʔ D: Plural Imperative #again. Example Variant: pʰala šícʰmaʔ. qowílʔkʰe šicʰmacʼ e· ma·caʔ they said they are going home. compare: nihced*.

hšo*1   [hšo]   Adjective. raw. qáhšo raw. maʔa qahšo raw food.

hšo*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. come loose. synonyms: hšolh*.

cohšo*   [-]  cu-, hšo*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. knock off by bumping. synonyms: cohšolh*.

cohšocohšo*   [cohšocohšow]  cohšo*. Reduplicating Verb. (nuts) come out of shell easily (to lot of nuts or to one walnut because it has sections that come out separately and easily). cohšocohšoci D: Imperative.

cohšohšo*   [cohšohšow]  cohšo*. Reduplicating Verb. knock off by bumping or get nuts easily out of dry shell. cohšohšoci to one nut several times.

dahšohšo*   [dahšohšow]  da-, hšo*2. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • move hand through hair, rustle (hair, leaves).

2 • knock off something easy; come off (like loose berries, or leaves). compare: dahšolh*.

dohšohšo   [dohšohšow]  du-, hšo*2. Reduplicating Verb. come loose, detach easily, with fingers. má·yiš dohšóhšow taking kernels off the corncob. synonyms: dohšolh*.

hahšohšo*   [hahšohšow]  ha-, hšo*2. Reduplicating Verb. shake loose; shake (one's hand). hahšohšo (to person) scatter by shaking several times! hahšóhšoyicʼ- to shake. hahšóhšoyiʔcʰila if you shake (your hand). synonyms: hahšolh*.

hšokʼo·t*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. insert in something succulent. synonyms: hšukʼu·ṭ*, hsokʼo·t*1, hpolh*.

dahšokʼo·t*   [dahšokʼoʔ]  da-, hšokʼo·t*. Verb. wash with the hand. kʼaṭa sʼáʔsʼa qʼoʔdi dášokʼo·tʰ the dirt on the clothes comes off easy when washing (wet, not dry). Example Variant: ...dásokʼo·tʰ.. synonyms: dahsokʼo·t*.

hahšokʼo·t*   [hahšokʼoʔ]  ha-, hšokʼo·t*. Verb. kick so juices splashes up. hahšokʼó·ṭi to kick (watermelon) so juice splashes up.

qahšokʼo·t*   [qahšokʼóʔ]  qa-, hšokʼo·t*. Verb. bite something so soft that teeth go in easily. synonyms: qahsokʼo·t*.

hšolh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. come loose, detach easily. synonyms: hšo*2.

bahšolh*   [bahšolʔ]  ba-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). bahšolhciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. bahšólhmaw D: Essive, Absolutive. qʼoʔo báhšolhmaw by talking and talking, the song came loose and BT was talked into singing the song or talked out of the song. cahno píšudu cahno·du hqale·mu ʔacaʔ. mul bahšolhma that man likes to say bad words; knock the words off of him by talking; correct him so that he doesn’t do it again. bahšólhci D: Imperative, Semelfactive. Example Variant: bahšolhma. sʼihtayaʔ šihpʰa bahšólhciy the bird picked the leaf off. sʼihtayaʔ šihpʰa bašohlimy the bird picked the leaves off (can scatter it or eat it; off easy or hard). bahšoli D: Plural Imperative.

bihšolh*   [bihšolʔ]  bi-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, out of arms, embrace. bihšolhmaw something in arms drops off.

cohšolh*   [cohšolʔ]  cu-, hšolh*. Verb. 1 • knock off by bumping or get nuts easily out of dry shell. cohšólhmaw to one nut. cohsolhci one hit to one nut. synonyms: cohšo*.

2 • comb out. heʔe cohšolʔ comb out hair.

dahšolh*   [dahšolʔ]  da-, hšolh*. Verb. by hand to brush off dust, shedding hair, leaves from tree. dahšoli brush off (dust, hair, leaves)! dahšólhciw to brush off one thing. dahšolá·tadu to brush off several places. compare: dahšohšo*.

dohšolh*   [dohšolʔ]  du-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, with the finger. dohšolʔ to take off several. woté·ya tol tapó·n dohšolhma take the cork off the bottle. woté·ya tol tapó·n dohšohlima take the cork off several bottles. dohšólhmaw to detach (doorknob); (doorknob) to come loose or come off. Example Variant: hihšólhmaw. cohšo wí duhtayʔli dohšólhmay he touched it with his finger and it (fruit) came off. synonyms: dohšohšo.

hahšolh*   [hahšolʔ]  ha-, hšolh*. Verb. shake loose; come loose, detach easily by shaking. hahšolhma· to shake loose or come loose. hahšólhmaw shake loose once. hahšólhciw shake loose once. synonyms: hahšohšo*.

hihšolh*   [hihšolʔ]  hi-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, off of the body. hahšóhšoyiʔcʰila heʔe hihšolʔ hair falling out one after another. compare: hicʰul*.

mahšolh*   [mahšolʔ]  ma-2, hšolh*. Verb. come loose off of foot; snatch. mahšólhmaw to snatch something out of somebody’s hand. mahšólhma D: Imperative. mašóhlima D: Plural Object, Imperative. ʔaná· sapa·tu lóqʰmaw in e· mito mahšólhmayam that shoe is too loose on you; that’s why it came off.

mihšolh*   [mihšolʔ]  mi-2, hšolh*. Verb. slip off shoes without untying. sapa·tu mihšolhmaye· mito you kicked your shoe off. Example Variant: ...mihšolhciye· ....

mohšolh*   [mohšolʔ]  mu-, hšolh*. Verb. hit off or sun’s heat to make leaves fall off; (loose wheel) come off (while car is running). mohšoli (to something in the heat or to the heat) Come loose, come off! mošohli D: Plural object, imperative. mohšólhmaw D: Essive, Absolutive. mohšóhlimʔ D: Plural Object, Essive, Absolutive. má·kina tol pili·li mohšólhmay the car wheel came off while running (also by heat but not of paint). mohšólhmacʼi pull self loose (if someone grabs you)! mošóhlima·cʼi D: Plural Object, Essive, Reflexive, Imperative.

pihšolh*   [pihšolʔ]  pʰi-, hšolh*. Verb. knock off (acorn, light bulb, glasses, door knob). qʰale tol ciʔdómʔ pihšolʔ knock off sev. flowers from tree. pihšolhciw to knock off one. pihšoli knock them off! pišolá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihšolhmaw to knock off with stick (a door knob). pihšólhmacʼi knock off something stuck with side of stick. compare: pihlud*.

qahšolh*   [qahšolʔ]  qa-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, release from teeth. qahšolhmaʔ to release from the teeth. qahšólhmacʼi release from the teeth!

sihšolh*   [sihšolʔ]  si-, hšolh*. Verb. come loose, detach easily, by water (i.e., label); knock off with tongue. sihšólhmaw to wash off with water or to knock off with tongue.

šohšolh*   [šohšolʔ]  šu-, hšolh*. Verb. pull off, slip off (for one shoe). šošóhlima pull off tassel or button shoes. šošolhma pull off one tassel or button shoe.

hšom*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always with decrement. Instr Verb Root. shade the eyes.

pihšom*   [pišomʔ]  pʰi-, hšom*. Cooccurrence: always with decrement. Verb. shade eyes. cohšo pihšomaʔ to shade eyes with hand. pišomá·cʼi shade your eyes with hand! pišoma shade something with something! pišómtacʼmeʔ several to shade eyes! pišomá·tacʼmeʔ (to several) make shade several places!

pišom   [píšomʔ]  pihšom*. Noun. umbrella or parasol.

hšon*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. go ask for.

bahšon*   [bahšonʔ]  ba-, hšon*1. Verb. go ask for. bahšónte· ʔa I’m going to ask him for something (even though I don’t know if he has it to spare). bahsoni go ask someone for (something)! bahsona·tadu to go ask several people! bahšonhciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive.

hšon*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. have a hunch.

dohšon*   [dohšonʔ]  du-, hšon*2. Verb. have a hunch; suspect; suspect wrongly (of stealing) (not jealously). dohšonánʔqaw to suspect, to have a hunch. dohšonánʔqa·yaʔ a person who thinks something will happen. dohšonánʔqa guess! Suspect! dohšonácʼqameʔ D: Causative, Plural Imperative. dohšoná·tanʔqa suspect several people! hu·ʔ dohšona·du to (ma·cal) yes, I suspect them. Example Variant: ma·cál ʔa dohšonanʔqaw.. dohšoné· to I have, had the hunch. (not nec. of something evil). dohšoná·tacʼqaw several had hunches. dohʔšonáʔyawi yowal ṭʰaʔbamciy it turned out like they thought it would. ʔul dohšoné· to ma micé·duʔba I thought you would say that (and you did). ʔama dóhsonʔ qal e· mu ʔacaʔ that man is a suspicious person. ma be·li ʔí· dohšonanʔqaba ʔa wa·dela I came because I suspected you were here.

hšu*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. sniff.

mihšu*   [-]  mi-2, hšu*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. sniff.

mihšumihšu*   [mihšumíhšuw]  mihšu*. Reduplicating Verb. sniff repeatedly, keep trying but can’t make headway. muʔnat ʔa ṭáʔ sʼiti min mihšumíhšuyi·cʼedu but I as if to do (what ?) keep pecking away but don’t make headway.

hšu*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. scatter. synonyms: hši*1.

dahšu*   [-]  da-, hšu*2. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. scatter with hand.

dahšuhšu*   [dahšuhšuw]  dahšu*. Reduplicating Verb. rustle with hand. dahšuhšuhuc D: Semelfactive. dahšuhšuʔ rustle around or mess around in. synonyms: dahšihši*.

hšukʼu·ṭ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. sink into. synonyms: hšokʼo·t*, hsokʼo·t*1, hpolh*.

bahšukʼu·ṭ*   [bahšukʼúʔ]  ba-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. bill to sink in.

dihšukʼu·ṭ*   [dihšukʼuʔ]  di-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. fall and sink into. hahse qʰámʔli dihšukʼúṭʰwiye· to I fell in the brush (all or partly covered) (or lie on feather mattress).

hahšukʼu·ṭ*   [hahšukʼuʔ]  ha-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. kick dust, walk in dust. ʔino yo· hahšukʼuʔ kick dust, walk in dust. Example Variant: ... mahšukʼuʔ. synonyms: mahšukʼu·ṭ*.

mahšukʼu·ṭ*   [mahšukʼúʔ]  ma-2, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Variant: mašukʼuṭ*. Verb. foot sink in to liquid, mud. matʼqʰa yó· mahšukʼuṭʰwiye· to I stepped in the mud; my foot sank in. mahšukʼú·ṭi sink in! mašukʼúṭʰmeʔ sink in! (to several). synonyms: hahšukʼu·ṭ*.

pahšukʼu·ṭ*   [pahšukʼúʔ]  pʰa-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. put (pencil) into something soft (mush, food, mud, loose dirt).

pihšukʼu·ṭ*   [pihšukʼúʔ]  pʰi-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. hit into dust.

qahšukʼu·ṭ*   [qahšukʼuʔ]  qa-, hšukʼu·ṭ*. Verb. sink into with the teeth; bite into. cáke qahšukʼúṭʰmela I bit into the cake. Example Variant: ...qahšukʼúṭʰwiye· to..

hšul*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wilt, start to spoil.

mihšul*   [mihšulʔ]  mi-2, hšul*. Verb. get cloudy; wilt, start to spoil. ʔama míhšulamʔ mamaw it’s starting to get cloudy. mihšulá·ma (to cloud) get cloudy! mihšula·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

muhšul*   [muhšulʔ]  mu-, hšul*. Verb. wilt, start to spoil (from heat). muhšulamʔ half-wilted, starting to wilt (of lettuce or flower; also of person). muhšulamʔtʼa·de·to I feel drowsy; I’m tired from heat.

-ht   [ht]  Variant: -h-. Cooccurrence: restricted to verbs that denote translocation, either because of the meaning of the verb root or because the verb contains a Directional suffix; the Plural Act does not customarily occur with such verbs. Variant: bayeht*; biyeht*. Verb. Plural Movement: two or more people or things are moving from one place to another.

ht*   [tiw]   Variant: hti*. \Variant: hti. Verb. 1 • put the foot. kuška ʔém qʰale tol tanʔwadu the cat is climbing (moving) around in the tree.

2 • climb. ta·qaʔ to climb up; he climbed too; he already climbed up. mi· ta·qa climb out (on a limb)! taqaʔ D: Causative, Absolutive. qʰale tól taqá·ci climb up the tree! táhtaqaʔ D: Causative, Absolutive. ta·qaʔ is for a diff. time [??]

htala*   [talaw]  ht*, -ala. Verb. climb down.

htala·mecʼ*   [tala·meʔ]  htala*. Verb. climb down from, climb back down; take foot down from. talá·mecʼi take foot off (table)! bus tow htala·meyʔ he got off the bus.

htaloq*   [taloʔ]  ht*, -aloq. Verb. climb up here. tahtaloʔ D: Plural Object, Absolutive.

htaloqocʼ*   [taloqoʔ]  ht*, -aloqocʼ. Verb. climb up out of.

htaq*   [taʔ]  ht*, -aq1. Variant: tahtaq*; taq*. Verb. stretch out leg; foot be stretched out; wear on foot [?] taqa stretch out leg! pʰalá htaqa stretch out leg again! tahtaʔ several to stretch out legs. pʰala táhtaqa·du keep stretching out legs again! táhtʰuʔ don't stretch out leg! taqá·du keep stretching out leg! pʰalá htaqa·du keep stretching out leg again! pʰala táhtaqa stretch out legs (pl.) again! Example Variant: pʰalá htahtaqa. pʰala taqáʔtʰuʔ don't keep stretching out leg again! Example Variant: pʰalá htaqaʔtʰuʔ. pʰala táhtʰuʔ don't stretch out leg again! compare: ʔtʼaq*2.

htaqac*   [taqaʔ]  ht*. Verb. climb up there, from here.

htaqocʼ*   [taqoʔ]  ht*, -aqocʼ. Verb. put foot out hence. taqó·cʼi take foot backwards!

htibic*   [tibiʔ]  ht*, -ibic. Verb. raise foot. tibí·ci raise your foot!

htic*   [tiʔ]  ht*. Variant: tihc*. Verb. put foot. (mi·lí h)tici put foot (there)! mi·li tíhcimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. tihcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hticcicʼ*   [ticciʔ]  ht*, -ccicʼ. Verb. retract foot. ticcicʼi take foot back to self (not nec. jerk)!

htim*   [timʔ]  ht*. Verb. put foot on something. tima put your foot on something!

hta*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. tap, hit lightly or slowly. compare: htay*1, ʔṭʼa*2.

bahta*   [-]  ba-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. poke around on ground with snout.

bahtahta*   [bahtahtaw]  bahta*. Reduplicating Verb. pig poking snout here and there on ground.

cuhta*   [-]  cu-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pat with crumpled paper.

cuhtahta*   [cuhtahtaw]  cuhta*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with crumpled paper.

dahta*   [-]  da-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. slap or pat something soft or wet.

dahtadahta*   [dahtadahtaw]  dahta*. Reduplicating Verb. pat on something soft like dough or mud.

dahtahta*   [dahtáhtaw]  dahta*. Reduplicating Verb. repeatedly slap something wet (or dry added later). dahtáhtaci repeatedly slap a little bit. maṭʼqʰa dáhtahtaw to slap repeatedly on mud. ʔahqʰa dáhtahtaw to slap repeatedly on water. dahtáhta D: Imperative. synonyms: pahtahta*; compare: dahtehte*.

duhta*2   [-]  du-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. doing something slowly.

duhtahta*   [duhtahtaw]  duhta*2. Reduplicating Verb. doing something slowly. ʔama báʔtʼa ʔin ma miʔkʰe ʔahca qawin duhtahtaw being slow in making your house; you are working slowly.

mahta*   [-]  ma-2, hta*1. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. walking slowely.

mahtahta*   [mahtáhtaw]  mahta*. Reduplicating Verb. walking slowly; also tap in one place with foot. mahtáhta·wa·du D: Durative.

muhtahta*   [muhtahtaw]  mu-, hta*1. Verb. tap repeatedly with fire.

muhtahta· qʰale   [muhtáhta· qʰale]  Lit: shining plant muhtahta*, qʰale1. Noun. a kind of plant with sticky, shiny leaves and white lilac flowers.

pahtahta*   [pahtahtaw]  pʰa-, hta*1. Verb. repeatedly tap with the fist. maṭʼqʰa pahtihtatʰuʔ don’t slap the mud (repeatedly)! synonyms: dahtahta*.

pihta*   [-]  pʰi-, hta*1. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Verb. tap with stick.

pihtahta*   [pihtahtaw]  pihta*. Verb. 1 • (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. compare: ṭʼalaṭʼala*, pʰiʔṭʼaʔṭʼa*.

2 • do slowly.

pihtapihta*   [pihtapihtaw]  pihta*. Verb. (to tap) on something soft: flesh, dough, mud, loose, dirt; tap (with stick); sound of hammer. sʼuhkul pihtapíhtawe· to my heart is beating.

hta*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. liquid diffuse; be wet spot; be wet like at drying up spring; be wet to damp ground.

duhta*1   [duhtaw]  du-, hta*2. Verb. smear with fingers. duhtáhtaʔ to smear (fat) with finger.

muhta*   [muhtaw]  mu-, hta*2. Verb. liquid diffuse (with heat), melt and run. muhtáhtaʔ (fat) to melt and run. heʔén sʼibina ʔwa mito mu huʔu·mo muhtahtawam how come your face is shining with oil ?

sihta*   [sihtaw]  si-, hta*2. Verb. liquid diffuse; be wet (at drying up spring or wound). ʔahqʰa síhtahtaw (spilled) water to spread around shallow, be damp over an area. ʔahqʰa sihtasítat(a·du) (pl.) wet here and there. tahtala· sihtasíta lohqa· mito your pants are soaking through (wet pants). ʔihpʰú· sihtahtawe· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa tol grease has spotted your clothes.

htala*   [talaw]  ht*, -ala. Verb. climb down.

htala·mecʼ*   [tala·meʔ]  htala*. Verb. climb down from, climb back down; take foot down from. talá·mecʼi take foot off (table)! bus tow htala·meyʔ he got off the bus.

htala·mecʼ*   [tala·meʔ]  htala*. Verb. climb down from, climb back down; take foot down from. talá·mecʼi take foot off (table)! bus tow htala·meyʔ he got off the bus.

htaloq*   [taloʔ]  ht*, -aloq. Verb. climb up here. tahtaloʔ D: Plural Object, Absolutive.

htaloqocʼ*   [taloqoʔ]  ht*, -aloqocʼ. Verb. climb up out of.

htaq*   [taʔ]  ht*, -aq1. Variant: tahtaq*; taq*. Verb. stretch out leg; foot be stretched out; wear on foot [?] taqa stretch out leg! pʰalá htaqa stretch out leg again! tahtaʔ several to stretch out legs. pʰala táhtaqa·du keep stretching out legs again! táhtʰuʔ don't stretch out leg! taqá·du keep stretching out leg! pʰalá htaqa·du keep stretching out leg again! pʰala táhtaqa stretch out legs (pl.) again! Example Variant: pʰalá htahtaqa. pʰala taqáʔtʰuʔ don't keep stretching out leg again! Example Variant: pʰalá htaqaʔtʰuʔ. pʰala táhtʰuʔ don't stretch out leg again! compare: ʔtʼaq*2.

htaqac*   [taqaʔ]  ht*. Verb. climb up there, from here.

htaqocʼ*   [taqoʔ]  ht*, -aqocʼ. Verb. put foot out hence. taqó·cʼi take foot backwards!

htay*1   [-]   Variant: tayʔta*. Instr Verb Root. touch. compare: hta*1, ʔṭʼa*2.

bahtay*   [bahtayʔ]  ba-, htay*1. Verb. touch with mouth, bother by saying something. bahtáyʔtʰin don’t say anything (to correct your child)! bahtá·tʰu qaʔcʼáṭʼkʰe ʔe muʔ don’t say anything or he’ll cry! bahtá·tʰu qahmatí·bicʼkʰe ʔe muʔ don’t say anything or he’ll get mad! bahtayi say something to someone. bahtayá·du D: Durative.

bihtay*   [bihtayʔ]  bi-, htay*1. Verb. touch with arm around or hold (child) short time and give it right back. bihtayi D: Imperative. bihtaya·cʼiwaʔ D: Plural Agent, Distributive, Absolutive. bihtá·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. bitáyʔtaw D: Plural Object, Absolutive. ṭʼíʔbahqa· ṭʰoʔo bihtáyʔba qʼoʔdi siʔtʼayi·y when I got a (little) taste of the blackberry sauce it tasted good.

cahtay*   [cahtayʔ]  ca-, htay*1. Verb. touch with rear.

cihtay*   [cihtáyʔ]  cʰi-, htay*1. Verb. with instrument, dragging to touch something.

cuhtay*   [cuhtayʔ]  cu-, htay*1. Verb. bump. ʔila wi cuhtayʔ !! water from hose to touch short time a plant.

dahtay*   [dahtayʔ]  da-, htay*1. Verb. touch with the hand. dahtayinʔ I see him touching. dahtayin I hear him touching.

dihtay*   [dihtayʔ]  di-, htay*1. Verb. barely touch. cumátʰma· cʰahqapʰi mul dihtá·qa knock chair over, and barely hit (it)!

duhtay*   [duhtayʔ]  du-, htay*1. Variant: duhtayʔta*. Verb. touch, with the finger. duhtáyʔtaw several or one to touch several times with finger. duhtayi D: Imperative. duhtá·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. dutáyʔta D: Plural Object, Imperative. dutáyʔtameʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. duhtá·tʰuʔ D: Negative. duhtayá·du D: Durative. dutáyʔtame·du to habitually touch with finger. duhta·y he just touched it. duhtayáʔtʰuʔ D: Durative, Negative. duhtá·tʰumeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Negative. duhtayácʼmeʔ D: Durative, Plural Imperative. dutáyʔtatʰuʔ D: Plural Object, Negative. dutáyʔtame·du D: Plural Object, Durative. dutáyʔtamecʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative. muhkúyʔba to, qʰasʼíyaš cotoʔbiʔli, ʔa duhtayʔli, ʔahqʰa dóhpolhciy when I got badly burned, a blister rose up, and, when I touched it, water spurted out. duhta yí· mul kʼaṭa cumawal touch the cloth lying there!

hahtay*   [hahtayʔ]  ha-, htay*1. Verb. touch with foot or leg.

htay*2   [tayʔ]  Ø-, htay*1. Verb. touch, bother something. ta·qatʰuʔ don’t let him touch it!

mahtay*   [mahtayʔ]  ma-2, htay*1. Verb. touch with foot.

mihtay*   [mihtayʔ]  mi-2, htay*1. Verb. touch with toe.

muhtay*   [muhtayʔ]  mu-, htay*1. Verb. touch with energy, heat. ʔoho wí muhta·y a fire starts to burn, (touches) a new piece of wood. ʔahá·li muhta·y throw stick and barely hit.

pahtay*   [pahtayʔ]  pʰa-, htay*1. Verb. lightly poke with a long object.

pihtay*   [pihtayʔ]  pʰi-, htay*1. Verb. lightly tap with the side of a long object.

puhtay*   [puhtayʔ]  pʰu-, htay*1. Verb. touch with something burning; blow on. ʔoho wi puhtayʔ to touch burning stick to someone. ʔihya wi puhtayʔ to blow against for a short time.

qahtay*   [qahtayʔ]  qa-, htay*1. Verb. tase. maʔú ṭʼo koci·na ʔem maʔa qáhtayʔba yo·yó·ciy this pig got a taste of food and can’t control himself.

sihtay*   [sihtayʔ]  si-, htay*1. Verb. taste.

šuhtay*   [šuhtayʔ]  šu-, htay*1. Verb. swinging rope to touch.

htay*2   [tayʔ]  Ø-, htay*1. Verb. touch, bother something. ta·qatʰuʔ don’t let him touch it!

hte*   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. arrange, pat smooth. compare: te·m*1.

bahte*   [-]  ba-, hte*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pat with mouth.

bahtehte*   [bahtéhtew]  bahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with mouth.

cihtehte*   [cihtéhtew]  cʰi-, hte*. Reduplicating Verb. spread with a tool. cihtéhteci spread around with instrument!

cuhte*   [-]  cu-, hte*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. arrange many together.

cuhtehte*   [cuhtéhtew]  cuhte*. Reduplicating Verb. arrange many together; pat with rag. cuhtehtew dab bread on plate. compare: htenh*1.

dahte*   [-]  da-, hte*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly dry object.

dahtehte*   [dahtehtew]  dahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat repeatedly dry object, not wet. dahtehteʔ to spread smooth, arrange. compare: dahtahta*.

dihte*   [dihtew]  di-, hte*. Verb. arrange by gravity.

dihtedihte*   [dihtedihtew]  dihte*. Reduplicating Verb. arrange by gravity. dihtedíhtemulʔ many to sit close together in a circle. sʼihta qʰale ʔiša·tol dihtedítehqʰ birds are sitting in a row close together on the branch.

dihtehte*   [dihtehtew]  dihte*. Reduplicating Verb. arrange by gravity, a heavy weight. ʔacaʔ grandstand tol díhtéhteʔ ṭʰaʔbamʔ people are sitting in a row close together in a grandstand.

hahte*   [hahtew]  ha-, hte*. Verb. arrange with a swinging motion.

hahtehte*   [hahtehtew]  hahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat (ground) with the heel. ʔama· hahtehtew to pat ground with heel.

mahte*   [-]  ma-2, hte*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. pat with foot.

mahtehte*   [mahtéhtew]  mahte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with foot. mahtehteci mul ʔama· ʔ smooth that ground with foot (press and rub around with several movements)! mate·ni mul ʔama·ʔ press down with foot that ground (gopher pile)! synonyms: mihtehte.

mahtemahte*   [mahtemahtew]  mahte*. Reduplicating Verb. stomp the ground. mahtemahtew stomp feet alternating, e.g. in dancing.

mihte*   [mihtew]  mi-2, hte*. Verb. pat with toe.

mihtehte   [mihtehtew]  , mihte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with toe. qʼoʔdiyicʼqa mul mihtéhtecʰpʰiʔ make it good (even) by patting with toe. synonyms: mahtehte*.

pahte*   [pahtew]  pʰa-, hte*. Verb. pat repeatedly with hand or fist or end of long object.

pihtehte*   [pihtéhtew]  pʰi-, hte*. Reduplicating Verb. pat with a hoe. pihtehtec to hit ground lightly with hoe to make it even.

puhtehte*   [puhtéhtew]  pʰu-, hte*. Reduplicating Verb. solder. puhtéhte·li solder (EP’s name for it). puhtéhte·li mul puhtéhteci ʔimo ʔ melt that solder and patting with iron (cover) hole!

hten*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. kneel.

cuhten*   [cuhtenʔ]  cu-, hten*. Verb. kneel (on one knee). moqʰo·li cúhteni kneel on one knee! Example Variant: moqʰo·li míhkotʰci. cuhténhci kneel down! Example Variant: mihténhci. cuhtená·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: cuhtenh*, mihkotʰci*.

mihten*   [mihtenʔ]  mi-2, hten*. Verb. kneel (on one knee). moqʰo·li míhteni kneel down (on two knees)! mihtená·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. mihténhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. moqʰo·li míhtencipʰi cohto kneel down and stand (that way)! miténtameʔ sev. kneeling. compare: mihtenh*, bohko*, buhkum*, bohyo*, mihkotʰci*.

htena·la*   [tena·law]  htenh*3, -ala. Verb. calm down. ʔihyá hyanʔba htená·lay the wind was blowing but has quieted down, calmed down. ʔacacʼem qahmatí·bicʼba ʔnati htená·lay the man got mad but calmed down.

htenh*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. arrange, flatten, align in the same direction or in the same way; put together several one at a time [?] compare: cuhtehte*.

cahtenh*   [cahténʔ]  ca-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten something by sitting or with the rear end. cahténhmaw to sit and make grass go down.

cahtenʔ   [cahtenʔ]  htenh*1.

cihtenh*   [cihténʔ]  cʰi-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten, smooth with tool held by handle or small part. ʔama· cíhtenqawe· ʔama·qʼoyaʔ the farmer is dragging (harrow over clods) to smooth the land, mash the clods. cihténqa D: Causative.

cuhtenh*   [cuhténʔ]  cu-, htenh*1. Verb. stack nonlong objects one at a time, such as pots or boxes. cuhtenaʔ to take pots out, put in bunch, not scattered. kaho·n ma miʔkʰe cuhténhciqʰ you put your boxes together one after another. (no special order necessary, just so not scattered). Example Variant: duhténhciqʰ₄. šaʔqʼámʔli cuhténhmaci·dun mutʼamʔli cuhtená·qadu taking flower pots into the shade and out of the sun. compare: cuhten*.

dahtenh*1   [dahténʔ]  da-, htenh*1. Verb. massage by patting with hand.

dihtenh*   [dihténʔ]  di-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten something by means of something heavy or by gravity. dihtená·tanʔqa D: Causative, Imperative. dihténhmaw to stay down. heʔe mito dihténhmaw your hair is lying down (not sticking up). qaʔdi ʔáqolayel mil tilitilinʔwanʔpʰi tʼi díhtenhci roll around in that tall grass and mash it all down. Example Variant: diténʔta.

duhtenh*1   [duhténʔ]  du-, htenh*1. Verb. arrange, smooth, align in one direction with the finger. duhténhciw to smooth out something rough (hair, etc.) by rubbing in one direction with finger (not nec. once); to align something (not nec. in a row but it should be evenly). duhténhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. duhténhcitʰuʔ D: Semelfactive, Negative. duhténhcime·du D: Plural Durative. duhtenhcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Semelfactive. duhteni D: Imperative. duhtʰéntʰuʔ D: Negative. duhténmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. duhténhmaʔ to arrange into, across. duhténhmaw to arrange on something. duhtena·qacʼ to arrange up. duhtení·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. duhtení·bici D: Semelfactive, Imperative, Directional "up" or Inceptive. duhtená·qadu to be arranging in a row away. duhtená·qodu to be arranging in a row hither. duhténhcime·du to be arranging in a place. duhtená·du D: Absolutive. qʰaʔbe dúhtenahte ʔa bíl lame·sa tol I am going to put rocks in a row on this table.

duhtenʔ   [duhtenʔ]  htenh*1.

hahtenh*   [hahténʔ]  ha-, htenh*1. Verb. arrange by swinging foot.

mahtenh*   [mahténʔ]  ma-2, htenh*1. Verb. flatten with the feet, trample. mul qáʔdi ʔáqolay el ṭʼi máhtenhciy he trampled all that long grass down.

mihtenh*   [mihténʔ]  mi-2, htenh*1. Verb. arrange with toes, with the small end of a long object [?] compare: mihten*.

mihtenʔ   [mihtenʔ]  htenh*1.

muhtenh*1   [muhténʔ]  mu-, htenh*1. Verb. be fixed, arranged, soothed by heat [?] ʔama· dúhṭʰala·dal muhténhciwiye· to ʔoho wi my pains were erased by the heat (hot water bag). (fixed in a certain way). mutʼamʔho wi muhténhciqaʔte ʔ I’m going to take a sun bath.

pahtenh*   [pahténʔ]  pʰa-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten with the end of a long object. heʔe pahténhcite· mito I will flatten your hair.

pihtenh*   [pihténʔ]  pʰi-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten, align, arrange with the side of a long object such as a stick. pihténhmaw to hit grass down.

puhtenh*1   [puhténʔ]  pʰu-, htenh*1. Verb. be flattened by the wind, knocked over so that objects are aligned in the same direction. ʔihya yaʔ ṭʼí· ʔukulu·ta puhténhciy the wind blew all the fence over. ʔihya yaʔ qʰale (hahse) baṭʰe· puhtenhciy the wind blew many trees (bushes) over.

qahtenh*   [qahténʔ]  qa-, htenh*1. Verb. flatten, arrange with the teeth, by chewing. qahwe· ʔel qahténhcipʰi qacʼohqa chew the gum down and make it ready to chew.

qahtenʔ   [qahtenʔ]  htenh*1.

sihtenh*   [sihténʔ]  si-, htenh*1. Verb. be flattened from being wet, with items (such as hair or grass) aligned in the same direction. qaʔdi sʼáqʰa·la ʔel sihténhciqʰ the lawn all flattened being wet. ʔaná· heʔe sihcoba to sihténhciwiy my hair got so wet it flattened out.

šuhtenh*   [šuhténʔ]  šu-, htenh*1. Verb. pull something over something and flatten, mat it down. šuhténhmaw to pull something over and mat down. Example Variant: šuhté·ci.

htenh*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. rub, massage; move horizontally.

dahtenh*2  da-, htenh*2. [dahténʔ]   Verb. make even by pressing with hand, arrange. dahténhciyi·cʼi mito heʔe ʔ arrange your hair!

duhtenh*2  du-, htenh*2. [duhténʔ]   Verb. massage by rubbing with thumb opposed to fingers.

muhtenh*2  mu-, htenh*2. [muhténʔ]   Verb. attack, (panther, rattlesnake) strike; go suddenly to grab something. muhteni @ go grab it! muhténmeʔ @ go grab it! (to several). muhtená·duce·du @ keep grabbing. muténtameʔ @ go grab them! (to several). muhtení mul ʔ @ grab him! muténtame mul ʔ @ grab them! muhtená·du @ grabbing. kú·ška yaʔ ʔahqʰamo muhténhmaye· šoqʼoʔ dacéti the cat jumped swiftly across the ditch to catch a mouse. yahmóʔyaʔ ʔacaʔ múhtenʔ the panther pounced on the man. muhtenhma @ reach across and grab! mutenʔta @ grab them! mutenʔta·ma @ reach across and grab them!

puhtenh*2  pʰu-, htenh*2. [puhténʔ]   Verb. set fire; strike match; light (holding match in hand). ʔoho ʔem (yaʔ substitutable) qʰale tol qalí· neta·qacʼba – hadu· qʰale tol puhténhmay the (a) fire blazed up high on the tree and jumped (pounced) on another tree. mu·kinʔ puhtenye· mul he lit that. ʔacaʔ yáʔ ʔoho púhten e· mu ma·cam a person set the fire; it’s burning. ʔoho wi puhtenicʼbiw hoʔtʼo tol with a torch he set fire to himself on the head. ʔoho púhtenʔ @ set fire.

htenh*3   [-]   Cooccurrence: occurs only with -c-ic'. Verb. rest, be calm, quiet down.

bahtena·la*   [bahtena·law]  ba-, htenh*3, -ala. Verb. calm down. hoʔo duhṭʰal bahtená·lawiy my toothache is resting, has calmed down.

htena·la*   [tena·law]  htenh*3, -ala. Verb. calm down. ʔihyá hyanʔba htená·lay the wind was blowing but has quieted down, calmed down. ʔacacʼem qahmatí·bicʼba ʔnati htená·lay the man got mad but calmed down.

tenhcicʼ*   [ténhciʔ]  htenh*3. Variant: tenhciwa·tacʼ*. Verb. take a rest. pʰala ténhcicʼi take a rest again! ténhciwa·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Semelfactive. pʰala ténhcicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative #again. ténhcicʼi take a rest! ténhcicʼmeʔ (to several) take a rest!

htenhcicʼ*   [tenhciʔ]  . Verb. rest.

htey*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. 1 • arrange.

2 • cause several to lie down.

cuhtey*   [cuhteyʔ]  cu-, htey*. Verb. shoot group away; shoot, knock over group with a projectile so that the objects fall together. cuhté·ciw to shoot (birds) so several fall together. ʔahqʰa wí mul cucʰteyá·ducʰqaw knock them over with hose water! (knock gravel, dirt, leaves away). šihpʰa cúhteya·ducʰqa hose leaves away! cuhté·maw plants flattened under faucet of running water.

dihtey*   [dihteyʔ]  di-, htey*. Verb. several to fall down. ti yúʔdul dihte·ciwe· mu it (old grass) fell down by itself. synonyms: hihtey*.

duhtey*   [duhteyʔ]  du-, htey*. Verb. put down anything evenly. duhté·ci to put down anything evenly (paper in even stack or arranged in row).

hihtey*   [hihteyʔ]  hi-, htey*. Verb. cause several bodies, objects, entities to lie down. tiyúʔdul hihte·ciwe· mu it (old grass) fell down by itself. synonyms: dihtey*.

muhtey*   [muhteyʔ]  mu-, htey*. Verb. knock over. ʔacacʼ em monʔbina hahse muhté·ciqʰ a man must have run by the brush; it has been knocked over. muhte·maw D: Essive, Absolutive. muhteyá·law D: do it down the hill. muhté·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. muhteyá·tadu several places. Example Variant: muhteyá·duwa·du.

pihtey*   [pihteyʔ]  pʰi-, htey*. Verb. arrange with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer. seʔe ʔel pihteya·dadun wa·du to go making way through brush pushing it aside with stick. pihté·ciʔ to get so eyelids are down, either closed or looking down. pihté·maw eyelids to stay down, either closed or looking down.

sihtey*   [sihteyʔ]  si-, htey*. Variant: sitehy*. Verb. cause to lie down with water, e.g., rain. sihteyá·duʔ grass or hair to be stuck or matted down with rain or other water. sihté·ciw grass or hair to be stuck down suddenly (semelf.) sihté·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. sitéhyimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. sihteyá·duci D: Durative, Semelfactive, Imperative. sitéhyacicʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Durative, Plural Imperative.

hti   [hti]  ht*.

hti*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. chip into shape.

duhti*   [duhtiw]  du-, hti*1. Verb. make even. compare: cuhti*.

muhti*   [muhtiw]  mu-, hti*1. Verb. shape rocks by chipping, as to make a pestle; chip even. qʰaʔbe ʔel muhtipʰi duhkúl cicʼqa "chip" off the rock (with another) and make a pestle (or is it "shape"). muhti D: Imperative. muhtiwá·du D: Plural Object, Imperative. Example Variant: muhtitá·du. said of Russians who did it (for building blocks). compare: pʰiʔcʼolh*2, caʔcʼolh*, muti·t*; synonyms: cuhti*.

pihti*   [pihtiw]  pʰi-, hti*1. Variant: pihtiwad*. Verb. chip rocks (with a hammer). pihtih chip! pihtiti ready to chip. pihti D: Imperative. pihtimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. pihtiwá·du D: Plural Object, Imperative. pihtiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. pihticí·du D: Durative.

hti*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. tattoo, write.

cuhti*   [cuhtiw]  cu-, hti*2. Verb. make mark, write. cuhti múl cahnoʔ write that word! cuhtiwá·du write here and there. Example Variant: cuhtiwá·duwa·du. cuhticí·du write several times. cuhtimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. cuhtiwácʼmeʔ D: Plural Object, Plural Imperative. cuhtiwá·du write! cuhti D: Imperative. cuhtiwá·duci write off to distance or fill tablet up. synonyms: muhti*; compare: duhti*.

cuhti   [cuhti´]  cuhti*. Noun. 1 • tattoo. huʔú·mo cuhti face tattoo.

2 • design, symbol. heʔen bahṭʰe cuhti how big is it? heʔen qawi cuhti how small is it? baqʼo cuhti ʔwa what color is it? kʼis cuhti red color. baqʼo cuhti ʔwa ma sapa· htalaw what size shoes do you wear? Example Variant: heʔen ʔahṭʰiy/qawiyya ʔwa ma sapa·tu htalaw.

3 • letter of alphabet, writing. cahno cuhti letters. ʔama miyi· cuhti numbers.

cocʼoʔ cuhti   [cocʼoʔ cúhti]  cocʼoʔ, cuhti. Noun. stacked design.

cuhti cutsaylaw   [cuhti cutsaylaw]  cuhti, cutsayla*. Variant: cutsaylaw. Noun. the letter "x".

cuhti waci·du   [cuhti wáci·du]  cuhti, waci·du. Noun. leader's design. synonyms: nohpʰonohpʰo cuhti.

cuʔyiw cuhti   [cuʔyí· cuhti]  cuʔyi*, cuhti. Noun. design with changeable or all colors.

cʰiko·koʔ cuhti   [cʰikó·koʔ cuhti]  cʰiko·koc, cuhti. Noun. design with dots or circles.

cʰiko·koʔ qʼala·ša cuhti   [cʰiko·koʔ qʼala·ša cuhti]  cʰiko·koc qʼala·ša, cuhti. Noun. November moon design on costumes or sticks.

dukʼimʔ cuhti   [dukʼimʔ cúhti]  dukʼi·m*, cuhti. Noun. basket design of straight or dashed lines (or a long line).

dusʼuhyaqaʔ cuhti   [dusʼúhyaqaʔ cuhti]  dusʼuhyaqac*, cuhti. Noun. diamond design; design with sharp corners (triangle or diamond).

haʔda cuhti   [haʔda cúhti]  haʔda, cuhti. Noun. sun design.

hisʼihciw cuhti   [hisʼíhci· cuhti]  hisʼihc*, cuhti. Noun. zigzag pattern.

kʼaṭa cuhti   [kʼaṭa cuhti]  kʼaṭa1, cuhti. Noun. buckskin design on fringe (burned on with hot rocks).

maʔkʼala cuhti   [maʔkʼala cuhti]  Lit: thunder design maʔkʼala, cuhti. Noun. lightning design (mostly on baskets, also sticks and buckskin).

nohpʰonohpʰo cuhti   [nohpʰonóhpʰo cuhti]  nohpʰonohpʰo, cuhti. Noun. leader's design (zigzag design). synonyms: cuhti waci·du.

qasʼiʔ cuhti   [qasʼiʔ cúhti]  cuhti. Noun. tied design (looped together) on container.

qʰamacʰqamuʔ cuhti   [qʰamacʰqamuʔ cuhti]  qʰama·cʰqamucʼ*, cuhti. Noun. second leader's design.

ʔama qahca cuhti   [ʔama qáhca cuhti]  ʔama qahca, cuhti. Noun. flint design for basket or costume.

cuhtiwad*   [cuhtiwa·du]  cuhti*. Verb. figure out. compare: miyiwad*.

cuhti·li   [cuhti·li]  cuhti*, =wi. Noun. writing instrument.

htibic*   [tibiʔ]  ht*, -ibic. Verb. raise foot. tibí·ci raise your foot!

htic*   [tiʔ]  ht*. Variant: tihc*. Verb. put foot. (mi·lí h)tici put foot (there)! mi·li tíhcimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. tihcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hticcicʼ*   [ticciʔ]  ht*, -ccicʼ. Verb. retract foot. ticcicʼi take foot back to self (not nec. jerk)!

htim*   [timʔ]  ht*. Verb. put foot on something. tima put your foot on something!

hto*1   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Instr Verb Root. stuff, be swollen.

dahtohto*   [dahtohtow]  da-, hto*1. Reduplicating Verb. stuff with the hand. kahó·n miʔkʰe qʼoʔdi cuṭʼaʔ dáhtohtoci overfill your box until it is good and full! kahó·n miʔkʰe dahtóhtocʰqa overfill your box! Example Variant: kahó·n miʔkʰe dahtohtoci. dahtóhtoʔ D: Semelfactive, Absolutive.

dihtohto*   [dihtohtow]  di-, hto*1. Reduplicating Verb. get fat. koci·na dihtóhtoʔ tʼotʰmaw fat pig standing (sloppy fat, with fat that shakes). dihtóhtoci get fat! dihtodítota·du D: Plural.

dohtohto*   [dohtóhtow]  du-, hto*1. Reduplicating Verb. fill something soft like dough, mud. cohšo hecʼ dohtóhtoyicʼmela I break off pieces from my fingernails by picking at them. dohtodótota·du D: (pl.) more place, this and that. Example Variant: dohtodóhtomʔ. dohtóhtomʔ D: Plural (Essive, Absolutive) (less frequent than R). ʔama šíweyi·biʔ meʔ qan e· haʔal kawa·yu dohtóhtoci·du in spring that horse really gets fat. synonyms: pʰaʔtʼaʔtʼac*, daʔtʼaʔtʼac*.

mohtohto*1   [mohtohtow]  mu-, hto*1. Reduplicating Verb. get fat, be fat. mohtóhtoʔ roly-poly, very fat. mohtóhtocʼe· mu it's very fat. mohtóhtʰoci be fat or get fat! muʔdiman mohtóhtow boiling hard (not nec. rising, just bubbling lots). Example Variant: pohtóhtow. ma·dal tito hlá·tol ʔihpʰuyambina mohtóhto· mocʼoqʰ she got so fat to the limit; she became stuffed round.

hto*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. boil.

mohto*   [mohtow]  mu-, hto*2. Verb. boil.

mohtohto*2   [mohtóhtow]  mohto*. Reduplicating Verb. boil in coffee percolator.

pohto*   [pohtow]  pʰu-, hto*2. Verb. boil.

pohtohto*   [pohtóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. boil hard.

pohtopohto*   [pohtopóhtow]  pohto*. Reduplicating Verb. bubble (like mush) by boiling; boiling hard. pohtopóhtomʔ D: Plural (in one place, or here and there). pohtopótota·du D: Plural (here and there).

htontolo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. make sore swelling by repeated action; swell up sore; rub the surface until sore. synonyms: mohtontolo*, hṭʰonṭolo*, hponpolo*, hponpolo*, hṭʰonṭolo*.

cahtontolo*   [cahtontolow]  ca-, htontolo*. Verb. rub by sitting.

dohtontolo*   [dohtontolow]  du-, htontolo*. Verb. rub fingers on something to make sore or swollen.

hahtontolo*   [hahtontolow]  ha-, htontolo*. Verb. kick and make swell up. mu·kito šahku minétʰmapʰi hahtóntolo·ci kick his leg to make it swell up!

mihtontolo*   [mihtontolow]  mi-2, htontolo*. Verb. rub and swell up with the feet. mihtóntolocʰwiye· to qʰama minétʰmawa·danʔba from kicking along my feet have swollen up.

mohtontolo*   [mohtontolow]  mu-, htontolo*. Verb. front end swell up . duhṭʰálʔba to huʔu·mo mohtóntolocʰwiy I got sick (infected) and my face swelled up. (EP impossible to differentiate swell and hurt). synonyms: htontolo*, hṭʰonṭolo*, hponpolo*.

pihtontolo*   [pihtontolow]  pʰi-, htontolo*. Verb. keep hitting tender or delicate spot (like lips) to make sore.

sihtontolo*   [sihtontolow]  si-, htontolo*. Verb. be soaking wet. ʔahqʰa yó· banala·kina sihtóntoloʔ ma·du·yé· ʔacaʔ the man must have fallen in the water; he has come soaking wet. (no sore place necessary).

šahtontolo*   [šahtontolow]  ša-, htontolo*. Verb. make sore swelling by repeated action; swell up sore; rub the surface until sore, by a long object moving lengthwise; with a mesh. cibá ʔwa mito šahtontolocʰqam who made that swelling on you?

šohtontolo*   [šohtontolow]  šu-, htontolo*. Verb. make swell up by whipping. naṭa tíʔkʰe šusʼaytabina šohtóntolocʰqʰ she must have whipped her child; welts have risen up. (can be one or many). šohtóntoloci whip and raise welts! Example Variant: šohtóntolo·ci. šohtóntolo·wacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. šohtóntolo·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. synonyms: šohponpoloc*.

htoš*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be thick, swell up.

mohtoš*2   [mohtoš]  mu-, htoš*1. Verb. thick, of the face. mohtóšmaw thick of skin of face (not of other skin).

mo·toštošo   [mo·toštošo]  mohtoš*2. Variant: mohtoštošo*. Ideophone Adjective. thick-skinned (of face). huʔú·mo mo·toštošo thick-skinned face. Example Variant: huʔu·mo mo·tóštošo. ʔila móhtoštošoʔ of people with noses with thick skin around nostrils and round, big noses. Example Comment: originally continues: "like many Indians and Negroes".

qahtoš*   [qahtoš]  qa-, htoš*1. Verb. have thick, puffed up face (but not of cheeks). qahtošciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. qahtóšmaw D: Essive, Absolutive. ʔacaʔ huʔú·mo qahtóšma· wá·nʔ a man with a thick puffed-up face is coming (or going along). Example Variant: ...mohtošma·.... ya·palka qahtošciteʔ I’m going to bite off on the apple (a big or little piece).

htoš*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: always with essive or semelfactive. Instr Verb Root. remove part of surface. compare: bo·š*, bo·kʼ*, bu·kʼ*, ʔbu*5, buš*, bu·š*, tu*3, tuš*, ṭi·š*1, ṭu·š*, ʔbo*5, bo·l*, qatuš*, buš*, bo·š*, bokʼ*, bu·kʼ*; synonyms: tʼoš*.

cahtoš*   [cahtoš]  ca-, htoš*2. Verb. remove part of surface or rear end. sili cáhtošciwiye· to I skinned my rear. Example Variant: sili cáṭʼo·wiye· to. compare: caṭʼo·*.

cihtoš*   [cihtóš]  cʰi-, htoš*2. Verb. remove part of surface, by dragging, or holding a handle. cʰikʼóhṭala·bina qʰaletol qahwa· ṭʼi cíhtošcihqaqʰ they must have dragged the trees; all the bark is dragged off.

cohtoš*   [cohtoš]  cu-, htoš*2. Verb. remove part of surface, with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. cʼe·lícʼba moqʰo· cóhtošciwe· to I fell and skinned my knee. Example Variant: cotʼo·wiye· to. ʔahca cʰiʔtʼaʔ ciba·tʰin cohtóšciqʰ someone peeled the paint off by bumping with a car. Example Variant: cohtóšcihqaqʰ. compare: coṭʼo·*.

dohtoš*   [dohtoš]  du-, htoš*2. Verb. remove part of surface with the finger. sʼiʔda dohtóšciw to peel off burned (only), loose skin with finger; to skin finger.

mohtoš*1   [mohtoš]  mu-, htoš*2. Verb. remove part of surface (skin) with heat. ʔahqʰa ʔoho wi dola·ba to cohšo móhtošciwiy when I put my hand in the hot water, the skin peeled off.

htsi*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. budge. compare: htsinh*.

bahtsi*   [bahtsiw]  ba-, htsi*. Verb. budge, move. ʔama· cí·cʼinʔqawa·dela ʔa ma·dal muʔnati bahtsiṭʰ I told her to do something but she wouldn't move (budge).

cuhtsi*   [cuhtsiw]  cu-, htsi*. Verb. move. cuhtsíhqa move it! Example Variant: cuhtsitanʔqa. tráctor yaʔ ṭʼo mu cutsíhqaʔbem a tractor could move that. Example Variant:  tráctor yaʔ ṭʼo mul cutsíhqaʔbem.

hihtsi*   [hihtsiw]  hi-, htsi*. Verb. move with body. hihtsiwʔtʰin not moving. hicʼíʔqaqa·cʼeʔnati hihtsíwʔtʰin tʼetʰmaw although I told him to get away he stands unmoving. qʰaʔbe báhṭʰe heʔen hihtsíʔkʰetʰin caw @ "the big sits unbudgeable". ʔá· tʼo ṭa mul hihtsíhqaʔbem but I could move it.

htsinh*   [-]   Cooccurrence: often with semelfactive and reflexive. Instr Verb Root. jump, give a start. compare: htsi*.

cuhtsinhci*   [cuhtsinhciw]  cu-, htsinh*. Verb. shake from being bumped (by car), felt through house.

hihtsinhcicʼ*   [hihtsinhciʔ]  hi-, htsinh*. Verb. jump. give a start.

muhtsinh*   [muhtsinʔ]  mu-, htsinh*. Verb. ground to shake (once). maʔkʼala ʔahsí· mubacʼba ʔama· muhtsínhciy when thunder booms (claps) hard, the ground shakes. muhtsínhci (to person, drop something heavy; to thunder, make) ground give a shake. maʔkʼalá muʔban ʔama· múhtsin when thunder is clapping the ground shakes. muhtsini D: Imperative. muhtsiná·tadu D: Durative (sev. places). compare: muhwe*.

pihtsinhci*   [pihtsinhciw]  pʰi-, htsinh*. Verb. (chair to) feel the blow; jiggle ground once from hitting with a big stick. kʰe cumátʰma· moʔonʔli pihtsínhciwiye· to when my chair was struck I felt the blow. Example Variant: ... pihtsínhciye· to.

puhtsinh*   [puhtsinʔ]  pʰu-, htsinh*. Verb. shake from gust of wind; gusts of wind hit house and it is fell. compare: pohko*.

sʼinhcicʼ*   [sʼinhciʔ]  htsinh*. Verb. give a start, jump with a start. ʔama píšudu cahnocʼba to· ma sʼinhcicʼqawiy when you said something bad you surprised me, startled me (no jump here). sʼínhcicʼi D: Imperative. pʰala sʼínhcicʼi jump again! Example Variant: pʰalá hsʼinhcicʼi. sʼínhcicʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. sʼínciwa·tacʼmeʔ D: Durative, Plural Imperative. sʼínhcicʼe·du D: Durative.

ʔihtsinh*   [ʔihtinʔ]  htsinh*. Verb. jump with a start.

htulh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. (grease) spread, coat.

cihtulh*   [cihtúlʔ]  cʰi-, htulh*. Verb. (greasy substance) spread out. cihtúlhmaw oil, grease to spread out over surface of water, get butter spread over roof of mouth.

htʰa*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. finish quickly.

duhtʰa*   [duhtʰaw]  du-, htʰa*, du-, htʰa*. Verb. finish quickly, with the finger. duhtʰa ma ʔama· cicʼi·dal ʔ get through quick with what you are doing!

duhtʰa*   [duhtʰaw]  du-, htʰa*, du-, htʰa*. Verb. finish quickly, with the finger. duhtʰa ma ʔama· cicʼi·dal ʔ get through quick with what you are doing!

mahtʰa*   [mahtʰaw]  ma-2, htʰa*. Verb. get somewhere quick by walking.

qahtʰa*   [qahtʰaw]  qa-, htʰa*, qa-, htʰa*. Verb. finish eating fast.

qahtʰa*   [qahtʰaw]  qa-, htʰa*, qa-, htʰa*. Verb. finish eating fast.

htʰi*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. 1 • put many holes or tears into. synonyms: duhtʰihtʰic*, htʰo*, htʰi*, htʰo*.

2 • do to pieces. synonyms: duhtʰihtʰic*, htʰo*, htʰi*, htʰo*.

cahtʰihtʰic*   [cahtʰíhtʰiʔ]  ca-, htʰi*. Reduplicating Verb. 1 • cut (curtains) to pieces, cut to pieces with a knife.

2 • wear hole (in chair) by sitting, wear to pieces.

htʰihtʰi*   [-]  htʰi*. Instr Verb Root. do to pieces.

duhtʰihtʰic*   [duhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  du-, htʰihtʰi*, du-. Instr Verb Stem. poke (full of holes). kalikakʰ kʰe duhtʰíhtʰicʰmela I wore my book out (to pieces) handling it. synonyms: htʰo*, htʰi*, htʰi*.

hihtʰihtʰi*   [hihtʰihtʰiw]  htʰihtʰi*. Verb. shred (a piece of cloth). miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqʰ you must have shred your dress. miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqa· ma you must have shred your dress.

mahtʰihtʰic*   [mahtʰihtʰiʔ]  ma-2, htʰihtʰi*, ma-2. Verb. put many holes in the the feet. qʰama maqálmaʔ mahtʰíhtʰicʰmela· ya we wear out the rug walking on it. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰohtʰoc*, mahcʰohcʰoc*.

muhtʰihtʰic*   [muhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  mu-, htʰihtʰi*, mu-. Instr Verb Stem. burn holes through something here and there. šihmi wi muhtʰíhticʰqay with a gun he shot many holes.

šahtʰihtʰic*   [šahtʰihtʰiʔ]  ša-, htʰihtʰi*, ša-. Instr Verb Stem. stab to pieces. ʔacaʔ be· šahtʰíhtʰicʰ mu ʔdo I heard people stabbed each other here (all over).

šuhtʰihtʰic*   [šuhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  šu-, htʰihtʰi*, šu-. Instr Verb Stem. tear to pieces (cloth, paper).

htʰihtʰi*   [-]  htʰi*. Instr Verb Root. do to pieces.

duhtʰihtʰic*   [duhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  du-, htʰihtʰi*, du-. Instr Verb Stem. poke (full of holes). kalikakʰ kʰe duhtʰíhtʰicʰmela I wore my book out (to pieces) handling it. synonyms: htʰo*, htʰi*, htʰi*.

hihtʰihtʰi*   [hihtʰihtʰiw]  htʰihtʰi*. Verb. shred (a piece of cloth). miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqʰ you must have shred your dress. miʔkʰe taqʰma hihtʰíhtʰicʰqaqa· ma you must have shred your dress.

mahtʰihtʰic*   [mahtʰihtʰiʔ]  ma-2, htʰihtʰi*, ma-2. Verb. put many holes in the the feet. qʰama maqálmaʔ mahtʰíhtʰicʰmela· ya we wear out the rug walking on it. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰohtʰoc*, mahcʰohcʰoc*.

muhtʰihtʰic*   [muhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  mu-, htʰihtʰi*, mu-. Instr Verb Stem. burn holes through something here and there. šihmi wi muhtʰíhticʰqay with a gun he shot many holes.

šahtʰihtʰic*   [šahtʰihtʰiʔ]  ša-, htʰihtʰi*, ša-. Instr Verb Stem. stab to pieces. ʔacaʔ be· šahtʰíhtʰicʰ mu ʔdo I heard people stabbed each other here (all over).

šuhtʰihtʰic*   [šuhtʰíhtʰiʔ]  šu-, htʰihtʰi*, šu-. Instr Verb Stem. tear to pieces (cloth, paper).

htʰin*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fail to reach goal.

muhtʰin*   [muhtʰinʔ]  mu-, htʰin*, mu-, htʰin*. Verb. fail to reach a goal. muhtʰini·biʔ to fail to go. muhtʰínʔciʔ

muhtʰin*   [muhtʰinʔ]  mu-, htʰin*, mu-, htʰin*. Verb. fail to reach a goal. muhtʰini·biʔ to fail to go. muhtʰínʔciʔ

htʰit*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. be barely visible.

pihtʰit*   [pihtʰiʔ]  pʰi-, htʰit*, pʰi-, htʰit*. Verb. be barely visible. pihtʰitʰciw to barely see in dusk or from going blind.

pihtʰit*   [pihtʰiʔ]  pʰi-, htʰit*, pʰi-, htʰit*. Verb. be barely visible. pihtʰitʰciw to barely see in dusk or from going blind.

htʰo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. put many holes into. synonyms: duhtʰihtʰic*, htʰi*, htʰi*, htʰi*, htʰi*.

htʰohtʰo*   [-]  htʰo*. Instr Verb Root. put many holes into.

dohtʰohtʰoc*   [dohtʰohtʰoʔ]  du-, htʰohtʰo*. Instr Verb Stem. poke many holes in using fingers. cohšo wí dohtʰóhtʰocʼba mu ʔimo kúʔmeʔ cicʼqaw by poking with fingers he made it full of holes.

mahtʰohtʰoc*   [mahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  ma-2, htʰohtʰo*, ma-2. Verb. burn holes. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰihtʰic*, mahcʰohcʰoc*.

pahtʰohtʰoc*   [pahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  pʰa-, htʰohtʰo*, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. puncture all over, as a needle into paper.

qahtʰohtʰoc*   [qahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  qa-, htʰohtʰo*, qa-. Instr Verb Stem. (mice) nibble holes or pieces off.

htʰohtʰo*   [-]  htʰo*. Instr Verb Root. put many holes into.

dohtʰohtʰoc*   [dohtʰohtʰoʔ]  du-, htʰohtʰo*. Instr Verb Stem. poke many holes in using fingers. cohšo wí dohtʰóhtʰocʼba mu ʔimo kúʔmeʔ cicʼqaw by poking with fingers he made it full of holes.

mahtʰohtʰoc*   [mahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  ma-2, htʰohtʰo*, ma-2. Verb. burn holes. compare: mahpʰihpʰic*, mahtʰihtʰic*, mahcʰohcʰoc*.

pahtʰohtʰoc*   [pahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  pʰa-, htʰohtʰo*, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. puncture all over, as a needle into paper.

qahtʰohtʰoc*   [qahtʰóhtʰoʔ]  qa-, htʰohtʰo*, qa-. Instr Verb Stem. (mice) nibble holes or pieces off.

htʰunh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. not quite do.

bahtʰunh*   [bahtʰunʔ]  ba-, htʰunh*. Verb. refrain from saying, hold back, fail to say. cahno bahtʰunhciʔye· ma you didn’t quite say it. (not finish or use wrong word).

dahtʰunh*   [dahtʰunʔ]  da-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite touch with the hand; not quite press on with the hand. dahtʰunhciʔ I didn’t quite touch it (too far for me to press on). datʰunʔtacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. compare: dadil*.

dihtʰunh*   [dihtʰunʔ]  di-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite reach after falling. qʰale ʔahca tolhqʰaʔ cʰabina ʔnati dihtʰunhciʔ the tree must have fallen towards the house but didn’t reach it. Example Variant: didulciʔ ~ didilciʔ.

hahtʰunh*   [hahtʰunʔ]  ha-, htʰunh*. Verb. show off, wave arms. hahtʰúnciʔ show off, wave arms.

muhtʰunh*   [muhtʰunʔ]  mu-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite do, with heat. ho to· muhtʰúnhcicʼwiye· to I couldn’t go forward anymore (way blocked or tired).

pihtʰunh*   [pihtʰunʔ]  pʰi-, htʰunh*. Verb. not quite do, with the side of a long object, the eyes, an ax, a hammer; not hit (axe too short or block too far away).

htʰut*1   [htʰut]  tʰut*.

htʰut*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break apart something brittle.

cuhtʰut*   [cuhtʰuʔ]  cu-, htʰut*2, cu-, htʰut*2. Verb. break off by rubbing. cuhtʰuhtʰuw to knock off kernels (of corn by rubbing ears together). Example Variant: cuhṭʰúhṭʰuw. ké·su mul cuhtʰúhtʰuci cut the cheese to pieces with knife! apple, tomato cuhtʰuhtuci sounds like it’s mealy and crumbles.

cuhtʰut*   [cuhtʰuʔ]  cu-, htʰut*2, cu-, htʰut*2. Verb. break off by rubbing. cuhtʰuhtʰuw to knock off kernels (of corn by rubbing ears together). Example Variant: cuhṭʰúhṭʰuw. ké·su mul cuhtʰúhtʰuci cut the cheese to pieces with knife! apple, tomato cuhtʰuhtuci sounds like it’s mealy and crumbles.

duhtʰut*   [duhtʰuʔ]  du-, htʰut*2, du-, htʰut*2. Verb. break apart something brittle using fingers. duhtʰúhtʰuw to rub kernels off. mul kaye·ta duhtʰúhtʰuci crush that cracker!

duhtʰut*   [duhtʰuʔ]  du-, htʰut*2, du-, htʰut*2. Verb. break apart something brittle using fingers. duhtʰúhtʰuw to rub kernels off. mul kaye·ta duhtʰúhtʰuci crush that cracker!

hṭa*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. strike ?

pihṭa*   [-]  pʰi-, hṭa*. Cooccurrence: only reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. strike.

pihṭahṭa*   [pihṭahṭaw]  pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on wood.

pihṭapihṭa*   [pihṭapihṭaw]  , pihṭa*. Reduplicating Verb. strike many times ? synonyms: pihkopihko*.

hṭanṭala*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fade.

cahṭanṭala*   [cahṭanṭalaw]  ca-, hṭanṭala*, ca-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. worn out, faded, by sitting, e.g. faded corduroys. cahṭánṭalata·du D: Durative. ʔaná· sili wi šokonʔwánʔbina ma miʔkʰe táhtala· cahṭánṭalacʰqʰ you must have been sitting around on your rear a lot; the seat of your pants has the color worn away.

cahṭanṭala*   [cahṭanṭalaw]  ca-, hṭanṭala*, ca-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. worn out, faded, by sitting, e.g. faded corduroys. cahṭánṭalata·du D: Durative. ʔaná· sili wi šokonʔwánʔbina ma miʔkʰe táhtala· cahṭánṭalacʰqʰ you must have been sitting around on your rear a lot; the seat of your pants has the color worn away.

dahṭanṭalac*   [dahṭánṭalaʔ]  da-, hṭanṭala*, da-. Instr Verb Stem. fade from washing. dahṭánṭalaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dahṭánṭalawa·du to fade (several).

hihṭanṭala*   [hihṭanṭalaw]  hi-, hṭanṭala*, hi-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. body fade, wear out. hihṭanṭalaʔ to fade by wearing. muhṭánṭalaʔ to fade in sunlight. ʔaná· to qʼoʔdi caʔtʰu – pʰihṭánṭalacʼkʰe tʰi(´)n e to· ma ʔ. (pʰihṭánṭala·sʼuwe to· ma ʔ.) don’t look at me so much; you can’t wear me out by looking. (you might wear me out by looking.)

hihṭanṭala*   [hihṭanṭalaw]  hi-, hṭanṭala*, hi-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. body fade, wear out. hihṭanṭalaʔ to fade by wearing. muhṭánṭalaʔ to fade in sunlight. ʔaná· to qʼoʔdi caʔtʰu – pʰihṭánṭalacʼkʰe tʰi(´)n e to· ma ʔ. (pʰihṭánṭala·sʼuwe to· ma ʔ.) don’t look at me so much; you can’t wear me out by looking. (you might wear me out by looking.)

šahṭanṭala*   [šahṭanṭalaw]  ša-, hṭanṭala*, ša-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. (color) fade from shaking (cloth). ʔaná· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa šohpʰóhpʰotʰu; ʔul ma šahṭanṭala·ya ʔ don’t shake your clothes so much; already you have shaken out some color (it looks old even without wearing it).

šahṭanṭala*   [šahṭanṭalaw]  ša-, hṭanṭala*, ša-, hṭanṭala*. Verb. (color) fade from shaking (cloth). ʔaná· miʔkʰe kʼaṭa šohpʰóhpʰotʰu; ʔul ma šahṭanṭala·ya ʔ don’t shake your clothes so much; already you have shaken out some color (it looks old even without wearing it).

hṭekeye*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. face distorted.

bihṭekeye*   [bihṭekeyew]  bi-, hṭekeye*, bi-, hṭekeye*. Verb. face distorted, with the jaw jutting out and lips curled down (as if about to cry, possible). bihṭekéyeʔ D: Absolutive. Example Variant: bihṭekéyemʔ. bihṭekeyeyi·cʼi turn your mouth with jaw up and forward, lips in with outside corners down! compare: beʔṭʼe*, cuʔṭʼi.

bihṭekeye*   [bihṭekeyew]  bi-, hṭekeye*, bi-, hṭekeye*. Verb. face distorted, with the jaw jutting out and lips curled down (as if about to cry, possible). bihṭekéyeʔ D: Absolutive. Example Variant: bihṭekéyemʔ. bihṭekeyeyi·cʼi turn your mouth with jaw up and forward, lips in with outside corners down! compare: beʔṭʼe*, cuʔṭʼi.

qahṭakeye*   [qahṭakeyew]  qa-, hṭekeye*, qa-, hṭekeye*. Verb. face distorted. ʔacaʔ (haʔbo) qahṭekéyeyiʔ caw the person is sitting with corners of mouth down, jaw forward. qahṭekéyehtimʔ

qahṭakeye*   [qahṭakeyew]  qa-, hṭekeye*, qa-, hṭekeye*. Verb. face distorted. ʔacaʔ (haʔbo) qahṭekéyeyiʔ caw the person is sitting with corners of mouth down, jaw forward. qahṭekéyehtimʔ

hṭi*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. (be) bulk on long bare legs.

puhṭi*   [puhṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭi*1, pʰu-, hṭi*1. Variant: puhṭi. Verb. (be) bulk on long bare legs. puhṭibi·ci to get up on long legs. puhṭi·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. sʼihta ʔem puhṭimʔ bird is standing on long legs. puṭihtimʔ of several trees. qʰale šáhki puṭihtimʔ long-trunked trees are bare at bottom. synonyms: pihkihki*1, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki.

puhṭi*   [puhṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭi*1, pʰu-, hṭi*1. Variant: puhṭi. Verb. (be) bulk on long bare legs. puhṭibi·ci to get up on long legs. puhṭi·biʔ D: Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. sʼihta ʔem puhṭimʔ bird is standing on long legs. puṭihtimʔ of several trees. qʰale šáhki puṭihtimʔ long-trunked trees are bare at bottom. synonyms: pihkihki*1, hqo*2, pihke*, pihkem*, pihki.

hṭi*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. pound the ground.

hṭihṭi*   [-]  hṭi*2. Instr Verb Root. pound the ground.

bahṭihṭi*   [bahṭihṭiw]  ba-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound on the table.

dahṭihṭi*   [dahṭihṭiw]  da-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound with the palm of hand. dahṭihṭiw to pound (chair) several times with palm.

hahṭihṭi*   [hahṭihṭiw]  ha-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. kick the ground. ʔama· háhṭihṭiw to kick repeatedly the ground (not too long).

mahṭihṭi*   [mahṭihṭiw]  ma-2, hṭihṭi*. Verb. stamping.

muhṭihṭi*   [muhṭihṭiw]  mu-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. throwing something heavy repeatedly. ʔaná· baʔtʼile· ma ʔahca máhṭihṭiwem you are making too much noise stomping in the house.

pahṭihṭi*   [pahṭíhṭiw]  pʰa-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound several times with fist. synonyms: paṭimci*; compare: paṭipaṭi*.

puhṭihṭi*   [puhṭihṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭihṭi*. Variant: puhṭʰiṭʰiw. Verb. blow for extremely long time (no noise nec.); at top of trees while still at the bottom.

paṭimci*   [paṭimciw]  pʰa-, hṭi*2, pʰa-. Instr Verb Stem. pound once (chest, ground). synonyms: pahṭihṭi*.

hṭihṭi*   [-]  hṭi*2. Instr Verb Root. pound the ground.

bahṭihṭi*   [bahṭihṭiw]  ba-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound on the table.

dahṭihṭi*   [dahṭihṭiw]  da-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound with the palm of hand. dahṭihṭiw to pound (chair) several times with palm.

hahṭihṭi*   [hahṭihṭiw]  ha-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. kick the ground. ʔama· háhṭihṭiw to kick repeatedly the ground (not too long).

mahṭihṭi*   [mahṭihṭiw]  ma-2, hṭihṭi*. Verb. stamping.

muhṭihṭi*   [muhṭihṭiw]  mu-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. throwing something heavy repeatedly. ʔaná· baʔtʼile· ma ʔahca máhṭihṭiwem you are making too much noise stomping in the house.

pahṭihṭi*   [pahṭíhṭiw]  pʰa-, hṭihṭi*. Verb. pound several times with fist. synonyms: paṭimci*; compare: paṭipaṭi*.

puhṭihṭi*   [puhṭihṭiw]  pʰu-, hṭihṭi*. Variant: puhṭʰiṭʰiw. Verb. blow for extremely long time (no noise nec.); at top of trees while still at the bottom.

hṭilh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. hit, knock. compare: hkilh*.

hahṭilh*   [hahṭilʔ]  ha-, hṭilh*, ha-, hṭilh*. Verb. knock with the legs. haṭila·duʔ to knock someone over hard. bacʼo háhṭili kick (her) in the back! ʔahá·li háhṭili throw stick at an hit several times (can’t hold in hand).

hahṭilh*   [hahṭilʔ]  ha-, hṭilh*, ha-, hṭilh*. Verb. knock with the legs. haṭila·duʔ to knock someone over hard. bacʼo háhṭili kick (her) in the back! ʔahá·li háhṭili throw stick at an hit several times (can’t hold in hand).

muhṭilh*   [muhṭilʔ]  mu-, hṭilh*, mu-, hṭilh*. Verb. hit with rock (dropped or thrown or rolled) and chip a rock or a bank of dirt and break off piece of earth. qʰaʔbe wí muhṭilʔ (He) hit it with a rock. qʰaʔbe wí muhṭilé· mu·kinʔ D: He hit it with a rock (inferential). qʰaʔbe wí muṭílqawe mu·kinʔ he got someone to hit it with a rock. muhṭílhciw hit once. qʰaʔbe wi to muhṭilam he was hitting me with rocks. muhṭílciw to do once (not related to a sound). muhṭílqaw to get someone else to hit with thrown rocks or do by self with slingshot.

muhṭilh*   [muhṭilʔ]  mu-, hṭilh*, mu-, hṭilh*. Verb. hit with rock (dropped or thrown or rolled) and chip a rock or a bank of dirt and break off piece of earth. qʰaʔbe wí muhṭilʔ (He) hit it with a rock. qʰaʔbe wí muhṭilé· mu·kinʔ D: He hit it with a rock (inferential). qʰaʔbe wí muṭílqawe mu·kinʔ he got someone to hit it with a rock. muhṭílhciw hit once. qʰaʔbe wi to muhṭilam he was hitting me with rocks. muhṭílciw to do once (not related to a sound). muhṭílqaw to get someone else to hit with thrown rocks or do by self with slingshot.

hṭo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. strike.

dohṭo*   [dohṭow]  du-, hṭo*. Verb. strike.

dohṭodohṭo*   [dohṭodohṭow]  dohṭo*. Reduplicating Verb. knock (on a door). ciba· tʰin hohwa dohṭodoṭota·nʔ someone keeps knocking at the door. compare: dohkodohko*2.

dohṭohṭo*   [dohṭohṭow]  dohṭo*. Reduplicating Verb. knock with hand (on the door). hohwa dohṭohṭow knock on the door. synonyms: dohkohko*.

pihṭo*   [pihṭow]  pʰi-, hṭo*. Verb. strike repeatedly.

pihṭohṭo*   [pihṭohṭow]  pihṭo*. Reduplicating Verb. hammer on can. compare: ṭolom.

hṭonṭolo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wear away on the inside; make round hole in something soft (by twisting ?), ream out.

bahṭonṭolo*   [bahṭonṭolow]  ba-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wear away the inside of something using the mouth, beak. sʼihta yáʔ ya·pálka ʔel baṭolʔbina qʰamʔli bahṭónṭolocʰqʰ the bird must have pecked and pecked the apple, until it pecked everything out inside.

cahṭonṭolo*   [cahṭonṭolow]  ca-, hṭonṭolo*, ca-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. body get sore from sitting, laying too long; rear end get sore from moving while sitting. . cahqʰacáhqʰaba sili cáhṭonṭolocʰwiye· to sliding and sliding my rear got sore. ʔana· cáhti yo· cila míṭiba – šiʔba cáhtontolocʰwiye· to I lay in bed so long, my body got bed sores (any place). Example Variant: ... cáṭʼo·wiye·to.

cahṭonṭolo*   [cahṭonṭolow]  ca-, hṭonṭolo*, ca-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. body get sore from sitting, laying too long; rear end get sore from moving while sitting. . cahqʰacáhqʰaba sili cáhṭonṭolocʰwiye· to sliding and sliding my rear got sore. ʔana· cáhti yo· cila míṭiba – šiʔba cáhtontolocʰwiye· to I lay in bed so long, my body got bed sores (any place). Example Variant: ... cáṭʼo·wiye·to.

dohṭonṭolo*   [dohṭonṭolow]  du-, hṭonṭolo*, du-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wear away on the inside using fingers (or toes). dohṭónṭoloci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dohṭónṭolo D: Imperative. ya·pálka htʰoṭʼ ay el ma ṭʼi dóhṭonṭolowanqʰ you have gouged a round spot with your fingers in all the rotten apples. Mr. Óswalt ṭʼo sapa·tu mihṭónṭolowa·du tala·qʰ mr. Oswalt must be wearing shoes way too big that hurt the toes.

dohṭonṭolo*   [dohṭonṭolow]  du-, hṭonṭolo*, du-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wear away on the inside using fingers (or toes). dohṭónṭoloci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dohṭónṭolo D: Imperative. ya·pálka htʰoṭʼ ay el ma ṭʼi dóhṭonṭolowanqʰ you have gouged a round spot with your fingers in all the rotten apples. Mr. Óswalt ṭʼo sapa·tu mihṭónṭolowa·du tala·qʰ mr. Oswalt must be wearing shoes way too big that hurt the toes.

mohṭonṭolo*   [mohṭonṭolow]  mu-, hṭonṭolo*, mu-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wear away a hole inside with fire. musu· mohṭónṭolocʰqʰ the log is burned inside (big or little hole). musu· bahṭʰé ʔyowal mohṭóntolocʰqʰ the big log (or stump) is burned out inside, making a big hollow (or it can be a little hole). ciwa·lá· kʼaṭa dácʰulaʔ tol siwí·cal ʔihya wi pohṭónṭolowa·nʔ the shirts hanging on the clothesline are puffed up by the wind.

mohṭonṭolo*   [mohṭonṭolow]  mu-, hṭonṭolo*, mu-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wear away a hole inside with fire. musu· mohṭónṭolocʰqʰ the log is burned inside (big or little hole). musu· bahṭʰé ʔyowal mohṭóntolocʰqʰ the big log (or stump) is burned out inside, making a big hollow (or it can be a little hole). ciwa·lá· kʼaṭa dácʰulaʔ tol siwí·cal ʔihya wi pohṭónṭolowa·nʔ the shirts hanging on the clothesline are puffed up by the wind.

sihṭonṭolo*   [sihṭonṭolow]  si-, hṭonṭolo*, si-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wash out inside of something. ʔa šeʔéʔ sʼaʔsʼa bana·law íyowal ṭʼi síhṭonṭolocʰqa· ʔahqʰa wi the dirty pan (or something with hole in it) I threw in the water was all cleaned out inside by the water.

sihṭonṭolo*   [sihṭonṭolow]  si-, hṭonṭolo*, si-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. wash out inside of something. ʔa šeʔéʔ sʼaʔsʼa bana·law íyowal ṭʼi síhṭonṭolocʰqa· ʔahqʰa wi the dirty pan (or something with hole in it) I threw in the water was all cleaned out inside by the water.

šahṭonṭolo*   [šahṭonṭolow]  ša-, hṭonṭolo*, ša-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. rape. mu ṭa naṭa ʔíma·ta dacebina, šahṭónṭolocʼbina, šaʔqʼóʔdicʼbina, šaʔkʼubínaš, dané·bidom he must have caught the girl,, raped her, done it for good, finished her off, and abandoned her, so they say.

šahṭonṭolo*   [šahṭonṭolow]  ša-, hṭonṭolo*, ša-, hṭonṭolo*. Verb. rape. mu ṭa naṭa ʔíma·ta dacebina, šahṭónṭolocʼbina, šaʔqʼóʔdicʼbina, šaʔkʼubínaš, dané·bidom he must have caught the girl,, raped her, done it for good, finished her off, and abandoned her, so they say.

hṭoy*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. do a favor.

bahṭoy*   [bahṭoyʔ]  ba-, hṭoy*. Verb. comfort; do a favor; explain. ma báhṭo·ci you comfort! (one time). bahṭoyácʼmucʼmeʔ comfort e.o.; show e.o. how! bahṭoyá·du to cheer up, to comfort, to show someone how to do something with words. bahṭoyá·du to du·ciʔtʰela ʔa ʔ he told me how because I didn’t know how. bahṭoyánʔpʰi bahyehqa qaʔcʼaṭaʔ if he comforts him, he stops his crying.

dohṭoy*   [dohṭoyʔ]  du-, hṭoy*. Verb. do a favor, restricted to activities done with the fingers. dohṭoyá·du to (keep) do(ing) a favor; to do something for someone: pick up clothes, carry something for someone. dohṭó·ci do one favor. dohṭó·ciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. dohṭó·cimeʔ several do one favor. dohṭoyácʼmeʔ several do several favors. naṭá yya hca mito miʔkʰe kalikákʰ qaqʰamʔ dohṭoyá·cʼ your children are doing you a favor cutting your paper. compare: duyaʔta*.

pihṭoy*   [pihṭoyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭoy*. Verb. read (for someone) as a favor. ʔa· mito pihṭoyáʔte· maʔkʰe kalikákʰ cadu I will read for you as a favor. ʔacaʔ matʰí· yacol kalikakʰ pihṭoyáʔte· ʔa I will read the book for the blind man.

hṭulh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. coat.

bihṭulh*   [bihṭulʔ]  bi-, hṭulh*. Verb. coat lips, mouth (with a substance). maʔa ʔíhpʰuy ʔqʼo maʔaba ʔihpʰú· bihṭulamʔ tʼa·de· to haʔbo (ʔaha) when I ate greasy food my mouth (lips) felt greasy all over. Example Variant: ...bihṭulámwiye· to. ~ ...bihṭulhmawiye· to..

cihṭulh*   [cihṭúlʔ]  cʰi-, hṭulh*. Verb. (thick or greasy liquid) spread or coat a surface. cihṭúlhmaw to harden, of grease when cold. Example Variant: cihkúlhmaw. cihṭulamʔ to eat something greasy and mouth gets... cihṭulá·ma D: Imperative. cihṭulá·meʔ D: Plural Imperative. ʔihpʰú· cihṭulamʔ the grease hardened or spread on cold water. waṭáʔpʰa cihṭúlhmaqa· ʔahqʰa yow algae is all over (or through) the water. cihṭulhciw ʔcow to lie spread all over. ʔú·ṭʰo wi huʔú· cihṭúlhmawiye· to eye pus is covering my eyes. synonyms: cihkulhma*.

hṭʰa*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. unwind.

hṭʰahṭʰa*   [-]  hṭʰa*1. Instr Verb Root. unwind.

bahṭʰahṭʰa*   [bahṭʰahṭʰaw]  ba-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind with words. mensʼíʔkʰe hšicʰmacʼbaya bahṭʰáhṭʰacʰmela we said we were going to do it but changed our plans (unwound with words).

cuhṭʰahṭʰa*   [cuhṭʰahṭʰaw]  cu-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind with a massive object. ʔahqʰa wi cuhṭʰahṭʰaʔ (barrel bumping around on rocks) in the ocean breaks up.

duhṭʰahṭʰa*   [duhṭʰahṭʰaw]  du-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind, unscrew, destroy with the fingers. duhṭʰahṭʰaci unwind, destroy, unscrew with fingers.

mihṭʰahṭʰa*   [mihṭʰahṭʰaw]  mi-2, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by spinning. mihṭʰáhṭʰaʔ to unwind by spinning.

pihṭʰahṭʰa*   [pihṭʰahṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by striking. pihṭʰahṭʰaʔ to hit many times until breaks to pieces.

hṭʰa*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. unloose; open, turn loose.

bahṭʰa*   [bahṭʰaw]  ba-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. take apart anything. cahno ṭʰáʔbamʔ ṭʼi báhṭʰa explain all the words there are. ʔacaʔ mul cʰóhqacʼba, cahno báhṭʰamela when I scolded that man, I opened up the words. cahnó·du cahnó·du cahno ti· ṭʼanʔqa· ṭʼi bahṭʰaw he talked and talked and said all the things he wanted to say ("opened up"). (perhaps "let loose torrent of words").

bihṭʰa*   [bihṭʰaw]  bi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. lift up heavy manhole cover.

cahṭʰa*   [cahṭʰaw]  ca-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. unloose with a knife. maʔa há·ro wi cahṭʰa open the canned food.

cihṭʰa*   [cihṭʰáw]  cʰi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. open with instrument.

cuhṭʰa*   [cuhṭʰaw]  cu-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. open, unloose with a rounded object or the front end. hóʔtʼo wi hohwa cuhṭʰa open the door with your head!; cuhṭʰatʰuʔ D: Negative. cuṭʰati D: Intentive.

dahṭʰa*   [dahṭʰaw]  da-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. unloose with the hand; open with the hand; uncover with the hand, paw. daṭʰaʔ to push open ("hence" probably). daṭʰa·qa D: Causative. daṭʰa·qa·duwá·du D: Durative. daṭʰahtʰuʔ D: Negative. daṭʰa·qáʔtʰuʔ D: Causative, Negative. daṭʰáhtaqa D: Causative, Imperative. daṭʰáhtahtʰuʔ D: Negative. daṭʰáhtaqa·du D: Durative, Causative. hayu yáʔ ti· ʔihya· danamyal dahṭʰay I saw the dog dig up the bone that he had buried.

dihṭʰa*   [dihṭʰaw]  di-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. open, unloose. diṭʰaʔ one or several door(s) to open by itself.

duhṭʰa*   [duhṭʰaw]  Lit: He unbuttoned that shirt. du-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. turn on radio or light switch. duṭʰaʔ to unbutton. duṭʰati D: Intentive. duṭʰahtʰuʔ D: Negative. duṭʰata·du D: Durative. duṭʰatácʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. mul ciwala· woto·n duṭʰatíʔye· mu I see he has loosened that shirt button.

hahṭʰa*   [hahṭʰaw]  ha-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down (house); tear open (corral). maʔca háhṭʰaw D: Absolutive. haṭʰati D: Intentive. hahṭʰa D: Imperative. haṭʰadú·yicʼmela I pushed off with feet from myself (a blanket). Example Variant: maṭʼucʼmela..

hihṭʰa*   [hihṭʰaw]  hi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. door to open by itself or button to come unbuttomed by itself. hóhwa hihṭʰay the door opened by itself. woto·n hihṭʰayé· to the button came unbuttoned, (also of shoelace undone).

mahṭʰa*   [mahṭʰaw]  ma-2, hṭʰa*2. Verb. wear open, wear down, with the sole of the foot. sapa·tu mahṭʰaqá· ma miʔkʰe you have apparently worn your shoes open.

mihṭʰa*   [mihṭʰaw]  mi-2, hṭʰa*2. Verb. kick open. wenu míhšecʰqaba ʔilamo mihṭʰawiye ·to when I smelled the medicine (Bick’s) it opened my nose. Example Comment: variant was suggested, and accepted as equally good.. Example Variant: míhšecʰqa·li.

muhṭʰa*   [muhṭʰaw]  mu-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. become conscious, come to (not "wake up"); also means button to come open by itself of door to unlatch itself. muṭʰaʔ (pl.) (4-46); muhṭʰa D: Imperative. muhṭʰameʔ D: Plural Imperative. muhṭʰatʰuʔ D: Negative. muhṭʰáṭʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. muhṭʰací·du D: Durative.

pahṭʰa*   [pahṭʰaw]  pʰa-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. take apart, make into pieces, either by pounding with an instrument, or just disassembling. qʰaʔbe paṭʰa·li a rock pounder or something to crush rocks with . kʼaṭa pahṭʰaw to take apart old clothes (to make new or to use as pattern). má·kina pahṭʰaw to take apart an engine.

pihṭʰa*   [pihṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. tear down. ʔahca pihṭʰaw to tear down house anyway. ʔu·kulú·ta pihṭʰaw to tear down fence.

puhṭʰa*   [puhṭʰaw]  pʰu-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. blow open. puṭʰaw to blow open.

qahṭʰa*   [qahṭʰaw]  qa-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. open (bottle) with teeth.

sihṭʰa*   [sihṭʰaw]  si-, hṭʰa*2. Verb. pour water in paper bag so it tears open.

šuhṭʰa*   [šuhṭʰaw]  šu-, hṭʰa*2. Variant: šuṭʰa*. Verb. pull open (door); pull (light switch chain); turn on (gas). stú·fa šuhṭʰa turn on the stove! gás šuhṭʰa turn on the gas! ʔoho šúhṭʰa turn on the light (or electricity or fire)! bihše šúhṭʰa· meʔ open-deer season. antonym: šuʔpʼanh*.

hṭʰahṭʰa*   [-]  hṭʰa*1. Instr Verb Root. unwind.

bahṭʰahṭʰa*   [bahṭʰahṭʰaw]  ba-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind with words. mensʼíʔkʰe hšicʰmacʼbaya bahṭʰáhṭʰacʰmela we said we were going to do it but changed our plans (unwound with words).

cuhṭʰahṭʰa*   [cuhṭʰahṭʰaw]  cu-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind with a massive object. ʔahqʰa wi cuhṭʰahṭʰaʔ (barrel bumping around on rocks) in the ocean breaks up.

duhṭʰahṭʰa*   [duhṭʰahṭʰaw]  du-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind, unscrew, destroy with the fingers. duhṭʰahṭʰaci unwind, destroy, unscrew with fingers.

mihṭʰahṭʰa*   [mihṭʰahṭʰaw]  mi-2, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by spinning. mihṭʰáhṭʰaʔ to unwind by spinning.

pihṭʰahṭʰa*   [pihṭʰahṭʰaw]  pʰi-, hṭʰahṭʰa*. Verb. unwind by striking. pihṭʰahṭʰaʔ to hit many times until breaks to pieces.

hṭʰe   [hṭʰe]  ʔihṭʰe.

hṭʰe*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. spread out, flare. synonyms: ṭʰe·š*; compare: ṭʰe*, *hṭʰeyʔ a4205e11-9f08-4b6b-b9c1-b9c1f9a31090, ṭʰe·*, ṭʰe·l*, ṭʰe·š*.

cahṭʰe*   [cahṭʰew]  ca-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out the the rear end. ciba·tʰin milu· cumacá·labina cahṭʰe cácʼo·qʰ someone must have sat down in that (plastic wastebasket) and spread its mouth.

cihṭʰe   [cihṭʰe´]  cʰi-, hṭʰe*1. Adjective. flared, spread out from an attached point. hasʼiʔda cihṭʰe lower lip hanging down, upper lip flared up. Example Variant: cuhṭʰe.

cuhṭʰe*   [cuhṭʰéw]  cu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. (round object) spread out, flare; potentially to spread on just one side. cúhṭʰe flare out! cuhṭʰe·du flared thing moving along or coming. qʼoʔo cáhnohqa· cuhṭʰe ʔel cuhṭʰenʔqaw bringing a trumpet (a flared instrument). Example Comment: the prefix and root repeat a description of the object and are not necessary to the English translation. be·li koci·na yaʔ cuhṭʰéhṭʰeqʰ the pig has been rooting around here. compare: cuhṭʰehṭʰe*.

cuhṭʰe   [cuhṭʰew]  cuhṭʰe*. Adjective. flared, spread out (like a bugle). hasʼiʔda cuhṭʰe like pig with lips close together like a bud.

haʔa cuhṭʰe   [haʔa cúhṭʰe]  Lit: flared horn cuhṭʰe. Noun. bugle.

ʔila cuhṭʰe   [ʔila cuhṭʰe]  ʔila, cuhṭʰe. Noun. snout (of pig).

dihṭʰe*   [dihṭʰew]  di-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out by gravity; fall open like a collar. hasʼiʔda dihṭʰe falling.

duhṭʰe*   [duhṭʰew]  du-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. made spread with fingers. wará·ha duhṭʰe biʔdimʔ holding cards spread.

hahṭʰe*   [hahṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out parts of body. ʔiša· hahṭʰe spread wings (as chickens on a hot day).

muhṭʰe*   [muhṭʰew]  mu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out quickly, suddenly. cibaʔkʰe tʰin pisomʔ muhṭʰe cóhtow someone’s umbrella is standing open.

pihṭʰe*   [pihṭʰew]  pʰi-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. open shirt or paper (not box). ciwalá· pihṭʰe open shirt (at collar), open-necked spread collar. pihṭʰe·du to walk around with open shirt.

puhṭʰe*   [puhṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out, flare. taqʰma puhṭʰe flared skirt, dress (it swings out when turning). Example Variant: taqʰma sihṭʰe. wentá·na kʼaṭa puhṭʰe drapes, curtains spread. kapu·ta puhṭʰe coat open all the way down, to take off.

sihṭʰe*   [sihṭʰew]  si-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out with water. sʼihta batʰé· cahtacʼba, ʔama tól sihṭʰe·ciy many birds flew along and landed on the ground all together.

šuhṭʰe*   [šuhṭʰew]  šu-, hṭʰe*1. Verb. spread out by pushing and pulling. šuli·máʔli miʔkʰe šuhṭʰe šócʼo make your fan spread out! šuhṭʰew to open book (once). šuhṭʰewá·du to turn pages of book one by one.

hṭʰe*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. flap, flip.

hṭʰehṭʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*2. Instr Verb Root. flip over.

cihṭʰehṭʰe*   [cihṭʰéhṭʰew]  cʰi-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. flip over with a handle. mu·kinʔ kalikákʰ cihṭʰéhṭʰew he flipped over the papers pushing one at a time with a pencil.

cuhṭʰehṭʰe*   [cuhṭʰéhṭʰew]  cu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. root up (of pig). compare: cuhṭʰe*.

dahṭʰehṭʰe*   [dahṭʰehṭʰew]  da-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. spread out with the hand (like prunes for drying). kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dahṭʰéhṭʰe spread your papers out with palm, several with one or few movements! Example Comment: @+. kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dahṭʰedáhṭʰe keep on spreading with quick movements! kalikakʰ miʔkʰe daṭʰe spread your papers in one movement!

duhṭʰehṭʰe*   [duhṭʰéhṭʰew]  du-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. flip over stack of papers one at a time with fingers.

hahṭʰehṭʰe*   [hahṭʰéhṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. (birds) flutter wings. kayi·na yaʔ hahṭʰehahṭʰew chickens are flapping their wings.

puhṭʰehṭʰe*   [puhṭʰehṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. one cloth to flap in breeze. puhṭʰepúhṭʰemʔ clothes to flap on line in the breeze. puhṭʰéhṭʰemʔ several (many) clothes to flap here and there. puhṭʰéhṭʰemmeʔ (imp. pl.); puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill the lips. haʔba wí puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill with tongue (tongue is /ha·ba/; snout is /haʔbo/). Example Variant: haʔba púṭʰeṭʰemqaw. puṭʰeṭʰé· ma D: Imperative. puṭʰeṭʰémmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭaqʰma míʔkʰe ʔaná· puhṭʰepuhṭʰew your dress is really flapping in the wind. Example Variant: ...puhṭʰéhṭʰew.

hṭʰe*3   [-]   Variant: tʰe*. \Kinship Noun. mother (formal).

mahṭʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*3. Kinship Noun. his, her, their own mother.

mahṭʰe   [mahṭʰe]  mahṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. his, her, or their own mother.

mahṭʰel   [mahṭʰel]  mahṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his own mother.

mahṭʰeyi   [mahṭʰeyi]  mahṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. he and his own mother.

mahṭʰeʔkʰe   [mahṭʰeʔkʰe]  mahṭʰe*. 1 • Kinship Noun. for his own mother.

2 • Noun. his own mother's.

mahṭʰeʔna   [mahṭʰeʔna]  mahṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his own mother is.

2 • at his own mother's place.

mihṭʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*3. Kinship Noun. your mother.

mihṭʰe   [mihṭʰe]  mihṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. your mother.

mihṭʰel   [mihṭʰel]  mihṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) your mother.

mihṭʰeyi   [mihṭʰeyí]  mihṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. you and your mother.

mihṭʰeʔkʰe   [mihṭʰeʔkʰe]  mihṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. for your mother.

mihṭʰeʔna   [mihṭʰeʔna]  mihṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where your mother is.

2 • at your mother's place.

miya·ṭʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*3. Kinship Noun. his mother.

cohšo miya·ṭʰe   [cohšo míya·ṭʰe]  Lit: hand mother cohšo, miya·ṭʰe*. Noun. thumb.

cohšo miya·ṭʰe sama·   [cohšo míya·ṭʰe sama·]  Lit: next to thumb cohšo miya·ṭʰe, sama·. Noun. index finger. cohšo miya·ṭʰe sama· cohšo ʔbamʔ index finger.

miya·ṭʰe   [miyá·ṭʰe]  miya·ṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. his, her or their mother.

miya·ṭʰel   [miya·ṭʰel]  miya·ṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) his mother.

miya·ṭʰeʔkʰe   [miya·ṭʰeʔkʰe]  miya·ṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • for his mother.

2 • his mother's.

miya·ṭʰeʔna   [miya·ṭʰeʔna]  miya·ṭʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where his mother is.

2 • at his mother's place.

te·tʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*3. Kinship Noun. my or our mother (informal).

te·tʰe   [té·tʰe]  te·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. Mom! (informal).

te·tʰenʔ   [te·tʰenʔ]  te·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. my or our mother (informal).

te·tʰenʔkʰe   [te·tʰenʔkʰe]  te·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. for my mother.

te·tʰeto   [te·tʰeto]  te·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my mother.

te·tʰetoʔna   [te·tʰetoʔna]  te·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my mother is.

2 • at my mother's place.

ʔa·tʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*3. Kinship Noun. my or our mother (formal).

ʔa·tʰe   [ʔá·tʰe]  ʔa·tʰe*. Variant: ʔa·ṭʰe. Kinship Noun. Mother!

ʔa·tʰenʔ   [ʔa·tʰénʔ]  ʔa·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. my or our mother (formal).

ʔa·tʰenʔkʰe   [ʔa·tʰenʔkʰe]  ʔa·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • for my or mother (formal).

2 • 1.Poss mother Poss.

ʔa·tʰeto   [ʔa·tʰeto]  ʔa·tʰe*. Variant: ʔa·ṭʰeto. Kinship Noun. (of, to) my or our mother (formal).

ʔa·tʰetoʔna   [ʔa·tʰetoʔna]  ʔa·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. 1 • where my or our mother is (formal).

2 • at my, our mother's place.

ʔa·tʰeyi   [ʔa·tʰeyi]  ʔa·tʰe*. Kinship Noun. my mother and I or we (formal).

hṭʰehṭʰe*   [-]  hṭʰe*2. Instr Verb Root. flip over.

cihṭʰehṭʰe*   [cihṭʰéhṭʰew]  cʰi-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. flip over with a handle. mu·kinʔ kalikákʰ cihṭʰéhṭʰew he flipped over the papers pushing one at a time with a pencil.

cuhṭʰehṭʰe*   [cuhṭʰéhṭʰew]  cu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. root up (of pig). compare: cuhṭʰe*.

dahṭʰehṭʰe*   [dahṭʰehṭʰew]  da-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. spread out with the hand (like prunes for drying). kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dahṭʰéhṭʰe spread your papers out with palm, several with one or few movements! Example Comment: @+. kalikakʰ miʔkʰe dahṭʰedáhṭʰe keep on spreading with quick movements! kalikakʰ miʔkʰe daṭʰe spread your papers in one movement!

duhṭʰehṭʰe*   [duhṭʰéhṭʰew]  du-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. flip over stack of papers one at a time with fingers.

hahṭʰehṭʰe*   [hahṭʰéhṭʰew]  ha-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. (birds) flutter wings. kayi·na yaʔ hahṭʰehahṭʰew chickens are flapping their wings.

puhṭʰehṭʰe*   [puhṭʰehṭʰew]  pʰu-, hṭʰehṭʰe*. Verb. one cloth to flap in breeze. puhṭʰepúhṭʰemʔ clothes to flap on line in the breeze. puhṭʰéhṭʰemʔ several (many) clothes to flap here and there. puhṭʰéhṭʰemmeʔ (imp. pl.); puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill the lips. haʔba wí puṭʰeṭʰemʔ to trill with tongue (tongue is /ha·ba/; snout is /haʔbo/). Example Variant: haʔba púṭʰeṭʰemqaw. puṭʰeṭʰé· ma D: Imperative. puṭʰeṭʰémmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭaqʰma míʔkʰe ʔaná· puhṭʰepuhṭʰew your dress is really flapping in the wind. Example Variant: ...puhṭʰéhṭʰew.

hṭʰeyʔ*1   [-]  compare: ṭʰe*, hṭʰe*1, ṭʰe·*, ṭʰe·l*, ṭʰe·š*. Cooccurrence: with Directional suffixes. Variant: ṭʰehy*. Instr Verb Root. spread.

dihṭʰeyʔ*   [-]  di-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: diṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by gravity.

dihṭʰeyad*   [dihṭʰeyadu]  dihṭʰeyʔ*. Verb. spread along by gravity [?]

dihṭʰeyʔma*   [dihṭʰéyʔmaw]  dihṭʰeyʔ*. Verb. spread out on a surface due to gravity; hang down spread out.

mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw  mihya, dihṭʰeyʔma*. [mihya díhṭʰeyʔmaw]   Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw.

dihṭʰeyʔmad*   [dihṭʰéyʔmadu]  dihṭʰeyʔ*, -mad. Verb. spread out by lying on; lie on something and crush it down to a bed.

hihṭʰeyʔ*   [hihṭʰeyʔ]  hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: hiṭʰehy*. Verb. spread, press with the body. miṭiʔ hihṭʰeyʔ maducʼba having lain on and pressed (tules) into a bed.

hihṭʰeyʔ*   [hihṭʰeyʔ]  hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, hi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: hiṭʰehy*. Verb. spread, press with the body. miṭiʔ hihṭʰeyʔ maducʼba having lain on and pressed (tules) into a bed.

hṭʰeyʔ*2   [ṭʰéyʔ]  Ø-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Verb. spread by unspecified means. ṭʰeyá·yiʔ to spread on self. hó·tow ṭʰeyá·yiʔ apron or other item tied across one's front (such as towel). ṭʰeyá·qa cover (less than /pihseya·qa/).

ṭʰeyay*   [ṭʰeyayʔ]  hṭʰeyʔ*2, -ay. Variant: ṭʰehyay*. Verb. wrap (someone else) in cloth, etc.; spread (apron) on somebody else or over the side of something. mu·kinʔ ma·daltol htʰeyayh he spread it on her. Example Variant: ...htʰeyahy.. compare: pihsey*, hseyaq*.

ṭʰeya·yicʼ*   [ṭʰeyá·yiʔ]  ṭʰeyay*. Variant: ṭʰehyayic̓*. Verb. wrap oneself in cloth, etc.; spread out (cloth) on oneself.

ṭʰeya·yicʼ   [ṭʰeya·yiʔ]  ṭʰeya·yicʼ*. Noun. sleeveless coat, a "wrap".

pihṭʰeyʔ*   [pihṭʰeyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: piṭʰehy*. Verb. spread with the end of a long object. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔciqʰ the cloth is flopped loose on the ground. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔmaqʰ D: (on something off the ground). kʼaṭa pihṭʰeyá·law D: (of curtain hanging down). haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay. that man hit him and made him fall spread out.

mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw   [mihya píhṭʰeyʔmaw]  Lit: spread at neck mihya, pihṭʰeyʔ*. Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw.

pihṭʰeyʔ*   [pihṭʰeyʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰi-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: piṭʰehy*. Verb. spread with the end of a long object. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔciqʰ the cloth is flopped loose on the ground. kʼaṭa pihṭʰéyʔmaqʰ D: (on something off the ground). kʼaṭa pihṭʰeyá·law D: (of curtain hanging down). haʔú ʔacacʼ em mu·kito pʰanémʔba, piṭʰe· néhqay. that man hit him and made him fall spread out.

mihya pihṭʰeyʔmaw   [mihya píhṭʰeyʔmaw]  Lit: spread at neck mihya, pihṭʰeyʔ*. Noun. collar. synonyms: mihya dihṭʰeyʔmaw.

puhṭʰeyʔ*   [puhṭʰeyʔ]  Lit: Make₃ˢ the window₁ curtain₂ hang₃ down₃ˢ spread₃! pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: puṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by blowing. wentá·na₁ duséhyaqoʔ₂ puhṭʰeyá·lahqa₃ hang the curtain over the window! Example Variant: pihṭʰeyá·lahqa₃..

puhṭʰeyʔ*   [puhṭʰeyʔ]  Lit: Make₃ˢ the window₁ curtain₂ hang₃ down₃ˢ spread₃! pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, pʰu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: puṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by blowing. wentá·na₁ duséhyaqoʔ₂ puhṭʰeyá·lahqa₃ hang the curtain over the window! Example Variant: pihṭʰeyá·lahqa₃..

sihṭʰeyʔ*   [sihṭʰeyʔ]  si-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, si-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: siṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by wetting. ʔima·ta yaʔ taqʰma síhṭʰe šaqaʔ ʔama tol cahci·li; sihṭʰeyá·du·y the woman wearing the flared dress sat down on the ground and it spread out.

sihṭʰeyʔ*   [sihṭʰeyʔ]  si-, hṭʰeyʔ*1, si-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: siṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by wetting. ʔima·ta yaʔ taqʰma síhṭʰe šaqaʔ ʔama tol cahci·li; sihṭʰeyá·du·y the woman wearing the flared dress sat down on the ground and it spread out.

šuhṭʰeyʔ*   [šuhṭʰéyʔ]  šu-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Variant: šuṭʰehy*. Verb. spread by pushing and pulling. šuhṭʰeyí·biʔ to uncover one. šuṭehyibiʔ to uncover several.

hṭʰeyʔ*2   [ṭʰéyʔ]  Ø-, hṭʰeyʔ*1. Verb. spread by unspecified means. ṭʰeyá·yiʔ to spread on self. hó·tow ṭʰeyá·yiʔ apron or other item tied across one's front (such as towel). ṭʰeyá·qa cover (less than /pihseya·qa/).

ṭʰeyay*   [ṭʰeyayʔ]  hṭʰeyʔ*2, -ay. Variant: ṭʰehyay*. Verb. wrap (someone else) in cloth, etc.; spread (apron) on somebody else or over the side of something. mu·kinʔ ma·daltol htʰeyayh he spread it on her. Example Variant: ...htʰeyahy.. compare: pihsey*, hseyaq*.

ṭʰeya·yicʼ*   [ṭʰeyá·yiʔ]  ṭʰeyay*. Variant: ṭʰehyayic̓*. Verb. wrap oneself in cloth, etc.; spread out (cloth) on oneself.

ṭʰeya·yicʼ   [ṭʰeya·yiʔ]  ṭʰeya·yicʼ*. Noun. sleeveless coat, a "wrap".

hṭʰi*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. spreadeagled.

pahṭʰi*   [pahṭʰiw]  pʰa-, hṭʰi*1, pʰa-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. step over something, put foot over; stand with legs spread out. pahṭʰi· tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs spread apart. qʰaʔbe (duwal) pahṭʰi step over the rock! ʔahqʰamo pahṭʰima step across the ditch! mul musu· pahṭʰi step over the log! paṭʰi·ci spread your legs (sideways or fore and aft)! paṭʰití·cʼi go with giant steps (knees may bend or not). synonyms: caʔqʰom*.

pahṭʰi*   [pahṭʰiw]  pʰa-, hṭʰi*1, pʰa-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. step over something, put foot over; stand with legs spread out. pahṭʰi· tʼetʰmaw to stand with legs spread apart. qʰaʔbe (duwal) pahṭʰi step over the rock! ʔahqʰamo pahṭʰima step across the ditch! mul musu· pahṭʰi step over the log! paṭʰi·ci spread your legs (sideways or fore and aft)! paṭʰití·cʼi go with giant steps (knees may bend or not). synonyms: caʔqʰom*.

šahṭʰi*   [šahṭʰiw]  ša-, hṭʰi*1. Verb. land with spread legs; hop (not necessarily on one leg). šaṭʰi·du to hop along. šaṭʰíhtaʔ D: Absolutive. šaṭʰi·duʔ to hop away. šaṭʰítacʼiʔ D: Plural, Semelfactive. šaṭʰidu·ci hop away. šaṭʰicí·du D: Durative. šahṭʰi D: Imperative. šaṭʰítʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. šaṭʰití·cʼi jump! (frog style). synonyms: šaʔcʰa*1, mihqoC*.

šahṭʰišahṭʰi   [šahṭʰišahṭʰiw]  , šahṭʰi*. Verb. hop in one place.

hṭʰi*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: always reduplicated. Instr Verb Root. do to extremes (in length of time), overdo.

bahṭʰihṭʰi*   [bahṭʰihṭʰiw]  ba-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. keeping asking the same question. bahṭʰíhṭʰiw to keep asking same question. Example Variant: bahlihliw. baṭʰibáṭʰita·du to be too inquisitive, ask too many questions. compare: bahlihli*, bahlibahli*.

cihṭʰihṭʰi*   [cihṭʰíhṭʰiw]  cʰi-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. keep digging, pecking around.

cuhṭʰihṭʰi*   [cuhṭʰíhṭʰiw]  cu-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. do to the extreme, overdo, using a rounded objecct. qʼohsa wi cuhṭʰíhṭʰiwe· to maʔu ʔacacʼ em this person keeps nudging me with the elbow overdoing it.

pihṭʰihṭʰi*   [pihṭʰíhṭʰiw]  pʰi-, hṭʰi*2. Variant: pihṭʰipiṭʰitad*. Reduplicating Verb. inspect well. pihṭʰipiṭʰita·du D: Durative. pihṭʰipiṭʰita·duhqal snooper, one who likes to look at things too much.

puhṭʰihṭʰi*   [puhṭʰíhṭʰiw]  pʰu-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. overdo, of blowing. mací hqʰowal ʔihya púhṭihṭiw the wind has been blowing all day long.

sihṭʰihṭʰi*   [sihṭʰíhṭʰiw]  si-, hṭʰi*2. Reduplicating Verb. overdo by wetting, licking. ice créam el ha·ba wi ṭʼi síhṭʰihṭʰi·y he licked and licked the ice cream with his tongue until it was all gone.

šahṭʰihṭʰi*   [šahṭʰíhṭʰiw]  ša-, hṭʰi*2. Variant: šaṭʰiṭʰi*. Reduplicating Verb. hop in one place.

hṭʰil*   [ṭʰilʔ]   Verb. stoop. ṭʰílci stoop. ṭʰíhlibicʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Directional "up" or Inceptive. pʰalá hṭʰilci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. pʰalá hṭʰili·cʼi stoop! ṭʰílmacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭʰílmawe· ʔa I am stooped. Example Variant: ṭʰílmawela· ʔa.. pʰalá ṭʰilmaw to remain stooped. Example Comment: (pʰalá) or (pʰaláh) ṭʰílma. ṭʰilibiʔ D: Locative, Absolutive, Directional "up" or Inceptive. ṭʰílmameʔ D: Plural Imperative. ṭʰíhlimmeʔ D: Locative, Plural Imperative. ṭʰila·du bé·liʔ D: Durative, Locative. ṭʰilá·duce·du to stoop and stay that way (any direction; not repeated action). ṭʰila·ducé·du to stoop this way and do more than once.

hṭʰinh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. correct, straighten. compare: kel*1, hkelh*, kel*1; synonyms: dakel*, pakel*, pakel*.

cahṭʰinh*   [cahṭʰinʔ]  ca-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. sit on to straighten out lumps. cahṭʰini D: Imperative. cahṭʰiná·tadu D: Durative.

dahṭʰinh*   [dahṭʰinʔ]  da-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. press firmly to ease pain or to straighten something out; massage with the hand on a person. dahṭʰini D: Imperative. dahṭʰiná·du D: Absolutive. dahṭʰínmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahṭʰínmameʔ (urging someone to correct all over); (sug.) daṭʰíntameʔ D: Plural Imperative. mu ʔa winatów dahṭʰinʔba, yuyucʰqaw when I pressed it firmly, I made it straight.

muhṭʰinh*   [muhṭʰinʔ]  mu-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. correct, straighten by fire. ʔahqʰa ʔóho wi šahku múhṭʰinqaʔteʔ I’ll soothe, make well my leg in hot water. Example Variant: ... puhṭʰinqaʔteʔ.

pihṭʰinh*   [pihṭʰinʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. straighten out (some little dent in fender) by hitting several times. pihṭʰiní mulʔ D: Absolutive. pihṭʰínmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. piṭʰíntameʔ D: Plural Imperative. mu·kínʔ pihṭʰin e· mu fénder he straightened the fender by hammering. karé·ta tol ʔbakʰe cawikʰ ʔoho wí ʔwa·ma muhṭʰinqan meʔ ʔul yowe· pihṭʰinaʔ (Blacksmith) first heated the iron (spring) from the wagon and then beat it straight. Example Variant: pikilaʔ.

sihṭʰinh*   [sihṭʰinʔ]  si-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. cure by sucking (doctoring word); straighten with tongue (not rain). mul mito balá· pelohwiyal sihṭʰiní·cʼi lick (or suck) that your blood oozing out to make well. synonyms: kel*1.

šuhṭʰinh*   [šuhṭʰinʔ]  šu-, hṭʰinh*. Verb. correct, straighten, by pulling; pull straight. šuhṭʰínhci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. šuhṭʰini pull straight (a wire or folded paper, but not a string).

hṭʰinhcʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. act as if know.

mohṭʰinhcʼed*   [mohṭʰínhcʼedu]  mu-, hṭʰinhcʼ*. Instr Verb Stem. act like person who acts like he knows everything but doesn'€™t, show off. mohṭʰínhcʼiwacmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. maʔu ʔacacʼ ému ṭʼi· máʔyul e· ʔama· mohṭʰínhcʼedu·cedu this man thinks he is the only one who know how to do things (and interferes with unsolicited advice on everything).

hṭʰo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. 1 • leak.

2 • run (of nose).

hṭʰohṭʰo*   [-]  hṭʰo*. Instr Verb Root. run.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

hṭʰohṭʰo*   [-]  hṭʰo*. Instr Verb Root. run.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

pohṭʰohṭʰo*   [pohṭʰohṭʰow]  pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*, pʰu-, hṭʰohṭʰo*. Verb. leak (of tub or nose). ʔilasu pohṭʰóhṭʰow nose is running. Example Variant: ʔilasú hwoqʰ.. pohṭʰopóhṭʰomʔ D: Absolutive. pohṭʰopóṭʰota·du D: Durative. ʔilamó bala· pohṭʰohṭʰow blood running from nose. Example Variant: poṭʰom. micʰaʔ pohṭʰohṭʰow sweat oozing lots out of skin.

hṭʰolh*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. wear through (make hole). -hṭʰolhmaw one to rub on something soft to make a hole. mihyaqʰama bahṭʰolʔmaʔti to clear (loosen up) the voice. compare: bo·l*, ṭu·š*, ʔcʼolh*1, hqʰolh*, ʔbo*6, bokʼ*; synonyms: hqʰolh*, ṭo·l*, qʰol*, tʰol*, qʰolo*, tʰolo*, bo·l*, kʼo·l*.

dahṭʰolaq   [dahṭʰolaʔ]  da-, hṭʰolh*, -aq1. Verb. force one's way through. dono tol ʔimo dahṭʰolahy in the mountain a tunnel was made through.

dahṭʰolhma*   [dahṭʰólhmaw]  da-, hṭʰolh*, -m2. Verb. force one's way through (brush); one to rub with hand to make hole. heʔe· dahṭʰólmaʔkʰetʰin he couldn’t force his way through the brush.

dohṭʰolh*   [dohṭʰolʔ]  du-, hṭʰolh*. Verb. wear through (make hole) with a finger. dohṭʰolhmaw one to rub with finger on something soft to make a hole; also used for boring hole with a drill. dohṭʰohlimʔ D: Semelfactive. dohṭʰólhmaw to make hole through. Example Variant: dohqʰolhmaw ~ doʔcʼolhmaw. doṭʰolhmaw might be only finger size, probably smaller than -hqʰolh-). dohṭʰólhma(tʰuʔ) D: Negative. dohṭʰólhmaci·du D: Durative. doṭʰóhlima·du D: Imperative. doṭʰóhlimtʰuʔ D: Negative. synonyms: dohqʰolh*, doʔcʼolhma*; compare: dohlohlo*.

pohṭʰolh*   [pohṭʰolʔ]  mu-, hṭʰolh*. Verb. wear through (make hole) by blowing or burning. kʼaṭa tol ʔoho wi ʔimo pohṭʰolhmaqʰ the fire burned a hole through the cloth. Example Variant: móhṭʰolhmaqʰ ~ pʰoʔcʼolhmaqʰ. ʔihya wi ʔahca tol ʔimo póhṭʰolhmaqʰ the wind blew a hole in the house. Example Variant: pʰoʔcʼolhmaqʰ. pohṭʰolqʰ several holes. pohṭʰoli D: Instrumental. pohṭʰólqa D: Causative. pohṭʰolá·tadu D: Durative. poṭʼohlimatadu D: Plural, Durative.

sihṭʰolh*   [sihṭʰolʔ]  si-, hṭʰolh*. Verb. wear through (make hole). by water: wetting, dissolving, slipping, floating, rain, tongue. sihṭʰólhmaw to penetrate, (rain) to go through (clothes). sihṭʰolʔ water to keep unplugging pipe you try to close and suck plug out of bottle. sihṭʰoli D: Instrumental. siṭʰóhlimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hṭʰonṭolo*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. ?? synonyms: mohtontolo*, htontolo*, hponpolo*, hponpolo*, htontolo*.

hṭʰoṭ*   [ṭʰoʔ]   Variant: ṭʰoṭa·tad*. Verb. rot. ṭʰoʔ rotten. ṭʰoṭʼínse· mu D: it must be rotten. □ṭʰo· ʔé· mu D: it's rotten. ṭʰoṭá·tadu D: Durative. ṭʰoṭi rot (to person)! pʰalá hṭʰoṭa·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Directional "down". pʰalá hṭʰoṭi rot again! ṭʰóhye· mu that is rotting. Example Variant: ṭʰóhye· mul.. ṭʰóhye· to I am rotting.

cuhni· ṭʰoṭ   [cuhni· ṭʰoʔ]  Lit: rotten bread cuhni·, hṭʰoṭ*. Noun. yeast. synonyms: cuhni· moboʔli.

hayhṭʰoṭ   [háyhṭʰoʔ]  ʔahay, hṭʰoṭ*. Noun. rotten log.

hṭʰoʔsʼoʔow   [ṭʰóʔsʼoʔow]  hṭʰoṭ*, sʼoʔo*. Noun. bad diarrhea.

hṭʰoʔsʼoʔow   [ṭʰóʔsʼoʔow]  hṭʰoṭ*, sʼoʔo*. Noun. bad diarrhea.

hṭʰuhṭʰu   [hṭʰuhṭʰu]  hṭʰuṭ*.

hṭʰuhṭʰu*   [-]  hṭʰuṭ*. Instr Verb Root. pieces come off of bigger object.

cuhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [cuhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  cu-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. rub ears of corn together and kernels fall off. ʔoho cúhṭʰuhṭalo·qʰ sparks coming out of (pipe). ...cuṭʰuhṭibi·cʰ (sparks) coming up from fire. lo·ló lto· ʔoho cúhṭʰucuhṭʰuw e· mu sparks are coming out of the pipe. ká·wa ʔél miʔkʰe ʔihya (ʔem) winató· cuhṭʰucuhṭʰuw the wind is really (blowing) sparks off your cigarette. Example Variant: puhṭʰupúhṭʰuw ~ puhṭʰúhṭʰuw.

duhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [duhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  du-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. scratch mud off wall, batter off cloth.

hahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [hahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ha-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. pieces come off larger object with a swingin motion. ʔoho háhṭʰuhṭʰuw to shake burning wood, knocking sparks off. kʼaṭa₁ lto·₂ (saʔsʼa) ʔino₃ háhṭʰuhṭʰu₄ from the clothes dust (dirt) shake out!

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

sihṭʰuhṭʰu*   [sihṭʰuhṭʰuw]  si-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. lick or rain to wash mud off board.

šahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [šahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ša-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. piece come of larger object, by a long object moving sideways. šiʔbaši sime ʔaqolay ʔin šahṭʰúhṭʰuw the animal having long fur is shedding.

hṭʰuṭ*   [-]   Variant: hṭʰuhṭʰu. Instr Verb Root. pieces come off of bigger object.

bihṭʰuhṭʰu*   [bihṭʰúhṭʰuw]  bi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Reduplicating Verb. be getting dry kernels (of corn) off with teeth. bihṭʰubíhṭʰuw (doing this faster).

cuhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [cuhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  cu-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. rub ears of corn together and kernels fall off. ʔoho cúhṭʰuhṭalo·qʰ sparks coming out of (pipe). ...cuṭʰuhṭibi·cʰ (sparks) coming up from fire. lo·ló lto· ʔoho cúhṭʰucuhṭʰuw e· mu sparks are coming out of the pipe. ká·wa ʔél miʔkʰe ʔihya (ʔem) winató· cuhṭʰucuhṭʰuw the wind is really (blowing) sparks off your cigarette. Example Variant: puhṭʰupúhṭʰuw ~ puhṭʰúhṭʰuw.

dihṭʰuṭ*   [dihṭʰuʔ]  di-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces fall off of a bigger object. dihṭʰúṭʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. Example Variant: diṭʰúṭʰciw.

duhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [duhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  du-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. scratch mud off wall, batter off cloth.

hahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [hahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ha-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. pieces come off larger object with a swingin motion. ʔoho háhṭʰuhṭʰuw to shake burning wood, knocking sparks off. kʼaṭa₁ lto·₂ (saʔsʼa) ʔino₃ háhṭʰuhṭʰu₄ from the clothes dust (dirt) shake out!

hṭʰuhṭʰu*   [-]  hṭʰuṭ*. Instr Verb Root. pieces come off of bigger object.

cuhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [cuhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  cu-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. rub ears of corn together and kernels fall off. ʔoho cúhṭʰuhṭalo·qʰ sparks coming out of (pipe). ...cuṭʰuhṭibi·cʰ (sparks) coming up from fire. lo·ló lto· ʔoho cúhṭʰucuhṭʰuw e· mu sparks are coming out of the pipe. ká·wa ʔél miʔkʰe ʔihya (ʔem) winató· cuhṭʰucuhṭʰuw the wind is really (blowing) sparks off your cigarette. Example Variant: puhṭʰupúhṭʰuw ~ puhṭʰúhṭʰuw.

duhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [duhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  du-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. scratch mud off wall, batter off cloth.

hahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [hahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ha-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. pieces come off larger object with a swingin motion. ʔoho háhṭʰuhṭʰuw to shake burning wood, knocking sparks off. kʼaṭa₁ lto·₂ (saʔsʼa) ʔino₃ háhṭʰuhṭʰu₄ from the clothes dust (dirt) shake out!

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

puhṭʰuhṭʰu*   [puhṭʰuhṭʰuw]  pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*, pʰu-, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Verb. pieces blowing off. ʔoho púhṭʰuhṭʰuw sparks blowing off. šihpʰa puhṭʰuhṭʰuw leaves fly up off fire.

sihṭʰuhṭʰu*   [sihṭʰuhṭʰuw]  si-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. lick or rain to wash mud off board.

šahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [šahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ša-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. piece come of larger object, by a long object moving sideways. šiʔbaši sime ʔaqolay ʔin šahṭʰúhṭʰuw the animal having long fur is shedding.

muhṭʰuṭ*   [muhṭʰuʔ]  mu-, hṭʰuṭ*, mu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. make sparks. muhṭʰúṭʰciw to throw and make spark.

muhṭʰuṭ*   [muhṭʰuʔ]  mu-, hṭʰuṭ*, mu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. make sparks. muhṭʰúṭʰciw to throw and make spark.

pahṭʰuṭ*   [pahṭʰuʔ]  pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off of bigger object with the end of a long object. ʔoho paṭʰuṭʰmaw spark from stirred fire to fall on something. ʔoho páṭʰuhṭaduʔ to hit burning stick on its end so that sparks fly off. páṭʰuṭa·duʔ one spark.

pahṭʰuṭ*   [pahṭʰuʔ]  pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰa-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off of bigger object with the end of a long object. ʔoho paṭʰuṭʰmaw spark from stirred fire to fall on something. ʔoho páṭʰuhṭaduʔ to hit burning stick on its end so that sparks fly off. páṭʰuṭa·duʔ one spark.

pihṭʰuṭ*   [pihṭʰuʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller object. píṭʰuhṭadu on side. píṭʰihṭaduʔ D: Durative. Example Variant: ṭʰuhṭaduʔ. píṭʰahṭaduʔ to hit harder, to pieces.

pihṭʰuṭ*   [pihṭʰuʔ]  pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰi-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. pieces come off larger object with the side of a smaller object. píṭʰuhṭadu on side. píṭʰihṭaduʔ D: Durative. Example Variant: ṭʰuhṭaduʔ. píṭʰahṭaduʔ to hit harder, to pieces.

puhṭʰuṭ*   [puhṭʰuʔ]  pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. wind to blow sparks from fire. pʰuṭʰúṭʰciw wind to blow sparks from fire.

puhṭʰuṭ*   [puhṭʰuʔ]  pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*, pʰu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. wind to blow sparks from fire. pʰuṭʰúṭʰciw wind to blow sparks from fire.

sihṭʰuhṭʰu*   [sihṭʰuhṭʰuw]  si-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. lick or rain to wash mud off board.

šahṭʰuhṭʰu*   [šahṭʰuhṭʰuw]  ša-, hṭʰuṭ*, hṭʰuhṭʰu*. Instr Verb Stem. piece come of larger object, by a long object moving sideways. šiʔbaši sime ʔaqolay ʔin šahṭʰúhṭʰuw the animal having long fur is shedding.

šuhṭʰuṭ*   [šuhṭʰuʔ]  šu-, hṭʰuṭ*, šu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. spark (as from striking rocks). šuṭʰúṭʰciw one spark as from striking rocks. šuṭʰuṭá·du·y sparks went off all over. qʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuhṭaduʔ shooting stars. qʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuṭa·duʔ one star. maʔkʼala ʔoho šúṭʰuhṭaduʔ the lightning is flashing. Example Variant: maʔkʼala ʔoho šuṭʰúhṭaduʔ. makʼalá ʔoho šuṭʰuhṭaduʔ D: Durative. ʔoho šúṭʰuṭʰmaye· to· tol a spark fell on me. šuṭʰuṭʰcihqamela· ʔa I made sparks by poking fire once.

šuhṭʰuṭ*   [šuhṭʰuʔ]  šu-, hṭʰuṭ*, šu-, hṭʰuṭ*. Verb. spark (as from striking rocks). šuṭʰúṭʰciw one spark as from striking rocks. šuṭʰuṭá·du·y sparks went off all over. qʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuhṭaduʔ shooting stars. qʰá·mosʼ šuṭʰuṭa·duʔ one star. maʔkʼala ʔoho šúṭʰuhṭaduʔ the lightning is flashing. Example Variant: maʔkʼala ʔoho šuṭʰúhṭaduʔ. makʼalá ʔoho šuṭʰuhṭaduʔ D: Durative. ʔoho šúṭʰuṭʰmaye· to· tol a spark fell on me. šuṭʰuṭʰcihqamela· ʔa I made sparks by poking fire once.

hu ú hu ú   [hu ú hu ú]  . Animate Mimetic. call of bullfrog.

hubaba   [hubabá]   Noun. a species of edible bulb. synonyms: hiʔbu, witʰic, bimu·, kʼoyoʔyo.

hucuma·tad*   [hucuma·tadu]  hucu·m*. Verb. struggle for air.

hucu·m*   [hucumʔ]   Variant: hucuma·tad*. Verb. struggle for air, gasp from smoke or water in the lungs. hosa wi hucumwiyé· to I was smothered by smoke. I was struggling to breathe from the smoke.

hucʼ*   [húʔ]   Verb. grow, get hard and big. you get that way if boy plays with madrone leaves like a girl. Usages note: not a regular word.

yoqo hucʼ   [yoqo hucʼ]  hucʼ*. Noun. baby song. yoqo hucʼ kʰe ʔe· mito

hude·d*   [hude·du]  de·*. Verb. applaud in the Indian way (by saying "ho"). hude·du to applaud, saying /ho/; to acclaim, applaud (not clapping but shouting appreciation for performance). baṭʰe·yi húde·du to applaud many times. hudedu·cedú·cedu D: Durative. hudenʔkʰe ʔéhni ma ʔa· mito duwi dí·cʼinʔpʰila are you going to say "ʔow" if I tell you a coyote story ? kumíʔdaʔ ṭa mu·kinʔ hudedu·cedám he always applauds. kumíʔdaʔ ṭa ma·caʔ hudecʼi·yicʼam they always applaud. compare: bade·d*.

huhc*   [huhciw]  hu·c*.

hųhhųhų·^hų hų   [hųhhųhų·^hų hų]  . Animate Mimetic. call of the great horned owl. compare: muhṭuṭu.

huhu·   [húhu·ˇ]   Variant: hu·hu·. Interjection. I don't know.

humciwaʔ   [humciwaʔ]   Place Name. Humchiwa.

huna·m*   [hunamʔ]   Verb. get in a predicament; get stuck so can’t go forward or back. huna·maʔ to get stuck so can’t go forward or back (not only from fear). hunama·cʼi D: Reflexive, Imperative. qʰale huna·maʔ stuck in a tree. qʰale huna·macʼwiye·to I was stuck in a tree. qʰale hunamqa· mito I see you’re stuck in the tree (you didn’t know it). synonyms: muʔcʼa*1.

hũʔhũ   [hũʔhũ]   Interjection. uh huh.

huʔkʼulu   [huʔkʼulu]   Noun. 1 • phlegm, thick mucus that is coughed up. huʔkʼuluw @ to cough up something. compare: kʼuʔles, ʔkʼulu*.

2 • sound of coughing up phlegm or breathing through phlegm in throat. huʔkʼulú dacew get a cough.

huʔkʼulu ʔkʼulu·*   [huʔkʼulu ʔkʼuluw]  huʔkʼulu, ʔkʼulu*. Verb. cough up phlegm. duwé hqowal huʔkʼulú ʔkʼuluwe· ma all night you've been coughing. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼulu D: Imperative. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼuluci·du D: Durative. huʔkʼulu ʔkʼulúʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼulu·tʰuʔ don’t cough up phlegm! huʔkʼulu ʔkʼuluw to cough up phlegm.

sohoyʔkʼulu*  Lit: !!porpoise phlegm; porpoise phlegm sohoy, huʔkʼulu. [sohóyʔkʼulu]   Noun. jellyfish.

huʔkʼulu ʔkʼulu·*   [huʔkʼulu ʔkʼuluw]  huʔkʼulu, ʔkʼulu*. Verb. cough up phlegm. duwé hqowal huʔkʼulú ʔkʼuluwe· ma all night you've been coughing. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼulu D: Imperative. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼuluci·du D: Durative. huʔkʼulu ʔkʼulúʔtʰuʔ D: Negative. huʔkʼulú ʔkʼulu·tʰuʔ don’t cough up phlegm! huʔkʼulu ʔkʼuluw to cough up phlegm.

huʔu   [huʔu]   Adverb. where, whereabouts (visible). compare: haʔbi, haʔbeṭi, haʔdi, haʔu, hiʔbi, mi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔdi, mul2, mu·, mu·ba*, haʔal, maʔbeṭi, heʔbeṭi2, hiʔbi, hiʔdi, haʔdi.

huʔuht*   [huʔuhtiw]  huʔut*, huʔut*. Verb. appear. hiʔdi meʔ tʰin maya duyamaʔtahpʰi kuʔmeʔ huʔuhtimʔkʰe someday (down the road) when you get old, you'll look the same.

huʔul   [huʔul]   Adverb. 1 • a while ago (e.g., a few hours). huʔul miʔdaqʰanʔ pewlo cohto·y your spouse left for town a while ago. compare: cila; synonyms: =hqow, šihcaʔ, ʔu·l.

2 • early (in the day).

huʔut*   [huʔuʔ]   Variant: huʔuht*. Verb. have a certain appearance !! ʔoʔ huʔutʰmaw still alive (she is holding on (when expected to die)). Example Variant: kihlaʔ huʔutʰmaw. piškudu huʔuṭʰmaw he/she looks ugly (physically). compare: šohko*1, hihkoc*.

huʔuht*   [huʔuhtiw]  huʔut*, huʔut*. Verb. appear. hiʔdi meʔ tʰin maya duyamaʔtahpʰi kuʔmeʔ huʔuhtimʔkʰe someday (down the road) when you get old, you'll look the same.

huʔuta·loq*   [huʔuta·loʔ]  . Verb. climb to top.

huʔutʰma*   [huʔutʰmaw]  . Verb. several remain (plural of /ca/, bugger group than /hihkoc/).

huʔuy   [huʔuy]   Noun. eye. huʔú· tol before one's eyes close **. compare: ʔusaq*.

huʔuyhqʰa   [huʔuyhqʰa]  huʔuy, ʔahqʰa. Variant: ʔuyhqʰa. Noun. eye water. compare: ʔu·qʰa.

huʔu· kʼolomʔ   [huʔú· kʼolomʔ]  huʔuy, kʼolomʔ. Noun. eye socket.

huʔu· pitemʔ   [huʔú· pitemʔ]  huʔuy, pite·m*. Noun. eyelashes.

huʔu· sime   [huʔú· sime]  huʔuy, sime. Noun. eyebrow, eyelash.

huʔu· sʼihta   [huʔú· sʼihta]  Lit: eye bird huʔuy, sʼihta. Noun. pupil (eye).

huʔu· sʼiʔda   [huʔú· sʼiʔda]  huʔuy, sʼiʔda. Noun. eyelid.

huʔu· sʼuyaṭi   [huʔú· sʼuyaṭi]  huʔuy. Noun. corner of the eye. compare: sʼuy*.

sʼamo· huʔuy   [sʼamo· huʔuy]  Lit: fly eyes sʼamo·1, huʔuy. Noun. Owl clover. Orthocarpus densiflorus; Orthocarpus purpurascens; Orthocarpus faucibarbatus (Figwort Family).

ʔuy pʰomʔ*   [ʔú·pʰomʔ]  huʔuy, pʰom*. Verb. cloud to come over the eyes, momentary loss of ability to see, black out (not a full faint). ʔú·pʰomwiye· to I blacked out. ʔú·pʰomye· mu·kito he blacked out.

ʔu·qʰa   [ʔú·qʰa]  Lit: eye water; eye water huʔuy, ʔahqʰa. Noun. tears. compare: huʔuyhqʰa.

huʔuy qahqo   [huʔú· qahqo]  . Adverb. in plain sight.

huʔuyhqʰa   [huʔuyhqʰa]  huʔuy, ʔahqʰa. Variant: ʔuyhqʰa. Noun. eye water. compare: ʔu·qʰa.

huʔuyhsu   [huʔúhsu]  kʼusuʔsu.

huʔuyṭʼboṭʼbo   [huʔúyṭʼboṭʼbo]  ṭʼboṭʼbo*. Variant: ʔuyboṭʼbo. Noun. gnat. synonyms: sʼamo· qawiyya.

huʔu· coʔbolhmuliʔ   [huʔú· coʔbolhmuliʔ]  , coʔbolh*1. Verb. eyes roll over (so that only the whites are showing) (e.g. dying person, though not necessarily).

huʔu· dutʼetiʔ   [huʔú· dutʼetiʔ]  dutʼe·t*. Noun. eye-glasses. compare: ʔantiyo·ho.

huʔu· kʼolomʔ   [huʔú· kʼolomʔ]  huʔuy, kʼolomʔ. Noun. eye socket.

huʔu· pitemʔ   [huʔú· pitemʔ]  huʔuy, pite·m*. Noun. eyelashes.

huʔu· qʰaʔbe   [huʔú· qʰaʔbe]  Lit: eye rock qʰaʔbe. Noun. eyeball.

huʔu· sime   [huʔú· sime]  huʔuy, sime. Noun. eyebrow, eyelash.

huʔu· sʼihta   [huʔú· sʼihta]  Lit: eye bird huʔuy, sʼihta. Noun. pupil (eye).

huʔu· sʼiʔda   [huʔú· sʼiʔda]  huʔuy, sʼiʔda. Noun. eyelid.

huʔu· sʼuyaṭi   [huʔú· sʼuyaṭi]  huʔuy. Noun. corner of the eye. compare: sʼuy*.

huʔu· wenu qʰale   [huʔu· wenu qʰale]  Lit: eye medicine plant wenu, qʰale1. Noun. sticky monkey flower, bush monkey flower. Mimulus aurantiacus (Figwort Family).

huʔu·duhsu   [huʔú·duhsu]  kʼusuʔsu.

huʔu·kʼeʔtow   [huʔu·kʼeʔtow]   Noun. out of the corner of the eye.

huʔu·ma*   [huʔú·ma]  hu·ma*.

huʔu·mo   [huʔú·mo]   Noun. 1 • face.

2 • picture, painting, photograph [?]

huʔu·mo calaṭahqa·li   [huʔú·mo calaṭahqa·li]  huʔu·mo, caṭʼa·*. Noun. camera. synonyms: huʔu·mo sʼiwaʔli; compare: huʔu·mo caṭʼahqaw.

huʔu·mo caṭʼahqaw   [huʔú·mo caṭʼahqaw]  huʔu·mo, caṭʼa·*. Verb. snap a picture. compare: huʔu·mo calaṭahqa·li.

huʔu·mo sʼiyiʔli   [huʔú·mo sʼiyiʔli]  huʔu·mo, sʼiyiʔli. Noun. makeup. compare: huʔu·mo sʼiwaʔli.

huʔu·mo biyolmaʔ li   [huʔú·mo biyolmaʔ li]  Lit: where faces move biyo·l*. Noun. movies.

huʔu·mo calaṭahqa·li   [huʔú·mo calaṭahqa·li]  huʔu·mo, caṭʼa·*. Noun. camera. synonyms: huʔu·mo sʼiwaʔli; compare: huʔu·mo caṭʼahqaw.

huʔu·mo caṭʼahqaw   [huʔú·mo caṭʼahqaw]  huʔu·mo, caṭʼa·*. Verb. snap a picture. compare: huʔu·mo calaṭahqa·li.

huʔu·mo cʼoticʼ   [huʔú·mo cʼotiʔ]  huʔu·mo, cʼoticʼ*. Noun. television. synonyms: cʼotiʔli.

huʔu·mo cʼotiʔli   [huʔú·mo cʼotiʔli]  huʔu·mo, cʼo·cʼ*. Noun. movies. synonyms: ʔama· cʼotiʔli, ʔama· cʼoticʰqaʔli.

huʔu·mo sʼiwaʔli   [huʔú·mo sʼiwaʔli]  Lit: make snap, push shutter huʔu·mo, sʼiwad*. Noun. camera. synonyms: huʔu·mo calaṭahqa·li; compare: huʔu·mo sʼiyiʔli.

huʔu·mo sʼiyiʔli   [huʔú·mo sʼiyiʔli]  huʔu·mo, sʼiyiʔli. Noun. makeup. compare: huʔu·mo sʼiwaʔli.

huʔʔuʔu····   [huʔʔuʔú····]   Animate Mimetic. call of coyote, made by Coyote to cause a wish to come true.

hu·c*   [huʔ]   Variant: huhc*. Verb. bulge, grow bulging; be bulgy. hu·ci bulge (to something on body) and stay bulgy! húhcimeʔ bulge (to several separate bulges)! huci·ducé·du keep bulging. Example Variant: hucí·duce·du. huyí·cʼwacʼi·yicʼmeʔ @. Example Variant: huyí·cʼiwa·cʼiyicʼmeʔ. qakʰo húcʰwiye·to my tumor is growing larger. hucá·tade· ma·caʔ they are bulging. hucʰmeʔ bulge (to several)! compare: ʔbo*5, bo·š*, bo·l*.

hu·duhsu   [hu·hu·]  kʼusuʔsu.

hu·hu·  huhu·.

hu·ma*   [hu·maw]   Variant: huʔu·ma*. Verb. (germs, disease) affect person (negatively); tempting, being seduced; curse, hex, . hu·ma D: Imperative (to disease). hu·mameʔ D: Plural Imperatve. ʔama·qʼóʔdi tʰin hu·maye· mito bad habits have affected you. qahsíl duhṭʰal hu·maye· mito you’re catching a cold. ʔama· tʰawíl hu·mawe· pišudu it’s bad to be tempted by the evil one. hu·matʰuʔ D: Negative. hu·mací·du D: Durative. duhṭʰál hu·máhqa ye· ma·dal mu·kinʔ he gave her a sickness. ma·cal hu·matá·du D: Durative. ma·cal hu·mawa·du D: Durative. walé·pu yaʔ paši· hú·mahqaw the walepu lets the poison affect (someone). hu·mací·duce·du D: Durative, Directional "away". pʰala hú·maci·duce·du D: Durative, Directional "away" #again. pʰala hú·ma D: Imperative #again. hu·matʰútoʔ Don’t affect me. compare: way*2, base·cʼ*.

hu·ʔ   [hú·ʔˇ]   Variant: hmˇ. Interjection. yes.

hwatʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse. compare: tʼapʼ.

bahwatʼ*   [bahwaʔ]  ba-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate with the mouth. cahnó hku ya·col kuʔmul cahnónʔba, bahwá·tʼcimela saying one word over and over, I talked it to pieces.

bihwatʼ*   [bihwaʔ]  bi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flatten, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, by hugging with the arms. kahó·n maʔal to bihwátʼciʔba tʼawi·cʼ I think I could hug this box and flatten it.

cahwatʼ*   [cahwaʔ]  ca-, hwatʼ*. Verb. squash, flatten, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, with the rear end. mul₁ kalikákʰ₂ kaho·n₃ el₄ cahwátʼci₅ squash that cardboard box by sitting on it!

cihwatʼ*   [cihwáʔ]  cʰi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. ??

cuhwatʼ*   [cuhwaʔ]  cu-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flatten, as with a car.

dahwatʼ*   [dahwaʔ]  da-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse. dahwátʼci mulʔ D: Squash that! dihwatʼá·law to fall loosely and ragged, not nec. to pieces.

dihwatʼ*   [dihwaʔ]  di-, hwatʼ*. Verb. fall and flatten; flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse. dihwatʼciw to drop rotten melon and it squashes and flattens; to fall over, flop down. mul₁ kalikákʰ₂ kaho·n₃ el₄ dihwátʼci₅ fall and squash that cardboard box! dihwátʼci flop down! dihwátʼcimeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Semelfactive. diwáhtʼimeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dihwátʼcimulʔ fall on.

dihwatʼwatʼa   [dihwatʼwatʼa]  dihwatʼ*. Noun. couch potato; lazy husband who sits around the house.

duhwatʼ*   [duhwaʔ]  du-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flatten with a finger.

hahwatʼ*   [hahwaʔ]  ha-, hwatʼ*. Verb. kick and make collapse, flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone. hahwatʼciw to kick rotten watermelon and it flattens out.

hihwatʼ*   [hihwaʔ]  hi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. body lie rotten. hayúhcʰoyiʔ ṭʰotʼbina hihwátʼci· miṭiw the dead dog has rotted and is lying there. qali hihwatʼmaw D: Locative, Causative, Absolutive. hihwatʼá·law a rotten cloth to fall to pieces and down.

muhwatʼ*   [muhwaʔ]  mu-, hwatʼ*. Verb. machine disintegrate from use; machie (car) to flatten something. cár kumíʔdaʔ monʔwánʔqaba muhwátʼcihqay running your car around all the time, you ran it to pieces. (or run over something and flatten: bush, watermelon or box; not cloth, rock, pillow, egg). Example Variant: cuhwátʼcihqay..

pihwatʼ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwatʼ*. Verb. hit and flatten, collapse, disintegrate, lose tenseness. pihwatʼciw to hit (once or several times) and flatten.

puhwatʼ*   [puhwaʔ]  pʰu-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, fmor wind blowing, in wind. ʔihya yów ʔkʰe pišomʔ puhwátʼciy cacʰu· puqʰámmucʼba in the wind my umbrella blew to pieces, having blown (the cloth) off the ribs.

qahwatʼ*   [qahwaʔ]  qa-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse, between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating. dabo·máʔ qahwátʼciw old floppy hat. Example Variant: dabo·máʔ qahwatʼwatʼaʔ. qahwátʼci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. qahwátʼciwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Semelfactive. qawáhtʼimmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. qahwatʼmaw of typewriter cover on in shapeless way. ʔacaʔ tʼilékinʔ yaʔ – dabo·máʔ qahwátʼmahqaw – hoʔtʼo tól banemacʼbina the old man let an old ragged floppy hat be on his head.

sihwatʼ*   [sihwaʔ]  si-, hwatʼ*. Verb. flop, disintegrate, lose tenseness, tone, collapse. from water, getting wet. kalikákʰ hoʔtʼo tol banemáʔ ʔihcʰe yáʔ sihwátʼaciy the paper he put on his head flopped down when the rain got it wet. sihwatʼciw (paper house) get wet, soft, and collapse. compare: sihpʰatʼ*, sihpʰaqʼ*.

hwaṭʰ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. fatten.

bahwaṭʰ*   [bahwaʔ]  ba-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. be wide of mouth. qʰaboʔ bahwaṭʰmaw wide mouth of snake (going around to side of head). waṭacʼ emu bahwáṭʰwaṭʰacʰ the frog is wide-mouthed. Example Variant: bahwáṭʰmaw.. ʔacaʔ haʔbo bahwáṭʰmaw the man has a wide mouth.

bihwaṭʰ*   [bihwaʔ]  bi-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. lips be thick, fat. bihwaṭʰmaw to be with thick lips; big lips all around.

cahwaṭʰ*   [cahwaʔ]  ca-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. fatten, with the rear end. cahwáṭʰmaw really fat rear end, lopping over chair. Example Variant: cawáṭʰmaw.

cihwaṭʰ*   [cihwaʔ]  cʰi-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. fatten by holding a small part of a larger object. cihwaṭʰmaw to be with fat, sagging lower lip. hasíʔda cihwáṭʰmaw with a thick sagging lower lip. hasʼiʔda cihwáṭʰmaw the great big lip is hanging down.

pihwaṭʰ*   [pihwaʔ]  pʰi-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. have a fat face, get a fat face. koci·na ʔaná· ʔihpʰuyámʔbina pihwáṭʰciw the pit got so fat he has big jowls, double chin. Example Variant: pihwáṭʰmaw.. pihwaṭʰma·maw big-faced looking. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰciw. pihwaṭʰwaṭʰaci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰwaṭʰa·ci. pihwaṭʰí·bi·y it became fat-faced. qahwaṭʰmaw with a wide, fat face. Example Variant: pihwaṭʰmaw. compare: qawatʼma*.

qahwaṭʰ*   [qahwaʔ]  qa-, hwaṭʰ*. Verb. have wide, fat face. qahwáṭʰmaw to have a wide, fat face. qawaṭi·biʔ (face) to get wide.

hwe*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. shake.

bahwehwe*   [bahwehwew]  ba-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake by talking. ʔaná· šacámmuʔ tʰin cahno lowá·cʼal cahno ʔahsí li bahwéhweci kahlamá·lameʔsʼuwe ʔ when talking a lot not listening to each other, shake ’em up with loud talk, so they will quiet down. (When at a meeting people are talking, not listening to speaker, someone says to speak (talk) louder so they will listen and quiet down.)

hahwehwe*   [hahwehwew]  ha-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake with leg; shake leg. hahwehweci shake something with leg, foot! hahwehwehwe be shaking something with leg! hahwehweyi·cʼi shake your leg!

hihwehwe*   [hihwehwew]  hi-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. tremble, shake (of earth). hihwéhweʔ "began to tremble" (5-6.9).

mahwemahwe*   [mahwemahwew]  ma-2, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. walk along shaking.

muhwe*   [muhwew]  mu-, hwe*. Verb. ground to shake. muhwenʔ ground to shake (a lot, i.e. from thunder). compare: muhtsinh*.

pihwehwe*   [pihwehwew]  pʰi-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake (tail). hayu yá·col hiba· píhwehwew the dog is shaking his tail.

puhwe*   [puhwew]  pʰu-, hwe*. Verb. shake in breeze. puhwenʔ branch shaking in breeze. compare: puki·l*, pʰuli*, pʰuʔli*.

sihwehwe*   [sihwehwew]  si-, hwe*. Reduplicating Verb. vibrate easily. ʔahca hcʰá· biʔtʼa· sihwéhwe· cohtow the house is standing vibrating easily, ready to fall.

šuhwe*   [šuhwew]  šu-, hwe*. Verb. shake by pulling or pushing. šuhwe·ni keep on shaking! šuhwentʰuʔ negative. šuhweníyow D: Absolutive. šuhwenmeʔ pl. subj. šuhwenmameʔ pl. obj.

šuhwehwe*   [šuhwehwew]  šuhwe*. Reduplicating Verb. shake by pulling. šuhwéhweʔ to shake something. šuhwehwemmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. šuhwéhwe·tʰu D: Negative. šuhwéhwecʼi shake once! šuhwéhwecʼi mul qʰale ʔ shake that tree!

hwel*1   [welʔ]  Ø-, hwel*2. Verb. be in a hurry; do quickly. waʔti to hweliʔtʰ I was slow getting ready to go. welíʔtʰe· yal cahno we are going slow on the words (for dictionary). welíʔtʰuʔ don’t be in a hurry! weliʔ tʰin not in a hurry. kumáci qan šahya ʔin, kumáci qan hweliʔ tʰin some days (business) is fast, some days (business) is slow.

hwel*2   [-]   Cooccurrence: only with neagtive. Instr Verb Root. do quickly, incessantly, in an unending series.

bahwel*   [bahwelʔ]  ba-, hwel*2. Verb. do quickly, repeatedly, with the mouth. maʔál ya cahno baṭʰe· lowa·cʼal hiʔbimácitolʔtʰin ya bahwélʔkʰe ʔnati ʔ someday we will finally finish these many words that we are talking about. (doesn’t mean we will speed up, just that the unending stream of words for the dictionary will come to an end). Example Variant: baʔkʼúʔkʰe.

cihwel*   [cihwélʔ]  cʰi-, hwel*2. Verb. do quickly, repeatedly, with a pen. maʔál cahno cʰiʔkʼú· da·wem cihwéltʰe· ʔa (~ to) I wanted to finish writing these(pl.) words (for the dictionary) but there was too much for me. cihweli write quicker; hurry up and finish! cihwélye· mito cihwelá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. cihwélcimela I went fast enough to finish writing; I speeded up to finish. synonyms: cʰiʔkʼu·ma*.

duhwel*   [duhwelʔ]  du-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. do quickly, incessantly, in an unending series, restricted to activities done with the fingers. duhwélʔtʰin no end (to writing slips) (things done one at a time, serially. šahya mín duhwelqa mulʔ hurry up and finish those (slips being filled one at a time)! duhwélqameʔ D: Causative, Plural Imperative.

hihwel*   [hihwelʔ]  hi-, hwel*2. Verb. move endlessly, incessantly, in an unending series. hihwelá·laʔkʰe min as if no ending (in a column of people coming down). hihwélʔ tʰin no end (to column of ants).

hwel*1   [welʔ]  Ø-, hwel*2. Verb. be in a hurry; do quickly. waʔti to hweliʔtʰ I was slow getting ready to go. welíʔtʰe· yal cahno we are going slow on the words (for dictionary). welíʔtʰuʔ don’t be in a hurry! weliʔ tʰin not in a hurry. kumáci qan šahya ʔin, kumáci qan hweliʔ tʰin some days (business) is fast, some days (business) is slow.

mahwel*   [mahwelʔ]  ma-2, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. dawdle, take a while walking somewhere. ʔaná·₁ baʔtʼawa·du₂ ʔa₃ hiʔda₄ mahwélqatʰela₅ mi₆ hlati₇ hadu·₈ ṭʼo₉ ʔul₁₀ ṭʼi·₁₁ mi₁₂ hlaw₁₃ I was walking too slow, dawdling along the road to get there, while the others were already all there. Example Variant: hla·li₁₃.

pihwel*   [pihwelʔ]  pʰi-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. see things in an undending series, incessantly; chop incessantly, in an unending series (with an axe). muséum li matʼiléya ʔaná· baṭʰe· ṭʰaʔbamʔ pihwéltʰe· ʔa there were so many things in the museum that I couldn’t see all. (I spent too much time reading signs.) seʔe maʔal ṭʰaʔbamal, pʰiʔkʼú· da·wem – pihwéltʰ I wanted to finish chopping this brush that is here, but there is too much to finish.

puhwel*   [puhwelʔ]  pʰu-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. quickly blow off, in an unending series. qʰale šíhpʰa mu pulúʔtapʰi, ṭʼi· puhwélʔkʰe ʔnati ʔ those tree leaves are finally going to be all blown off. Example Variant: puhwélʔkʰeʔ.

qahwel*   [qahwelʔ]  qa-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. dawdle while eating; eat slowly, interminably. qahwélqaw ʔtʰin (a child) to dawdle over food so that can’t finish when meal is over – he may finish but is very slow.

sihwel*   [sihwelʔ]  si-, hwel*2. Cooccurrence: with negative. Verb. drink incessantly, not finishing. ʔahqʰa sihwélqatʰe· mu hayu ʔem that dog didn’t drink water fast enough to finish. (It was so much that his belly couldn’t hold it.)

hwe·n*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. shake.

bahwe·n*   [bahwenʔ]  ba-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake with beak.

cahwe·n*   [cahwenʔ]  Lit: sit rock each other with ca-, hwe·n*. Verb. rock with rear end, as in rocking chair; shake. cahwenmuʔ rocking chair (AH) or seesaw. cumátʰma· cahwenmuʔ rocking chair. cahwenmúʔli seesaw.

cuhwe·n*   [cuhwenʔ]  cu-, hwe·n*. Verb. water make something shake. baco· cúhwe·ne· qʰamosʼ dahsamá·qon the boat is rocking with the ocean waves coming in.. Example Variant: síhwe·ne₂.

dahwe·n*   [dahwenʔ]  da-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake, using hands. qʰale dahwene· Violet Violet is shaking the tree. qʰale₁ dahwenmaw₂ (They) are shaking the tree.

dihwe·n*   [dihwenʔ]  di-, hwe·n*. Verb. fat shake; heavy weight to quiver. dihwe·nin wa·dal ṭa (She’s) walking along quivering (she’s so fat).

hahwe·n*   [hahwenʔ]  ha-, hwe·n*. Verb. leg shaking. hahwéhweyi·cʼi shake leg! hahweni·cʼi shake with leg! mito šáhku wi hahwe·ni múl cumatʰmaw ʔ rock that chair with your legs.

mahwe·n*   [mahwenʔ]  Lit: bicycle and legs both going back and forth, moving feet back and forth, shaking limb with foot ma-2, hwe·n*. Verb. shake, with the sole of the foot, claws, the butt of the hand. mahwenmuʔ old name for bicycle (English now used).

mihwe·n*   [mihwenʔ]  mi-2, hwe·n*. Verb. shake with foot.

pihwe·n*   [pihwenʔ]  pʰi-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake with stick.

šuhwe·n*   [šuhwenʔ]  šu-, hwe·n*. Verb. shake (a flexible object). šuhwe·ni keep shaking. šuhweníyow D: Absolutive. šuhwenmameʔ D: Plural Imperative.

hwisʼ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. smoke swirl. synonyms: pʰom*, tʼo*, bo·m*, cuṭʼa·q*, hpo*2, pa*2, pem*, pa·ṭ*1, pʰa·l*, pʰam*, pam*, paṭ*3, dohpo*, dahpo*, tʼo*.

dahwisʼ*   [dahwiʔ]  da-, hwisʼ*. Verb. smoke, fog swirl, move. dahwísʼmaw (smoke) to be all over as from a forest fire. dahwisʼa·qaʔ D: Causative, Absolutive. dahwisʼciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. dahpʰóʔ dahwisʼmaw heavy fog is around. hosa dono wína· dahwisʼa·qa·y the smoke rose up the hill. (not nec. all over).

muhwisʼ*   [muhwiʔ]  mu-, hwisʼ*. Verb. smoke swirl, mkae smoke swirl. ʔacaʔ mo·dun hosá qʰamʔli mohwisʼá·danʔ the man, running through the smoke (heavy or not) carried a trail of smoke along (with himself).

šuhwisʼ*   [šuhwiʔ]  šu-, hwisʼ*. Verb. scatter by waving cloth, as in waving smoke away with a handkerchief. kʼaṭa šúlitaʔba hosa šuhwísʼcimela waving the cloth in the air, I scattered the smoke.

hwit*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. select, choose several.

bahwit*   [bahwiʔ]  ba-, hwit*. Verb. ask for certain thing(s). bahwítʰci ask for one thing!

cahwit*   [cahwiʔ]  ca-, hwit*. Verb. select a seat; choose a place ot sit. cahwitʰciw to select a seat.

cihwit*   [cihwíʔ]  cʰi-, hwit*. Verb. sweep selected places; select, choose several (things) and act on them with a handled instrument. cihwitá·dun cisu·li sweep selected places!

cuhwit*   [cuhwiʔ]  cu-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with a round object, flowing water, the front end; by shooting. cuhwitín cuʔba qʼoʔdi ʔíy ʔ crack (nuts), choosing the best ones!

duhwit*   [duhwiʔ]  du-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose, sort (clothes). duhwítʰci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. duhwiti sort the clothes! duhwitá·du D: Plural. duhwitá·tadu D: Durative. duhwítʰmaw D: Absolutive.

hihwit*   [hihwiʔ]  hi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the body. ma dá·qacʼi· hihwítʰci pick out the one you want (trying on clothes)!

mihwit*   [mihwiʔ]  mi-2, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the small end of a long object, e.g., the toes or nose. mihwitʰciw to select to kick or flowers to smell.

muhwit*   [muhwiʔ]  mu-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several by hitting. muhwítʰciw to sort by testing by hitting.

pihwit*   [pihwiʔ]  pʰi-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several with the eyes, for hitting. pihwitʰciw to select by sight the ones to hit.

sihwit*   [sihwiʔ]  si-, hwit*. Verb. select, choose several, and lick. sihwitá·du to pick out some and lick. sihwítʰciw to pick one.

hwoq*   [woʔ]   Verb. flow (of river) (of endless extension). □hwoʔ to flow (indefinite or unlimited amt.) ʔahqʰa hwoʔ running water. ʔahqʰa ʔáhsiy hwoʔ hard running water. pʰalá hwoqo run again! pʰala wóhtʰuʔ dont run again! ʔahqʰá hwoqʰ "Water runs (out)." ʔu·qʰa hwoʔ tears running in steady stream. ʔaháhkʰeʔ woʔ one to slobber. ʔaháhkʰeʔ wohtoʔ several to slobber. baláy hwoʔ blood flowing (from vein steadily). compare: biʔda*, ʔda*1, hiʔda, biʔda, poṭʰo·m*, poṭʰo·m*; synonyms: pe*.

ʔahqʰa hwoʔ   [ʔahqʰá hwoʔ]  ʔahqʰa, hwoq*. Noun. running water.

ʔihcʰe hqʰa wohtoʔ   [ʔihcʰé hqʰa wohtoʔ]  Lit: rain water run ʔihcʰe, ʔahqʰa, hwoq*. Noun. freshet; flood caused by spring thaw or heavy rain.

hx̣x̣x̣   [hx̣x̣x̣^]   Animate Mimetic. noise of big hog.

hya*   [-]  ʔihya. Cooccurrence: occurs with Directional. Verb. blow (of wind). ʔihyá hyamʔ wind blowing through or in a place (crack, etc.) ʔihyá hya·du (wind) is blowing. hyadu·cedu keeps on blowing. ʔahca· ʔihyá hyamʔ the wind is blowing in the house. qahqo bahṭʰe tol ʔihya hyama·cʰ the wind is blowing into a big field. qʰamosʼ tol (ʔihyá) hyamáhwiy (The wind) is blowing in from the ocean.

hya·d*   [ya·du ʼ]  hya*. Verb. blow.

hyal*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. have to tend to.

dahyal*   [dahyalʔ]  da-, hyal*. Verb. have to tend to, do chores. dahyalíʔ cʰoʔ free from duties or chores. dahyalíʔqʼo with duties, responsibilities, chores. dahyalí·cʼede· naṭa pʰankinʔ my daughter has a child to tend to. (she isn’t free anymore). dahyalí·cʼiwaʔ D: Absolutive. dahyálqaw (baby) to make (mother) tend to it (by being crybaby). dahyálqawa·taʔ D: Causative, Absolutive.

hyaw   [yáw]  hyaw*. Noun. vomit, what is thrown up.

hyaw*   [yawʔ]   Verb. vomit. maʔá hyawa·du to keep vomiting food. pʰalá hyawa·du vomit again! pʰala hyawa·tacʼmeʔ vomit again! (pl). pʰalá hyawá·tadu vomit again! yaw é· mu he vomited again. pʰala hyawá·du vomit! Example Variant: pʰalá hyawa·du. yawá·tacʼmeʔ D: Plural imperative. hyawá·loʔ to vomit up once. compare: ʔqʼowac*, ʔqʼowa*, ʔqʼowa*.

hyaw   [yáw]  hyaw*. Noun. vomit, what is thrown up.

hyawa·loq*   [yawa·loʔ]  . Verb. throw up once.

hya·   [hya·]  ʔihya·.

hya·d*   [ya·du ʼ]  hya*. Verb. blow.

hye·*   [-]   Variant: yec*. Instr Verb Root. stop, quit (stop a movement, not a static state). synonyms: sa*1.

bahye·*   [bahyew]  ba-, hye·*. Variant: bayec*. Verb. stop speaking, singing, crying. bahye quit crying, talking, singing! qawí hla·li cahno bahyé·ci stop talking for a little while. ʔaná· qaʔcʼaṭʼbaʔnati bahyewí·bi·y he really cried but he’s slowing down. Example Variant: ... bahyewa·lay..

bihye·*   [bihyew]  bi-, hye·*. Variant: biyec*. Verb. stop sewing or eating, quit sewing or eating (stop a movement, not a static state). bihye stop sewing, eating! Sáuce bihye quit eating sauce! bihye·ci stop sewing for a while!

cahye·*   [cahyew]  ca-, hye·*. Variant: cayec*. Verb. stop, quit (stop a movement, not a static state) with the rear end, a massive or bulky object, a knife. ʔilasu cahyew the nose quit running. ʔahqʰa cahyehqa turn off the water!

cihye·*   [cihyew´]  cʰi-, hye·*. Variant: cʰayec*. Verb. stop dragging. cihyewá·law to stop dragging down.

dihye·*   [dihyew]  di-, hye·*. Variant: diyec*. Verb. stop, quit falling. ʔihcʰe dihyew it’s stopped raining. heʔe diʔkolʔba dihyew he quit cutting hair. diqʼa·ṭicʼba dihyew he quit shaving. ʔihcʰe dihyewá·law the rain is stopping falling, slowing down after raining hard.

hahye·*   [hahyew]  ha-, hye·*. Variant: hayec*. Verb. stop, quit kicking; stop doing a swingin action, like pulling grass. hahye·ci stop kicking for a while! hahye mul ma qaʔdi šuqʼa·tal you quit that pulling grass. yohwé· hahye ʔoṭʰono ʔ all right, quit pulling seaweed (time is up)!

mahye·*   [mahyew]  ma-2, hye·*. Variant: mayec*. Verb. stop, quit, dancing. mahye·ci stop dancing for a while (discontinue)! qʼoʔo mahye·tʰumeʔ quit dancing the dance (to several)! qʼoʔo mayéhtʰumeʔ quit dancing the dances (to several)! be·li madu·cedu mahyé·y he quit coming here. manew mahye·y he stopped dancing. Example Variant: manew sahqa·y.. manew mayetʰ several stopped dancing.

mihye·*   [mihyew]  mi-2, hye·*. Variant: miyec*. Verb. stop, quit kicking. mihye quit kicking!

muhye·*   [muhyew]  mu-, hye·*. Variant: muyec*. Verb. stop. muhye·qaw to stop (someone from) running; to park a car. muhyewá·law to slow down running. haʔda muyehy the clocks are stopping. (See several examples 2.49). cár muhyehqa stop the car! be·li moma·duce·du muhye·y he quit running here. haʔda ʔkʰa muhyé·y my clock stopped (running). Example Variant: haʔda ʔkʰe mo·du sahqa·y. kʰe má·kina muhye·y my car stopped. haʔda muhye·y the clock stopped. radio muhye·y the radio stopped working (visible). muhye múl stop that! compare: sahqacʼ*.

sʼuhkul muhyew   [sʼuhkul muhyew]  sʼuhkul, muhye·*. Noun. heart attack.

pihye·*   [pihyew]  pʰi-, hye·*. Variant: piyec*. Verb. stop chopping (with axe, side of long object). pihyewá·law to slow down chopping.

puhye·*   [puhyew]  pʰu-, hye·*. Variant: puyec*. Verb. wind to stop. ʔul puhyé· ye· ʔihya it finally stopped blowing.

qahye·*   [qahyew]  qa-, hye·*. Variant: qayec*. Verb. finish eating, stop chewing or eating. qahye maʔa ʔ stop eating food! Example Variant: maʔa qahye.. qahye mul qahwe ʔ stop chewing that gum!

sihye·*   [sihyew]  si-, hye·*. Variant: siyec*. Verb. quit drinking.

šahye·*   [šahyew]  ša-, hye·*. Variant: šayec*. Verb. (if turn off water) it stops coming out. synonyms: cuhye·.

hye·c*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. keep someone company.

duhye·c*   [duhyeʔ]  du-, hye·c*. Verb. keep someone company. duhye·ci imperative. Example Variant: duhyecci. duhye·ciwe to ʔ be with me! Example Variant: duhyecciwe to ʔ. duhyecʰma me to ʔ stay with me (to several)! duhyecʰmucʼí mihtʰel ʔ keep your mother company! be· waʔ duhyé·ciwe to ʔ go out here with me!

hihye·c*   [hihyeʔ]  hi-, hye·c*. Verb. keep someone company. hihyecʰmaw to keep company with someone. mihṭʰel hihyecʰma keep your mother company! hihyecʰma mihṭʰel ʔ stay with your mother! Example Variant: hihyecci ma mihṭʰel ʔ. hihyecʰmaw to keep company with someone . Usages note: high word.

hyol*   [-]   Variant: yohci*. Instr Verb Root. mix, do one thing with others. synonyms: dahyol*, hcec*2, dacʼi·ṭ*, hcec*2.

bahyol*   [bahyolʔ]  ba-, hyol*. Verb. mix, do one thing with others with the lips, snout, or beak; by speech (or hearing). bahyoʔ semelfactive. bahyólmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. bahyoli smear all over. bahyoʔ D: Absolutive. bahyo·ci mix words!, Attach one word to another! bahyoci·ducé·du use words to a song! bahyoli D: Locative. qahwé· to caʔcʼana·qam sili tol. mensʼi·li cumátʰma· tol cahyo·yam I stuck it on the chair with my seat by sitting down. (I must have had gum stuck on my rear. And then smeared it on the chair by sitting in it. bahyo·ci in one spot.

cahyol*   [cahyolʔ]  ca-, hyol*. Verb. mix with large object. cahyolam spread all over.

cihyol*   [cihyólʔ]  cʰi-, hyol*. Verb. paint on more thinly or scattered; mix with spoon or stick or rub on. synonyms: cʰiʔtʼaq*.

dahyol*   [dahyolʔ]  da-, hyol*. Verb. mix up with hand, mix (salt or pepper) in. dahyoʔ to sprinkle (salt or pepper) on top on one thing; to smear on with hand or pat on with hand in one place. dahyo·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative. dahyoci·ducé·du D: Durative, Directional "away". dahyocʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahyo·yícʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative, Reflexive. dahyoyí·cʼiwacʼmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahyoli rub on something (around but scattered). dahyolmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. dahyoliʔ to spread liquid on self. dayolá·qa put (salt) on several things. dahyolá·tadu to put in salt, or rub all over. dayolmaʔ putting face powder, cream, etc. on self. dahyo·ci mul ʔ D: Imperative. dahyo·lí mul ʔ D: Imperative. mil ʔbakʰe be·li dáhyo·ci to ʔ dab some of that (cologne) on me! ʔahqʰa tó dahyo·ci dab water on me! Example Variant: mul ʔáhqʰa to dahyo·ci. synonyms: hyol*, hcec*2, dacʼi·ṭ*, dacʼi·ṭ*.

dihyol*   [dihyolʔ]  di-, hyol*. Verb. mix together, do one thing with others. mul haʔdidiqan ṭʼo ʔahay el dihyolmucʼqa mix those different kinds of wood together!

hahyol*   [hahyolʔ]  Lit: to mix with bread ha-, hyol*. Verb. mix with a swinging motion. hayolá·qa D: Plural Act, Imperative. hayoláhtʰuʔ D: Negative. hayolá·qadu D: Durative, Plural Act. hayolá·qaʔtʰuʔ D: Causative, Negative. hahyo·ci D: Semelfactive, Imperative.

hyo·c*   [-]  hyol*. Instr Verb Root. mix once. mil yocʼ é hni is it mixed with it ? pʰalá yo·ci mix! (with other people). pʰala yoci·ducé·du habitually mix! Example Variant: pʰalá yoci·duce·du. yocʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. yóhcibicʰmeʔ (several) Start to mix! Example Variant: yóhcala·meʔ.. yoci·bici (one) Start to mix! (no "down" meaning). Example Variant: yoca·la. ma qa yoci·bici you too mix in! yoʔ ʔamadútʼaʔ tol to join with work. maya yóhca·meʔ you all mix (with them)!

mahyol*   [mahyolʔ]  ma-2, hyol*. Verb. join in dancing. pʰalá máhyo·ci ma·cal ʔ you join with them again! mahyo·cá·meʔ join their dance! mayóhca·meʔ D: Plural Imperative.

mihyol*   [mihyolʔ]  mi-2, hyol*. Verb. mix with a long instrument, like a mixing spoon. mihyoʔ to be mixed (homophone of "rat"); to stir in one ingredient with another. cuhni miyolaʔ baking powder. Example Variant: wihṭʰa miyolaʔ. ṭaʔqʼo mihyoli put salt on it! maṭʼqʰa míhyocʰwiy e· to· ma you got mud on me with your toes (or nose). ʔilasu mihyo·yicʼmela I smeared snot on myself.

mohyol*   [mohyolʔ]  mu-, hyol*. Verb. mix, do one thing with others, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions. ʔama· móhyolʔ grave offerings (burnt together at cremation); to make tracks after driving in mud. matʼiléʔya mohyo·ye· manʔ pʰusʼi yá·cal she burned the possessions with the body. matʼiléʔya mohyole· ma·caʔ they burned the possessions with the body. maʔu ʔe· mohyoʔ this is a gift for the dead. (It is buried with body.) mohyolʔ D: Plural. mohyo·ci put the gift with those for the dead!

qahyol*   [qahyolʔ]  qa-, hyol*. Variant: qayolaq*. Verb. chew several things together. qayolaʔ D: Plural. mul qahyola·du to ʔe· qʼoʔdi qaʔtʼaw that (food) tastes good eaten with something else. synonyms: hcaw*.

qahyo·c*   [qahyoʔ]  qahyol*. Verb. eat several things together.

sihyol*   [sihyolʔ]  si-, hyol*. Verb. drink with something else; mix things for drinking )e.g. a cocktail).

hyoqʰ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. stir, shake, mess up.

bahyoqʰ*   [bahyoʔ]  ba-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir, shake with the mouth, beak. bahyóqʰciw to shake and knock over or around with snout. bahyóqʰmaw a sitting hen stirs eggs with bill.

cihyoqʰ*   [-]  cʰi-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir, shake up with a handle. cihyóqʰmaw to stir (not nec. cooking); to stir with spoon (not water); cihyóqʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. cihyóqʰcime·du D: Durative, Semelfactive. cihyóqʰciwa·du D: Durative, Semelfactive. cihyóqʰmadu to (lots of places) (with /ṭʼi·ma·/). cihyóqʰmaci·du D: Durative.

dihyoqʰ*   [dihyoʔ]  di-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir, shake up by gravity. dihyóqʰmaw (to shake table) and dishes shake; (to ride in car) and be shaken). dihyóqʰciw to shake table and bottles fall over. dihyoqʰa·du D: Durative. dihyoqʰá·law a lot of little pieces to fall down on something. heʔe dihyóqʰmaw hair to be hanging loose, swinging (not "messed up") or of branches of tree waving in breeze. dihyóqʰmawa·du to shake in diff. places.

dohyoqʰ*   [dohyoʔ]  du-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. shake and knock over with fingers. dohyóqʰciw to shake and knock over with fingers.

mahyoqʰ*   [mahyoʔ]  ma-2, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir, shake up with the foot. mahyoqʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. ʔahqʰa mahyoqʰmaw to stir up water. mahyoqʰmawe· kuska yaʔ the cat messed up stuff (on table). mahyoqʰciw to mess up stuff on floor. mihyoqʰmaw to mix by stirring. ʔama· ṭʼi· mahyóqʰmaw e· kuska yaʔ the cat messed up (stirred up) everything by walking (over papers). ʔahqʰa mihyoqʰmaw stirring water (in a pot).

mohyoqʰ*   [mohyoʔ]  mu-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. auto to run over something. mohyóqʰciw auto to run over something (sack of gravel) and break and scatter it; to run into house and break it ¡sem.

pahyoqʰ*   [pahyoʔ]  pʰa-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir with end of long object. pahyoqʰmaw to stir with end of long object. pahyóqʰmaci·du D: Durative. pahyóqʰci stir once (a fire or potatoes)! pahyóqʰma stir several times (a fire or potatoes)!

pihyoqʰ*   [pihyoʔ]  pʰi-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰmaw to stir hitting with side of long object. pihyoqʰciw to do once.

sihyoqʰ*   [sihyoʔ]  si-, hyoqʰ*. Verb. get wet and spill. sihyoqʰciw bag to get wet and contents spill out (on floor) and get messed up ¡sem. sihyoqʰmaw things floating in water to be stirred up together by water movement.

sihyoqʰci*   [sihyoqʰciw]  sihyoqʰ*. Verb. get wet and spill ¡sem.

hyo·c*   [-]  hyol*. Instr Verb Root. mix once. mil yocʼ é hni is it mixed with it ? pʰalá yo·ci mix! (with other people). pʰala yoci·ducé·du habitually mix! Example Variant: pʰalá yoci·duce·du. yocʰmeʔ D: Plural Imperative. yóhcibicʰmeʔ (several) Start to mix! Example Variant: yóhcala·meʔ.. yoci·bici (one) Start to mix! (no "down" meaning). Example Variant: yoca·la. ma qa yoci·bici you too mix in! yoʔ ʔamadútʼaʔ tol to join with work. maya yóhca·meʔ you all mix (with them)!

hyu*1   [-]   Instr Verb Root. quiver.

hihyu*1   [hihyuw]  hi-, hyu*1, hi-, hyu*1. Verb. quiver (the body). hihyuhíhyuw to quiver the body in dancing. Example Variant: hihyúhyuw. hihyuhíyula·meʔ quiver the body while sinking down to low dancing position. qʰálʔsʼanʔ "weasel" in English called Blackie, a dachshund of BT’s.

hihyu*1   [hihyuw]  hi-, hyu*1, hi-, hyu*1. Verb. quiver (the body). hihyuhíhyuw to quiver the body in dancing. Example Variant: hihyúhyuw. hihyuhíyula·meʔ quiver the body while sinking down to low dancing position. qʰálʔsʼanʔ "weasel" in English called Blackie, a dachshund of BT’s.

hyu*2   [-]   Instr Verb Root. crush, break into little pieces. synonyms: hkʰu*, hcʰu*, hcʰa*3, co*2, hma*.

cuhyu*   [cuhyuw]  cu-, hyu*2. Verb. smash to pieces.

cuhyuhyu*   [cuhyuhyuw]  cuhyu*. Reduplicating Verb. smash to pieces. cuhyúhyuci·du smashed to pieces; to bump to pieces (with a car).

dahyu*   [-]  da-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. shake to wake up.

dahyuhyu*   [dahyuhyuw]  dahyu*. Reduplicating Verb. shake to wake up with the hands. dahyúhyucʰpʰi, dawayi "By push let go ? wake up! dahyúhyupʰi.. keep it up!

hahyuhyu*   [hahyuhyuw]  ha-, hyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. kick to pieces. synonyms: hahkʰuhkʰu*.

hihyu*2   [-]  hi-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. dirt to come loose.

hihyuhyu*   [hihyuhyuw]  hihyu*2. Reduplicating Verb. dirt on road bank to come loose. ʔama· hihyúhyuw the land (hillside) keeps crumbling off.

mahyu*   [-]  ma-2, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crush brittle object.

mahyuhyu*   [mahyuhyuw]  mahyu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush brittle object (glass bottle, sticks) by stomping on; to crush (any shape) something that breaks into many pieces. synonyms: maʔtʼuʔtʼu*; compare: maʔsʼoʔsʼo*.

mihyu*   [-]  mi-2, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. kick to pieces.

mihyuhyu*   [mihyúhyuw]  mihyu*. Reduplicating Verb. kick (glass or watermelon) to pieces.

pihyu*   [-]  pʰi-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crush with the side of long object; with the eyes; with an ax; with a hammer.

pihyuhyu*   [pihyuhyuw]  pihyu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush, break into little pieces using a hammer. ʔihyu· píhyuhyuw to crush ice (with hammer). Example Variant: ...píhmuhmuw ~ ...píhkʰuhkʰuw.

qahyu*   [-]  qa-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crush, break into little pieces. between forces: with the teeth, by chewing, eating.

qahyuhyu*   [qahyuhyuw]  qahyu*. Reduplicating Verb. crush, break into little pieces betwee forces, i.e., with a grinder. qʰaʔbe qahyuhyuhqaw to crush rocks by machine to make gravel (or even to powder).

sihyu*   [-]  si-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. crush to pieces by water.

sihyuhyu*   [sihyuhyuw]  sihyu*. Reduplicating Verb. erode (with water). hiʔdá ʔto dáqʰamʔ li ʔin e· mu šahya síhyuhyuwam where they recently cut the road there is where it quickly eroded. synonyms: sihcʰuhcʰu*, sihkʰuhkʰu*.

šuhyu*   [-]  šu-, hyu*2. Cooccurrence: always reduplicated, see reduplicated forms. Reduplicating Verb. shake to pieces.

šuhyušuhyu*   [šuhyušuhyuw]  šuhyu*. Reduplicating Verb. be shaking something so it comes loose or something stuck in bag or shake chair apart or just loose.

hyut*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. break something crumbly.

dahyut*   [dahyuʔ]  da-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly, with the hand (palm). dahyutʰciw to break by pushing.

dihyut*   [dihyuʔ]  di-, hyut*. Verb. drop and break something crumbly. dihyútʰmaw to drop (not tomato; potato OK if mealy, glass) on something off ground and it breaks to pieces. dihyútʰciw to drop and break on the ground.

duhyut*   [duhyuʔ]  du-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly with fingers. duhyútʰciw to break in fingers (not pencil, not grape, but cracker, cookies, something dry). compare: duṭʼa·*.

hihyut*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly, with the body. hihyutʰmaw D: Absolutive. hihyutá·law pieces to break off (wall of bricks) and fall down (in an earthquake).

muhyut*   [muhyuʔ]  mu-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly, with a quick movement, heat, light, mind or emotions. muhyutʰciw D: Negative, Semelfactive. Example Variant: muhyutʰuʔ.

puhyut*   [puhyuʔ]  pʰu-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly by blowing. puhyutʰmaw wind to cause to break to pieces on something. puhyutʰciy shattered on floor or on chair. wentá·na pʰusʼa·ba cumátʰma· tol puhyútʰmay the wind broke out the window and it shattered on a chair.

qahyut*   [qahyuʔ]  qa-, hyut*. Verb. break something crumbly with teeth. hiʔbu sʼúwaʔ qahyutʰciye· ma you crushed the potato chips with your teeth.

hyuṭ*   [-]   Instr Verb Root. stir, poke several places.

dahyuṭ*   [dahyuʔ]  da-, hyuṭ*. Verb. stir, poke with the hand. dahyúṭʰmaw doctor to poke around on patientsʼ bellies. dahyuṭʰciw D: Semelfactive, Absolutive. dahyuṭi D: Imperative. dahyuṭá·duce·du D: Durative, Directional "away".

hahyuṭ*   [hahyuʔ]  ha-, hyuṭ*. Variant: mahyuṭʰmaw. Verb. poke. hahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire).

hihyuṭ*   [hihyuʔ]  hi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. get mixed up. hihyuṭʰmaw to get mixed up. šahya mácʰqati ʔahay el mihyúṭʰma to make it burn (faster), stir (or poke) the wood with your foot.

mahyuṭ*   [mahyuʔ]  ma-2, hyuṭ*. Variant: hahyuṭʰnaw. Verb. stir, poke several places, with the sole of the foot, claws, the butt of the hand. mahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire).

pahyuṭ*   [pahyuʔ]  pʰa-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke. pahyuṭʰmaw to poke (or stir) (fire) with stick). compare: pihyuṭ*.

pihyuṭ*   [pihyuʔ]  pʰi-, hyuṭ*. Verb. poke with a long object. pihyuṭʰmaw to poke of stir fire, with stick. compare: pahyuṭ*.