ENGL 104

Susan Garrett
Fall 1999
Comment Sheet for Diagnostic Essay

Student’s name:

Below are a list of criteria I kept in mind while reading your compositions. For each criterion, I have indicated in the right-hand column either that you need work in this area (NW=need work), or that you did particularly well (WD=well done). If your performance in a particular area was what I’d expect for someone starting English 104, I put no mark in that box. I’ve also written more specific comments in the essay booklets and at the bottom of this page.
You followed the instructions in the writing prompt
Your writing has a clear voice/style
Your writing is clear, concise, and direct
Your writing is thoughtful
You have a clear main point
The ideas are easy to follow
The introduction does a good job of introducing your main point(s)
The conclusion brings the essay to a clear and interesting close
There are no unnecessary/filler sentences
You have included a lot of relevant, vivid details
Your paragraphs are well-organized
The essay as a whole is well-organized
There are few or no spelling errors
Your vocabulary/word choice is appropriate
There are no sentence fragments
There are no run-on sentences or comma splices
You have used verbs correctly (tense, agreement, etc.)
You have few or no punctuation problems

Additional comments: