Linguistic humor, Good friends

Source: Lukes, S. and I. Galnoor. 1987. No laughing matter: A collection of political jokes. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin. Cited in Neil Smith and Ianthi-Maria Tsimpli. 1995. The mind of a savant. Language learning and modularity. Oxford: Blackwell. 77.
Castro visits Moscow and is taken on a tour by Brezhnev. First they go for a drink, and Castro praises the beer. 'Yes, it was provided by our good friends from Czechoslovakia.'

Next they go for a ride in a car, and Castro admires the car. 'Yes, these cars are provided by our good friends from Czechoslovakia.'

They drive to an exhibition of beautiful cut glass, which Castro greatly admires. 'Yes, this glass are provided by our good friends from Czechoslovakia.'

'They must be very good friends,' says Castro. 'Yes, they must,' says Brezhnev.