Notes on phonemes in signed and spoken languages

Traditionally, phonology is thought of as the study of the systematic organization of sounds in spoken languages. This is not surprising as the phon in phonology comes from the Greek word for 'voice', and given the absence of voice in sign language, sign language phonology seems like a contradiction in terms. But with the advent of scientific interest in sign languages, it has become clear that sign languages have phonology, too. How we can bridge this seeming contradiction?

Dual articulation

The answer to the puzzle lies in a property that has been claimed to be a defining characteristic of human languages (in contrast to other systems of animal communication, even the most sophisticated ones). This feature is called double articulation (Hockett 1960). It states that human languages have two levels of linguistic structure: a level of atomic meaningful elements called morphemes and a level of atomic meaningless elements called phonemes. Words (by which term we include signs in what follows) can consist of more than one morpheme - for instance, if they are compounds, like blackberry or SISTER (GIRL+SAME). If human language just consisted of morphemes, it wouldn't differ significantly from other animal communication systems (apart from the size of the vocabulary). But human language does differ in two ways. First, all human languages have rules for combining the individual morphemes, and these rules are more sophisticated than just stringing together the morphemes into a list. The study of these rules is the domain of morphosyntax. Second, and more relevantly for present purposes, the morphemes, though atomic from the point of view of meaning, are not atomic from another point of view. From this second, formal, point of view, they are composed of smaller units, which can combine with each other according to rules of their own. The study of this second type of rules is the domain of phonology.

Phonemes functioning as morphemes

Though phonemes and morphemes are conceptually distinct, it is important to understand that phonemes can function as morphemes. In other words, a sound unit can be meaningless from the phonological point of view, but meaningful from the morphosyntactic point of view. (We use the term sound unit to avoid committing ourselves to whether a sound is a phoneme or a morpheme.) Take the sound unit 'd' in English. It has no intrinsic meaning in dip /dIp/ or doom /dum/. (Examples from spoken languages are transcribed in a keyboard-friendly encoding of the IPA called SAMPA.) But in played /pleid/, the same phoneme has additional morphemic status as a marker of past tense. Similarly, the /o/ in French beau /bo/ is a meaningless part of the word 'beautiful', but in eau /o/, it functions as the word 'water'.

Phonological features

Phonological features in spoken languages

We just said that the meaningless units of language are atomic, and the analogy with physics holds up well. Just as we now know that atoms of matter have internal structure, we now know that phonemes, too, have more complex structure than was initially supposed. We'll start by illustrating for spoken language. The way that we ordinarily identify the phonemes in a spoken language is to gather lists of minimal pairs - word pairs that differ in meaning but differ in only a single sound unit. Those distinctive sound units are the phonemes. For instance, at the level of the phoneme, hiss constrasts minimally with his with respect to final /s/ vs. /z/.

When we examine phonemes more closely, we find that we can group them into various classes depend on various shared articulatory features. For consonants, the main features are given in (1). The wikipedia entry for distinctive feature has more details (, accessed March 24, 2020).

  • Place of articulation (labial/labiodental, dental/alveolar, palatal/velar)
  • Manner of articulation (stop, fricative, nasal, glide)
  • Voicing (voiced, voiceless)

The features each have values. For instance, voicing has the two values 'voiced' and 'voiceless',1 and it is the contrast between these feature values that distinguishes hiss /hIs/ from his /hIz/ even more minimally than the phonemic distinction between /s/ and /z/ just mentioned. Analogous contrasts can also be found with respect to the other two distinctive features. For instance, mitt /mIt/ contrasts with knit /nIt/ with respect to the place of articulation of the first phoneme (labial for /m/, alveolar for /n/). And tin /tIn/ contrasts with thin /TIn/ with regard to manner of articulation (stop for /t/, fricative for /T/).

The above distinctive features apply to consonants. Spoken languages make a fundamental distinction between consonants and vowels. Consonants are produced with some hindrance to the air flow up and out of the vocal tract (up to a completely stoppage), whereas the air flow in the production of vowels is basically unimpeded. The basic distinctive features for vowels concern the position of the tongue and the configuration of the lips, as in (2).

  • Tongue height (high, mid, low)
  • Tongue fronting (front, mid, back)
  • Lip rounding (rounded, unrounded)

Phonological features in sign languages

Now let's turn to sign languages. Unlike spoken languages, there is no consonant-vowel distinction. Instead, there is the important distinction between the manual and the nonmanual features, repeated from the readings and the lectures for convenience in (3).

  • Manual
    • Handshape
    • Location
    • Movement
    • Orientation
  • Nonmanuals

As we have seen in connection with incorporation, classifiers, and related phenomena in sign phenomena, these distinctive features cannot be expressed on their own. For instance, the movement roots in classifier constructions need to combine with appropriate classifier handshapes to yield gestural units that can be articulated and perceived. We might be tempt to think that handshapes can be articulated and perceived independently of other features. But even when they are used as part of the fingerspelling alphabet, they are always produced in some location and with some orientation.

Now let's compare sign languages and spoken languages. Spoken language phonemes are combinations of various distinctive features (/b/ is a labial, stop, voiced consonant; /u/ is a high, back, rounded vowel). In the same way, we can say that sign language phonemes are combinations of distinctive features, as in (4).

  • Handshape: A
  • Location: next to ipsilateral cheek
  • Movement: none
  • Orientation: palm out
  • Nonmanuals: none

For expository convenience, we'll use the term sign phoneme for a combination of phonological features as in (4). If our focus is on on the meaning-bearing aspect of a sign, we'll call it a sign morpheme. And we'll use sign unit as a cover term for both - either because because we're not interested in whether a sign carries meaning or because we don't know. is Using these terms, we can say that the sign phoneme in (4) is not necessarily a sign morpheme in ASL. (It's similar to AUNTstr in ASLSignbank, but it's simpler and differs in some feature values.) Another sign phoneme is shown in (5).

  • Handshape: B
  • Location: chin
  • Movement: wiggle
  • Orientation: palm in
  • Nonmanuals: none

The sign phoneme in (5) is also a sign morpheme - namely, the morpheme COLOR. In other words, it is the sign counterparts to the earlier examples from English and French ('d' and 'o').

We're glossing over details here, especially concerning movement and the distinction between internal-movement and path movement. Also, in more modern treatments of handshape, handshape is further specified in terms of selected fingers, as you can see in the ASLSignbank entry for COLOR. But the basic idea - that sign language phonemes are combinations of distinctive features just like spoken language phonemes - should be clear.

It is sometimes claimed that signs exhibit more simultaneity than spoken words. But under the approach outlined here, that claim is the result of confusing phonemes with distinctive features. For instance, the English phoneme /s/ and the ASL sign phoneme in (5) are equally simultaneous. For instance, the voiceless value of the voicing feature in /s/ can't be produced without a place or manner of articulation, just as the wiggle value for the movement feature in the sign phoneme in (5) can't be produced without a handshape or location.

Consequences of modality

The discussion so far has focused on the similarities between spoken and sign language phonology. There's an strong intuition, though, that spoken and sign language phonology differ in some fundamental respect. This intuition can be stated as in (6).

(6)   In sign languages, sign phonemes are very likely to function as sign morphemes. By contrast, in spoken languages, phonemes functioning as morphemes are the exception rather than the rule.

Let's pursue this intuition. We'll begin with spoken language features. Notice that there are relatively few of them, and they have relatively few values per feature. Using the numbers in (1) and (2), we get 24 (3 x 4 x 2) consonants and 18 (3 x 3 x 2) vowels for a totel of 42 phonemes. Note further that individual spoken languages don't necessarily use all features or all feature combinations. For instance, English doesn't have palatal or velar fricative consonants or front rounded vowels or back unrounded vowels. So that cuts down on the total number of phonemes per spoken language. All in all, let's say that spoken languages typically have 30-40 phonemes.2

By contrast, the articulatory space that sign languages have at their disposal is much larger than that for spoken languages, and so the features in sign languages have many more values. In addition, there are two hands, not just one vocal tract, and then there are the nonmanual articulators (the mouth and the eyebrows). As a result, sign languages have many more possible phonemes than do spoken languages. We won't try to quantify the number of possible sign phonemes, as we did for spoken languages, but the point should be clear.

Now let's assume we want to use the phonemes to convey meaning, and let's assume further for the sake of argument that we have a vocabulary of 800 morphemes. In sign languages, there's a good chance that each phoneme can be used as a morpheme before the language runs out of phonemes. That is simply not the case for spoken languages. In a spoken language, once the vocabulary exceeds roughly alphabet size, the language has to start using more than one phoneme to express a morpheme. So the modality difference betwen spoken and sign languages essentially forces spoken languages into exploiting sequentiality, and the insight in (6) follows as a generalization.

Features functioning as morphemes?

There is a final loose end left to discuss. Earlier, we saw that phonemes can function as morphemes. The analysis of phonemes in terms of distinctive features raises the question arises of whether the features can function as morphemes. The question arises naturally in connection with sign languages, because early on we learn that for certain sign clusters, the location features 'at forehead' and 'at cheek' express the meaning 'male' and 'female', respectively. Another example: the value '7' for the feature movement is associated with city names.

In spoken language, the association of phonological features with morphological features is much less salient and productive. Here is a possible example. Like many languages, Italian distinguishes masculine and feminine gender, and it uses suffixes for the gender/number combinations. The table in (7) gives the morphemes along with the phonological feature combinations for the phonemes that express the morphemes.

Morpheme Tongue height Tongue fronting Lip rounding
Masculine singular -o mid back rounded
Feminine singular -a low mid unrounded
Masculine plural -i high front unrounded
Feminine plural -e mid

Given the paradigm in (7), one could argue that the feature tongue height (high vs. mid) is used to express grammatical gender in the plural. But this argument is weak since tongue height isn't used in the same way in the singular.

It seems sensible, therefore, to conclude that phonological features aren't productively correlated with morphological features in spoken languages in the way that they are in sign languages. A natural explanation is that phonological features have iconic origins in sign languages (for instance, in ASL, male touches cap at forehead, female ties bonnet string at cheek) in a way that is almost never the case for spoken language.


1. You can experience the voicing feature for yourself if you cover your ears and say a long stretch of /s/. Then switch to /z/. You should hear a buzzing sound for /z/ that isn't there for /s/. The buzzing is your vocal cords vibrating very rapidly, and it's this vibration that's known as voicing. For voiceless sounds, the air passes the vocal chords, but they don't vibrate.

2. This estimated phoneme inventory size corresponds roughly to the numbers of letters in the alphabet. That's not surprising since the purpose of the letters of the alphabet is precisely to represent the phonemes. In an ideal spelling system for a language, the letters of the alphabet would stand in a one-to-one correspondence to the phonemes. For most spelling systems (notoriously for English), the correspondence isn't exactly one-to-one. Many spelling systems use two letters to represent a single phoneme (English 'sh' for /S/, as in shin) or more than one phoneme ('th' for /T/, as in thin, or /D/, as in these), and they use diacritics like umlauts, tildes, and so on, to modify the basic letters in order to represent additional phonemes.


Hockett, Charles. 1960. The origin of speech. Scientific American 203:88-96.