
Some of the words below are cognates (that is, related by common descent and possibly meaning), but others are related by meaning only. (Also, as is clear from the column headings, not all of the triplets below are due to double-dipping from Romance.)

Germanic Norman French Standard French Latin Other
ask question interrogate
belief faith, fealty fidelity
bequeath devise donate give (Scandinavian influence)
catch chase capture
cattle chattel
corn, kernel grain
craft art tech(nology)
daily journal diurnal ephemeral
fast firm secure
fire pot au feu ignite pyre (Greek)
flesh charnel carnal, carnivore
foot pied-à-terre pedal podiatrist (Greek)
guest hostel hospital, hotel host, hostile
head chief chef capital, captain
heart cordial cardiologist (Greek)
holy sacred consecrated
key clef clavichord
kingly real (obs.) royal regal
lawful leal (obs.) loyal legal
noise nausea, noxious
parley, parliament parole parable (originally from Greek) parabola (Greek)
rich, right reign regalia raj (Hindi)
rise (also raise, rear) mount ascend
sad doleful depressed melancholy (Greek)
ship equip (orig. from Germanic) skiff (orig. from Germanic) skipper (Dutch)
ship equip (orig. from Germanic) skiff (orig. from Germanic) skipper (Dutch)
-son Fitz- ap (Welsh), M(a)c (Irish, Scots Gaelic)
stead place piazza (Italian), plaza (Spanish)
stool chair (earlier), chaise (later) cathedral
time tense (grammatical) temporal chronic
voyage journey, trip
weak frail fragile
wheel cycle (Greek), chakra (Sanskrit)
whore charity, cheer, cherish
yard garden (via Germanic) horticulture