Notes on obsolete words

The "enter" key on a keyboard is sometimes called "return" or "carriage return". Why is that?

A word lives on in names

Place names

These names are important because they give a clue regarding settlement patterns by Vikings vs. Anglo-Saxons.


Cf. Baker, Cook(e), Gardner

Can you think of others?

A word survives, but a central older meaning dies out

Here's a list of words where an important original or older meaning has (almost) died out. The references to senses refer to the senses listed in the OED.

Which examples do you find particularly striking? Can you think of or find others?

A word or expression survives, but only in figurative or idiomatic use

Important source domains:

Can you find examples from the above domains? Can you think of other source domains?

What has gone wrong?

Negativa tantum

Can you find any items that Jack Winter has missed?