Some ways of making new words


Can you think of affixes that are on their way to becoming full-fledged new word?


fubar gives rise to foo and bar, used in Lisp programming circles as default names for files

Related to acronyms formed simultaneously with the corresponding full form: emoji - perhaps created because of the (non-etymological) link with emotion



It's fine to think of this as a type of metonym (that is, semantic change) rather than word creation properly speaking.

Idiosyncratic word formation


Make vs. take

English German Dutch Danish
chocolate Schokolade chocolade chokolade
coffee Kaffee koffie kaffe
tea Tee thee te
corn, maize, (Indian) corn Mais maïs majs
cotton Baum-wolle 'tree wool' katoen bom-uld 'tree wool'
orange (fruit) Apfel-sine 'apple-China', Orange appel-sien 'apple-China' appel-sin 'apple-China'
potato Kartoffel, Erd-apfel 'earth apple' aard-appel 'earth apple' kartoffel
kangaroo Känguru kangoeroe kaenguru
opossum Beutel-ratte 'bag rat', Opossum opossum opossum
raccoon Wasch-bär 'wash bear' was-ber 'wash bear' vaske-bjørn 'wash bear'
Borrowings 10 7 (+2) 8 8
Compounds (1) 3 (+1) 2 2
Semantic change (1) 0 0 0