Distant cousins

The following list of superficially dissimilar, yet etymologically related words is taken from the following book. (I've reordered some pairs to be consistent about alphabetical order.)

Edelstein, Stewart. 2003. Dubious doublets. A delightful compendium of unlikely word pairs of common origin, from aardvark/porcelain to zodiac/whiskey. Wiley.

aardvark porcelain
admonish money
adultery altruism
album auburn
alcohol artichoke
alibi alien
ambidextrous dextrose
amnesty mnemonic
ankle English
apricot precocious
assassin hashish
asterisk disaster
attorney tournament
August inaugurate
automatic maniac
bagel buxom
balloon ballot
bankrupt banquet
belly budget
berserk hopscotch
betrothal tryst
bid Buddha
binoculars inoculate
brassiere pretzel
breakfast broker
buck butcher
bully friar
burglar iceberg
cadaver cadence
calendar exclaim
camera comrade
canary cynic
candelabra candidate
car caricature
carnival carnivore
carrot hornet
cavalier chivalrous
chaise lounge longitude
chameleon human
champagne champion
clavicle clef
clever hieroglyphics
conjugal yoga
consider desire
contract tractor
courage incredulous
court horticulture
crane pedigree
cretin crisscross
damask damson
dandelion dentist
date tradition
dean December
decipher zero
dollar Neanderthal
do-si-do endorse
doublet dubious
dough lady
dromedary palindrome
enchant hen
enormous uncouth
enthusiasm theology
excellent hill
feather hippopotamus
fist quintessence
flamenco flamingo
flavor inflate
fold pavilion
forest forfeit
franc frankly
gazebo placebo
galaxy lettuce
gargantuan gorge
glycemic (added) licorice
hack hackneyed
hostile hotel
inch universe
jacket jack-o'-lantern
jersey sherry
journal journey
jumbo mumbo jumbo
kindergarten OK
king pregnant
liverwurst war
lunatic lynx
mantle portmanteau
menu minute
mirror smile
morsel mortal
morsel remorse
mouse muscle
mug mugging
nice science
nine noon
nirvana window
nostril thrill
onomatopoeia poem
oxygen vinegar
palm polka dot
panacea pandemonium
parallel paramecium
paternity patter
quarry squadron
re rebus
salacious salmon
salary sausage
sanguinary sanguine
sad satisfy
senator senile
series sorcerer
sherbet syrup
stun Thursday
supine up
triangle trivia
tulip turban
vegetable witch
verdict warlock
vicar wicker
whiskey zodiac
Xmas X ray