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On the role of Tense in NPI-licensing

Rita Bhandari, SUNY-Stony Brook

The behavior of NPIs in Hindi vs. English contrasts along two dimensions. First an NPI may be licensed in subject position in Hindi, but not, in general, in English. Second, negatives in subordinate infinitives can take matrix scope in Hindi and license matrix NPIs, unlike in English. I propose that these distinctions between English and Hindi follow from two differences in the respective grammars. First, they differ in the hierarchical ranking of functional projections - AgrSP is outside TP in English while in Hindi all Agr projections are inside TP. Following Zanuttini (1995)'s proposal that NegP is parasitic on TP predicts that subject NPIs are licit in Hindi, but unlicensed in English. Second the Hindi negative has head properties and undergoes covert movement yielding wide-scope negation.

Rajesh Bhatt
Mon Mar 30 11:24:59 EST 1998