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VYAKARAN, the mailing list for all aspects of South Asian linguistics was started in October 1995 as an informal forum for all who are interested in the languages of South Asia, both modern and classical. It presently has around 125 members in 21 countries.

The aim of this list is to further discussion among interested scholars in ALL aspects of South Asian languages, primarily but not only Indo-Aryan languages. Thus comments and questions on everything from historical linguistics to the modern Indo-Aryan languages, from socio-linguistics to morphology and syntax, from phonology and diglossia to Panini and the Hindi-Urdu question are welcome, just to name a few. It is also intended to supply scholars interested in South Asian linguistics with a forum for discussing new ideas with other interested scholars, as well as providing them with a way of making new contacts with other people interested in the same field.

If you would like to join the list, send a message with the following contents at the address given below. The message should include the following:
subscribe vyakaran, yourfirstname_lastname, email@address
sent to the address and that's it.

Do not forget to send your email address along as part of your message; the software doesn't trace your address - or even to reply to you directly. Once you've joined the group, you can send a message to everyone on the list by sending your post to and your post will be forwarded automatically to all the members on the list.

To quit the list at any time, send a short note to the email address It is strongly recommended that new members briefly introduce themselves to the other members of the list but there's no requirement that you do so.

If you have any questions, write to John Peterson, Institute for South Asian Studies, Kiel, Germany

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Rajesh Bhatt
Tue Jan 21 17:38:40 EST 1997