( (IP-IMP (VBI Thynk) (ALSO eek) (CP-THT (C that) (IP-SUB (PP-LFD (P of) (NP (SUCH swich) (N seed) (PP (P as) (CP-CMP (WNP-1 0) (C 0) (IP-SUB (PP (P (CODE {of})) (NP *T*-1)) (NP-SBJ (NS cherles)) (VBP spryngen)))))) (, ,) (PP-RSP (P of) (NP (SUCH swich) (N seed))) (NP-SBJ=2 *exp*) (VBP spryngen) (NP-2 (NS lordes)))) (. .)) (ID CMCTPARS,314.C1.1108))
In the later corpora, the -LFD dash tag is used for such examples, but also more liberally to indicate a relationship between a pre-subject PP and any more broadly resumptive PP or ADVP.
( (IP-MAT-SPE (PP-LFD (P Though) (CP-ADV-SPE (C 0) (IP-SUB-SPE (NP-SBJ (PRO I)) (VBP beare) (NP-OB1 (N record)) (PP (P of) (NP (PRO$ my) (N selfe)))))) (, ,) (ADVP-RSP (ADV yet)) (NP-SBJ (PRO$ my) (N record)) (BEP is) (ADJP (ADJ true))) (. :)) (ID AUTHNEW-E2-H,VIII,1J.1030))