Information on forman-diary-e2

PPCEME information

Author Forman, Simon
Birthdate b. 1552 (Autobiography, p.1)
Filename forman-diary-e2
Manuscript Ms. Ashm. 208, fol. 17-67.
Date of composition 1602? (see Remarks)
Edition Halliwell, James Orchard (ed.). 1849. The autobiography and personal diary of Dr. Simon Forman, the celebrated astrologer, from A.D. 1552, to A.D. 1602. London: privately printed.
Sample Exhaustive sample.
13.1-32.30 (Penn)
Remarks The diary covers the period 1564-1602, but has not been divided up by decades, because it gives the impression of having been written together with the autobiography (presumably edited from earlier notes).

Helsinki Corpus information
