Information on conway2-e3

PPCEME information

Author Conway, Edward, 3rd viscount Conway, 1st earl Conway
Birthdate b. 1623, d. 1683 ( jennings/trevor/conway.htm)
Filename conway2-e3
Manuscript Stowe collection
Date of composition 1675
Edition Pike, Clement Edwards (ed.). 1913. Selections from the correspondence of Arthur Capel Earl of Essex 1675-1677. Camden Third Series, Vol. 24. London: Royal Historical Society.
Sample Exhaustive sample of letters to Arthur Capel.
1.2-3.21 (1) (Penn 1),
8.1-8.20 (5) (Penn 2),
10.5-11.30 (7) (Penn 3)
Remarks Supplements osborne-e3.
Author grandson of Edward, 1st viscount Conway (conway-e2) and nephew of Lady Brilliana Harley (harley-e2, harleyedw-e2).

Helsinki Corpus information
