William Labov, Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg
Table of Contents
Part A. Introduction and methods
1.1. The goals and significance of dialect geography
1.1.1. The separation
of linguistics and dialect geography
1.1.2. The renewal of
the connection
1.2. A brief history of American dialect geography
1.3. The design of the Atlas of North American
1.3.1. Telsur
1.3.2. Technical developments
1.3.3. Stages of research
and sources of support
1.4. Data to be presented and questions to be
2. The English vowel system.
3. Principles of chain shifting and mergers
4. .Methods
4.1. Sampling method.
5. Acoustic Analysis.
6. The construction of isoglosses.
Part B. Mergers and contrasts
7. The restoration of post-vocalic /r/
8. Nearly completed mergers
9. North American mergers in progress
9.1. Mergers.
9.2. Mergers before /l/.
Part C. English vowels
10. The vowels of North America
10.1. Individual maps for 16 English vowels
Part D Continental processes
11. The
dialects of North America>
11.0. Introduction
11.0.1. Criteria for
identifying dialect regions
11.1. Defining the major dialect areas based
on the development of /ay/ and /aw/
11.2. Midland Dialects
11.2.1. The Mid-Atlantic
11.2.2. Pittsburgh and
Western Pennsylvania
11.2.3. Cincinnati
11.2.4. St. Louis
11.3. Interior structure of the North
11.3.1. The Inland North
11.3.2. Discontinuities
in the Inland North
12. The general fronting of the back upgliding vowels.
13. Short a configurations
Part E Regional patterns
14.The North and the Northern Cities Shift.
14.1. The Northern Cities Shift and the Inland North.
14.2. The origins of the Northern Cities Shift in
Western New England.
15. . Canada.
15.1. The Canadian Shift.
15.2. The Atlantic Provinces.
16. The Northeastern U.S.
16.1. Eastern New England
16.2. Providence
16.3. Southern New England
17. The Mid-Atlantic States.
17.1. New York City
17.2. Phiiladelphia, Wilmington, Baltimore.
18.The South
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Relics of older Southern phonology
18.3. Major phonological features of the South.
18.4. The monophthongization of /ay/
18.5. History of monophthongization of /ay/
18.6. The second stage of the Southern Shift
18.7. The social distribution of the Southern
18.8. Monophthongization before voiceless
18.9. Internal conditioning of the Southern Shift.
18.10. The Southern /aw/ shift
18.11. Southern Shift vowel systems
18.12. Front-back parallelism in the South.
18.13. An overview of the South.
19. The West
19.1. The formation of a Western dialect
20. The Midland
20.1. The Midland territory as a whole
20.2. Pittsburgh.
20.3. Cincinnati.
20.4. St Louis.
Part F Lexical and grammatical maps
21. Lexical maps.
22. Grammatical Maps