U. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics

Volume 2.2 (1995)

Proceedings of the 19th Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium

Edited by Rajesh Bhatt, Susan Garrett, Chung-Hye Han, Roumyana Izvorski

This volume costs $15 U.S., pre-paid. Please see our ordering instructions to order a copy.

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Elena E. Benedicto, (Relativized) Minimality, Datives, and Reflexive Suffixes.
Rajesh Bhatt, Why `Minimize Restrictor'?
Charles Boberg and Stephanie M. Strassel, Phonological Change in Cincinatti.
Dongdong Chen, Chinese Reflexive Ziji in Second Language Acquisition.
Alexis Dimitriadis, When pro-Drop Languages Don't: On Overt Pronominal Subjects in Greek.
Adamantios I. Gafos, Long-Distance Spreading as Reduplication.
Chung-hye Han, A Syntactic Account of the Ambiguity of the Marker -(n)un in Korean.
Naomi Nagy, Double or Nothing: Romance Alignment Strategies.
Hadass Sheffer, Visibility and Abstract Form: Evidence from Spirantization in Modern Hebrew.
Natalie Schilling-Estes, Production, Perception, and Patterning: "Performance" Speech in an Endangered Dialect Variety.
Chang-Kook Suh, Coda Undersfecification and Geminate Inalterability.
Adam Szczegielniak, Certain Aspects of Cliticization in Polish.
Lucia Tovena, Negating an Ordering Relation.

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