Penn Working Papers in Linguistics
Volume 12.2 (2006)
Papers from NWAV 34
Edited by Michael L. Friesner and Maya Ravindranath.
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- Cambridge University Press Prize for Best Student Paper
Martine Leroux and Lidia-Gabriela Jarmasz. A study about nothing: Null
subjects as a diagnostic of convergence between English and French. (pp. 1-14)
- Charles A. Ferguson Prize for Best Student Poster
Katherine Sadis and Julie Roberts. Learning to talk native: Listeners' perception of speech from three dialect areas. (pp. 15-23)
- Maciej Baranowski. From Conservative to Radical: Sound change in the upper class of Charleston, S.C. (pp. 25-38)
- Matthew Bauer. Prosodically-conditioned devoicing in Iron Range English. (pp. 39-52)
- Kathryn Campbell-Kibler. Variation and the listener: The contextual meanings of (ING). (pp. 53-64)
- Paul De Decker. A real-time investigation of social and phonetic changes in post-adolescence. (pp. 65-76)
- Martin Elsig and Shana Poplack. Transplanted dialects and language change: question formation in Québec. (pp. 77-90)
- Michael L. Friesner and Aaron J. Dinkin. The acquisition of native and local phonology by Russian immigrants in Philadelphia. (pp. 91-104)
- William Labov, Sharon Ash, Maciej Baranowski, Naomi Nagy, Maya
Ravindranath, and Tracey Weldon. Listeners' sensitivity to the frequency of sociolinguistic variables. (pp. 105-129)
- Miriam Meyerhoff and James A. Walker. The persistence of grammatical constraints: "Urban sojourners" from Bequia. (pp. 131-143)
- Naomi Nagy, Xiaoli Zhang, George Nagy, and Edgar W. Schneider.
Clustering dialects automatically: A mutual information approach. (pp. 145-158)
- Jennifer Griffith Nguyen. Real-time changes in social stratification: Status and gender in trajectories of change for AAE variables. (pp. 159-171)
- Jeffrey K. Parrott. Distributed Morphological mechanisms of pronoun-case variation. (pp. 173-187)
- Robert J. Podesva. Intonational variation and social meaning: Categorical and phonetic aspects. (pp. 189-202)
- Gillian Sankoff and Suzanne Evans Wagner. Age-grading in retrograde movement: The inflected future in Montréal French. (pp. 203-216)
- James N. Stanford. When your mother tongue is not your mother's tongue: Linguistic reflexes of Sui exogamy. (pp. 217-229)
- Tonya Wolford and Keelan Evanini. Features of AAVE as features of PRE: A study of adolescents in Philadelphia. (pp. 231-244)
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