Penn @ NWAV 43

A number of Penn linguists will be presenting at NWAV 43 which will be held October 23-26 in Chicago, Illinois. The conference is hosted jointly by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Illinois Chicago campuses in downtown Chicago.


  • "Phonotactic simplification in borrowed /TH/-fronting"
    Sneller, Betsy
    University of Pennsylvania
  • "Priming mechanisms in phonological and morphological persistence"
    Tamminga, Meredith 
    University of Pennsylvania
  • "Cyclic Degrading: Strict cyclicity meets variable rules"
    Shwayder, Kobey; Kwon, Soohyun & McLaughlin, Brittany
    University of Pennsylvania
  • "The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree: incremental change in Philadelphia families"
    Fisher, Sabriya; Prichard, Hillary & Sneller, Betsy 
    University of Pennsylvania
  • "Shtreets of Philadelphia"
    Gylfadottir, Duna 
    University of Pennsylvania
  • "Senior peer pressure' and late-stage language change"
    Wagner, Suzanne Evans & Sankoff, Gillian 
    Michigan State University & University of Pennsylvania

Papers in a panel session:

  •  "A Convergence of Dialects in Saint Louis Corridor"
    Friedman, Lauren
    University of Pennsylvania 
  • "What we do and do not know about the Northern Cities Shift"
    Labov, William
    University of Pennnsylvania