4 The verb movement parameter

As we have already seen in Chapter 2, tense in English can be expressed in either of two ways. The future tense is expressed by will, which precedes the verb and is a free morpheme; that is, it can be separated from the verb and stand alone.

(1) a. * We watch will that show.
b.   We will never watch that show.
c. (Will you watch that show?) We will.

The past tense, on the other hand, is ordinarily expressed by the suffix -ed, which, being a bound morpheme, combines with the verb to form a morphologically complex word.

(2) a.   We watch-ed that show.
b. * We -ed never watch that show.
c. * (Will you watch that show?) We -ed.

This dual expression of tense is typical of the Germanic language family, to which English belongs. In all of these languages, the future is expressed analytically (as two separate words), and the past is mostly expressed synthetically (as a single morphologically complex word).

The syntactic structure for sentences presented in Chapter 2, according to which they are projections of I, is straightforwardly compatible with the analytic expression of tense, since it provides a structural locus for the free tense morpheme. On the strength of the uniform semantic contribution of tense in past tense and future tense sentences, we extended the IP analysis to the synthetic past tense. This extension receives further support from the fact that in languages like French, the future tense is synthetic, yet semantically equivalent to its analytic English counterpart. An IP structure does, however, raise the question of how tense and the verb merge to form a complex word when tense is expressed synthetically. In this chapter, we present two ways in which this merger can come about: either V moves to I (verb raising) or I moves to V (tense lowering). Both ways are instances of a more general phenomenon of head movement, in which one syntactic head adjoins to another. As we will see in a later chapter, it is possible to recast tense lowering in a way that assimilates it to verb raising, and so we refer to the choice between these two parametric options as the verb movement parameter.

In addition to presenting the basic facts of verb raising and tense lowering, we discuss a closely related topic in the grammar of English: the do support found in negative sentences like I don't like okra. We also present crosslinguistic evidence that verb raising is linked to the richness of subject-verb agreement, and we discuss the effects of the loss of agreement in a language on the learnability of verb raising.

Verb raising: V movement to I

The French future tense

As we mentioned, merging tense and the verb can take place in two directions. We begin with the case in which V moves to I. In this connection, it is informative to consider the future tense in French, which is formed by attaching suffixes to a verb's infinitive.

(3)     Future of chanter 'to sing' Present of avoir 'to have'

je chanter-ai 'I will sing' j'ai 'I have'
tu chanter-as 'you.sg will sing'        tu as 'you.sg have'
il, elle chanter-a 'he, she will sing' il, elle a 'he, she has'
nous chanter-ons 'we will sing' nous avons 'we have'
vous chanter-ez 'you.pl will sing' vous avez 'you.pl have'
ils, elles chanter-ont 'they will sing' ils, elles ont 'they have'

As is evident from (3), the future tense affixes are nearly identical to the present tense forms of the verb avoir 'to have', the only difference being that the first and second person plural affixes are truncated by comparison to the full two-syllable forms of avoir. This correspondence suggests that the future tense in French developed via a semantic shift from 'I have to V' to 'I will V'. In addition, and more immediately relevant for our present purposes, the originally free forms of avoir were reanalyzed as bound morphemes. The analytic roots of the synthetic French future tense thus indicate that the two ways of expressing tense are not just semantically parallel, but are also not as unrelated morphologically as they seem at first glance. In particular, what the French case suggests is that bound tense morphemes can project syntactic structure on a par with free morphemes. The elementary trees for the future tense affixes in (3) are then as in (4).

(4) a.       b.     c.     d.     e.     f.

Given these elementary trees, a sentence like (5) can be derived as follows.

Nous chanterons une chanson.
we   sing.fut   a   song
'We will sing a song.'

We begin with the elementary tree for the verb chanter in (6a) and substitute it as the complement of the elementary tree for the future tense marker to yield the structure in (6b).

(6) a.       b.  
Elementary tree for chanter Substitute (6a) in elementary tree for future tense

The synthetic future tense form can then be created by moving the verb and left-adjoining it to the tense morpheme, as the step-by-step derivation in (7) shows. In our previous uses of the adjunction operation, the target of adjunction was the intermediate projection of a head that was being modified, and the constituent being adjoined was a maximal projection. In the present case, the target of adjunction and the constituent being adjoined are both heads, and adjunction is used to create a morphologically complex word. The formal operation, however, is the same in both cases.

(7) a.       b.       c.  
Select target of adjunction Clone target of adjunction Attach V as left daughter of clone

The remaining steps of the derivation are identical to the ones that would be required to derive the English sentence We will sing a song and are shown in (8).

(8) a.       b.  
Substitute arguments Move subject

The order of verbs and adverbs in French

The facts presented so far are consistent not only with an analysis according to which V raises to I, but also with one in which I lowers to V. However, there is additional evidence in favor of the verb raising analysis that is based on the order of adverbs with respect to verbs (Emonds 1978). As shown in (9)-(11), certain adverbs in French (in italics) ordinarily must precede rather than follow the main verb (in boldface).

(9) a.  
Elle va   à peine travailler trois heures.
she  goes hardly   work        three hours
'She is going to hardly work three hours.'
Mon ami    va   complètement perdre la  tête.
my  friend goes completely    lose    the head
'My friend is going to completely lose his head.'
Je vais presque oublier mon nom.
I  go   almost   forget   my  name 
'I'm going to almost forget my name.'
(10) a. * Elle va travailler à peine trois heures.
b. * Mon ami va perdre complètement la tête.
c. * Je vais oublier presque mon nom.
(11) a. * Elle va travailler trois heures à peine.
b. * Mon ami va perdre la tête complètement.
c. * Je vais oublier mon nom presque.

These word order facts reflect the fact that the adverbs in question obligatorily adjoin to the left of V' rather than to the right, as shown schematically in (12).


The same word order facts and analysis hold for participles as for infinitives.

(13) a.  
Elle avait à peine travaillé trois heures.
she  had   hardly   worked     three hours
'She had hardly worked three hours.'
Mon ami    a   complètement perdu la  tête.
my  friend has completely    lost   the head 
'My friend completely lost his head.'
J'avais presque oublié   mon nom.
I had   almost   forgotten my  name 
'I had almost forgotten my name.'
(14) a. * Elle avait travaillé à peine trois heures.
b. * Mon ami a perdu complètement la tête.
c. * J'avais oublié presque mon nom.
(15) a. * Elle avait travaillé trois heures à peine.
b. * Mon ami a perdu la tête complètement.
c. * J'avais oublié mon nom presque.

As (16) and (17) show, the negative marker pas behaves like an adverb.

(16) a.
Nous allons (ne) pas écouter la  radio.
we   go      NE  not  listen   the radio
'We are going not to listen to the radio.'
b. *
Nous allons (ne) écouter pas la radio.
c. *
Nous allons (ne) écouter la radio pas.
(17) a.
Nous (n') avons pas écouté la radio.
we    NE  have  not  listened the radio
'We haven't listened to the radio.'
b. * Nous (n') avons écouté pas la radio.
c. * Nous (n') avons écouté la radio pas.

With finite verbs, however, the adverb-verb order that is obligatory with infinitives and participles is ungrammatical.

(18) a. *
Elle à peine travaillera trois heures.
she  hardly   work.fut      three hours
'She will hardly work three hours.'
b. *
Mon ami    complètement perdra   la  tête.
my  friend completely    lose.fut  the head
'My friend will completely lose his head.'
c. *
Je presque oublierai mon nom.
I  almost  forget.fut  my  name
'I will almost forget my name.'
Nous (ne) pas écouterons la radio.
we    NE  not listen.fut   the radio
'We won't listen to the radio.'

Instead, the adverb must follow the verb, although it still cannot follow the entire V'.

(19) a.   Elle travaillera à peine trois heures.
b. Mon ami perdra complètement la tête.
c. J' oublierai presque mon nom.
d. Nous (n') écouterons pas la radio.
(20) a. * Elle travaillera trois heures à peine.
b. * Mon ami perdra la tête complètement.
c. * J' oublierai mon nom presque.
d. * Nous (n') écouterons la radio pas.

We can make sense of these facts if we make the reasonable assumption that the adverbs under discussion adjoin to the left of V' regardless of the finiteness of the verb that they modify. This gives the right adverb-verb order for infinitives and participles, and it also immediately explains the ungrammaticality of (20). In addition, if finite verbs move to I to be united with the tense morpheme, as shown in (21), then the verb-adverb order with finite verbs follows straightforwardly as well.

(21) a.       b.  

Since it is difficult to see how an analysis under which I lowers to V could handle these facts in a principled way, we conclude that V raises to I in French, rather than that I lowers to V.

As (22) and (23) show, the adverb facts for other simple tenses in French are parallel to those for the future tense.

(22) a.  
Elle travaillait à peine trois heures.
she  work.imperf   hardly   three hours
'She used to hardly work three hours.' 
Mon ami    perd     complètement la  tête.
my  friend lose.pres completely    the head
'My friend completely loses his head.'
J' oublie     presque mon nom.
I  forget.pres almost   my  name
'I am almost forgetting my name.'
Nous (n') écoutions   pas la  radio.
we    NE  listen.imperf not the radio
Intended meaning: 'We weren't listening to the radio.'
(23) a. * Elle à peine travaillait trois heures.
b. * Mon ami complètement perd la tête.
c. * Je presque oublie mon nom.
d. * Nous (ne) pas écoutions la radio.

On the strength of this evidence, we extend the verb raising analysis to these other tenses as well.

Tense lowering: I movement to V

The order of verbs and adverbs in English

Let us now turn to the English past tense. As the contrast between (24) and (25) shows, English adverbs, unlike their French counterparts, precede verbs regardless of their finiteness.

(24) a.   They { always, never } applied.
b. They will { always, never } apply.
c. They have { always, never } applied.
d. They are { always, never } applying.
(25) a. * They applied { always, never. }
b. * They will apply { always, never. }
c. * They have applied { always, never. }
d. * They are applying { always, never. }

This means that the verb raising analysis that is successful for French cannot be extended to English. But recall the second option that we mentioned earlier: that tense and the verb might merge in the other direction, by means of I lowering onto V. The simplest way of implementing this idea would be to have -ed project an elementary tree, as in (26a). The past tense marker would then take a VP complement, as shown in (26b), and rightward adjunction of the tense marker to the verb would result in the structure in (26c).

(26) a.       b.       c.  
Elementary tree for bound morpheme Substitute VP in (26a) Lower tense morpheme from I to V
Unsatisfactory analysis

But although this analysis would allow us to derive regular past tense verbs, it doesn't extend to irregular past tense forms like brought, sang, taught, and so on. In order to derive both types of past tense forms, we will therefore assume a silent past tense morpheme as in Chapter 2 and lower this silent morpheme onto the verb. A question that remains open is the exact form of the verb that merges with tense. On the one hand, V might dominate a form that is already inflected for past tense. This would yield a derivation as in (27).

(27) a.       b.  
One possibility

On the other hand, V might dominate the bare form of the verb, as in (28).

(28) a.       b.  
Another possibility

The idea would then be that structures like (28b) are passed on to a morphological component of the grammar, which contains rules for how to spell out the contents of lexical nodes. According to these rules, the past tense in English is ordinarily spelled out as -ed. With irregular verbs, however, it is the entire combination of verb and tense that is spelled out in more or less idiosyncratic fashion. Thus, watch-[past] would be spelled out as watched, whereas sing-[past] would be spelled out as sang. Although the choice between the approaches in (27) and (28) is not completely straightforward, we prefer the second approach for the following reason. According to the first approach, the morphological component generates verb forms bearing certain properties, or features, including tense. These verb forms then project elementary trees in the syntax that combine with other elementary trees, possibly yielding ungrammatical structures. For instance, a present tense I might take a VP complement headed by a past tense form. In order to rule out structures with such feature mismatches, it would be necessary to institute a special checking procedure, either as part of tense lowering itself or as a sort of quality control on the structures resulting from it. The second approach avoids the need for such a procedure. The idea is that the contents of V contain no tense features of their own, eliminating the possibility for feature mismatches in the syntax. When the syntactic structures are passed on to the morphological component, the tense-verb combinations are simply spelled out appropriately according to the morphological rules of the language.

Do support in English

In vernacular English, never often functions as simple sentence negation, without its literal meaning of not ever. An example of this use is given in (29).

(29) a.     Did you get a chance to talk to Tom at the party?
b. i. Nope, I never did.
ii. Nope, I didn't.

But despite their functional similarity, the negative elements not and never exhibit a striking syntactic difference: not obligatorily triggers do support, whereas never doesn't. (All forms of do in this section are to be read as unstressed.)

(30) a. * He not applied.
b. He { did not, didn't } apply.
(31) a. He never applied.
b. * He did never apply.

How can we explain this puzzling fact? Before going any further, we should say that do support raises some of the thorniest problems in English syntax, and no completely satisfactory analysis of it exists as yet. The analysis that we present in what follows accounts for the contrast between (30) and (31), but does not address many other puzzling facts that have been discovered in connection with do support. The analysis relies on two main ideas, which we elaborate in turn: first, that never and not are integrated into the structure of sentences in different ways, and second, that tense lowering (and head movement more generally) is subject to a structural constraint.

A syntactic difference between never and not. As shown in (32), never is intransitive and hence a maximal projection in its own right, whereas not is transitive and hence a head, rather than a phrase.

(32) a.       b.  

There are several pieces of evidence for this distinction. The first comes from negative inversion, a construction reminiscent of the so am I construction discussed in Chapter 3 in connection with the internal structure of adjective phrases. (33a) shows an ordinary negative sentence, and (33b) shows its negative inversion counterpart, in which the negative constituent (in boldface) has moved to the beginning of the sentence, and the subject (underlined) has inverted with the auxiliary (in italics).

(33) a.   They would appreciate no present more than another novel by Wodehouse.
b.   No present would they appreciate more than another novel by Wodehouse.

An important property of this construction is that the material preceding the auxiliary must be a maximal projection. Thus, in contrast to the DP no present in (33b), the head of the DP, the negative determiner no, cannot undergo negative inversion on its own.

(34)   * No would they appreciate present more than another novel by Wodehouse.

Bearing in mind this fact about negative inversion, consider the canonical and negative inversion sentences in (35).

(35) a.   They will never tolerate this mess.
b.   Never will they tolerate this mess.

(36) illustrates the beginning of the derivation of (35a). (36a) is the (simplified) structure for the positive sentence corresponding to (35a). Adjoining never as a verbal modifier then yields (36b).

(36) a.       b.  

We discuss the structure for negative inversion sentences in a later chapter, but what is important for now is that never in the canonical variant is a maximal projection, and hence a possible candidate for negative inversion.

Now consider the not variant of (35a) in (37).

(37)     They will not tolerate this mess.

Making the reasonable assumption that I can take either NegP or VP complements, the structure for (37) is as in (38).


Given this structure, not on its own is not a maximal projection, and so not, like no but unlike never, should not be able to undergo negative inversion. As (39) shows, this expectation is confirmed.

(39)   * Not will they tolerate this mess.

A second piece of evidence for the status of not (and its variant n't) as a head comes from the fact that it optionally raises and adjoins to I, forming a complex head that can exhibit morphological irregularities. For instance, shall-n't and will-n't are spelled out as shan't and won't, respectively. Such irregularities are typical of what is possible when two heads combine. Although the direction of movement is different, we have seen comparable examples in connection with irregular past tense forms in English, where the combination of two heads like sing and [past] is spelled out as sang. Other well-known examples of the same phenomenon include the idiosyncratic spell-outs for preposition-determiner combinations like those in (40).

(40) a. French
de + le > du;  de + les > des;  à + le > au;  à + les > aux
of   the.m.sg  of   the.pl      to  the.m.sg  to  the.pl
b. German
an + dem > am;     in + dem > im;     zu + dem > zum;    zu + der > zur
to   the.m.dat.sg  in   the.m.dat.sg  to   the.m.dat.sg  to   the.f.dat.sg
c. Italian
con + il >     col;  en + il > nel;  su + il > sul
with  the.m.sg       in   the.m.sg   on   the.m.dat.sg

A constraint on tense lowering. We turn now to the second piece of our solution to the puzzle presented by the contrast between (30) and (31), repeated here as (41) and (42).

(41) a. * He not applied.
b. He { did not, didn't } apply.
(42) a. He never applied.
b. * He did never apply.

The idea is that tense lowering (though not verb raising) is subject to the locality condition in (43).

(43) a.   When a head A lowers onto a head B, A and B must be in a local relation in the sense that no projection of a head distinct from A and B intervenes on the path of branches that connects A and B.
b.   An element C, C distinct from A and B, intervenes between two elements A and B iff A (or some projection of A) dominates C and C (or some projection of C) dominates B.

It is important to understand that intervention is defined not in terms of linear precedence, but in terms of the structural predicate 'dominate.' This means that the place to look for whether the locality condition in (43) is satisfied or violated is not the string of terminal nodes beginning with A and ending with B, but the path of branches that connects A with B in the tree.

The structure for (42a) is given in (44). In this structure, tense lowering is consistent with the locality condition in (43), since adjoining never at V' results in the adverb being too low in the tree to intervene between I and V.


In the structure in (45a), on the other hand, tense lowering violates the locality condition because the boxed projections of Neg intervene on the path between I and V. As a result, only the do support variant of (45a) is grammatical, which is shown in (45b). Although the intermediate and the maximal projections of Neg intervene between I and V in (45b) as well, the locality constraint in (43) is not violated because forms of do, being free morphemes, don't need to lower onto the verb.

(45) a.       b.  

Cues for the acquisition of verb raising

Note: In this section, +d and +t stand for the Icelandic characters eth and thorn, which represent the voiced and voiceless 'th' sounds in this, eth and thin, thorn, respectively.

Our discussion so far has treated movement from V to I and from I to V as two symmetrical parametric options provided by Universal Grammar. However, the languages in which the two options have been studied in greatest detail---the Germanic and Romance languages---suggest that they are ranked and that it is the V-to-I option that is preferred, all other things being equal.

Of course, we need to take into account that in this case, as in life generally, all other things aren't equal. Among the Germanic and Romance languages, we can distinguish two groups, which have to do with the expression of subject agreement on finite verbs. All of these languages resemble English in distinguishing three grammatical persons and two grammatical numbers (singular and plural). In principle, therefore, a language might have six (= 3 x 2) distinct agreement morphemes, one for each person-number combination. In languages like Italian and Spanish, this is exactly what we find, and French makes up to four distinctions. In Germanic, no language makes six distinctions, but Icelandic makes up to five and Yiddish makes four. The agreement paradigms for these rich agreement languages are illustrated in (46). Square brackets enclose material that is silent.

(46)     Verb paradigms in rich agreement languages

Italian Spanish French Icelandic Yiddish
'I speak' 'I speak' 'I will speak' 'I say' 'I say'

1 sg parl-o habl-o parler-ai seg-i zog
2 sg parl-as habl-as parler-a[s] seg-ir zog-st
3 sg parl-a habl-a parler-a seg-ir zog-t
1 pl parl-amo habl-amos parler-on[s] segj-um zog-n
2 pl parl-ate habl-áis parler-e[z] seg-i+d zog-t
3 pl parl-ano habl-an parler-on[t] segj-a zog-n

By contrast, the mainland Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish) exhibit no agreement morphology at all, even with a verb like 'be', which in English preserves agreement distinctions that are not expressed elsewhere in the language. For ordinary verbs, English expresses only one distinction in the present tense and none at all in the past tense. (47) gives some paradigms for these poor agreement languages.

(47)     Verb paradigms in poor agreement languages

Danish Swedish English
'I throw' 'I am' 'I throw' 'I am' 'I throw' 'I am'

1 sg kaster er kaster är throw am
2 sg " " " " " are
3 sg " " " " throw-s is
1 pl " " " " throw are
2 pl " " " " " "
3 pl " " " " " "

In rich agreement languages, tense merges with the verb in the same way as we have already seen for French; that is, the verb (in boldface) raises to I and hence precedes adverbs and negation (in italics). This is illustrated for Icelandic and Yiddish in (48) and (49). The examples are in the form of subordinate clauses because main clauses introduce a complication---discussed in a later chapter---that potentially eclipses verb movement to I.

(48) a. Icelandic  
a+d  Jón keypti { ekki, aldrei, raunverulega } bókina
that Jón bought    not   never   actually        book.def
'that Jón { didn't buy, never bought, actually bought } the book'
b. Yiddish  
az   zey  redn ( nit, avade,    mistome } mame-loshn
that they speak   not  certainly probably  mother-tongue
'that they { don't, certainly, probably } speak Yiddish'
(49) a. * a+d Jón { ekki, aldrei, raunverulega } keypti bókina
b. * az zey { nit, avade, mistome } redn mame-loshn

In poor agreement languages, on the other hand, tense merges with the verb by lowering onto it, just as in English (in those contexts that don't require do support); in this case, the finite verb follows adverbs and negation. (50) and (51) illustrate this for Danish and Swedish.

(50) a. Danish  
at   Peter { ikke, ofte } drikker kaffe  om morgenen
that Peter   not   often   drinks   coffee in morning.def
'that Peter { doesn't drink, often drinks } coffee in the morning'
b. Swedish  
att  Ulf { inte, faktiskt } köpte boken
that Ulf   not   actually    bought book.def
'that Ulf { didn't buy, actually bought } the book'
(51) a. * at Peter drikker { ikke, ofte } kaffe om morgenen
b. * att Ulf köpte { inte, faktiskt } boken

We note in passing that the syntax of sentences containing negation is simpler in mainland Scandinavian than it is in English. Negation patterns like other adverbs, and mainland Scandinavian has no do support. This is consistent with the status of sentence negation in Scandinavian as a maximal projection, as evidenced by its ability to participate in negative inversion.

(52) a. Swedish
Inte vet jag var   hon bor.
not   know I   where she lives
'I don't know where she lives.'
b. Icelandic
Ekki veit ég hver  hun byr.
not   know I   where she lives

We know of no rich agreement languages in which V lowers to I. Related to this is the fact that languages that lose rich agreement also tend to lose verb movement to I over time. Although we do not know why this correlation between richness of agreement and verb raising should hold, it suggests that children acquiring a language prefer the parametric option of verb raising over the tense lowering alternative, but only if they are able to detect sufficient cues for it in the sentences that they hear. In Germanic and Romance, the cues for the verb raising option are twofold: on the one hand, richness of agreement, and on the other, the word order that results from verb raising (finite verb > adverb). If the language being acquired has rich agreement, then the cues for the verb raising option are extremely robust. This is because virtually every sentence that the child hears contains the agreement cue, which is further reinforced by the word order cue in those sentences that contain adverbs. Under these conditions, children acquire the verb raising option without difficulty. On the other hand, in a language with poor agreement and without cues from word order, the idea is that children are unable to acquire the verb raising option.

What happens in a language in which agreement is being lost? In such a language, agreement first becomes variable (that is, some sentences contain agreement, whereas other do not) and then is lost entirely. Thus, the cues from rich agreement become less frequent over time, and children acquiring the language become increasingly dependent on the word order cue. But since not every sentence contains adverbs of the relevant sort, the cues for the verb raising option in a language that is losing rich agreement are nowhere near as robust as in a language with stable rich agreement. This means that although it is possible in principle for children to acquire the verb raising option, at least some children might acquire the tense lowering option instead (all other things being equal). Since these speakers then no longer produce sentences in which the finite verb precedes the adverb, the relative frequency of the word order cue decreases yet further, in turn decreasing the chance of other children acquiring the verb raising option. Thus, the overall tendency over time is for the verb raising option to disappear from the language. During a period of transition, the old parametric option might continue to be used alongside the new one---for instance, in formal usage. But for speakers who have acquired the tense lowering option in early childhood, the verb raising option can never be as natural as tense lowering, and so the new parametric option tends to supplant the old one even in formal usage.

It is possible to track these developments in some detail in the history of the Scandinavian languages. In Swedish, agreement begins to be lost in the 1400s, and the earliest examples of tense lowering are from the late part of that century. During a transition period from 1500 to 1700, both verb raising and tense lowering are attested, sometimes even in the same text (as in the (b) examples in (53) and (54)).

(53) a. Verb raising
at   Gudz  ord  kan ey  vara j  honom
that God's word can  not be   in him
'that God's word cannot be in him'
när  thet är ey stenoghth
when it   is not stony
'when it is not stony'
(54) a. Tense lowering
om den  dristigheten än skulle wara onågigtt uptagen
if that boldness     yet would   be   amiss    taken
'if that boldness would yet be taken amiss'
wm annar   sywkdom ey  krenker nokon
if another illness not afflict   someone
'if someone isn't afflicted with another illness'

Finally, after 1700, the verb raising option in Swedish dies out completely.

The geographically more isolated Faroese seems to be at the very tail end of the same change. Agreement has weakened in Faroese, and speakers do not ordinarily produce verb raising sentences. However, when asked to give grammaticality judgments, many speakers accept both word orders in (55), characterizing the verb raising variant in (55b) as archaic.

(55) a. Tense lowering (vernacular)  
Hann spur, hvi tad   ikki eru fleiri tilikar samkomur.
he   asks  why there not   are  more  such    gatherings
'He asks why there aren't more such gatherings.'
b. Verb raising (archaic) Hann spur, hvi tad eru ikki fleiri tilikar samkomur.

Interestingly, there is at least one dialect of Swedish, the dialect of Älvdalen, that has retained agreement (the paradigm for kasta 'throw' is: 1, 2, 3 sg kast-ar, 1 pl kast-um, 2 pl kast-er, 3 pl kast-a). In this dialect, as we might expect, verb raising is the only option, and tense lowering, unlike in standard Swedish, is ungrammatical.

(56) a.
um du  for int gar  ita ia firi   brado
if you get  not done this   before breakfast
'if you don't get this done before breakfast'
fast die  uar int ieme
if   they were not home
'if they weren't home'
ba   fo dye  at   uir uildum int fy     om
just becuase that we  would   not  follow him
'just because we wouldn't follow him'


tense in English can be expressed in either of two ways
We focus on the past tense in what follows since the present tense is not overtly marked in English. The -s of the third person singular expresses subject agreement rather than present tense (Kayne 1989).

the past is mostly expressed synthetically
Yiddish and the southern German dialects from which it developed are exceptions in this regard. In these languages, the synthetic simple past has been replaced by the analytic present perfect (Middle High German ich machte 'I made' > Yiddish ikh hob gemakht, literally 'I have made').

via a semantic shift
A very similar shift occurred in English from 'I have to V' to 'I must V'.

reanalyzed as bound morphemes
Such reanalysis might be the source of much, if not all, inflectional morphology. In many cases, especially in languages that are not written, the sources of the inflections would be obscured by further linguistic changes, primarily phonological reduction. Consider, for instance, the development of the future tense in Tok Pisin, an English-based contact language that originated in the 1800s and that has become the national language of Papua New Guinea. In current Tok Pisin, particularly among speakers whose first language it is, the future marker is the bound morpheme b. Since we are fortunate to have written records of Tok Pisin from the late 1800's, we happen to know that this morpheme is the reflex of the adverbial phrase by and by, which served as the future tense marker in the early stages of contact.

the negative marker pas
Historically, the negative marker in French was ne, and pas, literally 'step', was an intensifier without negative force of its own. Modern English has comparable intensifiers, as in I don't want to do it { one bit, at all. } In the course of the history of French, ne, being phonologically weak, was often elided in speech, and pas was reanalyzed as the negative marker. In modern French, ne is characteristic of the formal language, and in some varieties, such as Montreal French, ne essentially never occurs in the spoken language. For the purposes of the present discussion, we disregard ne, treating it as an optional, semantically meaningless prefix on the verb.

Cues for the acquisition of verb raising
The discussion in this section is based on data and ideas in Barnes 1992, Falk 1993, Holmberg and Platzack 1995, Platzack 1988, Roberts 1993, and Vikner 1995.

we can distinguish two groups
In what follows, we do not consider verb-final languages like German or Dutch. Evidence for verb movement to I in these languages would have to come from adverbs that right-adjoin to V', with the finite verb then moving rightward across the adverb. However, for reasons that are not yet understood, right-adjunction to V' does not seem to possible in verb-final languages.

its ability to participate in negative inversion
Negation cannot participate in negative inversion in Danish, perhaps because it cannot bear prosodic stress.