Linguistics 001     Fall 2002    Extra or substitute credit


If you do badly on a particular homework assignment, you can petition your section leader to do a substitute assignment covering similar material. This is extra work for him or her, so please don't ask if you're not serious about it.

In addition, we will announce an extra-credit assignment that will be worth a few extra points on the homework portion of your grade. The details of the assignment and of the grading scheme will be presented around Thanksgiving.


If you feel that your midterm grade was lower than you would like it to have been, you have the option of retrospectively substituting the grade on a research paper of about 8-10 pages. The process has three steps:

  1. Send Mark Liberman a proposal by email. This should be a short paragraph describing the topic you want to address in your paper, along with a "seed reference" in the form of a survey article, book chapter etc. to indicate the kind of material you'll base your paper on. Liberman (or one of the TAs) will respond with some questions and suggestions to help you adjust the clarity and level of generality of the topic.
  2. After approval of your a topic, you'll do enough research to create an annotated bibliography and an outline of your paper. There will be another email discussion about possible adjustments at this stage.
  3. After approval of your bibliography and outline, you write the paper and turn it in for a grade. If the grade is better than your midterm grade, it'll be substituted.

Schedule: you should get your topic approved by Thanksgiving; your bibliography and outline should be approved by the last day of class; your paper is due by the course's official final exam date.





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