Linguistics 001     Places and Times, Fall 2000

Lectures (MW 12-1): Stiteler B-6

Stiteler Hall is on 37th St. Walk, between Walnut St. and Locust Walk.

Recitation Sections

Recitation sections will begin in the second week of classes, so that the Thursday and Friday sections will not meet on Sept. 7 and 8, but all sections will meet starting Monday, Sept. 11.

Because enrollments are higher than expected this term, we have added two new sections, with times chosen on the basis of the preferences expressed in the questionnaires handed out in class.

The new section assignments will be sent out by email, and also your registration information should have been updated correctly.

Section Time Location Instructor
402 M 1-2 MCNB 167-8 Banuazizi
403 W 1-2 MCNB 167-8 Sanchez
404 R 12-1 MCNB 167-8 Banuazizi
405 F 12-1 MCNB 167-8 Sanchez
406* M 1-2 Ware College House Library,
4th Floor of Memorial Tower
407 W 2-3 Williams 843 Banuazizi
408 F 1-2 Logan 493 Sanchez

*Section Ling001-406 is reserved for residents of Ware College House, where Mark Liberman is Faculty Master. 148 Memorial Tower is in the quad, just inside the 37th and Spruce entrance.

Office Hours

Mark Liberman's regular office hours for this course will be Wednesday 2-4, in Memorial Towers 148 (in the quad, just inside the 37th and Spruce entrance). You can also use email to make an appointment.

The teaching assistants for the course are Atissa Banuazizi and Tara Sanchez. Their office hours will be Tuesday 12-2, in Williams Hall 623, or by appointment.






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