Qtree download directory
This is the distribution directory for Qtree, a LaTeX package for
drawing tree diagrams. Qtree allows trees to be specified in a simple
bracket notation, automatically calculates branch sizes, and supports
both DVI/PostScript and PDF output.
This is Qtree version 3.1b, of 12 December 2008. Qtree is distributed
under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL).
Source files
qtree.sty The style file
qtreenotes.tex The documentation
qarrows.tex Additional info on drawing movement arrows
Formatted versions of the documentation
Compatibility files
Below you can find Version 2.21 of
qtree, provided here for backward compatibility. The only
format differences are in the whitespace generated around trees. Unless you
have an older document with lots of trees whose formatting must stay exactly
the same, you should download the latest version instead.
Alexis Dimitriadis (alexis@ling.upenn.edu)