Linguistic and Social Variation in the -NDO Affix in Papiamentu In Papiamentu, an Afro-Hispanic creole spoken on Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao, the -ndo affix can be added to verbs of Iberian origin to indicate progressive aspect or a gerund, as in Spanish. Previous work mentions the existence of the "recently borrowe d" form (Birmingham 1971), but none examines factors constraining its distribution (Andersen 1990; Goilo 1953, 1972; Lenz 1928; Kouwenberg and Muysken 1994; Maurer 1998; Munteanu 1991; Wattman 1953; Wood 1972). Papiamentu has ways of indicating progress ive and imperfective aspect that predate the borrowing: clefting a repeated form of the verbal complex indicates present progressive aspect; ta and tabata are imperfective TMA markers (with tabata specifically used for past imperfective) (Goilo 1953). Kouwenberg and Muysken (1994) indicate that the relationship between the various methods of indicating progressive/imperfective aspect is unknown. This paper examines 81 Papiamentu texts from 1775-1999 for evidence of constraints on syntactic distributio n and aspectual interpretation, stylistic variation, geographic differences in use, and real time change. Significant results were found for each of these factors. As a main verb, V-ndo must be preceded by a TMA marker (ta or tabata). In other position s, V-ndo is permitted, though ta and tabata sometimes co-occur. The number of syntactic positions of verbs to which -ndo can be added has increased over time, as has the frequency of use of the affix. Finally, the Aruba dialect uses the affix more frequ ently and with a wider variety of aspectual interpretations than do the other islands, indicating that the affix is more integrated into the hispanized Aruba dialect. Sources: Andersen, Roger W. (1990) "Papiamentu Tense-Aspect, With Special Attention to Discourse," in Pidgin and Creole Tense-Mood-Aspect Systems. John Victor Singler, editor. John Benjamins Publishing Co.; Amsterdam/Philadelphia. Goilo, E.R. (1972) Papiamentu Textbook, Fourth Edition. De Wit N.V.; Aruba. (1953) Gramatica Papiamentu. Hollandsche Boekhandel: Curaçao. Kouwenberg, Silvia and Peter Muysken (1994) "Papiamentu," in Pidgin and Creoles: An Introduction, Jacques Arends, Pieter Muysken, and Norval Smith, editors. John Benjamins Publishing Co.; Amsterdam/Philadelphia. Lenz, Rodolfo (1928) El Papiamento: Lengua Criolla de Curazao. Balcells & Co.: Santiago, Chile. Maurer, Philipe (1998) "El papiamentu de Curazao," in Américan negra: panorámica actual de los estudios lingüisticos sobre variedades hispanas, portuguesas y criollas, Matthias Perl and Armin Schwegler, editors, with Gerardo Lorenzino. Verveut Verlag; F rankfurt am Maim. Munteanu, Dan (1996) El Papiamento, Lengua Criolla Hispánica. Editorial Gredos, S.A.; Madrid. Wattman, Francine Harriet (1953) Papiamentu Morphology and Syntax. Master's Thesis: Cornell University. Wood, Richard E. (1972) "The Hispanization of a Creole Language: Papiamentu" in Hispania 55.