The Trees Program for Licensed Users

Trees is a program (© Sean Crist and Anthony Kroch) that supports

  1. the drawing of syntactic trees for insertion into word processing documents.
  2. the creation of software exercises to help students learn the basics of syntactic structure and transformational derivations.
Trees is a Windows program that also runs on a Macintosh (OS X 10.5 and above) inside a Wineskin wrapper. Trees will also run under Linux in the Wine environment, though not as a double-clickable application.

Trees was developed under a grant from the University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences Instructional Computing Development Fund and is used at Penn in Linguistics 250 and Linguistics 550. It is also available under license to students and faculty in more than a dozen linguistics departments in the United States and in other countries.

If you are a student affiliated the University of Pennsylvania or a licensed department, you may download the Player version of Trees 3. As exercises are assigned in your courses, the associated Trees grammars are made available by your instructors.

Instructors in licensed departments who wish to use the full version of Trees 3 should contact the faculty member in their department who holds the site license copy of that program.



[Main trees page | Tony Kroch's home page | Penn Linguistics home page ]