\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amscd} \usepackage[tableposition=top]{caption} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{natbib} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{width=8, height=5} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \title{SS ANOVA} \author{Josef Fruehwald} \maketitle \section{The Data} Here's a little demonstration of how to use and analyze Smoothing Spline ANOVAs. \citet{davidson2006} has a good overview of what SS-ANOVAs are, and an overview of how to analyze them. I was able to follow her executive summary, but can't say I control the math. Here's an example with formant data from /ay/. <>= ay <- read.csv("ay.csv") @ I have $\Sexpr{nlevels(ay$Word)}$ tokens of /ay/ here, with pre-voiceless tokens excluded. I extracted the formant data from each vowel at 2 ms intervals from Praat. I then scaled the times for each word proportionally, from 0 to 1. I called this variable {\tt RTime}. Then, I classified the vowels into two groups based on whether their log(Duration) was greater or less than the mean(log(Duration)). <>= library(xtable) t <- log(tapply(ay$Time,ay$Word,max)) xtable(table(Count = factor(t < mean(t),labels = c("Long","Short"))),table.placement = "htbp",caption = "Long/Short Breakdown",label = "counts") @ The tracked formants, colored by Long or Short group membership, are plotted in Figure \ref{tracked}\footnote{I've included the code to produce this plot here. I'm using the {\tt ggplot2} package \citep{ggplot2}}. As can be seen, there are regions with significant tracking errors. I've measured all of these vowels by hand also, and I recall having a lot of issues with pseudo-formants with high-front vowels, and it looks like the worst tracking errors are also in the glides. The long vowels also seem to have disproportionately bad tracking, and this may be due to the presence of nasal formants. Processing the lpc analysis via Keelan's method would probably improve this kind of analysis. <>= library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) formants <- ggplot(ay,aes(x = RTime,groups = Word,colour = LDur)) formants <- formants + geom_line(aes(y = F1),alpha = 0.8) formants <- formants + geom_line(aes(y = F2),alpha = 0.8) formants <- formants + ylab("Hz") @ <