S - s

S/E hence -mac
S/E hither -maqʷ
sack of deerskin paken
saddle si·ya
saddle cinch si·ya šuʔqʼaʔli
saddle horn si·yahustu
safety razor cʰiqʼa·ṭiʔ nawahe·ra
sag beʔṭʼe*
sag inward dihpʰa·š*
· hpʰa·š*
· pʰahši*
sag inward by holding a handle cipʰahši*
sag inward by holding handle cihpʰa·š*
sag inward by water sihpʰa·š*
sag inward quickly mupʰahši*
sag inward with a finger dupʰahši*
sag inward with body hihpʰa·š*
sag inward with sole of foot mahpʰa·š*
sag inward with the mouth bahpʰa·š*
sagging di·kulku
sagging (of lips of sheep) qa·belʔbe
saggy from being sat on ca·kʼolkʼo
said by some at end of dance balemciya
said to baby when playing tickle game lakʼ
said while herding animals ho·w
sail [s?] puṭʰehqaC
sail along side·d*
sail around PLUR sidetʰmucʼ*
sail away side·duc*
sail forward sida·qocʼ*
sail up from here sida·qac*
sail up here, land sida·loq*
sailer marine·ru
salal berry kʼošoʔšo
salal plant kʼošoʔšo qʰale
salamander mahcomʔ
· šiyomahcomʔ
saliva ʔahahkʰet
salivate šaya*
· šayašaya*
salmon baʔkʼa
· maqʰa
salmonberry qʰoṭo
salmonberry plant qʰoṭo qʰale
salmong hung with teeth hooked on qacʰaw cʰilʔ
salt ṭaʔqʼo
salted meat bihše ṭaʔqʼo sʼiw
salted pork koci·na bihše ṭaʔqʼo sʼiw
salty ṭaʔqʼo
same (as before) kuʔmul
sand miṭac
sand dunes miṭaʔ pʰunaw
sand flea lu·šu
Sand Springs ṭacʼqʰa
sandals sapa·tu sali
sandwich cuhni· daʔbow
sandy beach miṭaʔ ʔama·
sanicle, snakeroot cuʔtʼaʔ ciʔdo
Satan hadu· ʔaca·c
Saturday capasʼiwmeṭ
sausage koci·na qaʔsʼoq
save (money) duʔqʼac*
save oneself by talking base·cʼ*
save someone’s life šukʰe·naqacʰqa*
saw seru·cu
· ʔaha· šuqʰamʔli
saw almost all the way through šuʔkʼi*
· šuʔkʼišuʔkʼi*
· šuʔkʼiʔkʼi*
saw off edge šuʔcʼet*
saw to size šuykuc*
say hced*
· hcicʼ*
· mi*
· miced*
· mid*
· nihced*
· šicʰmacʼ*
say (of self) hšiyi·cʼ*
say partly baʔsʼi*
say something quickly after something else happens baʔlayʔc*
Say's Phoebe ʔihya sʼihta
scab cihcʰi
scab over moʔkʼoy*
scales pʼiʔye
scallop meyecci
scalp hoʔtʼo qʰaʔbe catʼow
· hoʔtʼo sʼiʔda
scar ṭilaš
scare something away mahcʰahqa*
· ʔaeh^
scatter coyot*
· dahšu*
· hašo·m*
· hpʰo*
· hso*
· hsoṭ*
· hšu*
· li*
· šohpʰohpʰo*
· te·m*
scatter by a round object culiculi*
scatter by blowing pohsoṭ*
· pusi·ṭ*
· pʰoyot*
· pʰuli*
· pʰulipʰuli*
scatter by gravity dipʰu·*
scatter by hitting pisohṭ*
scatter by hitting with stick pipʰu·*
scatter by kicking hapʰu·*
scatter by moving through mohsom*
scatter by pulling or pushing šohsoṭ*
scatter by sitting caši·m*
scatter by walking on maši·m*
scatter by waving cloth šuhwisʼ*
scatter dust cihpʰohpʰoc*
· pʰu·m*
scatter from arms biyot*
scatter little pieces si·ṭ*
· sohṭ*
scatter little pieces with the feet mahsoṭ*
· masohṭ*
scatter of light duli*
· duliduli*
scatter particles by walking mapʰu·*
scatter small objects hahši*
· hši*
scatter small objects with sole of foot mahši*
scatter small objects with the sole of the foot mahšihši*
scatter small particles pʰu·*
scatter with a finger doyot*
scatter with a knife casi·ṭ*
scatter with a long object pʰayot*
scatter with a quick movement mohpʰomohpʰo*
· mosohṭ*
scatter with a round object culi*
scatter with broom ciši·m*
scatter with brush cusi·ṭ*
scatter with hand dahšihši*
scatter with legs hate·m*
scatter with the body hihsoṭ*
scatter with the first pihsoṭ*
scatter with the hand dahši*
· dasi·ṭ*
scatter with the mouth bahsoṭ*
· bali*
· basohṭ*
scatter, poke pahši*
scattered kʼašiṭ
scavenge mahcul
school kalikakʰca
school (institution) kalikakʰ cacʼ
scissors no·šihca
scoop pisit
scoop in hands dama*
scoop with instrument cʰima*
scoot over cahkʰe*
scorch muqʼa·ṭ*
· musi·ṭʰqa*
scorch oneself musi·ṭicʼqa*
scorch, singe mucʼu·l*
scorched musi·ṭ
scorched out muqʼaṭʰmaw
score (a point) mihyac*
scoring sticks hoya
scout out cat*
scram he*
scram! hicʼi
scrambled eggs hicʼo· miʔṭʼaʔ
scrape cuhsut*
· cʰu*
· qʰaqʰaṭ*
· qʼa·ṭ*
scrape between two forces qaqʰaqʰaṭ*
scrape bunch off damil*
scrape by falling dicʰu*
scrape clean with an instrument cʰikʼo·ṭ*
scrape flesh off a hide sʼiʔda cʰiqʼa·ṭ
scrape hair off ʔime cʰiqʼa·ṭ
scrape off cʰiqʼa·ṭ*
· qʼacci*
scrape off with a tool cʰitʼoš*
scrape or scratch with toe miqʼa·ṭ*
scrape out cʰikʼo·l*
scrape with a knife caqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with a long object pʰiqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with a nonlong object cuqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with end of long object cicʰu*
scrape with hands something up to a point daʔcʰu*
scrape with long pointed object pʰaqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with snout or beak baqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with something fingerlike duqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with the a long flexible object šuqʰaqʰaṭ*
scrape with the body haqʰaqʰaṭ*
· hiqʼa·ṭ*
scrape with the feet makʼi·š*
scrape with the hand daqʰaqʰaṭ*
· daṭʼo·s*
scrape, chip off pieces musu*
scratch hahsihahsi*
· haqʰoṭ*
· hasu*
· hasuwac*
· hayi*
· kʼi·*
· pʰiqʼasa·tad*
· suwac*
scratch a mark by pulling šukʼis*
scratch and make a streak daqʼa·s*
· qʼasa·tad*
· qʼa·s*
scratch and make a streak quickly muqʼasa·tad*
scratch and make a streak with a massive object caqʼa·s*
scratch and make a streak with teeth qaqʼasa·tad*
· qaqʼa·s*
scratch and make a streak with the hand daqʼasa·tad*
scratch and make bleed with the point of a long object pʰakʼi·*
scratch around with a stick cihcʰe*
· cihcʰecihcʰe*
scratch body on hisu*
scratch body on something sharp hiqʼa·s*
scratch by falling object diqʼa·s*
scratch by throwing nonlong object muqʼa·s*
scratch in many places with fingernail duhsuhsu*
scratch lightly kʼis*
scratch lightly by blowing pʰukʼis*
scratch lightly with a thrown long object hakʼis*
scratch lightly with the point of a long object pʰakʼis*
scratch lightly with the teeth qakʼis*
scratch mud off wall duhṭʰuhṭʰu*
scratch off part of surface su*
scratch off part of surface with a round thing cusuwac*
scratch off part of surface with body hisuwac*
scratch off part of surface with finger dusu*
scratch off part of surface with the hand dasuwac*
scratch off part of surface with the side of long object pisu*
scratch off with brush cusu*
scratch off with mouth basu*
scratch or scrape self with toes miqʼa·ṭicʼ*
scratch with claws masu*
scratch with finger dukʼis*
scratch with foot maqʼa·ṭ*
scratch with hand dasu*
scratch with long object pʰiqʼa·s*
scratch with teeth qakʼi·*
scratch with the fingernails dakʼi·*
scratch with the fingers or claws to cause bleeding dukʼi·*
scratch with the hand daqʼa·ṭ*
scratch with the teeth qasu*
scratch with toenail miqʼa·s*
scratch with tool cʰikʼis*
scratch, plow cisu*
scratched dukʼiw
scratching stick cʰiqʼa·ṭiʔ li ʔahay
screech owl daʔṭʼoṭʼo
screw up nose miʔsʼi*
screw up nose several times miʔsʼimiʔsʼi*
screwdriver cawikʰ duqʼahcihqa·li
· cawikʰ qaʔbala·duʔli
screwdriver prying or pliers qaqʼahcihqa·li
scribble cʰiʔyicʰiʔyi*
· cʰiʔyiʔyi
scrotum yoqo· su·le
scrub by pushing dacʰu*
scrub jay sʼayi
scrub oak kaʔba qʰale
scrub oak tree bahqa qʰale
scrub with a brush cucʰu*
scrub with mouth or beak bacʰu*
scull a boat pʰaʔliʔli*
scull with an oar pʰaʔli*
scull with an oar at the rear of a boat pʰaʔlipʰaʔli*
scurry kuṭukuṭu*
sea anemone sihmut
sea fig qʰacʼayʔcʼa
sea lion qʰabuṭaqa
sea otter qʰamosʼ wehke
sea palm qaye
sea urchin qʰa·ṭʼa
seacliff qʰasi·ṭʼil
seafood qʰatow ʔbakʰe
seagull kʼihša
seal qʰabihše
search hšiṭʰ*
· šiṭʰa*
search for kʼehši*
· kʼe·š*
· kʼi·š*
search for with hand dahol*
seashore qʰaṭʰa·wi
seaweed ʔoṭʰono
seaweed species sʼasʼa
second crop of fruit hanaca·law
· hinaca·law
second leader's design qʰamacʰqamuʔ cuhti
second part of feather dance hoʔsiya
secret cahno qʼawa·duʔ
· kʰuy
· ʔama diʔboʔ
secret language ʔama diʔboʔ cahno
secretly diʔboʔtow
secure, real duʔqʼaʔ
sedge ʔacʰi·mʔ
sedge, white root, basket grass qaʔdihqʰoṭ
see cad*
· pʰimi*
see (looking around) [?] pʰitʼamad*
see someone leave by peeking secretly pʰiʔdic*
see things in an unending series pihwel*
see through pʰiʔduwa·la*
see well pʰiʔqʼoʔdi*
see, observe daʔtʼa*
seed semi·ya
· ʔiso·
seed beads waleholyo
seed beater yuhu ša·mʔ
seem biʔtʼa*
· ʔtʼa*
Seepínamachey seʔepiʔnama·cey
select hwit*
select a seat cahwit*
select and lick sihwit*
select by hitting muhwit*
select out of a group with heat muyuʔci*
select out of a group with the fist pʰiyuʔci*
select out one of a group yu·ʔ*
select with a round thing cuhwit*
select with body hihwit*
select with eyes for hitting pihwit*
select with the small end of long object mihwit*
sell ʔelši*
semen mahna
send (one) cohtocʰqa*
send (for) dubil*
send a letter kalikakʰ cʰiʔdic
send away dubilala*
· dubila·duc*
send for bihladuc*
· bil*
send someone to fetch qʰaʔdihqa*
separate mayʔma
separate but remain attached cʼal*
· mucʼal*
· mucʼalta*
· pʰicʼalta*
separate by encircling with arms bikʰeṭ*
separate out the fine particles sipʼil*
separate surfaces duṭʰe*
separated qʼa·mucʼ
serve (food) yo·co*
serves you right! tuyyu
set ca·la*
· mutʼe·t*
· šutʼe·t*
· tʼe·t*
set (fire) ma·cibicʰqa*
set (fire) to pʰuyecʰqa*
set a container with contained material down yo· cot*
· ʔiyo·co*
set a day maci banew
set backfire lu·m*
· pʰulu·macʼ*
set container off ground hcom*
set down cahcihqac*
· cʰida·la*
set down from arms biʔdi*
set fire puhtenh*
set long object upright hqʰoq*
· pahqoq*
set off explosive mubacʰqa
set off firecracker ʔoho mubacʰqa
set off to fight nuwa·cʼic*
set upright tʼe·t*
set upright (pl) pahqʰoq*
set, be ready hitʼe·t*
set, stick pʰutʼe·t*
settle šohko*
· šuhle·m*
settle (onto top of water šuletam*
settle comforably in a place hiʔqʼaccicʼ*
settle down kanh*
· kanhcicʼ*
· nopʰohci*
settle down for good hiʔqʼoʔdiyicʼ*
settle down for good ? hiʔqʼoʔdic*
settle in a place nohpʰoc*
settlement nohpʰo
settlement ? mimaw
sev. arrive hayohwima·cʼic*
sev. come here hayohmacʼ*
sev. come in hayohwimaqʷ*
sev. come N or W hayohwimaqʷ*
sev. come out hayohmaqʷ*
sev. come S or E hayohmaqʷ*
sev. come up hayohmaloq*
sev. come up out of hayohmalo·qocʼ*
sev. flop down mica·cʼic*
sev. go hayohma*
sev. go across hayohwim*
sev. go all around hayohwimu·licʼ*
sev. go along hayohmacʼ*
sev. go around hayohwimul*
sev. go back a few steps hayohwima·qocʼ*
sev. go down hayohmala*
sev. go down off of hayohmala·mecʼ*
sev. go far hayohmacʼic*
sev. go here and there hayom*
sev. go in hayohwimac*
sev. go N or W hayohmaq*
sev. go out hayohmaqocʼ*
sev. go out or away hayohmaq*
sev. go S or E hayohwimac*
sev. go up from here hayohmaqac*
sev. go within hayohwimacʼ*
sev. leave hayomi·bic*
sev. men go down off of da·lamecʼqa*
seven lanhkʰo
seventeen simhma na·qʰo
several beṭʼbu tʰin
· dacahlim*
· haʔdiʔdi
several be overhanging picihṭim*
several broken apart by dropping diʔcʼaba*
· diʔcʼabat*
several fall off šali*
several hang siwi·c*
several identical things emerge from same place ṭe·m*
several identical things emerge from same place with the mouth baṭe·m*
several people washing themselves dasetʼmacʼ*
several plants be growing in a clump ʔbolh*
several projecting saʔda
several raucous sʼaya*
several run individually qʰaya·m*
several to fail to touch with body hidulcicʼ*
several to fall down dihtey*
several to fly up and stay puhsa*
several to gossip hihlahilataq*
several to investigate, to test to see if hnataʔ*
several to promise bayiwac*
several to talk above someone wina· lowaʔ
several to watch something go by pihsam*
several turn together muʔbalhma*
sew bitʼe·l*
· biʔtʼenh*
· tʼe·l*
sew multiple straight stitches by hand biʔyiʔyi*
sew on a patch cʰiʔtʼe*
sew tightly by overcasting bihci*
sew together bicʼi·ṭ*
· bitʼenay*
· biʔṭʼaš*
sewing basket ya·su šeʔeṭ
sewing machine bitʼe·lʔ ma·kina
· kʼaṭa bitʼeʔli
sewn ruffled biʔyo
shade šaʔqʼam*
shade eyes pihšom*
· pʰiʔtʼut*
shade the eyes hšom*
shade, shadow, darkness šaʔqʼamʔ
shake dahwe·n*
· hwe*
· hwe·n*
· pihwehwe*
· suhmiy*
· šuhwe·n*
shake and break to pieces šuhmuhmuc*
shake and knock over with fingers dohyoqʰ*
shake and spill nonliquids šohqosʼ*
shake apple tree and they fall muṭimuṭi*
shake body (like a wet dog) hihpʰohihpʰo*
shake by pulling šuhwehwe*
shake by pulling or pushing šuhwe*
shake by talking bahwehwe*
shake clothes šohpʰoṭ*
shake everything out šoʔpʼošopʼota·d*
· šoʔpʼoʔpʼoc*
shake from being bumped cuhtsinhci*
shake from gust of wind puhtsinh*
shake from wind pohko*
shake head sʼiʔkʼo*
· sʼiʔkʼosʼiʔkʼo*
shake in the breeze puhwe*
shake loose hahšohšo*
· hahšolh*
shake off šoʔbolh*
· šoʔboʔbo*
shake scattering (water, as a dog does) hihpʰohpʰo*
shake something held in the teeth qahpʰoṭ*
shake thing held in teeth qahpʰoqahpʰo*
shake to pieces šuhyu*
shake to wake up dahyu*
· dahyuhyu*
shake with beak bahwe·n*
shake with foot mihwe·n*
shake with leg hahwehwe*
shake with stick pihwe·n*
shake with the sole of foot mahwe·n*
shake with water cuhwe·n*
shallow bahke
· kate·
· kaṭe
· wina·
shallow basket naqʼolo
shallow water ʔahqʰa wina·
shape rocks by chipping muhti*
shapeless object come out of container hlu·c*
share haʔtʼa*
· hiyaʔta*
· miyaʔta*
· yaʔta*
share, help duyaʔta*
share, part duyaʔtaw
shared keš
sharp siʔtʼa
· ʔtʼa*
sharp edge of a knife qahca siʔtʼa ltow
sharpen siʔtʼahqa*
sharp-shinned hawk qʰaʔbeqʰac
shave diqʼa·ṭ*
shave clean di·sqʰac*
shave off hqʰaṭ*
shave off with fingernail duhqʰaṭ*
shave or scrape oneself cʰiqʼa·ticʼ*
shave with a knife dihqʰaṭ*
shawl ta·palo
shed hihlohlo*
shed (skin) šohlo·cʼ*
shed hair, molt hahqalh*
shed skin biṭʼo·yicʼ*
sheep yama·nu
sheet sa·wana
sheet, bedspread ṭʰe·m*
shelf tape·sa
shell hiʔqʼaṭa
· kʼašqʼaṭa šiʔba
shell, hide kʼaṭa
shells tinkle, rattle together sʼili·msʼili·m*
shelter from rain or other falling objects dihcenh*
shelter from the sun muhcenh*
shelter from the wind puhcenh*
sheriff kalte
shift around cahmoy*
shift eyes back and forth dikʼi·šdikʼi·š*
shift in seat cahkʰeyʔ*
shift position while sitting along surface hkʰe*
shifty-eyed di·kʼiškʼiši
shimmer from heat waves over land kihyi*
· kihyihyi*
shin lipʰu·
shinbone lipʰu· ʔihya
shine mutʼam*
· muʔtʼam*
· sʼahlu*
· sʼahluhlu*
· sʼahma*
· sʼahmahma*
· sʼalu·m*
· šuhlahla*
· tʼa·m*
shine light on po·š*
shine spot of light muṭʰa·m*
shining sʼalu·mʔ
shining spider eyes ʔicʰa· ho
shinny pʰiʔkʼo pʰiyiw
shiny sʼihmahmaw
· sʼuhmihmiw
· šuhlahla
shirt ciwalaw
shiver šiṭi*
shiver from cold or fear šiṭišiṭi*
shoe sapa·tu
shoes squeak šuʔsʼay*
shoo! ša·...
shoot hcoq*
· hqa*
· hqalqa*
· qahli*
shoot and hit cuʔtʼem*
shoot arrow hisʼuhqa*
shoot at an unseen object cohol*
shoot excitedly muṭamuṭa*
shoot group away cuhtey*
shoot little pieces off cuʔsʼi*
shoot much game cuhcʰiwa·la*
shoot several cuʔdan*
· ʔdan*
shoot with fingers ṭʼele*
shooting star bisʼisʼi
Shore Trail qʰalʔda
short bihko
· bikoš
· biʔtʼe
· šahki
short intervals [?] hihlaw
shortness of breath cahno biʔtʼe
shotgun posohṭibiʔ šihmi
shoulder sʼuwa·
shoulder blade bahkal
shout bicʼul*
· cʼul*
shove aside with the rear end cadahcʰi*
shovel pahsa
· pa·la
shovel up pʰade·bic*
show canʔqa*
· caʔqa*
show belly up buhkʰu*
show off hahtʰunh*
show respect to in-laws dimo dihqa
show through the dusk tʰil*
shred cicʰi*
· hihtʰihtʰi*
· hpʰi*
shred a flexible object šuhpʰihpʰic*
shred bark ducʰi*
shred by pecking with beak bahpʰihpʰic*
shred with knife, rear, or massive object cahpʰihpʰic*
shred with sole of foot mahpʰihpʰic*
shred with teeth or scissors qahsi*
shred with the body hihpʰihpʰic*
shred with the side of long object pihpʰihpʰi*
shrimp, lobster, crayfish lu·šu
shrink hcamh*
· hcamhcicʼqa*
· moʔyoʔyoc*
shrink with the fist pʰaʔloʔlo*
shriveled up moʔkʼoṭʰkʼoṭʰoʔ
shucks šey
shuffle along mahqʰamahqʰa*
shuffle around here and there miqʰa·sad*
shut ʔpʼanh*
shut eyes pʰisʼa·*
shut in a place šuʔpʼanh*
shut with fire muʔpʼanh*
shut, close, plug, cover an opening mupʼanta*
shut, plug cʰiʔpʼanh*
shy na·c*
sick šula·mʔ
sicken from fear šaʔqʼam*
sickly kʼanas
sickness matʰamʔ
sickness caused by fear šaʔqʼamʔ
side sisa·tow
· =tow
side be in contact by blowing puṭa·n*
side be in contact by pulling šuṭa·n*
side be in contact with body hiṭa·n*
side of a long object be in contact with something at one end only ṭa·n*
sift na·q*
· šali*
· šalita*
sifted na·q
sifter šali·li
sifting basket naʔsu
sigh šukʰe·naqac*
sigh from boredom heʔe·
sighing from boredom he·
silk maska·la kʼaṭa
silk kerchief maska·la
silk tassel bush duʔcʼanʔ qʰale
silt sipemʔ*
silver pe·su qahle
silverfish qʰabukʰuʔkʰu
sincerely ʔihmiyicʼ
sinew ʔima
sing baʔsʼawad*
· cahno*
sing over cahnoway
sing poorly mucʼa·ṭ*
sing up baʔsʼawi·bic*
sing with rapid tone changes hoyʔis*
sing with tremolo tolotolo*
singer ʔihminʔcayʔ
singing contest mihyac
sink in hpʰa*
sink in by chewing qahpʰahpʰa*
sink in by gravity dihpʰa*
sink in with mouth bahpʰa*
sink into hpʰukʼut*
· hšukʼu·ṭ*
· ṭʼu*
· ṭʼul*
sink into by encircling biṭʼul*
sink into something soft cahpʰukʼut*
· dihpʰukʼut*
sink into water siṭʼu*
sink into water or mud sihpʰukʼut*
sink into with the rear caṭʼul*
sink into with the teeth qahšukʼu·ṭ*
sink into with water siṭʼul*
sister's husband ko·*
sister-in-law mata*
sit caʔtʼenh*
· hko*
· hkoce·d*
· šohko*
sit [?] huʔutʰma*
sit around šoqo·nʔwad*
sit down hard caʔcʼolh*
sit down into something cayukʼut*
sit down next to šohkoway*
sit down! ta·ti
sit on caʔṭʼeʔṭʼec*
sit on a mat cahsoq*
sit on and break to pieces cahmuhmuc*
sit on bed and rumple caʔyoʔyoc*
sit on dress you aren’t wearing catʼa*
sit on edge caʔṭu*
sit on edge of chair caʔcʼet*
sit on mat cahsot*
sit on something slimy caṭʼun*
sit on to straighten out lumps cahṭʰinh*
sit quickly caʔla*
sit together cacʼi·ṭaq*
sit up šoko·bic*
sit with camucʼ*
six lanhcʼa
sixteen simhma na·ncʼa
sixty simakʰcidu
sizzle kʰiw
· kʰiwi*
· kʰiʔbi*
· kʰiʔbikʰiʔbi*
· kʰiʔbiʔbi*
· musʼa·l*
sizzling sound sipʼ
· supʼ
skeleton pʰusʼi ʔihya·
skewer hqʰo*
· misʼimʔli
skim over hkʰel*
skim over quickly muhkʰel*
skin baṭʼo·*
· coṭʼo·s*
· doloṭʼo*
· doṭʼo·*
· sʼiʔda
· šiʔba sʼiʔda
skin by dragging rope over skin cʰiṭʼo·*
skin growth cʼoma
skin knees coloṭʼo*
· coṭʼo·*
skink ʔu·los
skinny buṭuc
skin-tight ci·kiškiši
· mu·kiškiši
skirt na·waš
skull hoʔtʼo qʰaʔbe
skunk nupʰe·
sky qaliqʰaʔbe
sky become bright again miṭʰa·m*
sky, weather ʔama·
slam against šoʔqʼobo·t*
slam against something solid ʔqʼobo·t*
slam down haʔsʼaṭ*
· šoʔboqʼ*
slam something down dišoqʼoʔbo·t*
slam to the ground šoʔcʼolh*
slanted cʼewec
slap pʰaʔsʼaṭ*
· pʰaʔsʼaṭʰma*
slap, pat something soft or wet dahta*
sled ciqʰahlalaw
sledge hammer mase·ta
sleep sima
· sima·q*
sleep-eyed pite·macʼ
sleepy head sima hqalaw
sleeveless wrap ṭʰeya·yicʼ
slew-footed qʰama hataṭ
slick qʰaʔṭo
slick to lips bipʼil*
slick to rear end capʼil*
slick to spoon cʰipʼil*
slick, fine-textured dupʼilʔ
slide caqʰahyalaw
· hkʰe*
· hqʰayʔ*
· qʰahy*
slide across on feet mahqʰayʔma*
slide across on rear cahqʰayʔma*
slide across on something wet and slick sihqʰayʔma*
slide along dukʰe·d*
slide along on rear cahqʰayad*
slide by gravity dihqʰayʔ*
slide downhill on one’s rear cahqʰaya·la*
slide downward on feet mahqʰayala*
slide feet mahqʰahqʰa*
slide fingers duhqʰaduhqʰa*
slide fingers across duhqʰayʔma*
slide in, move in (to house) šohkomac*
slide legs hahqʰahqʰa*
slide lengthwise sʼuhqa*
slide of earth coming down slow dihqʰayad*
· dihqʰayala*
slide on feet mahqʰayʔ*
slide on rear cahqʰa*
· cahqʰahqʰa*
· cahqʰayʔ*
slide on rear repeatedly cahqʰacahqʰa*
slide the finger along duhqʰayad*
slide the palm of the hand across dahqʰayʔma*
slide with a long object pahqʰayad*
slide with finger duhqʰayʔ*
slim moʔsʼo
· pʰaʔsʼo
slime kʼuʔles
· pʼaʔlakʼuʔles
slimy kʼuʔles
slimy to feet maṭʼun*
sling (over shoulder) hcʰilicʼ*
sling on back cʰinec*
slingshot mehšen
slip laya*
slip because can’t get a foot hold on it malaya*
slip feet alone hapʼil*
slip hand over something dalayac*
slip loosely through the arms bihqʰalh*
slip off hluṭʼ*
· mihšolh*
slip off while pressing with hand dahluṭʼ*
slip off with the finger duhluṭʼ*
slip on something wet with feet malayac*
slip repeatedly sʼuhqasʼuhqa*
slip with the eye pʰilaya*
slippery like a bunch of fish in a barrel sʼuʔlasʼuʔla*
slit-eyed pʰi·ṭʼisṭʼisi
· ṭʼi·s*
slop down ṭʰaba·la*
slope kʼošo*
· ʔahli*
sloping kʼohšo
· kʼošo·
slosh around co·nʔwad*
slow baʔtʼa
slow down baʔtʼa
slug pʼaʔla·
Slug Woman pʼaʔla·he·šuwa
slurpy sound of swirling water kʰolol
smack one's lips baʔṭʼo*
smack, sound of kiss sʼipʼ
smack, sound of kissing sʼupʼ
small qawi
small chiton qaṭʼe·
small eel šaqoliʔli
small intestines tiri·pa
· ʔahpʰa šukʰiw
small kind of abalone kʼusuʔsu
small oak pahkʰoy
small objects float and cover surface šupem*
small of back sili qʼolo·mo
small of the back cihṭʰi kʼidi·
small package pʰaʔluw
small possessions ṭʰaco·ya
small quick movements mucʼe*
small salmon napʰa codo·du
small space qawima·
small species of bee holomʔlo
small species skink cuhcʰi
small-faced qaṭʼusmaw
smash pʰiṭʼa·*
smash by dropping something diwaṭʰ*
smash to pieces cuhyu*
· cuhyuhyu*
smash with the hand daʔtʼutʰu*
smear culu*
· cʰitʼe·l*
· datʼe·l*
· duhta*
· dulu*
smear ?? mupaṭʰci*
· paṭ*
smear all over or in spots hpa*
smear all over? muhpahpa*
smear around with rear end cape·l*
smear on something with brush cʰilu*
smear with dirty toes milu*
smear with hand dahpahpa*
smear with rear end caʔtʼe·l*
smear, coat daluc*
smeared around mouth from eating balu*
smeared with water šuhpahpa*
smell hše*
· mihše*
· miʔtʼa*
smell here and there miʔkʼoyad*
smell strange mišud*
smelt hanta
smile pihmoy*
smoggy saha·t*
smoke hosa
· musʼam*
· qahpʰu*
smoke come out cušu·l*
smoke swirl dahwisʼ*
· hwisʼ*
· muhwisʼ*
smoke to death pʰuʔdumucʼ*
smoked salmon maqʰa hosa sʼiw
smokehole hopompo
smoke-stained muʔsʼasʼa*
smooth or prepare pʰiʔcʼot*
smooth out something with hammer pikel*
smooth out wrinkled clothes with palm datul*
smooth with end of stick pakel*
smooth, slippery sʼalut
snag hayhqac
snag with hook cʰicʼo·q*
snake cumaʔ šuqʼa·qʼayʔ
· musa·la
snap a picture huʔu·mo caṭʼahqaw
snare pʰiʔṭumʔhay
snare, catch cʰahqa*
sneak kʼahšakʼahša*
· kʼehe*
· šulehenta
sneak away hluṭʼ*
sneak, tiptoe kʼaʔda*
sneeze ʔtʰi*
sniff hšu*
· mihšu*
· miʔšawc*
· ʔšaw*
sniff outward mišu·n*
· šu·n*
sniff repeatedly mihšumihšu*
snob ʔama hikʼo·cʼedu
snobbish ʔama hikʼo·cʼedu
snoop hli*
snoop around, suspiciously look around for several things pihcʰe*
snoop too much with eyes pihlipihli*
snoop with the eyes pihli*
snooping around, suspiciously looking around for several things pihcʰepihcʰe*
snore qʰo·ṭ*
· siqʰo·ṭ*
snore, growl miqʰo·ṭ*
snoring sound qʰo·ṭʼ
snort miqʼos*
· miqʼosa·tad*
· sihqʰo*
· sihqʰohqʰo*
· sihqʰosihqʰo*
snout ʔila cuhṭʰe
snout, beak haʔbo
snow siṭʰe·*
· ʔihyu· sibot
snowberry bahqomʔ
Snowspring yuhqʰa
so stay in the west mahila ca
soak ne·*
· qane·*
soak down through siʔdiwa·la*
· siʔduwa·la*
soak off scab siṭʼo·*
soak sore and scab comes off siloṭʼo*
soak up through siʔduwa·loq*
soaked buckeye nuts qasita·law
soaked grouns qaʔṭʼemʔ
soap hawo·n
soap or ice to disappear by sitting in water sihkotʰci*
soaproot haʔamʔ
sob dukuy*
· dukuydukuym*
sob quietly dukuyʔduku·y*
socks cu·ki
soft botʼ
· bo·tʼ
soft fur ʔime dacolmaw
soft palm cohšo qʼolo·mo
soft part in elbow, nerve sʼamo·
soft part of inside of nose ʔila lawo·
soft underpart of chin qakʰo
soften ʔbotʼ*
· ʔbotʼa·d*
· ʔwe*
· ʔwe*
soften and disintegrate siʔbotʼci*
soften by water sihcʰahcʰac*
· siʔbotʼ*
soften ground siʔwe*
soften with the end of long object pʰaʔbotʼ*
soften with water sihcʰasihcʰa*
soft-hearted sʼuhkul botʼ
soggy lo·*
solder musʼa·l*
· puhtehte*
solder [?] muʔtʼenh*
sole qʰama ho·tow
sole of foot ? qʰama qʼolo·mo
some =bakʰe
· hadu·
· kukan
some (time) hiʔbi
somehow heʔen
· heʔen ʔtʰin
someone cibal
· ciba·
· ciba· tʰin
someone bend limbs to be crossed over šutilhla*
someone else’s house bahca
someone to feel on your flesh and make hurt duʔyuʔyu*
someone to keep bothering you duhmiy*
somersault, fall and turn over hicʼoʔ cohto
something baqʼo
· baqʼo tʰin
something bad ʔama šamaw
something brittle absorb water from damp air and soften ci·l*
· šaci·l*
something hanging brush against cihqʰalh*
something heavy falls with a thud dihkok*
· dihkokʰci*
something rough in eyes pʰicʼicʼi·l*
something supernatural to happen docʼo·*
something to fall on ground with thud dihkilhci*
something to get in the way basatad*
something to get knocked off diku·ṭ*
something wet thrown to make spot muʔṭʼe*
sometime hiʔbi meʔ tʰin
somewhere heʔey
· heʔey ʔtʰin
· hiʔdi tʰin
son pʰa·*
song qʼoʔo
· ṭuwe
· weṭe
song of the song sparrow šiyom pilim pilim
song sparrow docʼomʔcʼo
· pʰadocʼomʔcʼo
· šiyompili
son-in-law hceye*
· hiʔbaya
Son-in-law! baya
soon hiʔlawʔ
soot hcasahwil
soothe with heat mukelqa*
sore cihsi
sore on toes miloṭʼo*
· miṭʼo·*
sore-muscled kʼoʔno
sort through dayot*
sound cahno·d*
sound ?? kʼolo*
sound caused by liquid bubbling up or air bubbling up through water polopolow
sound distorted sala*
· salasala*
sound fade away bahqʰabahqʰa*
sound good baqʰa·ṭ*
sound hard to do bakʼum*
sound hoarse kʼalakʼala*
sound important bakʼo·c*
sound indistinct and unintelligible ṭʼoʔbo*
sound like baʔtʼa*
sound made by liquid coming out of narrow opening cʰala*
sound of a gulp qʼotʼ
sound of a rub qʰas
sound of a rub with a change in timbre during the contact qʰaw
sound of a scrape qʰaṭʼ
sound of a small hard object striking and rubbing against another qʼaw
sound of bell sʼilil
sound of bell (later denied except as mocking) sʼililsʼilil
sound of bending or rubbing stiff fabric qʰoṭʰ
sound of blade hitting and entering succulent object cʼakʼ
sound of body falling kilil
sound of breaking sʼakʼ
sound of bullet sʼiw
sound of bump cuṭa·n*
sound of car engine ṭʰipṭʰip
sound of car motor idling kiṭi*
sound of chattering teeth ṭʼalaṭʼala*
sound of coughing huʔkʼulu
sound of crunching something dry and brittle kʼuṭʼ
sound of earth trembling from a bomb kilil
sound of fart sʼaṭʼ
sound of fire in something hollow kilikiliw
sound of flapping in breaze lipʰ
sound of frying kʰiʔbiʔbiw
sound of glugging liquid qʰolo*
sound of gnawing or chewing with the mouth open kʼaw
sound of gray squirrel cʼumʔ
sound of gulping diqʼoš
sound of hammer in a can ṭolom
sound of hit kopʰ
sound of hitting lightly ʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting lightly by pulling šoʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting lightly by water siʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting lightly with hands pʰaʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting lightly with the hand daʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting lightly with the side of long object pʰiʔṭʼoʔṭʼo*
sound of hitting something hard kapʰ
sound of hitting something soft tʼakʼ
· tʼapʼ
sound of hitting something with fingernail ṭʼakʼ
sound of horse trotting duṭiduṭi*
sound of liquid running cʼolocʼolo
sound of liquid through hole cʰal
sound of many small objects rattling inside something cʼaw
sound of many things falling diṭidiṭi*
sound of moving through brush kʰolo
· tʰolo*
sound of old wagon wheel rattling ṭalaṭala
sound of point entering succulent object cʼokʼ
sound of pounding heart after running kilkilkil
sound of pounding something hollow pahkut*
sound of pulling something off or out cʼopʼ
sound of rattling in can? ṭolo*
sound of rifle firing ṭʰiw
sound of rock falling qʼaṭʰamʔ
sound of rubbing clothes on washboard ki·ṭʰ
sound of running water qʼos
sound of scratching qʼas
sound of shaking liquid qʼoloqʼolo
sound of slam diṭa·n*
sound of slamming šawʔ
sound of slapping hard sʼapʼ
sound of snapping cʼupʼ
sound of sneeze, "achoo" haʔtʰi
sound of snoring qʰoṭʼ
sound of soap suds going down šatʼ
sound of something moving through air fast šiw
sound of squirting sʼikʼ
· sʼiṭʼ
sound of stepping on a box and breaking it apart qʼaṭʰaṭʰ
sound of stick moving back and forth against house puṭampuṭam*
sound of striking cupped hands together ṭʼopʼ
sound of thunder kilililili
· kʰalakʰala*
sound of walking on gravel qʼahṭʰaqʼahṭʰa*
· qʼaṭʰ
sound of water flushing toilet qʰolol
sound of water hitting ground cʼolol
sound of water through narrow opening cʰalal
sound of wind in trees muša·m*
sound of wind through wires kʰowom
sound of woodpecker pecking popopopo
sound produced by the movement of one thing through another qʰol
sound strange bašud*
· pišudu
sound to be coming from many uncoordinated sources sʼoʔbo*
sound to penetrate baʔduw*
sour mosʼ
Sour clover, bull clover bohohso
sour taste biʔcʼaddu biʔtʼamʔ
south ʔahšo*
· ʔašo·
South Water šohqʰa
southeast ʔašo· wišali
southward ʔašo·lhqʰac
southwest ʔašo· mihila
· ʔašo· mihila
sow hahsoṭ*
· hasohṭ*
sp. of fish tʰiwinsʼu·sʼu
sp. of mushroom masuncʼe·
sp. of wild potato šicibu
space cahti
space open up cʰiʔcʼamci*
spade the ground, open the fround by stepping on (a spade) maba·c*
spanish moss qʰale qoci
spark šuhṭʰuṭ*
sparkle sʼalusʼalu*
speak fast bacʼe*
· bacʼebacʼe*
speak in scattered way baʔkʼoyad*
speak indirectly baʔkʼi*
· baʔkʼibaʔkʼi*
speak quickly after something else baʔlabaʔla*
speak to, address cahnocay*
speak unintelligibly ṭʼoʔboṭʼoʔbo*
· ṭʼoʔboʔbo*
speak up cahnoc*
speak with a raspy voice bakʼi·š*
spear much game pahcʰiwa·la*
SPEC -še
specialized: to cut several times with a flint held in the fingers over the site of a pain in order to let that pain out duʔkʼiṭ*
species of mushroom bahṭʰucʼe·
species of owl hosiqʼ
· mahša·lok
· ʔoʔowʔ
speech, words cahno
spellbound na·*
spherical šoloʔlo
spice bush, sweet shrub šune
spider ʔicʰa·
spider species ho ʔicʰa·
spider web cʰacʰiʔbulamʔ
· ʔicʰa cʰiʔbulamʔ
· ʔicʰa· su·le
spill by hand dahlu·c*
spill by pecking bahlu·c*
spill from sack šuhlu·c*
spill into pile diyot*
spill nonliquids coqosʼqoʔsʼo*
· hqosʼ*
· qosʼqoʔsʼo*
spill nonliquids by throwing mohqosʼ*
spill nonliquids with the hand dahqosʼ*
· daqosʼqoʔsʼo*
spill out cahlu·c*
· šahlu·c*
spill the contents of a container ʔkʼolh*
spill the contents of a container by bumping with body hiʔkʼolh*
spill up on something šahlu·m*
spill with a finger duhlu·c*
spill with a quick movement muhlu·c*
spill with a stick pʰiʔkʼolh*
spill with teeth qahlu·c*
spin kotokoto*
· ko·l*
· tilitili*
spin of wheel tili*
spin on rear end cawi*
spin thread on reel by machine ʔi·lo mokolqaw
spin with a round thing cokolm*
spin with teeth qako·l*
spinal fluid hoʔtʼo mahna
spine bacʼohya·
spineless ʔihya hcʰo*
spinning hum lim
spirit pʰusʼi
spirit enter body šiba·t*
spirit which leads astray ha·moqʼol
spirit world maṭʼqʰa ʔama· tol
spit pʰacʼotʰqoʔli
· pʰut*
· ʔihkʰet
spit bug pʰoʔtʼa cʰo·
spit, spit out qapʰut*
splash cuʔsʼil*
· hpʰom*
· ʔsʼil*
splash by blowing pʰuʔsʼil*
splash by kicking hapʰo·*
splash by throwing mopʰo·*
splash by waving wet cloth šuʔsʼil*
splash liquid haʔsʼil*
splash out and waste some water dasuṭi*
splash repeatedly by siting in water capʰo·*
splash while walking mapʰo·*
splash with a finger duʔsʼil*
splash with body hiʔsʼil*
splash with hands dapʰo·*
splash with the hand daʔsʼil*
splash with the mouth baʔsʼil*
splashing water with feet and making noise mipʰo·*
spleen matʼe·
splice du*
· qadu*
splice, attach qadu·la*
split by dropping dihlaba*
split by kicking mihlaba*
· mihlaba·t*
split by pressing dahlal*
split off several dasa·duc*
· sa*
split one sa·c*
split open cukʼaṭʰi*
· kʼaṭʰi*
split open form being ripe sikʼaṭʰi*
split open with a round thing cukʼaṭʰi·ta*
split open with crowbar pʰaʔba*
split open with water siʔcʼaba*
split several with finger dusa*
split several with fingers duhlal*
split timber pitaṭaq
split with axe pihlal*
split with heat muhlal*
split with the lips biba·c*
split with with a knofe caʔba*
spoil kʰunu·q*
spoiled kʰunu·q
spokesman, talker cahno·du
sponge duhšan
spook ʔama dunawad
spooky ʔama kule·
spool (for thread) ʔi·lohay
spoon lo·ška
spoon out everything cʰiʔpʼocʰipʼota·d*
· cʰiʔpʼoʔpʼoc*
spot by putting one thing on another ṭʼel*
spot by putting one thing on another using fingers duṭʼel*
spot by putting one thing on another with the mouth baṭʼel*
spot or stain something ʔṭʼe*
spot or stain something by blowing pʰuʔṭʼe*
spot or stain something on body hiʔṭʼe*
spot or stain something with the small end of long object miʔṭʼe*
spot or stain something with the sole of foot maʔṭʼe*
spot or stain with teeth qaʔṭʼe*
spotted pintu
spotted skunk basʼisʼi
spouse ʔdaqʰad*
spouse's brother ha·*
spouse's sister ha·*
spout qapʰu·*
spout up qa·bic*
sprain ankle mahqoyʔci*
spray ṭʼac*
spray in wind pʰuṭʼac*
sprayer qapʰuhta·qa·li
spread hkʰiṭʼ*
· hṭʰeyʔ*
· hṭʰeyʔ*
· pe*
· ṭʰewad*
· ṭʰe·*
· ṭʰil*
spread (sheet) over puhṭʰeyahqa*
spread across šuhkʰiṭʼ*
spread along by gravity [?] dihṭʰeyad*
spread around with stick cʰilic*
spread by blowing puhṭʰeyʔ*
· puṭʰe·*
· pʰuṭʰe·l*
spread by gravity dihṭʰeyʔ*
· diṭʰehy*
spread by pulling šuṭʰil*
spread by pushing and pulling šuhṭʰeyʔ*
spread by wetting sihṭʰeyʔ*
· siṭʰehy*
spread cover by throwing muhsey*
spread from point of attachment cuṭʰe·l*
· muṭʰe·l*
· siṭʰe·l*
· ṭʰe·l*
spread from point of attachment by pulling šuṭʰe·l*
spread from point of attachment with a finger duṭʰe·l*
spread into thin layer duli*
· dulita*
spread legs apart hacʼal*
spread lot of little papers with rear end cali·t*
spread near-liquid onto cipe·l*
spread open diṭʰe·l*
spread out cihtulh*
· cuhṭʰe*
· cu·ṭʰelṭʰe
· cʰul*
· cʰulʔta*
· haṭʰewad*
· haṭʰe·*
· htulh*
· hṭʰe*
· puhṭʰe*
· šeṭʰe·yaduc*
· ṭʰe*
· ṭʰe·m*
spread out by gravity dihṭʰe*
spread out by lying on dihṭʰeyʔmad*
spread out by pushing and pulling šuhṭʰe*
spread out on [?] dihṭʰeyʔma*
spread out parts of body hahṭʰe*
spread out quickly muhṭʰe*
spread out the the rear end cahṭʰe*
spread out to dry dacʰul*
spread out to lie on ṭʰe·m*
spread out with a hand dahṭʰehṭʰe*
spread out with a tool cicʰul*
spread out with fingers dulic*
· duši·m*
spread out with water sihṭʰe*
spread over something hsey*
spread over something by blowing puhsey*
spread over something with a finger duhsey*
spread over something with the hand dahsey*
spread using body hiṭʰil*
spread with a round object cutʼe·l*
spread with a swinging motion haṭʰil*
spread with fingers duṭʰil*
· duʔlic*
spread with hand datʼe·l*
spread with the body hihṭʰeyʔ*
spread with the end of a long object pihṭʰeyʔ*
· piṭʰehy*
spread with the foot maṭʰil*
spread with the hand daṭʰil*
spread with the side of long object piṭʰe·*
spread with the toes miṭʰil*
spread with tool cihtehte*
spread, coat cihṭulh*
spreadable by fingers du·ṭʰelʔṭʰe
spreadeagled hṭʰi*
spring woqolli
springtime ʔama copʰoʔ meʔ
· ʔama šiweyi·biʔ meṭ
sprinkle dahsohso*
· dihsoṭ*
· me*
· pohsohso*
· simesime*
· ʔcʼi*
sprinkle (powdered) duhcʰuduhcʰu*
sprinkle little pieces duhsit*
sprinkle something powdered on something with hand duhcʰu*
· duhcʰuhcʰu*
sprinkle water or fine bits pʰuʔcʼipʰuʔcʼi*
sprinkle water or fine bits out of something pʰuʔcʼi*
· pʰuʔcʼiʔcʼi*
sprout buš*
· butʼuc*
· cubuš
· cubuš*
sprout up over an area baṭʼas*
spurs ʔispe·la
spurt hsokʼo·t*
spurt by biting qahsokʼo·t*
spurt by sitting cahsokʼo·t*
spurt with the hand dahsokʼo·t*
spurt with wetting sihsokʼo·t*
spyglass ʔantiyo·ho
squash cumaʔ·sa
· cutaš*
· kaliwa·sa
squash by sitting on catʼul*
squash something soft and mushy taš*
squash something soft and mushy by blowing putaš*
squash something soft and mushy with the end of long object pataš*
squash something soft and mushy with the side of long object pitaš*
squash something soft by running over mutaš*
squash with mouth bataš*
squash with rear end cahwatʼ*
squash with the heel hataš*
squat cʼaʔṭʰa
squat down bohkomci*
squeak kʼiṭʼ
· kʼi·š
squeak by dragging feet mikʼi·š*
squeak by pulling šukʼi·š*
squeak by pushing cukʼi·š*
squeak from being sat upon cakʼi·š*
squeak in wind pʰukʼi·š*
squeak with a finger dukʼi·š*
squeaky ca·kʼiškʼiši
squeeze pʰaʔtʼutʰu*
· ʔtʼu*
· ʔtʼutʰu*
· ʔtʼuʔtʼu*
· ʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze and smash something between palms of hand daʔtʼutʰu*
squeeze and squirt qaʔsʼil*
squeeze between two forces qaʔtʼutʰu*
squeeze bodies together hiʔtʼuʔtʼu*
squeeze by leaning on hitʼul*
squeeze by pushing and pulling šuʔtʼutʰu*
squeeze in arms biʔṭʼaṭ*
squeeze in arms and bust biʔṭʼa*
squeeze into tight hole with a finger duʔcʼaʔcʼa*
squeeze lips baʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze liquid out by biting qasʼa·l*
squeeze liquid out with hand dasʼa·l*
squeeze out liquid by sitting casʼa·l*
squeeze out liquid with fingers dusʼa·l*
squeeze out with tongue, not suck in si·*
squeeze something into tight hole with finger duʔcʼa*
squeeze something out of something tʼuhl*
· tʼul*
squeeze something out of something by pulling cʰitʼul*
· šutʼul*
squeeze something out of something with a round thing cutʼuhl*
squeeze something out of something with soft coat dutʼuhl*
· dutʼul*
squeeze something out of something with the mouth batʼul*
squeeze something out of something with the side of long object pʰitʼuhl*
· pʰitʼul*
squeeze something out of something with the small end of long object mitʼul*
squeeze together muʔtʼutʰu*
· ʔṭʼaq*
squeeze together with the small end of long object miʔṭʼaq*
squeeze with fingers duʔtʼutʰu*
squeeze with fire muʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze with fist pʰaʔsʼoʔsʼo*
squeeze with the body haʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze with the fist pʰaʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze with the tose miʔṭʼuṭʰu*
squeeze, smash duṭʼa·*
squint pihsisma*
squirrel species šiyokko
squirt out sʼaʔsʼa*
squirt out by blowing pʰusʼaʔsʼa*
SS.FUT -pʰi
SS.PST -ba
SS.SIM -in
stab to pieces šahtʰihtʰic*
stable kawa·yuhca
stack cocʼoʔ
· cuhtenh*
· munta·r*
stack up cocʼo·ṭ*
· cʼo·ṭ*
stacked design cocʼoʔ cuhti
stage(coach) ste·cʰ
stagger paʔṭi*
· situ·t*
· siʔṭi*
· ʔṭi*
stagger with a finger duʔṭi*
staggering ʔṭi*
stain with liquid cuhkʰahkʰa*
stained hkʰa*
· ʔsʼasʼa*
stained by eating bihkʰahkʰa*
stained with the rear end cahkʰahkʰa*
stained with water sihkʰahkʰa*
stakes kamhse
stalk, shoot wihlamʔ
· wihla·
stallion karanyo·n
stammer bahcenh*
· baʔlo*
· baʔlobaʔlo*
stammer repeatedly bahcenbahcenh*
stamp hind legs hahkilh*
stamping mahṭihṭi*
stand tʼe·t*
stand in a crouch ready to jump šaʔcʰu*
stand stiff-legged pahqam*
· pʰaʔkʼaʔkʼac*
stand still from surprise muʔtʼe*
stand stooped buhkʰum*
stand unsteadily or on long šaʔcʰam*
stand up unsteadily paʔcʰa·bic*
stand upright pʰatʼe·t*
stand upside down hicʼoʔ cohto
stand with chest sticking out muhkem*
stand with legs apart ʔkʼa*
stand with the legs spanning hahcelhma*
star qʰa·mosʼ
star hoop qʰa·mosʼ pili·li
star hoop dance qʰa·mosʼ qʼoʔo
starch and iron a dress muʔcʼaʔcʼa*
stare at pʰiʔtʼamad*
starfish qʰacʰuli·naṭʰayʔṭʰa
start hcayicʼ*
· qali bane·bic
· tubiyicʼ*
start an activity? cause to be? cʼo·*
start singing bacʼoc*
start to abstain hqala·la*
start to be bright pi·skali·bic*
start to be troubled by hiʔbayicʼ*
start to bleed balayi·bic*
start to burn ma·cibic*
start to carry person on back pʰe·bic*
start to feel tʼa·la*
start to like da·yic*
start to play hqama·la*
start to rain dibucaq*
start to sing bacʼo·*
start to sit down and get up caʔya*
start to think duʔya·qala*
· tʼa·la*
STAT -aq
stay ʔi*
stay in a place šoko·d*
stay in one place on hands and feet dahkaṭʼma*
stay in the north cuhula ca
stay up qali· ca
steadily kumiʔdac
steal dacʰac*
stealthy šulehenta
steam cʰo·l*
· hcʰo*
· pocʰo·l*
· pocʰo·l*
· pohcʰo*
· pohcʰohcʰocʰqa*
· pohcʰopohcʰo*
steamboat wapo·r
steep qali·
steer nowi·yu
steer a car or ship duʔbalad*
steering wheel duye·duʔli
Steller's jay sʼawala
stem sama
stemp out fire mahsim*
step on mace*
· macet*
· maṭʼa·*
· maʔtʼemh*
step on an edge maʔtʼuʔtʰuc*
step on and make loose mohkolhci*
step on and twist maʔyiʔyi*
step on edge of long object maʔtʼuʔtʼu*
step on something hollow and flatten it out maʔtʼekelec*
step on something in way mahsa*
step on something intending to smash it but only half smash it maʔya*
step on something sharp macʼo·q*
step on something sticky maʔcʼanh*
step on to hurt macʼu·l*
· maʔṭʼawʔd*
step over something pahṭʰi*
step over with bent knee caʔqʰom*
steps tihtimʔ
stick daʔtʼe*
· daʔṭʼe*
· siʔcʼanh*
stick by throwing hacʼo·q*
stick in mouth qacʼo·q*
stick long object into something pʰaʔcʼa*
stick of grass game wiy
stick on hiʔtʼe*
stick on with something held with fingers opposed duʔṭʼe*
stick on with the teeth qaʔtʼe*
stick out cakan*
· ʔomci*
stick out backwards coto·qocʼ*
stick side of instrument into something pʰiʔcʼa*
stick something into finger docʼo·q*
stick something round into something soft cuhpʰukʼut*
stick to hand duʔcʼanh*
stick to rear end caʔtʼe*
stick together muʔcʼanh*
stick together by sucking siʔtʼutʰu*
stick together, attach bitʼe·l*
stick tongue in and out siʔlasilac*
stick tongue out once or lick lips quickly siʔla*
stick up, lift (head) up ʔo·bic*
sticking up pihkem*
stickleback kahsʼaʔsʼini
sticky monkey flower huʔu· wenu qʰale
stiff cuʔkʼe
· muhqa
· ʔkʼe*
stiff of hair caʔcʼamh*
stiffen ʔkʼe*
stiffen by pushing or pulling a long flexible object šuʔkʼec*
stiffen by stirring with spoon cʰiʔkʼe*
stiffened by fire mucʼi·cʼi*
stiffened by wind pʰucʼi·cʼi*
stiff-legged pahqa
still kihlac
· ʔoc
sting saṭa*
· saʔtʼa*
· saʔtʼasaʔtʼa*
stinging feeling saṭasaṭa*
· saʔtʼaʔtʼa*
stingy haṭʼa·
stink ant pʰašutʼuyʔtʼu
stinkbug qʰaʔa·sili
stinker mi·šemišeta·du
stinky taste or smell qaʔsʼa
stir bahyoqʰ*
· cihyoqʰ*
· dahyuṭ*
· dihyoqʰ*
· hkulh*
· hyoqʰ*
· hyuṭ*
· mahyoqʰ*
· miwoṭ*
· muhkulh*
· šoyoṭ*
stir around in water with stick piso·l*
stir by pushing and pulling šuli*
stir fire and make sparks pʰaʔṭʼuṭ*
stir hitting with side of long object pihyoqʰ*
stir mush [?] mukulaq*
stir up yoṭ*
stir up a cloud by dragging cipʰu·*
stir up a cloud of dust with the hand dapʰu·m*
stir up a swarm ṭʼam*
stir up a swarm by throwing something haṭʼam*
stir up a swarm with no agent ṭʼam*
stir up a swarm with the side of long object pʰiṭʼam*
stir up by sitting caṭʼam*
stir up cloud (of dust) with energy mupʰu·*
stir up nest pʰuṭʼam*
stir up with a tool cʰiwi*
stir up with the body hiyoṭ*
stir up with water coyoṭ*
stir up yellowjackets by running into or throwing rock muṭʼam*
stir up, get (someone) riled hihsomqa*
stir with a finger duli·t*
stir with a long object pʰalic*
stir with body in water hiwoṭ*
stir with end of long object pahyoqʰ*
stir with hand dawoṭʰma*
stir with spoon cʰicʼi·ṭ*
stir with stick pahmiy*
stir with the hand dali*
stir with the sole of foot mahyuṭ*
stir with tongue silic*
stirring with whole hand dawoṭ*
stirrup or foot rest mayeʔtaʔli
stomach cʼoqo·
stomp the ground mahtemahte*
stomp with front leg duhkilh*
stoop bahkum*
· buhkum*
· hṭʰil*
stooped buhkumʔ
stooped over buhkʰumʔ
stop hye·*
· muhye·*
· yec*
· ʔcʰu*
stop chopping pihye·*
stop dancing mahye·*
stop dragging cihye·*
stop falling dihye·*
stop it nihqa
stop kicking hahye·*
· mihye·*
stop moving by gravity diʔcʰa*
stop moving with the legs paʔcʰa*
stop sewing, eating bihye·*
stop short (talking) baʔya*
stop speaking, singing bahye·*
stop up with finger duledule*
stop up with hand daledale*
stop with a massive object cahye·*
stop with a swinging motion halehale*
stop with teeth qayec*
stop, quit sahqacʼ*
stopper, cork tapo·n
storage place ʔahca sili·
store te·nta
· ṭʼahyim*
store (food) daʔdi*
store [?] dahsac*
store at house ṭʼahyimac*
store away, hide qʼawa·duc*
storehouse maʔahca
storekeeper tente·ru
story ʔama· dicʼi·du
· ʔama· dicʼmuʔ
stove stu·fa
· stu·pʰa
stove pipe stufa lo·lo
straight yala
· yuʔyuʔ
straighten dakel*
· duhkel*
· kel*
· pukel*
· tel*
· tul*
· yuyuc*
straighten by pulling šutul*
straighten by throwing mutul*
straighten hair šuhkuhku*
straighten in water situl*
straighten out pihṭʰinh*
· šuhkʰuhkʰu*
· yalac*
straighten self kelicʼ*
straighten self out or take out aches dakeli·cʼ*
straighten something out dutel*
straighten the body hikel*
straighten with a finger dutul*
straighten with a hammer pitul*
straighten with body hikelta*
straighten with comb cuhkʰuhkʰu*
straighten with finger dukel*
straighten with heat mutel*
straighten with the mouth batul*
straightpin hoʔtʼo koʔcʰi
strain cʰahqa*
strain foot mahkʰiṭʼ*
strain wrist dahkʰiṭʼ*
strange pišunʔ
strange feeling dašunʔ
strange sounding bašunʔ
stranger ʔaca·ʔ pišunʔ
strangle someone with a rope šoʔqʼotam*
straw pa·ha
· qaʔdi
straw hat ciʔba dabo·maʔ
strawberry qʰamʔsʼudu
stray (pl) [?] pʰilat*
streak dukʼi·m*
streaked caqʼa·sciw
stream biʔda
· biʔdahqʰa
stretch cukʰil*
· kʰi*
· kʰi·l*
· mukel*
· mukelta*
stretch across caṭiṭim*
· ciṭiṭim*
· ṭiṭim*
stretch across by blowing puṭiṭim*
stretch across with a flexible object šuṭiṭim*
stretch across with the hand daṭiṭim*
stretch by hanging dihkʰi*
stretch by hitting pikʰi*
stretch by pulling šukʰi*
stretch by self hikimci*
stretch by sucking sikʰi*
stretch itself hikʰi*
stretch lips tight biṭi·š*
stretch of a long flexible object šuhkʰihkʰi*
stretch oneself kelicʼ*
stretch out cikʰi*
· cukʰi·*
· ṭʰaba·duc*
stretch out from water siṭʰil*
stretch out leg htaq*
stretch out with hands dakimci*
stretch over a surface ki·š*
stretch over a surface from water siki·š*
stretch over a surface with the hand daki·š*
stretch over body hiki·š*
stretch taught kiš*
stretch with beak bakʰi*
stretch with finger dukʰi*
stretch with hand dakʰi*
stretch with quick movement mukʰi*
stretch with teeth qakimci*
stretch with the finger dikimci*
stretched mukʰiw
stretched tight ṭihš*
· ṭi·š*
stretched tight from blowing puṭi·š*
stretched tight quickly muṭihš*
· muṭi·š*
stretched tight using foot maṭi·š*
stretched tight with teeth qaṭihš*
stretched tight with the hand daṭihš*
· daṭi·š*
strike caʔtʼem*
· dohṭo*
· hṭa*
· hṭo*
· muʔtʼem*
· pihṭa*
· ʔkʼo*
strike (person) dude·bic*
strike a match cuqʰal*
strike ground with side of stick ṭit*
strike many times pihṭapihṭa*
strike moderately with the hand daʔkʼo*
strike repeatedly pihṭo*
strike the hour šoʔkʼo*
strike water repeatedly with a stick causing splashes pipʰo·ṭ*
striking part of a weapon lame·sa qahca
striking two rocks together qʼaṭʰ
string buwi*
string (beads) around neck hcihqa*
string beans yiho·l sʼamoṭ
strip off maqʰaqʰaṭ*
striped dakʼihṭʰalaw
strips or limbs for basket making hayhṭʼa
stroke lightly once with the finger duhqʰalh*
stroke with brush coqol*
stroke with fingers doqol*
stroke with leg haqol*
stroke with rear caqol*
stroke with the hand daqol*
· daqola·tad*
stroke with toe miqol*
stroke with tongue siqol*
strong ʔihya·
strong ligament qace
strong[er?] ʔihya·hsiy
strong-tasting caha
struggle for air hucuma·tad*
· hucu·m*
stub or catch the toe micʰa·*
stuck cʰicʼa·ṭ*
· hacʼa·ṭ*
· haʔcanh*
· hicʼa·t*
stuck from dropping diʔcʼa*
stuck in toes (a sliver) miʔcʼaʔcʼa*
stuck into something and can't pull out pʰacʼa·ṭ*
stuck papers separate in water sicʼal*
· sicʼalta*
stuff dutudutuc*
· hto*
· ʔtʼa*
stuff bag pʰayot
stuff by eating mutumutuc*
stuff by hand daʔbo*
stuff into hole with beak, snout bacʰa·c*
stuff oneself eating qaqʼahci*
· qaʔqʼac*
stuff to be overflowing dahpohpoc*
stuff with the feet matumatuc*
stuff with the fist patupatuc*
stuff with the hand dahtohto*
stuff with the teeth qatuqatuc*
stumble cuʔcʰu*
stump moʔqʼosʼ
· moʔqʼoš
stunted cuʔcʼe
stutter bahcehcec*
· baʔcʰa*
· baʔlu*
· ʔlu*
· -em
· =ʔem
submerge ʔtʼubut*
· ʔṭʼubut*
subside hqo*
· pohqo*
successful person hobiʔša·
successive long objects move lengthwise hqal*
suck siṭʼan*
suck (pain) out qasa·bic*
suck dry siʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*
suck food out from between teeth sicʰul*
suck in qʰol*
· siqʰol*
· siqʰolicʼ*
· siqʰolmacʼ*
suck in once siqʰolcicʼ*
suck noisily like a pig siʔtʼuʔtʼu*
suck off siʔcʼoqʰo·t*
suck on siṭʼa·*
suck on something slimy siṭʼun*
suck out qacʰi·ṭ*
· sicʰi·ṭ*
· sisʼa·l*
suck something closed sipʼanta*
· siʔpʼanh*
sucker ṭʰoyo
sucking doctor duqʰata·du yaʔ
sucking doctor to cure sikel*
suction sicʰi·ṭ*
suddenly pʰiʔtʼan
suddenly bend or sprain finger dohqoyʔci*
suddenly to bed or strain the back hihqoyʔci*
suddenly to bend or strain the neck pihqoyʔci*
suddenly to overbend hqo·ci*
suddently bend or sprain wrist dahqoyʔci*
suffer pain kastika·r*
suffocate muʔbehqa*
sugar tuyʔtu
sugar ant tuyʔtu biʔkʼas
sugar beets ʔalitʰka tulse
sugar pine cuye qʰale
sugar pinecone cuye·
suit vesti·do
sulk baʔṭʼeʔṭʼe*
Súlmeway sulhme·wey
summer time yuhu meṭ
sun haʔda
sun burn kʼili moʔcʼow
sun design haʔda cuhti
sun heat muʔtʼal
· ʔtʼal*
Sunday sohʔiwmeṭ
sunflower biye·ye
sunlight mutʼa·m*
sunrise haʔda caloʔ
sunset haʔda ca·law
sunset star haʔda ca·la· qʰa·mosʼ
SUPP -insʼ
supported on each end hkom*
sure neʔ
surf fish duwehša
surface be completely covered baʔcʰu*
surface come off by itself hihqalh*
surface irritation hsis*
surface irritation of eye pihsis*
surface layer split kʼaṭʰi·ta*
surface sag inwards hpʰaqʼ*
surface to fall and gather into smaller piece diʔṭiʔṭi*
surprising kʰaa
survey ciqʰa·*
surveyor ʔama ciqʰamʔ yaʔ
surveyors ʔama hnatʰqa· yacʰma
suspenders šusʼihwalo·qoʔ
swallow qalala
· wa·hqa*
swallowtail butterfly sulṭʰe·ṭʰeyʔ
swamp qʰaṭʰuʔul
swamp clover qʰabohso
swap, exchange haʔdahmucʼ*
swarm cʰawi*
· halu·m*
· lu·m*
sway back and forth dahko*
· dahkodahko*
sway forward and back ʔkʼoyʔkʼoy*
sweat micʰataq*
· micʰa·q
· micʰa·q*
· šiʔba micʰaʔ
sweathouse capa hca
sweep cisu·l*
· su·l*
sweep selected places cihwit*
sweep together cʰinac*
sweep with hand dasu·l*
sweet tulse
Sweet clover, yellow melilot kawa·yuhso
sweet pea ʔama·la maʔa
sweet potato hiʔbu tulse
· kamo·te
sweet roll mimahpʰa
sweet talk tu·lse cahno·du
· ṭʰoʔo codonʔwadu
swell mutuš*
· pituš*
· tuš*
swell (kelp) by heating mopošqa*
swell by blowing putuš*
swell from getting wet siʔbo*
swell up bo·kʼ*
· cobo·kʼ*
· muhšahša*
swell up by pulling šobo·kʼ*
swell up from heat mobo·kʼ*
swell up from heat or bee sting mohpolpoloc*
swell up quickly mobohkʼi*
swell, blow up putu·šicʼ*
swell, rise moʔbo*
swift muʔsʼulh*
swim across cima*
swim away ciwa·duc*
swing bana·q
· bana·q*
· ki·l*
· mikilm*
· miki·l*
· mili*
· milita*
swing back banemcicʼ*
swing bucket or leg hakilm*
· haki·l*
swing by handle ciki·l*
swing leg back to bend at knee haʔkʰoš*
swing quickly mukilm*
· muki·l*
swing something held in teeth qakilm*
· qaki·l*
swing something in arms biki·l*
swing something in mouth qaʔliʔli*
swing something into something soft hahpʰukʼut*
swing something with fingers duki·l*
swing stick or axe piki·l*
swing while holding in hand šuki·l*
swing with the mouth baki·l*
swinging rope to touch šuhtay*
swipe pʰiqʼaṭci*
swirl diso·l*
· so·l*
swirl in water siso·l*
swirl water with body hiso·l*
swirl water with foot maso·l*
· miso·l*
swirl with the hand daso·l*
swollen face qa·tuštušu
swollen gums hoʔo doʔbow
swollen-eyed pʰi·bošbošo
swoosh cʰala
Sword fern šamoʔo·da
symphysis pʰiṭʼemʔṭʼe