K - k

Kahtónan kʼahto·nan
Kalle qʰalle
Kashaya kʼahša·ya
Katé qaṭʼe·
Kawachánno qʰawahcanno
keep yoqʼoc*
keep aiming at pʰiʔdim*
keep bending finger dohqoyʔdohqoyʔ*
keep digging cihṭʰihṭʰi*
keep digging into bank to cut it back dahlihlic*
keep failing to bite off qalaqala*
keep going one place and returning molomolo*
keep hitting tender or delicate spot to make sore pihtontolo*
keep hitting with rock mulamula*
keep hitting with stick pʰilapʰila*
keep kicking all day without stopping for a long time mihṭʰihṭʰi*
keep locked up cumahqa*
keep looking at pʰiʔwiʔwi*
keep mouth closed biluku*
keep moving around in seat cahmiy*
keep on sounding the sound of something hard in a bag or box kʼolokʼolo*
keep on steaming pohcʰohcʰo*
keep on swinging quickly daki·lʔdaki·l*
keep pounding pʰaʔbotʼad*
keep rhythm haʔsʼahaʔsʼa*
keep rubbing dirt into hiluhilu*
keep secret bana·*
keep someone company duhye·c*
· hihye·c*
· hye·c*
keep sounding raspy while talking ṭʰayaṭʰaya*
keep sticking out hip cakancakan*
keep telling ʔdiyma*
keep the vocal rhythm in Kashaya music qʰaʔbe dimaw
keep tipping (head) daʔbolʔdaʔbolh*
keep track of hide·d*
keep trying to pick up but keep failing duladula*
keep turning by pulling reins, wheel of car šuʔbalad*
keeping asking same question bahṭʰihṭʰi*
kelp cʰanama
· qʰaše·
kelp ball float cʼohto
kerosene ʔama· hpʰuy
kerplunk cʼobotʼ
· ṭʼubutʼ
kestrel likʼli
key ya·we
key stuck in lock pʰaʔcʼa*
· pʰaʔcʼaʔcʼa*
keyhole ya·wi ʔimo
keyhole limpet mihila bakʰe sʼupʰiʔ
kick ʔṭʼol*
kick a depression haṭo·l*
kick a hole in haʔcʼolh*
kick along where can't see what might be encountered haʔbehaʔbe*
kick and break hatʰut*
kick and break off miqʰa·*
kick and fail to break haya·m*
kick and make clang haṭo·m*
kick and make collapse hahwatʼ*
kick and make liquid come out hatʼul*
kick and make swell up hahtontolo*
kick and mess up hahšahša*
kick around on ground making sound haṭihaṭi*
kick as hard as you can to hurt micʼu·l*
kick backwards against haʔkʼo*
kick bare mi·sqʰac*
kick closed hapʼanta*
· haʔpʼanh*
kick down grass haʔṭʼelh*
kick dust hahšukʼu·ṭ*
kick edges off haʔcʼo*
· haʔcʼoʔcʼo*
kick glancing blows miʔluš*
kick lightly miʔya*
kick loose hahkolhma*
kick multiple times hawi*
kick nest miṭʼam*
kick off limbs misa*
kick open mihṭʰa*
kick open slightly hakʼal*
kick out hacʰi·ṭ*
kick over hadahcʰi*
· hahcʰa*
· mihcʰa*
kick over with toes midahcʰi*
kick really hard hacʼu·l*
kick repeatedly against something for sound haṭohaṭo*
kick so juices splashes up hahšokʼo·t*
kick someone and swell other up milemile*
kick something in between two objects haʔkʼayʔci*
kick something to stick it between two things micʼa·ṭ*
kick stuck in toes muʔcʼa*
· muʔcʼaʔcʼa*
kick the feet around to get purchase on something in order to get up haʔqʼahaqʼa·cʼ*
kick the ground hahṭihṭi*
kick to pieces hahkʰuhkʰu*
· hahyuhyu*
· mihyu*
· mihyuhyu*
· miʔcʼo*
· miʔcʼoʔcʼo*
· miʔcʼu*
· miʔcʼuʔcʼu*
kick toes into something soft mihpʰukʼut*
kick up haṭi*
kick up dust mapʰu·m*
· moʔbolh*
kick up gravel hahsikʼi·t*
kick watermelon and juice squirt out mihsokʼo·t*
kicking around with one or both feet hatuhatu*
kidney luʔlu
kill pʰakʼu·m*
kill many duhkʰuy*
· hkʰuy*
kill much game hcʰiwa·la*
kill one kʼu·m*
kill oneself pʰakʼu·macʼ*
kill, murder hcʰoyicʼqa*
killdeer duweʔtili
kind cahno botʼ
kindling ʔaha· hihsut
king re·y
kingfisher biʔda sʼawala
kiss haʔbo ʔtʼot
kitchen kusi·na
kitchikoo qʰosʼisʼisʼisʼi
· ʔu·duduyʔ
kitten kidi
knead daʔsʼo*
· haʔsʼoq*
knead in something in dough hacʼi·ṭ*
knee moqʰo·
knee cap moqʰo· kacu·ce
knee joint moqʰo· cunehwa·mucʼ
kneel cuhten*
· hten*
· mihten*
kneel down šoko·la*
kneel on something mihkotʰma*
kneel only one knee mihkotʰci*
knife qahca
knife handle qahca sama
knock dohko*
· dohkohko*
· dohṭohṭo*
· hṭilh*
knock (as on door) dohkodohko*
knock (on a door) dohṭodohṭo*
knock aside pʰidahcʰi*
knock away or over something with rear cahsikʼi·t*
· šahsikʼi·t*
knock by kicking something loose or tapping with foot hahko*
knock down nehqa*
knock down using side of long object pisu·l*
knock loose dilol*
knock off dahlud*
· pihšolh*
· piku·ṭ*
· pʰiloṭʼo*
· pʰiṭʼo·*
knock off branches by throwing muhkelh*
knock off by bumping cohšo*
· cohšohšo*
· cohšolh*
knock off by throwing muhlud*
knock off easily dahšohšo*
knock off one hanging limb misʼa·*
knock off with a kick hahlud*
· haluʔta*
· miluʔta*
knock off with foot mikuṭʰci*
knock off with kick mihlud*
knock off with pole pihlud*
knock off with rear casa*
knock off with side of stick or brush off with hand pahlud*
knock off with stick pihpʰoṭ*
knock off with teeth qahlud*
knock off with water cuhlud*
· culuʔta*
knock off with wind puhlud*
knock on something with toe mihko*
knock on something with toe or make knock with toe mihkohko*
· mihkomihko*
knock out duhlabatʰqa*
knock over hidahcʰi*
· muhtey*
knock over backing up cahcʰa*
knock over by running into or throwing something at muhcʰa*
knock over by sitting down caʔbolh*
knock over by thrown object moʔbolh*
knock over by thrown stick haʔbolh*
knock over nonliquids cohqosʼ*
knock over or aside daʔdi*
knock over thing hidacʰac*
knock over what stands or a sitting person hihcʰa*
knock over with body hiʔbolh*
knock over with finger dudahcʰi*
knock over with fingers doʔkʼolh*
knock over with something dragged past cihcʰa*
knock over with the head cuhcʰa*
knock over with the mouth bahcʰa*
knock over with the side of a long object pihcʰa*
knock over with the tongue sihcʰa*
knock something a long way with side of long object pʰiʔdic*
knock with a stick pʰilol*
knock with body hihko*
· hihkohihko*
· hihkohko*
knock with the legs hahṭilh*
knocking dohkodohko·du
knoll ʔama buhkumʔ
knot kʼuṭʰu*
· kʼuṭʰum*
· muṭʰu·
know ʔdu·cicʼ*
know what to do ʔama ʔdu·cicʼay
knuckle cohšo ʔbamʔ cunehwa·mucʼ
Kristowa kristo·wa