Caitlin Light

Phone:+44 01904 322661
Snail Mail: Department of Language and Linguistic Science
University of York
Heslington, York, YO10 5DD
United Kingdom

I am a Lecturer in English Linguistics at the University of York. I recently completed a PhD at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Linguistics, advised by Anthony Kroch. I primarily study syntactic variation and change, particularly with the use of parsed diachronic corpora. I am interested in information structure and the interaction between syntax and pragmatics. I am currently attempting to apply parsed diachronic corpora to a more fine-grained study of information structure, and potential variation in information structure, both from a crosslinguistic and a diachronic perspective. I have mostly worked on Germanic languages, particularly historical German and English, and to a certain extent Icelandic. More about this can be found under "Research."