The Second Symposium
of the Penn Working Group in Language
April 2, 2005

All A sessions will be held in room 307 and all B sessions will be held on the ground floor in the Wu Chen Auditorium of Levine Hall.

If you are planning to distribute handouts, we recommend that you prepare 20 to 30. There are unfortunately no copying facilities available at the symposium, so we ask that you prepare these in advance.

Technical Facilities
Both rooms will have identical technical facilities including an overhead projector, projection screen, computer with projector, and internet connection. Below are the specifics on the computer facilities:

Operating System: Windows 2000
Internet Access: Yes
Data Storage Devices: Zip drive (PC), CD-Drive (use CD-R or closed CD-RW), and USB
There is no floppy drive.

For those of you planning to use the computer to present, we recommend that you e-mail yourself a backup version of your material in the off chance that the computer has difficulty reading your Zip disks and CDs.

Though we recommend against bringing your own laptop to run your presenataion, if you need to do so, please let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements. Our technical expertise is limited, so you must be prepared to configure your computer to the outport and to modify your display settings on your own.