Travel Funding Tips

There are several possible funding sources for conference travel. In general, you will only get funding if you present a talk or a poster, not for just attending a conference.

Below, I list the funding sources that are available, starting from the best alternative.

  1. If your work was part of a project that is funded through a grant, the project should also cover your travel expenses. Ask the professor who is leading the project.
  2. The second alternative to get funding is the School of Arts and Sciences. You are eligible to apply once every school year, and chances of getting the funding are high. The grant covers half of your expenses, but only up to $300 of reimbursement.
    Get the application form directly at the SAS office (3401 Walnut St., 3rd floor). You will need your advisor's signature, and you need to file the application before the date of the conference.
  3. GSAC (the Graduate Students Associations Council) also gives out travel grants. The amount of the grant is half your expenses up to $300.
    Because of their limited resources, GSAC does not fund students who have two other sources of funding for the same conference. However, it is possible to get e.g. both SAS and GSAC funding for the same conference.
    Download the complete application forms from GSAC's website. You will need not only your advisor's signature, but also a short letter from her/him stating why your attendance at the conference is necessary. The letter is essential.
    In special cases (like if the conference is held during the summer), you can sometimes get reimbursed from GSAC even if you file the application after the end of the conference.

Good luck!


(This page was last changed by Tatjana Scheffler on April 11, 2005. Ask me if you have questions.)