Rolf Noyer

Associate Professor of Linguistics
University of Pennsylvania

Address Department of Linguistics 
619 Williams Hall 
University of Pennsylvania 
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Office 603 Williams Hall

Office Hours
(215) 573-9232 
(215) 573-2091 
rnoyer AT
W 11:30-2:00 or by appointment

Research Interests

Theoretical areas: Morphology, Phonology, Morphosyntax, Generative Metrics

Language areas: Huave (Mexico), Mansi (Siberia)

Ingreso al Diccionario Comparativo-Histórico de la Lengua Huave

Note: El diccionario huave electrónico está actualmente en mantenimiento y no está disponible. Sin embargo el borrador del diccionario etimológico y comparativo de las lenguas huaves está disponible en forma .pdf (pero es nadamdam nawiig!). Haz click:

Nadam Nadam Nawijk

Please visit the Distributed Morphology Web Page.

Typing Devanagari on the Mac is incredibly easy with my Aksharantara Keyboard Layout for Mac. Try it!

Courses offered spring 2015

  • Ling 230: The Sound Structure of Language
  • Ling 603: Seminar in Morphology and Phonology (co-taught with David Embick)

    Courses scheduled for fall 2015

  • Ling 51: Proto-Indo-European Language and Society (Freshman Seminar)
  • Ling 530: Phonology I.


    Member of the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.