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How to insert a tree built in Trees 3 into a Macintosh word processing document

Note: On Windows, a Trees 3 tree can be copied to the clipboard with CNTRL-C and pasted into a word processing document directly. This is not possible on a Macintosh due to limitations in the Wine emulation environment.

To transfer a tree from the workspace to a word processing program in the Macintosh version of Trees or Trees Player, you must take a screenshot of the tree and then drag the screenshot picture into the word processing document.

To take the screenshot follow these steps:

  1. Depress the key combination COMMAND-SHIFT-4 and release. The cursor will turn into a crosshair.
  2. Move the cursor without clicking the mouse button to a position just above and to the left of the tree you are interested in.
  3. Hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor across the tree to its lower right corner.
  4. Let up on the mouse button.
  5. The computer will automatically create a file with the name "Screen shot..." and put it the desktop.
  6. Drag this file into your word processing document.
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