AVML 2012: ggplot2

–Josef Fruehwald, AVML, University of York, 2012

Plotting principles

We are here to learn the basics of ggplot2. ggplot2 will be useful for producing complex graphics relatively simply. It won't be of any use for figuring out what is a sensible, useful, or accurate plot. To get a good handle on those, I'd advise simply reading a lot about data visualization.


If you haven't already, take this opportunity to install the latest version of ggplot2.


Right now, I'm running version 0.9.1, and some of the default behaviors of ggplot2 changed with version 0.9.0.

Grammar of Graphics

ggplot2 is meant to be an implementation of the Grammar of Graphics, hence gg plot. The basic notion is that there is a grammar to the composition of graphical components in statistical graphics. By direcly controlling that grammar, you can generate a large set of carefully constructed graphics from a relatively small set of operations. As Wickham (2010), the author of ggplot2 said,

A good grammar will allow us to gain insight into the composition of complicated graphics, and reveal unexpected connections between seemingly different graphics

A good example of an unexpected connection would be that pie charts are just filled bar charts…

pie <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = factor(1), fill = factor(cyl))) +
       geom_bar(width = 1, position = "fill", color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

…in polar coordinates.

pie + coord_polar(theta = "y")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

ggplot2 Materials

There are quite a few ggplot2 materials out there to guide you when you're not sure what to do next. First and foremost are the internal help pages for every piece of ggplot2 we'll cover here. They tend to be pretty useful.


ggplot2 Basic Concepts

There are a few basic concepts to wrap your mind around for using ggplot2. First, we construct plots out of layers. Every component of the graph, from the underlying data it's plotting, to the coordinate system it's plotted on, to the statistical summaries overlaid on top, to the axis labels, are layers in the plot. The consequence of this is that your use of ggplot2 will probably involve iterative addition of layer upon layer until you're pleased with the results.

Next, the graphical properties which encode the data you're presenting are the aesthetics of the plot. These include things like

The actual graphical elements utilized in a plot are the geometries, like

Some of these geometries have their own specific aesthetic settings. For example,

You'll also frequently want to plot statistics overlaid on top of, or instead of the raw data. Some of these include

The aesthetics, geometries and statistics constitute the most important layers of a plot, but for fine tuning a plot for publication, there are a number of other things you'll want to adjust. The most common one of these are the scales, which encompass things like

The following sections are devoted to some of these basic elements in ggplot2.


We'll be constructing plots with ggplot2 by building up “layers”. The layering of plot elements on top of each other is perhaps the most powerful aspect of the ggplot2 system. It means that relatively complex plots are built up of modular parts, which you can iteratively add or remove. For example, take this figure, which plots the relationship between vowel duration and F1 for 394 tokens of the lexical item “I”.

I_jean <- read.delim("http://bit.ly/avml_ggplot2_data")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

This plot is composed of nine layers, which can be subdivided into five layer types.

The data layer

Every ggplot2 plot has a data layer, which defines the data set to plot, and the basic mappings of data to aesthetic elements. The data layer created with the functions ggplot() and aes(), and looks like this

ggplot(data, aes(...))

The first argument to ggplot() is a data frame (it must be a data frame), and its second argument is aes(). You're never going to use aes() in any other context except for inside of other ggplot2 functions, so it might be best not to think of aes() as its own function, but rather as a special way of defining data-to-aesthetic mappings.

For the plot from above, we'll be using data from the I_jean data frame, which looks like this:

##    Name Age Sex Word FolSegTrans Dur_msec     F1   F2
## 1 Jean   61   f  I'M           M      130  861.7 1336
## 2 Jean   61   f    I           N      140 1010.4 1349
## 3 Jean   61   f I'LL           L      110  670.1 1293
## 4 Jean   61   f  I'M           M      180  869.8 1307
## 5 Jean   61   f    I           R       80  743.0 1419
## 6 Jean   61   f I'VE           V      120  918.2 1581
##     F1.n    F2.n
## 1 1.6609 -0.8855
## 2 2.6883 -0.8536
## 3 0.3370 -0.9873
## 4 1.7168 -0.9536
## 5 0.8407 -0.6897
## 6 2.0512 -0.3068

I've decided that an interesting relationship in this data is between the vowel duration (Dur_msec) and the normalized F1 of the vowel (F1.n). Specifically, I'd like to map Dur_msec to the x-axis, and F1.n to the y-axis. Here's the ggplot2 code.

p <- ggplot(I_jean, aes(x = Dur_msec, y = F1.n))

Right off the bat, we can see one way in which ggplot2 is similar to lattice, and different from base graphics. If you've only ever used plot() in R, then you might be surprised to see me assigning the output of ggplot2 to an object, because plot() just creates a plot, not an object. ggplot2 plots, on the other hand, are objects, which you can assign, save, and manipulate.

If you try to print p right now though, you'll get an error. Right now, p is a ggplot2 plot that's all data, but no graphical elements. Adding graphical elements, or geoms is the next step.

The geometries layer

The next step, after defining the basic data-to-aesthetic mappings, is to add geometries to the data. We'll discuss geometries in more detail below, but for now, we'll add one of the simplest: points.

p <- p + geom_point()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-11

There are a few things to take away from this step. First and foremost, the way you add new layers, of any kind, to a plot is with the + operator. And, as we'll see in a moment, there's no need to only add them one at a time. You can string together any number of layers to add to a plot, separated by +.

The next thing to notice is that all layers you add to a plot are, technically, functions. We didn't pass any arguments to geom_point(), so the resulting plot represents the default behavior: solid black circular points.

If for no good reason at all we wanted to use a different point shape in the plot, we could specify it inside of geom_point().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n)) +
  geom_point(shape = 3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Or, if we wanted to use larger, red points, we could specify that in geom_point() as well.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n)) +
  geom_point(color = "red", size = 3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

Speaking of defaults, we can see a few of the default setting of ggplot2 on display here. Most striking is the light grey background, with white grid lines. Opinion varies on whether or not this is aesthetically or technically pleasing, but don't worry, it's adjustable.

Another default is to label the x and y axes with the column names from the data frame. I'll inject a bit of best practice advice here, and tell you to always change the axis names. It's nearly guaranteed that your data frame column names will make for very poor axis labels. We'll cover how to do that shortly.

Finally, note that we didn't need to tell geom_point() about the x and y axes. This may seem trivial, but it's a really important, and powerful aspect of ggplot2. When you add any layer at all to a plot, it will inherit the data-to-aesthetic mappings which were defined in the data layer. We'll discuss inheritance, and how to override, or define new data-to-aesthetic mappings within any geom.

The statistics layer

The final figure also includes a smoothing line, which is one of many possible statistical layers we can add to a plot.

p <- p + stat_smooth()

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

We'll go over the default behavior of stat_smooth() below, but in this plot, the smoothing line represents a loess smooth, and the semi-transparent ribbon surrounding the solid line is the 95% confidence interval.

One important thing to realize is that it's not necessary to include the points in order to add a smoothing line. Here's what the plot would look like with the points omitted.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x = Dur_msec, y = F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

Notice how the y-axis has zoomed in to just include the range of the smoothing line and standard error.

Scale transformations

I also wanted to make some alterations to the default x and y axis scales. For example, the y-axis is currently running in reverse to the intuitive direction of F1. Higher vowels have lower F1 values, so we want to flip the y-axis. Additionally, durations are typically best displayed along a logarithmic scale, so we should convert the x-axis as well.

p <- p + scale_x_log10(breaks = c(50, 100,200,300,400))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-16

It's worth noting that the smoothing line here is calculated over the transformed data.

Cosmetic alterations

Finally, I wanted to make some cosmetic adjustments to the plot. For example, the x-axis label “Dur_msec” is not quite as useful as “Vowel duration (msec)” would be. I also added a title to the plot, and changed the color theme to black and white.

p <- p + ylab("Normalized F1")+
         xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
         opts(title = "394 tokens of 'I' from one speaker")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

Here's all the layers, put together all at the same time.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_log10(breaks = c(50, 100,200,300,400))+
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(title = "394 tokens of 'I' from one speaker")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18


In ggplot2, aesthetics are the graphical elements which are mapped to data, and they are defined with aes(). To some extent, the aesthetics you need to define are dependent on the geometries you want to use, because line segments have different geometric properties than points, for example. However, there is also a great deal of uniformity in the aesthetics used across geometries. Here is a list of the most common aesthetics you'll want to define.

The most important thing to keep in mind about aesthetics is not what they're called, though, but how they are inherited by the layers. Let's start by mapping the Word to color. 88% of the tokens are just “I”, so lets create a subset of the data that excludes “I” so it doesn't visually swamp the plot.

I_subset <- subset(I_jean, Word != "I")
ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Each point is now colored according to the word it corresponds to. ggplot2 has automatically generated a color palette of the right type and size, based on the data mapped to color, and created a legend to the side. As with everything, the specific color palette we use is adjustable, which will be discussed in more detail below under Scales. The default ggplot2 color palette is rather clever, however. Every color is equidistant around an HSL color circle, and have equal luminance. The idea is that no category should be accidentally visually emphasized, but they can be hard for some colorblind readers, and they will all print to the same shade of grey!

But on to more pressing matters. The only possible way to map the Word data to the color of points in the plot is to do it within aes(). If you are used to working with base graphics, then a lot of your instincts are wrong for ggplot2. For example, you might think the following would work:

I_subset$Color <- c("black",

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1))+
  geom_point(color = I_subset$Color)
## Error: When _setting_ aesthetics, they may only take one
## value. Problems: colour

The error is yelling at us about the distinction between setting an aesthetic, and mapping an aesthetic. Recall from above that we were able to set the color of all points to red by saying so inside of aes(),

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1))+
  geom_point(color = "red")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-22

But that's as far as you can go with that. Everything beyond setting a single color for all points in a plot constitutes mapping colors, and you have to use aes() for that.

But mapping data to specific color values is still not as simple as you might initially think. For example, mapping Color to color inside of aes() produces this stroop test.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1, color = Color))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-23

The lesson here is not to try this way of constructing your own custom color palettes. We'll go over how to construct custom palettes under Scales.


If we add one more geometry (a line), we see that it also inherits the mapping of Word to color.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

There are a few important things to take note of in this plot. First, you can see that we have actually added four lines to the plot, one for each color. In most cases, when you map categorical data to an aesthetic like color, you are also defining sub-groupings of the data, and ggplot2 will draw a lines, calculate statistics, etc. separately for every sub-grouping of the data.

The second important thing to notice is that geom_line() joins up points as they are ordered along the x-axis, not according to their order in the original data frame. There is a geom which will join up points that way called geom_path().

They point here, though, is that it is possible to define data-to-aesthetic mappings inside of geom functions, also by using aes(). Here, instead of mapping Word to color inside of ggplot(), we'll do it inside of geom_point().

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  geom_point(aes(color = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-25

The points are still colored according to the word, but there is only one, black line. We can also try passing aes(color = Word) to geom_line().

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  geom_line( aes(color = Word))+
  scale_color_hue(direction = -1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

Now, the lines are colored according to the word, but the points are all black. This brings up the all important point about aesthetics:

Geoms inherit aesthetic mappings from the ggplot() data layer, and not from any other layer.


Let's look at the effect of mapping Word to color on the calculation of statistics, like smoothing lines. Note, inside of stat_smooth() I've said se = F to turn off the display of standard errors.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color=Word))+
  stat_smooth(se = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-27

Just like separate lines were drawn for each group as defined by color=Word, ggplot2 has calculated separate smoothers for each subset. If we had only passed color=Word to geom_point(), though, stat_smooth() would not have inherited that mapping, resulting in a single smoother being calculated.

  ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
    stat_smooth(se = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-28

It's important to understand that when you map categorical variables to an aesthetic that you're also defining sub-groupings. For example, if we map Word to shape, instead of color, the point shapes will now represent the word.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, shape=Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-29

Now if we add a smoother to this plot, even though shape isn't defined for lines, the smoother will still plot a different smoothing curve for each sub-grouping.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, shape=Word))+
  stat_smooth(se = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-30

If you really only wanted a single smoother line for all of the data in this case, one solution would be to move the shape=Word mapping from the data layer to the geom_point() layer. But in most cases, it's actually more desirable to override the aesthetic mapping. We can do this with the special aesthetic group.

group does exactly what it sounds like it ought to: it defines groups of data. When you want to override groups defined in the data layer, you can do so by saying group=1.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, shape=Word))+
  stat_smooth(se = F, aes(group = 1))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-31

The effect it has on stat_smooth() is that just a single smoother is calculated. If we come back to color = Word, and then draw a line with group = 1, the effect is that we draw one line that varies in color.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color=Word))+
  geom_line(aes(group = 1))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-32

More aesthetics and their use.

So far, we've only mapped categorical variables to color, but it's also possible to map continuous variables to color. Here we'll redundantly map F1.n to both y and color.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color = F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-33

Another important aesthetics distinction is between color and fill. If we wanted to create a bar chart of word frequencies, we could do so by mapping Word to the x-axis, and adding geom_bar() without any y-axis variable defined.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-34

If you also wanted to color the bars according to the word, your first instinct would probably be to map color = Word. But the result is that only the colors of the bars' outlines are mapped to Word.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, color = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-35

What is probably more advisable is to map Word to fill, which control the filling color of two dimensional geoms.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, fill = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-36

As you might have figured out now, it's technically possible to map the fill color of bars to one variable, and the outline color to different variable. My advice is to never do such a thing, because the results almost always come out a jumbled mess. Instead, I would suggest setting the color of the bars to black. I find it more pleasing to the eye, and helps to emphasize the divisions between bars when they're stacked. Compare this plot:

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Name, fill = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-37

to this one.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Name, fill = Word))+
  geom_bar(color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-38


So far, we've used the following geometries:

All geometries begin with geom_, meaning you can get a full list using apropos().

##  [1] "geom_abline"     "geom_area"       "geom_bar"       
##  [4] "geom_bin2d"      "geom_blank"      "geom_boxplot"   
##  [7] "geom_contour"    "geom_crossbar"   "geom_density"   
## [10] "geom_density2d"  "geom_dotplot"    "geom_errorbar"  
## [13] "geom_errorbarh"  "geom_freqpoly"   "geom_hex"       
## [16] "geom_histogram"  "geom_hline"      "geom_jitter"    
## [19] "geom_line"       "geom_linerange"  "geom_map"       
## [22] "geom_path"       "geom_point"      "geom_pointrange"
## [25] "geom_polygon"    "geom_quantile"   "geom_raster"    
## [28] "geom_rect"       "geom_ribbon"     "geom_rug"       
## [31] "geom_segment"    "geom_smooth"     "geom_step"      
## [34] "geom_text"       "geom_tile"       "geom_violin"    
## [37] "geom_vline"

This is a quite extensive list, and we won't be able to cover them all today. Many of them are actually convenience functions for special settings of other geoms. For example, geom_histogram() is really just geom_bar() with special settings.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-40

Other geoms are just convenience functions for statistical layers. For example, you'll notice geom_smooth(), which if you add it to a plot will have the same behavior of stat_smooth(), which we've already been using extensively.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-41

Some special geoms

Some geoms are both unique and common enough in their usage to warrant special mention.

geom_line() vs geom_path()

As I said above, when you add geom_line() to a plot, it connects points up according to their order along the x-axis. If you want to connect points according to their order in a data frame (say, to illustrate a trajectory through two-dimensional space over time), you should use geom_path().

mod_F1 <- loess(F1.n ~ Dur_msec, data = I_jean)
mod_F2 <- loess(F2.n ~ Dur_msec, data = I_jean)

pred <- data.frame(Dur_msec = seq(50, 400, length = 100))
pred$F1.n <- predict(mod_F1, newdata = pred)
pred$F2.n <- predict(mod_F2, newdata = pred)
ggplot(pred, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n, color = Dur_msec))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-43

ggplot(pred, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n, color = Dur_msec))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-44


Adding text, and text labels to a plot, is a very common task, and is done with geom_text(). There is a special aesthetic just for geom_text() called label, which defines the column that should be used as the text label.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  geom_text(aes(label = Word))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-45


Just like inheritance was the big idea for aesthetics, positioning is the big idea for geoms. For various reasons, you may want to adjust where geometries are plotted. As a solution to overplotting, for example, you may want to add some jitter to points. When dealing with bars, you need to decide whether they should be stacked, or arranged next to each other. These small adjustments


Some people, like Andrew Gelman, hate boxplots.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-46

A frequent suggestion for a replacement to boxplots is just to plot the raw data points with some jitter. To get started, we'll replace geom_boxplot() with geom_point().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-47

And the add some jitter, by defining position = "jitter" inside of geom_point().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, F1.n))+
  geom_point(position = "jitter")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-48

In this example, you can see the benefit of jittered points over boxplots. With boxplots, there's no hint that one category, “I” has enormously more data than the others.

As a convenience, there's a geom called geom_jitter(), which is just a convenience function for geom_point(position = "jitter").

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-49

Dodge, Stack and Fill

To demonstrate how dodge, stack and fill work, let's create an additional categorical variable. Dur_cat will equal TRUE if the duration is greater than the mean, and FALSE otherwise.

I_subset$Dur_cat <- I_subset$Dur_msec > mean(I_subset$Dur_msec)

As a first step, we can create a bar plot where the height of the bars is equal to the number of observations in each category.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_cat))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-51

Next, we'll fill in the bars according to Word.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_cat, fill = Word))+
  geom_bar(color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-52

Here, we're seeing the default behavior of stacking bars on top of each other. But perhaps we'd like to see each colored segment lined up next to the others in a grouped bar chart. We can do this by defining position = "dodge".

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_cat, fill = Word))+
  geom_bar(position = "dodge", color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-53

Or, perhaps we'd like to scale the stacked bars to be between 0 and 1, so we can more clearly see the proportional distribution of words into long and short categories. We can do this with position = "fill".

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_cat, fill = Word))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-54

Or, depending on what kind of information you want to show:

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Word, fill = Dur_cat))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", color = "black")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-55

Stacking and filling are not just only applicable to bars. Things can get really interesting if you apply them to density plots. For example, here are kernel density estimates forDur_msec for each word.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  geom_density(alpha = 0.6)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-56

It's a bit of a mishmash, but it gets a lot more interesting if you stack them. The bit about y = ..count.. will make more sense when we go over statistics.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  geom_density(position = "stack", aes(y = ..count..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-57

Now we have a stacked density graph. The over-all height of the density displays the density of all data points, and the width of each band represents the portion of that density which is taken up by each word in that region. It's very similar to this illustration of global income distributions

Alternatively, we could set position = "fill" to display what proportion of observations at each duration are from which words.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  geom_density(position = "fill", aes(y = ..count..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-58

Some new and exciting geoms

As of version 0.9.0 of ggplot2, there are some new and exciting geoms available, like geom_dotplot() and geom_violin(). Here's a combination of both geom_violin() and geom_dotplot() that creates a variant of a bean plot.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Word, F1.n))+
  geom_dotplot(binaxis="y", stackdir="center")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-59


After the layering paradigm, and the inheritance of aesthetic mappings, the next most powerful aspect of ggplot2 is the ease with which statistical summaries can be incorporated into plots. Every statistical layer you can add to a plot starts with stat_, meaning we can list all statistical layers with apropos().

##  [1] "stat_abline"      "stat_bin"        
##  [3] "stat_bin2d"       "stat_bindot"     
##  [5] "stat_binhex"      "stat_boxplot"    
##  [7] "stat_contour"     "stat_density"    
##  [9] "stat_density2d"   "stat_function"   
## [11] "stat_hline"       "stat_identity"   
## [13] "stat_qq"          "stat_quantile"   
## [15] "stat_smooth"      "stat_spoke"      
## [17] "stat_sum"         "stat_summary"    
## [19] "stat_summary2d"   "stat_summary_hex"
## [21] "stat_unique"      "stat_vline"      
## [23] "stat_ydensity"

There are fewer statistical layers than geometries, but still too many to cover in their entirety today.

Statistics and their Geometries

When you add a statistic to a plot, it will automatically plot with a default geom. For example, the default geom for stat_smooth() is geom_smooth().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-61

But there is nothing intrinsic to stat_smooth() requiring it to be represented this way. We can specify other geoms stat_smooth() to use, like points.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(geom = "point")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-62

Or point ranges.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(geom = "pointrange")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-63

Coming from the other direction, you can specify special statistics for geometries.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-64

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  geom_point(stat = "smooth")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-65

They key point here is: Every geometry displays a statistic, even if that's just the identity statistic. All geometries have a default statistic, which can be overrode. All statistics are displayed with a geometry. All statistics have a default geometry, which can be overrode.

This intimate interrelationship between statistics and geoms is why there are so many statistics and geoms with the same name.

geoms <- gsub("geom_", "", apropos("^geom_"))
stats <- gsub("stat_", "", apropos("^stat_"))

stats[stats %in% geoms]
##  [1] "abline"    "bin2d"     "boxplot"   "contour"  
##  [5] "density"   "density2d" "hline"     "quantile" 
##  [9] "smooth"    "vline"

Particularly useful Statistics


The most common statistic to add to a plot is stat_smooth(). The default behavior for stat_smooth() is sensitive to how many data points there are in a plot. The plot below contains < 1000 points, meaning that its plotting a loess smooth. For points > 1000, it'll fit a generalized additive model with penalized cubic regression splines.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-67

We can change the method of smoothing manually by specifying a regression function. Any regression method which

  1. utilizes the formula specification, and
  2. has a predict() method

can be used with stat_smooth(). For example, we could plot an ordinary linear regression by saying method = lm.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(method = lm)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-68

Any and all arguments that you might pass to lm() can be passed to stat_smooth(), including formula. So, for instance, if we wanted to fit a third-order polynomial curve to the data using lm, we would do so like this.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ poly(x, 3))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-69

Here's how to fit b-splines with a relatively large basis for the amount of data.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(method = lm, formula = y ~ bs(x, df = 10))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-70

And a generalized additive model fit with a cubic regression spline.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n)) + 
  stat_smooth(method = gam, formula = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-71

You can also include regression lines for other kinds of response variables. For example, let's create a binomial variable based on whether or not F1 is greater than the median F1.

I_jean$F1_median <- (I_jean$F1.n > median(I_jean$F1.n)) * 
##    Name Age Sex Word FolSegTrans Dur_msec     F1   F2
## 1 Jean   61   f  I'M           M      130  861.7 1336
## 2 Jean   61   f    I           N      140 1010.4 1349
## 3 Jean   61   f I'LL           L      110  670.1 1293
## 4 Jean   61   f  I'M           M      180  869.8 1307
## 5 Jean   61   f    I           R       80  743.0 1419
## 6 Jean   61   f I'VE           V      120  918.2 1581
##     F1.n    F2.n F1_median
## 1 1.6609 -0.8855         1
## 2 2.6883 -0.8536         1
## 3 0.3370 -0.9873         0
## 4 1.7168 -0.9536         1
## 5 0.8407 -0.6897         0
## 6 2.0512 -0.3068         1

If we map F1_median to the y-axis, and then tell stat_smooth() to use glm() with a binomial family, we've got an instant logistic regression line.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1_median))+
  stat_smooth(method = glm, family = binomial)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-73

And just like we did for the continuous F1 variable, we can adjust the model formula for more complex regressions.

## b-splines
ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1_median))+
  stat_smooth(method = glm, 
              family = binomial, 
              formula  = y ~ bs(x, df = 10))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-74

## cubic regression splines
ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1_median))+
  stat_smooth(method = gam, 
              family = binomial, 
              formula  = y ~ s(x, bs = "cs"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-75


Another very useful statistic is stat_summary(), which allows you to plot arbitrary summaries of your data. stat_summary() takes all of the data along the y-axis for each value along the x-axis, applies the summary function that you pass to fun.y, then plots that value with the specified geom. For example, we may want to plot each lexical item and its mean duration, represented by a bar.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-76

You can experiment with different summary functions and geometries as you desire.

Along with defining fun.y, you can also define fun.data, which allows you to plot ranges of data summaries with errorbars, or other similar geometries. There are 4 nicely tuned functions in ggplot2 for doing this.

Coming back to the example of plotting the mean durations for each word, all we need to do is add another stat_summary() layer. For ordinary error bars, we'll use geom_errorbar().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar", fill = "grey40")+
  stat_summary(fun.data = mean_cl_normal, geom = "errorbar")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-77

But I think that error bars are pretty ugly in comparison to point ranges, and it's always worth going for bootstrapped estimates since they have fewer assumptions.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar", fill = "grey40")+
  stat_summary(fun.data = mean_cl_boot, geom = "pointrange")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-78

Values created by statistics

Statistical layers added to plots actually create new pieces of data, like the y-coordinates of the smoother. Some statistical layers create a few different values, and you can choose which one you want to plot. For example, here is a density plot, where the kernel density estimate is represented by a colored line.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, color = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-79

You have to understand the densities represented in this plot as being conditional on selecting a specific word. That is, given that we have decided to think about the lexical item “I've”, what is the probability it will be found in a specific range of durations?

However, it's also possible to plot densities that are not conditional lexical item. That is, given a range of durations, what is the mixture of lexical items we'll find there? We can do this by plotting a value called ..count.. along the y-axis. ..count.. is created by stat_density(), which is why it's begins and ends with ... All values that are created by a statistical layer begin and end with ... Here's the result of plotting ..count.. along the y-axis.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, color = Word))+
  geom_density(aes(y = ..count..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-80

The density distribution for “I” is suddenly huge, and that's because it's so frequent. Note that I used y = ..count.. for stacking and filling density distributions above, because that's actually the only thing that makes any sense. Compare the following two filled density plots.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  geom_density(aes(y = ..count..), position = "fill")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-81

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  geom_density(aes(y = ..density..), position = "fill")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-82

We know that “I” is super frequent, so the plot with y = ..count.. is the accurate one. What the plot with y = ..density.. is actually displaying is a little complicated to worry about, and it would almost certainly confuse any readers of your papers.

Another cool use of values generated by a statistic is with two dimensional density estimation. Here's an F2 by F1 plot, illustrating the default behavior of stat_density2d().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-83

The default behavior of stat_density2d() is to bin up the two dimensional density estimates into discrete levels for plotting as topographic contours. The value corresponding to this discretized density estimate is called ..level.., and we can use it to replace the contour lines with filled in polygons.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "polygon", aes(fill = ..level..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-84

Or, we can turn off the discritization entirely by saying contour = F, and then access the density estimate itself, ..density.. and map that to a variety of different aesthetics.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "point",contour = F, 
                 aes(size = ..density..), alpha = 0.3)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-85

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile", contour = F, aes(alpha = ..density..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-86

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile", contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-87


Scales provide you more fine grained control over over the presentation of aesthetics. For every aesthetic, there is a corresponding scale you can use.

x and y scales

All scales begin with scale_ followed by the name of the aesthetic it controls, then followed by its sub-type. Here are all the x-axis scales, for which there are identical y-axis scales.

## [1] "scale_x_continuous" "scale_x_date"      
## [3] "scale_x_datetime"   "scale_x_discrete"  
## [5] "scale_x_log10"      "scale_x_reverse"   
## [7] "scale_x_sqrt"

scale_x_continuous, scale_x_discrete, scale_x_datetime and scale_x_date are the basic kinds of x and y axes you can construct in ggplot2. For the most part, ggplot2 will figure out which kind of scale to use, and you'll only need to add one of these if you want to modify the default appearance.

scale_x_log10, scale_x_sqrt and scale_x_reverse are basic transformations to a continuous scale. Many more kinds of transformations are possible, and it's even possible to define your own custom transformations, but these are the only ones for which there are special convenience scale_x_* functions.

scale_ arguments

There are a few basic arguments that you can pass to a scale.


Here's our basic duration by F1 plot again, which has two continuous scales for the x and y axes.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-89

If we want to change the x axis label, we can do so by adding scale_x_continious() and passing our desired title to name.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(name = "Vowel Duration (msec)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-90

Since changing the axis titles is something you're likely to do very frequently, there are two convenience functions for this purpose with shorter names that save you typing: xlab() and ylab().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  xlab("Vowel Duration (msec)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-91

The next most important thing you'll want to do to x and y axis scales is transform them. For example, duration measurements tend to be left-skewed, so a log transformation is advisable. The benefit of transforming the scale over simply plotting log2(Dur_msec) is that ggplot2 will very nicely label the axis according to the original values. Compare the labels of the x-axes of these two plots.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(log2(Dur_msec), F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous("log2 Vowel Duration (msec)")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-92

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous("Vowel Duration (msec)",
                     trans = "log2")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-93

These are all of the pre-defined transformations.

##  [1] "asn_trans"         "atanh_trans"      
##  [3] "boxcox_trans"      "coord_trans"      
##  [5] "date_trans"        "exp_trans"        
##  [7] "identity_trans"    "log10_trans"      
##  [9] "log1p_trans"       "log2_trans"       
## [11] "log_trans"         "logit_trans"      
## [13] "probability_trans" "probit_trans"     
## [15] "reciprocal_trans"  "reverse_trans"    
## [17] "sqrt_trans"        "time_trans"

And here are some in action.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous("Vowel Duration (msec)",
                     trans = "sqrt")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-95

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous("Vowel Duration (msec)",
                     trans = "reciprocal")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-96

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous("Vowel Duration (msec)",
                     trans = "reverse")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-97

One frustrating thing is that it's not possible to apply two transformations to a scale at once. For example, I frequently want to both log transform an axis and reverse it. It's possible, though, to define a new transformation with the scales package, but for that I'll refer you to the ggplot 0.9.0 transition guide.

color and fill scales

Here are all of the color scales, for all of which there is an accompanying fill scale.

##  [1] "scale_color_brewer"     "scale_color_continuous"
##  [3] "scale_color_discrete"   "scale_color_gradient"  
##  [5] "scale_color_gradient2"  "scale_color_gradientn" 
##  [7] "scale_color_grey"       "scale_color_hue"       
##  [9] "scale_color_identity"   "scale_color_manual"

There are two very distinct kinds of color scales here: categorical and gradient. The use of one over the other has everything to do with the kind of data which is passed to color and fill, and they have their own specific customizations.

Categorical color scales

Here is the default categorical color scale, which is called scale_[fill/color]_hue()

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-99

Just like the x and y scales, you can change the title, limits, breaks and labels of this scale, which will control how it appears in the legend. Here's an illustrative example, which actually detracts from the default

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")+
  scale_fill_hue(name = "Lexical Item",
                 limits = c("I'D","I'VE","I'LL","I'M","I"),
                 labels = c("'D","'VE","'LL","'M",""))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-100

Many people don't like the default color scheme, but there are other available color palettes, and you can define your own. One really nice set of color palettes comes from the package RColorBrewer. You can explore the set of available color palettes available in it here. A personal favorite of mine is called Set1, which you can apply to the plot with scale_fill_brewer()

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-101

If you are particularly picky, or want to express your questionable aesthetic sense to the world, there is also scale_fill_manual(), where you define an arbitrary list of colors to use for the scale.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")+
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("bisque", "chartreuse4",
                             "hotpink","yellow", "red"))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-102

And finally, if you're preparing a plot for publication, and you want to be sure that the colors will be distinguishable when printed in black and white, there is scale_fill_grey().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Word, Dur_msec, fill = Word))+
  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom = "bar")+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-103

Gradient color scales

There are also a nice set of customizable gradient color scales. Here's the default gradient color scale, which is called scale_fill_gradient()

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-104

scale_fill_gradient() constructs a color continuum from A to B, where the lowest values in the plot will have solid A, and the highest values in the plot will have solid B, and everything else will fall along the gradient. It's possible to override the original two colors that the gradient is built between by passing the colors you prefer to low and high.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-105

It's also possible to define a gradient that passes from A to B via C with scale_fill_gradient2(). Here, you define low and high, as well as a third color you want the gradient to transition through, mid. You also need to define the value the scale should treat as a midpoint.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-106

And, finally, you're able to define a color gradient passing through any arbitrary colors with scale_fill_gradientn(). Here's a pretty ugly one:

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("bisque", "chartreuse4",

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-107

A benefit to having scale_fill_gradientn() is that you can utilize some of R's built in color palettes, like rainbow(), terrain.colors() and topo.colors()

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(6))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-108

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(6))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-109

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = topo.colors(6))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-110


A set of new mechanics for handling the presentation of legends was introduced with version 0.9.0, including a new kind of legend for continuous color scales: the colorbar. The plots above have all used the default guide type (legend) which displays the color value for specific breaks, but not the gradient in between. The color bar guides show the entire gradient, with the breaks labeled over top.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n))+
  stat_density2d(geom = "tile",contour = F, aes(fill = ..density..))+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rainbow(6),
                       guide = "colorbar")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-111

shape and linetype

The shape and linetype scales are much more limited. Despite the apparent existence of scale_shape_continuous and scale_linetype_continuous, you can't actually pass continuous variable to these aesthetics.

## [1] "scale_shape_continuous" "scale_shape_discrete"  
## [3] "scale_shape_identity"   "scale_shape_manual"
## [1] "scale_linetype_continuous" "scale_linetype_discrete"  
## [3] "scale_linetype_identity"   "scale_linetype_manual"

The only time you'll be likely to use the shape and linetype scales is when you want to manually control the point shape and linetypes to be used. I actually find the default shape scale to not be strongly contrastive, and prefer to contrast point types based on filled vs hollow shapes.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, shape = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-114

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, shape = Word))+
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(1,1, 19, 19))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-115

Other scales

## [1] "scale_size_continuous" "scale_size_discrete"  
## [3] "scale_size_identity"   "scale_size_manual"
## [1] "scale_alpha_continuous" "scale_alpha_discrete"  
## [3] "scale_alpha_identity"   "scale_alpha_manual"

More on Guides

Occasionally, you'll want to exclude some scale, or some geom from being included in the legend. For example, here's a plot where color, shape and linetype are all mapped to Word.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, 
                     color = Word,
                     shape = Word, 
                     linetype = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-118

If, for some reason, you only wanted the shape and linetype to show up in the legend, but not color, you should explicitly add scale_color_hue() to the plot and pass it guide = F.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, 
                     color = Word, 
                     shape = Word, 
                     linetype = Word))+
  scale_color_hue(guide = F)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-119

More often, though, you'll want to exclude specific geoms from being added to the legend. For example, I personally don't like how geom_text() is represented in legends.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color = Word, label = Word))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-120

To exclude this geom from appearing in the legend, simply pass show_guide = F to the geom.

ggplot(I_subset, aes(Dur_msec, F1.n, color = Word, label = Word))+
  geom_text(show_guide = F)+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-121

Coordinate systems

I don't have time to go over different coordinate systems in ggplot2, but for the most part everything you'd use them for is already captured by scale transformations. The only exception is coord_polar(), which was demonstrated at the beginning as a way of creating pie charts. But I think it's just as well because most plots in polar coordinates are inferior to the same plot in Cartesian coordinates,


A really powerful graphical technique is the small multiple, and ggplot2 allows for easy creation of small multiples via faceting. Let's create an additional categorical variable for the entire data set (we did this already for the subset excluding “I”).

I_jean$Dur_cat <- I_jean$Dur_msec > mean(I_jean$Dur_msec)


If we wanted to create an F2 x F1 plot for every word, we'd start out by creating a simple F1 x F2 plot:

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-123

and then faceting by Word with facet_wrap().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-124

Or, if we wanted summaries of F1 according to Dur_cat for each word, we could do so like this.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(Dur_cat, F1.n))+
  stat_summary(fun.data = mean_cl_boot)+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-125

You can exercise some control about the layout of facets with ncol and nrow. For example. if you really only wanted there to be 2 columns of facets, you could make that happen with by passing ncol=2 to facet_wrap()

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_wrap(~Word, ncol = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-126

Or, if you wanted all the facets to be lined up in one row, you would pass nrow = 1.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_wrap(~Word, nrow = 1)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-127

By default, the ranges of the axes in each facet are fixed to be the same across all facets, and that should be changed only in very limited circumstances. You can set the x axis, y axis, or both to be free by passing the following arguments to scales inside of facet_wrap().

## Inadvisable
ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_wrap(~Word, scales = "free_x")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-128

## Inadvisable
ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_wrap(~Word, scales = "free_y")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-129

## Inadvisable
ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_wrap(~Word, scales = "free")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-130


facet_grid() is another form of faceting in two dimensions.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-131

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-132

ggplot(I_jean, aes(-F2.n, -F1.n ))+
  facet_grid(Dur_cat~Word, scales = "free")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-133

Additional options

Here, we'll go over how to fine tune a plot's final appearance, starting with theming.

All ggplot2 plots have a theme. The default theme is theme_grey(), and it should look very familiar to you now.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-134

Within the theme, you can adjust the base font size, and the font family. For example, the default base size is 12, and the default font family is sans. If we wanted to make all the text a little bigger and serif, we would do so like this.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  theme_grey(base_size = 16, base_family = "serif")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-135

There is also a monospaced font family.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  theme_grey(base_size = 16, base_family = "mono")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-136

If you want to drop the grey theme all together for a more traditional theme, use theme_bw().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-137

You can adjust the base font size and font family the same way with theme_bw().

Outside of these simple approaches to theming, ggplot2 plots are highly customizable, but it's not necessarily for the faint of heart. You can change almost anything by adding an opts() layer. For example

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(panel.background = theme_rect(colour = 'purple', 
                                     fill = 'pink', 
                                     size = 3, 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-138

For a full list of all the customizable pieces of plots, and examples of their usage, I'll refer you to the opts() list wiki page.

Some frequent options you'll use that we will cover, though, involve adding a title, and adjusting the legend position. To add a title, you simply pass a character string to title inside of opts().

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(title = 'Plot of "I"')

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-139

For the legend position, there are a 4 pre-specified locations: right, left, top, bottom. right is the default location.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n, color = Word))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(legend.position = "right")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-140

I think top is another reasonable location, more so than left or bottom.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n, color = Word))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(legend.position = "top")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-141

You can also place the legend into the plotting region by passing legend.position a vector of two numbers between 0 and 1. The represent how far proportionally along the x and y axes, respectively, the legend should go.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n, color = Word))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(legend.position = c(0.9,0.5))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-142

And, if you want to suppress the legend all together, you can pass none to legend.position.

ggplot(I_jean, aes(x=Dur_msec, y=F1.n, color = Word))+
  scale_x_continuous(trans = "log2")+ 
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1")+
  ylab("Normalized F1")+
  xlab("Vowel duration (msec)")+
  opts(legend.position = "none")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-143

Building plots

word_means <- ddply(I_jean, .(Word), numcolwise(mean))

ggplot(I_subset, aes(F2.n, F1.n, color = Word)) + 
  geom_text(data = word_means, 
            aes(label = Word),
            show_guide = F)+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-144

This is a plot of the data published in Foulkes, Docherty & Watt (2005), Appendix B: “Variant Usage by Mothers in CDS, Word-Final Intersonorant Context”.

fdw <- read.delim("http://bit.ly/fdw_2005")
##    Child Sex  Age Cohort  N variable value
## 1  Alice   f 47.8    4;0  6        t     3
## 2  Alice   f 47.8    4;0  6        r     0
## 3  Alice   f 47.8    4;0  6  glottal     2
## 4  Alice   f 47.8    4;0  6   voiced     1
## 5  Alice   f 47.8    4;0  6    other     0
## 6 Alison   f 31.0    2;6 63        t     5
fdw <- ddply(fdw, .(Child), transform, prob = value/sum(value))
ggplot(fdw, aes(Age/12, fill = variable)) + 
  geom_density(aes(weight = prob, y = ..count..), position = "fill")+
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "variant", palette = "Set1")+

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-146